Book 4, Feast of Fools: The Morganville Vampires
ByRachel Caine
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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Another great book in the series. If you like the earlier books, you'll like this one as well. It's really starting to get exciting. I don't know if there is really much else for me to say, since this is book four in the series, so at this point you really should be either already drawn in, or have already given up, because this is a series that is better read from the beginning.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
toby lyles
This story picks up right where the last ended but offers a synopsis if anyone put the series down. Caine continues to develop her characters and creates interesting twists and turns to her story. The whole series is a fast, don't-put-it-down-because-something-is-going-to-happen story. I found myself making time to finish this book.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
william j
I really am enjoying this series. It is fresh and hot without going too far into romantising vampires OR having them pure monsters. BUT in this book I have been driven crazy over the wrong story facts over and over. Shot, not stabbed. Dark hair, not blond. Different story line details at least four times. It does not change the plot but it does distract me something awful! I really hope her other books have a different fact checker...or at least one that is awake!
Bitter Blood: The Morganville Vampires :: Black Dawn: The Morganville Vampires :: Leviathan (Leviathan Trilogy) by Scott Westerfeld (2010-08-10) :: Leviathan (Wordsworth Classics of World Literature) :: Lord of Misrule (Morganville Vampires - Book 5) - The Morganville Vampires
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lets get this straight. this is my favorite series in the whole world. but tons of people have written reviews starting like that. but i was kinda mad when i saw that no one else had commented on the part that i thought was just totally wrong. if you havent read the first books this is a spoiler. ok bishop asks for breakfast. i can deal with that. bishop goes after the protagonists mom. i can deal with that the story some spice. then claire decides to go all brave and all and tries to save her mom. what i cant get over is that she hits her boyfriend in his stab wound. he is really hurt and sits down. not only did she do the damage she never once apologized or even asked if he was ok. instead she decides to be jealous of her best friend for patching up shane.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
After finishing the Twilight Saga, I needed something quick and easy to read. I picked up the first one to try and really enjoyed it. If you have read the other three in the series, then this is a must. Fun to read, not too deep for young adults, and interesting enough to get you hooked. I am looking forward to the 5th one coming out the end of the year.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
julie christensen
This book like the three before it are amazing. Can I just tell you? The whole plot, story-line, the characters all make it so real. Everyone from Shane to Amelie to Michael to Claire. . . are very well rounded.
When Claire's parents move to town, Claire and her friends have a whole new set of problems; and not only the walking-dead, bloodsucker problems. Not only are "mom and dad" here but the man they came with is bad news and threatens to destroy whatever peace they had. With his walking-dead background, he assumes the air of "king" in Morganville. But little does he know, Claire and her friends aren't so easy to bully. And one more thing. . . . He claims to know Amelie( the Founder of Morganville). It doesn't go over so well. . . if you know what I mean? Suspense is sharp. Betrayal is raw. Emotions are thick. It's everything a book should be. Along with a little romance. . . it makes for good reading. Trust me if you haven't read the first 3- do so now.
When Claire's parents move to town, Claire and her friends have a whole new set of problems; and not only the walking-dead, bloodsucker problems. Not only are "mom and dad" here but the man they came with is bad news and threatens to destroy whatever peace they had. With his walking-dead background, he assumes the air of "king" in Morganville. But little does he know, Claire and her friends aren't so easy to bully. And one more thing. . . . He claims to know Amelie( the Founder of Morganville). It doesn't go over so well. . . if you know what I mean? Suspense is sharp. Betrayal is raw. Emotions are thick. It's everything a book should be. Along with a little romance. . . it makes for good reading. Trust me if you haven't read the first 3- do so now.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
i can't stop reading the books i luv theme!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i will read them forever!!!!!!!!???!??!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????? <3 michle used to be a ghost/human but if you read the secont or thired you will find out
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
bill cavanagh
I really liked the other three books in the series, but this one was effing EPIC. There's no way that I can express the awesomeness without spoilers, so just take my word for it--if you read it, it won't be a waste of your time.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
elsa ehlers
Feast of Fools really showcased the vampire community and the lengths they're willing to go to to survive, which is a story that I think gets overlooked a lot. I love where Rachel Caine is taking these books, and I absolutely cannot wait for the next one!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Who knew? These books are very well written. Action packed with characters you want to know more about. There is very little filler in the book. I am impressed and hope Morganville stays alive (or undead) for many years to come! This would be a great TV series.
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