77 Instant-Action Ideas to Boost Sales - and Crush Your Competition

ByDavid Newman

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
mrs harris librarian
This book is way too scattered and lacks fluidity. Throughout, the author cherry picks ideas and studies to validate it's very brief points.

My biggest pet peeve was the author never went in-depth about the ideas it was trying to preach and just briskly went over them. Furthermore, there were no technical insight nor anything new, just common sense.

Lastly, the tone of the author was very patronizing, which I found repulsive. It was treating it's reader as if they knew absolutely nothing about marketing. The only people I'd recommend this book to is high school students or as stated, people that has absolutely no idea what marketing is.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bat 123
Finally, a "how to" book that you actually "can do". Unlike many other books on marketing you'll be able to implement several of the 77 instant action ideas in DO IT! (I did)and see immediate results. Prospects and customers are more responsive and conversations are at a much higher level. Check it out, this book is the real deal.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
flann harris
I really enjoyed the book. Mostly because it was really candid and felt as if the author was talking to me. I feel you can apply this to any market by changing a few words. The info on LinkedIn and the resource was extremely helpful to me as I'm clueless on linked in. Plus, getting the point to "asking" for connections was put in a context I can do without fear. My only reason for not giving it 5 stars was because the links were old (kindle edition) and the content he refers to in his book are no longer available on his site. Free or otherwise. Which wasn't too bad since there was other stuff. The other reason was he mentioned talking about how to build a marketing calendar, editorial calendar, and sales calendar and details later. I think I missed them entirely. The information wasn't clear to me. I do recommend the book, especially if you feel like your falling into the wallpaper of your business.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
g khan ahin
I found, ordered, read, and utilized much of the material in Do It Marketing to help me formulate my annual meeting seminar. The seminar event went great and I was recently promoted to Director of Marketing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
john stahl
This book is chalk full of readily actionable tips to market any type of business. Newman clearly knows his marketing stuff and really provides many unique insights on how to communicate with your prospects.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
vicki carr
Being a new soloprenuer and a small business (service provider), I purchased this book after seeing all of the 5 star reviews for it and knowing that I could at least get some useful tips out of it.

Well it turns out, that I was right. This book is a good tip/tactics book for those that are already experienced in marketing and it is more of a tip book than a primer or guideline on how to market successfully (If you want an amazing book that will help you plan out your marketing in a strategic fashion that will guarantee you results than I'd suggest Get Clients Now!).

With that being said, a lot of the tips in this book are very useful and can be mind opening while other tips seem to be recycled (especially towards the end of the book). I'd suggest highlighting the tips that seem useful or are "wow" worthy tips and highlighting them a long with writing them down so that you don't forget them.

The plan at the end of the book seems good but it is definitely not a solid, consistent, well laid out plan. If you're looking for a book that has a well laid out, consistent, logical, weekly/monthly based marketing strategy that that will definitely help you bring in new clients or get your business "unstuck" than I'd suggest the book "Get Clients Now!"

If you're looking for a book that has some amazing mind opening marketing tips that will last you a life time than I'd suggest to you that you purchase DO IT! Marketing. Like I said earlier, some of the tips that you will find useful to yourself in this book will surely serve you for the rest of your life and are worth their price in gold.

However, with that being said, I still stick by my 4/5 review for this book. I gained a lot of different marketing tactics that can be utilized in a coherent weekly/monthly marketing strategy of which I will apply to my marketing for the rest of my life.

My only gripe with this book is the end of the book monthly marketing plan. (Which I see as an added bonus since this book is really based around mind opening tips). The monthly marketing plan laid out at the end of the book could use a lot of work even though it does have some useful information.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
DO IT! Marketing will destroy your limiting beliefs and misconceptions about marketing and branding. If you want immediate results (more prospects and faster sales) in your business, read and implement the “No BS” ideas and strategies in this book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
liz ziske
This book promises quick, actionable ideas to market your business. It delivers just that--bite size pieces of advice you can actually use, even when you are busy, distracted, and not in the mood. Great advice from an experienced expert. Buy the book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Lots of great marketing ideas. Short chapters, can focus on the areas of your interest. One of the Chapters: Stop Selling Sugar really hit home. Many customers look at our product as a commodity, just like sugar. Great tips to oversome this hurdle. Highly recommend the book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Bought this book basically because my employer made me, but I loved it! Very informative. I thought I knew all I needed to know about marketing for my company, but Mr Newman packed this book with useful resources and informative information. If you are truly looking to learn more about marketing and want to grow your business, read this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Written by a marketing consultant and expert, the book is based on actual marketing & sales experience. Most small business owners think they know about marketing, the fact is most of them don't (unless they studied marketing or have many years of business experience). If you are in the first group,
this book is definitely essential reading on the topic of marketing & sales.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
caro rosado
Do It! Marketing gives you the attitude, strategies, tools and game plan to market smarter, sell more, and become more successful the moment you start implementing David's ideas. Dig into the sharply designed pages of Do It! Marketing and you'll discover a faster, easier marketing approach that will unleash your business' true potential.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
deb perry
Do It! Marketing takes you to the wood shed, makes you pick your own green switch, then whips you into shape -- for which you will thank David Newman. The book is witty, in your face, and written in a format that is easy to comprehend and act upon. David gives you the keys to the kingdom of success. If you can't unlock the door after reading Do It! Marketing, it is your own damn fault.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Do It! Marketing is a practical guide for the small business owner to take and apply in their business. Not overwhelming with the do this, then that, add in this; load into xyx and then.... No it is based, as the title suggests on ACTION rather than paraylsis by analysis.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
matt williamson
I read a lot of books. After finishing, some are donated to the local library, a larger number gain a place on my bookshelf and a very select few I keep on my desk because I know I will want those books handy for future reference. Do It! Marketing by David Newman stays on my desk.

This book is full of wonderful marketing lessons - 77 powerful and actionable ideas. And then there is a 21 day marketing launch plan that takes you step by step through the process of developing and launching a marketing plan tailored just for you and your business. And what's in the book is supplemented by a significant amount of additional information available online.

Mr. Newman's writing style of full of energy. You feel like he is sitting across the desk talking directly to you. He writes in a very breezy and at times humorous style. In addition, you will find a number of guest articles scattered throughout the book. The book is a fun and enjoyable read. But the lessons are very serious and if you implement just a fraction of what is taught in this book, it will make a real difference in your business.

The information is based on Mr. Newman's years of hands on experience. Some of the ideas and tips are counterintuitive, but you need to approach all of them with an open mind. Under Tip # 73, Move Up, he suggests doubling your price. His advice is "Be expensive or be free." Unfortunately, most people who start out in business think they can compete on low price. As he astutely points out, "Businesses that compete on price lose. Period." "Price doesn't find clients. Value finds clients."

Here are a couple of other very important tips from the book.
Quit overselling. Don't push your product/service. "Content comes before commerce. Offer solutions, answers, strategies, templates, tools , and ideas - not sales messages." "The new reality is: First you earn their attention. Then you earn their money."

This one is counter to what all sales people have been taught - "Stop wasting your time following up". The point is if you are speaking to the right prospect - one who has the need, wants and is capable of buying a solution, you will not need to constantly follow up. An excellent idea/lesson.

Focus on Strategy, not tactics. Far too many people are seeking the latest bright shinning object that will do the marketing for them. They are seeking a tactic, not using a strategy to build sales. " ...tactical business owners tend to be scattered." Most business owners will save themselves a lot of time, money and energy by following this idea.

This is really a super book for any business wanting to improve their marketing and sales. Of course the greatest value will come from implementing the ideas and the 21 Day Marketing Launch Plan. These concepts are simple but not simplistic. And as Mr. Newman points out numerous times, they are not necessarily easy - they require work. But you will have a real jump start by following the ideas in this book. You will be working on what really works.

I was provided a review copy of this book.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I bought this book expecting some great specific ideas that would potentially help my small business. Judging by reviews, this book looked like a real winner. Wow, I'm simply floored that this extremely general and rarely specific book got a 5-star average.
In spots, the book felt like it was designed to help those simply THINKING about starting a business. I also didn't find the book to be particularly organized as some reviewers did. It had a scattershot feel throughout and I got zero from it.
I'm finding more difficult to trust the store reviews as this book simply had very little bankable substance. The 77 ideas weren't typically even ideas....just random thoughts in my opinion.
When I think of an idea...I'm thinking about a specific action that was taken to advance the ball of my business. I'm not trying to undercut the author at all, but if your looking for real ideas that can potentially work for your business? This book doesn't have them. I'm trying to think of even ONE original idea...and I can't do it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
russell john
David Newman gets it.

He understands that before you can create a marketing plan you have to have a business plan. He understands that you have to know thyself (well, thy business) and translate that into something that resonates with people outside your inner circle.

Newman has written a terrific new book designed to help business owners implement a business-to-marketing plan that’s both customer-focused and focused on your bottom line. Do It! Marketing focuses on practical advice, asks you to answer tough questions about your business, and walks you through the steps needed to market and sell your brand, your products and services, and yourself.

This is a book targeted to entrepreneurs, independent consultants, and small business owners. It's not filled with big-budget advice, though the advice is equally of value to people within larger organizations who want to take a fresh look at how well (or not) they are connecting with customers, clients, and prospects. It's not a book about Big Ideas; it's about something far more useful to the reader today: helping you to translate your big ideas into business success.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kristi roberts
WARNING! Do not read this book with out paper and pen! Reading this book has gotten me out of my own way regarding a marketing plan for my business. As a single employee and business owner that is also the product - I just didn't know how many excuses I was making to not Do It!

The book reads with just enough snark and energy to keep me turning the pages, playing along, and challenging myself to really think about my business. I felt David right there by my side the whole way and have tangible baby steps that even I can do by myself to be better.

This is the book I didn't even know I needed and I loved LOVE L O V E D it!

Thank you!

Jessica Pettitt. Jessica Pettitt is the "diversity educator" your family warned you about. Through teaching, writing, and facilitating tough conversations, she has figured out how to BE the change she wants to BE. Now it is your turn!
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