The Girl Who Was Taken

ByCharlie Donlea

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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
In the small town of Emerson Bay, North Carolina tragedy hits hard one summer night when two high school senior girls, Nicole Cutty and Megan McDonald, disappear from a beach party. After two weeks Megan escapes from a bunker hidden deep in the woods and manages to flag down help but after being rescued she gets asked one question, what happened to Nicole and Megan just doesn't have the answer.

A year later Megan on the surface seems to be recovering from her ordeal becoming a best selling author with a book about what had happened to her during her kidnapping. With Nicole still missing her older sister Livia is training to be a forensic pathologist to be able to get answers for others and maybe help heal from the loss of her sister.

When another body shows up in Livia's lab she finds herself being tossed back into the middle of her sister's case when it turns out that the man was connected to Nicole’s past. During the investigation Livia reaches out to Megan hoping the girl can finally help bring answers to what had happened to Nicole that fateful night.

I will admit for me The Girl Who Was Taken had a somewhat slow start to it as I tried to decipher exactly what was going on with Megan and Nicole. It seems at the start of the book that Nicole had escaped that night and Megan taken but then Megan turns up and Nicole never had.... confusing? A bit. With jumping ahead in time and switching the point of view here and there the book took a while for me to settle in and get truly invested in the story but I was quite glad I stuck with it in the end.

Now as for the story and answers to what happened that night overall with the girls I actually found that I enjoyed the outcome to the book quite a bit. One of those twists and turns and intricate plots that took a while to uncover but when I got there I was quite satisfied that my random guesses throughout the book were no where near the mark and it was definitely a page turner once it got going for me.

I received an advance copy from the publisher via NetGalley.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
aya nady
Confession, Summit Lake was not a favorite book of mine. However, I did feel that that book was good enough for me to wanna try another of Charlie Donlea's books and I'm glad I did because The Girl Who Was Taken is great!

First I want to say that I don't get really surprised that much nowadays when I read thrillers, at least it feels like that. I often have a hunch about what will happen, so getting totally taken by surprise is rare. Which makes this book a delicious treat because the last part truly pulled the rug out under my feet. I had several suspects in my head, but I was wrong. So wrong. And, that thrilled me!

Secondly, Livia, the older sister of Nicole that was taken is a marvelous character, she's a fellow in forensic pathology, and she is expecting to one day find her sister on the slab. And, when a body shows up that is connected to Nicole can she perhaps find answers and peace. I liked her storyline the most, not that the Megan's is bad or the flashbacks to when Nicole and Megan were taken. But, following Livia, as she discovers more and more about what happened that night is truly great.

Now, I will leave it to this. The book is great, and I don't want to give ANYTHING away. Instead, just read it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
asif chaudhari
I really enjoyed The Girl Who Was Taken. While The Girl Who Was Taken moves at a slow pace in the beginning, the tension grows and evolves into a fast-paced, thrilling read with a surprising twist that I didn’t see coming!

This is a story about two girls who are abducted in Emerson, North Carolina.High school seniors, Nic Cutty and Megan McDonald have been abducted. Megan escapes her captors and becomes a national hero, while Nic’s case goes unresolved. Nic’s sister Liv, a forensic pathology fellow, uses her skills to slowly begin to unravel the clues that leads her to discover the twisted details behind the girls’ abductions.

Similar to Summit Lake, the narrative switches between alternating POV’s and timelines.
I was surprised by the reveal, as I got taken in by some of the “clues.” The ending left me hanging, but hopefully will be resolved in the next book. Can’t wait to see what happens next!

I received a copy of this book from NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Taken by the Beast (Conduit Series Book 1) :: Once Taken (a Riley Paige Mystery--Book #2) :: Taken :: Taken By The Duke (The Pleasure Wars Book 1) :: Taken (Deception Book 1)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
janna grace
Well, I am a bit overwrought from this book. First, I "read" it in Audible, and I actually think some of the grosser forensic/ME stuff was less disgusting listening than my reading it. However, listening to a bunch of teenage girls being awful, especially Nicole, I could not really skim over it as I could more easily do when reading. Just an awful experience -- just too real. When it came to Nicole being abducted (so twisted) and then Megan's memories, it was too much for me. I hate to say I really had to skim. I am sure I missed out, but I truly could not tolerate some of this stuff. This is a very intense story (stomach in knots here) beyond most of the whodunits I read (and I am not a cozy mystery fan). This was a maze of a plot with so many turns I stopped guessing. Overall: finely honed characters, well-paced action, thorough research and a guessing game all around. I cannot punish the author for my reactions to the story. So, I recommend it with many conditions, but give 5 stars for the writing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
al sumrall
Dr. Livia Cutty is a pathologist working under a fellowship with the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner in Raleigh, NC. Her decision to follow this area of medicine was driven by her sister’s abduction and disappearance one year ago. Livia doesn’t think Nicole is still alive and fully believes she’ll one day show up on her autopsy table. Another teen, Megan McDonald, was also abducted from the same beach party on the same day but she managed to escape.

To say this story was bizarre is an understatement. Every time I thought I knew the direction it was taking, the path veered, sometimes sharply. It transitions from the past to the present rather seamlessly, providing Megan and Nicole’s narratives leading up to the abductions and Megan and Livia’s in the present. I was able to figure out the culprit but second guessed myself to the end.

It moved a bit slowly after an exciting start but really got in gear about halfway with an ending that moved so fast I could barely keep up. It has a great climax and poignant ending. I really enjoyed the story and especially liked that I learned so much about the world of pathology. This was good storytelling and I’m looking forward to more from this author. Highly recommend this book.

(I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
pamela mckenzie
Last year I read and enjoyed Charlie Donlea's first novel "Summit Lake", so I had high hopes for his second novel "The girl who was taken". Also, I'd read several glowing reviews from bloggers whose opinions I respect.

The novel's protagonist is Livia Cutty, a pathologist working in Raleigh, North Carolina who is studying in a fellowship under the forensic expert Dr. Gerald Colt. Livia is beautiful, highly intelligent, and an avid kickboxer in her spare time. She is also the elder sister of Nicole Cutty, the girl who was taken around the same time as Megan McDonald.

Megan McDonald, an all-American girl and daughter of Emerson Bay's sheriff was abducted from a beach party in the summer of 2016. Luckily she escaped her abductor and now, one year later, with the help of her psychiatrist, she has written a true-crime account of her experiences.

Nicole Cutty was not so fortunate. No one knows what happened to Nicole and her body was never found. Her friends had called her "Slutty Cutty" and seemed to have distanced themselves from her for the months immediately preceding her abduction.

"A life might end, but sometimes their cases live forever."

Now, Livia encounters a body during her morning autopsies that brings the events of last year to the present. A homicide victim, he was a young man named Casey Delevan who was dating Nicole at the time of her disappearance. It seems he has been dead for about a year. Livia has always felt that she failed her younger sister because she didn't answer her phone call the night she went missing... Now, she wants to attone for her failure by investigating her sister's case.

With the help of some co-workers and much research and footwork on her part, Livia discovers links to other girls who were taken. Some from other states as well as North Carolina. Her medical and forensic training help her to make connections from autopsy reports in which she discovers all of the girls were drugged with Ketamine.

This book encompasses many modern themes including the dangers of troubled minds encountering others in online chatrooms who have similar interests. Adolescent angst and insecurity; adult obsession and depravity. Cult-like groups.

Personally, I had a few problems with the novel. I don't know if it is just that I've read a lot of books about abductions and I'm becoming jaded, or if I just wasn't in the right frame of mind for this particular book at this particular time. I found the protagonist Livia to be just too perfect. Scary smart, beautiful, an intimidating kickboxer, she was just too good to be true which made her character unrealistic in my view.

Also, I found the novel ageist. Mr. Steinman, a secondary character, referred to several times as 'an old man' who relished attention was only 60 years old. (Younger than I am by the way - and I took offense to that.)

Despite my personal quibbles with the book, this was a fast-paced novel of suspense with several 'red herrings'. (I'm proud to say I did not fall for them). The end twist ratcheted up the tension even more when Livia and Megan team up to confront the abductor. The writing held my interest, and I know this novel will be savored by many.

3.5 stars rounded up for the store
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Dollycas’s Thoughts

Charlie Donlea is a new author to me and I am so happy I found this book.

Emerson Bay is rocked when two high school seniors go missing. Nicole Cutty and Megan McDonald were not friends but they hung in the same crowd. They were both at a summer beach party when they disappeared. No clues were found even after a massive search. But then, 2 weeks later Megan is found walking down a highway. She has no idea who took her or why or where Nicole could be. Her physical injuries healed but she is emotionally tattered. She starts seeing a therapist and together they release a book about her trauma. Sadly Nicole is hardly mentioned.

Nicole’s sister Livia has never given up on finding Nicole. She is a fellow completing her training as a forensic pathologist knowing that any day her sister could appear on her autopsy table. Instead a young man from Nicole’s past shows up first and after he is identified she thinks he is connected to her disappearance. Livia reaches out to Megan hoping that together they can bring Nicole home.

The story is broken down into several parts and alternates between past and present. The separate plot lines blend together so well and are easy to follow.

Livia is the main character and most of the story is from her point of view. I was a little surprised at the actions she took while just being a fellow. She was driven to find answers even if that meant meeting with medical examiners from other states when girls had gone missing. She also tracked down and spoke to witnesses even before bringing the police in. She was gutsy and lucky.

With flashbacks we were able to get Nicole’s point of view and Megan was remembering more and more under hypnosis with her therapist. Megan’s parents wanted to see that she was healing and getting back to her old self so she put on a happy face around them but she was hurting inside.

The story has a real ripped from the headlines feel with a steady pace until Megan has a vital memory. From that point on the pages flew and the suspense ramped up to a extreme pace. The real world fell away and I was right there with Livia and Morgan. The author twisted the story in an incredible way that took me completely by surprise and I had that OMG moment.

Much of the story is procedural but so compelling. As it continues is becomes riveting, gripping, exciting, intense and the final twist was mind blowing. There are some creepy parts and Livia’s autopsies are vividly described. This story is not for the faint of heart but if you enjoy thrilling suspense this is the book for you.

I am excited to have found this author. I will be watching to see what he brings us next.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
cosmos about a nail biter. Like seriously, I have none left because of this book. The Girl Who Was Taken focuses on three girls who's lives were forever changed by one night. Megan McDonald, Nicole Cutty, and Livia Cutty. One night, one tragedy, to bind them together.

Megan McDonald had pretty much the perfect life. She was what you would call a goody-goody. Good grades, involved in her community, never really takes risks, accepted to Duke. Then one night, she goes missing. Two weeks later she's found running down a highway with almost no memory of what happened. Fast forward a year and Megan, still in therapy to try to clear some of the fog, has released a book about her ordeal. The public loves her. She's a success story. But her success overshadows the fact that another girl was also taken the same night, but no one wants to talk about her.

Nicole Cutty couldn't be more opposite Megan if she tried. She's vulgar, crass, and a little dark. But all of this steams from something that happened in her past. See, when Nicole was young, her cousin and kind of best friend was abducted and never found. This changed Nicole. With no one in her family giving answers or even talking about it, Nicole grows up fascinated by the idea of kidnappings. This ultimately leads her down a dark road where ironically she becomes the victim of the very crime she's obsessed with.

Then we have Livia Cutty, Nicole's older sister. Haunted by the one phone call from her sister that she didn't pick up. The phone call from the night Nicole disappeared. Livia lives each day trying to move forward but also expecting her sister's body to wind up in her morgue. When a body arrives in her lab with mysterious findings, Livia is suddenly thrown into the middle of solving a crime that everyone seems to have forgotten.

This book hooked me from beginning to end. As a fan of CSI, Criminal Minds, Law & Order, etc., I love trying to solve crimes before the book/episode ends. Sometimes I'm right, sometimes I'm wrong. Donlea did an excellent job at presenting, what I thought were, many suspects. I was always looking for little nuggets of information and trying to tie them to what I had learned about the girls. My original suspect was completely off, but I did solve this one before it was revealed! So yay, point for me lol.

The story is told through a combination of past and present times which worked in it's favor. We got to see the aftermath of the crime and the process of the investigation, but at the same time we got to learn about the girls before the abduction and begin to put the pieces together through that. The views blended perfectly and at no time was I ever confused about what time period I was in, which I have found to be a problem in some books.

I couldn't give this one 5 stars, however, because I just wanted more. When the perpetrator is finally revealed, I couldn't help but want to know more about why this person did what they did. It was kind of like bang, suspect caught, end scene. Yes, we got a few chapters in the perps mind, but this didn't really give me the answers that I needed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
chelsea jurkowski
THE GIRL WHO WAS TAKEN by bestselling author Charlie Donlea is a well-written mystery crime suspense thriller that is another winner. I was very impressed with his debut novel, “Summit Lake, that I jumped at the chance to read his new novel.

Charlie Donlea, is a suspense novel, riddled with twists and high tension, about two abducted girls—one who returns, one who doesn’t—and the forensics expert searching for answers.

“Nicole Cutty and Megan McDonald are both high school seniors in the small town of Emerson Bay, North Carolina. When they disappear from a beach party one warm summer night, police launch a massive search. No clues are found, and hope is almost lost until Megan miraculously surfaces after escaping from a bunker deep in the woods.”

After her horrific ordeal, Megan, American girl, daughter of a sheriff, abducted in the summer of 2016, has released her book, “Missing” to tell the story of her abduction and escape. But Nicole is still missing. Nicole’s older sister Livia, a fellow in forensic pathology, expects that one day soon Nicole’s body will be found, and it will be up to someone like Livia to analyze the evidence and finally determine her sister’s fate. Instead, the first clue to Nicole’s disappearance comes from another body that shows up in Livia’s morgue—that of a young man connected to Nicole’s past. Livia reaches out to Megan for help, hoping to learn more about the night the two were taken. Other girls have gone missing too, and Livia is increasingly certain the cases are connected.

But Megan is suffering from flashbacks…and not everything is as was revealed in her book. Memory is coming back and with that comes a darker side.

The timeline jumps between past and present, but easy to follow.

This was a fast-paced mystery whodunit plot that keeps you guessing until the end. The characters were engaging, and it was enjoyable to have the POV from a medical examiner's perspective. And lots of red herrings to throw you off the course. Clues are relayed on a need-to-know basis.

Can you solve this mystery? I didn’t but maybe I wasn’t concentrating enough on all the clues as they were reported.

Many thanks to Mr. Charlie Donlea, Kensington Books, and Net Galley, for an advanced copy of this novel.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
elizabeth pinborough
4.5 stars

Having enjoyed Mr. Donlea’s first novel, Summit Lake, I was thrilled to get the opportunity to read an advanced copy of his second book, The Girl Who Was Taken. Readers who are sick of books with “Girl” in the title should take heed NOT to dismiss this novel because of its title. It’s a winner.

The story takes place in one of my favorite states, North Carolina. The protagonist is Livia Cutty, a fellow in pathology, studying to be a medical examiner. Great name for someone who does autopsies, don’t you think? Young women have disappeared, including Livia’s sister Nicole. Though Livia holds little hope that Nicole is still alive, she needs to know what happened to her sister for any sense of closure. The case is essentially cold so Livia starts a thoughtful investigation on her own when a homicide victim with potential ties to Nicole lands on her autopsy table.


-I loved everything about Livia. She is smart, compassionate, dogged, independent and real. I hope Mr. Donlea considers developing a series for her.

-The story flips from one time frame to another. Some may think it’s too much, but I found it easy to follow and the story I think benefits from being told in this manner.

-Short snappy chapters keep the reader moving and prevent the reader from being away too long from each time period, thus minimizing the break in the flow.

-The storyline is terrific. There are lots of interesting characters involved and tons of fodder for Mr. Donlea to lead or mislead the reader. There is nail-biting suspense towards the finale and the ending is a crackerjack! I was blindsided although in retrospect the clues were there for me to figure it out. I just wasn’t smart enough. Kudos, Mr. Donlea!

-The very last sentence.

-Oh, and I loved the detail provided about the ins and outs of autopsies.

WHAT I DIDN’T LIKE SO MUCH (all minor issues that together lost the book ½ star):

-Like Kelsey, the investigative reporter in Summit Lake, Livia, the medical examiner in–training attained access to a lot of information that I’m not sure could have been accomplished in “real life.” I considered being outraged, but elected to simply suspend belief and enjoy the story.

-In the beginning, I was getting a bit tired of Nicole’s acting out. Yes, she had a good reason to be like that, and it was probably necessary for the setup, but I was getting restless for the story to move on.

-I wished the author had done a little more with the setting. North Carolina is one of the most beautiful states in the country what with its mountains and shorelines.

-The very last sentence. Yes, I liked it and I disliked it. I liked it as it may portend a sequel. I didn’t like it as it left me to think for myself what it meant, but if that is the case, I have since come to terms with it.

Do I recommend The Girl Who Was Taken? Oh yes, I certainly do. This book is for all fans of intrigue and a mind-bending plot. There should be a genre called “intrigue.” This book is full of intrigue. Go for it!

I would like to thank Kensington Books, Net Galley, and Mr. Charlie Donlea for an advanced copy of this novel. My opinions are mine alone and are not biased in any way.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
laurie lee
The more secrets that were unearthed the darker everything got in ways I didn’t expect and I loved it, I couldn’t put this book down. This book was chilling and downright sinister in the best possible way.

The narrative is put together piece by piece as the story shifted back and fourth between the past and present. The story is told from multiple points of view in a twisting narrative that made the investigation feel more authentic. Everyone had their own feelings about the missing girls, their own suspicions, and their own regrets, and because of it the path is never really clear.

As the kidnapping case runs cold, Livia takes it upon herself to find her own answers, looking desperately for closure. I really enjoyed Livia’s narrative and getting a a good look at forensic pathology. I didn’t even mind that some of the descriptions of her autopsies were sometimes graphic, it was fascinating seeing a crime from a new perspective. Her position as a medical professional undergoing a fellowship gave her access to some interesting sources of information.

I also greatly enjoyed the commentary about the media circus that surrounds survivors of horrific kidnapping cases; round the clock news reports, interviews, book deals, television specials and movies, it never ends. What does this all do to the victims, reducing them to prime time entertainment? This book asked a lot of tough question and was highly critical of the way that the media frenzy chews up and spits out what’s left of the rescued.

The Girl Who Was Taken was a cool mystery that kept me guessing up until the very end. Every time I thought I had things figured out I’d immediately get thrown off my trail. To say that there are a few red herrings in this story is an understatement, and in fact the plot relies heavily on them, but it wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. When the mystery started to really unfold I was kicking myself that I had missed some subtle details, stuff that a more astute reader could’ve probably picked up on better than me. Even so, following the clues and trying to figure the mystery out was an absolute joy for me and I had a lot of fun despite the extremely dark subject matter.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I had high expectations after really enjoying the first novel by this author, Summit Lake. I'm not disappointed. As an avid mystery and crime reader, I read a lot of detective and missing person books. There's no detective (or at least not officially) here, but we have missing girls and a medical examiner protagonist with a personal interest in the case. It's all done in a really unique way, which was refreshing. Final rating: 4.5.

Two girls were taken one night after being at the same party. One returns. One doesn't. The teenager still missing is Nicole, Livia's little sister. She feels a tremendous amount of guilt over not answering the phone for her the night she vanished and being too busy with her fledgling career to consent to a visit. When the body of a man ends up on the morgue table for her to autopsy, something niggles at her. Digging into his past and the end of his life leads her to some disturbing but intriguing clues about his connection to Nicole. She contacts Megan, "the girl who lived" for help.

Megan may have returned, but her life isn't the same. Her mother treats her like a child again, a delicate little girl she has to keep a watchful eye over. Her father, a sheriff, feels terrible guilt he wasn't the one who found her. She works a menial job and puts off college, visits the older man that found her the day she ran from the woods to make her escape weekly, and regularly visits a shrink. It's the shrink that wrote most of her book, which is currently climbing the bestseller list. She thought it would get her parents off her back and give her time alone, but it seems her celebrity is only growing... much to her dismay.

Livia becomes obsessed with connecting the dead man to the two cases and figuring out how to find her sister. She's convinced she's dead, but needs answers and justice. This may put her in danger, because girls are still being dumped and disappearing... and they have no idea how deep it goes.

Some of the scenes in the morgue might be too much for the very squeamish. I don't consider myself to have a super strong stomach, but they didn't bother me. A little creepy, though!

I was given an ARC of this novel from Net Galley and Kensington Books, thank you! My review is honest and unbiased.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Set in the small town of Emerson Bay, Nicole Cutty and Megan McDonald were both high school seniors who disappeared launching a massive investigation and numerous search parties. Regrettably, there were absolutely no clues left behind. However, after a couple of weeks, Megan re-emerged after escaping from a bunker deep in the woods.

A year later Megan’s book with an account of her ordeal has been published and now Megan is not only a local hero but now a national celebrity. Megan’s story is a striking example of survival but it’s missing one thing – Nicole is still missing. Nicole’s older sister Livia, a fellow in forensic pathology, is expecting that one day, Nicole’s body will show up on her table. Instead, another body shows up and clues lead Livia on a hunt where the young man appeared to be connected to her sister.

Megan knows more than she revealed in her book which was co-written with the help of her psychiatrist. And while flashes of memory begin to emerge for Megan the chilling details of who and what actually happened are beginning to show Megan the true terror of her captivity.

*** Wow, this one kept me on the edge of my seat and was very difficult to put down! Luckily I started THE GIRL WHO WAS TAKEN early in the morning and was finished before I went to bed that night! Fabulous writing and lots of twists that kept me on my toes which gave me the surprise of discovering who the REAL villain was.

I loved the details Charlie Donlea took the time to describe allowing the reader to see just what the motivating factors were for the actions of the major players in the story. Also enjoyed the research employed that described some of the tactics and tools used for pathologists to determine how, when and where death occurred.

Bottom line: THE GIRL WHO WAS TAKEN was a terrific read for those who enjoy a high suspense, fast pacing and lots of red herrings tossed in to keep one guessing. Highly recommended.

Marilyn Rondeau
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
paul alexander
I received this book via NetGalley to give an honest review.
Oh wow. I can say I was pulled into this book and it took me for a ride.
I thought I knew who was behind everything but I was far from being right, when it was revealed I sat there with my mouth opened going are you serious? Why didn't I think of that I mean it always has to be that person in stories like this. We are introduced to Megan and Livia. Megan is the young woman who was kidnapped and escaped and is trying to heal from the ordeal. Though through her therapy she is slowly starting to remember things that were not written in her book. What she will uncover will be something wild. Livia is becoming a medical examiner (which by the way I think is an amazing job), the author did a great job in detailing how Livia would work and how she observed people and their habits. It seems the job of a medical examiner is not easy. I have to say the descriptions of the people that Livia had to autopsy or see were pretty vivid in detail. Livia comes across a man who is a floater but what she will uncover is more missing girls, a club that you only can get initiated into in a weird way, and answers to what happened to her sister and Megan. I really enjoyed how we got to go from the months, weeks and days leading up to the abduction to the present and how it really all connects. The characters developed were well done and the plot was a steady pace. For me this was a page turner. I fell in love with this author's writing style when he wrote Summit Lake and I was hoping for more from him and it was delivered. He has a great way of building a great story and pulling you in until the last page.
You like murder and mystery all wrapped into one, pick this book up!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
natalie jennings
Having really enjoyed Charlie Donlea's debut novel Summit Lake last year, I was looking forward to his new thriller. It didn't disappoint. Even if you've sworn off any more "Girl"-titled novels this one is a well-written and original mystery that is worthwhile adding.
The main character, Livia Cutty, is training as a medical examiner. A career aspiration attributable to the loss of her younger sister, Nicole, whose disappearance over a year ago has since turned into a cold case. When Livia finds out that a body on her autopsy table had links with her missing sister, Livia starts investigating on her own.
The story switches back and forth between the present day and the time leading up to Nicole's disappearance. In addition, there are several points of view. On the same night Nicole disappeared, one of her classmates, Megan McDonald, was abducted, but she made it back home a couple of weeks later.
I thought the alternating timeframes and perspectives worked well and were straightforward to follow. The shortish chapters kept the momentum going and I was pretty much gripped the entire way through. I enjoyed reading about Livia's work as a forensic pathologist. She was an interesting and strong character.
Mr Donlea threw plenty of red herrings and I'm afraid I fell for all the 'clues'. The finale was an exciting surprise. In the end, there were a couple of things I would have liked more information on.
Overall, a solid mystery with a very intriguing plot and well-developed characters.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
terry pearce
This is written from the Medical POV within the Police force which makes this read outstanding.

From this authors book last year which I thoroughly enjoyed I made a note to watch for any subsequent books he may write this year of 2017.

This book has simply ingrained in me that I need to follow this author. The writing is superb.
It made me turn page after page working along to discover more and more about this plot.

I'm going to hold back rigidly in not portraying to anyone any more than what other reviewers have written or what's in the blurb because, quite simply, this is a book you need to pick up and devour yourself.

The fast pace this takes never dips. For me there was always something new being discovered.

For those who love this genre (and maybe for those that just enjoy a " good book") will love this authors style.

It wasn't until the very last chapter a light bulb went on in my head as to who the villain was, the one responsible.

I got to know Megan well, at first she was a complete stranger, but, when she started to recall things I endeared to her maturity in coping with what she learnt through hypnosis and at one time I thought the therapist wouldn't be able to bring her back to the preset time. That was unnerving.

I was so in a slump of reading before reading this book, it's really been a turning point for me.

An author to keep your eye on for sure.

My thanks to Kensington books via Net Galley for my copy
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
THE GIRL WHO WAS TAKEN by Charlie Donlea is haunting story of the abduction of two girls, one who escapes and returns home and one who is still missing. The missing girl's sister, Dr. Livia Cutty, is an aspiring medical examiner who has dreamed of finding the answers to mystery of her missing sister, Nicole, and hoping maybe through her job the answers would come. A clue shows up in the form a dead body that is identified as a guy that used to date Nicole. Dr. Cutty, along with the escaped abductee, Megan McDonald, uses that clue to find more and more clues to lead them to what happened to Nicole.
Donlea carries the reader through many layers of discovery throughout the book, including several misdirections, and while the ending was a bit predictable, THE GIRL WHO WAS TAKEN was a good read that several times I found myself not wanting to put it down. Donlea's supporting cast, for the most part, was an interesting bunch and I felt them to be real and believable. The book slowed down some in the middle, as most mystery thrillers tend to, and I wanted maybe one more major twist that never quite came.
I would definitely read another book by Charlie Donlea, and being from North Carolina myself, I appreciated the way Donlea depicted the attitudes of the region and small town perspectives on the world.
Thank you to Kensington, Charlie Donlea, and Netgalley for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Review: THE GIRL WHO WAS TAKEN by Charlie Donlea

I recognized Charlie Donlea as an exceptional new author when I read his debut novel, SUMMIT LAKE. His new stand-alone, THE GIRL WHO WAS TAKEN, is equally superb. In the small and peaceful, quiet community of Emerson Bay, North Carolina, young women have disappeared. In bordering states, other girls have also gone missing, and some are discovered months, even years, later. Concomitantly, a young man trolls true crime groups and Internet chat rooms, seeking skewed individuals with a similar dark mind-set to his own. Dr. Livia Cutty is a pathology fellow at the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner in Raleigh. Her autopsy of a corpse suspected to be a bridge jumper begins the unraveling of a complex and deadly mystery as Livia perseveres to reveal truth, no matter how unpalatable.

I read a print edition generously provided by the publisher for purpose of review and book blogging. This review constitutes my fair and impartial opinion of the novel.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Nicole and Megan, classmates but not friends, go missing the night of the big summer bonfire. Megan, daughter of the police chief and a stellar student, returns after two weeks with a tale of kidnapping and imprisonment but no idea who took her. Nicole, whose reputation as a wild child, is never seen again. Livia, a pathologist and Nicole's sister, gets involved in reopening the cold case when a body appears on her autopsy table that's connected to Nicole and, possibly, to her disappearance. Livia and Megan join forces to find out what really happened to Nicole. And in the process, they uncover the Capture Club, a group of people fascinated with missing and abducted victims who might be linked to Nicole.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
christopher slatsky
This was one hell of a deliciously satisfying thriller. Trust me, it’s going to be hard to top this novel at year’s end. I snagged my copy from NetGalley which I strongly suggest you do as well.

Two girls are taken, one returns safe. The other disappears, but not without leaving a final phone call to her older sister in desperation. The older sister, Livia never picks up.

Imagine living with that guilt for the rest of your life, huh?

The way Livia copes is to work hard at becoming a forensic pathologist in the hopes of coming across her sister’s dead body one day, that’s when she’s not working out with her kick boxer trainer.

I can’t tell you how many themes in this story reminded me of SILENCE OF THE LAMBS or DARK PLACES by Flynn. It’s that good. Mix in a little teenage angst, stir with some shady characters and you got something that will light you up and make you think you’re on a roller coaster that won’t stop.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
tralyn l
A year ago, Nicole and Megan were both kidnapped. Megan returns and Nicole does not. With the pressure from her family and the media, Megan authors a book. Nicole's sister Livia, determined to find out what happened to Nicole, begins doing some digging of her own.

I thought this book was ok. The back and forth in the timeline didn't really work. The author clumsily used foreshadowing, which ruined the "surprise" when something actually happened. I did think that Livia's profession, a forensic pathologist, was fascinating. Livia's point of view was particularly interesting, it isn't one that you come across often. Overall, not a bad book, but not one I would reread or recommend.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
tuhu nugraha dewanto
After reading only the first paragraph, I cannot resist the opportunity to express my delight in Charlie Donlea's use of "quaint" where most writers would use "acquaint." I briefly puzzled over the usage, searched several resources, did not find it anywhere. Charlie, the editor in me wonders who did your copy editing and, later, your proofreading. Did they miss it, or did you override them? I really, really want to know.

I'll continue reading now and hope to add more stars.

I'm leaving one single star because I did fight my way through the book, but I am disappointed to have to admit that I am disappointed. The author misused so many words that I lost count. Did he have access to a dictionary? Did he employ a copy editor and a proofreader?

And I shall not even begin to discuss the plot, the characters, or anything else about the book, except to say that I wanted to enjoy it and add a new writer to my favorites list. Instead, I wasted good money and valuable time.

My mother used to say that the dishes were not done until they were dried and put away. A good editor and proofer could have done that task for Charlie Donlea's book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Livia Cutty is studying to be a forensic pathologist. A year ago her younger sister was abducted at the same time as another girl. Livia's sister is still missing, the other girl managed to escape. Livia feels tremendous guilt because on the night her sister disappeared she called her and Livia ignored the call.

This book goes back and forth from the time before the kidnapping to present time. The characters in this book are connected by the fact they have all experienced the disappearance of a loved one. There is plenty of suspense to keep you guessing as to who did it. You're not quite sure if Livia's sister is alive or dead. The ending snuck up on me, totally out of the blue. Thank you to net galley for an advanced readers copy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jacalyn roberton
I loved this book! It was exactly the right amount of mystery, intrigue, and suspense, and I couldn't put it down! Two girls are taken, and Megan returns with her story of not only the capture but the escape and she has everyone's attention. So much so that Nicole, the other missing girl, almost falls out of the limelight except for her sister and medical examiner, Livia, who really brings together all the suspense and intrigue this book has to offer. Both girls bring us on their investigation to figure out not only what happened the night of the kidnapping but on a very personal and real journey for them to find Nicole. If you like mystery and suspenseful thrillers, this one is for you!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
After reading all of the reviews, I thought this would be a book that I would not be able to put down; totally opposite for me. I put it down numerous times not certain if I wanted to keep reading. However, I wanted to see what happened to “Nicole” and the ending was a huge disappointment. The story didn’t wow me until I was 300+ pages in. Story was way too long for the total let down ending. If you like a lot of detail and back and forth settings, this story is for you. So glad I didn’t purchase any more books by this author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anthony breimon
"The Girl Who Was Taken" Chronicles the trail taken by pathologist Livia Cutty to locate her sister Nicole. Novel chapters sweep back and forth in time from abduction to a year in the future and back again. Also different character narratives give depth to this crime drama and add insight to happenings and personality traits. Normally these techniques would be confusing but Donlea has a style and ease of writing that is effortless to understand. Look forward to more from this author. This would make a great movie! "A copy of this book was provided by Kensington Books Via Netgalley with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read and my comments here are my honest opinion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
holly jameson
This is a black story pieced together with fragments from different times involving different characters. The writing is clear and helps to create good mental images. As the plot unfolds various characters seem to be the possible villain, but the unveiling of the monster is a real surprise. The author manages to cover much physical torture, violence and sex without becoming too graphic. All of the principle characters are developed in depth and show the good and bad features of real people, Perhaps the strongest point of this book is the reality of the characters involved. The book is engrossing, and the ending is a real surprise.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
shahad al melhem
Two girls actually. But one didn't come back. And the one that did will attempt to a year later find who took her with assistance of the sister of the other girl. Very decent abduction mystery thriller from an author I was unfamiliar with prior to this. Nothing particularly striking, mainly just a case of great many things done right, dynamic writing, good pacing, several misdirections all leading up to an ending twist I didn't see coming. Entertaining quick read genre fans would enjoy. Recommended.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
herschel stratego
Engaging thriller with plenty of twists and turns! There are many forensic details so those with weak stomachs may want to pass on this. Livia is awesome as a medical examiner, and readers will love her. She is determined to discover what happened to her younger sister whose body has never been found. This hooks you in till the last page, and you'll never see the end coming. This author is on my radar for future novels. I look forward to what he comes up with next.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
robin grover
Thanks to NetGalley and Kensington for a preview copy of this book.

I read (listened to) Summit Lake, and although that particular book did not rise above a 3* novel, this one was engaging 4.5*. Well written with a strong storyline, Donlea keeps you guessing right up til the end. The main characters- Livia, working for the medical examiner, and the girl who escaped, Megan- were well fleshed out, believable and likeable. The basic kidnapping story, we've all read before, but the twists of the club, the involvement of one of the missing, really separates this novel. If you like forensic detective mysteries, you will love this.

I thought I had solved this, right up until I found out- I was wrong. Great ending.

Hope to see much more from Charlie Donlea.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nikhil rock
Having read Summit Lake by this author and really enjoying it, I couldn't wait to read this one. It didn't disappoint in fact I loved this book even more than the previous one, the ending was totally unexpected.

A thriller with lots of things going on that I had no choice but to keep reading to find out what happens!.

A full 5 stars from me for this one, roll on the next book from Charlie Donlea!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is a great read. Mysteries and thrillers are my favorite genre and this did not disappoint. I came to really like the protagonist and sympathized with her cause. The medico pieces were some of my favorite parts. The other characters reminded me of what it was like to be a girl in high school (not always fun) and how we must not assume we know someone's motivations or true self. This was a page-turner, easy to read but still captivating. Huge twist at the end, and it leaves some things to the imagination of the reader. I hope I get to see the main character again.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Super suspenseful ! This is really well written book. Twist and turns and red herrings ! Way better then anything Patterson or Woods have written in years . This book you will have a hard time putting it down . Guess what world ? Charlie Donleacis the next big deal writer !! Thanks for the last few days of forgetting my problems and instead thinking of your characters! Your a twisted guy to think up this stuff!!! Way to go!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I really enjoyed Charles Donlea’s The Girl Who Was Taken. I liked his well written descriptions and character development. The flow of the book made me read faster to find out what happened. We got to see the different characters points of view, which I appreciated in making me think “who did it”. Thank you for a great read! I will definitely keep my eyes open for his other books.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
luisa b
This book would have benefited from having a good editor/proofreader go over the manuscript before it went into publication. There were so many mistakes it was distracting, with stuff that is taught in America high school, maybe even middle school. For example: 'breaks' instead of 'brakes', twice. The grammar went of the rails occasionally. Then there were the instances of physical impossibility as well as those which defied logic. I don't want to give specifics here as they might be spoilers for some who haven't read it yet. But here is something I couldn't wrap my head around; what the heck are "galvanized logs"? The Internet sure doesn't know.

The girl the lead character was searching for - her sister - was so unlikable that it was hard to care about her fate.

The writer has talent, no mistake about that. But his editor let him down by not catching all the mistakes in the manuscript. I wanted to like it but things the editor should have fixed were too hard to overcome.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This was a great, page turning read! The characters played out well in this story. I liked all the different POV's that were told throughout this story.

The ending was a total surprise, did not see that coming!

I would highly recommend this book to others!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
The story was unique and intriguing, but there was FAR too much medical in-depth descriptions of bodies and body parts that was unrelated to the story and unnecessary. Not planning to read anymore books by this author for that specific reason. Also the ending wasn’t fabulous. Yes we found out who it was, but the very last item was ridiculous. Some sub story lines that I think were meant to mislead us were obviously hurriedly wrapped up and didn’t feel well-thought out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I gave this four stars because it kept me reading and there was nothing wrong with grammar, style, etc. But the ending couldn't have been less satisfying for several reasons and the author must be a medical examiner on the side because there were many more autopsies and details about autopsies than seemed necessary or desirable.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kim davison
I think everyone gave this book 5 stars, definitely hard to put down. Not your typical kidnapping story, written very well. Did not know who the bad guy was until the end. Well developed characters, but no nonsense background.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sonali lakhotia
Keeps you guessing til the end. I really loved this story, tugs at the heart and makes you think about how real this story is. I listened to this on Audible and couldn't stop listening, I cleaned and listened, worked and listened. Definitely worth your purchase.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Bought this just for an airplane book, and it served that purpose. All of the characters are a little strange and there are some very obvious red herrings. Don't know if I found the ending actually satisfying.
And this won't bother most people, but the author doesn't seem to know the difference between the cities of Raleigh and Durham. It was distracting as someone who lives in North Carolina to have characters discussing Duke University as being in Raleigh. If you can't even do a little research...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
pilar rivett
A wonderfully suspenseful book that will have you guessing right up until the end. From the start Charlie Donlea dives right into great character development that carries you nicely thoughout the book. I enjoyed the amount of twists and turns as the plot unfolds. Well written and so engaging. I loved his first book as well and can't wait for the next one!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
An amazing book. The story was suspenseful and held your attention until the very end. The characters were so well developed. A really surprising ending. But what I liked most was how well written the book was
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