All Played Out: A Rusk University Novel

ByCora Carmack

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Cora Carmack is by far my favorite author ever. She is so talented. I read all of her books so far and was so excited to read All Played Out. It is my favorite book in the series so far. Nell reminds me a lot of myself and it was such a great read. I highly recommend it. Currently, I am rereading all of her books. Thank you so much Cora Carmack for this book and all your other books!!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
nicole fulmino
I have loved Cora Carmack's writing since my friend introduced me to her books. I've read everything she's ever written! I met her and she is nice, funny and personable. So this review is going to be hard for me to write. I was very disappointed in this book. I've felt this way since I started reading this series. I remember when I met her and asked her why her books were getting so much more sexual and the language was so dirty. She said that's what the fans wanted. Well, I don't!! Where's the cute, flirty, fun, witty, charismatic writing with a great plot gone? If you like books with lots of sex and filthy language than you will love this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This book was funny and sassy. I loved the characters and the story. I do not like that the other books aren't based on the same characters, rather it is on others characters that were introduced in this book. Would like a series that follows the same couple throughout the books.
Keep Her Safe: A Novel :: Spinning Out (The Blackhawk Boys Book 1) :: Finding It by Cora Carmack (2013-10-10) :: All Lined Up: A Rusk University Novel :: Losing It by Cora Carmack (2013-02-26)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Rusk University series started off strong and has only gotten better! Didn't think it was possible. Loved the opposites attract story, and how Torres helped draw Nell out and experience life and all its firsts!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
All Played Out was a college romance about challenging yourself. This is part of a series, but there is no trouble reading it as a stand-alone.

I loved this book. It was fun; it was intense; and had just the right amount of awkward to make me laugh. The writing sucked me in; I felt embarrassed right along with the characters.
The love interest played out with alternating chapters from the male and female perspective, adding a little more depth with each addition. I didn’t need to check which perspective I was reading from with each switch, the style was defined well enough that I could tell without thinking.
Nell was adorable. I loved that when she decided to write a to-do-list of essential college experiences to tick off, she had to Google them first. Everything she approached she did so analytically, so that even beer pong became an experiment in physics. She was a unique character, and truly memorable.
Her counterpart, Mateo, was also entirely enjoyable to read. There were so many moments when I laughed out loud at something he said.
Despite the lighthearted antics and joviality in this book, there was quite a lot of tension built, though significantly less drama than your usual romance novel. I couldn’t bring myself to put it down, and I loved the sweet epilogue with their revised to-do list. If you’re a sucker for a happy ending, this is one for you.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kadir cigdem
Remember the Ana’s line, when she walked inside Mr. Grey’s office? “Raising the ordinary to extraordinary.” That’s what Cora does. Every. Single. Time.

I’m not sure if it has happened to me before, but I identified myself with both Matteo and Nell. This is probably what I loved the most in this novel. You see, I have been that Nell; the girl who focus on school and nothing more, even the one who is getting called a nerd. But I also have ridiculously high expectations from myself and I do feel sometimes that what I do, who I am is not enough, like Matteo does. Cora gave us both POVs in this novel and it is EXCEPTIONAL! We not only intrude in both minds, but we also become one with them. We understand them, we feel for them. Cora’s writing was brilliant, like always, and I felt I was one with the book. I felt my heart splitting into two equal parts; a Nell and a Matteo part.

Cora, not only dragged me into her story, but she made me feel like I was a part of it!

The way she wrote her characters and the way they evolved throughout the book made this novel stand out to my eyes. It’s not a typical shy-girl-meets-sexy-athlete-in-college story. It has depth and meaning, as well as purity that is unprecedented in College novels. Everything is so much more in this story!

Nell is not an ordinary smart, shy girl. She may not be so social, but she isn’t exactly shy either. She speaks her mind and is confident. She may be hurting but she keeps going. She is full of contradictions and she made me love her very much. So, *coughs* Cora, I would really love a sequel to this one!

Matteo is not your typical handsome, charming player. He has his reasons for acting the way he does. He is loyal, faithful, patient and confident; yet, he’s also unsure, sensitive and makes mistakes and assumptions. But he learns from his mistakes and he becomes a stronger person.

Like I said earlier, I loved many things about this book. But the most significant attribute it has is how effortless you become a character in it. I felt like I was right there with Nell and Matteo. I felt what they felt. I even think like them in most cases. The level of familiarity between me and the characters is unparallelled.

This novel will stay with me; I can already sense it. I finished it 2 days ago, and as I think about the story, the characters and Cora’s writing now that I write the review, I fall in love with it all over again.

So, yes, without a doubt..

All Played Out receives 5 Amazing Stars, because I haven’t felt so closed to the characters in my life.

Cora, you just added another amazing novel in your career! Well done!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
seline pierson
I listened to the audiobook version of this novel and it was by far one of my favorite reading experiences in a long while. The narrator more Matteo Torres has one of the sexiest voices I've heard in a long time. Add his voice and the content of the story and I was a puddle of swoon.

Cora Carmack was a new to me author when I started the Rusk series and I have quickly fallen in love with her writing.

I think All Played Out is my favorite New Adult romance, especially in a college setting, that I've read, maybe ever... the writing is effortless and Ms. Carmack really breathes new life into the genre. I felt a deep connection to the characters and felt myself feeling their pain and their joy as they were while reading... and I was devastated as the story ended. I just loved how Nell and Matteo attacked her To Do List with fervor and the heat and chemistry between them as they did... it was off the charts.

Read this book... you will not be disappointed!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nancy shippen livengood
My Thoughts:

Whew! Sexy, steamy, and thrilling are words that come to mind when I think about, All Played Out! I love all of the books in this series, but Nell and Mateo's is my absolute favorite! The chemistry between these two characters was sensual, butterfly inducing, and palpable.

Antonella "Nell" has always had a focus soley on her studies. She is extremely book smart, but socially awkward. Nell notices how happy her room mate Dylan is with her boyfriend, Silas, and thinks maybe she's missing out on something. After a conversation with Dylan, Nell decides to create a college bucket list of items to check off before she graduates from college in two months. Some of the items on her list include hooking up with a jock, attending a college party for more than an hour, kissing a stranger, making new friends, and losing her virginity. When Nell and Mateo meet at a group game of ultimate frisbee, the chemistry between them is explosive. Mateo ends up learning about Nell's list and offers to help her complete it. Are Mateo and Nell just killing time and having fun until she graduates, or could the two of them become something more?

What a great story! It was fast-paced, exciting, fun, and light hearted. If you need a feel good story, I highly recommend this one! It can be read as a standalone, although a few of the secondary characters have their own stories in the two previous books. I loved broadening my scope of who Nell and Mateo were. In previous books Nell came off as too series, blunt, and dull. Mateo came across as a wild, party animal, without much depth to his character. However, in this installment, Ms. Cormack let us see in to the hearts and souls of these two characters. We get to learn about their fears, insecurities, dreams, and so much more! By the time I finished this story, not only did I love Nell and Mateo, but I felt as if they were my good friends.

The plot was a lot of fun! I enjoyed all of the activities that Nell and Mateo took on from the bucket list, as well as all of the romantic and sexy times between them. It was such a good experience being reunited by my favorite Rusk University characters. I was especially excited to catch up with Carson, Dallas, Dylan, and Silas! I am highly anticipating the next segment in this series! I love Stella and I think Ryan is her perfect match! When this group gets together, you know your in for a great time full of laughs, entertaining antics, and rockin' romance!

My Rating:

I give, All Played Out, by Cora Carmack, 5 Adventurous College Bucket List, Teasing and Sensual Mateo, Seduction Filled Kisses, Happily Ever After Stars! If you are looking for a great romantic new adult series, check out Rusk University!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved this book. LOVED it. I remember downloading the galley and opening it up to the first chapter but I wasn’t planning on reading at the time considering I was trying to write a paper for my 18th century British Literature course. Next thing I know, I’m 28% into All Played Out and I’m in love with Mateo Torres and 18TH literature is the farthest thing from my mind. I was completely consumed with story and I couldn’t read fast enough.

All Played Out follows Nell during her last few months of college. She is set to graduate early but realizes that she hasn’t has much college experience of just having some fun. So she makes a To Do List to get into gear. Confession, at the first mention of “College Experience To Do List” I knew I had a winner in my hands. I love doing To Do List! Enter Mateo Torres. Torres knows all about having a regular college experience and decides he’ll help Nell with her list. And boy, does he help her.

I had so much fun being in Nell’s head. She is funny and the way she thinks about sex, friendship and everything else is hilarious but honest. She doesn’t try to change the way she is for anyone, not even Mateo. Mateo, in turn, doesn’t want to change her and would rather try to figure her out. He is extremely hot but patient, sweet, and mischievous. I loved getting to know him.

There was come conflict between both of them that I feel could have discussed a bit earlier however, I do appreciate how it was towards the end of the story and it wasn’t dragged on unnecessarily. Their UST were off the charts. I loved their banter and flirting because it felt really real and authentic. Their sexy times were hot as well and it just further cement my love for Mateo.

All Played Out has been my favorite of the series and I want my own Mateo Torres. Cora Carmack has done a wonderful job at creating a story that I was completely invested in and I’m so excited for other people to read and fall in love with this story.

You can check out the review at
*I received an eARC of this title from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.*
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales

Quick & Dirty: All Played Out is a sexy read that is just pure entertainment! This is my favorite of the series so far and I would highly recommend this to anyone looking for a great NA contemporary romance story!

Opening Sentence: There’s a half-naked man in my kitchen.

The Review:

Antonella De Luca has spent most of her college years studying and getting ready to attend graduate school. She never made time for anything as silly as boys or parties. Nell knows what she is good at and socializing with other people is not one of her better qualities. She is on course to graduate early and she can’t wait. Then one day her roommate points out that she hasn’t really experienced the college life to the fullest because she has only focused on the academic part of college. Nell decides to run an experiment and see if she is really missing anything by not participating in the “normal” college things. She makes a bucket list that will force her to step outside of her comfort zone. Then she meets Mateo Torres and he shatters all her thoughts of what she really needs to be happy!

Mateo Torres or better known as just Torres is a wide receiver for the Rusk University football team. Torres is basically your ideal party boy. He likes to keep things causal and he is a total flirt because he’s not interested in ever getting his heart broken again. When he meets Nell for the first time he is instantly attracted to her, but she’s not the type of girl he normally dates. She is gorgeous and way to smart for someone like him, but he can’t seem to get her off his mind. When he discovers her bucket list, he decides to make it his mission to help her acclaim posh everything on the list.

As the two of them spend more time together things start to heat up between them. Soon they are both falling and that’s not something either of them planned on. Can two very different people from very different worlds really make a relationship last?

Nell is such a fun and interesting character. She’s extremely intelligent, witty, analytical, and kind of anti-social. I love her academic mind and how she turns everything in her life into an experiment. She comes across as shy at first, but really she is just not interested in being very social. That’s pretty much the entire point of the to-do list she has created. She wants to finally experience the college atmosphere and do things that normal college students are doing. I think one of the best things about the story was you get to experience so many firsts with Nell. You get to watch her character grow so much throughout her journey, and it made my connection with her a lot stronger. Watching her realize that she can actually fall in love for the first time was really sweet and heartwarming. Watching her open herself up to the idea of having friends and being in a relationship was really great. I loved everything about Nell and I’m so glad I got to read her story!

Torres is one of those funny guys that always has a smile and is extremely charming. It seems like he can never be serious at first, but as you get to know him you realize the flirty banter and outgoing persona he displays is actually a defensive mechanism so people don’t see the real him. He has been hurt in the past and doesn’t want to ever feel that way again. Because of a bad past relationship he has steered clear of ever getting serious with anyone. Football is his life and until he meets Nell he is okay with just having football and random hookups. His relationship with Nell is explosive. They have an instant connection and extremely hot chemistry! At first they don’t seem like they would be very compatible, but they are actually really good for each other. Torres is such a complex character and I thought he was a very swoon worthy book boy.

All Played Out was a great sexy read full of growth, emotions, and humor. I have read all the books in the Rusk university series and really enjoyed all of them, but I think this one was my favorite. I really connected with the characters and the story was really entertaining. The romance was done perfectly even though it developed really fast, it still felt realistic to me. Like all good contemporary stories there is tons of drama, but it’s not overdone. The pacing was great and it was a fairly quick ready or me. I sat down to read it and found myself staying up way too late to finish it. I think Cormack has such amazing writing and she really knows how to create a steamy scenes! I can’t wait to read the next book in the series. Stella has always been one of my favorite characters in the series and I know her story is going to be amazing. If you are a new adult romance fan you should definitely check out this series!

Notable Scene:

“Oh, psssh. You are twenty years old. And you are brilliant and beautiful and driven, but you are not perfect, despite how often it seems so.” I do a weird, gurgly , sobbing laugh, and I can’t help but think about Torres last night. He called me perfect. Several times. But that was an entirely different kind of compliment, and one that has no business sneaking in around thoughts of my mom. She continues , “You are allowed to make mistakes, Nell. And even though it might seem right now like one mistake is enough to derail your entire future, it’s not.”

“You don’t understand, Mom.”

“Don’t I? I might not have gone to college or picked some high-tech career, but we all make choices . You don’t think I agonized over whether or not to marry your father? You don’t think both of us had doubts about taking over the restaurant? You don’t think it’s terrifying to raise children? To know that every choice you make not only determines your future, but theirs, too? The future is never just one choice. It’s a thousand. And they never stop. You will choose your future every day of your life. And should you wake up one day to find that you regret the choice you made the day before, then you make a new one. Don’t worry about whether you might be wrong someday. Worry about whether you’re right now. Tomorrow can wait.”

“Tomorrow can wait,” I repeat. The tears are still flowing, but I no longer feel like I’m choking on some invisible ache in my throat. I no longer have to gasp for breath.

“It can,” she promises . “No point worrying about what happens at the end of the road when there’s a hundred steps to take before you get there. You worry about today’s step. Because I promise you, passerotta, there will come a day when you stop obsessing over what lies ahead and begin to look backward instead. And when that day comes, it won’t matter so much whether every step was in the right direction because life is not a straight line. It will only matter that you took them. That you never let yourself stand still.”

“I don’t know why people always call me the smart one,” I say. “You definitely have me beat.” She laughs, and the sound

FTC Advisory: I purchased my own copy of All Played Out. No goody bags, sponsorships, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
peter sharp
You know the saying opposites attract? Well that couldn't be more true than when it comes to Antonella and Mateo. Nell is all about school. She eats, sleeps and breaths it to the point that she is graduating early. Mateo on the other hand is the equivalent to that guy you know that is always up to something crazy. Whether it be getting super drunk and next thing you know he winds up half naked on the floor somewhere or just goofing off and acting silly with his teammates. The unlikeliness of terms bring these two together. A list. A list that Nell decided to put together because a certain roommate of hers let her know that she had to enjoy life a little more. That college is the time to experiment. Take that as you will. What is an ordinary girl to do? I'll tell you what she comes up with a list of all the crazy and wild things one does in college. Mateo gets wind of this list and makes it his mission to help her complete it. Is it to help her along or for his on personal gain? Only time can tell.

Honestly Cora can do no wrong in my book. Each new story tops the last and I'm not sure how she manages to do it every time. First thing you have to know is that All Played Out delivers. Boy does it deliver! I'm still stuck thinking about the ever charming Mateo and Nell who just happens to be his perfect fit. As many of you I've been a fan of Cora's writing since way back when. The Rusk series has a special place in my heart and with each new book my little heart expands even more. They are so refreshing to read especially in the New Adult genre where everything seems to blend. The characters Cora brings to life are truly one of a kind. They are so relaable that you can easily identify yourself with at least one of her many characters.

I must confess I was a bit apprehensive going in only because I desperately wanted this to be Stella's story. That managed to thaw out as soon as I met Nell. (I'm also insanely happy to report that the next book in the Rusk series will be Stella's!!!) She has a certain spark to her that I absolutely loved it. She doesn't hold back and she says things as they are without even thinking twice about it. Mateo on the other hand I couldn't get enough of. Silas still has the top spot in the Rusk series but getting inside of Mateo's head was truly wonderful. I couldn't stop laughing and then getting sentimental all within a span of a few pages. All Played Out was a delight to read and if you enjoyed the first two in the series you will certainly love this one as well. - Andy
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