Nora Roberts' Circle Trilogy
ByNora Roberts
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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kim wright bergkamp
I love Nora Roberts Trilogys, so I always look forward to buying them. I have found the best way to read them is when you have all of them. the story flows so much better since you aren't reading another book in between.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
candacy white
Another great series from Nora Roberts. I have read this one several times and I don't imagine that it will get old. Even though I know how it ends, every time I read them I am sucked into the story and am on the same emotional roller coaster as all of the characters.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
val jones
Loved the whole series. Couldn't wait to read the last one. It was entertaining, easy to red. Author has a way with her descriptions. Simply relaxing read, not at all demanding, and great to end the day with.
Nora Roberts The Irish Born Trilogy :: Nora Roberts' Irish Legacy Trilogy :: The O'Hurley (The O'Hurleys Book 2) - Dance to the Piper :: Holding the Dream (Dream Trilogy) :: Nora Roberts' MacGregors Collection - Volume 1 (The MacGregors)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
From Morrigan's Cross to Valley of Silence I couldn't put these books down. The characters live and breathe both the light and the dark. You can see through their eyes and walk in their lives for a bit. Wonderful books, I've read these more than once now, and love them still!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
After reading the first two books of this trilogy there was no way I wasn't going to read the third. Nora is just amazing how she keeps you involved through this perticular trilogy. You hope that it goes the way you want, and not to give out anything to the next readers, you wonder if all will go well with everyone involved. Again I love this trilogy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
marlene guy
Nora has a real talent for bringing this story along. It is a wonderful escape to a place that seems as real as you let it. She really brings the characters alive and puts the reader right there with the characters. By the time you get to this book, you really know the characters and are living with them. It is hard to take breaks because it is so interesting.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nancy sullivan
A complicated epic of combined time periods full of characters ranging from normal to vampire and in between. One minute someone is fighting with sabers next they are writing with a ball point pen and talking about laptops. Very Strange!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I loved this trilogy and read Nora Roberts books a lot but I wish she would put a little more at the ending about what happens to the characters. You learn so much about them through the book, I just would like a little more of what happens to all of them. - Just my personal opinion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a fantastic culmination of a wonderful paranormal series. This is truly the icing on the cake that brings to a conclusion a fantastic series by Nora Roberts. A vampire, a wizard, a shapeshifter, a witch, vampire slayer, and a expert archer-princess join together to fight a world threatening evil. Romance and extraordinary events combine with beautifully powerful characters. It left me spellbound!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gina lorax
The Circle Trilogy is one of Nora Roberts best books ever written. Thoroughly addictive from beginning to end. Witches, sorcerers, vampires, shape shifters and dragons all rolled into one story line, who could ask for more. Keeps you sitting on the edge of your seat wanting more.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Sometes Nora goes overboard witth her fantasynovels. I read the previous books and was' t impressed. ut, by and large she is one of
my favorite authors and I always look forward to her regular novels. For instance, i really like Obsesion.
my favorite authors and I always look forward to her regular novels. For instance, i really like Obsesion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book has everything- romance, action, humor, tragedy. All magical things become reality. Battles of good & evil, vampires & humans are fought, but with impossible strength and speed will good win this battle? All the worlds hang in the balance. There are 6 chosen to lead and soon find love that can conquer anything.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cezar paul badescu
Nora Roberts wove an interesting tale of magic, mystery and mythology. Witches, wizards, shapeshifters, vampires and time travel...not to mention portals to other worlds. An epic tale of good vs evil...AND 3 wonderful love stories linked together as only Nora can. Loved it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
emalee debevoise
Nora Roberts does an excellant job of writing this time travel piece and Dick Hill is fantastic at reading it and giving the
charachters depth. I have finished Morrigans Cross and am about to embark futher on this journey in Dance of the Gods. With Nora, you can't go wrong and I feel this is one of her best.
charachters depth. I have finished Morrigans Cross and am about to embark futher on this journey in Dance of the Gods. With Nora, you can't go wrong and I feel this is one of her best.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Circle trilogy is my favorite Nora Roberts collection. It has magic, the supernatural, an epic love story and time travel! Cian and Moira's story was my favorite among the three stories featured.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
These were my favorite Nora Roberts books. They had more depth and detail than many others. They make the Twilight series look like kids books. I love having a trilogy to read and will buy more of Nora's books if they continue to capture my attention.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katharine grubb
I just loved Cian throughout this trilogy, and as one who has never gotten into vampire stories before, I was not expecting to find him so compelling. All the characters in this trilogy were well developed, but there was really something special about this pairing. A great book and a great resolution to the conflict as well.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kelli howard
Love Nora Roberts...but this trilogy tops any of the trilogies she's written! Have to say this is my all-time favorite. This should be made into a movie...that's how much of a picture she painted with words in my mind. Have the books but still bought and loaded this one on my kindle.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessica cave
I always eagerly await Nora Roberts next saga. Whether the book is a single, part of a trilogy, whether she writes as Roberts of Robb, My summers and season holidays are spent with my nose in one of her books. This series didn't disappoint! Excellent as always!
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