Inner Game of Music by Gallwey. W Timothy ( 2003 ) Paperback

ByW%2C Green%2C Barry Timothy Gallwey

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I'm seeing reviews that the tennis one is better, but I read that one and could not apply it to playing an instrument. There are practically no guides on the psychology of learning music. Thankfully, there's this great one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
As a professional musician and a teacher at a university this book has been worth its weight in gold. It will help you address anxiety, help you organize your life, and help you accomplish anything you want regardless of whether that goal is musical or not. By using Barry Green's tools to practice and perfect a musical piece I have eliminated inefficient practice time and have finished huge research projects. After learning these methods, a person cannot help but to transfer it to the rest of their lives. I cannot say enough about how useful it is. The best way I can explain the great value of this book is is to tell you I can't hold on to a copy for very long. I loan it to either a colleague or a student and it is never returned. It's not that they just forget to return it. Usually, they "fall in love" with it just like I have and can't bear to give it back. With any other book I would be sure to request its return, but with this particular one I feel like I am giving a great gift. The Mastery of Music is also a fascinating book. Check out Barry Green's website, too. You won't be disappointed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is essential reading for all musicians and, as many other reviewers have said, spills naturally over into other areas of your life.

As a classical and jazz performer this book has done more for my focus before and during a concert than any other and as a teacher I find it invaluable. I begin giving some of the simpler advice to younger students as soon as I feel they are able to understand and apply it. I have made it required reading for all of my more advanced students. The fact that there is no review of all techniques only serves as an advantage as I get my students to write one for me.

I had one student who wasn't really a reader and struck a deal with him that reading a chapter of this book would count for a practice session a week. After 2 weeks he brought the book back having read it from cover to cover. Needless to say that his playing had improved immensely.

One of the great works of musical psychology and certainly one I would not even think about teaching without. I'm even thinking about taking up tennis now...
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
As a beginning cellist, I heard about this book working wonders with other musicians, so I purchased it for myself.
It has brought out of me more confidence and made my music playing much more enjoyable. Since I am an adult student, I have a lot of insecurities and fears about music ~ this book has ideas and exercises to calm and focus even me. Wonderful!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I purchased the 'Inner Game of Music'some time ago, after my husband raved about 'The Inner Game of Golf'. It completely changed my playing and my confidence level soared. Any level of musician should read and will gain by reading the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
martha janners
I bought this book several years ago and am about to buy another for my son, a performer in a major symphony orchestra. Soon he'll be auditioning for the principal position in his section. Although he has, in his own way, followed a path similar to that which this book preaches (I suspect it's that way with every truly sucessful musician) I want him to read this book, if for no other reason, to refresh and lock in these concepts, the concepts centered on extending beyond one's 'controlling' self.

Personally, I'm not a musician but I do love music (symphony season ticket holder for many years). The book has helped me to absorb more from the music, more on what the composer is trying to convey and less on critical listening from a left brain perspective. But there's more to this book than just the music aspect. This book did much to teach me to loosten up and extend beyond my over-controlling self. It's been a real godsend.

If you're an open minded individual and are willing to listen and change I highly recommend this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The book's themes are universal and can be applied to anyone at any stage of musical development. The book helps you to focus more on making music and connecting emotionally with it. It also allows you to eliminate those internal demons which plague people's abilities. You can put the book's methods into practice almost immediately and at the same time spend a lifetime studying and absorbing the techniques at your own pace. Be prepared to abandon conventional methods of learning and really tap into your full potential.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
james hutauruk
This is the most incredible book ever written on all aspects of music. This is a must read for any musician, regardless of your level. If you are at the top of your career or just starting out this book's techniques can help you in many ways. Barry Green is the master of helping people preform to their best.
If you ever get the chance visit his web site [...] or attend one of his blockbuster workshops.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
erussell russell
I bought this book on the recommendation of a friend. He thought it would improve my guitar playing. What I noticed almost immediately, within the excercizes is actually a methodolgy for dealing with attention deficit disorder! I have had ADD since before there was a diagnosis for it and the methods in this book are not only helping me with music but are also having a profound affect on other areas of my life. I don't think it was the author's intent to help in this regard, but this "inner game" method has far reaching implications....Thank you!!!...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
patrick grady
It is obvious that the author has worked extremely hard to preserve the integrity of Gallwey's concepts, principles and philosophy. Green's style of writing is clear and concise. I found the content easy to absorb, understand and apply immediately. For the beginner to the professional - this is a brilliant guide to better focus.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
aoife dowling
Quite likely because the author's a classical performer, this makes him somewhat out of touch with the improvisational aspects of performing, whether that be in jazz or even acting. That isn't to say though, that it's therefore useless because incorporating the ideas in the book would still be necessary for a performer to sufficiently rid himself/herself of demons that are psychologically counterproductive(i.e., unnecessary self-judging).
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book, "The Inner Game of Music" helped me put more of myself into my music. It explains how music is only 50% physical, but also 50% mental. I would recommend this book to anyone who is looking for some new techniques and ideas to use t advance musically.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
EXCELLENT reminder of why I chose music as a profession. I am on my first read through, and can see that this will become a great reference for me. I have already utilized some of the book's exercises in performance situations to refocus from distractions, decrease nervousness and increase my own moment by moment enjoyment of the music. I would highly recommend this book to any musician, regardless of experience.
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