The Originator Wars - A Lost Fleet Novel

ByRaymond L. Weil

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
julie booth
Another exciting book that you can not stop reading. Non stop action from beginning to end. Great characters and very believable combat engagements. Greatly enjoyed this book. Will read the future books of this author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Every one of these books have been real page turners. Can't wait for the next book, the exploration series sounds like the perfect follow up. You can't stop writing now, I need to know what my friends are up to.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Overall, an excellent series that I hope will continue. At this point the main characters are pretty well known. However, I think it could be beneficial if the main characters could share more of their self doubts in the manner that Admiral Massie did when she
was facing a "command decision" to use dark matter weapons to stop the Eternals final assault. It was a heck of difficut decision that I could truly identfiy with. Her inner turmoil added real depth to her character. That is, the same kind of self-doubt and inner turmoil would make the " special five" much more "special."
Dauntless (The Lost Fleet, Book 1) :: The Lost Artifact (Lost Starship Series Book 8) :: Wild Animus Boxed Set (Book and CDs) :: Wild Animus: A Novel :: Relentless (The Lost Fleet, Book 5)
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
kriselle pentecostes
Who loves who, how much everyone waits for the babies to be born, how one loves hamburgers, etc.. this book could easily be condensed by a third and actually be a real good book. I liked the action parts and even the build ups, but space battles between 250,000 (no exaggeration) ships is a bit unrealistic. And they are not small. Ships, some ranging over 3 km or for those unfamiliar with metrics, 2 miles in length and nearly a kilometer in width. Where the heck could anyone find that much usable material? I have read many of his books and really like the first ones but grow weary of all the extra minutia.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
The final chapter in the SPECIAL FIVE SERIES, left me both relieved that I had the strength of character to finish this swashbuckling sci-fi series and more convinced than ever that I will NEVER read another Raymond Weil story again.

Let me begin with the good. Mr. Weil writes amazingly fast paced, exciting scenes of evil, one dimensional characters attacking pure, virtuous one dimensional characters that is unequaled in the store. However, after a few of his series, one notices a pattern. Evil space aliens attack brave, virtuous Earth defenders and after three or four books, the good guys win. There is no introspective, there is little science. It's just old fashioned, laser blasting run amok.

One or two series is fun, mindless entertainment; give Mr. Weil credit for perfecting the art of enjoyable destruction of one's grey matter. However, after two series, you start to notice a pattern. As much as it pains me to point out flaws, the fact is once you read one of Mr. Weil's stories, you've literally read them all. I'm not kidding.

To repeat, Mr. Weils will NEVER be confused for Assimov, or any of the greats of science fiction but if all you want is simple mind numbing entertainment involving space aliens and space ships, you could do a lot worse.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lee rocky
This is an extraordinary tale over 13 volumes. The characters, the technology and the universe described is rich with possibilities. This is very much evolved story, the very definition of a true saga. There are so many threads worthy of further explanation and exploration. I want to follow the further adventures of the “new” NEW HORIZON.

I see a possibility of beating the Eternals. I can see the discovery of another race of species who might have constructed Dyson spheres. The possibility of new stories about this universe are endless. I want to see new exploration and new discoveries. Mr. Weil please continue this series. You are one of my favorite authors and you have never disappointed me.

I am also looking forward to your new series against the Trex invasion of Earth. Maybe a new group of characters will emerge as special as the “special five”.

Good luck with your future tales, you have dedicated follower and an avid fan. Thank you for many hours of reading entertainment. Looking forward to many more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
As usual Raymond has come through with another jewel. Plot was great and the characters we have come to love did not disappoint. He mentions possibly another series with the New Horizon going out to explore. I am sure your avid readers like myself hope this happens. Hard to let go of the Special Five and their friends.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I continue to enjoy the ongoing story just as much now as I did at the beginning. Has it really been 15 books? I hope the author continues to write these engaging, sweeping works.
My own thoughts on where the series may go from here: the technological changes in the these books has been breathtaking, almost exhausting. Perhaps that was the point. I think a pause in all that new technology is more than warranted, so I’m happy the Five may go exploring awhile.
While they are away though.... the Eternals are relentless. They want those Shrieels. What if they don’t try by force anymore? The Eternals found the weakness before in the Shrieels, that was the Simulin held control centers. What if the Eternals decide the Humans can be the greatest weakness of the Shrieels? They are mighty champions while fighting. Are they champions in peace too? The Humans are still young. Could a few Eternal agents slip in among the Humans and give them ideas? Ideas that threaten their alliance with the Originators and possibly Altons and Carethians too. After all, even the advanced Originators had a dark side in the Defenders of Zorn. The treaty between the Eternals and the Originators only applies to military conflict, not psychological conflict.
Thank you for writing this series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stephen matlock
I found these SF series early in January of 2018. Since then I have read 20 of These installments with great pleasure. That’s more books in 4 months than I have read in the previous 5 years. So I would say his writings are addictive, entertaining, imaginative to say the least. Yet they are believable and realistic with the right amount of human emotions mixed in with amazing detailed futuristic space battles. If I had to criticism any of the writing, it would be in the repetitive sentences found throughout the chapters such as , “They quickly entered hyperspace with out any trace they had ever been there.” I am sadden that the series are ending with so much more that could be explored (hint, hint). You keep writing and I for one plan to keep on reading. Five star for sure.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nermeen wahid
This book culminates the Originator Wars series. I am writing this because I want this series to continue. This is an excellent series. I especially like the futuristic setting (Originators). When a battle is fought both sides loose and the humans seem to find a way to win the battle. You really get to know the characters as they develop in the series. There were a few times during the battle for the Sheriel that I had some trouble keeping tract of whether a group was inside, on the surface, or in space (probably just me).
Please continue the exploration phase of this series. It would be good to see more futuristic races and technologies.
All Raymond Weil's series are GREAT. I have little use for Dragons and mythical works.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stephanie herrmann
I loved this book. You become way more invested in the main characters and there were times I literally held my breath awaiting a battle outcome! I loved the idea that "peoples" from different galaxies, could appreciate one anothers capabilities and join together to work on solutions. Solutions not just of weapons, better battleships and technology, but of being able to work together, go out to dinner together and enjoy getting the families (kids included) together! Great job Mr. Weil - I would encourage you to take us further along in this adventure!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
heather elaine
I enjoyed the series and liked the characters well enough. Lots action and conflict, at times it becomes quite tedious and repetitive. Interesting concept with the Dyson spheres and old originator race. But a bit trite with very serendipitous solutions popping up at just the right time. But I am glad they did because I would not have read another fifty pages of repetitious battle detail. I like Weil 's books and liked this one in spite of those issues. If you are a patient reader I would recommend this series and is a setup for more books in this universe.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Raymond Weil does a good job of helping the reader grasp the immensity of a conflict involving thousands of galaxies. You sense the battles building from 1,000 ship clashes to fleets with over 100,000 warships. Just when you feel the enemy is too strong to ever be defeated, something happens. If you have read other books in The Originator Wars series, you will find the characters are familiar and further developed in this story. It is an enjoyable read and leaves you wanting Raymond to write yet another chapter in this gigantic conflict.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The whole series flowed perfectly from book to book and was easy to pick up and catch up on the story, which was exciting and well formed. I think it combined the best of many genres and the story is so compelling that it should continue along the current line, with the same characters and challenges, as the timeline continues for at least another couple thousand years. I would also like to see the characters extend their life spans to continue to be the "stars" as the story continues. I sure hope you aren't getting bored with this story. I'm sure NOT!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
angie c
"Temporary End", how could 'I', not the author, label the book this way? Answered as a dedicated 'reader', - - EXPERIENCE - - !! When you have a very prolific writer, producing "fun", "take your mind off the world", "consistent" books we force him to continue, at least I truly hope so.
Did I like this book (and the rest)? Of course I did! Do I want more? Of course! The reason to read these books, if you haven't figured it out, they're FUN.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I struggled with the star rating between three and four because it seems like all the characters are the same and think alike, only their actions differ. The accounts of the fleet engagements all seem alike; the author would do well to include descriptions of the physicality of the events he recounts,eg descriptions of the actual event like sparks rained down in the hold as assault robots cut into the hull. A three meter section of hull fell into the hull followed by by a squad of...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great series. Like to see the characters that you've come to know, continuing on their voyages. First book is usually about character development. This is a long series, so you can enjoy the contenuety. Raymond, you have created something special. Most story lines get stale, this one has stayed fresh. With the Originators and the Eternals, the would seem to be many more stories to tell around the camp fire.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kay weeks
An unexpected ending, which I think is a bit flawed, but then again, which of us could truly predict what such a universe spanning conflict would really be like?

It's been a long road, but the series is rounded off reasonably well.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have enjoyed this series of books from the beginning when the “special five” took arms against the Hocklyns. What a fantastic ride it has been; thoroughly enjoyable. The writing and editing are excellent and the universe in which this occurs is superbly developed. I am hoping that the saga will continue with the exploration of many galaxies, new friends and new technology.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I really enjoy Weil and his entire series. I think it's up to 15 books now? I love the stories and the main characters and all the space adventures. His storytelling is wonderful and keeps you wanting more.
As an editor, it pains me to see "casualty" written as "causlty" many times, but I tend to notice these things more than others. A great read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alvin rogers
The war between the Originators And the Eternals have been going on for millions of years and they need to keep going. This is one of the best stories I’ve ever read. The special five still have a number of stories left in them exploring the universe and finding the Eternals home world. Just NEVER end this series as everyone and I love reading your books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
harry indrawan
The name of this book should be "Sadness Unending", but only because such a good series is possibly ending. I hope Mr. Weil continues with the originator series. The future explorations of the New Horizon has many possibilities and could resolve many of the storylines that need finishing. Thank you once more for a good story and I look forward to many more.
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