Inspire (The Muse) (Volume 1)

ByCora Carmack

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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Wow. Okay. I was NOT expecting that ending or where it looks like this series is going to go next. But! It's kind of exciting, maybe even a little daring, and I hope Ms. Carmack succeeds with flying colors!

Basically, I bought this book for the premise (which I kind of wish I had thought of first) of a muse who by the nature of her power, cannot remain with her artist(s) without driving them insane. SPLENDID! So when that Muse finds herself falling in love with a man, things obviously become VERY complicated.

I really enjoyed the twist on mythology, and I definitely believe Carmack did her homework. THAT SAID, if a certain god becomes the villain of this series I will be a little bit disappointed! However, I am eager to read on and find out, one way or the other!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

Inspire was one of those books that was so very hard to put down. It was addicting in every way and the ending just left me itching for more. In a genre that is mostly saturated with contemporary stories, it's nice to see paranormal stories also emerge, which was my primary reason for picking this book up. And Cora Carmack definitely succeeds at crafting a thoroughly entertaining story.

Inspire's protagonist, Kalli is in fact the immortal Greek muse, Kalliope. Kalli was dealing with a lot in the book. She had her moments where she frustrated me, but overall, she was a character I easily connected with. Her obstacles and struggles as a muse really hit me and by the end, I was begging the author in my mind for her to get that happily ever after she needed. The great thing about Kalli was that she was fiercely independent, sometimes a little too much. She put a shield around her that prevented people from really getting to know her. All that should have been frustrating for me as a reader, but it wasn't, considering her situation. Even though Kalli surrounded herself with people, you could tell that she was truly lonely, unable to reveal the truth about herself. Good thing she met Wilder, who managed to push through every barrier that she put up! And oh boy! Wilder was basically constructed out of swoon. From the first moment we met him, I knew that I would continue to fall head over heels in love with his character. From Cora Carmack's past books I knew that she knew how to write a hero that manages to turn her readers into a puddle, but she amped it up with Wilder. You guys already know how I feel about book boys who go to lengths to take care of their families and loved ones, so there was no doubt that I would fall for Wilder. He was a sweetheart even though he claimed to have a shady past. Any man that is willing to change for his family is a good man, in my eyes. It was not only that though, everything about Wilder was just so perfect, from his protective nature to his gentleness towards Kalli.

From their first meeting, Kalli and Wilder oozed raw and explosive chemistry. The pages of Inspire were overflowing with sexual tension and I was completely invested in their relationship. Not only was their physical relationship intense and super sexy, but they also had an emotional connection that was almost palpable throughout the book. Of course, their relationship was full of complications because of Kalli's secrets which she did not reveal until the very end of the book, but Cora Carmack made it work. I also enjoyed the mythology and background that the author explored. The plot did take some time to really get going, but I think Cora Carmack has reserved most of the world building and action for the next book. I'm certainly looking forward to learning more about the muses and the other paranormal beings that may exist in the world. I'm also crossing my fingers that we get to see some of Kalli's sisters in the future because they all sound interesting. Beware the awful cliffhanger that will slaughter your feels and leave you in excruciating pain though! It was VERY cruel on the author's part! ;)

An engaging and unique story in the NA genre, Inspire was an addicting read. Fans of Cora Carmack's other series should have no problem enjoying this new one that is bound to be emotionally exhausting for many!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Kalli is a goddess from ancient Greek times but living in the modern world. She is a muse and her role is to inspire talented artists of any genre. She needs to release her inspiration regularly or it builds up to dangerous proportions. Being immortal is not as desirable as imagined, she has to be completely selfless and she longs for a more average existence. Wilder is a man with burdens, helping to care for his young sister. Kalli is drawn to Wilder for herself. Being selfish about this is not an option. The concept for this story was very interesting, original and flowed well. I loved the back story based in Greek mythology. Can't wait for the second book.
Keeping Her: A LOSING IT Novella :: Losing It by Cora Carmack (2013-02-26) :: All Played Out: A Rusk University Novel :: Keep Her Safe: A Novel :: Opposing Sides: Book 1 (University Park Series)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Inspire is another great read by Cora Carmack. Yes, it is a paranormal romance, something a little different for her, but it is great. I don't know that I have ever read a book about a Muse, though it did make me think of Xanadu which I love! This is not cheesy like that movie. This is just a sweet, hot, up and down love story.

Kalli is a muse. She inspires artists to create and it is kind of wears on her. She is immortal, every day at midnight she resets, so she can never change anything. If she gets hurt it is fixed at midnight. Changes her hair color? It gets rest at midnight. Her and how her powers work was very interesting. I don't know that I have ever read anything quite like this story. It was really a cool idea.

So Kalli. She dates the artists she is helping as that is easier for her to use her powers, but she doesn't always break things off quickly enough. She gets attached sometimes and she just wants a normal life. She wants to be loved and have kids and just be human really, but she can't. She has to use her powers or bad things happen. The way she has this power inside her, this thing that she needs to release every so often of it will make her go crazy, was really interesting. She has to be careful how she uses her powers as it can be very addicting.

When Kalli first meets Wilder she thinks how he is nothing like the men she usually goes after. He just looks like a suit, not an artist type person. She really likes him and he is obviously intrigued by her. When they keep running into each other it becomes harder and harder for Kalli to keep her distance from him. She wants that normal life too. She wants to be loved for who she is not what she does. She really likes Wilder and they are pretty hot together. There is lots of sexy time in this book and it is great.

Wilder has some issues he is working through as well. There is just something about Kalli that draws him to her. There is this connection so he doesn't give up when she is all hot and cold with him. It is a really interesting read. Though the entire time I was reading I was just like how in the world will this end well? It doesn't seem like there is any way for them to work things out and really be together, so it was one of those I am loving it but dreading the end.

The end is a bit of a cliffhanger. Things aren't really resolved, but I felt like it stopped in a good place. I want to read more, see how Kalli and Wilder get their happily ever after, but it wasn't one that made me angry it stopped you know? It was more like no!! Okay, well i guess I will just have to wait for the next chapter of their story and see how this all works out. It worked. A really great read. I loved Kalli and her interesting abilities and background and Wilder was amazing. I can't wait for the next book!

This review was originally posted to Jen in Bookland
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wow! This was such a great book by Cora Carmack. It tells the story of Wilder and Kalli. Kalli is a muse who's lived thousands of years and inspires artists, but never really gets to love anyone. She goes through the same stuff over and over...until she meets Wilder. The ending is crazy and definitely makes you want it not to end there. I can't wait to read the next book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
There are not words to adequately describe how INCREDIBLE this book is!! Cora Carmack just showed all of us how intelligent and multidimensional her writing is!! The depth in this book was FANTASTIC! If like myself you loved her other two series, this book will BLOW YOUR MIND!! I can't believe all of these FEELINGS I'm experiencing right now. It was deep and dark, but not in the "I'm now depressed" sort of way. Yet it was hopeful, romantic, and perfectly laced with Cora's amazing sense of humor!! I'm not a big fan of romance books that have a barely there plot. This book was the exact opposite. It had a captivating plot (with awesome and intricate minor characters too) while being heart tugging, romantic, and sexy! You won't be able to put it down! Get it now. If anyone writes a bad review, they are seriously mental.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cavanaugh beck
Why you should read it: That entire blurb completely had me hooked. I love mythology of all kinds, and the muses are a particular favorite. This one was more of a New Adult than a Young Adult, and I really liked Kalliope. It's the best part of the book, the fact that the characters are so compelling and they just draw you in. I felt for Kalliope with Wilder. I was at the edge of my seat waiting for the obsession the madness, the love. It's my first Cora Carmack book, but I liked it so much not only am I highly awaiting the sequel, but I've downloaded All Lined Up. If you like mythology, if you like forbidden romances and strong heroines, pick up Inspire.

Head over to the HEA blog to see where Cora got the idea for muses, creativity and myths!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
coffee with lacey
What a fun read!! I love the characters that Cora creates. I really wanted this couple to make it. They have so much heat and passion. I must confess that I was a little flustered and my heart raced on certain intimate scenes through out the story. Now what I need is for Cora to finish the next book because she left me hanging.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rosie dub
This book hooked me from the beginning, and I could not put it down! It has been a long time since I have read a paranormal, and I don't believe I have ever read a paranormal new adult book. The mythology Carmack brings into this story takes it to a whole new level. Wilder is a man I really appreciate in this story for his devotion to his family and to Kalli even with their challenges. Kalli's conscience about being a muse made her more real as well. I was so glad this story was not instalove but the characters faced challenges. The cliffhanger at the end has me waiting impatiently for the next installment in this series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
margie collom
This is by far my favorite Cora Carmack book! The writing is beautiful & so is the story. Looking for a new book boyfriend? Wilder will make you swoon for sure! I just love him! There is a cliffhanger at the end & it will leave you starving for book #2- Inflict.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love Mythology and I love Cora Carmack-- put them together and you get one spectacular combination. That is exactly with this story is-- amazing, wonderful, and awe-inspiring. This story is elegantly written with a plot that will draw you in and keep you there until the very last word (and boy are those last words a doozy!).

Kalliope is surprisingly relatable for an immortal muse. She wants to stay out of the spotlight, inspire greatness and get on with her long long life as unscathed as possible. But when she runs into the sexy Wilder, her world gets turned upside down. And the life she never thought she could have comes crashing towards her. But when you can easily turn attraction into obsession with the slightest loss of control , Kalli is not sure she is willing risk the possibility that Wilder may become one more victim of her inspiration. But the Fates work in mysterious ways, no matter if you are goddess or a mere mortal.

Kalli and Wilder's journey will have your heart aching and racing with every turn of the page. Love and madness walk a fine line together, but when the heart is involved you might just realize that there is no line at all.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
benjamin white
Kalliope is an immortal muse who inspire artists. They take inspiration from her and Kalli releases that energy that can become dangerous if she keeps it contained. These relationships can't last too long, because the artist could develop an obsession.
Kalli only wants to be a normal girl, to form a family, but she can't because of what she is.

Through the book, we see her struggle with her destiny, being cautious and trying not to hurt anyone. I felt bad for her on several occasions, although sometimes she was a little annoying.

Then she meets Wilder, who is a contradiction. He had to change his life completely and become a responsible person. Kalli feels a huge attraction to him, a connection, and can't avoid approaching him, because he's so different from all her artists.
Wilder is so sweet and so intense at the same time. So protective and persevering. I fell in love with him with every page I read, he is a character that I loved.
But the secrets from both of them are getting in the middle. Kalli is a muse and Wilder a mortal man who has his own past that he is hiding.

I love Cora's writing and the subject of this book is really interesting. The story has mythology which is something that I love. Although, without a doubt, Wilder was what I liked the most about this book. I loved him so much.

The story is full of romance and hot scenes. There is a lot of tension and drama, and very sweet moments that made me swoon. Also, there are some funny parts that made me laugh out loud and others that made me smile foolishly.

In some moments it was a bit slow, but then the story became so interesting that it left me completely hooked. It was a nice and different story that I really liked.

The ending was completely surprising and heartbreaking. The author made me suffer in some parts but that ending almost stopped my heart. Figuratively. And of course, I'm really looking forward to read the sequel and to know how this beautiful story continues.
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