Halfway to Forever (Forever Faithful)

ByKaren Kingsbury

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I loved Karen Kingsbury’s first two or three series of novels, looking forward to each new book. But I became disenchanted after awhile - instead of being spiritually encouraging, I found many of her later books emotionally depressing, as the families battled one tragedy after another after another. I used to buy every book as it came out and then pass them along to my daughter, but eventually thought her books were “too much” for either one of us to enjoy. I realize this is a minority view, but I thought it might be important to share my thoughts. These books weren’t necessarily of lower quality than her first novels....I just was no longer enjoying them.
But re the Forever Faithful series, I’d just like to suggest the reader take a look at the Publisher Weekly review (above). I agree with their analysis. I know most reviewers are still lining up with 5 star reviews....they are Kingsbury fans forever! But IMO, whether for money or fame or pressure from publishers, some authors start churning out books instead of taking the time, research & effort it takes to write truly meaningful novels. This Kingsbury series is an example of that, in my opinion. Some of her more recent books still meet that standard, but too many - including this series - are so predictable, I couldn’t find enough interest to finish the book.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
larry linguist
Please understand that I'm not down on Karen Kingsbury as an author. When I first started reading her work I found her an incredibly refreshing addition to the genre of Christian fiction. She was writing about real people with real difficulties and trials. Followers of Christ know that the life is not all a bed of roses nor did Jesus say it would be. For this reason, Ms. Kingsbury's work was greatly welcomed. However, the more I read of her novels, the harder I find I'm able to get through them. They are becoming formulaic and predictable. I could honestly tell you after finishing one chapter of HALFWAY TO FOREVER exactly what was going to happen and this isn't the first time I've predicted correctly when reading one of her novels. I'm also getting a bit annoyed at the amazing coincidences that solve the problems of the main characters. There's a glaring one in this book - SPOILER ALERT! How often does a person yearning to adopt a child in the foster-adopt system have a newborn infant literally drop into her lap? Please. Especially one who's mother conveniently dies and has no blood connections whatsoever. Then she gives us hundreds of possibilies where a father is concerned so that no one person can be pinned down to be a problem when it comes time to adopt. This turn in the story literally made me laugh out loud. The storyline of the woman fighting cancer was more believable but couldn't make up for the predictability and fantastical coincidences that solve difficult problems. I think the problem with Ms. Kingsbury's work is that she's expected to crank out too many books in one year. For that, her publisher is to blame. They've obviously found a cash cow and are going to milk it for all it's worth. I'd far rather see her cut down the quantity and get back to quality.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
leah lax
In 1998 the drunk driver killed her husband Thomas and their little girl Alicia leaving Hannah Ryan to grieve not only her losses, but also wonders how she will go on without them though her youngest child desperately needs her. Eventually Hannah meets and falls in love with the kindly Matt Bronzan. They marry and after a while Hannah agrees to adopt a little girl. Though she fears the loss of any loved one, as Hannah explains to Alicia at the cemetery, she will have three daughters, two here and one in heaven, but what will happen to her if she loses another child?

The Bronzan's friends and business partners Tanner and Jade Eastman are excited, as she is pregnant with their first child. However, the rest of the story from the doctor leaves the couple stunned and frightened and wondering about their future.

HALFWAY TO HEAVEN is a deep look at families and people in crisis due to bad things happening to good people. Both story lines are well written and each could have served as its own novel (and probably should have). The richness and complexity of the characters make each tale work because the audience will believe in what these individuals confront. Readers observe Hannah struggle with her faith even as she tries to move on with her life while the Eastmans have their own crippling difficulty that makes them question a God that can allow malevolent things to occur. Fans of powerful insightful human dramas will enjoy HALFWAY TO FOREVER and pray for more inspiring tales from Karen Kingsbury who makes believers out of all of us.

Harriet Klausner
Chasing Sunsets: A Novel (Angels Walking) :: Forgiven (Baxter Family Drama―Firstborn Series) :: Redemption / Remember / Return / Rejoice / Reunion (Baxter Family Drama—Redemption Series) :: and the Beginning of Everything - the Meaning of Nothing :: Remember Tuesday Morning
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
andrew sullivan
Karen Kingsbury brings characters alive with her writings. I always feel as if I've known them--lived next door to them for years. This series amplifies her talent. Each character is flawed--just as you and I are. Each one struggles with faith in a fallen world. Why does God allow things to happen to His people?

I have a couple of caveats. I know that it's the author's style of writing, but I cringe with each sentence fragment. The third title, "Halfway to Forever," covered a good bit of the earlier material. I suppose some of that is necessary for those who hadn't read the first two titles.

However, Kingsbury's compelling plots beg for attention. Her fans will delight in this trilogy which is bound into one large volume.

Thank you to Laura Tucker at WaterBrook Multnomah Publicity for my copy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Starting with the first page this book had me totally involved. I enjoyed the characters and the fact that I couldn't predict what would happen next. Also, knowing regardless of our faith, that good and bad things happens in our lives. With our faith and prayer Jesus is the answer. Surely, I would recommend this book to anyone that enjoys down to reality inspiration books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Halfway To Forever is another of Karen Kingsbury�s beautifully-written stories of faith and love. In this emotion-packed novel, Kingsbury takes the leading characters from two of her former books and weaves a beautiful saga of faith under trial.
Hannah and Matt Bronzan (from �Waiting For Morning�) and Tanner and Jade Eastman (from �A Moment of Weakness�) are good friends who attend the same church. Tanner and Matt are high-powered Christian lawyers who run a prestigious law firm specializing in religious freedom cases. Both men are happily married with successful careers and loving families. The two couples have struggled with their own issues from the past but now they are entering a new chapter of their lives. Hannah has come to the place where she feels it is time to move on after the loss of her former husband and young daughter. She and Matt decide to adopt a little four-year-old girl, trusting the Lord for the adoption to go through without any hitches and to bring healing to their hearts. Tanner and Jade, after almost giving up hope of having another child, discover they are to be parents. They trust God for a safe pregnancy and a healthy child. However both families soon find their faith under trial. Matt and Hannah encounter problems with the adoption and Jade develops a cancerous brain tumor that threatens her own life as well as the life of her baby. Troubles snowball and each character must individually face their worst fears as they struggle to overcome their doubts in the goodness and sovereignty of God.
This book addresses the question: �Why do bad things happen to good people?� It also deals with the subject of loss and the death of loved ones. I found the author�s answers satisfying and realistic, and she brought her message across without resorting to preachy sermonizing or sentimentality. Kingsbury dealt with the subject of past sin in a manner that never justified its serious consequences, showing how anger can rob us of joy and peace and how fear can immobilize and cripple us in relating to others. However she also revealed how God�s grace can heal and deliver and bring good out of evil in the lives of His children. The story ended on a note of victory and I truly enjoyed this reading experience.
I felt the author exercised sensitivity and wisdom in handling her subject matter and developed her characters with empathetic realism. I found I could relate to many of the issues and situations she wrote about and I was especially grateful for the way in which she pointed to God�s unfailing grace and love despite our problems and imperfections.
I�ve always enjoyed books by Kingsbury and I wasn�t disappointed in this one. I hear she is writing a new series with Gary Smalley. Should be good.
This is a really good book for anyone struggling in their faith after the loss of a loved one or after a major disappointment in life; also for the person who needs a reminder of God�s faithful love and powerful deliverance in the midst of confusing and oppressive circumstances.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
charlotte newman
The writer commented she didn't want to say goodbye to the characters from these 3 books; I felt the same way. Hannah & Matt and Jade & Tanner seemed like a part of my own family by the time I finished reading Book 3. Karen Kingsbury has become my favorite author after reading 4 of her books. I definitely intend to read all her works.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I received this book twice. I'm enjoying the book quite a bit as I am a big Karen Kingsbury fan. I didn't need 2 books and when I contcted the seller, they were great about it. I was given the address to return it and within days I had the money back in my account. I would have preferred just to swap the duplicated book for another, but that is not the policy of the store. It all worked out anyway. This was a very good experience adn I would buy from this seller again.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
As with all Karen Kingsbury books and I have read them all this series was great I would recomend her books to anyone. She has written about how God has guided the character's in her stories in every day situations, through Love, Joy Hope, Death, Depair. But mostly how God can guide your life daily Jer 29 v 11 He has my life planned and I can cling to that Hope each day. Enjoy a good read and also how God is speaking to you through these stories.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mia lawson
This series has been wonderful! I have laughed and cried with these families! I have been reminded of God's great love for us! He is there for us through every joy and every sorrow. He has carried us and will always love and care for us!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Last book in the "Forever Faithful" Trilogy. Loved the trilogy; loved this book!!! Quick, easy read. Could out put the book down. Good story. Loved the characters; I really felt like a part of their lives.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
michelle donnelly
While I enjoy novels written by Karen Kingbury, this one was a dud in my opinion. It had a nice, perfect fairy tale ending that was completely contrary to what real people face in real life. In real life, prayer doesn't always lead to the miracles where every single person gets what they want. In real life, not everyone gets to have a happy ending. This book would have been better if it was steeped in at least a little bit of reality or if it really honed in on the painful journey of miscarriage/stillbirth without the added and unnecessary drama of an illness. Miscarriage could have a story all on its own without all the other fluff in attempt to make it interesting. It wasn't relatable for people who have gone through real trauma. Along with that, it was completely overly predictable: By chapter 3, I guessed exactly what was going to happen which made the flow of the story feel cramped and boring.
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