Levi's Blue: A Sexy Southern Romance

ByM. Leighton

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sha narah
So the synopsis on this one alone had me intrigued. I’ve always loved M. Leighton’s books, I’ve been reading her since her first published novel and right up through this last one released today! I can’t tell you in words how much I absolutely love and adore this read. It’s been a few days since I finished it and the story is still stuck in my head. That alone garners it a 5 star rating from me. But the story isn’t just memorable it’s unforgettable, unique, heartbreaking, heartwarming and smokin hot! Levi will melt your heart in all the right ways!

From the first chapter you will see what a unique story this is to treasure. Like I said she had me at the synopsis, but that very first chapter had me staying up late feverishly flipping the pages to see what would develop next. She doesn’t want us to tell you and spoil it but if there is anything you list too in this review it should be that this book has a truly unique storyline. I still can’t get over how flawlessly she portrayed Evie’s character. No I’m not gonna give this away, but you MUST READ THIS!!!!!!!! Every detail made me feel alive in a whole new way. Michelle’s writing is eloquent and poetic and just flows through you with each page and every description. You truly feel it all the way down to your toes.

When I say this one has ALL. THE. FEELS. I’m not lying in the slightest I felt the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. There were times of elation and times of pure sorrow and sadness. I can’t even truly express it accurately. Just buy the book! Trust me you will not regret it and Evie and Levi will take you on a journey you will not forget and will be thinking about for days after it’s over. This is one of my TOP 5 reads of 2016! Maybe even in my top 5 books in the last 4 years of blogging and writing reviews! I can’t tell you enough how beautiful and touching this story is. It will touch your heart, I guarantee it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
reading though life
4.5 Stars for the Wonderful Love Story.

I received an ARC for an honest and fair review.
What can I say? This book is beautifully written love story. Evie has faced challenges in life, however, she still sees the world for all of the beauty that is in it. She's an artist and literally falls right into Levi's arms. Levi is a sexy as sin beautiful man that might just be your next book boyfriend. Levi's Blue is a dual POV story so you get to know both of the characters and their intentions. their fears, and what drives them throughout the story. M. Leighton has created two very real and complex characters.
The dialogue in this book is both witty and fun. You get sucked into Evie's personality and attitude. She's gives as good as she gets. Levi is fun. He's just a fun guy that really wants to win a girl over. He is not without his own mystery and intrigue, though. The spark and chemistry between the two of them is AMAZING.
As the story progresses, you learn tidbits of what has made Evie and Levi who they are, what has made them broken and fearful. This story is just a downright good read. You will fall in love with the characters. You will enjoy the spark between the characters and you will cry with their struggles. You will see that not everything always looks the way you see it. That maybe sometimes there is more. There is more beauty than you would expect. 4.5 starts for a wonderful book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
juhi chitra
I devoured this book.
The story Michelle has created is unlike anything I've read, she has created one of the most complex characters I've had the pleasure of reading. Evie will open your eyes to a whole new world, she will make you see things in a new light. You will feel
Her pain, you will see her beauty. You will understand her darkness and see her light.
She is by far one of my favorite heroines of all time.

Levi is tall dark and handsome, he is oozing sex and wants Evie in ways he's never wanted anyone.
He is kind and patient.
He really sees Evie for who she is. He is in awe of what she has accomplished and how inspiring she is to others. He realizes she is like no woman he has ever had the pleasure of knowing.

They have this flirty banter and chemistry that was off the charts, oh did I mention Hot sex? That too.

As for the secondary characters LOVE Cherelyn, I want her in my life. She has to be one of the most loyal, kind, and caring friends I've ever seen.

There is also some angst and twists that you may or may not see coming.

You will laugh and cry,
You will learn inspiration and forgiveness. Heartache and betrayal.
Happiness and unselfishness.
But most of all you will learn the true beauty of color.
Stay (Bleeding Stars Book 5) :: Paris for One and Other Stories :: Sheltering Rain :: After You: Ever After in Sapphire Falls :: A Devoured Novella (The Devoured Series Book 1) - All Over You
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tina russell
One thing I love about Michele Leighton’s books is that they are unique. There’s always something about them that gets right to me, whether that’s the story or the writing or the wonderful hero’s and heroine’s she crafts. Levi’s Blue is no exception, starting with the yummy cover and title that twists your head around a little.

Evie isn’t exactly confident when it comes to men. She doesn’t trust them. But when she meets Levi, she gives him a bit of a chance. Four dates is all he has to change her mind about their future. These two are super-sexy when they are together. If you want passion, you definitely get it with Evie and Levi. Passion for me is a lot about how the couple talk to each other and these two really do the banter up right.

Of course there are some bumps in the road that are going to give them challenges. Levi has a secret and when it gets revealed, their connection gets tested big time. I love a man confident enough to be able to really work for what he wants, and Levi does an awesome job of reminding Evie of everything they are together and just what she means to him.

Another winner from M. Leighton. I love books that make me feel something, and she always manages to stir something inside me that keeps me wanting to read her work. Recommended.

ARC provided for review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I devoured this book.
The story Michelle has created is unlike anything I've read, she has created one of the most complex characters I've had the pleasure of reading. Evie will open your eyes to a whole new world, she will make you see things in a new light. You will feel
Her pain, you will see her beauty. You will understand her darkness and see her light.
She is by far one of my favorite heroines of all time.

Levi is tall dark and handsome, he is oozing sex and wants Evie in ways he's never wanted anyone.
He is kind and patient.
He really sees Evie for who she is. He is in awe of what she has accomplished and how inspiring she is to others. He realizes she is like no woman he has ever had the pleasure of knowing.

They have this flirty banter and chemistry that was off the charts, oh did I mention Hot sex? That too.

As for the secondary characters LOVE Cherelyn, I want her in my life. She has to be one of the most loyal, kind, and caring friends I've ever seen.

There is also some angst and twists that you may or may not see coming.

You will laugh and cry,
You will learn inspiration and forgiveness. Heartache and betrayal.
Happiness and unselfishness.
But most of all you will learn the true beauty of color.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
emily ann meyer
(Gifted for Honest Review)
What can I say....I read; I cried, I laughed, I grumbled, I screamed....I finished what in my mind is one of the best written books of 2016. The story in and of itself was fantastic. I've never read a romance story surrounding such tragedy.

Evie is blind. Hurt in a hit and run so badly that she lost her vision. The accident changed her life forever. Not only has she found the will to forgive what was done to her; she's found a way to express herself and provide for herself doing a craft that she loves. She's exceptional...not so much because she is in fact beautiful; witty, clever, sweet, kind and talented. But because she got back up after being delivered a blow that would make most people wallow in despair. Losing her sight only empowered her; made her stronger and gave her the ability to seek and do something that would not only increase her way of life, but would provide beauty and glorious appreciation for others. Her struggle was so uplifting that in my mind how could she not find that one man who was meant to love her and cherish her for the gift that she really is?

Enter Levi. He's gorgeous. But that's not what I felt defined him as a character. In my mind; I saw him as broken. Evie could have allowed what happened to break her; instead she found a way to rise above it. Levi; he never fully became the man he was supposed to be until he and Evie came together.

The more time he spends with her, the more he comes to not only want her as his, but he finds that he simply can't live without her. The love he feels for her is so deep; so strong that when their love is threatened, he feels such a deep loss that he will do anything; everything to get her back.

They find their way back to each other. Through all the pain, the betrayal, the hurt, and sadness; they discover just exactly what they mean to each other.

This was such a well written; truly beautiful love story. A truly beautiful work of art. I loved this book; it is one that I will re-read for many more years to come. Truly; if you wish to be inspired then this book is for you.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sharif h
OH this book. The emotions and the heartache. The pain of finding the truth and moving on from it! This is one beautiful tale and so unique. My heart was pounding as I read through the pages. I love how Evie, even through all the trauma she went through, brought something out in herself she never thought possible. She is one strong girl and I loved how her character was written and portrayed. She was a fighter. She never backed down. But she also had this shy nature that she had a hard time trusting after everything she had been through.
Levi, oh Levi. That man. You want to fall in love with him and you do. He is so gentle with Evie. So perfect for her. Then when things come to light.. you just wanna smack him so hard... or do a lot of other mean things to him like Evie's best friend, Cherelyn, suggests! PS she's a hoot! I love her. I wanna be her best friend!
Overall, this book had amazing character build, epic love, and I could not get enough. This story is one that will forever be ingrained into your soul. I love how Leighton wrote this story. It isn't about a blind girl. It's about a woman, living and giving it her all in life regardless of what was handed to her.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
doreen lafferty
WOW - this story is amazing - so much more than it seems and so much more than I was expecting. Then again I am always amazed by M. Leighton. The words she uses , the way she writes , she makes me feel so much emotion. Levi and Evie's story may seem like a chance meeting BUT I come to there is so much more to that simple trip and rescue !!

On a business trip Levi helps a very talented and compassionate artist - this then turns into a 4 date deal that will make you swoon and show you just how amazing a real man can be. Evie has a special way of seeing the world and as much as it seems Levi is making an effort to further that he is also learning to see the world through Evie's eyes. The emotional backgrounds they both bring to the story makes the reader fall in love with them and want to protect them and give them that HEA they both deserve. There is pain , heartache and also such an amazing love and joy. When things come to light Levi will risk it all to prove his love and trust to Evie. Can she take that final step and give up control ?? Ride the emotional roller coaster and fall in love with Evie and Levi. OMG he is so swoonworthy and super hot and their connection and chemistry is off the charts !!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
M. Leighton has done it again. I completely fell in love with Evie and Levi! From the moment I first began to read about Evie I knew she was going to be one of my favorite people to read about. She is so amazing and intelligent. I have to admit I was a bit unsure if I was going to love Levi but he won me over. This was such a great book to read and I know I will be going back to read it again and again. I can't say much detail about the book because I think it is important to read and experience without any hints or spoilers but I feel like it is well worth taking the time and making the effort to read this one! I really loved it and this book is going to be on my favorites. I love all the author's books but this one is in the top five of the books I have read. Please take the time to read it.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
kristi wolfe
The other readers had me intrigued enough to give it a chance. Evie was a strong woman and you felt her pain and was drugged by her amazing talent of seeing what she doesn't. The chemistry between her and Levi was intense. Levi was sweet and was able be the man Rachel needed him to be. The middle dragged and in the end I stopped before I finished the book. Levi was too whipped and not in a good way. Evie went from a woman who made lemonade out of lemons to a woman who couldn't move on.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brenda vasquez
Amazing. Unique. Beautiful. Sexy. LEVI'S BLUE by M. Leighton is ALL THAT and MORE!

In my mind, LEVI'S BLUE is some of M. Leighton's BEST WORK! This book satisfied all of the senses and left me in a constant state of euphoria. Witty, sexy, and flirtatious banter, along with a hefty amount of heart, makes LEVI'S BLUE a complete treasure for the romance world. The storyline is so incredibly unique. The characters are as charming as can be. The book flowed nicely and you can just tell that the author had a great time writing it.

You can read the blurb over and over again, but once you dive in, you will immediately understand the uniqueness of this beautiful romance. Levi and Evie are absolute MAGIC. These two couldn't be more perfect for each other and their journey is one I guarantee you haven't read before. So dive into the mystery of this rare and special romance. Put your trust in this author as I have done time and time again. Leighton hasn't disappointed me yet, and I have no doubt she will make a huge fan out of you.

*Gifted copy provided by the author in exchange for an honest review*
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
carrie bresnehen
Evian de Champlain is an up & coming artists. She’s loving what she does and she’s great at it. She’s not looking for a man when Levi Michaelson rescues her from an embarrassing feat. And from that starts the flirting but Evie is holding back. Being hurt many times from the past, she’s putting all her guards up and Levi is determined to make her believe in him.

Levi is a successful businessman. A man who always gets what he wants but had a hard time convincing Evie that she’s not just some conquest. Levi is not used to feeling all the things Evie is getting out of him but he’s ready to embrace it all. Just for her.

Evie and Levi are two sides of a same coin. They both have a past but with both their strengths, will they make it or is their love made not to last?

I’ve loved M Leighton’s books and I was so excited when she came up with Levi’s Blue. It has the signature M Leighton hotness that will singe you. And of course, it will also tug at your hearts and makes you smile on sweet cute moments that will just make your heart melt. Another great book written by Michelle! It was so worth the wait.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lika barnabishvili
MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS - Gorgeous hunk Levi catches Evian de Champlain from falling on the night of her big art gallery premiere. She is blind but paints by feeling the paint, remembering images that inspired her when she could see. Levi is instantly enamored, follows her to her painting class for handicapped children. They have crazy good banter & Evie is amazingly cool for a woman who struggles with her blindness. "Maybe it's that, for the first time since losing my sight, someone has bothered to come into my world to find me." She gives Levi the chance to organize four dates, after which she assumes he'll give up on her since being with a blind girl will be way more than any normal man can tolerate. He proves her wrong, being super romantic & always thoughtful of her disability. "Like losing my sight, Levi Michaelson will remake me." She dreams of going to the bayou, a trip he makes happen in the best way possible, forming a deep bond, body & soul with incredible passion. But the drive home she can tell it is over, this is goodbye & she has no idea why. Per his request, Evie paints him wearing his white dress shirt, again they have a very hot passionate connection. I don't like the kind of coincidence of how Levi & Evie's pasts are deeply connected & what tears them apart. And I hated how Evie doubted Levi's intentions now from the very start - he came to find her out of guilt! Levi won't give up & the ending is very lovely as he gives her presents to remind her of their time together, proof that his feelings are real. "This shirt is one of the two most valuable things I own. The other is my heart. Now you have both. I hope you can forgive me. One day." Very unique & romantic story also full of clever banter!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I really must say I loved this story. It was so clear and descriptive, so raw. I was drawn to Evie and Levi's story. Evie has had to overcome a tragedy, instead of letting it crush her she thrives, actually becomes a stronger person because of it. Her motto is "When life gives me lemons, I make a hell of a lemonade" I LOVE this! She owns her issues and makes them work for her.

Levi is an emotionally damaged and unfeeling man. He too has had a tragedy and has closed off his emotions to the world. I do feel they underplayed the events he went through. At one point I feel he did not get the justification he deserved, that it was dismissed and I felt that wasn't really fair to him as he suffered just as much from his events. However I fell completely and hopelessly in love with him. He not only understood Evie's issues but managed to use them to help him see life in a completely different light.

This was an equally emotional and uplifting story. Levi has determination and will not let Evie get inside her own head to dismiss him easily. He was such a refreshing inspiration to how a man should pursue a woman. He does not hold back. He is invested, not a selfish, self absorbed guy. He proves himself over and over but still keeps thing fun, flirty and very sexy! Wow is he sexy! Sex on a stick, dipped in chocolate sauce and rolled in your favorite topping, sexy!

Evie was an inspiration, she teaches a painting class to wounded, emotionally and physically disabled children by letting them know they are special. They are unique and they deserve the same life as everyone else, even if you are different from everyone else. I envy her spirit and hope that shine through her every interaction with people. I died during the unfortunate dinner scene with Julianne. She took every horrible,terrible thing from that woman and turned it around with grace and dignity but not without her own bite.

So all this said, I loved this story! I will definitely put it in the reread section of books I loved so much I must read again just to be sure I don't miss anything!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marc cunningham
✦Spotlight, Review & Giveaway: Levi's Blue: A Sexy Southern Romance by M. Leighton [...]
Publication Date: September 19, 2016
Reviewed by: Reading in Pajamas/ Cori
Rated: 4.5 Stars

I'm obsessed with Levi! When you finish a book and immediately miss the characters you know it was a great one. Levi's Blue was a great book! There was secrecy about this book when M. Leighton sent out requests for reviewers. To fully experience the story there are things the reader should discover as they read the book. We didn't even get a title. I usually require so many details before picking up a book, but I signed up for this one without knowing anything about it because I know M. Leighton is a great storyteller. I'm so glad I did because I thought Levi's Blue was beautiful love story with unique twists that had my emotions all over the place. I highly recommend it. Don't read any spoilers before hand and get lost in a great romance.

*Review copy provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tilly felhofer
Levi Michaelson.

He wanted four dates. Four opportunities to prove I could trust him. Four chances to change my mind about him. I agreed.

Probably not my smartest decision. He was everything I knew to avoid—gorgeous, charming, sexy as hell—but I couldn’t help myself. When he touched me the whole world disappeared. I should’ve known I could lose myself to him, that he could be the one man to destroy me.

I guess it’s true what they say—some things are too good to be true. And Levi Michaelson might just be one of them.

I swear every book Michelle writes keeps getting better and better! This book was amazing! There's just something flawless with her writing! It's beyond any words I can describe!
I absolutely loved Levi's & Evie's story! This book was an emotional roller coaster and had all the feels! Not only did I love Evie but her roommate Cherelyn! She was a character!!!
Please please please read this book!! It will not disappoint!
Received an ARC for an honest review
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
connie mangan
Swoon...oh how I loved Levi. He is so incredible. I'm such a HUGE fan of M. Leighton and this is just a really beautiful story. I don't always highlight quotes but there were a few that made me stop and reread them because they were written so incredibly and they really resonated with me:

"'I was thinking about swirls of mahogany and wine and denim. How it tastes. How it feels. How it makes me feel. How you make me feel.'
I pause. 'It’s quite the cocktail. If I could paint it, every woman in the world would swoon.'"

"'I’m thinking you could be the end of me. The bright, beautiful firework that ends me. That sets me on fire. The flame that burns a brilliant blue and gold and white at the center of me.'"

"'It only takes courage. But courage is the hardest thing in the world sometimes. When playing it safe is so much easier, when taking the path of least resistance is so much more pleasant, courage is even harder.'"
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessica sullivan
ONE TRAGIC NIGHT CHANGES TWO LIVES FOREVER! Are they willing to forgive for love?

One woman's disadvantage and adaptation in her life brings vibrant colors to her paints and heightened awareness to her senses. But when she accidentally meets a damaged soul what she doesn't realize is she brings those vibrant colors into his soul and heals him.

Life's twists and turns cause events to threaten their relationship. Can they over come both of their brokenness and forgive?

It's pretty hard to top Cash Davenport, but Levi Michaelson has done it for me. Michelle Leighton you have come home!!!! With this book you've made me laugh, cry and want to smack someone. You've made me want to jump into the book and all over Levi. You showed what true love is about.and how a disadvantage can truly be an advantage. A truly must read. #LevisBlue #Unzipped #ComingSeptember19 #PaintTheWorldLevisBlue #MLeightonBooks
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
melanie jacobson
I’ve been reading Michelle’s books for years now. My favorite book has always been The Wild Ones, I LOVE Trick. Michelle’s last book The Empty Jar was outside of what she normally writes but was beautifully (I can’t stress that enough) beautifully written. I was curious what we were going to get with Levi’s Blue. If I compare Levi to another character Michelle has written its Trick. The story Michelle delivers will have all your emotions touching your heart. The story is funny, inspiring, heartfelt, and steamy. This IS the M. Leighton I was introduced to years ago.

If I could say anything about this story it’s please don’t read a spoiler review on it! Go in knowing as little as possible. Trust me, you want to feel this story without reading about it through someone else’s words. You will get your swoony male and your tough but sensitive female. You will get it ALL in dual POV. Levi and Evie will not disappoint you, pick up your copy today!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sage adderley knox
M. Leighton has always been a favourite author of mine, and her newest release is another example of why I love her work so much! In Levi's Blue, she introduced me to two brand new characters, Levi and Evie, that were broken in more ways than one, but when they were together, they found a happiness they never expected to experience. It was such a breathtaking and excruciating read, but had so many elements of love and passion that showed me that Levi and Evie were perfect for one another!

Evie was a special artist and I loved her unique way of getting what she felt and experienced onto canvasses. It was at her very first showing that she stumbled into Levi and there was an instant connection between them. Evie was a sweet, kind and beautiful girl that had been through a tragedy that affected her everyday life. She was the type of person that was willing to do anything to help others, even though she found it difficult to do so, and one way was by running an art class for disadvantaged children.

Levi had his own secrets that he found hard to talk about. I could see that spending time with Evie was good for him. He was beginning to open up and started living a happy life once again. He did so many sweet things to try and woo Evie and my heart just melted for him! There was one particular intimate scene that made me swoon, and my heart ached for the both of them!

As I suspected, there was something that shattered their time together and it didn't look like these two would find happiness again, or even find their way back to one another. But in true M. Leighton style, she slowly let me fall in love with these characters once more. They both worked through these tough times, trying to live again, and they worked on earning forgiveness as well as forgiving themselves. By the time I closed the book I was giddy and happy for Levi and Evie and I was wrapped that M. Leighton had found her groove once again!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
linda strawn
Yet another triumph from M. Leighton.

This book is an unexpected release there has been little hype over it in the works and I think she had delivered an amazing story yet again.

This is such a hard book to review as it's quite different to what we expect from this author. As per usual Michelle has a unique and captivating writing style that draws the reader into the minds of her characters, ensuring that they are embedded in our hearts as the story plays out over the pages.

This is a book that I'm hoping that nobody posts spoilers as it's just part of the reading experience to discover the story with no preconceived notions of what the story is about to get the full effect of this magical story.

Be prepared to be swooned by Levi, inspired by Evie and just generally to have that heart in mouth feeling whilst reading this truly amazing book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alissa thomson
With Every Word Written, With Every Page Turn You See The Most Incredible Book Come To Life.
Levi's Blue will take you to a place where you will meet every emotion.
Evian "Evie" de Champlain is a woman who as a young adult had her whole life altered in a single night. That was 13 years ago and she has gone on to become the woman she is. A successful painter and wonderful friend.
Levi Michaelson is a man who comes from a successful family, brought up with that silver spoon in his mouth but also a man who lives with many a ghosts. One night in the most unexpected of places Evie falls literally into the arms of Levi and two lives will change overnight.
The attraction between the two is amazing. If you are looking for a book that will have you reading it from page one to the words The End in one sitting this is the book for you
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I read this book through Kindle Unlimited. The writing was excellent and please visit the link at the end of the book, you will be amazed and it will help you see that Evies artistry is real.

Levi meets Evie when she stumbles at her art show, he catch's her before she falls and he is intrigued with not only her art but her as well. He sets out to get to know her but she isn't to sure about it and gives him 4 dates to convince her. It doesn't take but a week for them to fall in love but it also only takes a week for his on again off again girlfriend Julianne to decide she doesn't like the way he looks at Evie and wants something more serious with him. Between past secrets that can destroy them and Julianne bitterness, hearts get broken and groveling ensues. There is a really nice epilogue and they do get their HEA.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
j matt
Blown away in the most perfect of ways! Michelle Leighton has done it to me again. She kept me captive and captivated, riveted to the pages and words of this amazing and touching book. A book that not only gave me the romance that I crave from her, no she taught me the more about the suffering that the impaired deal with on a daily basis from ignorant people. More than that she, once again gives me characters that although flawed in the most horrible of ways and makes them more lovable and passionate than you could ever imagine. Levi, is that character, I put myself in Evie's shoes and thought to myself could I forgive and live out my life with the man I fell in love with knowing what I know? In short, yes! Levi, is passionate attentive and relaxing, what do I mean? I mean I could totally picture the conversations and banter that they share. The fun and funny innuendo's are just some of the quirks that I would want in a partner. Some one I could joke with, someone that I could just be myself with.
Now I don't like to give away anything in my reviews, so with that I won't give you to much detail. But I will tell you that we should all wish to live and be like Evie, strong, brilliant and loving. The woman has the biggest heart, you will love her instantly.
Again, Michelle Leighton, took my breath away.... AGAIN!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I usually hate books when there is a vindictive woman involved because I can't believe a woman can be so evil. However, I am willing to overlook this part of this wonderful love story of Levi and Evie. This book was filled with words that easily described a couple falling in love. You could feel their excitement in getting to know one another, their physical attraction, and finally how much they loved each other. The author did a fantastic job of putting you in the middle of Levi and Evie's relationship. The book was told in dual POVs which helped a lot in character development and story pacing. Our two protagonists met at an art show case for Evie's paintings. They are immediately attracted to one another and begin a courtship with witty dialogue and flirting. Without ruining the story, you are treated to love's highs and lows where trust and forgiveness are questioned. *spoiler* Yes, there is an HEA and a vindictive woman to keep the story very interesting. I really liked how Levi became a better person due to his love for Evie. This is a romance that had it all from steamy encounters to perfect words that painted a picture of how falling in love would feel like. Just go read this book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★

WOW!!! This book may be the best one M. Leighton has written to date.
Evie's world is so full of color and precision that all she can go by is her gut feeling. Having your life change is difficult,but when it happens at such an early age, it can be a traumatic experience that you may not recover from. Evie surely did make her lemonade with her lemons.
I was enthralled by this book. I felt Evie in every word and laughed at all the banter, I felt this book. This books has all the great ingredients love, laughter, sassiness, hot sex, suspense, and of course every great book has to have a "bitch".
I would love to read more on this couple .
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
oliver ian
After an accident 13 years ago Evie is determined to make the most of her life and enjoy it to the fullest, Evie has discovered painting. I loved this entire theory of the blind painting and how Evie made the colors and her works of art. It brought so much life to this story with the expression and description of the colors. Evie literally falls into Levi Michaelson’s life at a point when Levi needs her. Levi wants 4 dates to prove to Evie he can be the trusted. Levi shows Evie that he really listened to what she said and his dates are so simple and creative and his descriptions of what he sees when he explains it to Evie is so beautiful. Fate isn’t kind to Evie when she learns of Levi’s past and how it intertwined with her past. Can she forgive Levi and move on from this or not? Levi has to work to prove to Evie that his love is true and everlasting. What a beautiful story of love, loss and forgiveness. Thank you Michelle Leighton for this beautiful story!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
For more than halfway through the book, I was tempted to give it 5 stars. It was a fresh take on romance. I loved both characters. And clearly this author is very talented. I am a real snob for dialogue and chemistry between characters. It's something that many authors today fail at achieving. In my opinion, if you can't conquer it, you shouldn't be writing romance. She nails it. Their conversations, chemistry just flow so perfectly. As I Said, this author is talented.

I usually hate whirlwind romance stories. They are not very realistic but I believed this one. So many stories just say there's something about this person which is why they are in love. In this one, their love, their feelings were believable.

MINOR SPOILER: I was disappointed, the author brings in the unoriginal, formulaic, interfering ex. The ex plays a big part which slightly annoyed me, but I still loved this story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alex cutrone
I received this Arc and this is my Honest review. I was hooked from start to finish. This story is so incredibly amazing. Levi and Evie's story is good, it's sad, it's happy, and it has you in so many emotions from the very beginning. This book is beautiful and unique.
"Maybe it’s that, for the first time since losing my sight, someone has bothered to come into my world to find me. Maybe it’s that he was looking for me, searching for me, as much as I was looking for him, even though I thought I’d given up."
This is just part of what I fell in Love from this book. This is what started my tears. M. Leighton thank you for another amazing book!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Thirteen years ago Evie thought her life ended. What should have been a burden and tragedy turned into something more. She lost her eye sight at the hands of someone who left her on the side of the street. Although she eventually forgave them it has her rethinking everything when a piece of her past comes back.

Levi has lived with secrets for the past 13 years, big ones that altered people's lives. He didn't know he would fall in love with the woman his dad hit or did he know after suffering the loss of a baby his ex with kill herself. For years he has blamed hisself when it was never really his fault. Now that he's changing with the help of evie he's not so sure what will happen once she learns his secret!

Absolutely amazing story that grips you from the beginning and has you crying along with it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
anuradha goyal
4.5 stars!!

This was a beautifully written love story about Levi and Evie, and their overcoming major obstacles to find love in when least expecting it.

How do I tell this story without giving too much away?? It is impossible to get into too many details. I will ell you how emotional and beautiful the love story between Levi and Evie is. Levi will win you over in the first few pages. He is so sweet and you can't help but fall for him, even as a reader.

Evie.. was amazing. She was one of the most unforgettable heroines I have ever read.

This book is a must read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I really loved Levi and Evie. Evie was just real, she wasn't fake she was just herself and I loved that about her, "my gaze drops to the top button, which isn’t fastened, and then stops on the thick bulge behind his zipper. “Speaking of impressive things ,” I murmur, heat flooding my core. I squirm beneath the sheet." I loved Levi whole heartedly, "he bolts upright in the bed and shoots me the stink eye. “You did not just reference me and ovaries in the same sentence. While we’re naked. Thereby questioning my manhood.” I loved this book
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michael turkell
Levi Michaelson wants 4 dates with Evie.  Evie isn't sure she can let him into her world.  Evie lost her eye site 6 years ago and the way Levi paints her world is simply amazing
Omg I'm totally in love with Levi and Evie. He's swoon worthy.
"There are several other things I’d much rather you like about me.”Such as?” The way I kiss,” I say, barely brushing my lips over hers. “The way my voice sounds in your ear,” I whisper the words to her, my mouth so close that it skims the shell of her ear. “The way I make your insides feel like they’re dancing in the rain and on fire at the same time.”"
So Beautiful and Amazing and descriptive and Evie is an artist and that part is so incredible to read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stuart butterworth
Another MUST READ from M. Leighton.

"Her work... The colors are so vibrant, so real, the paintings come to life when you look at them. You feel it in your soul, like she's giving you a piece of who she is in every one. She's...she's incredible," This is describing the strong and talented heroine, Evian de Champlain, but I also take it as a description of the author M. Leighton.

She weaves an emotional, sexy, funny, unique, and beautiful story that I felt if I shut my eyes I could see it unfold vividly.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Michelle slays me. Her writing always touches my heart and twists it and breaks it and puts it all back together with the words she shares. I wasn't sure I could love another of her books like I did The Empty Jar (which you absolutely HAVE to read if you haven't already), but I was so wrong. I fell head over heart for Evie and Levi. I loved their banter and these deep down soul stirring words that they share. Most of them coming from Levi's mouth. Michelle is just brilliant in all that is their story. She made me laugh. She made me cry. She made me swoon. She made me believe. I loved every bit of it. I really can't wait to read more from her.

I give Levi's Blue 5 hearts!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book absolutely blew me away! Not only was it an original story for me, but the writing was exceptional. The imagery that the author creates with her words was exquisite. I don't want to give away anything, so I'm going to be brief. Evie and Levi were very well written. Evie was a heroine that I adored. She is a strong woman who made lemonade from lemons. Levi was a playboy who would do anything to earn Evie's trust. This story broke my heart a number of times and then healed it. I couldn't put it down. I loved Evie's roommate, too, and I'd love to see her story told. Great read! Would give more than 5 stars!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Another amazing read from the talented M. Leighton! Evie and Levi will touch your heart. Everything about this book is poetic magic. From the sensory details to the inspiration it delivers, this is unlike any other book I have read. And, once you've read it, you will want your own personal bottle of Levi's blue.

Great job, Mrs. Leighton! You've created a delicate character and turned her into a truly strong heroine who finds love in the most unlikely situation.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bridget conway
Writing a review for this book is nerve racking due to the face that simple words won't do it justice. You have to close your eyes and feel the story of Evie and Levi. It's an emotional story full of laughs and love but most importantly sorrow. This is the powerful story of a girl who takes life's lemons and makes the heck out of lemonade. Levi says it best when he says everything she touches turns to color. Let me tell, you'll feel the color with each page.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
* I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
I was so excited to read this book and I was not disappointed! I also certainly did not see the beginning to throw me that curve ball. I wondered if I would end up liking the story then. However, as I continued reading, I understood it was necessary to the story and could not imagine it any other way now. The imagery the author uses is wonderful and adds to the story and creates a beautiful perspective from Evie. I enjoyed Levi's character because he was real and had his struggles but knew what he wanted and did not let anything stop him. It took real courage to treat Evie they way she should be treated and was perceptive about her feelings. Evie shows she is strong in rising above her situation and intuitive and shows that forgiveness is possible. I think one of the things I enjoyed most about the book was their relationship. It was realistic and did not feel rushed or instant love. They were each other's strengths. Let's just say, I could not put the book down because I had to see what happened and was so glad I did. It is a worthwhile read and will make you want to cry all kinds of tears. I could go on and on, but I'll let you fill in the rest. #LevisBlue
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Another amazing read from the talented M. Leighton! Evie and Levi will touch your heart. Everything about this book is poetic magic. From the sensory details to the inspiration it delivers, this is unlike any other book I have read. And, once you've read it, you will want your own personal bottle of Levi's blue.

Great job, Mrs. Leighton! You've created a delicate character and turned her into a truly strong heroine who finds love in the most unlikely situation.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rebecca swartz
Writing a review for this book is nerve racking due to the face that simple words won't do it justice. You have to close your eyes and feel the story of Evie and Levi. It's an emotional story full of laughs and love but most importantly sorrow. This is the powerful story of a girl who takes life's lemons and makes the heck out of lemonade. Levi says it best when he says everything she touches turns to color. Let me tell, you'll feel the color with each page.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
don brown
* I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
I was so excited to read this book and I was not disappointed! I also certainly did not see the beginning to throw me that curve ball. I wondered if I would end up liking the story then. However, as I continued reading, I understood it was necessary to the story and could not imagine it any other way now. The imagery the author uses is wonderful and adds to the story and creates a beautiful perspective from Evie. I enjoyed Levi's character because he was real and had his struggles but knew what he wanted and did not let anything stop him. It took real courage to treat Evie they way she should be treated and was perceptive about her feelings. Evie shows she is strong in rising above her situation and intuitive and shows that forgiveness is possible. I think one of the things I enjoyed most about the book was their relationship. It was realistic and did not feel rushed or instant love. They were each other's strengths. Let's just say, I could not put the book down because I had to see what happened and was so glad I did. It is a worthwhile read and will make you want to cry all kinds of tears. I could go on and on, but I'll let you fill in the rest. #LevisBlue
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sara gibson
M. Leighton, Levi's Blue; "This painting is resilience. It's courage. It's bold and chaotic and savagely beautiful. It's Evie".
This was a beautifully descriptive, romantic, love story. Evie is a strong, funny, smart mouth girl, a great leading lady. Levi is hot, funny, so caring, a great leading guy! It's a good light read, not too heavy. Something to make you laugh, maybe cry a little & just smile! I say get it! :-)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
peter mathews
My first thought when I read the last word was.... Man I wish I could read it again for the first time. This book is that good. I devoured it in a day. Fact that the leading lady was a artist fed my soul . This was a wonderful heart felt story that gives you all the feels and tingles. Thank you Michelle Leighton for another amazing book . Your art has no boundaries. I can't wait to see whats next!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jill hendrick
Wow! The feels this book delivers. An amazing read, their chemistry is off the charts. I FLOVE Levi, such a good strong, swoon worthy character. Evie, a heroine to admire, her strength and outlook on life is extraordinary. The descriptive writing made me see and feel things in a whole new way. An experience is what you'll get with this read. I highly recommend this book! A must read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
With her dream lost to darkness Evie shows how with what most take for granted, a life full of color can happen.
A beautifully written story of strength, loss, love and forgiveness
Levi and Evie touch your heart.. pull at our heartstrings
I enjoyed reading this book , all the emotions .. seeing with new eyes, all the feels.
truly a beautiful love story
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a story...
Loved Evian! Crazy about Levi! Freaking hated that bitch, Julianne !!!!!!

Evian was so strong, courageous, and talented. Levi certainly was not perfect, but dear GOD he was perfect for Evie.....just stupid to have ever been involved with that vicious snake, Julianne, and could have been honest with Evie sooner.

Love HEA's
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
diane flynn
Wow!!! This story is truly phenomenal, and nothing like I have read before. The talent of this author shines throughout the entire story; you can tell that she poured her heart and soul into this book.

Do not pass up this emotional journey of Levi and Evie; grab it as soon as possible.

I highly recommend this book, as well as any other book written by Michelle Leighton.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shannon fraser
I am never disappointed with this author's work. I absolutely loved this book, Levi was an awesome character and so was Evie. The way the author writes the beautiful story you feel like you are there with them. I finished this book in one sitting, I just couldn't put it down. It is a very well written story and this is one I would recommend every one to read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
davina economou
I loved this book for so many reasons. The author described the characters so intensely you could feel them, smell them. Smell what Evie wore, how Levi smelled. It was so easy to truly feel like you too were there in this book.
Learned so much about how blind people see the world and how their other senses become stronger to compensate for the loss of site. I learned how hard it really is to describe a setting so the person you're describing it to can truly picture it, it is way harder than it sounds to me at least. The amazing things blind people accomplish!!!! Well any disabled person actually as the kids in her painting class. Painting with her toes, his mouth. Truly amazing people are out there doing these things. Great author, great book a must read! So 5 stars it was from me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
missy martin
If you are looking for an emotional, heartwarming, steamy, sweet story, Levi's Blue is perfect for you. In true M. Leighton fashion, she will open you eyes to view situations differently, and give you a renewed appreciation for the important things in life. This is an amazing read, in so many way. I hope you take a read, and let it touch your soul.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lea sprenger
Michelle Leighton has done it again! Levi's Blue grips you from the beginning! Evie has her opening for her art showing. She literally falls into Levi's arms. But she knows he is a player. He convinces her to give him four dates to prove to her that he is in this seriously with her. I literally could not turn the pages fast enough! 5 stars
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