
Zen and the Art of Happiness
Zen and the Art of Happiness

Review:It's positive but not realistic advice. Things need to be felt. Saying this is for my for my benefit and smiling through pain is not healing anything. At the end he says to start with small things, because if you apply his philosophy to big things it doesn't make sense. Growing from a situation or making the best out of a situation is one thing, but saying everything that happens is the best possible thing that could happen doesn't sit well with me. Somethings but not everything. Read more

Ancient Advice for Modern Parents - The Parent's Tao Te Ching
Ancient Advice for Modern Parents - The Parent's Tao Te Ching

Review:I've purchased this book now 5 times and have given it away to people in need of clear decisions about their child rearing. It is insightful and right on the money no matter what you may be going through. I hope this is the one I get to keep, but if someone is having a question, I will simply purchase another. Read more

La magia del orden / The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up (Spanish Edition)
La magia del orden / The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up (Spanish Edition)

Review:El libro da mucho que pensar y te hace cuestionar las cosas que realmente son importantes en la vida, ademas de relativizar las ansias de poseer cosas materiales que aveces hemos sentido. Tambien es práctico y interesante. Lo recomiendo. Read more

Everyday Zen: Love and Work (Plus)
Everyday Zen: Love and Work (Plus)

Review:One of the best books I've ever read. It was difficult for me to finish only because it's so profound. Every few pages I had to stop and spend a few days thinking about what I'd just read. I feel like buying this book for everyone I know. Buy it for yourself; you won't regret it. Read more

The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life - Peace Is Every Step
The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life - Peace Is Every Step

Review:I bought 5 books to give as presents. I felt this book truly gave me peace and reminded me to slow my daily pace and smell the roses, so to speak. A lovely book. To be read in small bits and thought about. I use it as a meditation tool. Read more

The Magic Mala: A Story That Changes Lives
The Magic Mala: A Story That Changes Lives

Review:Read this Book! It truly can change your life!

I just loved the message in this book and I hope many others will get a copy. It's a wonderful thing to realize that our thoughts hold so much power for positive change and that we DO have a choice in what we draw to us and the people in our lives. I think we humans have built-in 'forgetters' that we can alter our attitudes/thoughts/action; I know it was a good reminder for me. Another great thing about this book is that I believe it could be... Read more

A Surfer's Quest to Find Zen on the Sea - Saltwater Buddha
A Surfer's Quest to Find Zen on the Sea - Saltwater Buddha

Review:Life is the ultimate question that goes unanswered. Riding the wave of life can be thrilling if you let go of fear, accept adversity, learn from mistakes and be thankful for the ride. Peace can be found in books such as this that remind you of the journey we are all on. Enjoy some time on the crest of the wave, it provides a great view of what is. Read more

Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within
Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within

Review:Nathalie Goldberg's "Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within" is an excellent read. If you are a writer or an aspiring writer this is a must read and one that you will find yourself going back to again and again. Read more

The Keys to Success and Long-Term Fulfillment
The Keys to Success and Long-Term Fulfillment

Review:This book helps you to step back and realize that most people don't master anything quickly, which is what the modern world would have everyone believe. The theme of the book as I took it anyway is Practice (with a capital P). Practice, even when you feel that you're not getting better. You will have advances and setbacks and long periods on the plateau when you feel like its just "not working". Mastery takes a lifetime, and whatever it is you are attempting to master you must realize that you a... Read more

The Book of Five Rings (Illustrated Edition)
The Book of Five Rings (Illustrated Edition)

Review:An excellent addition to my library. Awesome author, will look for more of His work . Hope to learn more of this man and His awesome style of Combat. A truer Samurai has yet to breath the air of life. It's a shame the man isn't alive anymore. We could all learn alot from this Soul. Both warfare and life in General. A very Wise one indeed. Read more

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