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★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
My apologies to the author in advance - I'm absolutely not writing this to be a troll, but to try and provide a heads up to the other potential readers.
I really thought this book had a great concept that was poorly executed. The character development was rushed, the plot made leaps of faith that didn't always work, technical oversights rubbed me wrong, and the editing was poor to non-existent. I slogged it through to the end, but refuse to waste my time with anything else in the series.
I'm positive that at some point the author will develop enough craft to successfully pull off a novel such as this, at which point I'll give it another shot.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
This "book" is terrible. Even though it's incredibly short, it was still a struggle to make it to the end. I finished reading it two minutes ago and I can barely remember the plot it was so boring. It's also possible that PTSD kicked in already and blocked out the last half hour of my life. The grammar, punctuation, spelling, sentence structure, and anything else remotely describing the way words are put together to create a story were completely atrocious. Even without these easily fixed (but somehow inexplicably not) errors, there was nothing compelling or interesting about the story or characters.
The lack of respect this "author" demonstrates to his audience by putting this garbage out is crazy. I don't understand how anyone could honestly give this more than 1 star.
In summary, most elementary school write-a-books are more cohesive, have better grammar, and probably more character development than this digital turd. There is no way I would ever try another book from this author based on reading this.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Short short short story with little to no value. Read this book on the recommendation from Michael Anderle (Kutherian Gambit Series) and its horrible. Supposedly revised and edited. If that iss the case I can only imagine how bad it was before. I read 4 of the books in this series on the vain hopes that it would improve. Trust me it does not. They do get longer but they do NOT get better. This particular book reads more like an outline of a short story/novella. Even free (Kindle Unlimited) this book isnt worth the time read. I can only surmise that there is some kind of campaign from Anderle's readers to boost the ratings of this series because there is no way in hell that this is a 5 star book in any universe.
Terra and Imperium (Duchy of Terra) (Volume 3) :: Yesterday's Spacemage (The Spacemage Chronicle Book 1) :: Hand of Mars (Starship's Mage Book 2) :: Supercarrier: The Ixan Prophecies Trilogy Book 1 :: Stellar Fox (Castle Federation) (Volume 2)
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
cl udia
Interesting idea, a little light on detail in describing things, and in later books, a pretty black/white two-dimensional villains. Which isn't a bad thing for some light reading, but what kills me is the utter lack in editing. It's like it was run through auto-correct, and the author was just like "eh, good enough." Paragraph placement is weird too, but really is the use of "he" instead of "the" and "too" instead of "two," and skipping commas, kind of thing that really kills this book.

In short- shell out, and get a real editor Paul!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
cathy wood
This novelette/book/series has a very interesting idea. The execution on the other hand is pretty bad. The author is incorrect and somewhat deceptive in labeling it a book and series, rather than a serial novel. This is not a huge problem for kindle unlimited readers, but is more than a little unethical for people buying the ebook. Similar length books are priced at $.99 and that would be the maximum appropriate price in my opinion. In all honesty, trying to charge anything for the first installment is wrong. That should probably be offered for free, with the rest at 99 cents. The idea is very interesting and lots of fun, but the execution is also very sloppy with a lack of consistency throughout all of the books/novelettes/long short stories such as changing the tense, the person (first versus third etc), other style elements, etc. It reads like a poorly executed summary of a potentially very interesting novel/series. Even at its current length it desperately needs skilled professional editing by a truly ruthless editor.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
This book is so badly written and so poorly proofread that I could not even finish the first chapter. I do not believe the author ever attended a science class. It is not even worth the time it has taken me to write this.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jonathan slavuter
This is more like a serial episode, equivalent to the length of a chapter in a novel. But that's not really an issue when read as a Kindle Unlimited entry. Since that's pretty much all I read from the store, I'm just happy to have found it (thanks to the author's post on Michael Anderle's discussions group.

Thought this was a fun read and enjoyed the pop culture references. Naming bad ass weapons system armaments after mayhem rowdy cartoon characters is just so special.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I like the character, and the storyline. I am disappointed in the shortness of the book. This storyline has the potential of so much more in it. From the building of the space station to the arrival of the navel ships 15 years later. This is more like the outline for a really good book. I think the author needs to go back and really flesh out this story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
maria perez de arrilucea
This reader "loves" this series ! Please continue to write this type of storyline, because your story's are very good. For once awesome sci fi without swearing and heavy, graphic sex scenes. A very nice story, which is very enjoyable. I will recommend this series to my children.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Major flaws - grammer and spelling errors, Admiral kept changing from female to male and back, and some major idea scavenging from movies - Wilson from Castaway, the line to Buckley from The Hunt For Red October, and so on. But on the plus side, and the reason I gave it 3 stars instead of 1 or 2, is that the concept is interesting and can be taken in SO many directions from here.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
randy lakeman
Very good plot line, obviously inexperienced writer, however he still does a good job of telling the story. I do like that the main character is not necessarily the captain of the ship or a line officer who takes over when all above him or her die, instead you have a engineering officer who keeps the equipment going with or with modifications make the equipment better.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I like the character, and the storyline. I am disappointed in the shortness of the book. This storyline has the potential of so much more in it. From the building of the space station to the arrival of the navel ships 15 years later. This is more like the outline for a really good book. I think the author needs to go back and really flesh out this story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
matt cruea
You every wonder what if? What would happen if you were trapped in a space ship a million miles from civilization all alone. Well Athena fines out.
Much of the wonders this young woman does is truly remarkable because I would have curled up under a rock.
This young lady is job originated. She is ambitious and thinks of things she wants done and gets after them.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This reader "loves" this series ! Please continue to write this type of storyline, because your story's are very good. For once awesome sci fi without swearing and heavy, graphic sex scenes. A very nice story, which is very enjoyable. I will recommend this series to my children.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
terrie hazard
Major flaws - grammer and spelling errors, Admiral kept changing from female to male and back, and some major idea scavenging from movies - Wilson from Castaway, the line to Buckley from The Hunt For Red October, and so on. But on the plus side, and the reason I gave it 3 stars instead of 1 or 2, is that the concept is interesting and can be taken in SO many directions from here.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Very good plot line, obviously inexperienced writer, however he still does a good job of telling the story. I do like that the main character is not necessarily the captain of the ship or a line officer who takes over when all above him or her die, instead you have a engineering officer who keeps the equipment going with or with modifications make the equipment better.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
fiona mcdonald
I loved the inventiveness of the character, but I wanted more details about the blunders and successes of putting the station together. I do however want to read more, I think Athena will cause trouble and cause victories were ever she goes. The first book seems a little rushed, but I can't wait to read more.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
mollie glick
I really wanted to like this. The concept could have been good. But this feels like a prequel short story or the first act of an unfinished novel. The grammar and typos are distracting and the characters are undeveloped. Looking further into the series, they all appear to be equally as short which doesn't inspire confidence that this is a first book problem. Had to walk away.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Enjoyable start of a new writer, there's an update that says it's been updated/ re-edited so it was only mildly painful in they aspect. I can balance lack of professional editing with a good imaginative story, humor, a strong main character, and lots of quirky references.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
peggy lo
Despite whatever flaws people may percieve in this book, I found this story to be compulsively readable. I mean the setup is perfect enough that I wanted to keep reading in order to find out what was going to happen.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I heard the author interviewed and decided to check out the book. Clever idea, engaging technique, clean, brisk storytelling, and great story. As mentioned by nearly everyone, lots of errors; spelling, punctuation - I was actually shocked by how many. Felt like a first draft, but the fact that's it's so good and reads so well makes them quite easy to overlook. Reminded me a lot of Beacon 23.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
grahm eberhardt
Great beginning premise, but way too short, very little in the way of actual conflict resolution or character development. It reads like a old Flash Gordon story, with the overly-obvious restatements of the situation.

Additionally, this story has very large editing issues.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Writing is atrocious. Story line is infantile. Characters are one dimensional. I am an engineer, read 4-5 books a week, and am happy to suspend disbelief...but would be embarrassed for my kids to read these. The spell checker on my phone does a better job. There is no science, barely fiction.

That said, I read the whole series. I feel dirty.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jo gilley
I read this useing kindel unlimited. I enjoyed the story but would like to have had more of the main characters work to survive and less jumping back and fourth to her rescue. Dont let that stop you from reading it. It is quick read and fun.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
danielle ballard
Not perfect but you know what?...i enjoyed it greatly. This entire series lacks the polish that the corporate publishing industry has but it doesn't get in the way of having a great time reading them. A bargain for those of us with Kindle Unlimited too. I'm about halfway through the series and look forward to the rest.
Self published authors are definitely worthy of our patronage, professional editing doesn't make a good story just as its lack doesn't mean it isn't worth your time, i've learned to look past grammatical errors and it has definitely been worthwhile. You don't know what you're missing.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
jordan ayers
Glaring grammar errors and total lack of character development make this book a waste of time. Fortunately it's only a chapter long so I only wasted 15 minutes on it, and with Prime it was free, so I didn't waste money.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
chandra snowleo
Extremely short and rushed. Characters are incredibly one dimensional. Feels like someone tried to turn a cliff notes copy into a story but failed to add anything to it. The less said about grammar the better.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mariam farahani
The only issue was a few typos. However, those are easily overlooked when you take into account the story. Which was fast paced, action packed, and full of character. I'm excited to continue the series. Some may complain about the length, but I find it nice to have a short read that I can finish in one sitting.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
beth cavanaugh
I enjoyed reading this story. The plot is fast and clean. The grammar though not perfect doesn't draw attention to itself ( I know, right!?). Characters are relatable and tangible. Really a great platform for suspending disbelief?
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