Once Upon a Time Travel

BySariah Wilson

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Readers` Reviews

★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
emily b
Why the author decided the main character Emma had to be an idiot, I have no idea. Why would you set the character up as having a college degree in America history and then have her go back in time and not understand ANY of the cultural references. So disappointing. Their was nice background development for the characters and why they were an emotional wreck but if you want your heroine to be a clueless imbecile don’t give them a college education and an internship in an 19th century museum.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sofi napier
This was just the distraction I needed! I thought this was a fun and unique story and was sucked in from the start. It combines my two favorite genres, contemporary and regency, into one delightful story.

After loosing her parents at a young age, Emma Damon spent her early years bouncing from one foster home to the next. Never really having an actual home to call her own. She overcomes her trials and works hard putting herself through school. After graduation college she lands an internship (or something like that) at Hartley Hall in England, she jumps at the chance and figures this will be a good chance to figure out her next step in life. She is drawn to Hartley Hall and her life is changed forever when she's snooping one night and discovers a hidden door.

From the synopsis you already know that Emma gets transported back 200 years to 1816. It's always fun to think about time-travel, wondering what it would be like to go back in time, or jump 200 years in the future! I can't even imagine what the world will be like in 2217! I think going back in time would be a little easier since we have so many books about the time period and would sort of know what to expect. I thought Ms. Wilson did a great job showing the differences between the time periods and how hard it would be to acclimate to such different customs, etc.

I loved the characters, Emma, Hartley and Aunt Charles as well as the other supporting cast. Emma is a likable heroine who is struggling to adapt to 1816 norms and give up all our modern conveniences. Harley was a great broody regency hero. There's lots of tension and chemistry between the two and of course some swoony kisses! One thing I liked that sets this apart from other regencies, is I just didn't know how it would end. The time-travel element leaves things up in the air as you read so you're never really sure if Emma will stay or go or what will happen. I liked being kept on my toes, but knew Ms. Wilson would find a way for them (and me) to get a HEA.

Overall, I really enjoyed this one and would definitely recommend to any contemporary/regency fan!

Romance: Clean - a few steamy kisses, but stays clean
Language: None, that I remember
Violence: None-very mild
Religious: None:
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sonia szymanski
Oftentimes unexpected things happen... and much to my delight I picked out this beautifully written book when I searched for a Time Travel in my kindle! Needless to say, I’m a sucker about time travel eversince I can remember. Sci-fi though it may seem nevertheless my passion for time travelers is endless!!!
Of course, I have read many, many books about this science phenomenon, and has enjoyed memorable movies, as well!
Once Upon a Time travel is such a beautifully written book, holding me spellbound from beginning to end ... I only stopped for meals ... not even my daughter’s enticement for a Hallmark movie could divert my attention from this amazing book!
The author’s writing style is so absorbing, humorous and intellectually put together! Since I so loved the regency period, naturally this is really my true cup of tea!
I could not get enough of Hartley and Emma... both are so touchingly sweet and deeply heartwarming... conflicting emotions sometimes destroys one’s personal knowledge of himself, but I think Hartley has been unknowingly pushed towards someone who has been hated by his family... psychologically speaking...doing exactly the opposite from family’s expectations!!! Opposite attracts, right? blindsided with half truths, Hartley was victimized by a ruthless woman ... but he wasn’t stupid enough not to realize his mistakes and dishonorable decisions! He realized that his teenaged experience was just an illusion!!! He confessed as much to Emma whom he didn’t know was from the future!!!
When Hartley met Emma, he was still experiencing a guilty conscience, thinking he caused the death of someone. Actually it was an accident.
Hartley found himself deeply in love Emma who is supposedly set up for his younger brother James’ future wife. In fact, Hartley’s own idea!
Filled with angst and heartwrenching situations, this complicated and absorbing story leads us towards a thrilling reality about true love, that fate and destiny goes hand in hand, especially when Emma whose true love for Hartley, has decided to remain in his own time in 1816! Going back two hundred years from her own time for the sake of true love!!! That’s what authentic love is all about... putting each other’s happiness!
Once upon a time travel is a modern day Cinderella meeting her Charming Earl, although not a prince, but he is so much more !!!
And... absolutely they lived happily ever after! A true fairy tale although with twists and turns, but with a merry go round of magical effect grabbing a front row seats for all Time Travel fans out there!!!
The Epilogue is truly a masterpiece? the best I ever have encountered in any book!!!
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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I really enjoyed reading this story. A well written and thought out time - travel story line. I was especially impressed with the ending. Emotionally stirring. Hardly a dull moment in this story! I find that when reading, at times, I tend to skip around. This one most definitely held my interest. The main characters are likeable. Some of the characters, you will find out, are quite interesting. Emma, an American, is delightful and witty. She is also a straight shooter. She has what is typically known as having "no filter." Although the story is not a comedy, whether happy or upset, Emma is full of American phrases and one - liners that will have you chuckling throughout the story. I fully enjoyed the romance between Emma and a British Earl named Jaxon Hartley, a likeable, but brooding kind of fellow who's down on marriage, who she is destined to meet and fall in love with. I appreciated the way the author expresses Emma's and Hartley's desire for each other by keeping down the sexual content to passionate kisses, rather than having to read about aroused body parts throughout the story! Plenty of that out there. This author's way of drawing the reader in to experience the magnitude of physical and emotional passion between the two, without using graphic sex, in my opinion, illustrates a very creative writing ability. Very refreshing. Good job!

Only issue I had was that I didn't think the story needed the whole "secret thing" that the women in the family all had in common. Just a bit silly for my taste. The characters on their own were strong, and engaging, and could have carried the story without it. I don't like spoilers, and so I wont say what it is.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book was highly entertaining to me. I smiled a LOT and I even giggled out loud a few times. I love when books amuse me. Then you add in the ever growing attraction and tension between Emma and Hartley and I was completely hooked. There were a few times I was mentally pulling my hair out and yelling, "Oh, COME ON!" only to be right back to giggling the next minute. So fun.

There is a great cast of characters in this book and I loved the touch of the magical here. I'd love to see this book grow into a series with some back stories about Hartley's sisters.

Sariah Wilson is a go-to author for me. This book is not like her others but it is surely one of her most amusing. This is the perfect book for a romantic escape. It will lighten your day and bring a smile to your face.

Content: some kissing, making out that gets a little steamy but stays clean
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
meg downs
Wow. This book was even better than I expected. Wilson writes humor, love and drama into this novel in a way that it became difficult to put it down. I thoroughly enjoyed reading about Emma and Hartley as they navigated their relationship.

There are some paranormal elements to this that were unexpected, but they do manage to fill in blanks and finish the story well. Wilson also has a nice closure wit the epilogue.

The humor of the book had me laughing out loud, and will probably do the same for you. If you like regency romances, romantic comedies or paranormal time travel, try this book. I think you’ll like it.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
jenna elizabeth
I find it difficult to believe that any intelligent, self-respecting historian, whether of British or American history, who had recently watched a movie version of "Pride and Prejudice" would be unable to correctly identify a cravat. We were told often that the heroine of this story was smart and self-sufficient, yet she stubbornly refused to adapt to her circumstances for the sake of a joke that generally failed to materialize. While the story didn't lack humor, it was overblown and inconsistent. That said, Sariah Wilson can write charmingly and compellingly. I wanted to like the book more than I did and have hope that any sequels will be more believable with more attention to detail and less insistence on ill-conceived humor over substance.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brooke eisenacher
Emma Damon doesn’t really know what she wants to do in the future, shes drifted into her current position on a scholarship as a historian at Hartley Hall in the heart of London. Emma’s given up on men as she’s yet to meet a man who wants more than a hook up, the only man she is intrigued with appears in a portrait in the off limits Rose Room. One stormy night Emma goes exploring and ends up being transported back to 1816 and into the home of her crush. I really liked this story, you can tell its special to the author. Totally unpredictable and a pleasure to read.I received an ARC for review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
What a fun story! A girl gets transported back to the 1800s from modern times. O my what a time she has. The dialogue is a wonder. There were many times I laughed out loud. This is a clean, fun book. I hope the author does more of this kind. I really liked her Royals series too. I did read this with Kindle Unlimited, but I would buy this book if I didn’t have KU.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
As fellow BYU fan, I applaud your wonderful, clean but sexy romance. I couldn't put it down. It was a super fun read and look forward to reading more of your books. thank u for sharing your talented writing skills.
To anyone in the fence about getting this book, just do it u will be very happy with your choice. As I said I couldn't put it down!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
r m green
Aww I really loved this book! Once I got invested into the characters, I couldn’t put the book down. It had romance, humor, chemistry, fun banter, and a very entertaining story line. It was like all my favorite style books in one.
Emma was so relatable and fun and Hartley was the perfect combination of a swoon worthy regency earl but also funny at the right moments. I also loved Charles.
Oh, and the ending was perfect! I’m going to miss these characters!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joy pixley
I stumbled across this book and thought I would give it a try. OHMYGOSH!!! I couldn't put it down. I had so much fun reading it and I envisioned it like I was there in England. I adored the humor and also that it was a clean romance. Now I want to read more on the rest of the family and Bex. Thank you so much for this story. I'm now homesick to go back with them all again.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wow. Wow, wow, wow. I absolutely LOVED it! Words... I don’t know how to string them together. This wonderful book stole my ability to think and has left what might be a permanent smile on my face.

Be forewarned: you will get a lot of strange looks from laughing so hard if you read this in public.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
laura kriebel
Wilson has such entertaining characters. The spunk and snark draw a reader in. That and the tension. There’s time travel and magic (that part caught me by surprise), and passionate kissing. There’s plenty of humor and also some sadness.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was such a good book!!! Time travel, romance, magic... what else could you ask for. All the characters were great and I loved the chemistry between Hartley and Emma. Well written book, great story line, clever historical references, lots of humor. I think I just officially found my new favorite author
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I usually find stories with ties to the Regency times to be dull as watching paint dry but the time traveling angle made it interesting enough to give it a chance. I’m really glad I did because this book was awesome. I found myself transported back to 1812 as well and for once it wasn’t a terrifying experience. It was happily ever after.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
maggie redmon
I've always loved time travel novels and Sariah Wilson delivers an excellent read with a few new twists. Her characters are realistic and flawed, which makes them so much more relatable. Ms. Wilson leaves the reader believing that true love may actually exist, for those fortunate enough to find it, so all hope is not lost. ❤
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I was hesitant at first. Time travel books are not really my thing, well except for outlander. I'm so glad i read the reviews and gave this book a shot. I absolutely loved this book. I will definitely be checking out the authors other books. If you are on the fence, do yourself a favor and read it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
becky 22
This story was charming, funny, endearing and fascinating. I mean honestly.... what's not to love? In fact, this book may be the litmus test to find out if someone is a moron or not. Only morons would not love this book. Just sayin.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a fun interesting book to read
My interest was held through with no full moments
Loved the used of modern language and ways and logically being able to get by with it
Yes a little above realistic but it only made you want to know more—
Not stop
Read and enjoy
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wow. Wow, wow, wow. I absolutely LOVED it! Words... I don’t know how to string them together. This wonderful book stole my ability to think and has left what might be a permanent smile on my face.

Be forewarned: you will get a lot of strange looks from laughing so hard if you read this in public.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Wilson has such entertaining characters. The spunk and snark draw a reader in. That and the tension. There’s time travel and magic (that part caught me by surprise), and passionate kissing. There’s plenty of humor and also some sadness.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jess francis
This was such a good book!!! Time travel, romance, magic... what else could you ask for. All the characters were great and I loved the chemistry between Hartley and Emma. Well written book, great story line, clever historical references, lots of humor. I think I just officially found my new favorite author
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I usually find stories with ties to the Regency times to be dull as watching paint dry but the time traveling angle made it interesting enough to give it a chance. I’m really glad I did because this book was awesome. I found myself transported back to 1812 as well and for once it wasn’t a terrifying experience. It was happily ever after.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
c cile
I've always loved time travel novels and Sariah Wilson delivers an excellent read with a few new twists. Her characters are realistic and flawed, which makes them so much more relatable. Ms. Wilson leaves the reader believing that true love may actually exist, for those fortunate enough to find it, so all hope is not lost. ❤
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I was hesitant at first. Time travel books are not really my thing, well except for outlander. I'm so glad i read the reviews and gave this book a shot. I absolutely loved this book. I will definitely be checking out the authors other books. If you are on the fence, do yourself a favor and read it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This story was charming, funny, endearing and fascinating. I mean honestly.... what's not to love? In fact, this book may be the litmus test to find out if someone is a moron or not. Only morons would not love this book. Just sayin.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a fun interesting book to read
My interest was held through with no full moments
Loved the used of modern language and ways and logically being able to get by with it
Yes a little above realistic but it only made you want to know more—
Not stop
Read and enjoy
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cathryn chellis
I loved the historical background...and yes it would have been easier for Emma to fit in to her surroundings if her language changed, but many key phrases were funny and inserted well.

Enjoyed the time travel and loved the epilogue at end wrapping it up so well. Good job!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
charlie wood
What an enjoyable story! It is not uncommon to see me smiling, frowning or even tearing up while I am engrossed in a book. Occasionally, I may even let loose with a humourous snort now and again. But Sariah had me laughing out loud with Emma's comments and the reaction of the other characters! It was hilariously brilliant. Fish syndrome? Really?! It was beyond perfect. Thank you Ms. Wilson for brightening my day (because I couldn't put it down)!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
adnan kamacheh
What a great character. TRue author has portrayed how confused any one would be following the proper customs and speaking the language without the slang we Americans use. Got to go to read another one of her books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I normally don't like time travel books because it misses the mark and doesn't end well, but this one gripped me! It made me laugh how Emma and Hartley got together, and I'm looking forward to reading more about Aunt Charles and the rest of the siblings.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
oleg kapush
This has been my favorite book of Satish Wilson's! It has it all: drama, toe-curling romance, and still managed to be really funny. I could not break away from the story, and couldn't help but get lost in the world of Emma and Hartley.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
molly lehman
This book is everything you love about chick-lit and romance novels. It’s fun, keeps the reader glued to the novel and has characters that are believable and dynamic. Overall I was very pleased with this and would like to applaud Ms. Wilson on a successful story!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Fun writing with interesting characters. Throw in witches just to make it interesting.It was fun reading about how everyone thought she was odd because she was from America and so they did not catch on that she did not quite fit.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Emma is an American foster child who came to England when she finished college after being offered a position of historical nature. While going through documents in a museum which was formally the home of an Earl she found a portal of sorts through an incantation back to 1816.
This is a sweet and loving journey of a young women finding herself a love she had never known with a family who accepted and love her for herself. The choice to return to 2017 back to her best friend or to stay in the past.
Fast well written read that makes love, friends, and family the real value of life.
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