Velvet Elvis: Repainting the Christian Faith

ByRob Bell

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
adrienne gagnon
This is a thought-provoking book that I could not put down.
I completed the entire book during a long flight, when I had expected to be sleeping. I continue to look back at various chapters. It is a wonderful book for someone who wants to think. It is not for someone who wants to be purely entertained. For those on your gift list who enjoy expanding their mind, this is an excellent gift. I will be buying many more for gifts and to hand out to friends.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Great book, but I wouldn't recomend it to someone new to their faith or shakey in it. Bell asks a lot of questions that will make you think he's smoking pot, but then after consideration you're faith is stronger just from the wrestle no matter the determination at the end. And that's basically the point of the entire book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
aaron gregg
Rob Bell presents a view of Christ that anyone would be attracted to. His explanation of contemporary Jewish customs and beliefs adds clarity to much of what Jesus said and did. The book challenges your thinking and asks Christians if they are following Christ because they are convinced that it is the best way to live.

Bell gives a fresh take on many key Biblical stories and doctrines, such as Jesus as "Rabbi," bringing Heaven (or Hell) to Earth by our lives, the value of Christian community in collectively interpreting Scripture (which he calls binding and loosing), etc. A very good read. You will learn a lot, think a lot, and be a better Christian after reading this book.
Respect: The Life of Aretha Franklin :: The Absolute Sandman, Vol. 1 :: Death: The High Cost of Living :: The Sandman: Book of Dreams :: Searching for God Knows What
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gina lorax
I really enjoyed the book. It really made me think. It is modern thought toward how we practice our Christianity. It is written in a easily readable style. I actually reread it almost as soon as I was done. I also purchased it for a couple friends.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
erik mallinson
An excellent look at the real character of God wanting to journey with us now. Rob gives a real look into his experience and journey as a Jesus follower. Thank you for fresh, positive look at God who loves us.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Thought Rob Bell makes some excellent points....connects some Scriptural
"dots" that are significant. However, after the point is made, some of
Rob's statements take on a life of their own swerving away from, and in some cases, contradicting Biblical truth.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
saber ali nazari
I highly recommend this book for anyone. Having been part of a church that really idolized biblical times culture, this book was a breath of fresh air and commonsense. Made me feel happy and hopeful about the future of Christianity.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
aaron dubin
Velvet Elvis was recommended as another in a growing list of books published today on Progressive Christianity. I could hardly wait for it to arrive and began reading the day it was delivered.

I noticed from the start that the writing had a "preachy" tone. No doubt, much of what is in this book came from sermons at the good Pastor's church. Though I found it difficult to identify the intended direction of the author, I enjoyed the fast reading pace made possible by this undersized book with a chatty style of writing. This book may be an attempt to "Repaint the Christian Faith" but it is be done with heavy brush strokes of "fundamentalism".

When I read deeper there was a growing recognition of disappointment. Easily recognized were mis-statements of fact and claims of events occuring 2,000 years ago that are questionable. The book is well footnoted by chapter in the back; however. It is painfully obvious that the footnotes are intended to encourage further study into areas very close to fundamentalism. Though footnotes abound for each chapter, when it was time to provide scholarly verification of events among the early followers of Jesus, Bell provides no souce justifying his claim. It lead me to believe that he is simply parroting fundamental principles with a liberal slant.

The author claims "Gentiles is his (Paul's) word for people who don't follow God." That is incredibly naive. The word "Gentile" originates from the Hebrew word "Goy" and means anyone that is not Hebrew, Israelite or Jew. It has nothing to do with "those that don't follow God". Paul established what evolved to be the Christian church future among the the Gentiles. Had it not been for his work among these people there likely would not be a Christian following today.

Pastor Bell claims "law is his (Paul's) word for the Scriptures". Of couse, no clarification of the term "Scriptures" is provided. Don't mistake the "Scriptures" as meaning anything from the New Testament because it did not come into existence officially for 300 years after that time.

Later, in the same chapter, Pastor Bell talks about the world "God created". His view is pointedly creationism, which is unsettling for a Progressive's mindset. Throughout the book the good Pastor uses the phrase time and time again, "God has spoken, and the rest is commentary.? Simply put, this is no more than parroting the same line of fundamentalism that has been pushed at us for centuries. He gives it a slightly liberal spin, no doubt to appeal to the growing list of church "alumni"; nonetheless, this book is basic fundamentalism with a chatty, sugar coating.

I had hoped to add this book to my library of uplifting titles on Progressive Christianity that I could recommend to others. Instead it will go in the stack that says "Christian Fundamentalism with a slightly liberal spin.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
With a low-key approach this book raises a number of thoughts that lead the reader to a different vantage point. I appreciated the encouragement to ask and consider without being dogmatic. I don't agree with eveything in here and Rob Bell is fine with that. This is now one of my favorite books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jeff simmons
for those who either crave some more context or understanding or simply want a thought provoking journey to explore faith and what it means to be a christian in these times. comprehensive in approach and well written, this book is difficult at times, but worth seeing through. the author outright disclaims that you should challenge what he proposes, which is part of its premise & understanding the ongoing journey of faith.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
louise brown
I had mixed feelings going onto this book. It was recommend by a friend who said it was good. Rob has a lot of good things to say and I honestly learned a lot from his book. And that is why I would recommend it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ryan fantus
You a religion we as Christians have really messed it up......big time. Rob Bell nails it. I truly believe In the Jesus he writes about. I've questioned religion all my life, I still do, but Rob has helped me understand the Jesus thar died for me.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I had mixed feelings going onto this book. It was recommend by a friend who said it was good. Rob has a lot of good things to say and I honestly learned a lot from his book. And that is why I would recommend it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jeff van campen
You a religion we as Christians have really messed it up......big time. Rob Bell nails it. I truly believe In the Jesus he writes about. I've questioned religion all my life, I still do, but Rob has helped me understand the Jesus thar died for me.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Rob Bell is a brilliant communicator. He creates scenarios that force one to rethink the very foundations of Christian faith. I found his concepts thought provoking.

I was greatly concerned, however, that his concept of cardinal doctrines of the Christian faith become elastic "springs" on a trampoline of ideas. Bell creates questions and often becomes critical of phrases that help Christians define their faith identity, such as one's "personal relationship with God." It is far easier to create questions than to provide answers.

Bell often refers to Jewish traditions or culture in an attempt to interpret scripture. While I appreciate the effort to support conclusions with some hermeneutic context, he is shallow in providing evidence for his assumptions about such traditions.

Mixed review. A bit too cynical for me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nikki quinn
Rob Bell took impressions about my faith that I had been exploring and put them into words that inspired me to move from merely thinking to changing my walk with Jesus. The book is gut-wrenching, heart-changing, awesome challenges that have moved me to a deeper life in Christ. At age 55, I am again excited about being real. Like Fisher-Price, I am saying, "Oh, the possibilities!" Come join me on the trampoline.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Finally, someone emerges who cuts through the religious red tape and exposes the truth behind Jesus' words. Staying committed to the Bible, Mr. Bell takes an honest look at what characteristics Christ had that make following him a "better way to live." Gone is the humble, non-threatening Jesus of Sunday School. Now we see Him as the revolutionary thinker and teacher that He was, a proponent of love and forgiveness and grace. My own faith will never be the same.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I thought this is a well-written book. There are a couple of paragraphs in the first chapter that I disagreed with and was even offended by it. But the rest of the book was wonderful, it held my attention, gave a different perspective of "religion" and gave me a new example to think about - i.e. the trampoline. You should buy the book and read all of it, it is good stuff.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I find Rob Bell's insight and honesty refreshing. He questions and wrestles with ancient truths and challenges the reader to think for themselves by asking more and more questions. His knowledge of Jewish history brings Jesus more alive than I've ever experienced before. Thanks, Rob.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
collett michelle
One of the best books ever read about Christianity. Everyone hears about Velvet Elvis. I was intrigued while reading and have a fresh perspective about my Christian faith. I have begun reading it for a second time. You need to buy the book. Or get a friend to buy it for you. Get your Mom or Dad to buy it. Buy it now. You won't be sorry.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
fred mindlin
This guy is an absolutely terrible author. The book had no kinda structure to it and for the most part this guy just rambles on about his own perspectives and how everyone else does things wrong. He really is opinionated about the Christian Faith and im not very fond of how he blows himself up throughout the entire book. I am pretty sure there are plenty of other books out there that "repaint" the christian faith a whole lot better than this guy did.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tushar thole
Rob Bell is an innovative communicator and one of the best post-modern thinkers I've heard. This book will make you mad and question what he thinks but in the end, his is a point well-taken. It will leave you speechless, sometimes in tears and shake you from top-to-bottom. If you like an intellectual, though-provoking book, this is one for you.
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