The Black Bible Of Science (Compilation)

ByDr. Osei Kufuor

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★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
amanda eastofreaden
Really, there are no words for this pamplet. The author is all over the place, and so unbelievable. Maybe if he had some references or something that would help but I doubt it. I'd give it 1/3 a star if they would let me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Great reference book. This book should be added to the reference libraries of all melanated people. It covers the metaphysical significance of holidays and the significance of the melanated being. There is also a helpful section at the rear of the book that covers the origins of the scheme of international banking and how to interpret the laws of this occupation.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
alison szabo
I have studied Metaphysics intensely and I believe there are some valid things that are said in this book but once you bring God into the subject, you can not call white people vampires and talk about evil. If Peter, as is his real name I believe, really understood Metaphysics, and that God IS ALL, and that evil is only the error of thinking, why is race such an issue in this book. He is too much into the Illuminati and all the conspiracy issues for me to take this book too seriously. I believe there are valid things as he points out with the power of the government but in Metaphysics, what you put your attention on is just perpetuated. I have watched different Youtube videos of "Dr." Osei and I understand that he wants the black people to come together instead of following and falling for the racist traps that are systemically set in place by our nation. There is no doubt that racism is a very valid problem in this country where many innocent people get caught up in that net. Is he now a Minister too? A Jack of All Trades it seems. There are many, many other books with decades and decades of research that I could recommend if Metaphysics is what is paramount in your learning. You really have to take what is said asking MANY questions and doing your own research. We all have melanin and the color of ones skin is determined by the number of melanocytes. In Latin it means reddish. It also accounts the colors of feathers, fur and scales etc. And we all as a human species have a pineal gland or epiphysis which secretes melatonin. I am no scientist or physician, but it seems Osei doesn't really know what he is talking about when referring to either one of these. I am disappointed with my purchase as although interesting to some degree, serious authors will reference their research and annotate where their information is coming from. Even in Metaphysics books, this is done, referring back to research, authors etc. I can't recommend this book as anything positive as it just perpetuates this ongoing separation of races. We have to all be proud of our racial heritage and we all have uniqueness as such, but in the end we are all still of the HUMAN RACE. Personally he is a bit too "out there" for me.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alexis raynak
I loved the book. It really opened my eyes. However there are some questions that I must ask. In relation to "There is no God" but yet the word God is used in a portion of the reading. Can someone explain what this determines please. Is the word God used for the Christians or ....
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
bev bjorklund
I read this book to understand the religion and thinking of the kemet Egyptian religion or the conscious community. Tho I don't agree with the philosophy of blacks being supreme and the universe is God. There are some knowledge and truth of science I can take and apply with my biblical knowledge. I gave it three stars because of the anti bible philosophy it has. But as for natural knowledge of what men are made up of and the knowledge of what the universe is made up of and the knowledge of America and the world banks and the IRS I enjoyed. He gave reference to go back and research when dealing with the IRS and world banks and America government. Those topics I will have to research and study to confirm to be true. But this book will make you look into the American nation more and due your due diligence on this nation because this nation is not what is pretends to be.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
This book had some interesting points, but the author did not source his material. Also, material appeared to be subjective and bias in some cases. Would not recommend as a source document if doing research.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dinesh kumar
Osei Kufour is a beautiful jewel.. This book talks to the unknown mind.. If you’re in tune with nature, the universe, stars, and the ancestors.. This book will take your soul to many worlds inside YOU..
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