The Soldiers of Halla (Pendragon)

ByD.J. MacHale

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
christine beverly
When Nevva presents her view of Saint Dane's plan on Third Earth, it really struck me. I hadn't realized before that everything Saint Dane has been doing is influenced by Nietzschean thought. Nevva says that "The Vision. It was about encouraging people to strive for the absolute best." What is this but Nevva encouraging master morality vs. herd morality. Saint Dane takes it really far by deciding that those who have lesser abilities and fall into the herd should be given less opportunity to live.
Interesting to think about.

This is a good series though. I Started reading it when I was 12 or so, and even though I've outgrown them, I still get excited when I see that the next installment is at the library.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jennifer guyer
Pendragon has been one of my favorite series of all time and the Soldiers of halla somes up the series perfectly. D.J. MacHale has created a wonderful series which is based on some of the most famous archetypes of literature yet created a new and original story to it. My only regret is the epilouge which suffers from the same fate a Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. All in all, I was happy to finally read this incredible story
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have been reading these books, well since the begining, with bobby's uncle giving him his ring. and this series has engrossed me since i was 12 years old and picke dup the first book! I love the series.
The Rivers of Zadaa (Pendragon) :: The Merchant of Death (Pendragon) :: Taliesin (The Pendragon Cycle, Book 1) :: The White Rose by Glen Cook (18-Sep-2008) Paperback :: The Assassination That Defined a Generation - Kennedy's Last Days
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
azad rahaman
This book, simply put, was fantastic. I've been a Pendragon fanatic ever since The Merchant of Death, and every book continues to engross me. The only other time I've ever felt so anxious to know what will happen to fictional characters is in the Harry Potter series. This book was a great closing to the end of the series. DJ MacHale couldn't do better than this even if he tried.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
There have been many popular series that ended rather...blandly. Pendragon is not one of them. The action and reading was fast paced, with scarcely a dull moment.

Readers wanting to know the fate of all the Travelers won't be disappointed at all.

The conclusion exceeded expectations, and not at all half-arsed.

All in all, an enjoyable read and definitely worth checking out - along with the other nine books and the three 'Before the War' novels.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
emerson probst
Well, its finally over. One of the greatest young adult series ever written. Every single one of the Pendragon novels has been 5 star material. Some closer to 4 others who i wished i could give a six. This one was in the middle of the pack. A great book but compared to some other pendragons its not as good. Worth your money.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nafinia putra
Well, its finally over. One of the greatest young adult series ever written. Every single one of the Pendragon novels has been 5 star material. Some closer to 4 others who i wished i could give a six. This one was in the middle of the pack. A great book but compared to some other pendragons its not as good. Worth your money.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
julia rose
okay after reading some reviwes of other people i noticed some flawes with the last and final book but that doesnt change my perspective of the book i thought it was fast paced full of adventure (just like all the other books) and was actually told from a human perspective.

although i got that fom reading another persons reviw i think that ill tell about the story anyway so yeah i agree with others reports abouth the epilouge not being as good as it could be ( if your reading this Dj Machale i mean this with the greatest possible respect for the books) but still that one awsome speech near the end was the best in the series!!!!! i still think their all awsome!!!!!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
h jane
the store did not represent this audio book as a MP3-CD. This book is not very compatable with Mac's and I will have to be extra careful when dealing with the store in the future Knowing they do not disclose all information on their web page.We did manage to get it on my son's i-pod but with great difficulty and with no help from the email address from the publisher that is no longer in use. Becareful of audio books they might not be what you think you are getting. One stare for Amason 5 stars for Pendragon book 10.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
jean cheszek
***MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR SPOILERS**** If you have not read the book, this review WILL spoil some things for you. Read on at your own risk.
I wish I could give this book negative stars. I have read all the Pendragon books up til book 10. I was very interested to read how it all ends. I wanted to finally know: Where did the travelers come from? How were they brought back together? Why could Saint Dane do things they couldn't? How would he be defeated? Well, I read far enough to know the answer to the first three questions, but by then I didn't care enough to read on and find out the answer to the last one.

I could only get a few chapters into the book before I couldn't stomach to read anymore. I'm sure it only got worse as this massive tome went on. I think it's truly a shame that the author wrote this children's series, detailing the adventures of Bobby Pendragon and his fight against Saint Dane, only to end it by promoting some mystical, metaphysical, Eastern religious doctrine.

The book basically says (in clear, non metaphorical or allegorical, terms), as Press explains Halla to Bobby, that: there's really no right or wrong, humans are innately good, and all their choices are good (so long as they trust in themselves), and human souls are absorbed into a cosmic intellectual oneness when their bodies die. There's no heaven, no God, etc.

Some of the "spirit" beings, that are made from the souls of people in Halla (past, present and future), were later created (and given bodies) to be travelers, are not actually from any of the territories but come from this mystical universal consciousness on the edge of Halla. The original purpose of these spirits was to act as "guardian angels" to visit people in dreams at critical times when faced with a decision, and help them to see and have confidence that ANY decision they make will be the right one. Saint Dane comes from this metaphysical place and was once good. He and Press are some of the oldest "spirits" created from the souls of Halla. His error was in thinking that some of the decisions made by men were the right or wrong ones to make. So Saint Dane entered the worlds of Halla to influence humans to do things his way. As he changed and merged the territories, the metaphysical place was changed and damaged.

If Saint Dane succeeds in destroying Halla then he can become god and create his own worlds. The travelers were created by the collective spirits (there's no one in charge of Halla) to fight against him and stop this. The travelers were planted by the spirits on their respective worlds, without memory of what they were before, so they could relate to them and desire to defend and preserve them.

I feel cheated that the trail of adventure led to the blatant promotion of this religious worldview. Looking back, there were hints that the books were leading in this direction but book 10 tears away any pretenses. This book's ideals, promoted by characters that have gained "trust" from the readers over a number of books, are definitely not something a Christian parent would want their child believing. For those whose children have already read the series up til now, and will surely want to read the conclusion, I suggest parents read the book first so that you can point out for your kids all the erroneous messages/worldviews being promoted.
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