Sterling (Mageri Series Book 1)

ByDannika Dark

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
abigail lamarine
I am not a sociologist, but I believe this series (I have read the first three and am reading number 4 now) reflects today's attitudes towards how differences in people are viewed from acceptance to utter disdain and the agammet of feelings in between.
Read this series. It is easy to follow and explores how relationships among different "races" are looked upon. It also revitalizes the way that peopl;e shouold treat each other, less the violence and death.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
michaela ward
First, thanks the store for the revision. Even with the horrendous errors I thoroughly enjoyed the story on 1st reading so had to read again after the revision and enjoyed it even more. It is still not perfect with some spelling errors and incorrect grammar and one weird phrase in the last chapter that just didn't make sense. But the improvement is dramatic. This author has a great future and I look forward to more and would recommend to others.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is awesome! you really get to know all the characters and for me I got attached to them. I had moments wherein laughed loudly and moments where I was on the edge of the seat brimming with anxiety. I would recommend this book to anyone who loves a well rounded story can't wait to read the rest of the books! This author is quickly becoming one of my favorites
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
karen woods
Loved it from start to finish!!!! You'll learn to love the characters. Plus, it was nice having romance and intimacy amidst the action (and without overshadowing the action, in my opinion).
I enjoyed that she included steamy parts instead of just skipping over it or ignoring that sex happens. On that note, it's done in love and she also only steams it up until the act... just makeouts, people. It's not an erotica but a legitimate story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
eileen kalbfus
When I first ordered Sterling on my Kindle, I was a little nervous reading it because I had never read any of Dannika Dark's works. That being said, I was pleasantly surprised. I totally got hooked.

Zoe's character is very easy to love. She's smart, strong-willed, funny, and down to earth. You really begin to get close to her and you can't help sympathize with her and all that she goes through. Zoe is not only forced into this new life, but she's a different kind of "Mage". That makes her coveted. But at the same time it brings out the protectiveness of the men in her life now.

It was interesting that there are 3 leading men that care for her. It was hard to decide who I liked more, they were all gorgeous, but they each had different personalities that both worked for and against them.

Adam is tough and very protective of her. He's an ex-soldier so he feels responsible for Zoe and thinks he's able to take care of her. In addition, his personality, which is different than what you expect from a soldier is kind-hearted and he cares for Zoe. There's an instant bonding between them from the beginning.

Justus comes off as strict, abrupt, angry and even harsh at times. But as he begins to train Zoe, you see that he also begins to change and starts to respect her and then becomes protective of her. Although as her Ghuardian, Justus is supposed to not only train and teach her, but also protect her until she has learned enough to be on her own. But somewhere during that time, he learns to care for her and that changes how he is to her. Zoe learns to trust Justus even though its hard giving up her independence.

Simon on the other hand, comes barreling right into Zoe's new life. He's best friends with Justus, but is instantly attracted to her. He's gorgeous, sexy and fun, something that Justus normally isn't. Simon is her release from feeling as if she's in a prison. Underneath his flirtiness and exterior face, Simon, we learn is different from what he shows people. He's kind, funny, caring and having gone through his own problems, understands how and why Zoe is how she is.

The story was fast paced, heart-warming, action packed, and funny. It had me laughing out loud in one minute and crying in the next and reading at the edge of my seat the next time. Beautifully written.

There were so many twists and turns, and a shocking ending. Great story and a great price. I will definitely keep reading this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah bryde
I was pleasantly surprised when I found myself loving these books. I've been looking for a good series for a while. The story is good, but the characters are better. It's easy to like the main character. It's even easier to fall in love with every male character who enters her life.

The series is definitely worth a shot.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cory bree
Love, love, love this series! This was my first Dannika Dark book and it definitely will not be my last. If you are looking for a great paranormal series with characters that you will love (and others that you will love to hate) then look no further. Also check out her Seven series for some shifter action :)
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
joel nelson
Sterling brings some interesting aspects to a cookie-cutter fantasy book (low/urban fantasy). The characters are well contrasted against one another. Each character in the book has a strong, albeit 1-dimensional, personality. In this first book in the Mageri series, you will have to be patient with Dannika Dark as she takes her time getting to any real heroism by the main character. This is a heavily plot-driven novel with slightly interesting characters. What irked me the most, though, was that the main character, Zoë, never did come into her own in terms of her abilities as a Mage. In my opinion, if you're going to write a cookie-cutter low fantasy book, the protagonist needs to have some advantage over the other characters. This advantage, sadly, never manifests.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
debbie lausman
The story was sound the characters a little choppy but understandable and like the fact she didn't have to have happily ever after instead she got happily right now in this moment and some times that means more
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Ms. Dark takes the reader on an emotional ride through the Breed world via the eyes of a newly made Mage, whose rough ride allows the author to take her time telling the story deftly and with powerful artistry. The characters are have serious soul and are easily identified with. You will find this book difficult to put down!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
katya littleton
Sterling brings some interesting aspects to a cookie-cutter fantasy book (low/urban fantasy). The characters are well contrasted against one another. Each character in the book has a strong, albeit 1-dimensional, personality. In this first book in the Mageri series, you will have to be patient with Dannika Dark as she takes her time getting to any real heroism by the main character. This is a heavily plot-driven novel with slightly interesting characters. What irked me the most, though, was that the main character, Zoë, never did come into her own in terms of her abilities as a Mage. In my opinion, if you're going to write a cookie-cutter low fantasy book, the protagonist needs to have some advantage over the other characters. This advantage, sadly, never manifests.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The story was sound the characters a little choppy but understandable and like the fact she didn't have to have happily ever after instead she got happily right now in this moment and some times that means more
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sara pessimisis
Ms. Dark takes the reader on an emotional ride through the Breed world via the eyes of a newly made Mage, whose rough ride allows the author to take her time telling the story deftly and with powerful artistry. The characters are have serious soul and are easily identified with. You will find this book difficult to put down!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Honestly the main character is a bit annoying and has ties to so many guys that aligning with her has almost been near impossible. That said, the rest if the characters and supernatural elements are alluring enough to keep you reading. The author's Seven Series was so good it led me to this series, but In truth there is no comparison between the two.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
debbie wenk
This book really surprised me with how good it ended up being. I mean, it was pretty confusing at first but then gets really good.
Btw this series contains my favorite couple and their love story, and that's saying something.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I liked the storyline and characters. Not sure about the Mage and their idiotic rules that seemed to exist to provide a sympathetic story and further the plot. Doesn't make sense that evolved immortals would condone brutality so easily. There wasn't a lot of explanation for their society, powers or reasons for why Silver was made. But interesting otherwise
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
twinkling star
I read this after starting one of the authors other series. This is one of her earlier series and I could tell by the writing style, character development and plot. I'm definitely no English major or even literary, but I don't recommend this frustrating read. Her crossbreed series is much better; I would rate that as 3 stars - just.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
clark johnson
This whole book was amazing! Extremely well written, a completely new world that made sense little by litte, and intriguing and very likeable characters!

Zoë was a normal 29-year-old until one night she decided to take a short-cut home, where she was attacked and thought she died. She woke up in a body bag - completely panicked, after getting out of the bag and the ambulance, she ran like the devil was after her, until Adam found her.

Adam and Zoë formed a tentative friendship, although she woke up looking completely different from what she looked before.

There was also a whole lot of great humour, I laughed so hard in many places, I need to go through my status updates to get some of those quotes!

Zoë finds out she's a mage, and Justus takes over her guardianship, until the bastard who made her comes back to claim her - only to use her and abuse her. Luckily, both Justus and his friend Simon were keeping tags on her, and were able to save her again.

Some very detailed fight-scenes, some sexy build-ups and an ending that was mind-blowing!

I completely and utterly loved this book, and really look forward to reading another installment. This world is dark, but still full of hope, and with some of the twists that happened, there is more than enough to let me read more about it all.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
barbara derksen
I had to buy this after reading the most hilarious opening paragraph, "A black panther lapped his rough tongue across my cheek. Max wasn't actually a panther, just a house cat with a massive ego. When the only tongue you are getting is from your is time to get out more."

Dannika Dark can write sarcasm and some really great descriptions. I was continually reading funny lines out loud to the girls because they wanted to know why I was laughing out loud. I LOVE the way Dannika Dark writes except for her profanity ("F" word, GD and MF). Other than that, the story is amusing and full of fun and exciting action scenes.

Zoe is attacked and turned into a Breed. Adam discovers her and helps her because he is good and kind, but he is not a Breed and cannot handle her power in a romantic way. Justus finds Zoe in a bar and sees that she is untrained and unclaimed by her maker. He offers to help her and although she doesn't want to leave Adam, she does want to learn to control her power and not fall into her creators hands again. Justus has a friend, Simon who explains to Zoe many things about the Breed that Justus has kept a mystery while training her. All three men are very protective and attracted to Zoe and she likes them all too. I kept wanting her to pick one and decide he was the one for her, but that never happened and it was a little weird having her "be" with them. Unrealistically, these "alpha" males did not battle each other for her affections or even try to be the only guy in her life. They "shared"(Yuk) her.

The writing was great, the story fascinating, the romance - weird and the characters interesting. It was a great diversion for .99; especially Dannika Dark's style of writing - really amusing. She is funny and expressive.

Would I/Did I buy it? Yes (.99)
Would I read it again? Yes
Would I recommend it to friends? Yes, older adults for profanity and sex.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Well, I hate giving less than positive reviews but this series just isn't my cup of tea. The main character in this series (Zoe aka Silver) is obnoxious. I think the author was trying to create a woman who was enticing but still strong. What she developed is a head-strong, unbelievable woman who's self centeredness is unparalleled and makes her supposed "selfless" behavior come across as egocentric instead and bolsters that "you can't tell me what to do" attitude and the "I know what is best for me" persona even when her behavior puts others in danger of being killed. She is vain and totally ridiculous. On top of this the idea her being unable to walk down the street without every male within sniffing distance converging on her makes this entire story nothing but heavy breathing and lust filled days. I have made it to book 3 only because I bought the series, and I hate to waste money but this just isn't my taste. I gave this series a chance because I like books that deal with magic and fantasy plots in general and I have to admit that I questioned whether or not this would be worth reading but went agains my better judgement....I mean ...really DANIKA DARK?? That sounds like a smut writer's name. Oh an learn.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
If you like paranormal world building, you really should read this book. Its a fresh take on magic, vampires, and things that go bump in the night.

I enjoyed the fact the the author created multiple strong characters. Zoe, the heroine is feisty.We get the chance to learn about the world that Zoe's been so rudely forced into in bits and pieces (and guesses) along side of Zoe. There are, at least, three heros: Adam, Justuc, and Simon. All of them are different. All of them are both potential friend-for-life and love-of-your-life material. All of them are mentors. A fourth possiblity is introduced at the end of this first book.

Also, there are multiple evil bad guys. We learn the the initial maniacal evil doer,rapist, murderer, is terrified and resentfully of and even scarier bad guy. You think the protagonists can not possible get any worst and they get much worst. One dies by the end of the book: Thank you!.... but not both.

GREAT characters! If you like this genre do yourself a favor and read the book! Dannika Dark is a author to watch!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
heather marie
A new look into the magical mysterious fantasy world. The characters are very intriguing, funny & intense. As is the story line. I was drawn into this world of mage or breed as they call themselves and couldn't put the book down very easily.
I highly recommend this series and author!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
barbara coleburn
"Sterling" and the book that follows, "Twist", in the Mageri Series, are an amazingly good read, a jewel of a find at this price. Yes, There are a mistakes along the way that could have benefitted from a professional editor, however, unless you're the type of person who can't see beyond them, they aren't memorable. And they don't impact the fast moving and fluid storyline, which I found to be a fresh take on this type of 'world'. Perhaps she could have filled out the characters and slowed down the plot a bit more, non-the-less I found myself quickly involved and interested. All the way through both books I enjoyed the lead characters and absolutely wanted to see what came next... and I'm hoping there will be many more books along the way in the intriguing world Dannika has created.

It's my thought that "HALO" the supernatural "Breed" agency (think Interpol), has potential for creating new satellite characters when she runs out of plotlines for the leads, there's a lot of future opportunity in Dannika's world. It will be very interesting to see how Dannika develops as a writer and hopefully we will all be able to look back fondly and say we enjoyed her first books but they aren't a patch on her latest!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nick catucci
I loved this book and the whole series! Action, adventure, romance, mystery. It moves fast and adds characters in such a way that you don't get bogged down trying to remember who is who. I recommend this series to anyone! I have already read the whole series twice and will again and again.!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mary walsh
The characters are well defined. Danika takes her time in teasing us with just a bit more information about her major characters and we wait with bated breath for every hint she provides. The storyline is refreshingly unique and a must read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
claire barner
Dannika Dark won me over with her Mageri Series! As I read I was continuously struck by her strong writing! There is a reason why she compels readers with her incredible stories--there is no substitute for creative and driven prose. I devoured this book and did not stop for breath as I downloaded the next in the series!
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