Shed Excess Weight - Lose Your Belly

ByJohn Chatham

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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This brilliant book provides 5 tools in reducing belly fat beginning with description, and the four different hormone triggers directly related to the belly fat. The author provided tips and suggestions in how to make the specific hormones work for you, in a way to reduce the belly fat such as specific types of food to eat and which to avoid. Also, the book describes supplements that assist in controlling the hormone levels in reducing the belly fat. As a bonus to a reader such as myself, the author outlined reasons for eating more frequently, such as at frequent intervals, which is a nice reward that allows the reader such as myself, to eat more frequently, as long the specific compounds from certain food groups are focused on and habits are continued. Basically the author suggests that the reader can continue to eat whatever the appetite pleases, but the most important part is to be armed with knowledge on how specific compounds and behavior affect hormone trigger increase the reader's awareness in reducing the belly fat. This book provides a guide towards a personal lifestyle change, starting with specific concentration on food, supplement, and behavior.The latter portion of the section outlines sample eating schedule and habit. Skimming through the eating schedule, I'd be too full to eat by dinnertime!

Overall this is a great book to help someone stay healthy and keep their weight under control.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kurt marsh
Eat often. Eat till your full. Cheating once a week is allowed. Exercise only 30 minutes, six days a week. Foods with some fat are allowed. These are just some of the easy-to-follow, exciting rules of the Belly Fat Diet.
John Chatham explains how each principle works for you, breaking down the science behind how our body treats and stores fats. His researched methods for shrinking your middle will expand your view of exercise, food and the number of ways you can enjoy healthy eating. Straight-forward, informative and simple to follow. Great for many of us who don't have time to measure, count, or journal our way to a slimmer belly.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Belly Fat Diet Fails

The Belly Fat Diet isn't much different from any of the other diets that claim to lose belly fat or any other weight diet. Waste of money. The amout of food the diet promotes per day is far too much for a smaller person who just wants to lose belly fat.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
GREAT book, with excellent tips and ideas on how to change your diet and reduce the fat belly ! My waist is getting so trim, my belly is getting flat, I'm really happy with the results. The other day my daughter put her arms around me and remarked "Mom you are really getting thin" : ) The book has flat belly recipes for cooking the whole family can enjoy. The book also covers the science of maintaining a healthy diet. I love the belly fat diet because it makes me feel so much better when I am eating healthy and getting some exercise. I have more energy and my clothes fit better too!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
katie porter
This just enforces what one knows about losing belly fat....give up everything and eat vegetables. Good book but I'm not into the details of these recipes... eat less and exercise is the only answer.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
sandy ostrom mcinvale
Wonderful healthy food, and he's got a great diet plan here. Nobody could come away hungry.....and most will come away thinner. But for us old folks with all our malidies....had to stop it. Thanks anyway.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
pam mastin
Like many women I have always struggled with the weight around my belly. Even after a lot of dieting I have been unsuccessfully to lose weight around my middle. One day while searching online, I came across this book and decided it to give it a try. Especially because it was only $9.99 it was very affordable. To be honest initially I thought this would be like all the other books I have read, but I decided to read it and give the plan a go. The best thing about this diet was that I wasn't left feeling hungry. It strays away from the traditional deprivation based diet, and instead shows you how to change your eating habits. The best thing was that I wasn't counting calories any more which every other diet required me to do. The books main focus is on feeding your body, not starving. The book is written in simple language which is easy to understand and the information makes sense.
I am not a fond reader but this book is short and precise making its point clear not like other books that go on and on to the point where you get bored and give up reading. It shows you simple and effective ways to trim fat from your belly.
This is just not a diet book but this book tells you where the fats come from and what it is doing to you. It talks about the two types of fat in our body, and how some fat is needed by our body. The books features powerfoods that actually help you lose weight, and it shows ways to turn your fat into lean muscle
The best thing is it doesn't get you to do excessive exercise. This is more like a lifestyle than a diet. So if you have struggled with belly fat look no further get this book today.
So all in all if you going to buy any diet book buy this one for it has everything, the cause the solution the exercise plan, menu plan, tells you about important supplements to take, the 5 most important to include in your shopping list and some super yummy recipe.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Started with "easy to follow. Don't need to follow along of the district rules like other diet........". Well.....there are a lot of rules and not so red easy to follow.. , but I follow the several rules, then got more belly fat now. I guess I should follow the all rules..
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
becca barrett
This Belly Fat diet is very well organized, uses easy to understand language and goes into great detail by defining and describing each step of the program. Bold headings introduce each topic that is discussed throughout the book making it easy to go back and reference any given topic.

This book is very personable and relatable. I finished this book feeling very informed. I felt as though I had a greater understanding of my body, how it worked and what it needed. I also felt that the Belly Fat Diet was something that could easily become a part of my daily life.

The book starts with discussing the health risks related to excess belly fat. Next is what one can expect when implementing the Belly Fat Diet into their lives and why it works versus the countless other mainstream methods most of us are familiar with i.e.: excessive dieting and exercise. The book goes on to talk about the foods and supplements that are vital in order to have success with the program. As a reader I was thrilled that the book offered several options for food and exercise. The supplements discussed are very common, affordable and easy to find if you don't happen to already have them (such as vitamin C and fish oil). The author goes into great detail on why and how these foods and supplements help in reducing belly fat and which specific foods should be avoided. Personally, I feel much more motivated when I know exactly how something is going to work. If you are anything like me in this regard this book is for you!

After discussing the foods and supplements needed to reduce belly fat the author offers very detailed and realistic meal plans followed by detailed work out regiments. Again, the author provides options. I believe he has a great understanding that everyone's lives are very different and therefore spent time researching and creating realistic options for his readers. And because of this, I believe this book will be well received by many and the program WILL WORK for those who try!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I feel way better!! And have lost over ten pounds in two weeks!!

I did feel crappy first couple days but after that I feel wonderful!! I had to change my diet I have endometriosis and felt bloated all the time and many other issues!!! I feel way better other than I cut dairy all out!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I bought the book with the purpose of reducing my slight belly bump but was amazed to get a lot in return.

The start of the book is good enough as it introduces the readers to the number of dangers related to having stored up fat in their belly section. However, the start only gets better with each subsequent chapter. The segment on insulin was very enlightening. Both my parents are diabetic and it seems even they could benefit from the guidance of the book. (I am planning to lend them the book shortly or maybe buy a new one for them).

As a food lover my favorite section was obviously the recipe section. The Cookbook is filled with delicious recipes and even encourages a little cheating each week to ease cravings.

All in all, I felt wonderful after reading the book. The author has filled me up with hopes of getting a great body figure while retaining my stamina and fulfilling my eating needs. I am halfway through seeing the refined me. It is a must read for everyone who wants to lose their tummy fat for good by applying a moderate and time tested measures.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Belly Fat Diet is an informative guide that identifies belly fat and where it comes from providing a healthy solution to losing the problem. The book explains particular risks of having excessive belly fat and how our body stores fat in our bellies because the belly fat is close to the liver. The book identifies belly fat, the risks and the solutions to not only getting rid of the body fat, but providing simple solutions without excessive dieting. It gives you the tools to not only losing weight but losing the belly. The book provides solutions for the overall health benefits for anyone who wants to not only get rid of the belly fat, but maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Fortunately people are becoming more inclined to not only lose weight, but maintain a healthy lifestyle. I think guides like this are helpful in providing us consumers to truly know our bodies, what we need to know to make a healthy change, and provide alternatives to proper exercise and moderation. As it says in the introduction, losing body fat isn't about looking good but about being healthy.
As a reader the book gives insight on the right tools about how are body functions and the necessary steps to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. I think it helps the consumer that a science is provided behind the exercise and research. The belly fat diet focuses on our mid-section but provides information about how are body functions and stores fat. The book helps me the unaware become aware of what our bodies respond to and how we can take care of ourselves with simple steps. This book can help lower the risk of diseases that belly fat can cause. With this beneficial research and the resources that we use not only can this book provide a way to flatten our stomachs, it gives us tools and inexpensive alternatives on how we can take care of ourselves, become more aware of our bodies and lowering risks of diseases. The book provides healthy resources, good research, and alternative exercise plans without having to sacrifice your everyday regime. As a consumer in a recession many people want affordable solutions to maintaining or developing a healthy. This book provides the necessary information on our bodies, what we need to know, how to lower the risks, and how to make the necessary sacrifices in living a longer healthier life.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sean collins
The Belly Fat Diet by John Chatham is an informative and educational book. Chatham first introduces the dangers of excess belly fat and obesity, and the health problems it can create. The book then follows up with some delicious and tasty recipes that focus on what foods you eat, not caloric intake or exercise routines. Respectively both aid in the battle against stomach fat, but Chatham's recipes will have you gobsmacked to believe that what you are eating assists in this endeavor. This is a very easy book to follow and the recipe instructions are crystal clear and precise. I recommend this book for any hoping to trim a few pounds prior to; or after the holiday season. This book is a must have for any chef or homemaker hoping to add healthy yet tasty dishes in to their repertoire.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Recent research showing how and why our bodies store and use belly fat has led to revolutionary new thinking about how we transform our bodies. In "The Belly Fat Cookbook", John Chatham creates over 100 delicious and easy to prepare meals for every part of the day to combat excessive belly fat. The first chapters focus on the dangers of body fat, what can be expected from the diet, how the diet works, choosing the right foods, and recipes for success. He even supplies specific grocery lists, so you'll never be stuck piling last minute frozen dinners into the cart. There are countless recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner and even dessert. These recipes ensure diners are consuming the proper calories from foods that actually help to speed up the metabolism, burn stored fat and utilize food better to provide energy. This cookbook is perfect for families ensuring the kids eat healthy, singles, couples, and entertaining. Best part is, on the "Belly Fat Cookbook" diet you can safely lose more than two pounds a week by reseting and maximizing your body's fat burning and fat storing systems.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
edwin b
Very basic with not much scientific backing. Some information I believe to be wrong, such as it's better to drink skim milk instead of whole milk. With skim milk has more sugar and less fat, but if you're doing it right, your body can use the fat better than the sugar. It is more natural. I recommend doing more research Mr. Chatham.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gabbie winney
John Chatham's `Belly Fat Diet' uses the most recent data to construct a fat fighting diet. And after reading it, you'll find it could save your life.

Comprehensive and quick, The Belly Fat Diet fills pages with healthy and useful garnish. Breaking down the diet by how your body stores and deals with fat, right (and wrong!) foods, and even an exercise plan. The book even boasts it can curb the harmful effects of Type 2 Diabetes.

While the chapters tend to fatten themselves up with repetition - you'll often find yourself reading the same thing more than once - they have the right recipe for a lean body.

In the end, The Belly Fat Diet is a book you can read in a day with enough time to change your dinner plans - without much work. Even though my diet is considered healthy, I was surprised to see errors in my daily routine.

And the best part? - you're allowed to eat all day.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Belly Fat Diet: Lose Your Belly, Shed Excess Weight, Improve Health
This was a very "easy read," with much to offer the stressed, the frustrated, and the discouraged dieter. Every cliche about weight loss is examined and snubbed, to give those who have fought the battle of the stomach bulge, hope.Yes, there is hope! There are helpful recipes, workout guides, and shopping lists of foods that will help you succeed. The strategy even includes a way to cheat on this diet and feel good about it! I can't remember the last time I felt motivated to try a weight loss plan-- but this book makes me want to give up those midnight dates with my gallon of rocky road ice cream! Even better, it doesn't seem like anyone would feel as if they are on a diet, from all the tasty things you get to enjoy. Instead of providing impossible goals and difficult food plans to follow, this book proves that anyone can get rid of that unsightly "mushroom effect," when our belt moonlights as a tourniquet!

The author delivers a plan of action--Easy to understand, casual language, cause and effect concepts. A no-brainer! Sure, there is nothing fancy or complicated about this straightforward blueprint for trimming the fat! I didn't have to spend hours and hours reading lengthy explanations of every hormone's destiny in my body. The author just tells you what you need to know--the foods you need to eat, the workout you need to do, and the way to make it work with your busy stressful life. Bravo!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Weight loss programs have earned a very negative reputation over the last few decades. Countless companies have popped up and made unimaginable profits by purporting to have the magical cure to weight loss. Predictably, few of these quick fix programs work, and worse many of them are dangerous to the health of those who practice them. The result is a frustrated population that has been trained to think that weight loss is an unreachable goal.

More recently there has been a small, but noticeable, movement for a more sensible attitude toward weight loss; this new attitude is very well represented in The Belly Fat Diet. Rather than focusing on cutting calories to an unsustainable level for middling results, The Belly Fat Diet focuses on clearly and realistically mapping the way to a more healthy lifestyle, with the added bonus of results that are likely to far exceed any of the fad diets. The book clearly lays out the food choices, exercise techniques, and beneficial supplements that will help its readers to lose weight and be healthier, and also seeks to educate readers on the process by which fat is created, and how it can be effectively removed. By giving the reader this information, John Chatham is providing valuable insight into how the diet works, and why these lifestyle changes are beneficial.

One can only hope that books like The Belly Fat Diet signal a change in the diet industry toward educating and empowering their readers rather than preying on insecurities and the desire for a quick fix.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Very basic with not much scientific backing. Some information I believe to be wrong, such as it's better to drink skim milk instead of whole milk. With skim milk has more sugar and less fat, but if you're doing it right, your body can use the fat better than the sugar. It is more natural. I recommend doing more research Mr. Chatham.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ecem dilan
John Chatham's `Belly Fat Diet' uses the most recent data to construct a fat fighting diet. And after reading it, you'll find it could save your life.

Comprehensive and quick, The Belly Fat Diet fills pages with healthy and useful garnish. Breaking down the diet by how your body stores and deals with fat, right (and wrong!) foods, and even an exercise plan. The book even boasts it can curb the harmful effects of Type 2 Diabetes.

While the chapters tend to fatten themselves up with repetition - you'll often find yourself reading the same thing more than once - they have the right recipe for a lean body.

In the end, The Belly Fat Diet is a book you can read in a day with enough time to change your dinner plans - without much work. Even though my diet is considered healthy, I was surprised to see errors in my daily routine.

And the best part? - you're allowed to eat all day.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
renee rice
The Belly Fat Diet: Lose Your Belly, Shed Excess Weight, Improve Health
This was a very "easy read," with much to offer the stressed, the frustrated, and the discouraged dieter. Every cliche about weight loss is examined and snubbed, to give those who have fought the battle of the stomach bulge, hope.Yes, there is hope! There are helpful recipes, workout guides, and shopping lists of foods that will help you succeed. The strategy even includes a way to cheat on this diet and feel good about it! I can't remember the last time I felt motivated to try a weight loss plan-- but this book makes me want to give up those midnight dates with my gallon of rocky road ice cream! Even better, it doesn't seem like anyone would feel as if they are on a diet, from all the tasty things you get to enjoy. Instead of providing impossible goals and difficult food plans to follow, this book proves that anyone can get rid of that unsightly "mushroom effect," when our belt moonlights as a tourniquet!

The author delivers a plan of action--Easy to understand, casual language, cause and effect concepts. A no-brainer! Sure, there is nothing fancy or complicated about this straightforward blueprint for trimming the fat! I didn't have to spend hours and hours reading lengthy explanations of every hormone's destiny in my body. The author just tells you what you need to know--the foods you need to eat, the workout you need to do, and the way to make it work with your busy stressful life. Bravo!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
How many times have you heard the phrase "this book changed my life?" Well, if the person happens to be referring to John Chatham's "The Belly Fat Diet" you may just want to hear them out. Mr. Chatham's approach to weight loss in this book is both scientific and common sense. In the early chapters of "The Belly Fat Diet" he explains, in straight-forward language, why many traditional diets simply did not work. He explains this as "exposing the myths." Giving the reader a basic understanding of how our bodies process what we put into them, Mr. Chatham sets the table for a simple (but scientifically proven) plan of action. Section two of "The Belly Fat Diet" outlines the effective measures every individual can take to help reduce your waistline. I was relieved to discover Mr. Chatham's recommendations are easy to implement, easy to maintain and nowhere does he suggest we count calories or watch our portions. I enjoy "The Belly Fat Diet" now as a way of life and I would recommend Mr. Chatham's book to anyone who want to lose those inches and feel good about doing it.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
roger alix gaudreau
There is some good and helpful information in this book, but there are some notable gaps. First there is no discussion on pork at all. There is a strong recommendation for soy - which for men (and women over 40) can be rather dangerous as soy tends to be estrogenic - lessening testosterone is not something a guy needs. Those are the two major issues that I found disquieting - there are a few more, but of less consequence. This is a short, concise book that has several principles that make sense and have very practical applications. I would recommend additional study to fill in the holes.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
nermeen wahid
This book was easy to read with clear instructions and the science behind it actually made sense, which is the major downfall of a lot of other diet books I've read. It doesn't promote a two week fast or to buy ridiculously expensive foods either, it just promotes sensible and reasonable life style changes to promote overall health and specifically looking at those extra pounds around your middle that you can never seem to shift! The plan is something that almost everyone would be able to do and incorporate in a busy lifestyle. I for one shall definitely be incorporating the tips and techniques I've read about in this book and I'm sure my body will thank me for it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
laura iverson
Excellent book. Actually gives solutions and is not just a list of problems written in many different ways as many other 'help' books do. Even has menu suggestions and recipe selections in the back. I would highly recommend this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This is a very informative book on the dangers of storing excess weight in the belly area. Because this is my biggest problem area, this book was of particular interest to me.
I will definitely try this!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
gretchen mclaughlin
Easy to read, to the point and a good refresher. This book is full of good tips and reasons why you should be eating coreectly. However, I feel the overall concept is a no-brainer. Eat right, low fat and cheat only if you must. Duh! Overall, I enjoyed the refresher course.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
janet severn
I think the advice is very sound, however, I think would be very difficult to put into practice. If I was single and had a low stress job, I feel like I would have the time possibly to do the recommended six day a week work out, as well as take the time to prepare fresh food regularly for the recommended meal plan. This would be great book for me if I have the time to put these ideas into practice. But being that I am super busy as it is and have very limited free time, I realistically would not be able to make this happen.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
a j jr
This book was easy to read with clear instructions and the science behind it actually made sense, which is the major downfall of a lot of other diet books I've read. It doesn't promote a two week fast or to buy ridiculously expensive foods either, it just promotes sensible and reasonable life style changes to promote overall health and specifically looking at those extra pounds around your middle that you can never seem to shift! The plan is something that almost everyone would be able to do and incorporate in a busy lifestyle. I for one shall definitely be incorporating the tips and techniques I've read about in this book and I'm sure my body will thank me for it.
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