And the Restoration of Everything You Love

ByJohn Eldredge

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
All Things New: Heaven, Earth, and the Restoration of Everything You Love by John Eldredge reminds the reader of an often forgotten, yet essential, part of Christianity - the restoration and renewal of earth. As Eldredge puts it on page 16, "the thing you are made for is the renewal of all things. God has given you a heart for his kingdom - not the wispy vagaries of a cloudy heaven, but the sharp reality of the world made new."

Jesus speaks often in the gospel of the Kingdom of God. Knowing that it is both now and not yet, most of modern Western Christianity has relegated the "not yet" part to a concept of heaven that leaves many feeling unsatisfied. That is because the truth is far greater than anything we could ever imagine. It is this concept and its implications that Eldredge examines throughout this book.

Fans of Eldredge will find familiar themes in All Things New. Those who are not familiar with Eldredge will be introduced to his easy to read, flowing style of writing. All Things New is full of scriptures upon which the premise of the book is based. It also includes many excerpts from epic novels and stories from Eldredge's own life that illustrate his points. All Things New left me feeling refreshed and opened my eyes to the fullness of a truth that has largely been ignored. Hope is the cornerstone both of the promise of renewal in scripture, and in All Things New.

I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their BookLook book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
matthew thornton
Some books hold the power to change your entire perspective. All Things New did that for me, and I consider it a rare and beautiful treasure I will never forget.

Many books have been written about heaven, but few focus on the renewal of earth and God’s promises of rewards. I was moved to tears again and again by the glimpses of pure joy, hope, and love I had never recognized before in scripture. I love how John Eldredge illuminates familiar Bible passages with such rich meaning, and does so with almost whimsical, boyish glee.

Even though I’ve been a Christian my whole life, hope has been a struggle for me. As one who has suffered from emotional abuse, depression, and rejection for decades, I clung to my faith for survival. Only in the past couple years have I learned that God has an abundant life waiting for me beyond survival mode, and this book powerfully pulls back the curtain on the wonderful treasures Jesus was preparing for me while I was suffering, and is still preparing for me now.

I highlighted many passages for further reflection, but this long one gave me the most pause, based on Isaiah 60:5:

Imagine–after your enemies are judged and banished, great treasure chests are then brought in and set before you…Jesus tells you to open them. You ask, “What are these, Lord?” and he replies, These are the gifts I meant for you in your former life but were stolen or prevented from making it to you. I return them now, with interest…You hear laughter coming from one, for so much of what has been lost are memories and joy…Then you turn to your right and ask, “And what are these chests, Lord?” These are the rewards for your life’s choices, your victories, your perseverance, and your service. In addition to your estates, of course, he says with a smile.
Those treasure chests are yours, friends; their contents will thrill your heart and redeem so much of what you have endured here…You will open those chests, look, and be radiant. Your heart will throb and swell with joy.

Does that passage whisper hope and joy to you like it does to me? I am not exaggerating when I say this book is in the top 10 most life-changing books I’ve ever read. The best thing of all is that the inspiring message comes straight out of scripture. John Eldredge simply unlocks God’s glorious truth in a winsome, powerful way and seasons it with poignant insights and anecdotes.

I give this book my highest recommendation to anyone looking for hope that lasts. And oh, how we need hope in these difficult days. If you have ever suffered from injustice, rejection or abuse, this book will help heal your wounds like nothing else has done before.

I received a free review copy of All Things New from the BookLook Blogger program.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Eldredge presents the idea to us that without hope we really aren't living. He examines the difference between presumptive optimism and true faith based hope. Have you ever met someone who doesn't listen to your pain but glosses over it with statements of "joy, joy, joy". Well John Eldredge does NOT do that. He knows pain, deep pain. He knows how it feels to have lost hope and be in a dark pit of dispair. He has grieved! He is real and not superficially smiling at us - his readers. He shares very personal gut-wrenching stories from his own life and family. He weaves these with stories of historical figures and people he's met personally. He shares his own insights into how he believes God wants to join with us in this life's journey. This book is not just a guide book to find peace but it is a book to help connect us with the Author of peace, joy, faith and hope. You will meet God in these pages and because of that you will find the way to hope during times that seem unbearable.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
janette mckinnon
John Eldredge’s All Things New offered me hope in an increasingly hope-deprived landscape. It lifted my spirits and invited me to engage my heart and mind — my biblically tethered imagination — in the promise of what is to come. Why don’t we do this more readily? Why aren’t Christians talking about these things every day? I don’t know, but what this book allowed me to see is that if we did…friends, it could change everything. Nothing would ever again seem so bleak, no problem so insurmountable, if we only remembered to keep our eyes on what Jesus promises in Scripture, time and time again. If we only have ears to hear it and eyes to see.

In his signature style, John Eldredge calls on myriad stories, both classic and new, to illustrate his points. His books, I have found, will resonate particularly with readers who have a heart for *story.* He, better than most, understands how stories are one of God’s primary instruments for communicating to our hearts.

Solidly connecting to Scripture, All Things New shifted my focus and righted my perspective. It’s a book I’d recommend to any Christian who needs a fresh dose of hope.

Thanks to Thomas Nelson and BookLook Bloggers for providing me this book free of charge. All opinions are mine.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I first met John Eldredge through his book Wild at Heart, a book that at the time seemed to speak to me in the place where I was in life. His newest book, All Things New, feels like a response, not just to the current condition of the world, but to the condition of my heart and soul as well. I cannot say enough about this book, and feel like everyone who is weary could use a reading of it.

All Things New can be boiled down to this idea: one day Jesus will redeem and make all things new, and the thought of this Great Redemption should fill each of us with hope. This is a message/reminder which I needed to hear, and if you are taking the time to read this, you probably need to hear too.

As Eldredge moves from the idea of the importance of not losing hope, to what it means in the context of Christ, to the reality that life is hard but why we should keep "nose to the plow," it felt like as I was reading that Eldredge was half a step ahead of me the whole time, predicting my next comment, addressing it, and validating it.

In the final chapter of All Things New, Eldredge uses this phrase: "As we live forward from here..." And I feel like the phrase wraps up the book nicely. In the end, it is hope that keeps us living forward, not just moving. Do yourself a favor and read All Things New, and after finishing reading it, live forward, taking the message of the soon-coming renewal of all things to heart.

I received my copy of this book for free through the BookLook Bloggers program in exchange for reviewing it. I was not obligated to post a positive review; the opinions expressed are mine. 
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
aaron demott
During the reading of this book, we had just encountered the race riots in Charlottesville, seen Hurricane Harvey devastate parts of Texas and Louisiana, experienced wildfires throughout Montana and other parts of the northwest and Hurricane Irma is barreling down. Since that time, we've had additional hurricanes and earthquakes - one disaster after another. On a lesser, but more personal level, I've been feeling stuck in a job I don't like because I can't get out from under a mortgage. So, to read a book completely dedicated to hope was very poignant for the times. As John stated in the prologue - if everything is going great for you right now and you expect it to always stay that way, this book probably isn't for you. But for the vast majority of us, this book is an essential read. Paul states in the last verse of chapter 13 of 1 Corinthians that three things remain - faith, hope and love. The focus of that chapter is love, and so we tend to neglect the other 2, particularly hope. In typical John Eldredge fashion, using scripture, personal experiences and tales that we hold deep in our hearts, he unfolds the coming glory of the Kingdom after Jesus's return. Though I've been familiar with the passages quoted, common perceptions of Armageddon have shaped my expectation for the future. This book has brought back to light the truth that is painted in the scripture about the renewal of all things. How I long for things I have lost to be restored in the coming days. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is feeling overwhelmed by current or personal events or feeling discouraged and disheartened by where your life is now. I received an advanced copy of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
When we experience seasons of loss—loss of a dream, death of a loved one, friends moving away, becoming empty nesters after a child’s graduation or wedding—we have to deal with times of grief. We also need to find a hope that will sustain us and help us move forward.

What if someone told you that everything you’ve lost will be restored to you, but in even better shape than before? What if someone said that all the things you loved will be renewed?

This is the premise of John Eldredge’s latest offering, All Things New: Heaven, Earth, and the Restoration of Everything you Love. The title and theme come from Revelation 21:5 where Jesus says, “Behold, I am making all things new.” Eldredge’s point is that Jesus is not making new things, but regenerating the old ones into new and better condition. If we believe that God is going to restore our lives and everything we love any day now, this hope will give us an anchor which will not only sustain us, but help us to look forward to the future with hope.

All Things New is a very encouraging book. As with John Eldredge’s previous books, it is real, honest, gritty, emotional, and uplifting. He draws illustrations from personal experience, movies, literature, and daily life. While not intended to be a book of theology, it will give you a new perspective on eternity and cause you to rethink your view of heaven.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookLook Bloggers book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
karen hausdoerffer
Few books have the power to change your entire perspective on something. This is one of them. I am blown away!

John Eldredge presents a well-researched, thought-provoking, inspirational book which turns our Christian perspective away from the promise of going to heaven after death to focusing on the many promises God has made to renew the earth, and everything and everyone on it. He talks of the recreation of a new world where God lives among us, on earth, and all is everything that we could hope for and more. This book focuses on the rewards of believing, the sheer joy that awaits when all is made new again. Here, on earth, not in heaven.

This book reaffirms the promises of God while forcing us to view them from a new perspective. As I read, I mused, after reading the Bible for years, and many times over, how did I miss this?!? Because everything I've heard through sermons, read, or researched, focused on the far-away someday heaven. Not the promised uniting of heaven and earth that can occur at any time.

This book is riveting, refreshing, inspirational, hopeful, exciting, deep, and joyful. AWESOME!!

Many thanks to NetGalley and Thomas Nelson Publishers for giving me an e-copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Life after death, the Second coming of Christ and the character of the Kingdom of God are topics with which many Christians struggle. They're influenced by sermons, art, hope, and desires. What New York Times bestselling author John Eldredge tries to do is to let the Bible speak about these matters. Jesus Christ taught a lot about the Kingdom of God and in e.g. Isaiah and John's Revelation prophecies and visions give a glimpse of God making all things new, restoring heaven and earth to their true destination. In All Things New: Heaven, Earth, and the Restoration of Everything You Love emphasis is put on the consequences for us humans, the animals and the logical continuation of the life you live on the current planet for the rest of eternity. The here and not yet of the Kingdom. Sex trafficking, slavery as examples that will be turned into justice and liberation.

Edlredge leans heavily on the Narnia Chronicles by C.S. Lewis and the Lord of the Ring trilogy by J.R.R. Tolkien. The renewal of all things is all-encompassing, breathtaking and inspiring, way more interesting than a kind of Nirvana, harp playing and singing up in the clouds, or an eternal rest in peace. What if heaven is not our home, but a renewed earth our destination station? The author did his best to explain it all. Let's look forward to the Kingdom come.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
richard schneider
In the book All Things New, author John Eldredge, shows us the power of future hope in the restoration of this world. I enjoyed this book. I would do not feel it is as good as some of his other books but it is a good read. Not sure of his eschatology theology. I would recommend this book to anyone for encouragement and a fresh point of view of our world. I received a copy of this e-book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
gina mac
What we feel about the future impacts how we feel now. Eldredge wants readers to have hope, “the confident expectation of goodness coming to us.” (9) Jesus promised the renewal of all things in Matt. 19:28. Restoration of all things is coming, not annihilation.

After building a case for our need for hope, Eldredge unpacks what the renewal of all things means to us. “The renewal of all things simply means that the earth you love – all your special places and treasured memories – is restored and renewed and given back to you. Forever.” (35) He awakens our imagination to what earth would be like, restored to its full glory. The animal kingdom will be restored. We will be too, our bodies, our characters, all will be healed and restored. There will be a settling of accounts. Apologies will be made and received. (121) Wrongs will be avenged. (148)

This all sounds wonderful but I was left with a few questions. Edlredge reminds us that some will not be a part of this renewal. (191) He failed to address how believers will feel when close friends or family members are not part of the renewal. “Nothing is lost, not for the friends of God,” Eldredge declares. (187) Will that be the case for a parent when an unsaved child is not part of the renewal?

Eldredge encourages readers to know that “everything will be restored to you and then some...” (200) He is an outdoors person and wrote of bow hunting moose in the wilds of the Yukon – a “dream come true.” (202) For believers who love hunting and fishing, will that be restored and then some in the renewal?

Eldredge recently discovered this truth of the future renewal. For Christians who are unaware of this aspect of the future, this book is a good introduction to the topic. To astute Bible readers familiar with Revelation 21 and similar passages, there may not be much new in this book. You will be able to read portions of many novels quoted at length, however.

I received a complimentary galley of this book through Icon Media. My comments are an independent and honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sara ohlsson
So happy to see someone of Eldredge’s notoriety grappling with an authentic biblical vision for the "age to come." In his trademark passionate and personal way, he blows the cover off misguided Christian thinking about the afterlife. Eldredge disses any notion of an apparent boring eternity that sees God's people floating in the ether as disembodied spirits. Instead he explores the splendor of our much-to-be-anticipated renewed physicality and what true restoration in the new heavens and the new earth might be like. At times his well-intended speculations take the reader into the realm of speculative fantasies. But this should distract us from engaging this much needed discussion regarding a truly biblically informed understanding of our future hope.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I recently finished my review copy of John Eldredge’s book: All Things New. I’ve sprinkled nearly every page with my tears, not tears of sorrow, but the tears of deep longing that rise to the surface when someone mentions the thing that you most want. If there was ever a book that I wish that I’d written this is it. This is a topic that captured my heart twenty three years ago and utterly transformed my life.

Imagine, just imagine, what the impact would be to all of your choices in this life if you really, deeply and truly believed that nothing is ever lost.

This is a book about that hope; a book that helps us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.

Eldredge starts us off with an amazing reminder. "What we ache for is redemption; what our heart cries out for is restoration. And I have some stunning, breathtaking news for you: restoration is exactly what Jesus promised." We lose sight of this. I lost sight of this. All around me I see grief and loss and despair. I need to be reminded again and again of the "anchor for the soul (Hebrews 6:9) and this is a book full of truly stunning reminders of that which is true.

Eldredge delves deep into the teachings of Christ about the restoration of all things, teaching that have been largely lost or overlooked in the modern church, truth meant to encourage and sustain us through every hard thing.

"If you woke each morning and your heart leapt with hope, knowing that the renewal of all things was just around the corner - might even come today - you would be one happy person. If you knew in every fiber of your being that nothing is lost, that everything will be restored to you and then some, you would be armored against discouragement and despair. If your heart's imagination were filled with rich expectations of all the goodness coming to you, your confidence would be contagious; you would be unstoppable, revolutionary."

This is a book of expectation. Understanding the truth of the palingenesia (the renewal of all things) can truly be revolutionary. I know it turned my life upside down and gave me the courage to follow Jesus along roads that I could never have trod if I wasn't confident that truly nothing is lost.

I love this book and I hope you will consider reading it.

I received a free review copy of this book from the author for review, however, all opinions written here are my own (and I've already bought copies to give away because I really, honestly, deeply love this book).
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anja hose
Thank God for this book.

In a world inundated with anger, disagreements, and sometimes faith that seems pointless, this book is a refreshing gust of breathe and air that ought to put the push back into the sails of many believers' lives and faith.

American Christians need to take a moment to refocus on our future, and take a good, hard look at one of the the most important aspects of our faith. ALL THINGS NEW is the book that can lead us all to that reframing revelation. Where we spend eternity is one of the absolute biggest things that Jesus talked about, and to some degree it might really be the singular reason he came to this world at all! In rightly viewing and understanding the promise of our future lives as believers, our lives on Earth as it is now can be put into a perspective that changes everything. Please, please, please, do yourself a favor and read this book; allow it's words to transform you!!!

It's filled with scriptural references weaved in with stories and quotations from other authors and books that bring the message right home to your heart. John tends to pull in the words of many different authors in his writing, and has a knack for seeing what God is saying through things that might usually be missed by a typical modern Christian, whether those things be scripture, scenes in a movie, or a pull-quote from a poem. Thank God he connects those dots for us- all the books he's written have been signposts in a desert for me through the years. ALL THINGS NEW is no different.

I can say it no better than the description on the back cover of the book itself:
"More than anything else, how you envision your future shapes your current experience. If you knew that God was going to restore your life and everything you love any day; if you believed a great and glorious goodness was coming to you--not in a vague heaven but right here on this earth--you would have a hope to see you through anything, an anchor for your soul, "an unbreakable spiritual lifeline, reaching past all appearances right to the very presence of God" (Hebrews 6:19)."
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
laura van prooyen
First, the disclosure: I was given an advance copy of this book in order to write this review. I'm also a huge John Eldredge fan and have purchased and read almost all of his books. I have met John Eldredge on a couple of occasions at either his book tours or at the Boot camps Ransomed Heart puts on every year.

Now for the book review: It was a breath of fresh air! John Eldredge's strength is in reminding us of truths that have been around for centuries, but have somehow been forgotten or overlooked. The topics John raises in this book are based on Biblical truth that's right there in the text. John is skilled in bringing a fresh perspective to those truths and helping his readers see what they might have missed. John is also adept at exposing and confronting popular beliefs that really are askew of Biblical truth.

This is not a theological treatment of eschatology. He makes no effort to provide a timeline of end-times events, argue a particular eschatological position or interpret the events found in the New Testament book of Revelation. Rather, he focuses on Old Testament prophecies concerning the final restoration of the people of God, what Jesus taught about that same set of events and what the Apostle John describes in the last few chapters of the book of Revelation pertaining to the new heaven and new earth.

The goal is to instill fresh hope in the reader for what is to come for those who choose to follow Jesus. It's particularly refreshing and hopeful considering the conditions we find ourselves in, in this present age. If you're on the verge of losing hope; of losing perspective; of losing your faith in God's goodness; in losing your mind with all the political and ideological tension we're experiencing, then this book is for you.

I wept at some point in each chapter--overcome with longing for the Restoration. This book is worth your time.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
andrea patehviri
The message of this powerful book eases the uncomfortableness of life a bit–the awareness of time passing, of things ending, of people we love leaving. All Things New, by John Eldredge, reminds us that all that we love on this earth, all that is precious, all that we hold dear, will never go away. In heaven, it will be restored, made new–more beautiful than we can imagine.

What we love most won’t be left behind.

God restores everything He makes. He renews all things He’s dreamed of. He brings life to all people, all creatures, all the beauty He’s made with his words, his two hands.

I needed this book. I needed my perspective renewed. I needed a jolt of what is true: hope, restoration, all things new.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
erin m
Look no further than the news every night. - America and this world seems to be rushing exponentially towards a collapse. Hatred is rampant. Fear is being talked about everywhere. Now, we no longer obsess over terrorists ... we're more afraid of what we'll do to ourselves as a nation. Indeed, the fabric of our nation is being torn. What is one to do in this age of hopelessness and fear? Rush to the Lord and His Son, Jesus Christ. There is hope, there is nothing to fear, for those in Christ Jesus. John's new book is so incredibly timely in this age. He lays out the hope of the Gospel. It isn't so much about the perfect world to come (which he does describe wonderfully) but rather in living in an eternity with the Father where there is no fear, no tears, no opposition, no anger, no oppression, no racism. Can you imagine what that life will be like? All Things New is a must read. It will center you on the One true Hope that is Jesus Christ. Frankly, it is oxygen and fuel that sustains us in a world being torn apart by the enemy. Read it! It will bless you.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kelly dubs
All Things New by John Eldredge is a wonderful new book about God's remarkable plan to redeem the earth. The author takes a very candid look at life and the personal hurts he has faced and explains how our hearts make us long for God's redemption. I love that John Eldredge wrote this book-- it is such a valuable contribution to Christian living books. The fact that God plans to redeem the earth itself is full of promise and hope. I highly recommend this book. I received a digital copy of this book from the publisher with no obligations. These opinions are entirely my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
will robinson
This book gives a life-changing shift of perspective. Many of us know that hope is supposed to be the anchor of our soul as Christians, but most of us do not live that way. Eldredge shows the path to hope by opening our hearts to the new earth, and all that we were created to be. This message of hope not only changes our thoughts of the future, but our life in the present -- as God intended. I have read it through once and plan to read it again a second time. But first, I have to buy more copies because I have given mine away and know more people I want to give it to! Hope is a powerful thing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book from Ransomed Heart as an early reader.

This year has been a hard year. It has been a year that has been bereft of hope in so many areas of my life. This book was timely in a way that only God can orchestrate. I had heard some of the things in that John talks about, but being able to sit with the book and think, pray, cry my way through it was what I needed.

Having grown up in the church, and attending it for the majority of my life I had received the picture of heaven similar to what John describes in the book, "The eternal worship service in the sky". There was no hope for me. When I spend any time actually thinking about it, that sounded more like hell than Heaven. Not much there to pin my hope on, so most of my time was spent seeking the fulfillment of lesser hopes and mostly disappointed by those hopes, or the failure to achieve them.

This has given me a new perspective, a new heart for life hear, lived in expectation of the next that is more. If you're feeling a lack of hope in your life, this is the book for you. If you've ever wondered, in the still, silent places of your soul, if heaven is really worth all of this life, this book is for you.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
julie duggan
My husband has read every book by John Eldredge, so when his new book, All Things New, came out, I was thrilled to get it for him! His new book is about the future, the coming kingdom and the renewal of all things. John brings us a lot of hope, especially since we live in a world of pain, suffering and horrible tragedy. It is packed full of scripture and personal stories that John shares. I also believe this book can change the way we view hope!

I received this book for free from the publisher in exchange for my honest opinion.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
It seems that this slice of escatology isn't written about or preached about frequently these days, which makes this book feel somewhat fresh and new. However the idea of The Restoration of All Things is a foundational doctrine for my husband's church, which has embraced this doctrine since the mid-1800's. In my own church, I haven't run across anyone being aware of the idea.

The idea of the Restoration of All Things, of course, comes straight out of the Bible.

Eldredge opens the book just after any questions might be raised as to who, exactly, gets to live on earth eternally. By doing so, he handily skirts the need to deal with inevitable controversy over the judgment day and hell.

I assume that Eldredge is a Universalist, meaning that he believes all people will be saved and live eternally on earth. There are scriptures to support that. I wish he would've cited them.

The scriptures he cites about the Restoration of All Things include but are not limited to the following:

Isa 51: 11
Isa 60: 5, 17-20
Isa 65: 17-19
Rev 21: 1-5
Rom: 8:19-23
II Pet 3: 5-7
I Cor 3: 13-15
Acts 3: 19-21
Mark 3: 1-6

He supports his thesis with quotes from N. T. Wright, Dallas Willard, Henri Nouwen and others.

Not far into the book, he gets long-winded and boring. Frankly, my imagination is strong enough to imagine for myself what a restored earth might be like. I didn't need to read that all of the pets I've owned will be restored and reunited with me and, of course, all of my loved ones.

For people who lack the imagination (if there are any), he's speculated in great detail about how things will (or might) be ... not sure when ... after Christ's millennial reign?

I don't believe he answered that question, either. He makes no claims to being a Biblical scholar or a theologian, so maybe that's simply asking too much.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Heaven, Earth, and the Restoration of Everything You Love
By John Eldredge
What hope do we have? John Eldredge will show that we do have Hope . A hope in our future. God has promised us that all things will be made new. This promise is given to us in the Bible in the book of Revelations. What John does with this book is to show you, by using stories from his own life and from others that there is hope. Some of the things that he shares is about his best friend death and how that affected him. He shows that no matter what the situation is, there is Hope. He uses scripture, quotes from other authors and even movies he has seen. This is all done to show that hope is there, and a time will come when all of these tragedies and struggles that we are suffering will be gone, and everything will be new. He shares that with the saving grace of Christ the we can all see this new beginning in the new earth that God has promised.
The writing is Biblical sound and will show the hope that waits for us when we decide to follow Christ. It is easy reading and informative.
“Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the old heaven and the old earth had disappeared. And the sea was also gone.” Revelations 21:1 NLT
I received this book free from the publisher through the BookLook Bloggers book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I cannot recommend this book enough. I was fortunate enough to get an advanced copy and I couldn't put it down. As with all of John's books, he has a way of capturing his reader's imaginations and taking them on a journey to a different time and place. With "All Things New" that journey takes the reader to a place filled with hope and joy and peace. It's a place where nothing is ever lost and through that experience you know that tomorrow not only can be better, but it WILL be better. You owe it to yourself to get a copy of this book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
julie parr
When we first heard that this title was being written our whole family was living overseas while my wife and I taught English at a university. The conditions in the city where we lived, can only be described as one of the most polluted places on earth. I started to long for anything that spoke of hope in the coming Kingdom.

As I began to read the book, I was struck by how much my mindset was stuck on certain pre-conceived ideas of what eternity would be like. John Eldredge delivers such a great message not just of what is coming but also the hope we all need so much to sustain everything we all go through in life and look forward to so much more.

Our family has benefited from this message. My 16-year-old son loved the book so much that he just finished reading it twice. We highly recommend it.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
mr g
It seems that this slice of escatology isn't written about or preached about frequently these days, which makes this book feel somewhat fresh and new. However the idea of The Restoration of All Things is a foundational doctrine for my husband's church, which has embraced this doctrine since the mid-1800's. In my own church, I haven't run across anyone being aware of the idea.

The idea of the Restoration of All Things, of course, comes straight out of the Bible.

Eldredge opens the book just after any questions might be raised as to who, exactly, gets to live on earth eternally. By doing so, he handily skirts the need to deal with inevitable controversy over the judgment day and hell.

I assume that Eldredge is a Universalist, meaning that he believes all people will be saved and live eternally on earth. There are scriptures to support that. I wish he would've cited them.

The scriptures he cites about the Restoration of All Things include but are not limited to the following:

Isa 51: 11
Isa 60: 5, 17-20
Isa 65: 17-19
Rev 21: 1-5
Rom: 8:19-23
II Pet 3: 5-7
I Cor 3: 13-15
Acts 3: 19-21
Mark 3: 1-6

He supports his thesis with quotes from N. T. Wright, Dallas Willard, Henri Nouwen and others.

Not far into the book, he gets long-winded and boring. Frankly, my imagination is strong enough to imagine for myself what a restored earth might be like. I didn't need to read that all of the pets I've owned will be restored and reunited with me and, of course, all of my loved ones.

For people who lack the imagination (if there are any), he's speculated in great detail about how things will (or might) be ... not sure when ... after Christ's millennial reign?

I don't believe he answered that question, either. He makes no claims to being a Biblical scholar or a theologian, so maybe that's simply asking too much.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
miriam lind
Heaven, Earth, and the Restoration of Everything You Love
By John Eldredge
What hope do we have? John Eldredge will show that we do have Hope . A hope in our future. God has promised us that all things will be made new. This promise is given to us in the Bible in the book of Revelations. What John does with this book is to show you, by using stories from his own life and from others that there is hope. Some of the things that he shares is about his best friend death and how that affected him. He shows that no matter what the situation is, there is Hope. He uses scripture, quotes from other authors and even movies he has seen. This is all done to show that hope is there, and a time will come when all of these tragedies and struggles that we are suffering will be gone, and everything will be new. He shares that with the saving grace of Christ the we can all see this new beginning in the new earth that God has promised.
The writing is Biblical sound and will show the hope that waits for us when we decide to follow Christ. It is easy reading and informative.
“Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the old heaven and the old earth had disappeared. And the sea was also gone.” Revelations 21:1 NLT
I received this book free from the publisher through the BookLook Bloggers book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I cannot recommend this book enough. I was fortunate enough to get an advanced copy and I couldn't put it down. As with all of John's books, he has a way of capturing his reader's imaginations and taking them on a journey to a different time and place. With "All Things New" that journey takes the reader to a place filled with hope and joy and peace. It's a place where nothing is ever lost and through that experience you know that tomorrow not only can be better, but it WILL be better. You owe it to yourself to get a copy of this book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
When we first heard that this title was being written our whole family was living overseas while my wife and I taught English at a university. The conditions in the city where we lived, can only be described as one of the most polluted places on earth. I started to long for anything that spoke of hope in the coming Kingdom.

As I began to read the book, I was struck by how much my mindset was stuck on certain pre-conceived ideas of what eternity would be like. John Eldredge delivers such a great message not just of what is coming but also the hope we all need so much to sustain everything we all go through in life and look forward to so much more.

Our family has benefited from this message. My 16-year-old son loved the book so much that he just finished reading it twice. We highly recommend it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jos manuel
Loved this book! It calls Christians back to a hope of the restoration of all things! Heaven won't be only harps and clouds, but a real, tangible place right here on this earth that we were made for and that was made for us. This is a must read for all Christians!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
meredith koontz
Many recognize that we need hope, and at some level, we all recognize it. But when was the last time you heard someone describe hope in a way that really made your soul breathe in the fresh air hope offers? If that memory is a vague one, or maybe your reaction is closer to, "I've never heard someone describe hope and certainly not in a way that I could really feel or experience", then get this book. There are a number of fantastic videos at that would convince you, if you needed that at all. It's time to abandon the empty promises of hope as it's been offered before. Do yourself a favor and take some time with this book and the videos on the site to allow a true and promise-filled hope to return to your soul.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book will change your life. John Eldredge leads us like a scout into a new country - a place where every unrealized dream and thwarted longing is finally fulfilled. And it's real! Understanding God's plan to give us a restored earth, with restored bodies, restored loved ones, maybe even restored pets (!), will give you a hope so strong it can get you through the darkest times. Reading this book is like a refreshing drink of that restoration right here and now. You will be blessed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
John Eldredge has written a beautiful piece of hope and reassurance anchored in scripture. The renewal of all things according to the scriptures is something that we all long for as humans and the Eldredge has clearly worked hard to ensure that the truth of the scripture comes through not only in the certainty that God desires to restore all of creation to it's intended perfection, but also every human; every one of us will be made new again. We will be unbroken, unashamed and full of the Life God always intended for us.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ingrid thomas
I really like John Eldredge and was excited to read his new book All Things New. The book starts off really good and makes you think about things on a deeper level. The middle of the book it lost my attention do to many references to Narnia and Lord of the Rings. I know he was trying to make comparasions and help his point but I really could of used a lot less of it. The ending was perfect. As he makes you think about what you want to experience after this world is made a new. Making a goal and dreaming of what will happen!
What's the anchor to your soul??

~Marilyn Hoyt~
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
erica kitchen
This book shines a light on something that our modern church seems to have lost over time. The Promise that God will make all things new ! That nothing is truly lost and everything will be redeemed! Praise God for this book. It is biblical and will make you look at life with a new hope despite what is going on in this sad world. It will make you long for home.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
thompson seiwell
The message and timing of the release of this book is amazing. A lot of people have experienced massive loss just in the last month alone, (Houston, Florida, St. Thomas, San Juan, Mexico.........). All Things New is an incredible book to remind us (maybe introduce us?) to a hope that is an incomparable anchor for our soul. It's a message for every time really. Our hope is not in an "eternal church service in the sky". Our hope is in God's promise to make all things new and the sheer beauty and joy that will come in the unfolding of that promise! A few descriptive words in a review of this book can't give justice to what Eldredge lays out for us in the pages of this book. Read it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katrina bergherm
I pre-ordered the advanced release copy of this book and although it is taking a while to read, it's mostly due to the fact that there is so much wisdom and revelation packed inside that I need time to digest it all! Honestly, this book has inspired me so much to hope in what's to come and also changed my perspective in the "now", and totally transformed my views about heaven and earth. Wow. This book has it all - about personal growth, trials, hope, life... It's easy to read, full of stories (I can almost hear John Eldredge gently sharing like a wise uncle/father figure) and packed full of complete revelation and truth. I don't know where to start, I'm only about half way through but every time I pick this book up to read it, I can't stop! So, so good. Please buy it. Actually do!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anne hartman
Fantastic book, I highly recommend it. This book changed the way I think about heaven and my time on this earth. I loved the author's insights and have carried the idea that "nothing is lost" into my daily thoughts and it's been utterly transforming. The hope of the renewal of all thinks has brought me such peace and an even stronger desire to chase God's kingdom here on earth in preparation for the new earth and coming Kingdom.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joshua west
Great Book! Gave a different perspective on heaven and God's coming kingdom. It is a book about hope and where hope is found. We live in a world today that is hopeless and even as Christian's sometimes we find ourselves feeling that same way. God is hope and has promised (guaranteed) restoration and to make All Things New!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
If you allow it, this book will put everything into its proper perspective. I'm finding myself daydreaming about a restored life and whispering prayers of hope and excitement about what's to come. I am grateful for John Eldredge and the unique way that God uses his writings to lure my imagination into a holy place where life with Jesus is in HD.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bella thomson
I've been welcoming John into my life, to "speak" through his writing for years...I'm not sure how He does it, but his writing seems to be written to fill holes in my thinking fully and rightly about Jesus.

This book is no different! With the gentleness of a compassionate father and the courage of an unashamed believer, John stirred my heart for the "restoration of all things". I'm still digesting his incredible descriptions of what is to come for those who believe!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rafe bartholomew
Excellent read! Feeds the imagination with wonder concerning the things to come for the Christian. Can you out imagine God? Not according to John Eldredge. If you have a question, it will be answered. If you've lost something, it will be restored tenfold. If you desire something, it will be given to you. That is, at the restoration of all things.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rachel kooistra
I believe our understanding, which is very small, of "all things new" is one of the lost treasures that the Bible speaks of. We are meant to have it as an anchor for our souls. I recommend it to anyone who finds them self searching for hope. This book opens up an amazing plan and a rescue for the heart that will change your thinking about "what's next" and cause within you an over abundance of joy that cannot be quenched!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
laura ives
I was first introduced to this on through the Ransomed Heart podcast as John read a few chapters to the readers. It was captivating, invigorating, and rejuvenating. Then I was given this book by a dear friend. I found this book to be sincere and authentic. His depictions of both hope and grief are relatable, refreshing, and open my eyes to the true promises of Scripture.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kerry kay
Such a great read. Where has the church gotten to that we aren't hearing this message in churches? John does so well in making the life here after so much more tangible and hopeful. Floating in the clouds forever sure could use some more hope. Ransomed Heart team has changed who I am as well as changed our marriage. This book is a must read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
John Eldredge does an excellent job with “All Things New”!! As someone who has experienced great loss in this world, John’s new book provides hope for the coming kingdom. With fresh perspectives I have not thought of on my own, John explains that glory will be restored and all things will indeed be made new- relationships, hurts, the earth as a whol- when Jesus indeed returns! Definitely worth the read!
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