La magia del orden / The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up (Spanish Edition)

ByMarie Kondo

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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
anne stone
El libro da mucho que pensar y te hace cuestionar las cosas que realmente son importantes en la vida, ademas de relativizar las ansias de poseer cosas materiales que aveces hemos sentido. Tambien es práctico y interesante. Lo recomiendo.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I really would give it 3.5 stars, but you can't halve the stars. Book had good ideas and theories but author repeats herself too much. At times, she dishes out the information like a drill sergeant handing out marching orders, repeating it over and over again. Perhaps this is a cultural nuance. Having said this, I do plan to use some of her ideas to get rid of my overabundance of clutter although I will need to tailor these ideas to my capabilities.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Tiene un par de buenos tips que se pueden encontrar en el resumen de este libre (aunque no se si el resumen este en espanol). Luego de eso la autora dice demasiadas tonterias. Si uno resume lo importante se queda con un libro de 10 paginas que puede valer la pena.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
miguel villagomez
It is a very helpful book. Explain with details a lot of ways to get rid of unnecessary staffs and at the same time how to organise the ones left. A lot of examples and explanations that will make you start asap to relocate all your clothes. I highly recommend to read this book, specially for messes...
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sharon penny
El contenido:
Tiene muy buenos conceptos y trucos. Recomiendo acompañarlo con busquedas en Pinterest para ver más graficamente a que se refiere pues el libro no tiene gráficas. La autora repite mucho su historia: que empezo con su obsesion por el orden desde que era jovencita y nunca podia tener su habitación ordenada por más que lo intentara. Esto lo leeras docenas de veces en el libro. Sin embargo su metodo es bastente efectivo y he podido sacar muy buenas conclusiones y poner en práctica la mayoria de consejos.

La traducción al español:
La traducción es a español "latinoamericano" pero es más bien "mexicano" pues utiliza terminos concernientes a ese pais que podian haber sido más neutros. Por ejemplo utiliza la palabra "pluma" en vez de "boligrafo" que es tambien entendible y más neutral para el resto de paises de habla hispana. Otro error que denota la falta de calidad en la traducción es la traducción literal del inglés (esta edición esta traducida al español desde la version en inglés, no la original japonesa). El traductor empieza un parrafo por ejemplo diciendo "Yo empecé a leer revistas de decoración cuando tenía cinco años". Un buen traductor hubiera omitido el "yo" y diria simplemente "Empece a leer revistas.. etc" pues se entiende al decir "empecé" que tiene que ser la primera persona y nadie más. Es redundante. Esto pasa bastantes veces en el libro y es un error de traductores con poca experiencia o mediocres.

Aunque la traducción podría ser mejor, esto no impide entender perfectamente el libro. El problema ha sido una cuestion de calidad pero la edición es entendible al 100%.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
raden bima drian
I had started the book sometime last year but it hadn't caught my attention too much. I merely used it to see the folding method and to get rid of stuff at home, didn't read all of it really. Mostly focused on "disgarding stuff" and finding a way to stuff everything inside my closet (something she says we should not do). However, few months ago I remembered I wanted to read it so I read it from cover to cover (and also read Spark Joy). Honestly it's too soon to tell if it "changed my life" as promised but after almost three weeks of disgarding what doesn't spark joy, keeping what does and finding them a home: I have not rebounded. I come home to a clutter free house. I feel at ease and a weight lifted off my shoulders when I donated the last bags of clothes.

Is it a placebo effect? Who knows.

What I do know is that reading this book as helped me realize that it just makes sense to be surrounded by people and things you truly love. It may be common sense to some but I just somehow forgot this and she helped me remember how it felt to find joy in keeping things I love. Sometimes we get lost in our daily lives and forget that life is much simpler than what we think.

If you're already the type of person who has a sparkling house with no clutter this book may help you find some tips. If you're already surrounded by everything you love but don't know how to keep your house clutter free then this book may help you find some tips. If you don't even know what you own and your house is a mess then this book might also help you.

However, if you're not open-minded (open to other people's suggestions on how to improve your organization skills) or are completely satisfied with your life the way it is, then don't bother with this book. The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up became a best seller because people who felt overwhelmed with their belongings found a method that works for them. Turns out a lot of people tried and found it works, but let's keep in mind it's just a method.

Konmari doesn't "drill you" or "make you do things" as I've read on some reviews. The main theme of the book is to do what makes you happy. She assumes being organized, clutter free and clean would make you happy because the book is called "The Magic Of Tidying Up" (why would someone who isn't interested in tidying up pick up this book otherwise???). She is repetitive and has a lot of personal stories that might not interest you, although I feel they give the book perspective and were fun to read. Also she treats objects as if they have a spirit or are alive, so she asks you to thank your stuff for their hard work, greet your home, etc. She's quirky and if you don't like quirky then I suppose the book also isn't for you.

I'd say give it try, try everything she says with an open mind and then if you find out it doesn't work for you sell it or give it to someone who might find it useful :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
christine hernando
Me encantó el libro y la metodología propuesta por Marie...Lo puse en práctica de inmediato y pude sentir los beneficios que produce este método: sentí más aire fresco en las habitaciones, mayor claridad mental y alegría, más orden y rapidez para encontrar lo que quiero. La forma en que lo va relatando (a través de su propia historia o la de sus clientes), es muy amena. ¡Valiosísima lectura!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Excellente para iniciar un cambio total. Las explicaciones de las tecnicas son una mezcla de sentido comun y espiritualidad. Muy interesante y facil de aprender y aplicar. Este libro es el complemento de Spark Joy!
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