Break free from the past and future and learn to let God take control.

ByRev J Martin

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
debbie teixeira zagorski
I really enjoyed this book, it helped me to understand "letting go". There are so many areas in my life that I really just need to let it go, and let God take care of it.
Going forward, I will be doing my best not to let family or people I work with get under my skin.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
To some it could be simpler statement, however to understand that God is in control, and that is important to let go it is a difficult concept. Been studying this theme for some time now. Found this book very interesting and good for people that want to change the way of living and thinking. I guarantee you, once you start to "let go of things" your going to be happier. Never heard before about the concept of MINDFULNESS,made perfect sense. TO ME THIS ONE IS A MUST READ.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
kat warren
Very sweet, but too simplistic for the tragedies our family has endured these past several years. We lost our son to complications from tramatic brain injury sustained from football concussions, then a year later our grandson was killed in an auto accident. I know I can't go back but these boys follow me around like my shadow. Letting go will never happen for this mother or my daughter. Losing a child is far beyond a simplistic feel good book like this is.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
susan e
Simple things that we often forget. Amazed me that this quick read came to my life just when I'm going through some difficulties with my older son and I was kind of upset with God (I'm Catholic practicant) but the author is right, just you have to let it go and trust God and live the moment, the present moment. I would add, have Joy and trust. This booklet take you ten minutes the most.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Real circumstances and situations are given through stories with much encouragement from the author. The main point that resounds in each chapter is...Let Go and let God! I'll keep this digital book available to use as a reminder that the past is the past, and God is a God of the present. To try to predict the future means to not trust. Short book, wished there were more stories
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joseph falco
I really enjoyed this book. It inspired me to look at life in
A whole new way. You have to believe and have faith
that God really has a better plan for us inspite of how
the world looks today. Great book, I recommend it to
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
morelli junior
I found this book by accident while checking some stuff on my Kindle.
I found it to be clear and direct in its content. The stories told by the author gives hope that following and trusting in God can make a big difference in your life. Having faith in God's words is essential to living an abundant life.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It helped me understand meaning to life and to let stuff go from the past. Because I've learned that you can't live in you past mistakes you have to forgive and let go. Also the mindless exercises helps to do it morning and night before going to bed. Thank you!!!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I can easily summarize this first draft of a booklet for you: "Let go, let God, and watch this YouTube video on mindfulness." Now, save yourself a half hour and read something- just about anything- else, and your time will have been better spent.

There is nothing new or helpful here; it's just overly simplistic and trite cliches, strung together with skeletal personal anecdotes... All of which can be summarized as, "Life was good, it unexpectedly became bad, the person let it go, and then God made it better than it was before!" In addition to the material being as shallow as a puddle, the lack of punctuation is a joke. The capitalization of God was completely randomized; periods and commas were used interchangeably, including where a colon or semicolon would have been better; words were constantly in the wrong tense; and, at one point, he quoted a verse at Corinthians 12:13... without indicating if it was I or II Corinthians! Shallow writing and shoddy editing throughout led up to the final pages where the reader is instructed to click on the handy link to a YouTube video on mindfulness, which made me wonder if that was the point of the whole book! Was it an elaborate, albeit poorly produced, marketing scheme? I don't know. Apparently, the author is either simple, or a charlatan. Either way, this "book" isn't worth anyone's time.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
larry wood
I am struggling and going through some things and found that this book was perfect. It wasn't too long or drawn out, and it got to the point. I found it not only inspirational, but also informational. I would recommend this book to anyone who has past and current hurts emotionally and physically. I'd give it two thumbs up!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book was a revelation from God! It is amazing how being in the now, keeping faith in Gods power and letting go can change your life. Thus book is an excellent guide for those going through a rough patch.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is amazing, It was filled with lots of amazing life stories that really empowered my life to let people who have hurt me in the past go without holding grudges against them. I have always loved Rev J Martin books and will keep reading the rest of his books.
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