How to Love (Mindfulness Essentials)

ByThich Nhat Hanh

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
patrick mcallaster
I love reading anything by Thich Nhat Hanh and this was no exception. Great little book. However, I was surprised when I received it in the mail because it was so small. I am disappointed in this book. It is smaller than the size of a journal wrapped up into a book with a very basic message. Not what I expected. I now go to the library before purchasing any of his books.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
brad furman
This book is a different perspective on love as I know it, and has many helpful insights. I would really give it a 3.5 or 3.75 if I could. The only reason I don't give it a 4 or higher is because it seemed a little critical of highly passionate or romantic love. Understandably, such feelings often result in excessive conflict if passion is not balanced with compassion, but I think there is such a thing as constructive conflict, which leads to growth and creative change.
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