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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I've been procrastinating with this review because I wish I liked the story more......I think because with this book, I felt like I was reading a different author's work. As a fan, I am still glad I read it....just not one of my favorites.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
rickey dees
Spoilers, why would someone say humilate me, and then whine about it to her friend? And then to just fall in love? And don't even get me started on her was hard to read, and the characters had no personality.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tim hainley
Hotel OH MY FREAKING GAWDS!! This book is EVERYTHING! NAUGHTY, NAUGHTY, NAUGHTY with alot of humor & wild times! The tug & pull of Kat & Declan is CRAZY HAWT!! I couldn't stop reading this book until I got to the very end! If you're a fan of clarissa wild she delivers big time!
Daddy Dearest :: Sugar Daddies :: Daddy's Girl :: Dark Romance (Decadence After Dark Book 1) (A Decadence after Dark Novel) :: Daddy Daddy: MFM Menage Romance
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ashleigh smith
5 Big O stars!!!!

Well once again in true Clarissa Wild fashion I was taken on the ride of my life and what a ride it was. I absolutely gorged myself on the utterly delectable debauchery and depravity that is Hotel O.

Declan is the event coordinator at Hotel O. The services offered are not your usual fare at a regular hotel which is why they cater to a certain lifestyle that comes at a high cost to their exclusive clientele. Declan's job comes above everything and he'll do anything to ensure he climbs to the top at the hotel.

Kat is finally out from under her parents scrutiny and has decided to live her life the way she sees fit. That's why she is a frequent visitor to an online chat site where she connects with D. She has no idea what she has just started and that sometimes one click of a button can lead to a life she's always dreamed of.

When all the players come to light will Declan and Kat see it as a win or will it take everything down including the hotel that Declan loves?

I'm so glad I knew nothing about Hotel O before going in because I love the surprise of what I know will be one hell of a ride.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
teri g
Well...HOT DAYUM!!!! This read was beyond addicting. I’m all for a good erotic read but for those who may be on the fence here’s the Author’s Note to potential readers of this crazy sexy read: Hotel O is complete and utter filthiness. Expect lots of debauchery… with multiple people. Please do not read if you’re easily offended or do not enjoy romances that explore the boundaries of depravity… Don’t say I didn’t warn you. can’t say you weren’t warned. But alas, I love me some debauchery so this was my kind of read! This isn’t some love story that has tid bits of steamy scenes. Ohhhh, no! If anything it’s the complete opposite & written so well you can picture it all as you read. It’s a movie in the mind, if you will.

Trust me when I say you will be completely captivated & some!

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ericka webb
Hot, hot, hot HOT! This book is seriously hot! I’m talking ‘is it hot in here?’ Hot! I really enjoyed this book. I found it to be a quick easy read and it caught my interest right from the start. I was kept captivated through the whole book.

Declan is such a dirty man! The way he talks would make you blush, but Declan sure is addictive! Kat has been sheltered her whole life so she craves freedom. Declan is certainly the man to show her how free she can be!

The twists and turns in this book I actually never saw coming at all. I was so surprised but I loved how this storyline played out! It’s dirty, it’s steamy and it will have you wanting more! It’s safe to say I loved this 5 Star Read from Clarissa! I received an early copy of this book. Opinions expressed are that of my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

If you like hot and steamy passion, scorching hot intimate scenes that are awe-inspiring, then this book is for you. From the very first page, I was spellbound by these fantastically described characters that you will find yourself falling in love with. I really enjoyed reading this book and the momentum of the story keeps you wanting to read more that you can’t put it down! Kat or profile name—NaughtyKitten is twenty-seven years old grew up sheltered, but now, she goes online to chat sites for privacy where she can let loose, so to speak, and be as dirty as she can be and men can humiliate her. Declan Porter or profile name—D, is thirty-three, handsome, sexy, does not want any commitments, no strings, just pleasure, because with his job at Hotel O requires exclusivity and privacy to succeed, and he does not have time for relationships. Declan has three “strict rules: never expose your real identity, don’t hook up more than once, and cut it off before she falls in love”—everything goes awry when he meets Kat online. After Declan’s curiosity gets the best of him, he has a one night stand with Kat—then things start to get out of hand. The chemistry between Kat and Declan grows more potent the more time they spend together—the sex is off-the-chart hot! You will revel with delight in this story with an erotic flare for the sensuous adult in you because there is a lot of unfettered sex. If you like your romances with a dose of risqué and erotic with a pinch of sweetness, you’ll love HOTEL O. The scenes are well written, fast-paced, and flow smoothly from one scene to the next. The story will also pique your interest and draw you in from the beginning to the very end.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
“Ice Bath needed, 4 stars”

Holy guacamole is Hotel O HOT! I am sure you can figure it out by reading the blurb that this book is a little spicy when it comes to the s*x and it is. The scenes Wild wrote will leave you wanting either a cold shower or a little self-love. I will say if you don’t have an open mind when it comes to the big O then Hotel O is definitely not the book for you.

Declan is all about his job. What he does is strictly confidential which makes having a relationship basically impossible. Or so he thinks until he meets Kat. They start off totally unconventionally but somehow develop into more, but D still has his rules and one of them is no relationships. Will he crumple up the rules for Kat or will he turn his back on her?

Kat has desires even she doesn’t fully understand. She grew up sheltered so she thinks her needs are her form of rebellion when in reality its much more. When she starts chatting with D she has no idea where it will go but she’s willing to find out. Kat embarks on a sexual awakening with D at her side. Will she find herself at the end or will she be left still craving more? And what happens when secrets come to light?

I really did enjoy Hotel O. The only thing I would change is I want more verbal between the two. These two had it in the bedroom but I wonder if they really have it outside of that. With that said I enjoyed all the characters from start to finish. I cannot wait to see if Wild does anything with the secondary characters story wise. Her imagination on this story was crazy so fingers crossed for another one.




Writing style-4/5

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Kat and Declan meet online on the most unusual platform – one that provides them both exactly with what they need: anonymous gratification with no pleasantries, numbers or even names exchanged. Totally safe, totally nameless. Repeats not excluded, but highly unlikely. Only somehow this man who is calling himself simply D is different. Kat wants more – and takes it a step farther than the rules allow. And that’s when the real story starts – it gets more mysterious and explosive, riskier, kinkier and definitely hotter. These two are cut from the same cloth and have really met their match…

Dirty, kinky, filthy. Terms I’ve come to associate with Clarissa Wild’s books. And so far, she has not let me down. Boy, are her characters filthy. And adventurous. Oh, and her men of stamina. Good lord! Naughty. Juicy. All the sex. Yeah, you see a theme here. She is definitely one of my go-to author whenever I need a good healthy (?) dose of smexy. Another trademark of hers is the fluent, easy-going writing style. I always just fly through the pages, finishing much sooner than I would have liked. And there’s one more thing that somehow happens to me with every of her stories: Her characters are headstrong and particular and, well, unique. Usually it takes the first couple of chapters for me to warm up to them. To connect with them and get them. Same with Kat and Declan. Oh, Declan. Latest at 30% he had me. Unapologetic, dominant, arrogant alpha male with serious a-hole tendencies. Just… yum.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
steve peace
Another amazing kinky book coming from the brilliant mind of Clarissa WIld. The characters were so easy to relate to and the chemistry is out of this world -- steamy, dirty and just perfect but with some great emotions built in. I did go into this book basically blind but I am wiling to read anything. This book was such an easy read that I didn't want to put down and I am left sad it is over so quickly. I really loved the feels that were in this despite all the yummy steam.

If you are sensitive at all in your reading please read the author notes even though I feel like you will be missing out on a wild ride
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
robert jenkins
I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book.

Kinky and sexy, so so dark and an opportunity to explore the appeal of the dark side. Declan is a dangerous handsome sin that not one girl can resist and Kat is a light in his dark life. Love and chemistry has never been so anughty and twisted yet so dark and right. Clarissa Wild once again succeded in creating a master piece I enjoyed reading completey and I highly recommend it to all who love dark twisted relationships and are at least itsy bitsy curious about it and want to explore it. It isn't just about the outside look and actions, but also the feelings that arise and thoughts that brim and could spill out at any second. I love these characters and won't forget them that easily. I love them so much!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Clarissa definitely delivered a HOT and original story here. I really liked the whole chat room thing. I found that Declan and Kat were so well fitted for each other. Good story, great chemistry and overall amazing hotness factor. She always has this way of sucking you into the story right from the very start. Its told in a dual POV and the characters switch back and forth smoothly. Overall a MUST read!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michael alwill
Naughty hotness! I love this book! It will steam up your kindle and have you squirming. Declan and Kat’s story is one you don’t want to miss reading. If you like hot steamy sex you will love this book! Love the chemistry between the characters! I received an advanced reader copy for an honest review.
*Magic Beyond The Covers Book Blog*
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I received a copy of this book from the publisher/author to review for Stephanie's Book Reports.

Pleasure is business. That's our motto here at Hotel O. No strings attached gratification is what we provide. Nothing is off limits. And all of it stays within these walls. My job as the organizer of these events requires a personal sacrifice. Girlfriends are a liability I can't afford. So I get my own satisfaction somewhere else. Online. Anonymous. Nothing beyond a one-night stand....And I've found the perfect toy to play with. A persistent, equally wicked girl that I can't say no to. The girl who is going to risk it all. Welcome to Hotel O. Enjoy your stay.

I keep bouncing back and forth with how to rate this book. Maybe I wasn't in the mood for it or maybe I just don't like the whole she wants to be humiliated with sex so I am going to do it thing in this book. It bothered me and that bothered me more because usually it doesn't. I read dirty books. Heck I have read some down right filthy ones that taught me more about kinks than I ever needed to know but for some reason I just had a hard time reading this book and that too bothers me as I usually am all over anything that Clarissa Wild writes. I feel bad for not loving it. Am I being a prude?? Maybe but that doesn't sound like me in my fictional reading world and I just can not for the life of me figure out what it was that drove me to the point of picking it up and putting it down a million times. I almost didn't finish it but that isn't me either. I will push myself to read a book and finish it no matter what. This book has a lot of great reviews if you look on Goodreads so I am sure it was me but I will say that it does have its moments and then it has it moments that just bothered me. Ugh I am frustrated with myself. Big time.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Hotel O was absolutely amazing!! One of the most erotic books I have ever read. It was very well written, the chemistry between the characters was insane and it had a twist I did not see coming. This book was a page turner that I could not put down. If you want a deliciously dirty read, this book comes highly recommend!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I really liked this book! The characters were believable and well developed. Some scenes are pretty graphic and may not be liked by all, but it checked all my boxes. I didn't see the plot twist at the end coming and couldn't sleep till I finished it! I would recommend this book. HEA with no cliffhangers.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
keeley sinnard
As always with this author, something a little different than your run of the mill book. A little intrigue, a little scandalous, a little shocking, a little bit kinky and surprises add up to another five star book by this talented Author. Looking forward to the next book this Author writes
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Thoroughly enjoyable book! Fun, sexy read with very likable and intriguing characters. It's all about following your desires. And what a fantastic plot twist in the last part of the book! Loved it!!
Enjoyed the bonus "Bad Teacher" too.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a twisted story. Loved the way Kat and Declan meet. They make for one intense complicated couple. Could not put this book down had to know what was going to happen.Kat’s parents are so naive. Loved the ending. A must read.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
andie elmes
The storyline was stale and predictable. The female protagonist was flat and not particularly relatable. The male protagonist was a douche. The only somewhat redeemable character was Flynn. I had kinda hoped there would be more of him in the book.
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