112 Meditations to Discover the Mystery Within - The Book of Secrets


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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kimmie white
After reading this book, not only will your outlook on life change, but so will your life. If you want to know more about life and yourself please get this book. OSHO is/was a great person and the sole purpose of this book is to help you.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bethany brown
This book contains very old ancient Hindu Vedic meditation techniques, which is been described originally by Lord Shiva himself to Mata Parvati according to Bhairav Tantra Book. Out of all the 112 Meditation techniques only 2 or 3 will be good for a individual. So, just practice the one which suits you the best . Experience the Unexperiece... OM SHAKTI :-)
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Colossal collection of talks and lectures by Osho/Rajneesh during the 70s arranged around the topic of the Vijnana Bhairava tantra. The talks deal with practical points given in the tantra text, which are then expounded on (verbosely) by Osho. There's some interesting information presented, and Osho certainly has a good knowledge of teachings, teachers and approaches. However, in summary, there's probably too much information presented here and in the talks to be of any use for students. Further, he introduced his own vast array of practices, which were confusing enough on their own, without having to expound on further approaches in lectures such as this one. Some of the information related to Gurdjieff, Meher Baba, etc. is interesting, but again secondary to the actual text which was the topic of the talks. After reading massive Osho tomes, such as this one, I have the experience of then pondering, 'Why can't I remember a damn thing of what was said in those 1000 pages?'. This is probably because one page might broach about 20 different practices and pieces of spiritual advice (all generally). Likely, these talks and expositions were of benefit to those working with Osho in person, but are of limited value now for those seeking to efficiently use time.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is Osho's interpretation of the Bikram Tantra. Tantra seeks to go beyond the duality, such as good and evil, and transcend them, which is difficult to understand. He says that Tantra is the only sacred document to accept the body and sex as a springboard to enlightenment. However, Tantra does not often speak of sex.

Clocking in at 1300 pages, Book of Secrets is a long, but easy read with fairly big type. I got tired of reading about these 112 meditation techniques at times, but I forged on. There is DVD with Osho speaking, but I found it boring because he spoke so passively and slowly. Osho suggests picking out the technique which is right for you, which for me would be the one called "dissolving into darkness". These techniques are for enlightenment, which I do not think I'm ready for yet. Osho says that some meditators come to the edge where there ego is going to dissolve into the void, but then turn back for fear of losing it. One should be meditating all the time, which means that you should always do everything with awareness of what your doing whether eating, sleeping, walking, and working.

Regarding dreaming, Osho is not so much impressed with the meaning of dreams. He says that one should learn to control dreams until one learns to gain a yoga sleep without dreams, which is deeper and more refreshing. Dreaming to him is more mind chatter, just like the aimless thoughts that run through the mind, which one should be aware of, but not attached to.

He explores other questions of meditation such as how do you know you are truly enlightened? The mind can trick you into a false enlightenment. Is your search for enlightenment just another ego trip? You have had greed and lust for material things, do you now just want add enlightenment to your possessions? This attitude will not work. One must totally surrender the ego, preferably to a guru. The guru is not so important, but the surrender is. One can achieve enlightenment even with a charlatan guru if you are ready for it. By silencing the mind's thoughts and ridding one's self of desire, bliss is achieved, which is a state of not being in misery.

Love is achieved, but this is not the ordinary love that is mixed with hate that exists in relationships such as marriages. This love is impersonal, passionless, non-attached, and non-dual. He says that this is what Jesus meant by saying that God is love. Osho says that Jesus was a guru living among Jews who did not have any familiarity with Eastern thought of India.

Eastern religions were developed by people who had renounced riches, such as Buddha, because they were bored with the pleasures of this world. Once someone becomes rich and has everything, they suffer from lack of goals and meaning in their lives.

Osho is often critical of marriage, but says that he is not against it. He says that love is spontaneous in the beginning when it is given from an overflowing. Once someone seeks to secure love in a marriage, the love dies because love becomes just a duty. Partners resent each other for making each other into possessions, who actually should be treated as persons who have pure freedom.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
If you already own the original edition The Book of Secrets: 112 Keys to the Mystery Within of this classic you may choose not to buy this new 2010 reissue. It does have a sturdier binding than the original, some passages have been edited for greater clarity, and there's a DVD with a talk by Osho bound in the back. If on the other hand you actually treasure as I do this collection of Osho's commentaries on the Vijnana Bhairava Tantra, your original copy will have come apart from rereadings and annotations and you'll be in need of this fresh new orange cover edition. Those new to Osho but ready for a deep plunge into his teachings on meditation will find no better introduction than these talks from his early years as a teacher. Most of the paperback compilations issued in recent years by Osho International have been edited to muffle his unique voice; the real Osho can be encountered here in this volume and on the accompanying DVD. If you think Osho was just some kind of fake guru who owned hundreds of Rolls Royces and whose message was sex orgies for all, much evidence to the contrary is here in this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Does anyone know if there is an abridged version? There are moments of this book that result in absolute bliss, but over all it's a little heavy on words and repetition. That may be on purpose to help get the insight it provides to sink in. Also, the way the book is written it has the capability of putting the reader, or at least me, in a trance. When I was younger I enjoyed the parts of it I read; I wish now, looking back, that I had read more of it and put into practice more consistently what I read. Now I find myself with limited time and this book is very drawn out, and as previously stated, often repetetive.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
sarah lane
If enlightenment is what you seek, at least consider the source before you pay for a self-serving, pathological charlatan. Don't accept my BS--research OSHO or Bhagwan Rajneesh. Assess for yourself whether this author, who accumulated a fleet of Bentleys at $200 - 400,000 a pop, established (via 'disciple contributions'), a commune in Oregon, USA, and sought to manipulate local/state gov., even going so far as to poison the Dalles water supply feeding Portland, OR. Now he authors books about enlightenment... follow your heart and at least research your guidance before you waste your money and hope on a proven fraud. There are simply better options for you.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Are people really that dumb to take this book for anything but a thin veneer over failed eastern occultism? Yoga is eastern religion and is lit on fire from hell. It is rife with demons and will destroy your soul.

Here is the doctrine in a nutshell.

1) You are God.
Hmmm sounds familiar. Basically it's the first lie ever told to mankind by the devil to Eve. You will be like God knowing good and evil. But no, lets go repeat the same mistakes over and over again. After all look how well it's worked for India all these years, with their lovely caste system. Don't worry new agers you will like a belief system that condemns the lowest caste to be treated like dirt, since after all they deserved it from their supposed sins in a past life. Hitler liked this belief system too. After all Naziism is a form of occult adopted from the same religion.

2) Empty yourself.

Why do the yogi's call you to empty yourself? Simple, by surrendering your will it makes it easier for demons to attach themselves to you and take over your life. Oh and by the way, practicing this form of witchcraft gives the devil and his fallen angels permission to use you like some cheap whore.

Other than that I highly recommend it.
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