The Thank You Economy

ByGary Vaynerchuk

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book was a great continuation to Crush It (If you would like to call it a continuation). It went more in depth covering more topics to the coined term "Social Media" and how a wider variety of people can use it in any form of business, marketing, or even just for fun. It covers b2b, b2c but should more be called person 2 person. Which is very stressed in the book, it's about forming relationships. It also covers multiple ways on how you should and would. Overall I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to take a look at Social Networking in any form! It's a must read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
If someone can bring value to the end consumer, it is definitely Gary Vaynerchuk. The concept of this book is to show your appreciation towards your end consumer and threat him more like a friend. The benefits of such a relation with your end consumer can turn out to be tremendous since if your end consumer likes you as a person he is more likely to spread the word about your business and your outstanding customer service, which obviously can lead to a growing customer base and increase in profits. This book offers several case studies, which shows how negative/positive word of mouth can effect your business and how valuable it is to communicate 1 on 1 with your customers so you can track their shopping behaviour/habbits and please their needs.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
david ouillette
When it comes to leveraging social media, Gary Vaynerchuk gets it. The internet obviously changed the game and has enabled companies to connect with their audience in ways they never could. It never ceases to amaze me how many companies are blowing this opportunity and staying stuck in the past. It isn't easy and connecting on a one-on-one level with customers obviously takes time; however, Vaynerchuk does a good job arguing that it will bring more meaning to your life and will have an enormous ROI even if it is near impossible to quantify.

My only real gripe with the book is that it is extremely repetitive. Also for better or for worse, most the examples used in this book are extremely current, so I was already familiar with a decent number of them. He complements those examples well with stories of small town entrepreneurs as well in order to demonstrate that the principles can be applied successfully by anyone.

Having read all the negative reviews written thus far, I think they're mainly written by people that also 'get it' and didn't really need Gary Vaynerchuk to preach to them about it, so they didn't really get anything out of the book. While I understand where this group is coming from, I believe they are a minority, and that most people could benefit from this book. If you already devote a period of your day everyday to connecting with people all over the internet on a sincere and personal level, then this book probably isn't going to be for you except in a self-affirming way.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My Ditial Marketing professor showed us a clip of Gary Vaynerchuk speaking about this book the first day of class, and I ordered it that evening. This is one of those books that when you are finished reading it you actually feel that it has added value to your life. Be authentic, everyone counts, engage and empower others, appreciate people and blend both traditional and social media togehter are some of the topics I found insightful.

The biggest takeaway for someone like myself who is an aspiring entrepreneur is that when he started using social media he had no brand recognition. He built his brand by starting conversations with passionately like minded people. Instead of trying to sell them something right off the bat, he had a conversation with them. Imagine that. It seems kind of straight forward, but I completely get it and have used those principles in the past couple months towards business ventures of my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
abhishek anand
Gary V's "no bull" / "Jersey" style works well here. After all this is a topic so BSd about that much of the business resistance comes from the seemingly unjustifiable hype. Read this book to get a sense of the value of embracing, and risk of disregarding, social media in your business marketing. Although it's already somewhat dated the fundamental case made is valid.

After all what company would bring in a recent engineering grad to run the R&D department? None! And yet in the social media sphere, only a small number of companies actually try to embrace the opportunity, and many of them do so by handing it off as a sideline activity to the youngest person in the company - just because "they get it."

"Getting" social media isn't about what button to click or how to add a picture. It's about engaging customers/clients; broadcasting your message and sharing your unique solutions and capacities with vast audiences - and doing it like your chatting each week with another parent watching your kids' little league game.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
julie eubank
The key to EVERYTHING is to develop a thankful attitude. It will improve your health, reverse some diseases, keep you from getting others, make you a blessing to be around, increase your wealth and on and on.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Book arrived in perfect condition and I dug right in. This books fills in the gaps from Gary's previous book Crush It! The books gives real life examples of mistakes and successes of major brands and really pushes the entrepreneur to think about the end user of their products/services. Gary gets it and pretty much tells you clearly that if you don't hustle, have good content and don't provide a valuable context for your end user, then you'll lose.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book talks about the simple act of taking care of your customers. The ideas seem obvious but a lot of people don't do it and it is one of the reasons businesses lose sales & customers.
Another thing I love about this book is the numerous real life examples included in it.
Very practical and straight to the point. Good read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
When it comes to social media and communicating in this digital age, there is no greater genius than Gary Vaynerchuk, in my opinion. In "The Thank You Economy," Gary does a great job of explaining why the pushy sales pitch is doomed to failure, while an approach that offers genuine customer service and personalized attention is the key to success and longevity. I've begun adapting many of the ideas Gary shares in this book, and I can see how this is affecting my business in a very positive way -- and I'm enjoying my interaction with my clients a lot more, too. Thanks, Gary!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
steph dk
Gary Vaynerchuk rocks. His personal story and his understanding of the power of the Internet are second to none. I love his style as he has no pretense. His style is refreshing. I have recommended his books to the executives at our company and have even suggested that he be a keynote at our Annual Conference.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
We are a software company and social media matters to us a great deal. We read this book and discussed it over lunch. We concluded that it lacks practical information, but is inpiring anyway. Thank you! We also picked up a new saying: "don't be a Gary!", whenever someone needs to be reminded that modesty is a virtue.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
vince bonanno
Gary understands that operational excellence is the key to any customer engagement effort. He articulates that very well in this new book. Gary writes the way he speaks, with great passion. He pulls no punches and calls out both good and bad (e.g. PR) practices in new media. You can read my full review at my website by clicking this link: [...]
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
reader the fish
The Thank You Economy is a fascinating, in depth look into the paradigm shift that social media is. A direct look into not only customer service, but also how to reach people, this book is worth a read whether you're a businessperson or not; Gary Vaynerchuk's style is incredibly entertaining as well as chock full of real world experience.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
charles mcgonigal
There are volumes of circular, puffed up talk about social media, but Gary's book boils all this down into a concise, common-sense approach that embraces social as the new, and most important context for CRM and personalized brand building. I highly recommend.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
lee huntington
repetitive and vacuous. I was looking for something more profound--disappointed that it didnt really move the dial. I've heard Gary speak before so i was excited to dive in--only to get the same ole same ole.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
matthew day
He did it again- this time its personal...
Great book- great message- its all about the thank you and making sure every customer, client understands that-
I am struggling to get my fellow board of ed members in my town to get a board of ed facebook page and garys book is helping-
I bought them all books and tonight we vote to get it done

Thanks Gary

Rocking the world as always-

Go Jets

Mitch Slater
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joan brown
Definitely worth the read! This book opened my eyes to how social media is essential to business. You cannot just have a facebook page and twitter account... this book tells you what your company needs to do in order to succeed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Gary Vaynerchuck has proven that he is ahead of his time. If you don't think a society-changing, social media revolution is underway, read this book. If you are already a believer, this book may affirm what you know and give you some great information to back-up your argument. I think the C-suites will benefit from this book more than the early adopters.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This book discussed events around 2010. It is now 2017. It's outdated, which you can't blame them for that. It was more interesting to see how right he was almost a decade later and how the world of ecommerce has changed in a short time.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I thought this was an excellent and thought provoking book. It has become clear over the last few years that Gary is someone to follow closely if you want to keep on top of the briskly changing face of business and technology. This book goes a long way towards catching you up if you haven't yet heard what Gary has to say.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jesse w u
The Thank You Economy was a fun insightful read. I bought this for my management team and also used ideas from the book to put the company I work for down a faster path to becoming a "Social Business."
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I am Alan Skinner a Realtor located in Vancouver Canada. I have just experienced ( I can't say 'just listened to') a presentation by Gary Vaynerchuk at the Re/Max Convention at Mandalay Bay in Vegas. Wow! I've just downloaded Gary's book - released today - called "The Thank You Economy" - thus far I've read about 15% of it and, if it holds up to Gary's presentation - and it gives every promise that it will - this will top off an amazing March 8th experience for me. NB - hadn't met nor had I heard of Mr Vaynerchuk until I received the Conference Agenda. Must go now as I need to finish this read!
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