How to Ace Calculus: The Streetwise Guide

ByColin Adams

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marty gabert
This book attempts and delivers an excellant synthesis of the core of calculus. A little lite in some areas - for example very little attention is devoted to du/dv substitution techniques for use in integration by parts. (Just how do you select the right du? It's more than just a hunch.)

All good writing should,initially, attempt tell you -- 1.where you're going, ----- then---- 2.go there ----- and ---- 3. conclude by telling you where you've been. I've always thought that the math disciplines should incorporate this technique but it is probably impossible. Yet this very readable book will enable a beginning calculus student to obtain an excellant sense of direction.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
glorilyn lee
After a 20 year "break", I decided to complete my EE degree. I am stationed overseas in the US Navy, and do not have access to any traditional classroom courses beyond basic college algebra. Consequently, I am forced to take all of my classes via distance learning.

Calculus can be difficult enough, but knocking 20 years of cobwebs loose with no professor, was nearly impossible.... That is, until I found this book, and How To Ace The Rest of Calculus.

I believe that I am far enough along in my studies to say that I think like an Engineer, and frankly, many mathematicians annoy me to no end. It seems as though most textbooks are written more to impress the reader with the author's vast knowledge, than to clearly and concisely explain the fundamental concepts of Calculus.

This book does just that. It removes all mystery from the verbose ramblings of traditional textbooks, and plainly explains difficult ideas.

I am certain that mathematicians the world over are using all available means to remove this book from shelves. It lets out a secret that has been more closely guarded than any nuclear weapons technology.... CALCULUS IS EASY!!!!

By the way, I got an A in Calc I and Calc II.

Buy this book, or struggle with the masses.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is a great tool for those who are struggling with college calculus. Everything is explained in a way that is easy to understand and isnt bogged down by theory. The examples are very useful and the tips section is great. I wish i had this book when i was taking the first couple calculus classes, maybe that way I could have avoided getting a D.
Max: Best Friend, Hero, Marine :: The Night Fairy :: The Completely True and Hilarious Misadventures of a Good Girl Gone Broke by Angela Nissel (30-Apr-2001) Paperback :: The Force: A Novel :: Calculus: Early Transcendental Functions
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rachel hensler
If you're struggling with calculus, this is the book for you. My average score for the first 3 quizzes I took in calculus was an astounding 42%. After reading this book, all of the confusing mumbo-jumbo my professor was spewing began to make sense.
If you're desparate and need help BUY THIS BOOK !!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
johni amos
I have both of the calculus editions. They have been a great help to me. I went back to school in January 2002 after a 10 year absence. I started in calculus 2 since I had Calc 1 when I was in school ten years ago. I saw and purchased these books in order to refresh my memory and to help with calc 2. Well I made a B+ (I know I didn't ace, no fault of theirs). Currently I am taking Calc 3 and have an average quiz grade of an A- and test average of a B.

These books have helped tremendously.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
lex williford
Alternative book: 0764563769
I am a crammer , I hate studying , I almost never study until just before an exam , I depend on good,clear,short,very organized,comprehensive, pre-digested notes with step-by-step solved problems for every possible case , I spend the entire semester collecting such rare and valuable notes. the problem with these made-easy books like this one and shaum's is that they ommit material and thus make the subject shorter and seemingly easier but it is quality not quantity that counts , I bought this book because my text was crowded with pages completly filled with words and useless details (0471153060) , texts are refrences. but this book made the aformentiond mistake. I don't like to go through too much jokes before getting the info i need to know how to solve problems.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jennifer moneagle
It is a fantastic book, especially for those people who hate or are afraid of calculus. But you do need to practice the principles taught on other unsloved problems. But for people like me, who find calculus a bit difficult to digest, it is worth the price. I remember myself reading the book one night when I could not sleep, something which could never be expected of an ordinary calculus book. But you do need to solve more sample problems with the ideas taught here to master the concepts. Overall a very good book for claculus haters.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
christina cathcart
If you are an college undergraduate or a high school student preparing to take your first Calculus class, READ THIS BOOK FIRST! The material is presented in a manner totally unlike any textbook you have ever used, with often humourous examples and anecdotes (my personal favorite: the group project on page 94. Totally unexpected, and I fell out of my chair laughing!) The only caution I would add is that if you have already taken a Calc class or two, you might not like this book at all (but you're not the target market for this book, anyway!). A GREAT VALUE AT TWICE THE PRICE!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sunita saldhana
This book helped me understand some difficult theories in Calculus I and II. The authors were able to describe in simple terms exactly what I needed to know to understand the concepts, while the textbooks insisted on writing in complex terms that only the teachers understood. What a great book! I aced both Calc I and II - and have loaned my book out to other students. By the way, my Calc teacher absolutely LOVED the jokes in the book - must be something about math humor!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
andrew austin
Very well written, simple explanations of all topics, enjoyed reading the book. I deducted a star because of the lack of practice problems and I also didn't like the part on the Substitution Method of integration.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Although the book does not cover every subject that you will encounter in calc I and II, it does cover the basics and gives great examples of real world applications. The flow of the book is nice which makes it easy and fast to read. I like the Preface which states that "we should skip the preface because we're doing math". Works good as a reference and can not beat the price.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is a great book dedicated for anyone aims to understand calculus .. with alot of funny , real-life examples and simple rules you can ace calculus ! . I wish that i had it as soon as studied my course .
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Very helpful in understanding concepts. Provides no examples though (not a workbook). Useful as an ehancer to a textbook by explaining dificult concepts in down to Earth terms. I would recommend for the price.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stephanie todd
I'm a Swedish gay, student in basic university level, I liked the book. It's fun and informativ. The sequell book nr 2 are even greater. Book nr two explaind the basics i vector geometry as well! This is a "gott to bay" book for the interested person.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
frances thomas
I recommend this book to my Calculus students as a funny & brash adjunct to our traditional textbook. It is truly for students to help jumpstart their trip into the advanced world of higher math & to make them less fearful of the subject. Highly recommended to relieve Math Anxiety.
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