The High Season: A Novel

ByJudy Blundell

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★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
After reading Judy Blundell's YA novel, What I Saw and How I Lied, I was eager to read her new novel for adults, The High Season. So, I was very happy to win a copy from Bookish First.

The High Season is a good summer read in part because it takes place during the summer and the season really plays a role in the plot. While the main story focuses on Ruthie and the drama surrounding the rental of her family's home, there is a large cast of characters with intersecting story lines.

I really liked how the book is broken up into sections based on the holiday, starting on Memorial Day and going through Labor Day then picking up on Independence Day the next year. I, also, liked how text messages were used for the younger characters.

While I wish the ending had more resolution, this is definitely a book I would recommend for summer reading.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I love reading books that take place in vacation towns. This is a light read, but it was also easy to put down. I do have to give props to Ms. Blundell for her character development. Her writing reminded me somewhat of the author Maeve Binchy. You delve into the character's lives without having a major storyline. It also reminded me of watching a reality tv show.

The main character, Ruthie, has to deal with an ex-husband that has moved on, a rebellious teenager, and a workplace that feels she isn't needed anymore. The reader moves through the transformations with the characters.

I wouldn't recommend this book to my students, but I would recommend it if you want a light read that is full of drama.

I was given this book for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
The High Season by Judy Blundell. Ruthie, Mike and Jen owned a beach house they had to move out to rent in the summer. Sometimes they moved into a garage or a trailer in a park. When Ruthies husband Mike became involved with Adeline they wanted to buy her house she said no at first. Lucas tried to steal Daniel Manthis painting. She changed her mind after some life changing events and sold her house. Over Thanksgiving break Jem and Ruthie moved into a sublet that had one bedroom and a office. Mike and Adeline married in the spring and Jem was going with them to Italy. For Ruthie was not a love story but sometimes that is how divorce is.
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★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
marcus gilson
Thank you to #NetGalley and #Random House for this book.

I could not connect to any of the characters in this book. It seemed to be about a bunch of rich snobs who didn’t really care about anyone. That tends to be realistic for the very rich but in a book I expect to like the characters and the secondary characters. At least one of them. Not so in this one. I felt bad for the owner but she was still not likable.

I’m sorry but this book gets one star from me. I will try more books by this author. Or at least one more before I make up my mind whether I like her writing or not.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
*Thanks to NetGalley for giving me an opportunity to read an ARC!*
I expected a quick beach read, and it was compulsively readable. I couldn't wait to figure out where Ruthie's life would take her, what Doe would do next, how the character of Lucas would play out. There was such a conflicting narrative about wealth and happiness in it, though, that I can't stop thinking about it. After reading it, half of me wants to move to a farm in Nebraska with a sampler on the wall that says, "The Love of Money is the Root of All Evil." The other half of me yearns for the life Doe experiences: "This summer in the Mantis house she'd learned what ultimate safety really meant. Not safety from big things like death or accidents or cancer --that happened to everybody--but safety from the small things that could pile up and crush you. Blown fuses, cracked engine blocks, broken appliances, rent hikes. You never had to remember to buy toilet paper or coffee or even gas for the car... Shampoo bottles were always full, and the soap--scented, thick, the color of honey--never diminished to a latherless disk. You were safe from the tedium of washing a shower curtain. It was a lovely way to live."

The characters were just as complex as my reactions to the lifestyles portrayed in the book. There were no saints in this book (although there were quite a few one-dimensional villains), but the people portrayed were at times wise, then stupid; crazy, then eminently sane. While not wrapping things up too tidily, there was enough of a happy ending to justify my beach-read love. All in all, I will be recommending this book to others!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
caroline byrne
A beach read - yes. A work of literary fiction - no. Compelling plot - somewhat. Interesting characters - somewhat, although some were very annoying and not fleshed out enough to have been include. And some seemed to be added only because a contemporary novel now "must" include LBGT's, and a sexual predator. The plot includes the usual childish man, since women's fiction involves either that or a bully. But, once you have figured out all the characters, it all comes together.

This reviewer will not tell you the plot, but the setting is Long Island. It involves "haves versus have nots", a little look at the art world, and a decent look at young adults behavior in contemporary society.

If the above appeals to you then definitely pick this book up!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
The High Season would have worked better as short stories connected by the location, for my taste. There were so many characters and plotlines that I found it a bit overwhelming. The overall pacing was uneven, it started slowly due to the introduction of so many characters and story arcs. I have to say that it took until the last third for me to actually care about the people in the book, and even then it wasnt compelling me to finish. So, while it might be a good beach or travel read for some, it was a bit too complicated for my reading style.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ginny min
I received an Advanced Reader Copy from NetGalley for my unbiased opinion of the book. This is a story about Ruthie Beamish who must give up her home in the high season to finance its upkeep the rest of the year. It took me a bit to get into this story, but once all the key characters were introduced the story flew. If you like a book that has intrigue, first love, old love, mystery, getting rid of bs in your life, and seeing clearly, this is the book for you. I loved how the author wrapped it all up in the surprising ending. I cannot wait to read it again!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
eric muehlstein
THE HIGH SEASON by Judy Blundell
This is definitely “women’s fiction.” The writing is okay. The characters are okay. The plot is slow moving and heavy on feelings. The house plays a big part in both the feelings and the plot. You will figure out the ending as soon as Adeline shows up.
Not much here. If you like to read for immediate pleasure and don’t mind stock characters and stock plot, you will like this book. If you are looking for a “mind stretch”, this one is not for you. It is a little long.
3 of 5 stars
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
toni heimes
When Ruthie's life starts to go downhill, it goes down fast. The question is - what is she going to do about it?

This turned out to be a delightful surprise. I ended up really liking Ruthie and was cheering that her life would make a turn around. She's funny and loyal - almost to her detriment. For me, this was a story about learning how to let go and turning life's lemons into lemonade (sorry for the cliche).

I received this from Random House Publishing via Netgalley.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
suzi t
Set in a popular beach town north of the Hamptons, The High Season tells the stories of a variety of characters: Ruthie, director of the local museum, mom to Jem, and former wife of Michael; Jem, Ruthie's fifteen-year-old daughter, who is going through some high school drama; Doe, the twenty-something "social media manager" for the museum, who also runs an Instagram account that keeps tabs on the ultra-wealthy who come to town for the summer; Adeline, one of the super-wealthy who comes to the town to "get away." All of the characters' stories intertwine as Adeline rents Ruthie and Michael's house--their "nest-egg"--and chaos ensues upon Adeline's entrance to the town, impacting Ruthie's live in numerous ways.

I really enjoyed the book far more than I thought I would at first, because there are several characters and back-stories to keep track of and follow. As the novel progresses, it's so interesting to see how the characters' paths overlap and how one thing can be touched by so many people and how the culmination of one event can be caused by the decisions of so many. A really enjoyable beach read, and Ruthie and Jem are quite likeable characters.

Thank you to BookishFirst for my free copy of the novel.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
The High Season is a wonderful book. SO much more than a lighthearted beach read, I really enjoyed reading this book. One of my favorite elements of the book is the development of the house as a character. You can tell that Ruthie is the kind of person who you'd like if you met in person. I could imagine sitting back under an umbrella and looking out at the ocean with Ruthie, especially on the weekend after the high season is over. As far as love stories go this one has a ton going on. I think we can all relate to pining over an old high-school flame and Ruthie has that going for her. This book is funny, smart, witty and a great read. I give this book 3.5 stars for readability and a good storyline.

I was provided a free advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
frank kelly
I received this ARC book from Random House as part of the Spring Open House book club read.
I thought I would love this book as it takes place on Long Island in place most of which I am familiar with.
I found it very hard to get into, too many back and forth characters in the beginning that I had to keep going back and reading it again to figure out who was who.
I ALWAYS finish books whether I like them or not and I'm glad I continued with this one because it definitely got better as I kept reading
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
natalia trujillo
Outside of my usual genre, this ARC arrived and I put it aside. Once I started it, I felt the characters living around me. Didn’t want to put it down until the issues were resolved. Current day problems such as teen bullying, money problems, divorce, all in a beautiful setting make the story real. Will read this author again.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Long Island North Fork is definitely the place to be in the summer. Full of excitement and drama. Delightful characters who are so funny to watch in that they are self absorbed social climbers. Obsessed with designer labels and impressing others. The world of celebrity, art and social events. Witty and fun to read. I read a reader copy via Net Galley and voluntarily chose to write a review.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
timothy tucker
The High Season: A Novel, is about doing whatever you have to do to have the life you want. It's about deception, downright lying, people who you think are your friends but aren't. The life of the rich, and those who want to be rich, and will do whatever they can to get where they want to be. Just too much fakeness for me to enjoy this book. I just found it boring.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joanne ferguson
I received an netgalley of The High Season by Judy Blundell. It takes place in South Fork, the muted version of the Hamptons. Ruthie is about to lose her job, marriage and friends one fateful summer. She needs to come to grips with her situation and try to adapt. This is a perfect beach read filled with heartache, loss and romance. A must read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ardently always
Beautiful writing here, with a story that wouldn't let me go. My one critique would be that the sheer number of minor characters took a bit of work to keep track of, but ultimately the payoff was totally worth it. There's a careening element to watching everything play out, where you just can't help holding your breath. Highly recommended.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The author's writing ability surpasses plot development. I had a hard time caring about some of the issues at stake and minor characters, of which there were many, some of whom were cliched or under-developed, including Michael, Ruthie's husband. By oh my--the wit! The social observations!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This is a slightly above average summer beach read. Somewhat predictable plot and characters seemed to be rehashed from so many other similar books. I sometimes wonder if people in New York and the Hamptons realize that there is a world beyond. Anyway, no high drama but entertaining.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kevin panameno
I was delighted with this book - the pace, the characters, their narratives, the settings. The author is without mercy in comic relief, meting out humiliation to those who require it and the long fade to those who are nothing without a spotlight. I loved it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stacy shrieves
Great summer read! I love Long Island's north fork and this story of a particular summer did not disappoint. Well developed characters in believable settings and situations. I was torn with not wanting to put it down and wishing it would never end. Thank you, NetGalley for the ARC!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
peggy logue
I listened to this and was engaged the whole time. However, I think it would have been a better book with fewer was good to have multiple generations but not always necessary. I enjoyed it but thought it would have been just as much fun with a tighter plot.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ana meyer
I really enjoyed this book. Easy beach read and the characters were relatable. Everyone was connected in some way and everyone had secrets. I gave it 4 stars only because of the amount of characters being so many. At times it was difficult to keep track of everyone.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This is a good summer beach read. I enjoyed it. The cover is inviting. I want to join her on the beach. It moved a tad slow sometimes but for a lazy day read it was good. I was given a copy of this book by Net Galley and the published in exchange for my honest opinion
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
papa tony
I really enjoyed this engaging book. It was perfect for a beach read. The family dynamics and rest of the story made me not put this book down until it was finished. I received a copy from NetGalley and the publisher and this is my honest opinion.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
tara silva
This book was just ok for me. Confusing characters and too many threads of plots. Some parts were fun, some awful. I just couldn't relate to any of the characters. It will undoubtedly, though, be a popular beach read this summer
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
raffi bagdasarian
I found this story about class struggle and the perils of living beyond one’s means to be mostly entertaining. Although there were several different characters to keep up with, I found myself connecting and even sympathizing with the primary characters, particularly Ruthie. The story is a little tedious to read at times and there were a few occassions where I had to push through, but overall it was worthwhile and thankfully had a satisfying conclusion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brandon e
I tore through The High Season in one late night, reading way past when I should have put the book down because of how addictive and delicious the characters and their swirling stories were. Scathing, hilarious, big-hearted - a book you will want to gulp down and also want to linger over.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Ruthie has to rent out her lovely house every summer in order to afford to live there. It is an interesting story, except it becomes a disjointed style. Sometimes characters have no real introduction, but are just thrown into the storyline.
The story has a heroine where it just piles up and up on her, but one can admire her tenacity.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
antonia vitale
I know Judy Blundell for her wonderful historical YA novels, and although this new adult book of hers didn’t look like anything she’d written before, I thought I would give it a whirl. Alas, The High Season is exactly what it is being marketed as - a beach read women’s fiction about rich people. DNF.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Could have been more compelling if the author didn't continually hammer the audience over the head with backtracking through characters' lives. One or two anecdotes are fine. Constantly being reminded of why a character is the way she is is just so annoying. Unsympathetic characters, all, not particularly interesting in any way. Dull as ditchwater, no surprises at all.
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