Scientific Advertising

ByClaude Hopkins

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★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
barb mcleod
The formatting for Kindle of this title is generally poor, with really bad page breaks (or rather, probably none were actually added manually).

But what is unforgivable is the missing graphic on page (8% 293 of 3719)
which is actually supposed to be a chart - which is important to the contents, and is not detailed in the text anywhere else.

For the 4 extra dollars, I'd strongly advise buying the print version, as I assume it won't have missing content!

This is what gives Kindle books a bad reputation - justifiably.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
jason dyba
If your mother tongue is not English, then this book is not for you. It has so many spelling mistakes and sentences that don't even make sense. I only bought the Kindle edition because I need it a.s.a.p but it's a complete waste of time. I wouldn't recommend it to no one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
All the modern giants of advertising still swear by this book. Ogilvy even claimed it changed his life (in advertising anyway, but who knows, advertising is Ogilvy's life). The book is amazing in both its simple and direct approach. It's relatively short, yet packed with information of use to anyone interested in advertising.
Hopkins essentially invented many of the concepts that so many advertisers take for granted today, chief among them what seems like a simple idea: the coupon. And even today, many advertisers fail to get results when they stray from his teachings.
One of the most famous examples of failing to follow his teachings: the "Got Milk" campaign. Sure, it seems clever and it's definitely high profile, but from a marketing standpoint, it's a flop. Milk sales have not moved upward at all despite the fact that milk producers are now several years into the campaign. Want to know why it failed? Read Hopkins's book.
Whether you are an individual considering a career in advertising or an businessperson trying to figure out how best to market your business, start with Hopkins and then move onto the rest.
All advertising before "Scientific Advertising" flows into it; and all advertising after "Scientific Advertising" flows out of it.
and Win More Customers by Marketing Less - How to Tell a Different Story :: Ogilvy on Advertising :: Exposed and Explained by the World's Two - The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing :: Stranger in Paradise :: How to Use More than 100 Secrets of Ad-Agency Psychology to Make Big Money Selling Anything to Anyone
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
There is an old saying that goes, "there is nothing new but what has been forgotten." Advertising is about 100 years old, but the science and art behind what appears to buying psychology, really hasn't changed that much. If you study this work of Claude C. Hopkins, you will understand that he pioneered methods that are still used today. David Ogilvy was another one of these pioneers, and he said, "no one should be in advertising that has not read Scientific Advertising at least seven times." If you study any of the notable marketing gurus today (e.g. - Dan Kennedy), they are just positioning what Claude has said in a contemporary format. And even marketing for the Internet - if you look beyond the HTML bells and whistles - is still utilizing the basic psychology of sales letter generation, and copywriting, that Claude pioneered.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Before you purchase this book, you must know that it was written so long ago that the english used is, well... old school for lack of a better cliche.

With that being said, this is the book that started marketing. Before this book and Claude Hopkins, there was no discipline called marketing. So you have to give the man the respect he deserves. In his day, Claude Hopkins revolutionized the world with his ideas on marketing. In particular, he created the science of marketing by applying the scientific principle to advertising. The very definition of marketing which is the ability to quantify and measure your advertising efforts (if you aren't measuring how well your ads are doing then you are not doing marketing at all but instead PR) came from this man, in this book.

If Claude Hopkins was alive today, he would absolutely dominate Internet marketing.

Yes, the concepts are way dated. Yes, the english used is hard to understand and follow at certain points. No, this book will not cause your sales to triple by giving you an easy, step by step roadmap to follow. But does that mean it isn't worth reading? I think not. Anyone who is on a quest to become a master marketer must buy this book. As the cliche goes, if you don't know where you've been, then how do you know where you are going?

From the author of Internet Marketing-Profits That Lie Hidden In Your Website: How To Triple Your Web Sales In 25 Days
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brad hart
This book is short and powerful. There is no fluff and some of the greatest advice about advertising. The writer is blunt and accurate in his overall understanding of how advertising and selling works. He is ethical and easy to understand. This book is very worth the read. it's short and packs a punch..
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Breaks down the essence of marketing, and the sorry state of advertising in the era it was written. We are not much smarter today, and the book is still gold, especially for entrepreneurs and newbies in advertising.

This book covers the foundation of marketing, and is essential reading for those who are interested in the subject.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kim walsh
This classic book is a must have for direct response marketers. The basic psychology of sales letter creation and copywriting are still as useful today as they were in 1923 when the book was first written.

Read the book at least three times. (I plan on reading it 4 times a year for the rest of my working life.)

There's a reason that masters of direct response marketing and copywriting (like Jay Abraham and Dan Kennedy) recommend this book ... it's the real deal.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
heather mc
I enjoyed the read. Hopkins presents interesting ideas with the boiled down simplicity of another time. His lessons can easily be applied to modern concepts. However, someone would do well to write Scientific Advertising 2.0 and modernize some of his dated examples and assumptions. Not the book's fault, that's what happens when you buy a 90 year old text!

Only complaint, the editor!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The advice given in this book is timeless. Hopkins was truly ahead of his time. Do no let the 101 page length fool you. This book is packed with valuable knowledge. Highly recommended for anyone with their own business or anyone in the advertising/marketing game.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tyler cheung
I've always as more than 40 years professional in direct marketing and advertising cited Hopkins. This 2008 edition of his book from 1925 was the opportunity to meet "personally" the master.
It is a must for all that want do work in this trade,especially in the web!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Si tratta di un testo breve, scritto quasi 90 anni fa, eppure i principi chiave rimangono inalterati:
- imparare a capire il cliente
- fare dei test per capire cosa funziona
- misurare, misurare e ancora misurare i risultati è l'unico modo per avere successo nell'advertising

Alcune parti, specialmente quando parla dei problemi della distribuzione, possono diventare meno importanti oggi che molto spesso c'e' la distribuzione elettronica, ma rimane comune un "nice to know" se vi trovate ad applicare i principi dell'online anche all'offline!

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
grant custer
An all-time great marketing book. The direct response concepts are just as applicable today as they were 100 years ago. We give this out to all new hires out of school in our Marketing and Product team. It's a great foundation to learning marketing.
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