Book 1, Beyond the Veil: The Veil Series

ByPippa DaCosta

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★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Will you enjoy this book??? I have no idea. Normally I can gauge by my reaction and some of my friends how this will work for many readers and the sort answer is….who knows? My friend reviews are all over the place from fangirl love to DNF and there really isn’t anything consistent to it. So either you will love it or hate it. I definitely enjoyed this book for a few reasons.

❶ - I like that this is about Demons and half-breeds. Most authors take the route of angels but I think that this could be a treasure trove if done right.
They do that to you, demons. They know your intentions, your needs, your desires, and they play them like musicians play their instruments. The demon inside me—she knew I wanted Akil on a level I didn’t dare admit. But thankfully, I wasn’t all demon; I still had a measure of self-control.

❷ - The fact that I have no idea who is good and who is bad in this is another selling point for me. Muse seems mostly good at least her human half is anyway but that doesn’t mean that she couldn’t wreak utter destruction onto the world.
“I know you. You’re the half-sister of the full-blood demon Valenti. The illegitimate child of Asmodeus—one of the Seven Princes of Hell. You were sold at birth as a plaything for lesser demons.”

Akil and Stefan are very ambiguous characters and sometimes they play Mr. Nice guy and sometimes they are the biggest bad guy in the room. My head was spinning by the end of this book because I still don’t think I really know what their agendas are and if either one really cares for Muse or if they are just trying to use her for their own ends.

❸ - I like that the humans in this aren’t automatically the good guys. I mean they do some good probably but their tactics and methods make them just a reprehensible as some of the demons.

I’m just going to say that I hate love triangles but I didn’t ever get that vibe off of this. Akil is a man demon (more precisely one of the Seven Demon Princes of Hell) from Muse’s past. He might be a decent Demon if there is such a thing or he might be her greatest nightmare. But I don’t think that he is her starcrossed love. Stefan on the other hand could possibly become that at some point. But Stefan is caught in the middle of a lot of forces and I’m still not sure which force is going to win in the pull for his allegiance. There seemed to be plots within plots in this and I’m not sure that what we saw in the end was really what we saw. It could still be a trick, those demons are tricky.

This was a good first book in a series. I liked the introduction of the world and the characters that I assume we will be seeing more of. It isn’t perfect, there were a few minor bugs. But overall I liked where the story is headed I think. Muse will need to go to Hell literally in the next book I and think that will hold a ton of possibilities for the overall story.

I’m really excited to look into Hell’s politics and possibly meet a few of the other Princes of Hell since they correspond to the seven deadly sins. I believe that there are so many cool possibilities for the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
owain jones
Demons are my less liked reading. Pippa did a good job with each character. It was exciting and the story flowed interestingly. It kept my interest so I continued to read. I'm about to start the second book. Go for it you will enjoy it.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
The book was interesting in concept. A little wacky, but interesting. You have Muse, her demon name given by an old abusive demon owner. Why would she keep the name? I don't know. Maybe to make it her own? To take back some power? Who knows. You don't learn why. She's a bit wacky. Strong and yet weak. She gets a visit from a hit man who may not be One? Or he might be? Any way, she thinks maybe her brother is after her so she has to run back to her last owner, a prince of hell. Only we learn that if it is her brother he can't actually do anything to protect her. So why would she go back? Not sure. A series of events happen and it's all bad guy or not bad guy, new bad guy oh wait he's not a bad guy, oh yes he is for most of the book. It's all in not working with these terrible people, wait yes I will. Why not just wait outside of the place and kill them all when they Leave? Surely they have to leave at some point. She just keeps getting herself deeper and deeper into trouble.
Also just as a side note for those who pay for kindle unlimited and use that as a means to enjoy a new series- this book has more books in the series(no one writes just one book with one story anymore apparently) and you'll have to pay to find out what happens. So I wouldn't bother with starting the series if you don't want to pay an additional $20 To find out what happens to the seriously troubled heroine.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I enjoyed the whole series. I felt there was continuous excitement and I couldn't put the books down. Muse,the lead character. Continued to get into tight places and you have to find out how she gets out of the situations. Her relationship with Stephan is holding your attention,
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Really good- but my least favorite of the series
I honestly thought this series got better with every book.
The Good: fast-paced, fun, cool urban fantasy concepts
The Meh: Muse gets annoying and there's some romantic drama that seems shallow, but makes more sense if you read the prequel- Wings of Hope. Throughout the series she develops and becomes one of my favorite characters of any book series.

If you're not completely wow-ed by this book but enjoyed it, I'd recommend you keep going because I really thought every book got better and it was an awesome series overall.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Beyond the Veil: The Veil Series, Book 1
I enjoyed the books - I have finished this series. Pippa keeps adding new things to keep you and adding more development.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
libing chong
The author has a unique voice and is a wordsmith. It's like I'm watching a movie rather than reading a book. The flowery prose becomes overkill at times but overall reads fine.

The world, the characters feel real and believable. The storyline is intriguing and sucks you in right from the first page. I'd definitely recommend. Good job!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
emily altheuser
Well written with a twisting, winding plot and colorful,well-thought out characters. There is a fine line between good and bad, right and wrong and you will find yourself guessing throughout the story.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
sean carton
That is essentially it. The book was well written, with decent dialog and sex scenes, and ect, but for some reason did not grab me. I am not quite sure why, and that could change in the future, but for now I can't see myself bothering with the h rest of the series either.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I just finished the series & enjoyed all of its twists & turns. Other reviewers have said they didn’t like how the first book lead you to the next. They wanted more of an ending. It wouldn’t be a series then. Besides, when you finally finish all of them, you’ll realize the author’s take on how the worlds turn. I thought it wonderful
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
daniel ketton
This has been a VERY exciting and consuming storyline! Just when you think you KNOW the character, something changes keeping you coming back for more!! Sad for it to be the last one in the series. Guess I'll just have to go back to the first and start over!! :D
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great read this is one amazing story with great characters.
It keeps your interest .
Totally recommend for one of the best books ever, just wish I could afford the books , a little out of my price range .
But if I could afford I would buy all five !
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rob mentzer
I always loved demons and magic. Well reading about a half demon who can suck all the energy from around her and use it as fire, it's the best thing ever. Can she beat one of the Princes of Hell, the Prince of Greed? There's only one way to find out
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
marie ventris
Not bad, but too hopeless and distopian for me. Good writing, good editing, but character development not believable. Main character should be insane by now, and all the crap piled on her without any good to balance it out, just doesn't ring true. An all evil world with no balance is too depressing and exhausting to read further. Would try other series by this author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jeanine baker
Awesome character twists and turn, perfectly imperfect demon heroine. I couldn't put it down from start to finish. Has the beginnings of an amazing story line for a series. Can't wait to read the next one to see what happens to the characters.. Recommend to all, but especially paranormal lovers like me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
nicole peoples
The Veil Series is packed with action. I liked the different take on Urban Fantasy and watching Muse’s character grow in complexity along with the other characters. It’s a fun read. Couldn’t put it down.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
pooneh roney
Hard to get into this one. The protagonist seems to jump from loving one male character to the next despite glaring trust issues. Not that this is an issue, but it makes the character's motivations and reasoning seem unrealistic...and I know what you're thinking, "Unrealistic choices in a fantasy novel..." but those choices help us root and get behind a character. Just couldn't get behind this one.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
sungbae park
This isn’t my first introduction to Pippa DaCosta, but it is one of her earlier series. I liked this book, and think it’s a decent start to a series, but it’s definitely not up to the level of writing skill that I’ve read by her previously. And therein lies my problem.

The technical skill involved in writing a book is one that’s often overlooked, because when it’s good it just fades into the background and becomes a unnoticed non-issue. But when it’s lacking, it is much more obvious. And it was obvious here. I struggled with sections, paragraphs, and transitions. I struggled with word choices and thoughts. It was hard to follow what characters were thinking, and why. I was thrown out of the story more than once because of the way the words were strung together – they just didn’t make sense or flow.

All of that takes away from what is a really interesting premise. Demons exist and are living in our world. But it’s not their world. Their world is just beyond the Veil. They apparently have control over elements, which they draw from the environment around them, and can cause widespread destruction. They also may have some other random powers. And there’s the (rare) ability to be a half-blood – though most are killed immediately….except Muse, of course. And that’s about the extent of what I know about the world. Which is another problem for me.

Speaking of Muse: why wasn’t she killed like most half-bloods? I hope that’s something that’s covered in the future, because I would really like to understand more about the dynamics there. Muse and I struggled. I don’t think she’s weak, like I’ve seen some other people say, but she’s definitely a bit passive. A big part of that is that she needs to hit rock-bottom, per se, before she realizes exactly what she will and will not live without. So I get it, and I can love the character growth, while at the same time it frustrated me. I don’t like passive characters, characters that let things happen to them, or wait for someone else to make a decision or the first move. Still, by the end, Muse is taking charge and I’m excited to see her exact her revenge – on everyone that deserves it. And her demon is awesome as hell. Literally.

I've got book 2 - but I'm not entirely sure when I'll get to it. It's not a burning need in me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Muse is an interesting character, a fighter despite all obstacles. I love the detail throughout the story. It's an interesting take on demons and other realms. Overall a great read, looking forward to the next.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
scott larimer
Ms. DaCosta's scenes are written well enough but don't add up to a satisfying story.
I was left wondering about everything.
Beyond The Veil seems like ideas for a comic book but lacks the illustrations.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
mona bacon
There are some interesting characters here, but the plot is simplistic and later twists in the story are very poorly foreshadowed. The later twists come as an unfortunate, unsatisfying, and illogical resolution, since that part of the story is SO poorly set up.
I'm torn between two and three stars, because that part was so badly handled, but I'm bumping it up to three stars for the interesting characters (looking past the plot twists) and way of describing the demons' use of their power.
The main character's interactions with the two male antagonists never quite make sense, because we don't understand her motivations. This is the absolute downfall of the plot twists mentioned above, but to some degree it's true if her relationship with the antagonist, as well. We wonder why she would return to him, and I didn't believe her flimsy explanations any more than he would have.
There are some interesting ideas here that could have really been good with some solid editing and revision. Too bad, really, because I probably won't bother with another of this author's books, and this might have developed into a series I'd really enjoy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I really enjoyed it. Lots of excitement and you don't know who to trust. The characters are wonderful and the author really brought them and the story alive. Looking forward to reading the next book.
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