40 Days and 40 Nights Toward Spiritual Strength and Personal Growth

ByIyanla Vanzant

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ingrid erwin
This is a wonderful book and a wonderful author. Very helpful at a time I needed it, and lifted many life-limiting burdons from me. Not a fan of self help books but this woman has something special in her helpful style. I'm gifting it to friends now and I found the value a plus here at the store.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lisa hall
"About Iyanla" at the back of the book describes her as a Yoruba priestess, an ordained minister, best-selling author, workshop leader, lecturer, who has been a criminal defense attorney and hosted a radio talk show.

It seems as if most of us spend most days going through times of transition, doubting, planning and wondering, anticipating that "one day" everything just might come together for us. Someone gave me her extra copy and since then I've read and journaled through this excellent handbook and I've seen Iyanla VanZant on TV. She impresses me as smart and savvy and someone I might relate to as spiritual director, therapist, counselor, or life coach (a type of intervention I've never pursued).

I journaled through One Day My Soul using a board cover, prettily designed, non-looseleaf notebook and found the readings and exercises settling, centering and helpful. Although there are places in the book to write, even if I didn't have the hardcover copy I definitely would have journaled separately, but some people like an all in one arrangement.

The biblical number of 40 days worth of chapters include topics such as creativity, choice, compassion, disappointment, fun, surrender, lonely, authenticity (you get the general idea), working definitions, a short commentary on each topic, what to remember, some fairly direct advice, and writing topics related to emotions, realizations, affirmations and resolutions. It's divided into ways to honor the Divine, honor yourself, honor others and honor the process, in which hopefully others, God and self will be intricately interwoven and involved. Although it's somewhat New-Agey, nothing conflicts with the great Abrahamic faith traditions and I imagine working and feeling through One Day My Soul Just Opened Up could benefit almost anyone of any age or gender, any religious of spiritual practice or tradition or maybe even someone who claims none, though it feels oriented toward women.

I appreciate the daily workbook format, but definitely would like a table of contents. Especially if you were working through the readings and exercises a second or third time, it would be very helpful to be able to go to the section or subject you needed at that time. Possibly later editions have included a ToC or an index, I don't know. Quotes from scriptures of different traditions or from writers known for their great wisdom would be an asset, but you can add your own choices as you go along. In any case, One Day My Soul Just Opened Up is a keeper!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
austin allen
This time, I really ran across a wonderful book! Yes, it's written by Iyanla Vanzant. I couldn't hardly help seeing it's bright cover sticking out of the books layed out before me in the bookstore.
This book is truely written from the heart. It is deep, real, stunningly personal, practical, joyous, and a downright excellent spiritual read.
I love the personal touches she uses...everyday plain talk, comments we can all associate with, the ups and downs in our feelings about what we are experiencing, the attitudes we all have to endure about how we feel when things happen to us!
This is the kind of book I wished more authors would write when it comes to "how to." You know what I mean by the usually dull, textbookish, 1,2,3 approach to how to it. But not this book!
I not only give 5 stars to Iyanla Vanzant for this precious gift, I give her five big kisses.
This book is a wonderful tool, practical, heartfilled, warmed my cockles and said something practical that spoke plainly and simply to my soul. It spoke of us all who struggle through these trying times of ever increasing unsureness, giving us tools to practice and use to get back to hope, beauty, love and charity of heart.
If I were commissioned to write a book to direct the mind to spiritual upliftment, I would seek out Iyanla for the keys to success. She has provided us all with a workbook worthy of ourselves and of God.
As she says, I should not be afraid to dare to be wrong, to be criticized, to take a chance and say what I think, and I am doing so right here. If you want a way out of this mess we call planet Earth in the computer age of ill reason, get right with yourself...cuddle up for 40 days and nights on this Noah's Ark of delight...
Thank YOU Iyanla for telling it just like it is! We need more of this stuff, and soon! When can you have the next 40 lessons ready?
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
julie hamill
Things do happen for a reason and my guardian angel knew exactly what I needed. This book has opened my eyes to things I haven't felt in a long time. I feel better about my life. I'm a newlywed with a new job and soon a new house and for some reason I was not happy. Iyanla enabled me to reach my spiritual self which I kept hidden. Don't rush through this book, take it at your own pace and do the exercises in each section. It really works if you do them. It's okay to bring down those walls of protection that you put up around yourself and let what Iyanla teaches reach your soul and let the sun shine on you. I am a very stubborn, protective, sensitive yet tough exterior young woman and Iyanla reached me after everyone and everything else failed. Let her do the same for you. Keep writting Iyanla! You are loved! I've spread the word and now my mother, mother-in-law, sister, and best friend all want this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Hardly a "disappointment". This book is excellent. And I'm happy to say, it is for ALL women (and men for that matter), and has even helped this old White lady along for the past several weeks to see things differently, to expand more spiritually. True, Vanzant doesn't address YOU or YOUR problems... Instead, she leaves that up to YOU. No one can know you better than yourself; no one can tell you how to reshape your life better than you... I don't like strangers telling me how to "fix" myself, so I appreciate the fact that Vanzant never does this in her book. I also appreciate the fact that Vanzant doesn't force her religious views on her readers. Instead, she shows respect for everyone's individual beliefs while giving readers "permission" to explore their OWN spirituality and the way they view the world. The chapter on Trust, for example, got me thinking and prompted me to progress to a new, better, higher level of understanding about what "Trust" means TO ME. Psychologists call it "reframing" -- seeing things from a different perspective so you gain a greater understanding of whatever the "things" are. Vanzant "reframes" a lot of things, helping readers to see issues like Creativity, Trust, and Personal Divinity from different angles. I recommend this book to EVERYONE who wants to explore their own souls and gain a greater appreciation of themselves and their relatioship to their Spiritual nature. You have to do the work yourself, but this is an excellent tool to help you do just that.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
derek bevil
After turning 40, I felt slightly adrift. As I walked down a street in Manhattan, this book jumped off the table at me. Needless to say I had never heard of this writer or wanted to know about "Spritual Strength" and I thought I knew all I needed to know and that I was all grown up. This book has opened my eyes, my soul, my being to a new beginning. I really believe now that life begins at 40! Iyanla is an inspiration to all people. Both men and women will gather strength, spiritual awareness, and have a greater sense of them selves after reading and following the excersizes she put forths. Iyanla reminds us that we are all divine creatures, something we know when we are children, but forget as we grow old. A wonderful inspiring book with words I have shared with my friends.
Thank you Iyanla.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Last weekend I went to my favorite bookstore seeking a specific read I was clamoring to buy. Unfortunately, the book was not available and as I wandered the bookstore in search of something to read, I came across this wonderfully fascinating book. Iyanla Vanzandt has the uncanny ability to strike at the soul and depths of an individual. Her descriptive prose has made me re-read phrases and passages in order to try to commit them to memory. I've always believed myself to be a person of deep spirituality and understanding. I have felt that my knowledge was complete UNTIL Iyanla enlightened me. Her words have reinforced my beliefs and encouraged my to continue to "walk in the spirit". I will always walk with her words by my side.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
ken schroeder
The concept of this book is fantastic and much of the book is very good. However, (in my opinion) it could be improved in a 2nd edition.

1. This book provides a word or concept each day; has you read a few pages; fill out answers to a few questions; read some affirmations; and then return to the book at the end of the day to answer a few more questions. It is quick and easy as long as you discipline yourself to do it every day. That is the great part about the book.

2. The parts that could be improved:

a. In a few areas, the author uses 'too much' personal experience. Some of the detail sounds as if she is complaining. She may have meant that to show us how she felt at the time about a particular situation, but I tended to skim over those areas.

b. The author uses the word God a lot. If you are not a religious person, you may find this tedious or even repulsive. Some of the affirmations use the word God. This is not conducive to persons who would benefit from the daily affirmations, but who are not religious.

c. Some of the 40 topics are great and some are boring. Perhaps these are just areas that I don't find relevant for me.

For the above reasons (a, b, & c) I stopped following this book.

The book has great promise, but could be improved.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kurt chambers
Really was moving and an inspiration to me. Helped me understand myself and both men and women better. Combined spiritual issues with everyday in a way that was very helpful.
Some of what she says reminds me of what I read in another great book. Working on Yourself Doesn't Work, by Ariel and Shya Kane. If you liked Iyanla's Book you would like the Kane's book too. They explain that the title is a Paradox. The more you try to work on yourself, to fix yourself, the more you get stuck. Your spiritual self opens up when you simply live in the NOW and stop trying to change yourself. But there still is a vigilance and self-awareness you need to practice.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
agust n cordes
I reviewed this book once before, but apparently didn't describe the book as much as how it affected my life. This book is a day and evening journal to help you honor you and life. It consists of 40 days and 40 night of spiritual stength and personal growth. Iyanla gives morning affirmations about the subject she chooses for that day, and a way to remember them throughout the day. She then gives an evening journel to help you jot down your reactions during the day to the information you received in the morning, did the message influence your day and did you act upon the affirmations. It helps to keep a person on track of the important aspects of their life and days. It's a wonderful book and recommended reading for everyone who wants peace in their life.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
heather denkmire
I am almost finished reading this book. The soul-searching Dr. Vanzant guides me through is difficult. It is definitely not for the timid. I find I must cling to her words to get through the day after going through exercises like fear, anger, and confusion. I don't always find that going through a chapter is uplifting. If you've never looked at yourself before, going through this book conscientiously can be quite frightening. I wouldn't recommend soul-searching alone if you've never done it before. I would suggest you take the best tour guide there is: Dr. Iyanla Vanzant.
I love your work, Iyanla.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
simon simbolon
What's from the heart, reaches the heart. Truly the words of wisdom and the shared experiences of this author are from the heart because I felt them in my heart as I read this selection. As part of my soul searching, I have read several of Iyanla's books and I recommend them to anyone who wants to know what do you like for yourself and what do you want out of life. If you truly choose to be happy then you must know that happiness comes from within. Reading books from this author is a for sure way to begin seeking self sufficiency. Great Job Iyanla! God bless and keep you.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
zanna marie
If your life is absolutely perfect than DON'T buy this book because it will make it better. If there is one book you buy this year let it be this one. Words cannot describe how powerful it is. It has transformed my life and I know I am not the same person. I paid $13.00 for the book. But now that I have read it, I would've paid thousands. I wish I could buy everyone in the world a copy. It is that good. I already plan to give it to EVERYONE on my christmas list. This book is for anyone and everyone. No matter who you are or where you are this book is for you.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cherie bruce
I love books that help you conretely set intentions and keep you focused on moving forward and growing. This is one such book. Each day you are given a focus and space within the book to begin using your life to apply this thought provoking journey. I'm not into Magical thinking and assuming that the power of one book is going to alter years of patterns. I believe that it takes our dedicated efforts. This book simply makes those efforts a little less chaotic and helps direct you through a self-journey. I've had it for years. I find that once a year or so, I'll go through some of it again and discover places that I've grown. Excellent book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I've read everything that Iyanla has written and attended several of her workshops. I know that I know God but I had forgotten the principles and skills I possess to reach out to him. One Day My Soul Just Opened Up reminded me daily of all the things I should be thankful for and showed me how to continue to praise God!!!!! Thank you Iyanla for reminding me that "Hopelessness and discouragement can be overcome by the wisdom and knowledge of God and by cultivating awareness of my own situation.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Normaly not one to read books about spiritual enlightment, I was somehow curious about Ms Vanzant after seeing her once on the Oprah show. She came across as a dignified woman who had a very powerful message to deliver to all of us.
Althoug I did not bother to fill out the diary portion of her book, I found it nevertheless very helpful in clearing out my own "weeds". Ms Vanzant has a writing style totally devoid of "bull". Her encouragement is God-sent.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
chip minnick
On TV this woman impresses the living daylights right out of me. I approached this book with interest and high expectations-- maybe that was my problem.
Some of the book is highly practical, very useful indeed. The exercises are good for providing focus and make a nice reference for later. But as I worked my way through, I was increasingly distracted by the authors constant presence in the book. I felt as if I were in a counseling session with a mentor who mostly wanted to talk about herself. Again, may have been part of my expectation problem-- had I picked this up as an autobiography, I think I would have been very moved and inspired and impressed. But as it was, I ultimately felt that the book's focus was badly torn between the reader and the author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
noemi mendez
After months of deliberation, I finally broke down and bought this One Day my soul just opened up. The exercises are only 40 days worth, but I have somehow managed to extend them to everyday, as I review and re-read the lessons and journal entries. I find I get more out of the lessons each time I review them. This book is a good source of spiritual enlightenment and blessings you never would have expected. Iyanla Vanzant is truly blessed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is an excellent book that has helped me move past some emotional and spiritual pain that I carried for many years. This book lays it all out, and explains how a person can liberate him/herself from the pains and trials of the past. It's an excellent book that you will want to read again and again.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is an excellent book on real spiritual principals, and spiritual law. I call it my bible. It helped me through a very powerfully spiritual transformation. The book's energy is so very healing all you have to do is hold it and open it randomly. It will give you the spiritual food(truth) your soul needs in that very moment in your situation.

It reminds you of what you already know deep in your soul. Once you read it, it will become clear to you what you need to heal your spirit, adjust your thinking, change your actions, overcome fear, and remove your ego. These principals are tools that make life much more meaningfully for you. This book supports the essence of our own spirit and validates the presence of the intangable spirit that is in concert with us all. Thanks you Ayanla Vanzant!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
teresa greenlees
This is truly a great book. Iyanla presents 40 principles for life and spirituality, and the idea is to focus on one for each of forty days. Each day begins with a definition of the principle, which is then illustrated through a powerful, and humourous story. The reader is invited to reflect on the principle in terms of his/her own life, and is provided with an affirmation/prayer which reflects the day's principle. A short evening section allows you to reflect on the principle again.
All in all, this book is filled with truths which are presented with humour and humility, and without the "holier than thou" attitude of many spiritual advisors. I have completed the 40 days not once, but four times, and each day I've received something new from the process.
After reading this book, I bought everything I could find written by Iyanla (I may well be her biggest fan!), but this book remains my favourite - it is a book packed full of wisdom, which is easily incorporated into daily life.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
william prueter
Anyone on the path of personal growth needs to read Vanzandt's work, especially this journal. It isn't overwhelming or condescending like many other (I even hate to use the phrase, but..) "self help" books. It's empowering and enlightening. She gives a fresh, clear, responsible perspective on life. I recommend this book to everyone, men and women.. old and young. It's a life changer.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
layan grey
If your needing guidance, and if you need some kinda assurabnce in your life, this is the perfect book to read. You don't have to go at the pace of 40 days, but you can read and take in all theat she has to offer. It is truthful, and real. It is insightful and full of love and honesty. I thought that she was a wonderful writer after having read In the Meantime. This book is for anyone living in doubt!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
susan opderbeck
This book is a wonderful workbook style guide to those of us looking to make changes in our lives. If you are someone who has reached a point in your life where you want and need to make life changes, get this book! Iyanla Vanzant has a wonderful sense of humor that everyone can relate to. She write as she speaks and her vocabulary is familiar and funny. Her advice is direct no BS advice/encouragement to get going with these changes. She answers the questions, "OK, now what do I do?" This book is simple and managable for those of us who love to say "I have no time to find myself." This workbook is simple and fun. You will make time for Iyanla's humor and words of wisdom. Put this book on your kitchen table in the morning and take it to bed with you at night. Once you get into the routine of waking up and going to sleep with this book you will look forward to your time with Iyanla and more importantly with yourself. And before you know it, Your soul will just open up! Love it when that happens!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jolene riordan
Iyanla Vanzant is not only my favorite writer, but she is one of my greatest inspirations in life. I've read nearly all of her books, all of which were amazing. "One Day My Soul Just Opened Up" is especially life-changing because it takes you through exercises and short journal writing one day at a time. Regardless of how busy you are, Iyanla gives you the opportunity to truly begin a life of joy and purpose. The first time I read this, I was under a tremendous amount of stress, unbelievably busy, and so short on time that sleeping was a luxury--- still, I was able to take a few moments a day to read her words of wisdom and work with each principle throughout my day. If you ever buy another book in your life, buy "One Day My Soul Just Opened Up." It is truly, truly phenomenal, and I guarantee that it will change your life.
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