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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hannah cantafio
ok picture it, 5 sexy, handsome, big, huge men, and you, taking them on all at once, welcome to the bang gang.
5 mechanics, blue collar guys just trying to earn a living come up with the idea to sell their bodies for sex, but you can't have just one of them, nope you take them all, all 5 will service you at the same time (holy hell)
Darren Trent is I would call him the leader of the group, he is doing this for his girls, they will need money for university, medical, and child support, so in his mind he is doing this for them.
Jodie is Darren's baby Momma and the last to know about the bang gang, when she finally finds out, all hell breaks loose, it appears some of her so called friends are "clients" of the guys services. Well Jodie decides to make herself an appointment with them, and we have a killer sex scene.
I really loved this book, and I can't wait to read the other guys stories.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
angelique du plessis
Jodie is a single mum of two girls after splitting from their dad, mechanic Darren. She lives with her nanna, between working and looking after the girls she never had any time for herself. Over the years she's lost her own identity.

I absolutely loved Jodie. A lot of women will be able to relate to her. Miserable, put upon, insecure, puts everyone before herself....Shes feeling like a lot of women do.

Darren is Jodie's ex and father of her girls. He comes across as a bit of an insensitive jerk but there's more to him than meets the eye. I ended up falling for him. He's hot, a man of few words (always a bonus) and a brilliant dad.

This is probably my favourite of Jades books. The story is brilliant. It's hot, sweet, emotional at times and I loved it. Jodie's best friend Tonya is another brilliant character. I'd love to see her get her own book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
carma ellis
Wow! What can I say other than bloody brilliant, Jade West I think this is one of the best book that I have read and I'm hoping for another one telling us the story of Buck and Tonya.
Darren Trent is such a loveable, rough and ready guy who struggles to say what he feels, he's still in love with his childhood sweetheart but don't know what to say or do to win her back. He loves the 'F' word as much as I do! I think he uses it as much as I do!
Jo is a single mum trying to bring up two girls while keeping a house and job, she juggles things as best she can but ssome days are harder than others, she realises she's turned into a frumpy mummy so buys herself a new wardrobe and make up which only adds to Darren wanting her.
ladies you will lose yourself in this amazing sorry and fall in love with the characters!
A Girl in Time :: Out of Time Series Box Set (Books 1-3) (Out Of Time Box Set) :: Tangled in Time (The MacCarthy Sisters) :: A Novel (Kendra Donovan Mysteries) - A Murder in Time :: Sell My Soul (A Sixty Days Novel Book 1)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
judy zarifian
BEST BOOK BY JADE WEST EVER ! Darren Trent is mine !!! all mine hes so sweet and rough and funny and fml i want to curl up and live in his world , Jodie is the friend next door your average mum facing daily battles we all struggle with and i love her , this story hooked me from the get go and this man stole me yes STOLE my heart from Callum Jackson (Dirty Bad Savage ) gasps i know thats like HUGE for me . but you will understand when you get him, brilliant book i could rant all day about it and most it probably wouldn't make sense so i say this Hopeless romantics you will want to live in this book !
bring tissues you're gonna need those big time.
Would Darren Trent Be My Book Boyfriend ? MINE #CLAIMED this man is my husband ladies and i am keeping him all for my self !
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jos jensen
This book was quite unexpected. I knew it would be hot with five sexy men sharing their women clients but underneath all that was a story about two people that were dealing with real life problems and even though they have gone in different directions the love they feel for each other is still there just under the surface and the reason that he participates with the other men shows his character as a man and a father. This was such a twist on the everyday romance book. The feelings that Jodie was experiencing are familiar to every woman that questions where she loses a piece of herself while taking care of children, earning a living and just surviving life. Overall I was really impressed with this story and loved everything about it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dana l w
Separated from his Missus, the only woman he loves with a passion, foul-mouthed Darren Trent finds a little "side" job with his fellow mechanics to roll in some extra cash to make ends meet... a job that has him booked and popular with several hungry women looking for his "services". But can he actually continue his wreckless ways and be with the people he loves most... Jodie and his daughters? An extremely steamy story which will have you fanning yourself to cool off but also quite emotional because it touches a very sensitive topic... one of Family and priorities. This novel is sexy, entertaining and sweet all rolled into one. 5 Older and Wiser Stars for a man who has grown through his mistakes.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
lloyd moore
Jade West writes dirty, naughty fun. She also writes stories that are more than what their titles suggest. Bang Gang was a definitely a bit dirty and had a bit more depth than I was expecting. I read it in one sitting because once I started I had to know how the whole situation was going to play out.

Bang Gang follows Darren Trent and his ex and baby mama, Jodie. They were high school sweethearts that had two children together but ended up broken up yet still coparenting. Living in a small village, everyone's business is everyone's business. So it's no surprise that when Darren and his 4 friends start a Bang Gang for hire, that people find out. When Jodie relaizes what Darren is doing, she is mortified, upset but also interested. They ended, but their ending wasn't so clear cut and their feelings were most definitely left over. Now that Darren's side business is out in the open, Jodie decides that maybe she wants to break out of the her self imposed shell she's created since their break up all those years ago and try the Bang Gang out for herself because what could go wrong expect everything.

I have to be honest. It this wasn't a Jade West novel, I'm not sure I would have picked it up. Based on the title and the cover, I wasn't exactly sure this was going to be my cup of tea. And while in some ways it surpassed my expectations, overall I felt like the story felt a little lacking in depth of the characters and their backgrounds.

As the story opened up, we get an in depth look into both Jodie and Darren's lives without the other one. Overall I can usually deal with just about anything while reading these kind of open and sexy heroes but something about his affairs was too blatant to me given their small town, his history with Jodie and his daughters and ]why he was even doing it to begin with (especially given the details toward the end). I wanted to enjoy the sexy times more than I did because that was hard for me to get over. As the story progressed, I really appreciated how Darren handled his "jobs" and I really loved Jodie. I guess I just wish there would have been a bit more depth to their characters and their relationship and especially the reason for their demise and what happened in the interim.

Even if I didn't love this story, I did enjoy it. If you are a fan of lots of sexy guys in lost of sexy positions this story will probably be perfect for you. And if you love Jade West and her brand of naughty, this will definitely be something to check out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Jade's latest novel certainly did not disappoint! This is a love story, dont let the title fool you. Yes, there's sex and it's awesome, dirty sex. Sex with Darren Trent and four of his mechanics, for a price. Jodie is Trents ex who share two daughters. All I can say without giving too much away is that you need to read this book because its so much more than what the title states. Jade's writing and character development are so good, so believable. Jade does dirty well, but she also knows how to tell a damn good story! I love Trent & Jo, Bravo!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
deepswamp nicklasson
This book was quite unexpected. I knew it would be hot with five sexy men sharing their women clients but underneath all that was a story about two people that were dealing with real life problems and even though they have gone in different directions the love they feel for each other is still there just under the surface and the reason that he participates with the other men shows his character as a man and a father. This was such a twist on the everyday romance book. The feelings that Jodie was experiencing are familiar to every woman that questions where she loses a piece of herself while taking care of children, earning a living and just surviving life. Overall I was really impressed with this story and loved everything about it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Separated from his Missus, the only woman he loves with a passion, foul-mouthed Darren Trent finds a little "side" job with his fellow mechanics to roll in some extra cash to make ends meet... a job that has him booked and popular with several hungry women looking for his "services". But can he actually continue his wreckless ways and be with the people he loves most... Jodie and his daughters? An extremely steamy story which will have you fanning yourself to cool off but also quite emotional because it touches a very sensitive topic... one of Family and priorities. This novel is sexy, entertaining and sweet all rolled into one. 5 Older and Wiser Stars for a man who has grown through his mistakes.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
katy johnson
Jade West writes dirty, naughty fun. She also writes stories that are more than what their titles suggest. Bang Gang was a definitely a bit dirty and had a bit more depth than I was expecting. I read it in one sitting because once I started I had to know how the whole situation was going to play out.

Bang Gang follows Darren Trent and his ex and baby mama, Jodie. They were high school sweethearts that had two children together but ended up broken up yet still coparenting. Living in a small village, everyone's business is everyone's business. So it's no surprise that when Darren and his 4 friends start a Bang Gang for hire, that people find out. When Jodie relaizes what Darren is doing, she is mortified, upset but also interested. They ended, but their ending wasn't so clear cut and their feelings were most definitely left over. Now that Darren's side business is out in the open, Jodie decides that maybe she wants to break out of the her self imposed shell she's created since their break up all those years ago and try the Bang Gang out for herself because what could go wrong expect everything.

I have to be honest. It this wasn't a Jade West novel, I'm not sure I would have picked it up. Based on the title and the cover, I wasn't exactly sure this was going to be my cup of tea. And while in some ways it surpassed my expectations, overall I felt like the story felt a little lacking in depth of the characters and their backgrounds.

As the story opened up, we get an in depth look into both Jodie and Darren's lives without the other one. Overall I can usually deal with just about anything while reading these kind of open and sexy heroes but something about his affairs was too blatant to me given their small town, his history with Jodie and his daughters and ]why he was even doing it to begin with (especially given the details toward the end). I wanted to enjoy the sexy times more than I did because that was hard for me to get over. As the story progressed, I really appreciated how Darren handled his "jobs" and I really loved Jodie. I guess I just wish there would have been a bit more depth to their characters and their relationship and especially the reason for their demise and what happened in the interim.

Even if I didn't love this story, I did enjoy it. If you are a fan of lots of sexy guys in lost of sexy positions this story will probably be perfect for you. And if you love Jade West and her brand of naughty, this will definitely be something to check out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hannah pritchett
Crazy good! Made me cry! Ohhh. I'm still crying. This one hits you in the feel goods. Makes you smile. Makes you all sad as the characters are having issues. Normal issues. Everything in this book was so real. It wasn't made up and contrived for plot advancement. Everything could have happened. Everyone was a real person, with real feelings and real problems. I loved it.

If you are expecting a book of non stop dirty sex, please keep looking. This one, while it did have some awesome hot smoking sex scenes, was more a love story. A second chance romance. Very erotic. Super yummy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
birdie s mom
Trent and Jodie are my least favorite type of couple; the "huge misunderstanding that could be cleared up with one conversation" couple. And that made a good portion of this book, grating. You feel for Jodie, really. Falling into "the mom rut" can leave a woman feeling low. But these people are too darn old to act this way...especially in the age of therapists! Sometimes folks just need counseling.
That said, the steamy scenes are steamy, but (can't believe I'm saying this) they felt restrained... I've come to rely on West for very well-done filth, and this was dirty for sure (I will be looking at cars for awhile), but not as blue as it could've gotten.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Jade West slays it again!! The Bang Gang is absolutely fantastic!!! In this story Jade not only
combines her incredible skills writing the hottest,juciest,panty melting,make you squirm and moan sex with the most deliciously designed gorgeous men. She then adds characters you adore, love, family issues,angst and insecurities that make this book relatable and real.
Jade also provides us a villan that you want to strangle! Bang Gang has it all! I laughed out loud, bit my nails, got teary eyed, squirmed in my seat and yelled YESSSSS! more than once! I loved every word of it! Didn't want it to end! One click and you'll see for yourself!!! ☆☆☆☆☆
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
wendy crittenden
Absolutely floved it❤️
Jade West has outdone herself with this awesome read!
Bang Gang is my new all time favorite read of hers. Everything we've come to expect from her stories and more!!
This is far more than erotica!
It's a great story of love, heartbreak and second chances. Trent was just brilliantly created! I want a Trent in my life, and Jodi was his perfect love interest. Even the bang gangers were lovable!
Scorching Hot Sexiness.
More Dirty sex.
5 hot guys and a village.
Sometimes the love of your life is right in front of you. What you do to get him is half the fun❣
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Arc received for an honest review
I wasnt sure from the title if I would like this as i like my erotic fiction sex to have an emotional connection and I wasnt sure how this could be achieved in this book about 5 men 1 woman.
However whilst there are scenes of multiple partners this is definitely a couples book a very delicate relationship and it was lovely to watch it develop. The side stories are also good parents and how they deal with bulies in different ways. Young girls trying to act older than they are and the possible consequences.
This book is very uk based and is a great endearing read with some hot sex too
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nated doherty
First this book was not what I expected!! There was was some group intimacy and it was hot but this book was so much more. It's a second chance romance that will tear you up! I can't believe I cried and how it made my heart hurt for Jodie and Darren never quite getting over the past. I guess part of Darren's current Bang Gang activities could be a big part of the hesitation. And the fact that their communication skills are horrible!! I loved this book so much that I know I'll read it again. It's a keeper.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I absolutely loved this book from the first word down to the last!! I couldn’t put it down until I finished it! This is the first of Jade West’s books I’ve read and I’m hooked. I love her amazing storytelling- it all just flows and I felt like I was right in the story too. Darren and Jodie has some serious chemistry....their sexy hot love scenes were steaming up my kindle!! I definitely recommend Bang Gang for anyone who loves a hot sexy read with a beautifully real storyline. ~ Angie ❤️
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
andrea gebler
So this might be one of my favorite second chance reads. The non-communication between Jodie & Darren is so real and their pull to each other is so strong. And Ruby, that kid is hilarious. And I'm not sure I've hated someone as much as I have the one that I won't name here. I know the sex is supposed to be the main draw to this book, and sure it's hot, and so is the cover, but it's a damn good read as well. I had never read this author, but I will be adding her to my list.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
annagrace k
This book is definitely nice and hot and dirty. Five sexy male mechanics offering hot and sexy good time with their great natural "talent". The book has everything one could ask for: hot and dirty sex, gifted men, love and a second chance, deception and so on....The characters are well constructed, their past is fairly well explained. The male character is definitely the alpha male dream, but too naive in his own cynicism. The female character is also naive, but naturally good and forgiving.....which makes them perfect couple!

PS:I recommend the book to those looking for something hot and sexy!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
* I received this book in exchange for an honest review!

This is the first title I have read by Jade West and I can guarantee you, it won't be the last!! I wasn't sure what to expect but after reading about this book, I had to give it a go. I'm very pleased to say West went beyond my expectations for this book!

I really enjoyed this book about Trent and Jodi! I really hope there's another book with these five hot mechanics. Not only did I love Trent but also the rest of the guys, Buck, Jimmy O, Petey, and Hugh, seriously who wouldn't like a dirty, sexy mechanic?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mandy irby
This book. Ohemgee! Is righto! This book had me turning the pages so fast on my kindle! There are some steammmmmmmy scenes in this book. You may want to have extra knickers close by!

Darren Trent is so stubborn, frustrating and sexy that it totally works for him.

Jodie is also frustrating (but females tend to be that way right) She also is just as stubborn!

I don't want to give away to much of the story, but I know you want to one click it, so what are you waiting for???

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kristen moniz
I received this book in exchange for my honest review. They were each others first loves but when things between went sour they broke up but they have two amazing daughters to raise. He is a mechanic and the youngest daughter loves cars n helping at the shop. She works at a restaurant for a lady who she thought was a good friend who turns evil. He decided to become a male gigolo for extra money to send the girls to college when the time is right for them. She finds out about it n confronted him about it. To find out the rest you will need to read it n omg it's perfect
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dana puhl
Loved this cautionary erotic tale of what can happen to true love when insecurities,lack of communication and outside interferences flourish. I adored Trent ,Jodie and the kids,especially Ruby..what a firecracker. This is my favorite Jade West book as I found the characters so relatable, likeable and evolved; and the villain so despicable. The erotic components of some of Jade's other novels had been a bit over the top for me .Not so here and were totally part of the evolution of the storyline. Great job,thank you ,Jade!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
anya howard
Trent and Jodie haven’t been together for years but they still love each other. They’re both just too stubborn to admit it to one another and to themselves. They still see each other because they have two daughters but they avoid their feelings.

Trent has been hiding a secret. He and the four men that work for him are gigolos on the side. Their specialty is g@ng b@ngs. And they’re in high demand. They manage to keep it from their small village until they agree to “work” for the local gossip. And then everyone knows, and Jodie is the last one to know.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
4.5 stars
FINALLY a book that has deep charcters. I read these books, and all your read about is the sex. who they have sex with,how they have it, and why it is wrong. Darren and Josie have a past, and Jade West makes sure that we know it, and are invested with each of them. Their friends stand by them (yes I just wrote that). And there is always that one person who does not want a happy ending (yep again). The girls make the story better. I can definitely see their daughter hanging out in the garage with the guys.
Innocence is great
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bryna kranzler
OMG!!!!! Bang Gang was NOT was I was expecting... I was way beyond and I was very much impressed with the entire story line and how everything came to.
I need my own Darren, or Buck!!!
Darren and Jodie's story is actually really heartbreaking.
this story of second chance romance will have you falling in love with all of the characters.
Ruby has to be my favorite!!!! Very well written!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Another excellent Jade West read. I don't know about you, but I literally cried every other chapter just from the hidden passion between Jodie and Darren.

I think Lorraine deserved much worse after all the years she backstabbed the two.

Also, I hope there is a spin off with Tonya and Buck . I'd love to hear what happens between them.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I loved watching how the dynamics grew. I loved seeing the bond and love between father and daughters.
I enjoyed how this was written and how even when you assumed the happy ending was impossible you get to see the characters grow and more importantly grow together!
I love how the communication issue was over come eventually as I feel that is a huge problem in every relationship. Misunderstanding and miss communication!
Now the spicy part of this book was perfect! Not to much nor to little!!!
I enjoyed and could never put the book down!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I assumed that this would be a raunchy, Jade West book. It was, BUT, it was raunchy, hot, sweet, and has to be my favorite to date. I love Jade. She is one of my go to's. This was Jade...with a twist! Darren Trent has a nasty mouth, but behind that... be spoiler free, I have to stop there. Let's just say that if you want an amazing read... An escape.... Read this one... Jodi and Darren.. You will love them both...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jon tuttle
Bang Gang - Jade West

### 5 Stars ###

Loved this book, not at all what I expected. Very real gritty story, with some seriously sexy scenes of course ! I loved Jodie and her bravery, Jade has created very real characters in the book, which I connected with instantly.

A great read that kept my attention throughout.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Wow – who would have thought that once you break up that’s what the father of your children did to earn money to help with cost later in their lives. What happens when I find out and roll with the punches – so to say – lots of laughs, lots of Oh no!, but overall this was a fun book to read.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
juana peralta
DNF Ugg, completely uninteresting characters. Sad to say, I have been quite disappointed in more recent books by Ms. West. I love the heat, but frankly if the plot and well developed characters are lacking, I'm going to give up. Too many highly engaging books out there.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ren the unclean
it was interesting to see this theme with poor people. I had started thinking that the story theme made sense when people could walk away from the real world, so this was refreshing. I was happy for how the story ended since i went on emotional ride I did not expect.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brian jones
I received as a ARC for a honest review . THIS is my first time reading this author and at first it was OMG this is just smut.But as I read on there is a story about Darren Trent and Jodie who have a past and 2 girls together Lots of twist and turns and hot sex but a story I am sure you will enjoy.Definitely a 5 star read.Thanks for the opportunity of letting me read and review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
si jing
This book is detrimental to your health, because once you start reading it, you will not want to put it down, even if it means staying up all night reading. With the title of the book being what it is, you might not expect the romance that is in this book. Yes, it is sizzling hot, but I absolutely loved the story. It is romance at its best. I loved it, therefore, I highly recommend it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
maria casella
I received a copy from the author and am voluntarily leaving an honest and unbiased review. Wow, this one was super hot!! Holy moly!!! But loved every minute of it. Darren (Trent) & Jodie's story was quite...intriguing. I felt for Jodie...& it almost seemed like Trent was cheating on me tho...which was kind of weird...& a bit emotional...but loved it just the same.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
susan murphy
I absolutely loved this book , it was funny , sweet , a little annoying in places I wanted to bang a few heads together but it worked so well , it's well written n I never wanted it to end , I hope we'll get to see more of jodie and Darren in the future , maybe tonya's story too she was such a great character :) an easy 5stars
highly recommended , must read
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
maggie campbell
Jade had delivered yet another knock out dirty captivating exhilarating read.

Bang gang is your fantasy. 5 dirty mechanics available to service your needs. 

This book may not be the dirtiest book jade has ever written but it will still get your motor running and had plenty of hot scenes that will leave you nice and hot
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great long love that miscommunication ended it for awhile. Darren does not talk out enough and easily listens to others instead of who is important. He has always loved Jo and is a great father. He just needs to tell her. Jo was afraid to put herself out there but slowly turned into the woman she is. Theres more to the story then a bang gang.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jesse schreier kennard
This book was an unexpected surprise. Discovered the author in her book "Bait" and enjoyed her writing so much that I decided to try this one. I'm now an official fan! Love her flawed characters and storytelling skills. Highly recommend.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
So good! Definitely made multiple partners more palatable and you really related to the characters. They frustrated you, but you still wanted them to make it. Thank you, Jade West, for making a book I had a hard time putting down!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
draconis blackthorne
I loved Jodi & Darren
This book was so much more than I expected
The relationship between Jodi & Darren was real, I loved each one of them for the love they showed the girls and I rooted for a HEA
This book had giggles and lol moments I didn't expect to find
Highly recommend this book
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My 2nd Jade West book. Sugar Daddies got me hooked to my surprise. I was hesitant about this book, based on the title. Thought it would be too much for my tastes. Well, my tastes have changed. I almost stopped reading not too far into it, again thought it would be too much. Got instantly hooked on Jodie....and eventually Darren Trent. Didn't want anything bad to happen to Jodie. But I pressed on and was pleasantly surprised. It was very HOT! Ended up LOVING it! You have a new fan Jade West!
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