A Christian Rebuttal to Dr. Eben Alexander's Proof of Heaven
ByRobert Alan King
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Readers` Reviews
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kelle d
You can't rebut a personal experience. The sense that Dr Alexander makes of his experience is no less valid than the sense this author makes of his bible, unless the author visited with God. I read of no such visit. This is antichristian. Try reading re-imagine the world, by Bernard Brandon Scott.
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mary fogel
Dr Alexander had a mystical life altering event. None of what he experienced can really be verified It does not matter, it was real enough for him to positively change his viewpoint about human existence. We should all be so lucky to have such a revelation.
A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief - The Language of God :: Home Invasion: The Survivalist Series, Book 8 :: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America (National Book Award Winner) :: Inside the World of an Undercover Muslim FBI Agent :: The True Story of a Country Doctor's Healing Encounters with the Hereafter
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m hakikah shamsideen
Poor Alan King, he is really missing the point. Thou Shall not Judge and he judges without any experience. I feel sorry for anyone that considers him a member of clergy. This book is worthless and he should be ashamed to call himself a Christian.
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nancy janow
To think God has ended releaving wonders to us is ignorant. NDE's It is closed minded people (I'm not at all liberal) that hinder our growth. I think it is very god like to use the largest avocates of God to prove the existance of God. I believe it is our ability to see and hear as God speaks to us. I would recommend the store to stop selling usch books for it does not represent them well to the Christian community.
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aaron wickstrom
I rate this low because Mr. King assumes, as many fundamentalist Christians are taught, that the Bible is without error. That premise has never been proved. It IS something you can believe, but it is no more provable than the doctor's experience. Indeed, those who have studied the Bible and its origin come out with very different perspective. One of many examples:Mauro Biglino translated 23 books of the Bible for the Vatican. He had to translate the Leningrad Codex (the version of the Bible which all three major monotheistic religions - Cristian, Jewish and Muslim - recognize as the official Bible) from the Hebrew, word by word, literally and with no interpretation whatsoever. Here he reports on some of his findings: [...]
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judy demma
I rate this low because Mr. King assumes, as many fundamentalist Christians are taught, that the Bible is without error. That premise has never been proved. It IS something you can believe, but it is no more provable than the doctor's experience. Indeed, those who have studied the Bible and its origin come out with very different perspective. One of many examples:Mauro Biglino translated 23 books of the Bible for the Vatican. He had to translate the Leningrad Codex (the version of the Bible which all three major monotheistic religions - Cristian, Jewish and Muslim - recognize as the official Bible) from the Hebrew, word by word, literally and with no interpretation whatsoever. Here he reports on some of his findings: [...]
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Mr. King is spiritually in nursery school still. You can't fault someone who doesn't understand the big picture yet..he doesn't know what he doesn't know.
All you can do is have pity on him for his extreme ignorance and hope that he learns to see the light. The light IS NOT Christians are right and everyone else is wrong.
That's not spirituality, that's just religious ego. And you know what EGO stands for: Edge God Out
All you can do is have pity on him for his extreme ignorance and hope that he learns to see the light. The light IS NOT Christians are right and everyone else is wrong.
That's not spirituality, that's just religious ego. And you know what EGO stands for: Edge God Out
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colleen gardner
THE AUTHOR IS HATEFUL, and very judgmental of anything that HE feels doesn't meet HIS picture of 'heaven'. He is, however, LAUGHING ALL THE WAY TO THE BANK IF YOU BUY THIS! He banked (pardon the pun$) on all the STRICT Christians who think that their way is the only way--even though the author (Eben Alexander, MD) spread what with his book? LOVE. LOVE GOD--THAT IS A universal language no matter what WAY you follow to God. So--don't BUY this!!!
CHRISTIANS ARE SUPPOSED TO--AS JESUS SAID--JUDGE NOT, LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD....in other words, get a HEART. No matter what religion you follow!
***My dear Christians... If you have ever worked with the dying, ever v'teered with Hospice to help others in their journey to the other side--you would know that everyone has a DIFFERENT experience. Most see friends/family to familiarize them. One of my Christian patients was extremely afraid she was not 'good enough' for Heaven because of a 'sin' as a teenager. She was met by an angel who offered to take her hand. She was so AFRAID she refused, saying that she was married and how could she take a 'male' angel's hand? She was dying and in great pain, calling for Jesus. Yet she didn't believe he would HEAR her because she was a 'sinner'. The Angel therefore offered to carry her across to her Lord as that was his 'job', and when she finally finally let go--she smiled and said, "Oh dear Lord, WHAT have I been AFRAID of all these years? My Lord God IS LOVE. How could I be so BLIND?" Her death HEALED her family grief and STRENGTHENED their faith.
I hope you realize that NO HUMAN will 'get it right' about Heaven because it is BEYOND our human mind--but many try. In the past, they wrote poetry because words didn't do it. I hope you see that ANY book tha makes people think about God, makes them realize that LOVE is god and God is Love is NOT the devil. how can such a negative entity have so much POWER over YOU that everything you see IS EVIL? SEE GOD and you will find love instead and darkness will have no fear/power over you because LIGHT defeats dark every time! Please TRULY open the heart to Jesus (since you are Christian)and lose FEAR. Be Light.
CHRISTIANS ARE SUPPOSED TO--AS JESUS SAID--JUDGE NOT, LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD....in other words, get a HEART. No matter what religion you follow!
***My dear Christians... If you have ever worked with the dying, ever v'teered with Hospice to help others in their journey to the other side--you would know that everyone has a DIFFERENT experience. Most see friends/family to familiarize them. One of my Christian patients was extremely afraid she was not 'good enough' for Heaven because of a 'sin' as a teenager. She was met by an angel who offered to take her hand. She was so AFRAID she refused, saying that she was married and how could she take a 'male' angel's hand? She was dying and in great pain, calling for Jesus. Yet she didn't believe he would HEAR her because she was a 'sinner'. The Angel therefore offered to carry her across to her Lord as that was his 'job', and when she finally finally let go--she smiled and said, "Oh dear Lord, WHAT have I been AFRAID of all these years? My Lord God IS LOVE. How could I be so BLIND?" Her death HEALED her family grief and STRENGTHENED their faith.
I hope you realize that NO HUMAN will 'get it right' about Heaven because it is BEYOND our human mind--but many try. In the past, they wrote poetry because words didn't do it. I hope you see that ANY book tha makes people think about God, makes them realize that LOVE is god and God is Love is NOT the devil. how can such a negative entity have so much POWER over YOU that everything you see IS EVIL? SEE GOD and you will find love instead and darkness will have no fear/power over you because LIGHT defeats dark every time! Please TRULY open the heart to Jesus (since you are Christian)and lose FEAR. Be Light.
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julia magdalena
Eban Alexander is a fraud. He was facing malpractice lawsuits, hadn't been allowed to perform surgery for four years, and had tampered with his own patients files to try to cover his butt when he had made negligent mistakes. Google his name and read the Esquire article. I didn't read A Christians Rebuttal but Christian theology in general doesnt own the exclusive rights to exactly how the afterlife is or what it is. We can leave that to God and thereby stop playing God.
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Pastor King seemed to think that Dr. Alexander wrote the book to promote himself as a prophet or as someone special. I didn't see that as Dr. Alexander's motive for writing the book of his experience.
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cosette leonard
The only way to heaven is through the receptive work of Gods only Son, Jesus Christ. Mr. Alexander's story reeks of manipulation by Satan and this evil world in which we live. Don't get caught up in some of the beauty he describes and allow it to water down the real truth of the God of Heaven and his son Jesus Christ. All believers who have read Proof of Heaven need to read this so you can defend your faith in Jesus! It can provide you a very false sense of what it takes to spend eternity with God!
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robert alexander
This is an excellent rebuttal to the book written, Proof of Heaven. A must read for anyone who has read or plans to read the book written by Dr. Alexander. King's rebuttal clarifies the deceptiveness of believing that human knowlege, no matter how medically aware one is, never overrules Biblical teachings. The Bible tells us to try the spirits to see if they are good or evil. Thank you Pastor King for this excellent commentary and for making things perfectly clear to me through Proof of Scripture!
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katie groves
The doctor writes of Heaven but without Jesus. The GOD that we know as Christians is not what Dr Alexander finds in his heaven. Instead....it's the father of lies. I agree. We must pray for this doctor and show him the true LIGHT and the Way.
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girts solis
I find this Christian rebuttal a paradox to what religion actually stands for. His book is all mental, intellectual dryness. Sadly, Christianity has always been plagued with insecurity.
Dr. Eben Alexander in his book "Proof of Heaven", is talking about his direct, sweet, simple, heart based experience. There is nothing in the world that can compare with that.
Dr. Eben Alexander in his book "Proof of Heaven", is talking about his direct, sweet, simple, heart based experience. There is nothing in the world that can compare with that.
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brad yeutter
Very insightful, biblical, and spoke the truth. I was hoping Dr. Alexander's book, Proof of Heaven, would be the same, but the more I read it, the more disappointed I became. I don't know what type of experience Dr. Alexander had, but it wasn't based on the Biblical explanation of what Heaven is. I am so glad that this rebuttal has come out to counter all the assertions put forth in Dr. Alexander's book.
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This was better than the "Proof of Heaven" book. Clearly the Proof book was a fraud. The so-called brain surgeon was dreaming about his own experiences and was not experiencing a Near Death. The King book does not investigate that direction but relies on biblical direction about interpreting these Near Death events.The biblical references were good inputs even without dream interpretation. The surgeon should read the Bible more. He would learn something.
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ryan coffman
You commented that you yourself had been to heaven a few times. I was so pleased to read that there are others like me who regularly travel to heaven but who do not write books about it. As I am sure you know, most of these books are complete nonsense anyway for - for those of us who have actually been multiple times, what we know is that these books are all fake. The truth is that if someone did write a book about what it is really like to go to heaven nobody would buy it because the story is not all that interesting. Why? Because heaven is empty. There is nobody there. If this surprises you then I am disappointed in your knowledge of the bible and the teachings of Jesus. He made it quite clear that nobody goes to heaven until after "judgement day" and that day happens only after Jesus returns to earth for the final battle of good against evil.
What the current collection of popular "I died and went to heaven" stories describe is fairly typical in that is is a cartoon version of what people would expect heaven to be like based on the scant information in the bible on the subject.
I need not tell you this as you already know it but for those who have never been there - there is one sure fire way to tell if a story about going to heaven is true or not and that is whether the visitor reports seeing any other people there. As I said - I have been multiple times and I am here to report that heaven is dark and empty. It is not yet open for business. Again - this should not be news to anyone for the bible tells us this is the case and Jesus tells us as well in the statements of his that are captured in the New Testament.
That is indeed why it is possible to go multiple times and that is why all the "fake" "I went to heaven" stories all have the traveler ultimately sent back. Why (one must wonder) are all of these folks sent back for no apparent reason? None of them have any special task to complete or message to deliver. They just return to their normal lives. Seems pretty silly to go to all the effort for no apparent impact.
So calm down folks and take a deep breath and read your bible and be patient.
What the current collection of popular "I died and went to heaven" stories describe is fairly typical in that is is a cartoon version of what people would expect heaven to be like based on the scant information in the bible on the subject.
I need not tell you this as you already know it but for those who have never been there - there is one sure fire way to tell if a story about going to heaven is true or not and that is whether the visitor reports seeing any other people there. As I said - I have been multiple times and I am here to report that heaven is dark and empty. It is not yet open for business. Again - this should not be news to anyone for the bible tells us this is the case and Jesus tells us as well in the statements of his that are captured in the New Testament.
That is indeed why it is possible to go multiple times and that is why all the "fake" "I went to heaven" stories all have the traveler ultimately sent back. Why (one must wonder) are all of these folks sent back for no apparent reason? None of them have any special task to complete or message to deliver. They just return to their normal lives. Seems pretty silly to go to all the effort for no apparent impact.
So calm down folks and take a deep breath and read your bible and be patient.
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irene j
Anyone with an elementary understanding of the Bible should have realized that something was wrong with Dr. Alexander's experience. I find it disappointing that this work has received so many negative reviews. I hope that those reviewers actually did purchase it and read it. I would recommend this rebuttal to anyone who reads Dr. Alexander's Proof of Heaven, especially the Christians.
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Atrocities done to millions of little children and Women. Beaten and abused, tortured and killed.
Hitler and his SS-troupes? Evil is everywhere in this world! - How can a holy God (E. Alexander calls him strangely Oms) say to the reader of this book, "There is nothing you can do wrong"? What a blasphemy in view of a suffering world! What a treachery.
My father had a ND-experience. Similar to the ND-story of Marvin J. Besteman, "My Journey to heaven", he also stood before heaven's gate. And God spoke to him, "you will never enter the gate of heaven, unless you accept my son Jesus Christ as your Saviour and Lord". After 3 day in coma, he returned and the first thing he did was giving his heart, his live to Jesus, the true light. A half year later he went through the gate of heaven to meet his Saviour.
St. Paul tells us that we are born with evil already within us and that nothing can clean us and make us pure except Jesus Christ. The Bible tells us that in the endtime the devil will appear as an angel of light and mislead the people of this world. That's what happens through this book, producing a deadly wrong "hurrah-feeling" within thousands of readers.
Hitler and his SS-troupes? Evil is everywhere in this world! - How can a holy God (E. Alexander calls him strangely Oms) say to the reader of this book, "There is nothing you can do wrong"? What a blasphemy in view of a suffering world! What a treachery.
My father had a ND-experience. Similar to the ND-story of Marvin J. Besteman, "My Journey to heaven", he also stood before heaven's gate. And God spoke to him, "you will never enter the gate of heaven, unless you accept my son Jesus Christ as your Saviour and Lord". After 3 day in coma, he returned and the first thing he did was giving his heart, his live to Jesus, the true light. A half year later he went through the gate of heaven to meet his Saviour.
St. Paul tells us that we are born with evil already within us and that nothing can clean us and make us pure except Jesus Christ. The Bible tells us that in the endtime the devil will appear as an angel of light and mislead the people of this world. That's what happens through this book, producing a deadly wrong "hurrah-feeling" within thousands of readers.
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cory harris
This rebuttal is entirely based the scriptures as taught to us in the Bible. It proves that Dr. Alexander, was merely in a coma and could not have had the encounters claimed especially meeting our Creator. Well worth the read.
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I recommend this book be read in conjunction with Dr. Alexander's book Proof of Heaven. An excellent Biblical answer to Dr. Alexander's coma experience Near Death Experience. A Christian Rebuttal is well written with numerous Biblical references to explain what the Bible teaches about life after life and heaven.
Please RateA Christian Rebuttal to Dr. Eben Alexander's Proof of Heaven
God gives us free will so that we can make up our minds. Let the unsaved be shocked into searching out their salvation, and the saved can search for fruit.