The Complete Novels and Stories - Vol. 1 - Sherlock Holmes
BySir Arthur Conan Doyle
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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I always admired Sherlock Holmes as a great detective, but never actually took to reading the actual stories. I must say this is a great book, though it starts off a bit slow with the way-too-drawn-out Sign of Four and Study in Scarlet, it picks up with the well done short storys like The Engineer's Thumb, The Red-Headed League, The Speckled Band, The Yellow Face and oh-so-many more. This is deffenately one to pick up, it's a thick book, too, at 1059 pages,
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have read The Complete Sherlock Holmes and it is marvelous reading. It is the best kind of reading. It keeps your mind alert while you figure out who was behind the crime. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is a genius at feeding us crumbs of clues that at times you ache for another clue because you're not quite sure yet. But the best part is that we the readers can have fun following the clues and taking a stab at deducing who done it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amy m
When Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, first sat down to write the adventures of Sherlock Holmes his intention was to mealy build up an income to support his historical wirtings, and he little imagend the sucess the collection would bring. Not only are the stories contanted in this volume entertaning but to those who can read bettween the lines educational. I eagerly recommend thease works to any reader of simple great literature.
The Sherlock Holmes Collection: Slip-cased Set :: THE COMPLETE SHERLOCK HOLMES and THE COMPLETE TALES OF TERROR AND MYSTERY (All Sherlock Holmes Stories and All 12 Tales of Mystery in a Single Volume!) ... Doyle :: The Old Curiosity Shop (Penguin Classics) :: Weaveworld :: The Complete Novels and Stories - Volumes I and II
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Anyone not familiar with all of Doyle's Sherlock Holmes is truly missing out. I first read The Complete Sherlock Holmes when I was 8 (not difficult reading and very enjoyable) and have been an afficionado ever since. Holmes is, without a doubt, THE detective (see Irene Adler in "A Scandal in Bohemia"). This is the work that gave detectives a place in literature. All other mystery fiction stems from this. A must-read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Billed as the sole Holmes compilation authorized by Sir A.C. Doyle's estate, this high-quality hardback is a must-have for any Holmes enthusiast. Included are all of the short stories, as well as all four novels. Although set in fairly small but quite legible type, it still weighs in at several kilos and 1000+ pages. Can also be used as an excellent bookend by virtue of its sheer size
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sithen sum
The way the author wrote this book is amazing. He bring Sherlock Holmes to life right in your living room. The stories are great with one main detail, suspence. The way the book is set up is good with stort stories and tells that are sometimes boring but fun to read just the same. I would rercomend this to any one who enjoys mysteries that need some scientific thinking.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chris edwards
I have the whole collection of the Sherlock Holmes, and they are my all-time favorite books. There was never a better character, stories, or anything. I personally think that the reason many people think they start out slowly is because you have to understand the basic facts or you'll be puzzled when he's in the middle of the "big deal." They start out calm and get more and more exciting, so by the time the climax comes, you're almost nuts to read it all and find out what was going on! Anyways, this is the FIRST book I would buy for my fiction library.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sara marino
Each story reveals bare facts of Victorian life.Devoid of flowery language and overflowing sentimentality that Shelley,Keats,Dickens and others affected.Even compared to today's writers shows great knowledge of sociology,criminology and advances in investigative methods.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Recently I finished reading E.W. Hornung's The Crime Doctor, the outstanding novel about Doctor John Dollar (both physician AND detective), and I decided to pick up a complete set of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's works on Sherlock Holmes. Although this collection is a little dated, I consider it to be the best availible on the market.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
These are well done audible books. Well read and the acting
is consistent with the story. Only one issue; One of the stories
references Watson as "James" instead of John. Just can't
understand that type of basic error.
Captain Tom
is consistent with the story. Only one issue; One of the stories
references Watson as "James" instead of John. Just can't
understand that type of basic error.
Captain Tom
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