Hexbreaker (Hexworld Book 1)

ByJordan L. Hawk

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Guys! How freakin' cool is the premise for this story?! Witches and their familiars, who are people/animal shifters? I'm in love!

This story was another brilliant concept from the mind of Jordan L. Hawk, who is known for her blend of historical and paranormal, with a dash of mystery/horror thrown in.

I have a real weakness for historical romance, it turns out, so I really loved that this book was set in long ago New York (my stomping grounds). I also REALLY loved the witch/familiar concept (can you tell?!?!), and the two police forces... really all of it.

This book had SO much going for it, especially with the MCs and their strong character development. I fell hard for Cicero (just sounds like a cat name!) and Tom, and thought that they were really well-conceived, well written characters. I dug them immensely, and I liked their chemistry together. I think I could have used even more sexual tension and build-up between them, but that might just be me and my particular tastes.

What I wish we got a little more of was overall world-building. I had SO many questions about the shifting, the magic, the division between non-magic users and magic users, the structure of the world... everything. I can't help but compare this book to my gold standard of historical-paranormals, K.J. Charles, who I think really knocks it out of the park every time.

While I wanted a little more from the setting, I was very happy with the characters and the diversity among them. I saw POC and Jews (I'm always on the lookout for Jews in historicals in non-tragic settings!), which made me immensely happy.

So much potential here, and I'm beyond excited to see where this series will take me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
*This is a partial review. Full review originally posted on BackPorchReader[dot]com 5/2/2016. Visit for more reviews and recommendations!*
***Advance Review Copy generously provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.***

4.5 Stars

This story of Cicero and Tom was far more than I ever dreamed with an imbroglio of mystery, suspense, deceptions, and intrigue to sort through. At every turn a new clue, a new riddle got tossed into the fray, and I could not figure out the whys and what-fors.

I loved the cat characteristics of the familiar, Cicero, even in human form he’d rather curl up in a ray of sun for a nap, sip cream, nuzzle Tom, and pitch a fit in the rain. And when he’s affronted…just as contrary and aloof as a feline. And don’t call him cute.

Hurly-burly Tom was just a big, kind teddy bear who kept Cicero guessing at every turn. He’s got secrets, dark ones, but overall has paid his penance in good deeds and public service. He was an unexpected, yet perfect counterpoint to Cicero’s sleek and independent charm.

The writing was sharp, on point, and fantastic with the world building and painting the landscape of old New York with just a few factual elements tossed in. I ran the gamut of emotions from laughter, nervousness, worry, and might have just come close to shedding a tear.

I’m glad I grabbed the short prequel and gave it a quick read before starting this. It helped lay the foundations to this magical world, and I felt mostly prepared stepping into a 1898 witchified, hexified New York. So, that’s a recommendation from me to you…start with the prequel, you won’t regret it. Or not, there’s plenty of world-building goodness that didn’t feel repetitive from one book to the next. But it was fun, so I still suggest giving it a go.

I had a few minor niggles where the ends of some scenes and resolutions of problems felt a bit rushed, especially toward the end. And there were so many facets to the mystery that I’m still uncertain that I completely followed all the parts, parcels, and players to see how it all fit. It could be that’s all set up for future books in the series and maybe some threads were left hanging for good reason. Or it could be that I just wanted MORE.

Overall, I this was thoroughly engaging and fun. I’m hooked and will definitely be following the series. Eagerly.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tim juchter
After just recently devouring the prequel to this series last month, Ms Hawk slams us immediately with Book One of this fantastical series. If you love witches, familiars, and believe in magick, Hexbreaker has got to be for you!

The background is the late 1800’s in New York. The city that never sleeps, takes us back to the time that all the boroughs Bronx, Staten Island, Brooklyn, Queens and Manhattan and January 1, 1898 wrought the consolidation of them to become one ; as NYC.

Dominic and Rook are still at the MWP, happily working together now as a bonded couple as Witch and familiar. The Metropolitan Witch Police or MWP is the magic side of the police department. We also have the regular NY Police Department that doesn’t take too kindly to the MWP.

New York police officer Tom Halloran has been on the job 8 years. Before that, many horrible things had happened in Tom’s life, which has made him what he is today. Now after all these years a murder on his beat has brought back those horrible memories that he has kept hidden. Cicero is a un- bonded cat shifter, very fru fru and sophisticated. It is unlikely that rough, gruff Tom and fru fru Cicero would have anything in common….
Time stands still, the earth moves as Cicero realizes Tom is his Witch…..Will Cicero wait as long as Rook did to tell his witch???? Especially now that the two of them have been put on the case together to investigate that murder???? The sexual tension riding high!

I loved this story, the history of NY, the depiction of the city, why people came to America, huddled into smaller neighborhoods. Jews, Italians, Irish all with their own special agendas. The revolutionaries, the bohemian’s, the anarchists all fighting even then for better life for their families, equal pay for woman, same sex marriages, and other freedoms that are still nagging us in 2016.

Even the Magick world has an agenda and that is our story. Tom knows that he shouldn’t commit to Cicero, with what he holds secret from his past. But knowing and doing are two different things. Wonderful story Jordan Hawk !!!!

Review by Gloria Lakritz
Sr Reviewer and Review Chair for the Paranormal Romance Guild
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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jonathan webb
Jordan L. Hawk is one of those authors whose books I’ve seen around but never actually read before. But the idea of a historical witch police with shapeshifter familiars snagged my interest – and I am so very glad that it did.

Tom and Cicero could not be more different. Tom is calm and quiet and competent, taking care of those he considers his and hiding a wealth of dark secrets. He might not be book clever or erudite or witty, but he’s surprisingly open minded, caring and brave and I couldn’t help but love him.

Cicero is his complete opposite, high-strung, intelligent, impulsive and outrageous. The more shocking he can be, the better. I loved how feline he was in his mannerisms and personality, even if his judgmental side got on my nerves a time or two. However, I particularly loved the moments when he realized he was more close-minded than Tom in certain, specific ways.

Despite their differences – or more likely because of them – they make a brilliant team, once the initial wariness is out of the way. They balance each others strengths and weaknesses perfectly and I loved seeing them grow into a proper partnership. Their romance may start out a bit antagonistic, but it’s easy to see why Cicero couldn’t resist getting closer to Tom, and why Tom was fascinated by Cicero.

I also really loved the setting and the historical details and how effortlessly the magic and hexes were woven into late-19th century New York. The mystery was very neatly handled too, throwing up a few surprises here and there along the way to keep things interesting.

All in all this was really good. Fast paced, intriguing, a little romantic and wonderfully magical, in more ways than one, this world instantly sucked me in. I do wish I’d read the prequel (13th Hex) first, because I did feel like I was missing a few nuances in certain relationships. I’m also intrigued about what witch-potential people do before finding a familiar and why Tom can do what he likes, while it seems others can’t. So there is definitely room for this series to grow – but that can only be counted as a very good thing. Thank goodness I have a couple of novellas and the next book (not to mention lots of other Hawk books) to catch up on before I have to wait for more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marko jovanovic
“Would that even work?”
“Of course it will work.” Cicero folded his hand over Tom’s. “I’m Cicero the cat, and you’re my witch. We can do anything.”

I just loved this so damn much I don't really know how to explain it or where to start.

I could explain what it's about but you can read the synopsis to find that out. In short it's Fantasy/historical, more on the fantasy side of things in my opinion, there are familiars and witches which pretty much equals to bonded mates but with a twist. Also, there's a sassy, quick to judge, cat called Cicero and a kind man with an incriminating past, called Tom. Both are opposites but still, the love is there even if it is gradual. Ish. Oh and some exciting mystery to even it all out.

"And Cicero was anything but unexceptional. There would be no hiding with him."

Cicero is sassy and an a * hole.
A sasshole.
He really is, but for me, he had the most character development because he learned, I'm not saying he changed, maybe when it came to Tom he did, but even in his quick to judge moments he's lovable and by the end I almost forgot how i felt about him in the first 30% because he brings us on his personal journey. His compulsive judgement in the last quarter is something I'd like to say usually annoys me, however, the outcome of it was so sweet and swoony that I can appreciate the why of it. Even though Cicero grows, he's still sassy and lovable which I really do love about him.
Tom, I loved in every part. He just made my heart melt from the start. He holds a lot of guilt and I just wanted to hug him. I do wish he would've told Cicero about his past but again I get it and still appreciate the outcome.

"There was something primal in this, a magic older than hexes, older than witches and familiars, older than humankind."

The characters, the story and the romance were great! I wish I would've read this sooner!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
charlene wolfbrandt
Hexbreaker was another wonderfully vivid paranormal romance written by Jordan Hawk. I LOVED the MCs as individuals and as a couple. The mystery aspect was particularly compelling. You will want to read the novella that comes before this book because that couple plays and important starring role in this book. It also helps explain the world building. Both that novella and Hexbreaker were fantastic reads.

In this world there are many types of people. Some of those are familiars that can also take animal form. There are also witches. To reach their full magical potential a witch and familiar have to bond. A familiar knows their witch right away. Most bonds are by choice but some are greedy for the power the bond promises. Sadly familiars throughout history have been forced to bond to access that magic. Sort of like magical slavery. It’s a bond only broken by death. Witches pull magic through familiars so there’s a level of trust involved.

Cicero is a familiar who takes on cat form. He’s gorgeous. A detective with the MP. Polished and highly intelligent. He’s also kind of a snooty but loyal to those he calls friends as we learned in the first story. So when he sees Tom the beefcake “human” cop and realizes that’s his chosen witch he’s reluctant to admit it to say the least. Human cops in this world are known for being corrupt. There’s also a question as to why someone with magic is working for the human cops. Cicero makes a bunch of assumptions about Tom. Tom’s captain forces him to visit the MP to answer questions about a murder he witnessed. Someone he knew murdered his wife after a hex seemingly went very wrong. The MP recently had a similar situation so he’s sent to collaborate on the cases. Tom has been hiding for years. He has a very rare magical ability that nobody knows about. He can break any hex. Tom also took on a new identity years before after Hexes forced people to go crazed and murder each other. Something similar to what he’s seeing happen again. Somehow he has to find out the truth behind the latest murders while keeping his past and powers a secret under the watchful eye of the sexy cat familiar he’s strangely attracted to.

I loved the MCs in this story. Tom has been alone for so long. Nobody really knows him. Or his secrets. He harbors a deep fear and guilt of anybody finding out about his dark past. Tom wants so badly to be with Cicero but he can’t fully open up to him which eventually causes problems. I found myself on edge right along with Tom for most of the book just waiting for it all to come tumbling down on Tom. It’s like all his secrets have been forced to the surface just as Tom finds someone to love. Cicero is determined to save his friend that has gone missing. He’s not happy about needing Tom to do it but if that’s what he needs to investigate the disappearance then he’ll take it. Cicero is SO catlike. I loved how both of his forms exuded this. Being with Tom makes him realize that he wants more out of life. Cicero has had a rough life. It’s never really gone into in full detail but you get the feeling he’s been used and abused before.

This book is excellent. I would recommend it to anyone really. The love story is wonderful. The guys are super sexy together. The characters are fun and flawed making them feel more real. There’s some good humor and witty banter. A compelling mystery. Lots of creative use of magic. Good guys vs the bad guys. Well multiple bad guys. Even the supposed good guys can be bad guys so you have to stay on your toes. Hexbreaker is a fantastic paranormal romance with vivid world building that you won’t want to put down. I do appreciate how this author pushes the line with some of the darker scenes. Like when the hex makes people lose it and eat peoples faces! I love a bit of violence and gore in my books. This is a must read to any Jordan Hawk fans. If you’ve never read her you’re missing out. Great book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
todd doolittle
**Originally Posted on Kiki's Kinky Picks**

Hexbreaker by Jordan L. Hawk was a sensational follow-up to the introductory short story, The 13th Hex. Historical AUs are quickly becoming one of my favorite things because of this series.

I just adored everything about this book. Tom and Cicero were lovely and complex characters that I fell for immediately.

This is my idea of a perfect enemies-to-lovers book. I loved how they both made snap judgments about the other and they were both so very wrong. It made watching them learn about one another and fall in love with each other even more powerful.

There was a lot going on in this book. I was on the edge of my seat breathlessly waiting to see what would happen next.

Plus, I thought it was really cool that Ms. Hawk wove her story around real historical events. It added an element of “realness” even while a cat shapeshifter and a hexbreaker were running around trying to save the day.

Cicero doing the hoochie coochie is…perfection. If you don’t know what that is, don’t Google it. Just read the book and enjoy.?

You don’t technically need to read The 13th Hex to enjoy this one, but you totally should because it’s awesome. (I say so right here.) Plus, the couple from that story are in this one and events that took place are referenced. So it’ll just add an extra layer of enjoyment.

I’ve really adored this series by Jordan L. Hawk so far, but especially this book. Hexbreaker is just so creative, well-developed, and perfectly paced with fully realized characters. I can’t wait for more!

Copy provided in exchange for a fair and honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rub cotero
1) Extremely entertaining story. The author engaged me from the very beginning of the story keeping me enthralled until the last page. This is a wonderful addition to the Hexworld series. Well done, Ms. Hawk! I'm anxiously waiting to see if there's a third book on this series.

2) I think the author did a fantastic job of building an alternate world filled with very believable characters.

3) This piece was beautifully researched and the setting and plot were just delightful. It was very unusual for the genre, to have a particular period piece with urban magic, and I was completely delighted to read it.

4) Intriguing plot, complex characters, shifters, and magic. What more can you ask for?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kristy johnson hamdy
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Genre Gay / Urban Fantasy / 19th Century / Officers of the Law / Shifters / Magic / Wizards & Witches / Erotic Romance / Mystery/Suspense/Thriller
Reviewed by Lena Grey on 06-May-2016

Will a dark history doom their future together?

New York copper Tom Halloran is a man with a past. If anyone finds out he once ran with the notorious O’Connell tunnel gang, he’ll spend the rest of his life doing hard time behind bars. But Tom’s secret is threatened when a horrible murder on his beat seems to have been caused by the same ancient magic that killed his gang.

Cat shifter Cicero is determined to investigate the disappearance of one friend and the death of another, even though no one else believes the cases are connected. When the trail of his investigation crosses Tom’s, the very bohemian Cicero instinctively recognizes the uncultured Irish patrolman as his witch. Though they’re completely unsuited to one another, Cicero has no choice but to work alongside Tom…all the while fighting against the passion growing within.

Tom knows that taking Cicero as his familiar would only lead to discovery and disaster. Yet as the heat between them builds, Tom’s need for the other man threatens to overcome every rational argument against becoming involved.

But when their investigation uncovers a conspiracy that threatens all of New York, Tom must make the hardest decision of his life: to live a lie and gain his heart’s desire, or to confess the truth and sacrifice it all.


“One of the most striking differences between a cat and a lie is that a cat has only nine lives.” ~ Mark Twain

The last thing Tom Halloran ever expected to be is a police officer, but when the universe offered him a second chance, he took it. It's been eight years since he joined the force and he has definitely turned over a new leaf. Tom is living the life he may have had if he had not been born into a family involved in crime. The people on his beat like him because he's friendly and helpful, unlike most coppers in the city. Tom is also honest, another rare commodity in a place where corruption runs rampant. For the most part, Tom is happy, that is, until a similar crime occurs to the one that changed his life. In the past, Tom may have turned a blind eye to the situation and ignored the similarities, but he's changed a lot from the man he used to be and is finding it nearly impossible to do so now. It is both threatening and serendipitous when his chief assigns him to investigate in collaboration with the Witch Police, another murder that may be connected. Tom can hardly believe it when he stands in Witch Police headquarters. The city police and Witch police are not known for their cooperation and are often at odds with each other so it's a surprise not only to him, but to Cicero, the unbonded familiar, a cat shifter, Tom is paired with.

Cicero is appalled when he meets Tom. Not only is Tom completely the opposite appearance and personality-of someone Cicero would normally be attracted to, Cicero immediately recognizes him as his witch! Combine that with the usual distain witch police have for the regular police officers and it's a perfect firestorm. At first, Cicero refuses to work with Tom, but when he finds that the only way he can continue his investigation into his friend's death is to work with him, he relents and reluctantly agrees. As much as Cicero fights it, he has to eventually realize that Tom, although he's a big burly man, is not like other coppers he's known. He's constantly surprising Cicero with his easygoing, patient understanding of things instead of the bluster, anger, and brutality he's used to seeing.

Cicero intrigues Tom as well, not just because of his beautiful eyes, hair, and grace, but also with his cat-like mannerisms, i.e., lapping up the cream in his coffee or curling in a ball to sleep, but Tom figures Cicero is too sophisticated for him. Tom and Cicero go undercover, working at a resort called The Spitting Rooster, Cicero as an exotic dancer and Tom as a bartender, in hopes of obtaining more information about the two crimes they are working on. Their new identities are in place but Tom and Cicero are still careful to play them well; but it's not easy. There are several unforeseen complications that pop up, threatening to blow their cover. Cicero has to fight off the advances of customers; for Tom the deeper they get into the investigation, the more Tom exposes his secret by using skills and knowledge he obtained in his past. Tom knows that suspicion about his expertise is building and, if keeps helping, it's only a matter of time until his lies are discovered. Tom hates lying to Cicero and doesn't want to lose him, but he reaches the point where he is in a no-win situation. If Tom openly uses the skills he possesses to help prevent more crime, he will also have to reveal how and where he acquired them and Tom knows that his conscience won't let him just walk away from his responsibilities.

Jordan has created an awesome alternative world with some real history thrown in along with it for good measure. It's just close enough to what could have happened for me to believe it did. The characters are imaginative, unique, and exotic. There's a Witch police force as well as a regular one. The rivalry between the two police forces plays a big part by causing another source of resistance keeping Tom and Cicero apart. The sexual tension sizzles while they sort out their misconceptions about one another and it explodes into some seriously steamy sex scenes that are erotic and evocative.

I enjoyed seeing Dominick and Rook from Jordan's short story, 'The Thirteenth Hex' which is a prequel. It's not essential that you read it first because Jordan has put enough background into this story to make it stand on its own, but I highly recommend that you do so to get more enjoyment out of it. If you enjoy paranormal fantasy with witches, familiars who are shifters, hexes, history, and magic, you may love this novel. Thank you, Jordan, for writing a story containing frightening elements that I normally shy away from and making me love it. Originally reviewed at Rainbow Book Reviews.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amy boese
I loved this story! Cicero and Thomas were hot, and so endearing, I just melted. I couldn't put my kindle down, And stayed up til 4am to finish. This is a new author for me and I am starting on the next in this series immediately!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Jordan has done it again! Another world, another set of characters, and another series that has pulled me in and taken my brain away from me. The day after finishing I was still thinking about this book and wanting to read more of them. :D
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kountry kittie
One of the best LGBT urban fantasy/historical writers, Hawk brings a fantastic tale featuring solid gay characters (as well as other orientations) with a world-building that is by far the finest I've ever seen. Highly recommend this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tim buckner
Tom is great. I could totally see the big, burly, Black Irish man when I was reading. And I absolutely loved Cicero. He reminded me of a friend of mine who is more cat than human, I swear, which means I could absolutely relate to Tom's befuddlement and everyone else's bemused frustration when dealing with him.

Marvelous book, Jordan.
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