Former Spy Chief Reveals Secret Strategies for Undermining Freedom

ByRonald Rychlak

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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Very informative and educational. East European names are confusing at times but to be expected. Chapters on the "disinformation campaign" against the church and Pope Pius XII should be a lesson to all on how the political left and particularly the communist party works with the press.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jean wise
Hard to believe some of the assertions made by the author, but equally difficult to refute his facts. Makes you rethink a lot of the "history" and facts you may have been fed over the years. I'm glad I read the book, it has opened my eyes to disinformation and it's uses for historical as well as current propaganda. I already had questions about many of the things I have observed and read about over the years, wondering why some "facts" didn't seem to quite fit and were at odds with other "facts" depending on the source. Very good book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Looking at the history of the US starting after WWII and up to the fall of the Berlin wall an entirely new perspective is given on the secret war of lies and propaganda by the USSR which continues today. The name communist may be gone but the thought processes and the goals remain the same.
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★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
karen hewitt
The problem with this book is the question always at the back of the alert reader's mind: is this whole book another exercise in
disinformation? Read this book with the necessary caution surrounding subjects of this kind.

The main emphasis in the book is supposed to be the disinformation campaign against Pius XII as soft on Nazism. Benedict XVI opened Vatican Archives from that period; there is more information available now about this subject.

I suggest reading other sources alongside this author and making judgments accordingly as you walk across the quaking bog that is "disinformatsiya".
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is ESSENCIAL to understand the mindset of left douctrine, cultural marxism and the fall of Western Civilization.
What ancient URSS did to Pope Pio XII and many others through the use of DESINFORMATION was disgraceful.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ty lastrapes
This is one book I wish every freedom-loving American would read. The authors explain very clearly that the world hates the US because of a constant drip of disinformation (lies with a tiny grain of insignificant truth) that has been published (even by our own media) and spread to turn the world (including Americans) against her. Read this before it's too late and we go the way of Putin's Russia or Castro's Cuba or Chavez`s Venezuela, or any number of Marxist regimes.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rachel kooistra
Author gives an entirely new take on Oswald and Ruby which departs significantly from official Kennedy assassination reports. Hard to know how valid this is, but there is logic to it. The author also casts new light on the disinformation regarding Pius XII. In all quite a fascinating read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I read this book with keen interest, and with the many references provided by the writers, I find its assertions completely plausible and disturbing. It reveals the vast scale and machinery of the disinformation generated in the West by the intelligence services in the former Soviet Union and Eastern Bloc. The disinformation and sabotage was conducted at every level, according to this account, and on religions as well as other states. Lieutenant General Pacepa operated at the highest level of the Romanian Security service, and his accounts are sometimes chilling. I would suggest it as essential reading for Edward Snowden and his sympathisers, and the Western World's left in general, and for the general reader to show what we are up against in the free world, despite our faults, from those who do not share the values of liberty, justice and human rights.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Everyone who is interested in the world of espionage and how the Soviet Union worked behind the scenes to attack the West should read this. Especially interesting is the way the Soviets attacked the record of Pope Pius XII. The Soviet's put out disinformation to accused him of being a Nazi sympathizer when in fact he was a hero that saved thousands of Jews by instructing the Catholic Church all over Europe to hide and help Jews. The reason they did this was to weaken the church in the eyes of the world so communism could spread though out the west! The fact that their operatives invented and wrote the play "Hitler's Pope" in East Germany was particularly revealing! The book also tells how the communist also are trying to this day to promote unrest in the Middle East. One of the best book I have ever read!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Simply put this book using an account of disinformation about Pope Pius II as an example of how persistent lies worked into acceptable credible sources can rewrite the truth. General Pacepa was uniquely placed in the cloak and dagger world of information gathering and controlling perception in the highest levels of the Romanian government and in the Kremlin. There are a number of very interesting surprises and ah ha moments, both from the Cold War era and the Post Cold War era. The truly unsettling part are the parallels he draws between the actions of the totalitarian regimes of the Cold War and the post 9-11 world of the Unites States. After you read this you will never look at what you think is truth in the same way again.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Explores the largely unknown and undocumented realm of Soviet "active measures" to undermine Western Civilization.

Soviet "active measures" is the well documented plan to implant demoralizing and counter-factual messages in cultural products and historical documentation. The effects of such a plan are wide-spread and long-lasting. The goal of the plan is the degradation of Western Civilization, and most notably the U.S., to weaken it, for later overthrow and subsequent control.

The book is well-written and well-documented by a counter-intelligence professional.

I hesitate to give it five stars only because there seems to be a hidden religious message tucked inside. I don't think religion is what makes Western Civilization great, and I don't think a return to religious governance would lead us to a more evolved society. And also, the counter-Enlightenment messages that are being propagated by the Soviets actually already existed before the Soviet Union. That is why the "active measures" find such fertile ground in western academia. I will give these factors fuller treatment if I ever have time to give a fuller review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
asmaa elgazar
Very interesting book that is truly difficult to put down! The art of (if I may call such an ugly thing art) of disinformation is recognizable when I learned what it was and how it has been used. Unfortunately it is still being used today in both the national arenas and in individual relationships. There is much more to this book that makes it well worth the reading, but this is what struck me first.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chris stanford
This book indeed gives an excellent view of what happened in the past and what probably lies ahead. Disinformation indeed infects so many people regardless of intelligence or what country they live in. It's a unique virus which requires real critical thinking in order to detect.The author is a brave man who didn't leave anything out. Worth reading.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
erin harris
This pretty much puts in writing what most of everyone already knew is going on. i thought at times in was droned out and long. But it was very informative and more disappointing to think of our leaders doing the same thing that was done in ww2. Propaganda is never a good thing. So for this it was letting us know what is being done to our country right under our nose.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Many examples of the Worldwide, orchestrated, communist movement to undermine and penetrate our society and negate our basic freedoms earned with the blood and sacrifice of Patriots from Concord Bridge and Valley Forge to 9/11, Iraq and Afghanistan. Communism has practiced brutal genocide even greater than that Nazi Germany (See the Black Book of Communism). Yet many well intentioned citizens are still swayed by its Utopian, Pied Piper, false appeal. Many examples are documented. Overwhelming and sad but a very worthwhile read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
calm your pits
This book was very well written and thought provoking. It. General Ion Mihai Pacepa and Ronald Rychlak lay bare the science of disinformation and it's negative effects on humanity. I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to better understand our current climate of politics and the political philosophies that have shaped our world.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It comes down to "...what is truth?..". That question just won't go away. Pick any topic you like and you will find "experts" on either side of the equation, the internet is rife with "truth". Ever read internet "discussion" postings? One would think it best to not think, or at least not try and express ideas publicly. To read a well written, well documented book, that ultimately paints a bulls eye on the authors, is sobering.
"Choose you this day who you will.." believe, serve,trust. Hmmm, seems character (fruits) does count. Sincere thanks to the authors for courage and hope.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sahar farah
This book provides great historical details of early effective Communist "Disinformation" efforts, as well as suggests on-going efforts to propagandize. I have followed the authors previous publications, and find him to be most accurate.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
a must read for every american because almost everything you see and hear is DISINFORMATION. it's one of the most eye opening books written++++i got the audiobook & the narrator was superb. please get this & spread the word. the cover says it all...and we must not be puppets any longer.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
With all the nonsense in the popular and manipulated Western Press, it's interesting to see the enemy propaganda machine in it's gyrations. People have forgotten how the Communists/Russians have always been experts at propaganda and manipulation, especially with the apparent easy aid of the Western Press.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A "must read" for anyone concerned about democracy and freedom in the world. It clears up several mysteries for Americans, including the Death of president Kennedy. I highly recommend it and it should be required reading for all high school students. I realized through reading this book, I had also been a victim of "Disinformation" especially regarding many of my liberal, left-leaning ideas. It offered enough evidence to completely change my mind about a lot of things, especially "redistribution of wealth". Sally Torkos
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The whole world is embroiled in a battle between good and evil. The forces of evil of carefully designed their policies and practices to systematically destroy freedom. This book outlines one of the most effective policies of evil, the policy of systematically changing facts into the fiction. Disclosing the reality of disinformation and the reality of its presence in the whole world today is sobering. Everyone needs to understand this.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This will give you all the information you need to understand the workings of the communist party. Written by a former KBG General. You really do not want to miss reading this if you follow politics and just can't seem to put things together.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
alex malysh
The book seems rather disorganized and could have been better edited. there are also any claims made with little citation or evidence provided. I don't doubt the sincerity, but it seems biased to some degree. While I would agree with the evils of the Soviet state and communism, he tends to overstate and romanticize the virtues of the Western governments. Much of the writing was poor.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
abhishek dhandia
The Truth Itself. It's easy to be absolutely sure, when you're an observer - Seeker of the Truth, researcher on a deep and highest level and an intelligence analysator from the Top of the Elite of Bulgarian "Post"-Communist Secret Services within the Freemasonry in Bulgaria, Eastern Europe, which has been secretly Reactivated by trained to do it, as absolute atheists - Secret "Post"-Stalinists Agents, who won the Trust of one of the German Regular Freemason's Grand Lodges and received Light by the Germans.

As so as, for 27 years after the fallen of the Berlin Wall - and I suppose, the same has happened in all the post-communist countries including Russia itself - The Old Soviet (KGB) Secret Services control the Freemasonry in all deeply influenced by Russia and their local KGB branches "Post"-Stalinist - now Private Secret Services, which, by default are ATHEISTIC, MATERIALISTIC AND DARWINISTIC IN IT'S GENESIS...

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alison wells
Pacepa is a unique figure of our cold war history who brings an unparalleled insiders perspective to this topic. By pairing with Rychlak he was able to bring a lot of depth and additional credibility, particularly to the case of the smearing of Pope Pius XII. The result is a highly persuasive account of how disinformation has been used by the Soviets and their allies as a tactic of warfare. This is not a polemic.

Pacepa also made a clear connection to how the same tactics are used by modern leftists and islamists. The echo of Soviet techniques is unmistakable. It can be seen clearly in the several examples in the book as well as in the narrative discipline of the dominantly left wing western press. I hope that other authors will pick up on this and further unmask our current state of disinformation.

The main criticism of this book is that the Soviet Union is old news along with all this history. It really isn't possible to make a remotely credible case that the book is untruthful. It is relevant because modern leftists and islamists are using the same playbook. Pacepa may slightly overstretch in assuming continuing direct influence from Russia, but then again maybe not. It is becoming more clear every day that Russia remains a serious rival. I hope that other authors fill in more on what really happened with the collapse of the Soviet empire to get us where we are at today.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ann kulbeckas
Lt. General Pacepa's incredibly informative book ranks right with those written by Christoper Andrew and Vasili Mitrokhin and by
Romerstein and Briendel (The Venona Secrets) as THE definitive references to the activities of the intelligence arms of the now collapsed Soviet Union. Pacepa particularly highlights the attempts by Soviet agents and fellow travelers to discredit Pope Pius XII, attempting to make him look like an anti-Semite where in reality, he did everything in his power to shield and save Jews that were living in Italy prior to and during World War II. The incredible lies about this Pope have been destroyed by Pacepa.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is the book that should be mandatory in every high school curriculum. It would cut way down, the lying and deceit, that our government and the world governments can get away with. I was only 10% into the book and already felt I got my money's worth.
This is truly a must read if you really want to know what's going on in the world.
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