Love Online

ByPenelope Ward

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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sara dwyer
After reading another review I thought I wouldn’t be able to get though this book. It was surprisingly good. There are a few things that are difficult to accept, like her profession as well as her last name. Cripes. Anyway, pretty good read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Love On-Line by Penelope Ward
4.5 stars!!!

“He was definitely a detour. But was he a temporary stop or the final destination?”

Damn Penelope Ward and her swoon-worthy heroes that have your ovaries combusting and your heart melting into a huge sticky puddle. I loved this storyline, actually, scratch that, adored this storyline, and the execution was absolutely brilliant. Penelope Ward always delivers for me and this time she definitely hit a winner, unputdownable from the first to the last page, this was a one sitting read, and I didn’t want it to end.

“There was so much he didn’t know that I could have told him. But then what? His little fantasy would be over. That’s what I was to him, wasn’t I? And the fantasy is always better than the reality.”

Ryder, Ryder, Ryder, damn, he was amazing, when this guy falls, he falls hard and no matter the obstacles put in his way, he goes after what he wants with gusto. I loved his attitude, I loved the chemistry that he had with Eden, and he just had that charming personality that just oozed off the pages. He wasn’t in your face and loving himself, he was incredibly charismatic and had the hugest of hearts.

“I’m sure if I told any of my friends about you, they wouldn’t get it. They’d tell me I was crazy. But if this is crazy, I don’t want to be normal, because I can’t remember a time when I’ve been happier.”

Eden was a young woman whose life had been turned on its head and was doing whatever she could to survive. Eden was a beautiful character both inside and out and had a huge heart of gold. Eden wore her heart on her sleeve and wasn’t afraid to show her emotions, and it was this that really enabled me to connect with her and take her into my heart. Both these characters have earned their place, and I was so attached to them I didn’t want to let them go.

“On camera, she was always so giving of herself, but the person she showed me now was vulnerable, needy—maybe even a little lonely. I wondered how long it had been since someone offered to do something for her.”

As ever, Penelope Ward delivers a book full of heart, her character connection was on point and the dialogue real, honest and swoon-inducing. I love this couples honesty, both with themselves and each other and just loved everything about them.

“When something is worth fighting for, you don’t wait around to figure out logistics. You say yes, you accept the gift you’ve been given, and you figure out the rest later, because life is too damn short to be unhappy.”

There is a secondary character that deserves a mention, you will know who I mean when you read, but I’m not giving away any spoilers. This person also stole my heart and then some. I loved this persons strength, their attitude and everything about them. Absolutely stunning.

There was nothing I didn’t like, nothing I would have changed, I just would have loved to have kept reading about them forever and a day. Stunning book, loved it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rachel herndon
While I was reading this book I thought about writing my review will I be able to convey how good the story was, how the premise was written so well based on a very modern day subject of online romances. I hope so
The Story:
Ryder is a really good guy who has it all money, prestige all the material things one would think that's could make them happy. His father heads a film studio and Ryder is being groomed to take over running it someday. Ryder with all the easy access of most things is simply bored with his charmed life.
Eden works to support herself and one of her jobs is a webcam girl. Ryder did not seek her site out initially, he was just looking for some online adult entertainment for the night. He stumble across hers because she's playing a violin but the song she so beautifully played happens to be a song his deceased mother use to sing to him .
These two start a sweet on line chat of sorts. The author chooses a good on line median to use for the story. A viewer pays a web cam girl to get her do certain sexual acts she doesnt see the person only their fake screen names and the questions they ask her, but a viewer can also request a private chat room with her which cost more where you can reveal yourself ( show your face to her) if you wanted to.
Even though they both have fake screen names they connect on a higher level. They become extremely attach and the chemistry and connection between these two is undeniable and so good. But how can they move their relationship to next level instead of a virtual one.
Internet safety, stalkers, are touched upon as these two fall for each other.
There is also fantastic side characters such as Ryder's no nonsense housekeeper and Eden's young brother who opens Ryder eyes to life. As par for a Penelope Ward read you are subtlety reminded to be a better human being and taught a sweet life lesson.
I know writers sometimes get their ideas from a person or maybe of a certain situation and they create a story from that , but I'm thinking maybe Penelope said to a close friend you know you guys are so amazing I'm going to write a story about you guys finding true love on line and her friend saying no one will go for a story about love online, and she said don't worry I'll make it good .
She sure did!!!!! Fantastic job Ms Ward
Jake Understood :: Gemini :: and the Other Dangers of Overzealous Faith - Avoiding Pride :: The Accidental Guardian (High Sierra Sweethearts) :: Fractured Love: A Standalone Off-Limits Romance
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
linda rhodes
What a sweet, heartwarming story. Love Online hit the spot for a feel-good romance after reading a dud of a book right before it. I loved Eden and Ryder from the start, and their unconventional meeting made the rest of their story feel so much more special and unique.

First, can I tell you how wonderful Ryder was? He was an atypical romance hero, and it was incredibly refreshing. Ryder was kind, vulnerable, and unafraid to put his heart on the line when he needed to. From the very first scene, I loved him because he was so unlike most other men we read about in romance novels. His honesty, tenderness, and consistency were exactly what Eden needed in her life.

Eden was equally fascinating; she made hard decisions to fulfill her responsibilities. She was ridiculously strong and steadfast but hid her insecurities just beneath the surface for anyone who took the time to look for them. She’d dealt with a ton of different kinds of loss in her life and deserved someone to count on and to support her unconditionally.

The premise of Love Online was completely new to me. I’d never read anything like it, but I was 100% there for it. I was wholly engrossed in Eden and Ryder’s story as soon as I opened the book and I felt personally invested in their love story and all the things that would be affected by their relationship. Love Online had just enough drama to keep it interesting but wasn’t an angst-driven story, and I was thankful for that.

When I first started reading this book, it reminded me of an episode of Catfish I’d recently watched. The premise was so specific and the terminology spot-on from what I heard on that show. I was immediately immersed in a world I have no personal experience with, but there was no doubt Love Online had been meticulously researched to accurately reflect a specific lifestyle and career.

Penelope Ward is a fascinating storyteller, she comes up with unique premises and delivers powerful stories full of poignant moments. I’m impressed with how high she keeps her quality and the variety of stories she tells. Her books always leave me feeling happy and hopeful, and in a world where that can be scarce, it’s a beautiful quality to share with the world.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lindy thompson
Love Online by Penelope Ward is yet another stellar example of this authors amazing story telling skills. A quirky and cheeky romance that is original, funny, emotional, angst-ridden, and full of sexual chemistry and tension. Eden and Ryder's story was epic!

Ryder is the son of a business owner in the movie industry, and by successful, we are talking millions, money is no object, and everyone wants something from him. disenchanted with his life, bored with the soul-suckers that hover around him on the daily, he escapes into an online porn site cam-girl's room. One "Montana Lane" and her violin playing profile picture do more to pique his interest in one minute than anyone else has in months and months.

Eden, AKA Montana Lane, has her own very important reasons for being a cam-girl. She needs the money and has no other options available that would pay as good. When "ScreenGod90" makes an appearance the tables turn, she is not just performing for this faceless voice, she is enjoying his company and looks forward to their time together. When he finally puts a face to the profile and voice, well, he's more beautiful than she ever expected and their bond grows even quicker. But that doesn't change the fact that states separate them. That she cannot move away from her family home. That this was doomed before it even began.

Can two people from two completely different backgrounds and current lifestyles stand a chance at making their love for each other work or is it just to much to expect from a love found online? Enjoy!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
5 stars plus

This was the most beautiful, heartwarming story that makes you absolutely fall in love with the characters and want to be a part of their lives so much!
Ryder is the caring and protective soul, he says what he means and it’s always so heartfelt and true. I fell in love with his beautiful heart, his nature and just his whole manner about him!!
What this book will make you feel and discover about your own life is astounding!
Are you truly happy with where your life is, who you are with??!! The characters just made this whole story feel so genuine, so profound that I didn’t want it to end!!
I would dearly love to give this book 10 stars as it touched my heart in a big way.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
For some reason, the Brad Paisley lyrics just popped up in my head.

Finally, Ms. Ward gave me a book with very little angst. I’m not big on angst and when a couple gets together, I want them to stay that way and work through drama together. And that’s exactly what we get with Eden and Ryder.

Eden is an online personality of sorts and Ryder is a Cali big wig. They meet in an online chat room and Ryder is immediately smitten. I loved their online exchanges and how they got to know each other that way. I loved even more how he just immediately went to her when he thought she was in trouble. I was setting myself up for her to be disappointed and push him away, but Eden was just perfect. The relationship Ryder formed with Ollie made this book. I love the way Penelope can write kids into books and make you feel the relationship through the pages. It was just perfect.

Ryder is definitely what we expect in a hero. Protective, possessive, jealous and all the other works. But I also appreciated that he never tried to force his thoughts of her career on Eden. He stated how he felt and what his wishes were, but also respected her decision. Very mature for their age.

Great job, Penelope!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Penelope is one of my fave authors and every book she publishes she keeps impressing me. The plot is always different and it makes me giddy whenever she has a new book out. Though all her books are romances, they are all so different!

The characters in Love Online were sooo dear to me. I loved every single character! But, as usual, the Hero is my fave. Ryder was soooo perfect!! How Penelope writes such perfect Hs is beyond me. His sweetness and gentleness towards the situation was flawless.

Eden’s insecurities broke my heart. She’s strong and independent but so vulnerable it was impossible not to love her. Ollie was awesome! We usually underestimate children’s perceptiveness and his character reminded me of that.

This was beautifully written...with instances where I felt my heart was going to burst open. Thank you Penelope. Again, this was superb!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
caitlin bauer
I really loved this book. These characters really grabbed me, and I couldn't put the book down. Do you even know how hard it was to work today?????

Ryder and Eden really formed a connection... Not like normal on-line... Let's date... Kind of connection. I was flooded in the beginning, but I got it throughout the book. You just have to read to grasp the plot and understand where she is coming from. It's not like anything you have read before (or at least I haven't).

There were some parts that I didn't like... But those were masked primarily by the best parts. You just have to read to understand what I'm saying. Most definitely worth it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved Ryder and Eden! Their love story was written in the stars! Their relationship starts in the virtual world, but bleeds into reality. Penelope’s words are both romantic and steamy! This book has all the feels and is true magic! 5 stars
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
grahm eberhardt
Penelope Ward bring us a daring new book filled with glitz, glamour, steam, romance, fun and all of the special attributes Penelope always brings to her stories.

Ryder was born and raised in an old Hollywood environment with expectations to be the big wig his father always wanted him to be. What Ryder faced was loneliness and a bit of an identity crisis. He didn't expect was to find himself when he first saw Eden.

Eden was a very driven, private and motivated young woman, working two jobs to make ends meet as she struggled through life. Eden knew what she had to do and take care of to make it and be successful in life, and vowed to do whatever it took to be on top, even if her second job wasn't 'typical' work force work.

Ryder and Eden connect via her second job and quickly realize they share something unique and special. It is quite a ride witnessing their roller coaster of romance with all the hills, dips dreaminess and drama it brings!

Love Online is brave, bold and beautiful! Thanks for another amazing book, Penelope Ward! You are a creative genius with a lot of moxie!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Oh my goodness….I just never wanted this book to end. I finished it in one sitting. I could not remove myself from this book. It just consumed me from page one. What a hero!! Let me say it again, what a hero!!! One of my favorite heroes and books from Penelope Ward. Ryder was everything I love in a hero and more. I just loved the way he treated everyone around him. I also loved the heroine Eden. I admired her because she’s an independent woman who works hard and has her priorities straight. Their romance was hot, romantic and as usual having the funny moments so typical of a Penelope Ward book. Huge book-hangover. Perfection!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I absolutely hate to give this author a less than stellar review. Penelope Ward is a favorite of mine. Stepbrother Dearest, Room Hate, and my favorite - My Skylar - all amazing and unforgettable. This one, however, has been my least favorite of all. It felt like something major was missing. No juicy angst, no epic plot twist, no “forbidden” elements, and not enough of a slow burn for me. I found myself bored and in a rush to get it over with. There was no “magic” to this book like so many of Miss Ward’s others. As much as I hate to say it, her last few releases have left me a bit less than dazzled :(. I am so sorry to say that, and I’m second guessing even posting this review because it feels so wrong to say, but I would imagine that Penelope would want her audience to be honest with her as opposed to just saying “I love it!” even if it’s not true. I know that this author can write one heck of a story and I’ll still be checking out what she has in store for the next one.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
The entire book rang false for my tastes. Hero somehow stumbled upon his dream (cam) girl and they begin a relationship? Heroine doing whatever she must to take care of her handicapped younger brother with no parent in sight? I just don't think so. Overly contrived and hard to believe (yes, I'm aware it's fiction, but c'mon!) Finished maybe half and couldn't continue until the end. Asked for a refund.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The Review:
Dual POV’s.
Fun dialogue.
Great writing.
Light angsts with some heartbreaking moments.
Sweet and exciting at times.
Sexy characters with steamy scenes.

A great read I enjoyed and one I think you will too!

Ryder McNamara is the only son of the biggest producer in Hollywood. He grew up with a silver spoon and is expected to take over the family business one day. Being the heir to McNamara Studios and having the connections Ryder has, people are always asking for his help in getting into the spotlight or furthering their career. He’s never had to work hard for much of anything and at twenty-eight, he’s just so bored with it all. And after some upsetting news, he decides one sleepless night to take a stroll through some porn sights. The minute he spots an image of a girl playing the violin, he’s intrigued enough to click.

And life is never the same again.

Montana Lane sells Love Online. She’s a cam girl and commits to entertaining her cam johns at night. She grew up with an unpolished, metal spoon and her life is complicated and settled in reality. She needs the money and the security being a cam girl provides and she has no interest in falling for one of her clients ... except something about ScreenGod calls to her in ways she hasn’t felt in a really long time.

Over time, Ryder and Eden grow closer and eventually share enough of their lives with one another Eden knows it would never work between them - especially when she’s keeping some pretty big secrets.

But then he shows up for a face to face, and all common sense flies right out the door.

I really enjoyed the plot of this book. In true Penelope Ward fashion, she takes a tried and true trope and puts a unique and refreshing spin on it. Ryder and Eden are basically pen-pals with lusty online chats and some true heart-to-heart moments thrown in. With their relationship developing mostly through chats and feelings, it was fun to watch them fall for one another and find passion in interesting ways. I loved this concept and the sexual tension and character development were both so well done!

I really liked Ryder. His life might have been fine wine and Hollywood parties, but he was so real and down to earth. And very relatable. He was kind and sweet and understanding.

Eden was very connectable. I felt for her, and her life circumstances were heartbreaking but also uplifting. She was strong and kind and full of life, even though life wasn’t so kind to her.

But... and yes, there’s a but...
As much as I enjoyed Ryder and Eden’s story and the great writing ... there was something missing. For me, it just didn’t have the “spark” this author always delivers in one of her books. The angsts were light and the conflict predictable. I also felt the chemistry between Ryder and Eden was missing something, too. This author has always given me the butterflies and tummy flutters while reading her books, but I didn’t get them this time. I felt the H/h’s connection, but it didn’t seem to have a lot of “spark” this time.

The Wrap Up:
Penelope Ward knows how to write a great story. She does “angsts” and “feels” so well, I can’t help but devour her books over and over. She’s one of my go-to authors for rereads. But not all books work for all readers. I’ve been a huge fan for a long time and though this one wasn’t a five star read for me, it might be for you ... and was for a ton of other readers.

Regardless, it’s a really well-done story and has some beautiful, fun and sexy moments. You’ll love Ryder. His character pulled this read together for me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
liddy barlow
What can I say? Penelope Ward delivers her signature writing style with another great book! Love Online is full of fun, heart, and surprises. With that being said, I'm going to make my review short and sweet. Go in blind! There are so many fantastic things I want to say but they would spoil the whole shebang so I'm not going to say them!

"Life takes you in unexpected directions. There's good, and there's bad to that. Sometimes on a detour, you find what you need in the least likely of places."

Eden and Ryder meet unconventionally online (duh) and their relationship blossoms with as many bumps as you can imagine. They're in different places in their lives, but their love is there and that's what they need to get them through to the very sweet end. This isn't just a cut and dry romance, like most Penelope Ward books, there are underlying boundaries that need crossing before the finish and it was a great ride getting there. Read it, enjoy Ryder and Eden, then get back to me and tell me what you thought!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
At age 28, Ryder McNamara is tired of women wanting to be with because of his connection with the biggest movie producer in Hollywood, Sterling McNamara, his father. Even though he doesn't mind being groomed to take his father's position one day, he does mind the damper the notoriety puts on his dating life. His ex-girlfriend, Mallory, left him after his bad reaction to an unexpected pregnancy and running into her and her fiancee does not help Ryder's dating blues. One night out of sheer boredom, Ryder finds himself watching a cam-girl, "Montana Lane", but this one is different... she is singing. And she is singing a familiar song to Ryder, one his mother used to sing to him. After that first night, Ryder finds himself drawn back to "Montana Lane's" channel and having private chats with her to actually get to know the real her. He finds out the "Montana Lane" is Eden Shortsleeve and, by sheer luck and good detective work, he finds out that she lives in Utah. On an impulsive whim, Ryder finds himself on a flight to Utah to see Eden, but will his love online translate to real life or will Eden not feel the same?
I really loved this unconventional love story of Eden and Ryder. I thought it was really original how Penelope Ward wrote their initial interactions via the "Montana Lane" webcam site and she wrote it in a non-creepy way by having Ryder's monologue with himself state how creepy he must be, but then Eden's non-creeped out reactions really made the difference. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this entertaining story and I cannot wait to see what Penelope Ward writes next.
** I voluntarily left a honest review after reading an advanced review copy of this book **
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
paul zuh
This is another book I started thinking, I’m not sure where this book is taking me...... but I soon discovered it was a journey that I was going to love.

Obviously this story is about a couple that find love online, but it is so much more than that. It’s also about loves lost, family commitment and personal growth. It’s about maintaining a long distance relationship and being the best person you can be. Both Ryder and Eden strive to be with each other against the odds. I adored Ryder for his vulnerability and sensitivity but also for his strength. He was definitely swoon worthy. I admired Eden for stepping up and trying her best for her family. She had a lot of courage and was put to the test of her patience a few times. And that goes for Ryder too!

I started this novel late one night, got some sleep, woke and then didn’t leave my bed until I finished. I kept repeating to myself - one more chapter, one more chapter and before I knew it, I was at the end. It had humor to make me smile, enough angst so I gasped and plenty of romance to keep me stock still and not wanting to do anything else but read. I wouldn’t call this a slow burn book, but it had a very authentic time frame to how this couple evolved. I was also happy with the epilogue and the finale, it ended perfectly for them and made my heart sing!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This guy! He had pretty much everything at his disposal... money, women, a job. He was living a very privileged life. But he was still not happy. There was something missing. Then he met her. Online. She was a hard worker trying to keep the roof over her head, and keeping her heart guarded after a somewhat rough breakup. Both had some demons from their past, but once they connected, he was going to do everything in his power to not let them interfere. From the first time they chatted, they each knew the other was someone special and a bond formed practically immediately. Though there were some hurdles along the way. Both these two characters are lovable. They were real. Both were strong individuals who struggled with various things. Both knew what it was like to lose someone. The story is fun. How they meet and how they connect. There are a couple small surprises. Nothing overly shocking. There wasn't some great break-up scene, but the relationship did have some challenges. There is plenty of sexual content, some a little more graphic than others. While I really enjoyed the story itself, it was the characters that really made this book. It's well written and reads quickly. Alternates between POVs.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Once again, Penelope Ward doesn’t disappoint with her latest release Love Online. Eden and Ryder’s introduction doesn’t have a typical beginning but that’s what gets you hooked into their story. And in true Penelope fashion, she manages to weave the realities of life today into this love story - people trying to make ends meet however they can, online connections and people with challenges.
Ryder is a great leading man in this book ….. not too alpha and a compassionate, kind man – perfect for Eden. Of course, he’s gorgeous and rich but hey…’s a book!
Perfect beach or late summer vacation read!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
carly ingersoll
Penelope Ward's writing was just as captivating as usual. The characters are full-bodied and complex and the story was so unique I think I'm still in shock. The plot took a turn I wasn't expecting at all from the blurb. This shock didn't deter me from reading the story. It did, however, give me pause at first then I just really couldn't get past it when the circumstances continued. The story is extremely erotic and the romance itself was nice.

The plot was unexpected since there was no hint of it in the synopsis. Ms. Ward's creativity surpasses most and that she wrote something that readers are either going to hate or absolutely love makes me want to applaud her. No mistaking this book will push buttons and cause a lot of talk. Though this book wasn't for me I can't wait to see what else she comes up with.
**I was given a copy of this book by the publishers in hopes of my honest and fair review. I was never obligated to ever write this review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ash davida
Penelope Ward never ceases to amaze me with her creative and unexpected characters and their stories. Both Eden and Ryder had hearts of gold though very different lifestyles but they just seemed to really connect online. Their chemistry was strong and built over time until it spilled over into scorching passion and love. This couple really cared for each and met at just the right time, when they needed not just a lover but a friend. Some of the best love stories start that way, in my opinion.

Ryder was genuinely a nice guy. He was handsome, wealthy but his life seemed empty until he met Eden. Eden was young but struggling to make a good life for herself working 2 jobs. Neither of them looking for love but needing it desperately. Their story had complications but I loved how hard they worked for their HEA and the fact that they didn’t play games. This couple was perfection.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is yet another fantastic stand alone by Penelope Ward. You’ll get laughs and some tears while reading this. I didn’t bawl like a baby, but I did tear up a few times.

The characters are so great. I absolutely love Ryder and Montana/Eden.

Eden is such a great person. She has given up just about everything, and she will do anything that she has to do to make ends meet. Hence her being a cam girl.

Who would think that you would fall in love with a girl you see online, being a cam girl, or that she would fall for a cam john?

Just like most of Penelope’s stand alones, there are some tiny twists that you won’t see coming. That’s why I love reading her books so much.

Ryder is a great guy also. He’s been a little lost with the death of his mother and then because of his ex. But because of Eden, he finds himself again.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sarah giovanniello
Heading into Love Online, I really didn’t know what to expect; the blurb didn’t give too much away, so as Ryder’s side of the story began, I didn’t anticipate the true nature of Ryder and Eden’s online ‘relationship,’ and while I feel like that was Penelope Ward’s intention, it took me awhile to wrap my head around how this cam girl and cam john were connecting, and even after their feelings began to turn into something real, the screen was not the best way to explore what was developing between them, especially given the nature of Eden’s online persona and the transactions and interactions that Ryder had to endure as he watched his online lady do what she had to do in order to provide for herself and a very important little boy who needed her in all ways possible.

But, as Eden’s perspective became a part of the story line, I was able to understand the reasons behind her actions, especially after Ward introduced readers to Ollie and illustrated how amazing he is and the assistance that he needs. Eden’s life is so much different than Ryder’s life is and that therein lies the problem…how Ryder and Eden make something work between them despite their differences in lifestyles and locations, keeping in mind that the decisions they make not only impact them but a 10 year old boy who is desperate to feel loved and have a family.

Ollie and Lorena, a constant presence in Ryder’s life since he was little, played pivotal roles in helping this couple find their way, not only to love but also to how they truly wanted to live their lives, and I appreciated the fact that the major conflict was not really another person but where they lived and why it needed to be that way. Those obstacles that stood in their way were realistically portrayed given the reality of what made up Ryder and Eden’s lives and the fact that they didn’t make decisions without really thinking things through speaks to the type of people they are and what they’re willing to do for love.

Love Online’s storyline is definitely a unique take on what kind of relationships develop through the World Wide Web; I’ve read a few other stories that provide insight into the type of profession a cam girl has and what her interactions with her viewers/customers entail, but Ryder and Eden’s story takes things even further because they meet in real life and as readers witness the development of the hero and the heroine’s relationship, the way things evolve speaks to just how real it’s been between them from the very beginning.

4.5 Poison Apples
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
miss penelope voyage
We all know someone who has tried online dating and may have even met someone to spend the rest of their life with. I’m surprised that this is the first book I have read about this popular way of meeting people.

Ryker lives a Hollywood lifestyle in LA, working in the movie industry for his father. Two years ago he was left heartbroken after his girlfriend left him during a really difficult time in his life. Since then he has only had casual hook ups with the many women who throw themselves at him. The problem with the industry he works in is that he never knows if a girl is genuinely into him or using him to get a leg up.

One night he is pondering if there is more out there for him and makes an impulsive decision to click onto a website for live webcamming. He is drawn to a women posing with a violin. She is beautiful and when she sings a song that holds so many memories for him he begins to engage with her. This begins a regular nightly exchange that he looks forward to.

Eden doesn’t enjoy exposing herself online, it is a means to an end. An easy way to make money without having to leave her home and her anonymity keeps her safe. When she first engages with Ryder, he is like no other man she has talked to before. She finds herself opening up to him in a way she never has with anyone.

Ryder is feeling completely conflicted about how he feels about Eden. Her beauty is not just skin deep. He loves to talking to her and knows he is developing genuine feelings for her. He needs to meet her face to face and find out why she is so reluctant to go further than online interactions.

‘I’m sure if I told any of my friends about you, they wouldn’t get it. They’d tell me I was crazy. But if this is crazy, I don’t want to be normal, because I can’t remember a time when I’ve been happier.’

What Ryder discovers when he finds Eden is not what he expected at all. This is where things go off in a new direction. And OMG, I freaking LOVED every minute of what happened from the day they came face to face. I’m not going to say anything more about this because I want you to enjoy the experience without spoilers.

I love how Ryder and Eden built such a solid friendship before they met in person, they really got to know each other and it cemented the bond between them. I love how much Ryder changed from the moment he began interacting with Eden, having her in his life made him a better man.

I laughed a lot, shed a few tears and was left with my heart bursting with happiness when I finished reading. Loved this!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
david martinez
**4 Blushes**
Ryder McNamara is successful, rich, has movie star good looks and is jaded as hell. He is constantly surrounded by people – hangers on who are there to party. Despite all these people, his only connections are to his father whom he adores and Benny, his slightly strange childhood friend. His life feels somewhat empty and he is unfulfilled.

Eden Shortsleeve aka Montana has big responsibilities, bills to pay and limited resources to fall back on. She’s not angry or resentful of her lot in life. The age of instant gratification makes it possible for a pretty girl to make a living with just a laptop and a Wi-Fi connection. Desperate circumstances will lead a person to do desperate things to survive and there certainly worse things than being a camgirl. Her heart is tender though and it is not easy for Eden to play the part of Montana.

A house full of beautiful people and yet Ryder goes into his bedroom to take a shower, get one off and go to bed. Opening his laptop, navigating to his favorite site and finding Eden’s picture will impact him more than he could ever imagine. A pretty girl holding a violin? Not the usual naked girl with giant fake boobs? She intrigues him. He logs on and she’s singing a song that is meaningful to him and he’s hooked.

Blissful anonymity! Screen names (ScreenGod/Montana). No faces. No physical contact. No expectations. Just what Ryder needs – until it’s not enough anymore. Montana becomes the best part of his day. He begins to look forward to “seeing” her and “speaking” to her. They connect. The situation becomes sexier between them and much more personal. He wants more. She does not. Letting someone into her real off screen life is not something that she wants to chance. Then one day she’s gone and he panics. Where is she? What happened to her? Is she hurt? Can he go on with his life as it was before Montana? Boys and girls we are about to find out!

Some may think this plot unlikely. I think in this day and age, this is all very plausible. People meet on Tinder or and get married. They live every aspect of their lives on social media. Rich/famous people can be surrounded by users and posers instead of people that really care about them. A person can be lonely in a room full of people.

Penelope Ward gives us an imaginative storyline here. It was interesting, sexy and though I wish it was just a little more angsty, I enjoyed it. Open the book and just roll with it. Love online is a win in my book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Penelope is one of my fave authors and every book she publishes she keeps impressing me. The plot is always different and it makes me giddy whenever she has a new book out. Though all her books are romances, they are all so different!

The characters in Love Online were sooo dear to me. I loved every single character! But, as usual, the Hero is my fave. Ryder was soooo perfect!! How Penelope writes such perfect Hs is beyond me. His sweetness and gentleness towards the situation was flawless.

Eden’s insecurities broke my heart. She’s strong and independent but so vulnerable it was impossible not to love her. Ollie was awesome! We usually underestimate children’s perceptiveness and his character reminded me of that.

This was beautifully written...with instances where I felt my heart was going to burst open. Thank you Penelope. Again, this was superb!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
katie valentiner
I really loved this book. These characters really grabbed me, and I couldn't put the book down. Do you even know how hard it was to work today?????

Ryder and Eden really formed a connection... Not like normal on-line... Let's date... Kind of connection. I was flooded in the beginning, but I got it throughout the book. You just have to read to grasp the plot and understand where she is coming from. It's not like anything you have read before (or at least I haven't).

There were some parts that I didn't like... But those were masked primarily by the best parts. You just have to read to understand what I'm saying. Most definitely worth it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
andrea o dell
I loved Ryder and Eden! Their love story was written in the stars! Their relationship starts in the virtual world, but bleeds into reality. Penelope’s words are both romantic and steamy! This book has all the feels and is true magic! 5 stars
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jesper kold
Penelope Ward bring us a daring new book filled with glitz, glamour, steam, romance, fun and all of the special attributes Penelope always brings to her stories.

Ryder was born and raised in an old Hollywood environment with expectations to be the big wig his father always wanted him to be. What Ryder faced was loneliness and a bit of an identity crisis. He didn't expect was to find himself when he first saw Eden.

Eden was a very driven, private and motivated young woman, working two jobs to make ends meet as she struggled through life. Eden knew what she had to do and take care of to make it and be successful in life, and vowed to do whatever it took to be on top, even if her second job wasn't 'typical' work force work.

Ryder and Eden connect via her second job and quickly realize they share something unique and special. It is quite a ride witnessing their roller coaster of romance with all the hills, dips dreaminess and drama it brings!

Love Online is brave, bold and beautiful! Thanks for another amazing book, Penelope Ward! You are a creative genius with a lot of moxie!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Oh my goodness….I just never wanted this book to end. I finished it in one sitting. I could not remove myself from this book. It just consumed me from page one. What a hero!! Let me say it again, what a hero!!! One of my favorite heroes and books from Penelope Ward. Ryder was everything I love in a hero and more. I just loved the way he treated everyone around him. I also loved the heroine Eden. I admired her because she’s an independent woman who works hard and has her priorities straight. Their romance was hot, romantic and as usual having the funny moments so typical of a Penelope Ward book. Huge book-hangover. Perfection!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
susan hayes
I absolutely hate to give this author a less than stellar review. Penelope Ward is a favorite of mine. Stepbrother Dearest, Room Hate, and my favorite - My Skylar - all amazing and unforgettable. This one, however, has been my least favorite of all. It felt like something major was missing. No juicy angst, no epic plot twist, no “forbidden” elements, and not enough of a slow burn for me. I found myself bored and in a rush to get it over with. There was no “magic” to this book like so many of Miss Ward’s others. As much as I hate to say it, her last few releases have left me a bit less than dazzled :(. I am so sorry to say that, and I’m second guessing even posting this review because it feels so wrong to say, but I would imagine that Penelope would want her audience to be honest with her as opposed to just saying “I love it!” even if it’s not true. I know that this author can write one heck of a story and I’ll still be checking out what she has in store for the next one.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
ruthie wade simpson
The entire book rang false for my tastes. Hero somehow stumbled upon his dream (cam) girl and they begin a relationship? Heroine doing whatever she must to take care of her handicapped younger brother with no parent in sight? I just don't think so. Overly contrived and hard to believe (yes, I'm aware it's fiction, but c'mon!) Finished maybe half and couldn't continue until the end. Asked for a refund.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The Review:
Dual POV’s.
Fun dialogue.
Great writing.
Light angsts with some heartbreaking moments.
Sweet and exciting at times.
Sexy characters with steamy scenes.

A great read I enjoyed and one I think you will too!

Ryder McNamara is the only son of the biggest producer in Hollywood. He grew up with a silver spoon and is expected to take over the family business one day. Being the heir to McNamara Studios and having the connections Ryder has, people are always asking for his help in getting into the spotlight or furthering their career. He’s never had to work hard for much of anything and at twenty-eight, he’s just so bored with it all. And after some upsetting news, he decides one sleepless night to take a stroll through some porn sights. The minute he spots an image of a girl playing the violin, he’s intrigued enough to click.

And life is never the same again.

Montana Lane sells Love Online. She’s a cam girl and commits to entertaining her cam johns at night. She grew up with an unpolished, metal spoon and her life is complicated and settled in reality. She needs the money and the security being a cam girl provides and she has no interest in falling for one of her clients ... except something about ScreenGod calls to her in ways she hasn’t felt in a really long time.

Over time, Ryder and Eden grow closer and eventually share enough of their lives with one another Eden knows it would never work between them - especially when she’s keeping some pretty big secrets.

But then he shows up for a face to face, and all common sense flies right out the door.

I really enjoyed the plot of this book. In true Penelope Ward fashion, she takes a tried and true trope and puts a unique and refreshing spin on it. Ryder and Eden are basically pen-pals with lusty online chats and some true heart-to-heart moments thrown in. With their relationship developing mostly through chats and feelings, it was fun to watch them fall for one another and find passion in interesting ways. I loved this concept and the sexual tension and character development were both so well done!

I really liked Ryder. His life might have been fine wine and Hollywood parties, but he was so real and down to earth. And very relatable. He was kind and sweet and understanding.

Eden was very connectable. I felt for her, and her life circumstances were heartbreaking but also uplifting. She was strong and kind and full of life, even though life wasn’t so kind to her.

But... and yes, there’s a but...
As much as I enjoyed Ryder and Eden’s story and the great writing ... there was something missing. For me, it just didn’t have the “spark” this author always delivers in one of her books. The angsts were light and the conflict predictable. I also felt the chemistry between Ryder and Eden was missing something, too. This author has always given me the butterflies and tummy flutters while reading her books, but I didn’t get them this time. I felt the H/h’s connection, but it didn’t seem to have a lot of “spark” this time.

The Wrap Up:
Penelope Ward knows how to write a great story. She does “angsts” and “feels” so well, I can’t help but devour her books over and over. She’s one of my go-to authors for rereads. But not all books work for all readers. I’ve been a huge fan for a long time and though this one wasn’t a five star read for me, it might be for you ... and was for a ton of other readers.

Regardless, it’s a really well-done story and has some beautiful, fun and sexy moments. You’ll love Ryder. His character pulled this read together for me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
What can I say? Penelope Ward delivers her signature writing style with another great book! Love Online is full of fun, heart, and surprises. With that being said, I'm going to make my review short and sweet. Go in blind! There are so many fantastic things I want to say but they would spoil the whole shebang so I'm not going to say them!

"Life takes you in unexpected directions. There's good, and there's bad to that. Sometimes on a detour, you find what you need in the least likely of places."

Eden and Ryder meet unconventionally online (duh) and their relationship blossoms with as many bumps as you can imagine. They're in different places in their lives, but their love is there and that's what they need to get them through to the very sweet end. This isn't just a cut and dry romance, like most Penelope Ward books, there are underlying boundaries that need crossing before the finish and it was a great ride getting there. Read it, enjoy Ryder and Eden, then get back to me and tell me what you thought!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
saeed khanjani nejad
What can I say...Penelope Ward has outdone herself with Love Online. I loved everything about this book. This ranks right up there with Jake Undone as my favorite Penelope Ward book.

I don’t really know how to explain what it was about this book, but it totally sucked me in!! It felt like a different side of Penelope’s writing. We got everything we expect from a book of hers but it was still unique and different!! I was instantly sucked into the story and these characters lives.

Love Online is Penelope’s latest standalone novel. It is told in Dual POV and is a complete standalone. No other book has to be read before enjoying this story. If you haven’t read Penelope’s books before then this is the perfect book to start your journey with!!! Trust me after reading this book, you will have a new favorite author!!! I thought the flow and pace of this story was perfect!! This book was filled with amazing emotion. It was intense, sweet, and very steamy. I absolutely loved the chemistry and connection between Ryder and Eden.

In this story we follow the journey of Eden and Ryder. Ryder has a charmed life, he is the son of a very famous movie mogul. Groomed to take over his father’s business someday, Ryder finds himself kind of lonely. That is until he stumbles upon Eden online one night. Feeling an instant connection he continues to log on and chat with her. Eden lives a completely different life than Ryder. Working two jobs to make things work. She also feels lonely and lost, until one night she meets a man online. Who knew talking to someone online could change your life. Will Eden and Ryder be able to overcome the obstacles that stand in their way?? Will these two be able to get there HEA??? Read this book to find out.

Let me just say this, I didn’t want this story to end!! I absolutely LOVED both Eden and Ryder!! I also loved that there wasn’t the normal amount of outside drama that we usually see in Penelope’s books. Don’t get me wrong there was enough drama to keep the story moving, but a lot of it was the ups and downs that Eden and Ryder face when getting to know each other.

I’ll finish this review by saying….READ THIS BOOK!!! You won’t be sorry!!!
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