The Funniest/Worst Place on Earth - My Holiday in North Korea

ByWendy Simmons

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anna parsons lamb
I had 8 hours drive from Cincinnati to Cleveland and back. Listened to this book along the way. Thoroughly entertaining, engaging and amusing. I am not saying I laughed my ass off but i was certainly smiling all along the way
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kimberly kay mcbride
Since there are few books about NoKo, it is difficult to compare this book with an other. That being said it does provide a good loo at that country and it's inhabitants. With all the electric outages, it makes one wonder how they can build an ICBM.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My holiday in North Korea the funniest / worst place on earth by Wendy E. Simmons is really funny. And really cool. Older handler is really stubborn and fresh handler is nice. My favorite part was when the bride gave Wendy stink eye. Another good part was the soccer game because I like soccer. I reccomends this book because it is really cool and funny. I don't think I'd ever want to go to North Korea.
A Thousand Miles to Freedom - My Escape from North Korea :: The True Story of My Imprisonment in North Korea - Not Forgotten :: A North Korean Girl's Journey to Freedom - In Order to Live :: The Treasure: A Novel (Lion's Bride) :: Under the Loving Care of the Fatherly Leader - North Korea and the Kim Dynasty
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
emily udell
I enjoyed reading about the authors stay in North Korea, but I felt she was a bit insensitive at times. She didn't seem willing to understand the cultural differences between herself and the people of North Korea and many times it seemed she was being childish and difficult on purpose. Examples: continuosly asking questions because she hasn't gotten the answer she wants. complaining about everything.
As someone who travels often to other countries I would think the author would have a better appreciation of different cultures and the need to respect the culture of the country she is in if for nothing else her own safety
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
donna campbell
Read "Nothing to Envy: Ordinary Lives in North Koreay" or The Aquariums of Pyongyang: Ten Years in the North Korean Gulag. This is a good "bathroom book" or airport buy. I bought it because I was interested in the pictures. It was light and more of a goof.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brad l
A thoroughly enjoyable and easy to read book. North Korea is certainly a place that I would not visit, however after reading the book, I felt as if I were there with Wendy. Whatever you thought happens in North Korea, Wendy is able to convey so much more of the lunacy that occurs there. This is not a book that delves into the politics and policies of North Korea. It gives a glimpse of the power that the government has over the people. She shows how the government controls everything the people see and do and how they should act, yet she is also able to convey that these same people could be just like everyone else if they were allowed to be in a different setting. The book is not written by a professional writer or a professional travel guide author which makes it all the more enjoyable to read. It is written by an ordinary person who has traveled the world because she wants to learn about other cultures, people and customs. This is a book written in her own words. It is funny, poignant, personal and yes sarcastic which is what I liked about it. Concerning some of the reviews, sarcasm is not always meant to be cruel. She writes what she sees and feels during the moment. The pictures are wonderful and inciteful, the quotes from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland are quite appropriate. If anything, Wendy has done more for relations between North Korea and the United States than did Dennis Rodman.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
simon yeam
Awesome. Funny and well written, Wendy makes you feel like you're there with her. I like the way she found the humour in the stark circumstances of her visit. I highly recommend this book! I've read other NK books and this is the only one that approaches from the humorous angle.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Such a funny personal take on such a unique travel experience. I was laughing many times as I read away at her crazy experiences, feeling I was right there with her laughing (and crying at the absurdity of it all)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sudheer kaspa
Wow, what an intriguing (and hilarious) read! The author really gets into the fabric of North Korea (threadbare as it may be) and manages to provide a charming account about a place that couldn't be more bereft of the stuff. You can't wait to read the next bizarre facade they put in front of her as they promote their perfect country to the American Imperialist. And the photos -- not sure how she managed to sneak away with so many gorgeous photos -- but they are a perfect companion to her words, showing us a perfectly manicured country with perfectly lifeless people. Thank you, Wendy, for making this journey and reporting back so well. In this case, the EPCOT pavilion you've provided is much preferred to the real thing!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Humorously told story of a sad place. After spending 10 days on a solo trip to North Korea, or NoKo as she calls it, she gained insight into the people and the culture. She was alone only while asleep, essentially, as they plan busy 12 hour days of tours. Everything, absolutely everything one sees is completely staged while the tour guides either lie or don't answer questions. "when will the construction of that hotel be completed?" is answered with "yes", for example.

I have been fascinated with this country for a long time, and this book did not disappoint!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book describes Wendy Simmons' 10 day trip in North Korea. It is irreverently funny while still showing the truth, as she saw it, about North Korea. It also convinced me that I never want to travel to North Korea unless the people there quit worshiping their Great Leaders and gain some real notion of the rest of the world. I did not care for the constant use of what I consider to be obscene language, but the book is still good reading. The juxtaposition of photos and quotes from Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass were genius. Be sure to read them.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
joanne welfl
A bit too much snark coupled with too little insight and empathy for my taste. The explanatory material the author included at the end would have provided much-needed context if placed at the book's beginning. That would address niggling questions like, how does one travel to North Korea, anyway? Although, I'm always dubious when an author tells me how much empathy and emotional intelligence she has--definitely a question of show, don't tell.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Most "I visited North Korea" books are pretty much the same -- not surprising since the Norks show most every visitors the same package of sights. (I know, I've been twice.) This author rises above the pack. She actually manages to make it funny, not easy with such a dour place. A worthwhile and entertaining read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lynn chambers
I thoroughly enjoyed this book, although after reading it, I hope a good review here doesn't sic the North Korean government on me :0)
A very entertaining read (and eye opening for me, in terms of realizing how much freedom we have here in the USA). The book is laid out well with lots of cool photos too. Much props to Wendy Simmons for bravely going where I would have not dared, and bringing home an enlightening acid trip of an experience to share with us all.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jess griffis
This book was fantastic because of the author's honesty. I didn't know what to think when I first started reading it. As I got further into it, there were "you gotta be kidding me" stuff that comes under the writer's heading of "this sh-- might be real". The front cover where the bride is giving the author the stink eye is perfect. Read this book ... you'll enjoy it and have a better idea of what is going on over there in NoKo.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
inge kersten
The book starts out well with predictable direction: why she picked to go to North Korea and what she saw there and heard from her handler. As a reader, I felt her isolation and frustration due to her handlers being an impenetrable wall. She was stuck there for 9 days. Her use of the word, fuxx, was a little disturbing, but I probably could not describe my feelings without it either.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It was enlightening to learn something about North Korea from a first-hand tourist account— and sad to read of the extent of the propaganda, brainwashing and prevailing fear of its citizens. Wendy made reading the book wholly engaging and enjoyable by boldly (and often humorously) letting us in on her own private (sometimes not so private) thoughts about her experience. She was taken by surprise, as most would be, by her surreal encounters—even though her experience was limited to staged places and scripted guides. I highly recommend this book by a lively author and very curious, winsome and intelligent world traveler.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Just finished the book. So fabulous. I learned about the geopolitical landscape of NOKO while enjoying myself immensely. The author has a wonderful way to tell a serious story with humor and wit. Enjoyed absolutely everything from the writing and photographs to all the thoughtful details the author chose for the book layout (check out how each page number is displayed and the layout of the final page). It was a delight - literarily, stylistically, visually. I couldn't put it down.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
5 stars because it's flawless, save for editing errors that are typical of Kindle editions for some reason. WHAT A FANTASTIC SENSE OF THE ABSURD, the author is funny, insightful, straight shoot in and cutting while at the same time compassionate. She won't kill bugs -- believing that every living creature is on equal footing in their right to life. I'm the same way .. catch and release bugs in trouble...except ants. However, having just learned you can feed them outside and this will help keep them there, I plan to try that. Sorry, I progressed. This book made me think and feel deeply...happy, sad, philosophically...and more. I hope to meet the author someday. By the way, I'm Marks wife using his Kindle.
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