Binding Arbitration (Chicago Sports Romance Book 2)

ByElizabeth Marx

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kari ruport
The book is an inspiring story about a smart jock. Something you don't hear much about on ESPN. The tale starts out like you would expect, but it turns when the main character takes ownership of his actions. It is also a story about the relationship of two people moving in different directions and how love survived.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
matt harvey
I purchased and read this book thinking it might be a bit more deep than the average "contemporary romance" novel. I was right.
I truly wanted to know how things for out for this couple, cheered for them, wanted to shake sense into Libby... and even shed a few tears before the story was over as would any mother...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bill skaggs
I was expecting a cutesy chick-lit book judging by the blurb and the cover of this book. First it was deliciously long, I love long books, sometimes with an e-book you do not know the length until it is downloaded. Second, I loved the first person perspective, which I usually do not care for, told by each of the characters. Third, it was meaty!! This book had so much to it. It had it's funny moments, tender moments, steamy moments, and heartbreaking moments.
I am going back to download the prequal right now!! You will not be disappointed in this book. In fact, this is THE BEST book have read in 2011!!
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★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
After being abandoned by Aidan in "Cutters vs. Jocks", Libby overcame adversity and became a successful criminal lawyer while raising a kid, Cass, on her own. She was blessed with wonderful friends and a surrogate family who selflessly supported her. However, when leukemia plagued Cass, she had no choice but to turn to Aidan to see whether he was a match as a bone marrow donor. Aiden, a successful baseball player, wanted a second chance to become a father and also have a relationship with Libby. This book is inspiring, about love, forgiveness, and overcoming loss. It could be better if the story and writing were tighter with less secondary characters.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jess gordon
When I started these books...... I couldn't stop reading either of them.... 4am is Too late to make for a 'productive' next day!!! But I read till I just couldn't keep my eyes open....!!!Awesome story n I cried sooo hard it blurred my vision to read at times. I'm always sad when it's "the End".... I always want more story ?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
manahil saber
After reading Cutters and Jocks, I purchased this book curious but not overly excited. In the middle of a book slump I gave it a shot! Wow! I'm so glad I did! The storyline and characters are beautifully written. You love all of them and appreciate the angst because it's who they are and the author does an awesome job fleshing them out instead of wrapping it up to rush for a HEA.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
luke manning
I just finished Binding Arbitration and I still cannot breathe a full breath. This is one of the most emotional love stories I have read. Anyone who has loved and lost and reunited with the love of their life will love this story. I highly reccomend it but have tissues nearby.

This is the first review I have been compelled to write about any book and I have read thousands.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved this book! I enjoyed reading "Cutters vs Jocks" first. I really got into the book with all the emotions that was written. I would gladly tell everyone this is a must read. Thank you Elizabeth Marx for the wonderful characters and the love I felt while reading.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ash hunter
This book is beautifully written and kept me up to finish it. I laughed and cried (and I'm not the crying type). Fantastic characters and story line. Can't wait for more! A bargain treasure for any lover of romance books.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
casey moler
I was really disappointed in this one. The premise sounded do interesting. In actuality it was a lot of different scenes that ended up taking away from the true story. I felt if someone was telling it it would be and then this happened.. And then this happened... And then this. Did not flow and was totally overkill
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
william razavi
Wow doesn't really cut it. Holy $%#! is more like it. This book was awesome. By turns sarcastic and silly, cute and sappy, inspiring and poignant. I had a good half hour of big, ugly, snotty crying, too. Whew. I think I need to recover before I start another book. A great read, a good cry, and a wonderful story. Five stars.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
The constant references to baseball made me roll my eyes. So annoying. The whole umpire talking in his head? Come on, really? Cheesy much? I skipped over anything he had to say as it was either unnecessary or just flat out annoying. At 30% I had to stop. I'm bored out of my mind. The drama is already over, the conflict resolving itself within the first few chapters. Hate books like that. Might come back to it but for now I'm done.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved , loved, loved this story! What a roller coaster ride. Make sure you have a box of tissues next to you so you are prepared.

Ms Marx writes her books about real life...its joys and its sorrows. She develops all of her characters so well I feel like they are my friends or my enemies. I first met Elizabeth (Libby) and Aiden in "Cutters vs Jocks". This story begins six years a later when Libby contacts Aiden because her (their) son is desperately ill. Aiden is shocked to hear about a son since he thought Libby had given up the baby for adoption when he signed over all his parental rights to her. After meeting his son, Cass, Aiden does a 360 degree turn around in his attitude especially towards Libby and begins his quest to change her beliefs about him. His quest results in laughter, joy, hope and tears. This is one of the best books I've read in a long time.

I received this book from the author for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
susan howson
After finishing up Cutters vs. Jocks, I knew I needed to read the continuation of Libby and Band-Aid's story. I'm an avid reader, and normally, I don't leave reviews, but this novel is one of the most beautiful and poignant stories I have had the privilege to come across to read. I wanted to express to others who come across it to give it a chance especially romantics like myself. Marx does a wonderful job by evoking raw emotion into the characters' lives as well as makes you feel as if you're part of their lives. Its about growing up, forgiveness, learning to love, and accepting love all at the same time. You will not regret investing your day in reading this book. I am hoping Marx will continue their story or other secondary characters. I thoroughly enjoyed this book as it is one of the best contemporary romances I have read in a long time. Unlike some that I have read which relies on interaction of physicalness between the protagonists, Binding Arbitration brings more depth and emotional insight to what the average person experiences in real life through her characters. You will fall in love with Libby, Band-Aid, and especially Cass. As I stated earlier, please give this book a chance.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
adam brill
First a warning, keep the tissues handy because you're going to need them. The emotional undertow is deep and it is strong. This book takes on some really big subjects: love, loss, life, death, second chances, redemption. And they're all handled with such a deft touch that you really don't realize just how deep the subject matter is until you're in over your head. I adore the abiding love between Libby and Aidan, but what I love even more is the witty, snarky sense of humor that threads through the whole story - even the parts that made me bawl my heart out. This isn't a light or a quick read but it's worth every second of the time invested in it.
I received a complimentary copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from the author in return for an honest review. All opinions are 100% mine.

Binding Arbitration from Elizabeth Marx took me through a gamut of emotions as I continued to follow Libby and Aidan. I first met the two of them when I read Marx's Cutters vs Jocks. This book picks up six years later. While it is a part of a series, you can definitely read this as a stand-alone if you'd like.

I often judge a book by how it makes me feel. Binding Arbitration had me laughing out loud (probably shouldn't have been reading it outside where the neighbors could hear me). It also had me sobbing in sorrow. For a book to reach two different emotions in its pages is hard but this one did it.

I definitely recommend this novel.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tom velasco
Wow, just Wow! This is one heart wrenching romance. I was so anxious to read this story after reading Jocks vs Cutters. This couple really made successes of themselves in their careers. Their personal lives, not so much. The child Libby had has leukemia. This is the catalyst that brought these two back together. I laughed, got angry, and cried while reading this story. I had to put it down several times, just to dry my eyes.

This is one of those stories that deserves more than five stars.

It should be on everyone's must read list.

I would really like to read more about Manny and Evita.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
556 Book Chicks thinks this is the best book read all year...
I have not been this excited about a book in a very long time. I was texting and calling (people that read of course) telling them to read this book. This book just did something to my spirit. Seriously, it changed me!

**Read the Prequel - Cutters vs. Jocks - before reading this novel**

There is soooo much that I LOVED about this book! So many things that were right. I have never cried so much over a book before - happy and sad tears! I am convinced this book is based on a true story. There is absolutely no way Elizabeth Marx sat down and wrote this book without having lived some of this. Or she is just Brilliant and knows how to write one heck of a book! This book was so good to me, I don't even know how to express it in a review. I'm kind of speechless! WOW!

What we loved about this book...EVERY-freaking-THING! I was already #TeamAidan before reading this book, and Binding Arbitration just made me fall more in love with Aidan. I loved how Elizabeth came in thinking she was going to be in control of the situation and Aidan shut her down. It was about time she played by his rules and let him be in charge...maybe things would go right for them this time around. I loved how Aidan jumped right in to be Cass father. He brought a bigger car (that Cass picked out), he brought baseball equipment...he just went full throttle with Cass and I freaking loved every minute of it. And I loved Cass - there is not another kid written in a book that can touch Cass. He is the best 6 year old ever!

Seriously just writing this review is making me want to read this book again! (Sighs)

I have so many favorite when Aidan went to talk to his mom and dad and they were role playing, or when Aidan punched Libby's boss because he was being too touchy with her, or when Cass asked Aidan to kiss Libby more so she would stop kissing him so much. I promise you will not be disappointed with this book. There is so much love radiating off this book, you will have the after glow after reading it. Even in the sad times there is a rainbow waiting at the end.

***WARNING*** Please have tissue close by because you never know when you will cry!

~Tiffany (556 Book Chicks)[...]
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I really enjoyed this story. I was hooked from the beginning This story is full of all kinds of emotions. You will be laughing one moment and crying the next. Aidan is alpha male that you fall for the more you read into the story. Libby is strong and stubborn woman that fights for a better life. The attraction and chemistry is still strong after so many years. I enjoyed the banter between Aidan and Libby. Will Libby be able to forgive Aidan? Will Aidan man up and be there for Libby and Cass? You will fall in love with characters. This story is great. Be prepared with a box of tissues. Received copy for honest review
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mollie mcglocklin

This book shook my core. I laughed, I cried, I found inspiration and most of all I found a love that can last through some of the most tumultuous situations.

My love for Libby in this book soars through the roof. She was one of the strongest women I've read about this year. I cannot imagine being in her shoes, having to deal with the emotions and situations she did. She was a cutter, she was determined to not let it deter her and in one simple moment everything changed her life forever but in that same moment she realized a hard truth (or so she thought)...she would never be good enough for him. So she walked away free and clear only to be forced to face him six years later in one of the most horrendous situations a mother could ever have to face; yet somehow she was able to walk into the situation with a brave face and a strong mind while inside she was crumbling. I admire her strength and without giving anything a way the worst thing I think I could ever have to face....she has to live through. She almost doesn't. She almost succumbs to her grief and lets it destroy her life but thankfully this book gave us an HEA, though it wasn't the complete HEA because some things you just never get over.

Aidan made me want to love him, hate him, want to kiss him, want to beat him and most of all want to shake the crap out of him so many times in this book it was almost funny. He's a good man deep down but he gets lost somewhere along the way and his life goals (fueled by a tragedy) make him lose sight of what's important....then six years later he suddenly has a chance to make it right or die trying. He found a way to find my love and admiration again. My heart shattered for him and Libby throughout this book but I was cheering him on fully while he tried to find a way to get through to her.

I have to say Cass....the epitomy of a perfect child character. His thoughts and actions moved me in such a profound way. I'm not sure another child character could top him.

Breathtaking story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tahli kouperstein
*Sniffle, Sniffle*

What an emotional, heart-felt story. I experienced such a wide range of emotions while reading Binding Arbitration. And used up a box of Kleenex in the process.

It's been six years but when Elizabeth "Libby" Tucker contacted Aidan "Band-Aid" Palowski and demanded a face-time meeting it was the beginning of a fabulous, unforgettable journey. A story of love, redemption, heartbreak, joy and second chances. Buckle in and enjoy the ride.

The more things change, the more they stay the same. Libby's now a top notch criminal lawyer at a prestigious Chicago law firm and Aidan's achieved his dream of becoming a MBL pitcher and is the top closer for the Chicago Cubs but there is no denying that these two still have a powerful, undeniable connection to one another. There's a lot of water under the Libby/Band-Aid bridge but she`s still busting his chops at every opportunity and he`s still trying to flirt and charm his way into her heart. Life should have been perfect for these two old friends and lovers but it wasn't.

And then there's Cass. Adorable, precocious, charming, wise beyond his years, loving Cass. He's the product of Libby and Aidan's one night together during their final year at university and if he doesn't steal your heart than nothing will. But he's a sick little boy who has Leukemia and needs a bone marrow transplant and the best chance he has is a father he has no idea about and a father who has no idea about him. Oy Vey!

Cass and Mr. Pole-ow-ski have an instant emotional connection. I loved watching Aidan interact with his son. Yes he missed the first 6 years but you can't really blame him since he had no idea Cass existed. Yes he is to be blamed for his somewhat selfish decision 6 years ago, but Libby has to hold some responsibility for her own decisions as well. In Binding Arbitration Aidan MORE than made up for all the time he missed with Cass. Watching them together was a hi-light for me, so heart warming and smile inducing. I loved every minute of it.

As Libby and Aidan try to reconnect and deal with Cass's illness real life intrudes including Aidan's crazy ex-fiancée who's determined to ruin his reputation and make him pay for dumping her, the paparazzi trying to get the scoop at every turn and surprisingly Libby`s work environment and a couple of the cases she's working on provide major bumps along the way.

By the end I was a crying, sobbing, blubbering mess. Make sure you've got plenty of Kleenex handy.

I do recommend reading the short prequel Cutters vs. Jocks before Binding Arbitration since it sets up the back story for Band-Aid and Libby's love story beautifully.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
erika nuber
*Received this book in exchange for an honest review from the author via FMB Book Tours*

Binding Arbitration is one helluva book. This book had me on edge with many different emotions. I Was happy, then sad, then happy again... oh can't forget a little feisty either. Libby & Aidan's story is compelling and keeps you hanging on til the very end.

I absolutely love all the characters. Even the snotty ex fiancee that comes prancing around with her lack of a brain and rejuven-- never mind, that's a spoiler all its own. The banter between all the characters is hilarious and its not just banter between the main characters, oh, no! Elizabeth Marx doesn't leave her other characters hanging in the background. Another thing I loved about this book was the connection between Aidan and Libby. They had a complicated relationship in college (you know, that "just friends" kinda relationship) but they both harbored stronger feelings for each other then they let on. It was both frustrating and cute to follow along with Libby & Aidan's story, but they way they can just gravitate towards each other was just.... so.... *sigh* I also loved Cass's, Aidan & Libby's son, character. It's been a while since I've read a book where a child played a big part in a book and Cass's character was sweet and funny. There wasn't much about this book I didn't like. I felt I connected with the characters and was hooked right from the beginning. Now, let me just take a minute here to drool over Mr. Pole-ow-ski (book ref) Wheew. Aidan is an Alpha Male through and through. I just wanted to eat him up! Laawd. I need to do a little batting practice with his sezzy self!

I would most definitely recommend this book. If you love yourself a good contemporary romance, then this book is for you. All you baseball fans will love this book too! All the baseball refrences were not lost on me! I devoured every single word :) When I first picked up this book, I got to about the third or fourth page, before I read the words "cutter" and "jock" and I immediately stopped reading and looked through my eBooks and found Cutters vs. Jocks by Ms. Marx & delved into that first. SO, before you pick up Binding Arbitration, go ahead and get Cutters vs. Jocks, which is the prequel to Aidan & Libby's story. Though Marx does clearify things in Binding Arbitration that were mentioned in Cutters vs. Jocks, do yourself a huge favor & read about what happens 6 year earlier. You won't regret it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jonathan perry
Banford Aidan Palowski, the college heart throb turned major baseball player has it all. Born into a rich family and with a star status, Aidan has had those things in life that most people can only dream of. Elizabeth Tucker is a successful Chicago defense attorney and single mom. She has had a tough life but has worked hard to earn a good life for herself and her six year old son, Cass. She had managed to move on after her heartbreak and had no plans of confronting Aidan again, till Cass is diagnosed with Leukemia. As the father of her son, Aidan possibly holds the key to the solution of the life-saving bone marrow transplant for Cass. Of course for her son, Libby would do anything any and thus she braces herself for the pain that her old wounds would bring up and faces Aidan. But will Aidan step up and do what needs to be done in order to save his son? Or will his career plans stop him? And what about his feelings for Libby?

The plot is just perfect. There's love, there drama, there's humour and there's anguish - just like it is in life. It has a perfect mix of all sorts of emotions. The characters develop throughout the book. Libby is stubborn and strong. She leaves no stones unturned for her son and certainly goes that extra mile. Aiden's strength is admirable. There are no two opinions about his failings, but he makes up for everything and in the end he holds on to everything that matters. Cass is a sweet boy that you will have no scruples about falling in love with. You can see a bit of both Libby and Aiden in him. The author's style of writing is truly impressionable. To deal with the complications of relationships - whether between the protagonists or with their parents and then to mix in the complications of a child suffering with a disease like leukemia... it is just mind blowing. I absolutely have no words for the way the author has handled the intricate details of the lives of the people involved in such situations.

Overall, this book is a complete rollercoaster journey. From laughing with the characters to crying for them, I have experienced it all while reading this book. I would recommend this book to everyone who... well just to about everyone I know!

I received a complementary e-copy in exchange of my fair & honest opinion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Binding Arbitration was one of those books that did a total number on me. Oh man, it was not a pretty sight. I spent most of my Sunday afternoon an absolute blubbering mess. Marx did a fantastic job of getting this reader to really feel everything her hero and heroine were going through. I was angry, and frustrated, had my heart broken and mended right along with Aiden and Libby as they struggled to deal with a painful past and going through every parent's greatest fear. Their journey was gut wrenching and heart warming all at the same time and will no doubt have you reaching for the tissues.

For a while there at the start I really wasn't sure I was going to fall for either of the main characters. Libby's a defense lawyer (yikes) and Aiden, well, I agreed with Libby completely that he was "a conceited, spoiled, spineless bastard." But somewhere along the way these two both wormed their way into my heart and completely won me over. What I really liked was neither of them were perfect. They screw up, they get defensive and bristle up to hide what they're feeling and are just real people you can relate to and understand. My heart really went out to Libby. And Aiden? He pulled himself together like I would never believe and turned into an incredible man willing to do anything to fix the wrongs in his past.

There were a couple things that did give me some trouble. I had a hard time keeping all of the secondary characters straight and really wish I'd kept a list going on who they all were. Then there's an imaginary umpire that chats with/mocks Aiden. He just didn't work for me but thankfully as the book goes on it threw me less and less when he'd pop up.

Overall, I'm so glad I had the chance to read Binding Arbitration and that I pushed through the first couple chapters that had me feeling pretty confused. The incredible emotional response Marx created and the moving storyline with it's twists and surprises vastly overshadowed any troubles I had along the way. I'm really hoping that since there were a couple unfinished storylines that means we'll be getting another book at some point. No doubt it will be a wonderful experience as well.

{A copy was provided in exchange for an honest review}
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Review originally posted at: [...]

What's a great romance story without a bit of angst? Well, how about angst galore and right out of the gate? That is how Binding Arbitration began and as any true fan of contemporary romance (and glutton for punishment) would be, I was hooked. We are introduced to Aidan first and he comes across as the selfish, arrogant, pompous golden boy that just about any woman would hate...and possibly lust for. What's there to like about this man? He was a womanizer in college. He dated one girl to keep his family happy while telling another how much he wanted her. He finally won over the latter, named Libby, (while they were both intoxicated mind you) only to leave her alone and pregnant so he could chase his career as a professional baseball player. He then sleeps with half of the female population in Chicago until he decides to finally "settle down"...with an ignorant, superficial daddy's girl who needed vaginal rejuvenation surgery while she's only in her twenties! Wow! That is so much to take in! By the time Libby is introduced, I already feel sorry for her. I feel pain for what she's gone through and I despise this man who abandoned her in her time of need. So, what's a girl like Libby to do once she's left alone and pregnant at such a young age? Plow her way through school to become one of the best (and well-paid) criminal defense attorneys in Chicago! You just gotta love a gal who knows how to "stick it" to an old flame.
Time to move on! What's in the past shall remain in the past! Let sleeping dogs lie! All good mottos to live by, right? Well, that's the plan until Libby actually needs to dig up the past and ask Aidan to help save their sick child. It is at this point that we start learning about Aiden and Libby's past. Maybe Aidan isn't too bad of a guy. Maybe it was all a case of "wrong time at the wrong place". Maybe the both of them were just too young to make it work at the time. One thing is clear. Even if Libby won't admit it to herself, they were in love and their connection was undeniable. They were both just too stubborn to admit their feelings to one another. As I took this all in, I began to think of the lyrics to I Never Told You by Colbie Caillat and how fitting it was to Aiden and Libby.
"...But I never told you
What I should have said
No I never told you
I just held it in
And now I miss everything
About you
I can't believe I still want
After all the things we've
Been through
I miss everything about you
Without you..."


We are then introduced to a new Aidan. He realizes what he lost and what he wants. He's determined to get to know and help the son he never knew and to win back the one woman he ever truly loved. His resolve and determination to prove he was wrong amazed me and I was constantly in awe of his grand gestures. I was also consistently grabbing for tissues as he put his heart on the line time and time again. As music is always in my head, I was yet again reminded of another fitting song. The song Drive By by Train could've been written by Aidan to Libby.

"...Oh but that one night
Was more than just right
I didn't leave you cause I was all through
Oh I was overwhelmed and frankly scared as hell
Because I really fell for you

Oh I swear to you
I'll be there for you
This is not a drive by..."


As soon as we meet Aidan and Libby's son, Cass, we know right away that he is no ordinary 6-year-old. He's profound beyond his years and he is significant to Aidan and Libby's past, present, and future. So, let the story really begin and the emotions and quirky characters run wild! There are old wounds ripped open, secrets revealed, and tests of true love and unconditional love around every corner.
The author tells the story in a witty dual-narrative style. Each chapter switches between the perspectives of Aidan and Libby. This is only the second book I've ever read that uses this narrative style and I've quickly become a fan. I love to know what's going on in the two main characters heads, but still from a first-person POV.
This book had me dealing with emotions from perspectives of a mother and a woman who has been in love. There were so many ups and downs (just as there are in real life). I was in constant awe of the tender moments and revelations about love and life. There were several points in the book where I was truly questioning if I would get that HEA that so many of us romance novel junkies crave. Would you like to know if there is one? Well, read the book my friend... read the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hallie wachowiak
Where to begin with this stunningly amazing love story? As a mother I wept, I raged. As a woman, I hurt and yet felt moved by the words of wisdom. And mainly, as a reader, I was enthralled.

Binding Arbitration is the love story of Libby and Aidan, with enough paranormal/fantasy to make it fanciful, and enough depth to make it REAL! Some might find the truth and hardships in this book to deep to call it an amazing book, but not I. I find the realism, the reality, the pain and even the suffering of the book to be what brings it to that next level. I'm not saying that the pain or suffering is the main part of the book, but it is a part that will bring even the hardest of hearts a crack in their exterior. This book is strongly reminiscent of a Nicholas Sparks book. There is a swift, painful part that will define the rest of the book. It will leave you thinking, and remembering, the book for days. I, as a very soft-hearted person, would usually avoid this type of book, (after 2 Nicholas Sparks books I can not read them anymore) but I am forever grateful that I have read it.

Not many books have moved me on the level that Binding Arbitration has, since I fell in love with Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood. Binding Arbitration, without a doubt, will join There for You's short list of true five-star reads! Welcome to the club Elizabeth Marx, and thank you for creating such a work of art!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
krystell lake
Review of Binding Arbitration by Elizabeth Marx
5 Stars
"Binding Arbitration" is a gritty contemporary romance dealing with really serious issues (yes, not just intimacy, romance, and love): matters of the heart, familial abandonment (parent of child and parent of parent), terminal illness, workplace harassment, and much more). There's even a sexy Mafia boss (really hot), missing witnesses, and paranormal elements. The heroine is a strong-willed, independent, very admirable individual, a criminal defense attorney who put herself through law school and is heading for partner at a prestigious Chicago law firm. The hero is a major-league baseball player with a lot of celebrity and an empty heart, yearning for he knows not what (but he'll learn soon).
I predict romance fans are going to love "Binding Arbitration." With an intense undercurrent of love and sensuality, plus a really intricate and stunning plot, this one's a winner.

I reviewed a review copy from Full Moon Bites Blog Tours in exchange for my fair and impartial review for the Binding Arbitration Blog Tour Sept. 2012.

Binding Arbitration, A Chick Lit/Contemporary Romance Novel
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
megan bourque
There are quite a number of reviews for this book and they are all good. That tells a reader something important. This was a wonderful book. I did not read the prequel, Cutters vs. Jocks, and found that it wasn't necessary in order to follow the plot. There was enough back-story in the book so the reader could piece together Aiden and Libby's relationship, but at the same time, left you running to buy the prequel once you finished Binding Arbitration.

"They say life imitates baseball -- if that was the case, then mine should
be silver plated peanuts and gold encrusted Cracker Jacks, but I hadn't
had a prize fall out of my cardboard box in weeks and Sailor Jack and Bingo
had jumped ship."

The book dealt with relationships, illness, forgiveness, and family. Since the book blurb gives you the gist of the story, I will forgo the detail drama so not to spoil the book. The story was very well written. I enjoyed the style used by the author with each chapter alternating between Aiden's voice and Libby's voice, punctuated by Cass' voice.

"She still had it - if not more of it - that special something some women
have that first draws men's attention, then buzzes their brains into
crushed barley."

Cass is a charming, yet precocious child that you cannot help but fall in love with. His comments are in line with a perceptive child his age. I had an older sister who died of Leukemia at age seven, so parts of this book were difficult to read. It was that well written.

"If you're her boyfriend, will she kiss you?" "Why?" I asked smiling.
"She's always kissing me. If you could get her to kiss you some of the time, that
would keep her lips off me. It gets kind of yucky, and the other kids notice."

I also enjoyed Aiden and Libby's love story. Sometimes, we mess things up, and it is nice to have a second chance to get it right.

" dogs, soda, cotton candy, pretzels, ice cream, and Italian
ice." He counted these items out on his fingers. "Then, we both had to puke.
I barfed more than her, but she thinks she did 'cause she puked in the car on the
way home, too. Who do you think the winner was?"

From a technical standpoint, I thought the story line was great and the characters very well developed, and the book came to a satisfactory close. Romance readers should be lining up to pick this book up. They will not be disappointed.

"...could you have rubbed off on him already?" I looked at my watch. "It's only been,
like what, six hours?" Cass spoke in the direction of his love's exodus. "It ain't Mister
Pole-ow-ski's fault. I've been in love with Lori since the first day of school. Isn't she
the most beautiful girl in the world, Mister Pole-ow-ski?"
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Binding Arbitration (Elizabeth Marx)

Elizabeth "Libby" Tucker , a prominent defense attorney in Chicago is determined to save her six year old sons (Cass) life. He has leukemia, and the only way for him to live is a bone marrow transplant.

Banford "Aidan" Palowski is her college love interest, he left her when he found out she was pregnant. Now a major league baseball player he may be the only person to save Cass' life.

When Libby asks Aiden for some DNA to see if he is a match , her whole world is turned upside down. Will Aiden cooperate and what will he want in return? Libby is desperate and will do what ever it takes to save her sons life.

A fantastic read. Told from Aiden and Libbys perspectives I was able to see things through both their eyes. Filled with emotions I found Binding Arbitration thought provoking, it kept me up late into the night. I was engrossed up until the very last page. I look forward to reading more of Elizabeth Marx books. You must readCutters Vs. Jocks, A Prequel Novella to Binding Arbitration the prequel to this fantastic read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I received my copy of Binding Arbitration by Elizabeth Marx via CLP Blog Tours. I was curious about the book because it is set in one of my favorite cities to visit - Chicago! It's clear from reading and from chatting with Marx that she knows her around the city, and it was really fun to take away little tidbits throughout the book. The main character is Libby Tucker, an attorney and single mom whose son, Cass, is suffering from cancer. It seems the only man who can help save his life is his biological father - who Libby has not remained in touch with. Desperate to save her son, Libby contacts Banford Aidan Palowski, the man who left Libby and Cass behind to go on to pro baseball. Once Libby and Cass are reunited with Aidan, the true journey of self-discovery, forgiveness, and strength will be begin.

I thought Binding Arbitration was a pretty powerful book. I will say that I don't think being classified as chick lit is quite correct. I was expecting a lighter read, probably pretty humorous, and it's really not. The story of Libby and Cass and what they are dealing with is very deep, and I cried numerous times throughout the book out of sadness. I thought it was an emotional story but there were a lot of lessons to be learned throughout the pages. I did think it got to be a bit too long, there were a few times where I thought it could have ended but the story kept going, but overall, I really enjoyed the book and the journey I went on with the characters. Just be prepared with some tissues when you read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
aaron gilbreath
Binding Arbitration is a beautifully written tear-jerking story told from the viewpoint of two people. First there's Libby, a high-strung defense attorney that's been so stubborn doing everything herself her whole life, she has great difficulty letting anyone in, especially when feelings are concerned. Then there's Aidan, a self-absorbed, over-the-top charming baseball player that is used to getting anything and anyone he wants... except for Libby, the one woman he wants the most.

Binding Arbitration isn't the usual light and sweet chick lit story you would think at first glance. Often times while reading this story I found myself wiping tears off my face. It definitely tugs at the heartstrings, especially when little Cass is concerned.

Elizabeth Marx does a fantastic job of introducing these different characters and bringing them to life instantly. I loved this story, though it definitely had my struggling to turn the pages when I couldn't see through my watering eyes. I would recommend this book to anyone that enjoys a beautiful, realistic, indepth story about love, heartache, and doing the right thing... no matter how difficult that may be.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This first chapter was a little hard to get into, maybe it was the magical ump in Aidan's head or the fairies, but once I hit the second chapter it was a GO from there. This book is the most emotional book I have read yet. You can find yourself feeling what Aidan and Libby feel in the book. I smiled with them, I cried with them and my heart broke with them. Binding Arbitration is a book that shows you that not only can true love bring two people together but it can bind them deeper then just the heart, it binds their souls. It also shows that love can overcome heartbreak and make miracles happen. If you want to read a love story like no other then be sure to get your copy of Binding Arbitration TODAY! Trust me its well worth it. This is a book I will keep and read again.

***I was given an ARC copy by the author but this did not influence my review any.***
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Binding Arbiration is a very emotional contemporary story that pulled me in and kept my attention right away. It has such real life elements that made me cry, made me angry, and sometimes made me laugh.

Libby Tucker would do anything for her son, who is terminally ill. This story is her journey into doing everything possible to save him, even go to the one person that shut her out, turned her away.

Aidan really makes me angry. It took a lot, and I mean A LOT to redeem him. Maybe its what his actions were with Libby and his son hit close to home.

The story is powerful and intense, but it is well worth the read. If you're one of those readers that gets very involved in what you're reading, have some tissue ready.

Elizabeth Marx has created an emotional journey. One that I won't soon forget.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
molly brodak
This is a difficult book to review.

I actually found it quite hard to follow at times and there were periods that were possibly long winded and dragged out. However, I have to say that by the last page , I was like wow - that was great. Can I explain this - no so this review may be of no help at all but I would say persevere with this book. For me, this was ultimately an emotionally heart wrenching tale that will break your heart but then put it back together again.

Verified Purchase via the store UK
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ramona windley
What a powerful book...I am almost speechless! First off I read Cutter vs Jocks before this one because it gives you great background history for this book! I was lucky enough to win this book through a blog hop and I am so glad I did.The emotions I went through during this book! Wow! I laughed, cried, was angry, laughed and cried so more! Aidan, Libby and Cass's story is absolutely amazing but bittersweet at the same time! I felt like I was a part of the book,it was written so well! My only problem was I coundn't put it down and stayed up way to late reading it:)I can't wait to read more by Elizabeth Marx!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
andrew rumbles
Binding Arbitration is a good book. It is a touching story that the author tells. It was a real tear jerker for sure. I recommend having a box of tissues handy once you get to chapter 32. You'll need them.

When I first started reading the book I have to admit I was not a fan. I was about 2 chapters into the book and I was ready to call it a day. It starts off very sluggish. It's not one that just dives in and gets to the heart of the story immediately. The book did eventually pick up some speed and get much better.

When it came to the characters I found that I didn't like Libby and Aidan at first. Since these are the main characters in the story it is kind of important that you connect with them in some way. I just found Libby to be annoying. She tries to force Aidan into helping her save her son's life. When he does she denies him the chance to get to know him.
Aidan is egotistical. He thinks that he is every females wet dream. He spends part of the book walking around like he can do no wrong.

Things do change. The storyline shifts into something more. It becomes more entertaining and more emotional. The characters change to. As the story shifts so do they. They seem to grow up more for the sake of their son. Libby gives Aidan the chance to be there for their son and Aidan is no longer the egotistical jerk he once was.

The author did a god job in writing this story. For the most part I found her writing to be clean and well written. Marx did a good job and capturing the emotion that the characters felt.

Overall thoughts I had a rocky start with the book but the author was able to turn it around. I enjoyed this book and I recommend it.

Disclamier: I received this book as part of a book tour for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
linda friesen
Binding Arbitration started slow for me, the umpire's voice in Aidan's head and the chapters jump from character to character kept throwing me off. The character you're with is the perception that you'll view the story from. Once I got used to those two things I really got into this. It is a really great story, a bit slow for me, but totally worth every minute. It didn't feel like the actual plot dragged though, which I thought was interesting. There was always something happening to one of the characters that kept that plot moving along. Not like way in your face plot moving catastrophes, but stuff that made sense to the relationships that build throughout this story.

The two main characters, Aidan and Libby, just made me want to throttle them both!! This is the kind of romance that isn't all flowers and hearts and angels poking people with sticks, this is the real stuff. This is what happens to every day people. They are both stubborn and smart and because of that they both think WAY too much about the situation instead of about their feelings. This drove me crazy, quite literally until the end.

Their son Cass is what is the real catalyst. That boy is smart! Most kids are but he had a presence and an intensity that went way beyond his age. He was definitely my favorite character. And he names Aidan's new Hummer, Tank, which I just love. I name everything from my cars down to my Kindle. I just fell in love with Cass from the first word he spoke!

As I was reading, I was at the 80% mark or so and I was curious when the character arc was going to happen. Oh my... Be careful what you ask for. From that point on tears were streaming down my face (I'm not ashamed to admit it!) and I was crying so hard at one point that my hubby asked if I was going to be ok and if I needed to put the book down. Of course my response was to SHUSH him immediately and dive right back in to find out what else was going to happen. And boy was there more. These two people created so many dreadful scenarios for themselves, and so many scenarios were thrust upon them that they were literally damning God close to the end of the book.

Actually there's a moral to this story that you don't even see until the end. It all comes together beautifully, it just took Aidan and Libby a heck of a long time to figure it all out! Drove me insane!

On a side note, there is a bit about God in this book. It's kind of an underlying theme. Not in your face, preaching down your throat, but enough that you understand that God has a presence in quite a few of the lives. It wasn't a bad thing, just a thing. I wouldn't recommend if that would throw you off too much, but really I was able to read it without feeling like Elizabeth Marx was preaching. It was very well done. Very good plot, great characters, good ending. But boy oh boy does she take you on an emotional roller coaster. Get ready!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
chris neal
"Binding Arbitration centers on high profile Chicago attorney, Elizabeth Tucker, who is forced to reach out to her old college boyfriend, Banford Aidan Palowski, now a pro baseball player, because their love child, whom Aidan has never met, needs a bone marrow transplant. I found this to be a very powerful book, emotionally charged, with a gripping storyline. The main characters are vivid and well fleshed out; although, I wish the supporting characters had been a little more developed. One of the most interesting aspects of the book was the evolution of the of the characters, particularly Aidan, who while charming and sexy at the beginning of the book, is very flawed. Despite the serious subject matter, Binding Arbitration is often entertaining, especially the verbal sparring between Elizabeth and Aidan, who resent each other for what happened in the past but are still very much attracted to one another. I was also very impressed with the descriptiveness of the book, both in the visual imagery and the characterizations. I recommend Binding Arbitration to anyone looking for a good novel.

Jennifer K. Lafferty
Author of Offbeat Love Stories and More
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kay gerard
What a heart wrenching as well as heartwarming drama in Binding Arbitration ... the plot unfolds with so many twist and turns through the lives of two young college lovers who have gone their separate ways only to be joined again by their angelic son, Cass, who is perhaps the most forgiving, saintly, and prophetic mortal soul the Windy City has ever graced. The baseball images throughout the novel as well as the umpire's philosophical statements intermingled into the plot line (at the end of each chapter) keep you reading to see what call this ump will make next. The backdrop of the Chicago setting brings in the mob, the cuisine, the landmarks, the Cubs, and the ice cold weather of wind and snow - which are all wrapped neatly and tightly in perhaps one of the most jaw dropping dramas to hit the book presses in a long time. As Aidan states in a pivotal turning point in his life when he learns he not only has a son, but also a son who has cancer: "I had never had a reason to look in the rear view mirror of my life. Now it seemed I needed a major backwards glance." So this reader looks in her front view mirror after reading Binding Arbitration and now wishes for a clear path to have this story unfold on the big screen. This drama is a perfect fit for a star-studded movie!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sarah lina
Elizabeth Marx has written a "woman's novel" that challenges the unwritten conventions of the genre and puts one in the win column. The novel starts off with two strong willed, successful, but emotionally damaged individuals who must first learn to make peace before they can be willing to admit their feelings for each other. Ms. Marx provides plenty of flesh for her flawed, funny, touching, and sometimes even evil characters. There is a real sense that you know the people in this story. There is also plenty of plot. The author isn't afraid to take you places you wouldn't expect to go in "chick-lit." Perhaps the best part of Binding Arbitration is Ms. Marx's ability to make the narration of her two completely different protagonists, one of whom is a major league pitcher, not only entertaining but believable. It made us wonder how much time she's spent in ball parks and courtrooms. So, if you are looking for something you haven't read before and are not afraid to laugh, cry, and occasionally exclaim out loud, we recommend you download a copy of Binding Arbitration by Elizabeth Marx. It's a full nine innings of readable entertainment.

Lynn Evans, author of The Valentine's Game & Bobbie Titan in the Mark of Kain
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Just finished this. Loved it. Great story. I had started reading it before I realised there was a prequel - Cutters Vs. Jocks, A Prequel Novella to Binding Arbitration - so downloaded that read it before getting back to this one. I would recommend reading it before starting Binding Arbitration as it give the background of how the met etc. Loved the legal feel to it. Loved Aidan. Loved Libby. LOVED Cass - such a sweetheart - yeah I guessed where the name came from before she told him. Very emotional read - you will definitely need the tissues nearby. Hopefully this author will write some more contemporary novels.
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