All Broke Down: A Rusk University Novel

ByCora Carmack

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I really enjoyed reading this book. The characters were very well developed, you could understand and relate to them. The plot goes through deep and human issues, justice, prejudice, the fear of failure....Nice, nice read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ruth anne
it was so good. not your typical football book it has a great backstory and the characters are much more than just meat-head jocks. i can't wait for the next book and follow up on the incident at th end of the book!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cindy asrir
I loved this book from beginning to end. I couldn't put it down. The characters had great personalities. I really like that the book goes from one characters point of view to the others. Makes you feel like you can relate to both because you're seeing it from both sides. I enjoy reading Coras books for these reasons. The love story part of her books amaze me and makes me think of my relationship and how some parts are similar to the one in her book. Again overall loved this book.
Finding It: A Novel (Losing It) :: Opposing Sides: Book 1 (University Park Series) :: Inspire (The Muse) (Volume 1) :: Keeping Her: A LOSING IT Novella :: Talk British to Me (Wherever You Go)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Cora has done it again with well bought out characters and a storyline that kept me up at night waiting to see what would happen next. Can't wait for third book to be released in this series. Bleed Rusk Red!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
andrew austin
This book is absolutely amazing! I love your writing and I enjoy watching characters develop. Silas and Dylan are a dream couple whom both have their own personal background through which they struggle with and eventually confront. Cora, WOW!!! You are seriously a force to be reckoned with!! I can't wait to read more in the spring!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I enjoyed this book, I thought it flowed well, and the two main characters complemented each other perfectly. The author added just enough tertiary characters/conversation to keep the story interesting without having to fill the pages with saucy and gratuitous sex. There is enough tension to keep you turning the pages, and it isn't sappy or over the top.

But why the three stars?

Besides falling in "love" in such a short amount of time.

At the end of the novel the author introduces a story line that-while prevalent on college campuses, it seemed heavy handed for a light read. She could have come up with another way for the hero to be the hero without going in such a serious route. While I do agree the subject deserves attention, it should have been given its own story, so it could receive the proper attention the matter deserves.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jorge de la vega
I started this series at book three and with each novel in this series it surprises me with how different the stories are and even the characters within the stories.

Unlike the last book where I didn't feel the sex scene fit with the story, this novel had a great balance of emotion and sexual chemistry. The sex scenes were hot with a capital H and they worked with both the character and the story. One thing I will say about this book, and this comes from reading the series out of order, is I find it strange how different Dylan was in this book from her character in the next novel. Yes we see a lot of character growth for both Dylan and Silas in this book but I don't think she would change that drastically in the course of one year from a consummate people pleaser to someone who would make her roommate feel inadequate for not being social. In this novel I really liked Dylan in book three, like wasn't a word I'd used to describe her. The same could be said for Silas, in the first book his character is complete ass and I get that he has issues which we're made to understand better here but again I have trouble that a guy who would try to sleep with Dallas to win a bet could be the same person who I really felt for here as a character, or the same person that risked his spot on the team to detain a rapist. That's a big issue to me with this series. While I like the story I think the characters should still be recognizable when they're secondary character in another book. Yes they're supposed to change a little with character growth but not so much that that don't feel like the same person. While I enjoyed the book, I really think the secondary character in this entire series are weak. Not weak persona wise as in going to go cry to mommy or anything like that, but that when it's not their story Carmack kind of treats them like decoratory dolls that she can dress up however they need to be dressed up to fit the scene. I don't feel characters should work like that because people don't work like that. They don't change that much that quickly. After having just read a long Sherrilyn Kenyon streak of books, (who I consider to be a writer that could sell a book just on her secondary characters and their side plots alone) Carmack discrepancies here seem all the more obvious and bothersome to me that they might have otherwise.

The main characters in this novel were well developed and I enjoyed the signature dual first person perspectives she again offered in this installment in the series. I like how this not only completely gets us into the heads of the characters but how even though their issues are different they often mirror each other in ways. I liked both Silas and Dylan as characters and really felt for their issues and internal struggles. I would have liked to see more resolution in the situation with her parents though. I don't really feel that was dealt with properly and completely. Also the rape side plot bothered me. This is something that's a huge deal and it was just sort of thrown in toward the end like it was meant to create a little more conflict then left almost like background noise. If something like that is going to be a part of a plot I think it should be given a lot more focus than it receive here or in the next novel. If you're going to bring up one of the ugly truths of life, like that rape happens, then I think you need to address it head on rather than treat it as background noise that only distantly affects you. Maybe I'm just not interpreting that plot as it was meant to be interpreted but I just didn't feel it was given the attention or seriousness a plot element like that should have even when it's occurring with a secondary character.

Overall I wouldn't have given this such a high rating if I didn't consider this a good book. I really did enjoy the story, the characters and the world. Obviously I wouldn't call it perfect but I would recommend it to fans of the new adult contemporary romance genre.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Dylan’s life is “organized”.
It’s planned and there is an outline.
She will graduate, marry and then have kids.
And while she isn’t sure that she wants this “life”, she doesn’t want to disappoint her family.
She follows the rules and nothing will make her stray from her path.
At least nothing until her long term boyfriend breaks up with her.
And while it is a blessing in disguise, it was safe.
So now she is throwing herself behind her “causes”, the latest of which lands her (and her friend Matt) in jail.
Enters bad boy/football player…Silas.
Silas spends most of his time fighting with others, but mostly himself.
He’s angry, most of all, because he’s running from his past, one that haunts him every day.
If he doesn’t get his act together, he will lose everything that means anything to him…his football scholarship to Rusk University.
While they struggle to understand each other, and find that they have more in common than they ever imagined.
This was my first Cora Carmack novel and I really enjoyed it.
I thought that the characters and plot were well developed.
I also like that Carmack tackled some really difficult topics…rape, drugs, foster care and drinking.
She presented these issues in a thought-provoking manner.
I think that this is a wonderful novel for young teens/adults.
I highly recommend it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Full review and more can be found at:

My Thoughts

A few months ago, Cora Carmack blew the New Adult genre apart with the release of the first novel in the Rusk University series, All Lined Up. Readers LOVED the exciting heartfelt story of Carson McClain and Dallas Cole and it shows! All Lined Up has nearly 5000 Goodreads reviews and a 4.1 star average! Pretty doggone impressive! I don't know about anyone else, but I was so pumped to read All Broke Down! Silas Moore, our MC was my favorite part about ALU so I was really excited to see him get his own time to shine in ABD! How did it measure up? Let's break it down:

When it comes to the plot, All Broke Down has it going on! This time Cora follows the story of Silas, our resident bad boy as he falls hard for Dylan Brenner, the most badass girl Cora has written to date. Silas is known for being a bit of a trouble maker, but when his latest antics land him in jail, it takes pairing up with Dylan for Silas to really straighten up and fly right. Throughout the course of the novel we see Silas go from free-wheeling frat boy-esque behavior to mature and adultish. It was really neat to learn more about Silas's past and see the ins and outs of what makes him tick. Silas is such a deep character with a lot more than what you see on the surface. He is also hilarious and a huge douche lobster which is why he is my favorite character in the series!

Dylan is all about lost causes. A new age hippie so to speak! She protests what she doesn't agree with an participated in activism for causes she loves. I have a whole lot of respect for that, considering I am the same way. Dylan is also pretty innocent when it comes to romance so it was relaly fun to see the dynamic between these two characters!

Unfortunately, due to an error, I no longer have an ecopy of All Broke Down and I lost all my fun highlighted quotes for you guys otherwise I'd be sharing them here! I can tell you though that Carmack was out in true form during this outing. ADB features some of the best quotes she has ever written. For those of you unfamiliar with Cora's works, she has one of the best writing voices I have ever seen. She has great insight to the mind of NA readers (probably because she's basically one herself)! Everyone who is anyone will find something to relate to in this novel, it was great.

I will go on and say that there was one huge negative about this book for me. There is a bit of a major plot twist at the end of All Broke Down that I was not a fan of at all. I will not go into details, but I really didn't agree with what happened and really didn't enjoying reading one particular thing. Anyone who has read the novel will probably know what I am talking about. I have spoken to Cora about this issue and she assures me that ABD is not the last time this issue will be addressed. I believe that Cora has hit the nail on the head with a large issue that needs to be addressed in the college community, I just don't know how I feel about it being featured in this novel. It was just a shock more than anything.

WARNING: This book does feature several explicit sex scenes involving bathrooms, kitchens, and finally a bedroom... Yyyeeeaaaahhhhh lol. Also, there are drug references throughout and a couple of usage scenes. There is also some strong language at parts (but what else would you expect from a novel based around a college football team?! LOL).

In the end, I found All Broke Down to be a great second outing in the Rush University series. I'm really excited for this one to release and to hear all of your thoughts on the topic. Over the course of the last year, Cora has become a close friend of mine and I am honored to be promoting this book in any capacity. Please go show Cora all the love you can! All-in-all I am granting All Broke Down a 4-star review. While it wasn't my absolute favorite Cora book to-date, I still found it to be enjoyable and can't wait to read more in the series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
katrina findlay
After being introduced to Silas Moore in Cora's first book, All Lined Up, I have to admit I couldn't wait for him to get his own. He was definitely not up for character of the year in the previous novel, having really pissed off Dallas, the Coach's daughter. While he has made amends for his actions, there is still a bit of a tension there that we see in this novel.

I completely fell for Silas. Life has dealt him a rather difficult hand and he feels football is all he really has going for him. If he loses that, life might as well be over in his mind. He is a bit of a hot-head and is fueled by his anger, adopting the act first, think later attitude. He does not let people get to know the real Silas Moore and wants to keep it that way. He never expected to meet a girl who would breach those defenses sitting in a jail cell.

I loved Dylan's character. She is fiercely passionate about her beliefs and has a sweetness about her that's hard to ignore. The best part about her is that she's still finding herself. I love that Carmack addresses this because very few college students know exactly who they are and have found their place in this world. Having been adopted at a young age, Dylan has always done what is expected of her and played the role of the dutiful daughter. Now that she is in college, she is finally starting to think for herself and question what she wants. Silas is the one to bring all these feelings to the surface for her and he ends up helping her as much as she does him.

Silas and Dylan ooze sexual tension. I thought I was going to internally combust while reading this one. They have some seriously hot scenes together. I really like the vulnerability they show one another though. Silas needs someone to believe in him. He doesn't want to lose everything because of his inability to control himself. It breaks my heart to see him so beaten down and feel like he isn't worth a lick.

Dylan and Silas are far from perfect. They both make some mistakes with one another, but they are learning together and I think that's what really counts in the end. Both of them are trying to become better versions of themselves and want to live their lives in a way that is right for them and no one else is going to tell them otherwise.

We do have a situation that occurs at the end of the book that I never saw coming and completely broke my heart. I am nervous about how Carmack is going to proceed with this, as it is something that will ultimately play a huge role in this character's future.

I am looking forward to continuing this series by Carmack, because college football, hot guys, and steamy romances are my weakness!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I read all three of the Rusk University books back to back and this one was my favorite by far. The reader meets Silas in the first book of the series, All Lined Up, and he's definitely not a good guy. I was pretty disgusted by him actually and was doubtful he could be a heart-warming character but Carmack did a great job of letting you in to see where he's coming from. At the start of the book Silas is disillusioned and angry at everyone. His best friend let him down badly, both personally and on the football field, and it shakes Silas completely. He's not like the other guys on the team, rich and privileged, with a family name to cover his bad behavior. In fact, he's only partying so hard because he's convinced it's all going to disappear and he's going to end up back in the gutter with no future. When his anger lands him in jail he meets Dylan, a girl from a very wealthy family and seems to have it all but feels just as out of place and insecure about her place in life as he does. Once Silas hits bottom and realizes his choices are condemning him to the very future he fears, he asks Dylan to fix him like he's one of her favorite causes. There's obvious sexual attraction from the start between the two but I was shocked at how damn sweet Silas really is. Dylan doesn't stand a chance!

The plot here was simple but had a bit more edge and is steamier than the first book of the series since Silas is a much naughtier guy. I enjoyed Dylan and the realizations she came to about her own life while trying to help Silas with his. It was also hilarious to see how Silas' friends reacted to his involvement with Dylan since it was so out of character for him. Overall, this was a light, quick read with solid characters and an enjoyable plot. You know you'll get your happy ending but it was fun getting there!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ruxandra ghitescu
***As originally posted on TicketToAnywhere(dot)net***

Dear reader,

I don’t know about you but sometimes I pick up a book to read even when I have every expectation of not liking it. There I times when I swear I am a glutten for punishment and I don’t know why I do this thing that I do. Although sometimes, the reason is simple, the book I do not think I’ll like is part of a series and in order to move to the next book I need to get through the dreaded on. For I am also the sort that perfers to read all books in a series and then to read that series in order. Its rare for me to read a book series out of order though it does happen. My reluctance to read All Broke Down began when I saw that the male hero of the story was going to be Silas who we first meet in All Lined Up. I did not like Silas much in that book and I may have groaned aloud when I saw the synopsis for All Broke Down.

I was determined to read this story though because as we all know sometimes what we expect in a book isn’t what we get at all. There are books that I’ve longed for desperately thinking I was going to love them only to chuck them across the room. And there are bookes like Lead and now All Broke Down that I expected to suffer through and dislike only to fall deeply in love with them. Expectations are funny like that. Silas is a character that defied all of my expectations of him. I expected an ass of a male lead, a person to roll my eyes at and long to toss my ereader across the room. But he’s the sort of character that makes your heart break, your eyes fill up with tears, and wishing he was real so you can give him a hug and say that everything will be ok. All Broke Down is a book that made my heart ache in that oh so wonderful way that I love as Silas and Dylan work towards their happily ever after.

I loved how strong Dylan was and how she and Silas were just so perfect for each other. Both characters are flawed and strong and they just complement each other and make each other better. I loved their first meeting and felt the sparks between them and smiled delightedly as I settled in to read their story. For once I started All Broke Down I wasn’t able to stop until I hit the final page. I was sucked into Dylan and Silas’s love story and it wouldn’t let me go. I did get frustrated when the cliched pointless breakup happened because its just all so very unnecessary. There are other ways to create tension in a story and you don’t always have to break a couple up just to get them to their HEA. The pointless break up just makes me sigh, roll my eyes and wish that I had the ability to reach into the story and shake some sense into the lovebirds who are just being dumb.

Another thing that keeps me from giving All Broke Down 5 stars is an event that happens towards the end of the book just as our couple is getting ready to get back together and ride off into the sunset. Its an intense scene and one that made me gasp and have feels. Its an important scene but one that I don’t think was quite right to happen in this story at that time because it distracted from the main story being told. It was like a fist to the gut and I am in no way dismissing it but I just feel like it wasn’t the right time for these events to happen. I think the scene may have worked better earlier in the story or as an opening to a new story involving the character that was part of this event. This event made the ending feel rushed and inconclusive because shortly after it happened the book was over. Instead of a happy sigh of contentment that I usually feel at the end of a good romance I was left with this void as Dylan and Silas never actually declared their love to the other. As a reader you know how they feel as you are in both of their heads but they actually told each other how they felt.

They were about to when the afore mentioned event happened and then their was the aftermath of that and then the book was over. Its also a bit disappointing that the event that happened at the end of All Broke Down will still be left open as the next book in the series, All Played Out, will deal with two new minor characters that we met in this book. Although I do get that there needs to be a little time for the dust to settle before that particular storyline can continue. All in all though I really did like All Broke Down and loved how Cora Carmack took a character that I thought I would dislike and turned him into one of my favorite male romance heroes. I adored Silas Moore and know that All Broke Down is a book that I will be rereading. All Broke Down is a great installment in the Rusk University series and a must read for all lovers of New Adult romance….or just lovers of a good love story. If, dear reader, you and I share similar reading tastes than I don’t think you’ll be disappointed if you try this one out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Overall: 4.5 Stars

Silas Moore took some warming up for me. Because of the way he dealt with (or ignored) his past, he came across pretty shallow (purposefully so). While I knew there was a reason, it still didn't instantly endear me to him. Thankfully he grew on me. Sometimes we need to be humbled before we find our strength, and Silas needed some redirection and perspective on his life and his future. And who better to steer him into ambitions and hopes greater than himself than Dylan? Now Dylan I liked right away, even though I knew there was much more to her beyond the surface. Having her own set of personal and familial struggles, Dylan's took a different path than Silas, but each still are in desperate need of something else in their lives, because their current paths are just not cutting it anymore. So meeting in a jail after being arrested for different circumstances equals a totally awesome meet-cute and the start of an exciting and heart-warming love story.

I really enjoyed Silas and Dylan's story. There was a complexity about it that really drew me in as a reader, but a simple sincerity about it that made me believe it beyond the written page. Outside of Silas's shallow initial sexual thoughts, I really liked how Silas and Dylan worked together. They were so well matched, bringing out the best in each other. I liked their character growth throughout the novel and how by the end they were not just a sweet couple, but they were better individuals as well.

Now Dylan is also a bit of an activist, trying her best to make a difference in her community. I liked how Carmack integrated Dylan's philanthropic lifestyle, and how community-minded she was, pulling Silas in as well. It was just the right amount of inspiration without being preachy. And then BAM! Carmack hits me in the gut at one point in the novel. I won't give away what happens, but I didn't see it coming. But it was really well done, thought provoking, heartbreaking, and honest. I liked the risk and the courage displayed here.

Overall, this one was even better than the first book in the series. Silas grew on me and became a star and a hero. Dylan was a hero who found herself. Their love story was sweet and touching, hitting the heart and leaving us with hope.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
All Broke Down was another great read from Cora Carmack. I love all of her stories I have read thus far, and this one was no exception.

Dylan is this do-gooder trying to save the world. Whenever she sees something that is not right she tries so hard to fix it. She gets frustrated when she can't save everyone.

Silas is still stuck in the past. He has tried so hard to get away from where he grew up and that life, but the arrest of Levi last season really messed with his head. If someone like Levi can fall so far, someone who is rich and has everything, why won't Silas? Why would Silas make it? He is quick to anger and uses his fists to blow off steam. He doesn't always think through his actions, but then afterwards he feels horrible about them and like he will never change. It doesn't help that his friends and teammates make him feel worse so he lashes out and it is just all around bad.

When Dylan and Silas meet in lock up one night they are both attracted to the other. They seem like they are complete opposites, but they really are very similar in a lot of ways. They both have pasts they want to forget, they both have things they need and want to work on, they both are perfect for each other! Dylan is the first person Silas is willing to let in, to let see parts of himself. He wants Dylan to help fix him, help him change and not be the person he keeps being. Dylan was really great with Silas. She just somehow gets him, gets him to think before he fights, gets him to be a better person.

Silas also helps Dylan with her issues. When she meets Silas she had just broken up with her boyfriend of 4 years, but she is not really that upset about it. If anything she is relieved he broke up with her which she doesn't fully understand. She is not really sure who she is or what she really wants as she has been trying for so long to be the perfect daughter and be everything her parents want from her. With this break up she is afraid that Silas is just another mistake, another rash decision she is making and that causes issues at first. They can't seem to stay away from each other though so they don't really label what they are doing. As the story progresses you see them get closer and it was amazing.

The end was a bit heartbreaking. I really just felt terrible for Silas. He is trying so hard and he is not really confident in a lot of things and it was just...I was so sad for him. Everything does work out in the end, but getting there was fun and hot and a bit sad. It was fun watching Silas and Dylan grown and come together as a couple. I really enjoyed this story. This was a great read.

This review was originally posted to Jen in Bookland
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
felicia fulks
If you like your reading to match with the seasons, I think you would do well to pick up Cora Carmack’s All Broke Down during football playoffs season. All Broke Down is the second book in Carmack’s Rusk University series. Don’t be skittish about picking up a book with football as a larger theme if you aren’t a football fan. Carmack weaves it in a way that feels organic and natural to the book without overwhelming it. Actually, this book got me more excited for playoffs season. Furthermore, All Broke Down is compulsively readable and I am willing to bet dollars to donuts that once you pick it up, you won’t be able to put it down.

Cora Carmack’s All Broke Down essentially opens with main characters Dylan Brenner, female, and Silas Moore, male, meeting each other in jail. Dylan has been arrested for one of her causes – a protest in favor of a homeless shelter and Silas has been arrested for fighting his ex best friend, Levi. The two begin talking and an attraction forms. You see, Dylan is a fixer and someone who has all kinds of causes whereas Silas is someone who is desperately in need of fixing. So, All Broke Down is about the two navigating their chemistry and becoming what the other needs. Both are flawed people who happen to balance each other out. Frankly, I think I liked this more than All Lined Up.

The cool thing about this book is the character development. When we first meet Dylan,we think that she’s a social justice warrior. Instead, she’s acting out of a genuine place. She really cares and it comes from a place where she can relate to the causes that she is passionate about. We find out that Dylan is kind of a perfectionist and a bit buttoned up. She was raised with a lot of money and it would seem like she has never had a worry in the world. Whereas, Silas comes from nothing. Football is everything to him and everything that he has, he’s earned. His family life is a mess. He is arrogant and has a whole lot of anger. In fact, a lot of this book is about him learning to deal with that anger. He’s never had a committed relationship. Yet, Dylan is different and she changes him. So, All Broke Down is about two people who accept and fix each other.

As with all my reviews of New Adult books, I will say that the steamy scenes in Cormack’s All Broke Down were adequate. I mean, they were good. Nothing was awkward or weird. The romance really works too. Dylan and Silas just make sense together. In all, I really enjoyed reading this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hussein fahmy
I have come to the conclusion (actually I came to it after All Lined Up) that Cora Carmack can't write a book that I won't love. I am obsessed.

In the second installment of the Rusk University, we get the story of Silas and Dylan. Now these two were raised in polar opposite worlds but that doesn't stop them from being attracted to one another. However, the story of how they met could be a little awkward.

Silas and Dylan actually met in jail. Silas is in jail for a fight while Dylan is in there from a protest. Not many people come out of jail with the intention of bailing another person out, but the sweet boy Silas is deep down, he does just that. And that is really how the story of Silas and Dylan begin.

Now before I go on with those two, let me just say something about Dylan's friend who is also in jail with them and I feel like we need to talk more about Matt cause he is awesome. Matt is literally described as "a real-life Disney prince...if Disney made bearded, bisexual princes." From that line on, I was in love with Matt. He just has such a wonderful personality to read and it made me wish that I had a friend like Matt.

Okay, anyway. Silas and Dylan are just too cute together. But Silas himself...wooooo! I came down with the Silas virus so fast, I still don't think I'm over it. Ladies, the man is totally swoon worthy. I just can't get enough of that football player.

I also really liked Dylan. She was a little bit of a hipster and had impeccable style. Her character was so sweet and totally didn't put up with any nonsense that Silas tried to through at her. But I think my favorite part about Dylan was that she helped Silas with himself because that is what Silas wanted, not because it was what Dylan wanted.

This was a great follow up to one of my favorite books of the year, I honestly can't pick which book I like better out of the two in the series. I love them both so much, but I couldn't put ABD down, I finished it in less then 24 hours because I couldn't stop myself.

Cora Carmack has me hooked on this series. It has everything I love in it. Romance, great characters, awesome plot, and football. Who doesn't love football? So if you like any of those things, I would highly suggest checking this series out. It's fan-flipping-tastic!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
adam quinn
Complimentary copy provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

Silas Moore is Rusk University’s troubled running back. He was good friends with Levi, who was the starting quarterback until his drug conviction found him not only off the team, but in prison as well. When Levi finds his way back to the small college town, he immediately seeks out Silas, hoping to pick up their friendship where it left off. Of course in the aftermath of Levi’s arrest the team is forced to start mandatory drug testing and not taking any crap from any of the players. When Levi suggests to Silas that they return to their old ways, a fight ensues between the two, in which Levi reminds Silas that without football he is nobody. He comes from the wrong side of the tracks and is nothing without football. The police are called and soon Silas finds himself behind bars, the last place he needs to be right before the season is ready to start.

Sitting in the holding cell, Silas makes the acquaintance of Matt, and the girl that he was arrested with, Dylan. Dylan and Matt had been arrested at a demonstration where they were protesting the closing of one of the city’s two homeless shelters. Dylan is afraid of the fallout of her arrest, as she is the daughter of rich parents, her father serving on the board at Rusk. Silas and Dylan exchange words and there is an obvious attraction between the two, so when Silas is released but Dylan and Matt are still being held, Silas bails them out. Silas takes the two to his house where there is a party underway and Silas takes the opportunity to get to know Dylan better. At the end of the night, Dylan walks away, without the hookup Silas had been looking for, but they soon will find their paths crossing, more often than they may have bargained for.

Silas finds himself in trouble again and in danger of losing his place on the team. He is drawn to Dylan, hoping that perhaps she can help him deal with his anger issues and teach him how to stay in control. What starts as a slow simmer of attraction between the two, quickly turns into something explosive the more time they spend together.

Dylan and Silas are like night and day, or so they think. Silas, the athlete, knows that football is his only way out of the life of poverty he grew up with. He understands that if he continues to make the mistakes he has, he’ll end up in jail, just like his brother. Dylan, on the other hand, has been living a life of wealth and privilege, but comes off as a spoiled rich girl using things like protests to rebel against her parents. Things couldn’t actually be further from the truth and the two find that maybe their pasts aren’t that different after all. It may just be that shared type of upbringing that Dylan is able to use to help Silas get over his own demons, once and for all.

Silas is incredibly hot, like smoking hot. He has a cockiness to him that is very self-assured, but at the same time, it is obvious that his past has given him self-doubt, especially when dealing with relationships with others, both women, as well as his team mates. Dylan is a strong heroine, but not without her own self-doubt. She has always bowed to the pressure of being the perfect daughter (and perfect girlfriend to Henry, whom she just broke up with after four years). She too finds her voice over the course of the book and sees Silas affecting her, just as much as she affects him.

While this is the second book in the series it can be read as a standalone, however I really do suggest reading each book. Each of the characters that were introduced to us in the first book make an appearance in this one too so they really become more like friends, rather than just characters. There was a very pivotal scene in this volume in which a recurring character finds herself in a situation no woman wants to find herself in and I hope that we’ll see more of that story in subsequent books.

At this point I think it is hard for Cora Carmack to disappoint. All Broke Down was another five star read. I absolutely love this series because Ms. Carmack has an amazing ability to take all of those things that make college the life-changing experience that it is, and make it relatable. The events that make us who we are, finding our independence whether it is through activism, athletics, experimentation with drugs or sexuality, they’re all an important part of the rights of passage of becoming an adult. Even as far removed from college life as I am, I still see myself in some of the characters and that endears the book to me just a little bit more. I love this series and can’t wait for Torres and Nell’s story!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Like I said, I've been impatiently waiting for ALL BROKE DOWN for months because SILAS. MOORE. If you've read All Lined Up, I'm sure you're also like me who wanted to get to know Silas more. Sure, he could be a cocky jock but he's a decent person. He just likes to joke around and take things lightly, never being serious unless it's a game. You also saw a glimpse of the depth of his character and I'm sure you wished for the next book to be focused on him. And yes, Cora Carmack answers prayers because here it is! I practically begged Jessie for an eARC of All Broke Down because I would have cried if I didn't get to read it early. SILAS MOOOOORE.

And lord, does Cora Carmack deliver all the goods! I read ABD during a cold, stormy night and it was as if it wasn't even raining because All Broke Down is steaming! I seriously got hot and bothered with the scenes because they will make you fan yourself and look away and blush like a schoolgirl. I don't suggest reading this in public unless getting turned on in public is your thing. So for the sizzling factor, All Broke Down definitely got it in spades.

Okay, forgive me for tackling the steaminess first. I just had to get that out and now, as I remember those scenes, my face is heating up again. Now, let's get to the characters. I was correct. Silas Moore is definitely deeper and more dimensional than what we read of him in ALU. Then we also have Dylan, who couldn't have been more different than Silas. However, as we get to know both of them and as they get to know each other, we see that they have lots in common. Both have pasts they wish weren't a part of who they are and which they absolutely want to get away from. They're looking for the other to fix them. I usually hate this kind of set-up because I always think that another person doesn't fix or complete you. Only you can do that. But give it to Cora Carmack to make me not roll my eyes. Because you see it. Silas and Dylan are so good for each other. They just click and fit.

Some people loved ALU more than ABD and some found ABD even better than ALU. I'm of the former, in that, I still love ALU more. I hate to compare but I can't help it because I was so ready for All Broke Down to be another five-star read. Knowing Cora, that's not a long shot. Still, I kept my expectations low for this book but for me, it didn't live up to All Lined Up. I guess I'm just a fan of the slow-burning romance and the delayed gratification for the sexy scenes like in ALU. Silas and Dylan got intimate quite fast and while I dig that too, you could blame that bit why this isn't a five-star read. Moreover, I didn't connect with Dylan as much as I wanted to but no worries because I was so on Silas's side all the way. I wanted him to succeed and get the girl and manage his anger issues. Silas Moore <3

But please, don't think All Broke Down isn't great. It is! I love it too and I love this series so so much. Cora just knows how to write sexy scenes without being THAT graphic and lewd. But not only is she a pro in the steam, she can also pull on the heartstrings and make you feel for the characters. The emotions felt by the characters and their issues and problems really came across to me as a reader.

For those who enjoyed All Lined Up, our favorite Rusk University Wildcats and all the other amazing characters also appear in here. It was such a joy to read about Dallas and Carson because hello, I SHIP AND LOVE THEM SO MUCH. Really, everything was such a blast to read.

All in all, yet another fantastic new adult novel from Cora Carmack! With All Broke Down, Cora Carmack is cementing her as one of THE new adult authors you have to follow and read. I highly recommend All Broke Down for new adult fans, romance fans and fans of books infused with sports!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Two of my favorite things in the world… new adult romance books and football! This Texas girl loves football and loves, loves, loves to read! All Broke Down has everything I can hope for in a book and so much more! I have read hundreds of new adult books and to this day Cora Carmack is still my favorite author in the genre. From the very first book of hers that I read, Losing It, to now the latest, All Broke Down, she has not disappointed me yet. Bad boy Silas Moore meets his match in activist extraordinaire Dylan Brenner and their connection couldn’t be more exciting!

“You’re really hitting on me? After we just met in jail?”

“Is it working?”

Gaaawwwd I fell in love with these two from the very first few pages! And YES, they do meet in jail. What are the odds of two very hot people being stuck in the same jail cell? You know what? Who cares! They meet, they banter, they connect, and then it’s time to go. Only Silas, who I originally thought was a jerk based on his character in All Lined Up, turns out that he is soooooo not a jerk at all. The unlikely circumstances that bring them together and the events that follow after, set up a phenomenal story. I love that Cora’s writing takes you to a place that you can actually envision and feel a part of. Rusk University is the perfect place to relive your college heydays. Silas screams bad boy and good Lord you’ll want to be tangled up with him immediately!

” Only you would pick up a girl in jail.”

” Only I could.”

Silas and Dylan form an unlikely bond and soon embark on a hot, friends with benefits affair. He has secrets, fears, and insecurities. She has demons of her own but knows a good thing when she sees it and fights for it with all of her heart. She is feisty, quirky, and passionate. She is exactly what he needs. They are from different worlds but couldn’t be more perfect for each other. Unfortunately they don’t always see eye to eye, and that it is totally okay in my opinion, as long as there isn’t unnecessary drama and overkill on certain topics. I love that these characters are true to their age and whatever they encounter, whether together or apart, feels real.

“Don’t think, not this time. Go deeper. What do you want? Not what should you want. You want me gone, push me away. You want me here, pull me closer. Simple as that.”

I absolutely loved the push and pull of their relationship. From beginning to end, All Broke Down is filled with humor and light heartedness, angst and a little bit of drama, sexy dialogue and smoking hot scenes, AND all of that makes for a fantastic new adult story. This is Cora Carmack’s sexiest book yet and honestly, aside from Losing It, it is my absolute favorite book to date. Join the crowd at Rusk University, fall in love with these characters, and learn what it means to Bleed Rusk Red! It is the perfect book for this time of year!

” I want to make her come so hard that for the rest of her life, she remembers me anytime someone touches her. I’m going to leave my mark on her perfect body, beneath the skin where she’ll never get me out. I want to ruin her for anyone else.”
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