The Lost Artifact (Lost Starship Series Book 8)

ByVaughn Heppner

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rekha kini
This was another excellent installment of the series. What I like about this series is that it's an easy read filled with adventure and advanced technology. Sometimes one wants to take a break from the super-hard SciFi one normally reads and just go for some light entertainment. The characters, while a bit cardboard at times, I find to be to compelling and interesting. Yes, Ludendorff and Dana are missing from this installment, but it does save us from the cliche plot twist of Ludendorff pulling some hidden rabbit out of the hat. Eight books into this series, I really don't know how Vaughn Heppner keeps the story moving, but he does. Please keep delivering!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
danielle janes
But what an unbelievable ending,, what a disappointment. I have read the entire series and enjoyed it all, always wondering how Vaughn Heppner was going to conclude it. The clone story in this last book is simply not believable. Leaving m wondering if Heppner had gotten tired of the story and run out of ideas. This far he rather successfully managed to bypass explaining the clones, their existence and timeline , but here he seemed to try, unsuccessfully, to expand on them. This has hurt the story, grasping at impossibly farfetched background information, he tried to explain what should have been left alone, to our imagination. That had worked in the last book, why fiddle with something that worked well and give us rather a more intriguing ending?
Overall, the story covering 8 books has kept me interested and hooked. Never did the story falter on imagination and being believable in spite of some far fetched ideas, they worked well. They worked, because of Heppner' s writing style. Very few mistakes, nothing to distract from the flow which in my opponent, lent credence and probability to even the most outrageous ideas. It made it easy to move right along imaging even the impossible. That is what a successful series and its writer is so good at. Therefore, I won't take off the three stars I initially felt like doing in my utter disappointment about the final book, after all,, Vaughn Heppner managed to keep me interested through 7 books in this series, and that is saying a lot.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
nicholas willig
This episode was a little tedious at times with redundant situations. But, otherwise, was a classic Maddox story. We learn that Strand had set up a line of successive clones to carry on his legacy in the event of his death/capture. But, the clones are definitely not as sharp as the original, due to the memory's implanted after removal from stasis. We see a lot of builder's tech as well as the Nameless one's and learn a lot of the Nameless ones plans to commit genocide on all sentient lifeforms. We also just avert an invasion of the destroyers ships. The Android race that was thought to have been purged, is more complex and deeply rooted in in all classes of humanity and set to take their revenge. Enjoy, Trapper
Wild Animus Boxed Set (Book and CDs) :: Wild Animus: A Novel :: God in the Dock :: Short humorous and heart-warming dog stories (Dog Stories for Adults Book 1) :: Dauntless (The Lost Fleet, Book 1)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
josie oakley
This is great Sci-fi! Heppner is a great storyteller with a vivid imagination and creativity. Captain Maddox and the crew of Victory,(an alien spaceship) wind a great trail through many hazards within all the series books. The concept of New Men is outstanding! The story continuity is excellent as are the characters which are well developed. This books ending is well done and leaves a good opening for the next book in the series. I wish Heppner would start with a short synopsis for each book to jog my memory as there can be some time between them. Thanks Heppner! Keep up the great work and hurry up with the next installment!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Turned into a boring chase scene
Tech and alien mystery was fun for half the book
The second half was not entertaining or believable
When they run out of story they string chase scenes together
Maddox was nearly killed three times, boring
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
neelotpal kundu
Love the book and the series. The characters are great and I must say, it's nice to see Maddox actually trying to be nicer, gaining more depth to his human side. I know his colleagues appreciate it! Lol There's also lots of action in this book as usual. I'm so glad this series is continuing, I love reading the adventures this particular crew gets themselves into.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chassy cleland
While not the oldest Heppner series, LOST STARSHIP captures the author's brilliance. The main protagonist, Captain Maddox is a mythopoeic archetype in his own right. On the surface, each of the supporting cast appears simplistic; they are anything but. Personally, I would like to see two more installments. Thanks for making us think while entertaining us, Vaughn!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
philip yu
Perhaps my least favorite of all of the series books so far. I don't know why, but it seems to lack the supporting characters involvement in some way. The main character also seemed more superficial and have less depth than in the beginning of the series. I can't quite put my finger on it but I'm hoping the next one will generate some of the excitement i got from reading most of the other books in this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
vicky swinney
Yes the story does continue. The Captain is becoming more and more like able. I am one of those types that keeps telling himself if they kill off so and so I will quit reading right there. Vaughn has not disappointed me. I really enjoy his style of writing.

Please keep up the great work and do not let your workload burn you out. You are to gifted. I appreciate you.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Each book of the series is ribbiding! I have been waiting for the next installment of the series because I am a big fan of Star Watch Captain Maddox and rest of the Victory crew as the not only continue to explore the space beyond human space, but also the incredible task of defending the human race from attackers. Can't wait for the next installment of the series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
If you like stories that link together, have believable sci fi action and wind you around the authors little finger, start reading this series from the beginning!

This series of books are well written and are “can’t put the damn things down” books.

My only frustration is that there are only eight books so far. Mr Heppner, put down that cup of coffee and get typing :-)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rachael sena
This book gets this series back to where it needs to be! Plenty of plot lines in future that can be explored, including the potential for a nameless one invasion. The grotesque nature of Strand's brain implants, the alien dissection of soldiers have my stomach a bit of a turn that I haven't had since reading the Dune series. I believe that this series is on a level equal to that. I just hope that this continues for quite some time but I also know that all good things come to an end!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
From earth to the nether regions of the Beyond and farther, Mr. Heppner has outdone himself! He has woven a tale on par with the likes of Clive Cussler, Tom Clancy, or John Grisham with the science fiction content Isaac Asimov, Jerry Pournelle, and Larry Niven! The whole Lost series is a must read for any sci-fi, mystery, action fan.

Far and away the best reading I've done in years! I highly recommend it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jenelle kerr
Loved the book, the series and your writing style. However I really hate the manner it forces one to make when writing the review. Seems like if you really want to hear what people think, then someone would spend a little time in making this better at accepting my (user) input. Anyhow, this entire series has been awesome and I look forward to many more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dave ince
A Good Read. Just finished this book and completed the series. Fun reading overall with a few slow areas. No enough though to drop the book. Author is very easy to read, enjoyable and is skilled at building characters. Does a great job of keeping you interested.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
julie p
The saga continues but the plot is getting repetitive. Captain Maddox keeps making one mistake after another but always gets out of trouble because he is immortal (sort of). The plot is getting boring.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
diana tofan
If you have enjoyed the others, you'll enjoy this one too. The captain is a bit annoying in this book and was not as likable. The story was well done, flowed well, and was not predictable. Would have given it 5 stars, but the characters were not as full as usual.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
carolina tagobert
Loved the book, the series and your writing style. However I really hate the manner it forces one to make when writing the review. Seems like if you really want to hear what people think, then someone would spend a little time in making this better at accepting my (user) input. Anyhow, this entire series has been awesome and I look forward to many more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A Good Read. Just finished this book and completed the series. Fun reading overall with a few slow areas. No enough though to drop the book. Author is very easy to read, enjoyable and is skilled at building characters. Does a great job of keeping you interested.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
roger alix gaudreau
The saga continues but the plot is getting repetitive. Captain Maddox keeps making one mistake after another but always gets out of trouble because he is immortal (sort of). The plot is getting boring.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
anna jean
If you have enjoyed the others, you'll enjoy this one too. The captain is a bit annoying in this book and was not as likable. The story was well done, flowed well, and was not predictable. Would have given it 5 stars, but the characters were not as full as usual.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great next part of the series. Continues to build the characters in an interesting way, with lots of plot twists and turns. Provides a satisfying ending but leaves the option open another book and makes you want to pick it up as soon as possible. A must read for Scifi enthusiasts!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kris peterson
The story line, action, and thrill of chase will keep you reading to the end of book. I always read the books from this author. If it’s space adventure and mystery your looking for, look no further. An excellent read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
A great addition to the series, with lots of detail on how Maddox works through some difficult situations he finds himself and crew in. There was nonstop twists and turns in this book. Definitely recommend.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
suneeta misra
Another fantastic book in this series. Mr. Heppner just keeps getting better with every book. Edge-of-your-seat action, great plot, interesting twists. Couldn't ask for more. Love this series! Keep them coming!
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