Fractured Love: A Standalone Off-Limits Romance

ByElla James

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is a gripping and emotional 2nd chance romance that will capture you from the first page until the very last of this book. The book starts off when the characters were younger and first met- 17-year-old Landon met a very pretty and intriguing girl at school named Evie. She happens to be his new foster sister. Evie and her family expected a seven year old boy to move into the newly decorated Star Wars / Harry Potter room. But social services screwed up on that and didn’t provide accurate info, instead they are getting a 17 year old named Landon who moves in. Their interactions together showed the chemistry and their meeting changed the course of their lives from that moment on. The Evie and Landon HEA may have gone on forever but suddenly he is gone one day …but fate has a way of bringing those back together. Fast forward 11 years
11 years later to present day Denver. Doctor Evie is meeting her new co-1st-year-intern at the hospital she interns at : Dr. Landon. OMG it is her former foster brother and the heat is still there and the angst. There story is not over, not by a long shot. There are secrets and there is pain. Let the good times roll because once these two are back in each other’s orbit, the chemistry will release and it will bring everything forward.
I loved this story and the powerful 2nd chance lovers story really captured me. It started off sort of YA feeling but it did morph into a contemporary romance feeling. I didn’t like Evie’s parents and you will understand when you read this story why. I do wish there was more of an epilogue to this story that was added. I would love to know more about this couple. Otherwise, overall a great feeling and powerful read.

My Rating: 4.6 stars *****
"I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book in exchange for an honest review***
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Oh, god, this book! It was a beautiful, heartbreaking, emotional read!

"I don't know why I have this feeling, like this boy is the most important person I've ever met, but I'm taking it home with me."

From the first moment Evie sees Landon, she 'recognises' him. There's something about him that calls to her and makes her act out of character. Landon is a little bit prickly, a little bit aloof, but he's so drawn to Evie. Her presence and the mere thought of her brings him peace.

"No one knows how much I need you. That I can't sleep unless I sit here with you. That I need the ride to school and home with you. I need to be near you. No one knows that. No one will ever find out."

However, he's her new foster brother, so she's forbidden fruit. When they are torn apart, it is ten years before they meet again.

I absolutely LOVED this story. It really grabbed at my heart. Landon and Evie are absolutely fated to be together. The things they go through are painful but it leads them right back to each other.

I loved the way this story was told - the thrill of forbidden young love, the tragedy of being torn apart, the bittersweetness of being reunited, and the unravelling of secrets. Fabulous!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
OMG!! I loved this book so HARD!!! The whole story just keeps getting better and pulls your heart all the way in! My heart bled for Landon, he's a M?C that is going to stay with me forever!! Landon has a sad young life, moving from foster home to foster home. Then he ends up being fostered by Evie's family and they become great friends. The chemistry grows between them, they spend a lot of time together at school and after and start to act on their young feelings. They have to keep their love a secret from Evie's parents or Landen could possibly be sent away. This story spans many years that will take you on an unforgettable ride. Grab this book today and find out how things turn out for them. The story has many twists that will keep you reeling, but you're going to love it!! Ella James has this knack of creating characters that are so real that you feel everything that the character feels!! I was impressed with Ella's medical knowledge. Her descriptions of technical procedures were written very clearly so that they were easy to understand. I enjoyed their story immensely and can't wait to read the rest of her books!!
Love Online :: Jake Understood :: Gemini :: and the Other Dangers of Overzealous Faith - Avoiding Pride :: Neighbor Dearest
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lauren corba
I absolutely loved the characters Landon and Evie. And when I say loved, I mean LOVED. They were so rich, layered, deep and strong…yet totally vulnerable at the same time.

The synopsis gives you a good idea of what the story is about. I’m not necessarily a fan of the whole step brother / foster brother trope, but for some reason this one caught my eye. The story it’s self was definitely good, but I think the home run (for me) was the characters and how they related to each other. There was something between Evie and Landon that drew me in from the start. The first part of the book is about when they were teenagers. And it was almost written in a true young adult format. Then the book switches to present day and it is definitely a more new adult format. ? We can get more into that in a minute.

As you know from the synopsis Landon is Evie’s foster brother and they fall in love, but her parents obviously don’t tolerate it. In reality, whose parents would? They reconnect years later, however we met them when they first met. We really got to witness their falling in love for the first time, and I found that part to be my favorite. There was a certain innocence, a certain desperate feeling where they just had to have each other. It was all-consuming which was absolutely fantastic and reminded me of my youth. I loved Landon’s brooding-ness, and I knew there was so much more to his story. I loved Evie’s quirky sense of humor and how she became brave when she was with Landon. Fast forward to when they are both adults…the chemistry was still totally there. But they had to overcome hurdles.

The love Evie and Landon felt, whether it was when they were in high school or adults was the same. The part that did change was how it was written! The teenage part of the story was fade to black. While it was kind of a bummer, it was probably more appropriate. I still could have used even more “innocent” details, like about the kissing. Fast forward to their adult times and it was definitely not fade to black (yay!) I chuckled little bit.

I did get my HEA, but I wish I had gotten to witness a few more things. I know we got to see Landon meet some people, but still not everyone. I assume he did eventually, but it was not in the book. Still, I was glad to know these two made it to the other side and that made me all warm and fuzzy.

I think for me the story was really good and the characters were outstanding. I just needed more. I didn’t feel like I got enough of the story it felt like it was almost over before it began, as so many things got either glossed over, pushed to the side, or ignored. I don’t understand how they could’ve been separated for 10 years and not found each other, especially when they were just so desperate for one another. There could’ve easily been another 200 pages in this book and then I probably would be satisfied.

Rec it? Yes! If you love second chance romances this is a great addition for your TBR. It had aspects of being a very emotional story, and while it was excellent, I’m a very greedy reader and needed more – it didn’t reach it’s full gritty potential for me. However, the characters were written in a way that was above and beyond; they were so well-rounded, multi dimensional and finished. I loved the way they thought I love the way they were together. Read Evie and Landon’s story, you won’t regret it!

Happy reading!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Q and A by Angie & Liezel
Do you consider having a relationship with your foster brother taboo?

Angie: Like Liezel said it depends on the situation. In this book, there wasn’t anything taboo about it. Landon came into Evie’s life when she was in high school.

Liezel: For me, it would all depend on the age and length of time they became foster siblings. If they were raised together from birth than without a doubt I would have difficulties with it. In Landon and Evie situation, this wasn’t an a problem so I felt it wasn’t as taboo as some may think.

Would you foster a child with a troubled past?

Angie: This is such a tough question to answer. Nationwide more than 463,000 children live in foster care. Out of that number, the statistics for abuse are this:

18.8% Physical Abuse
7.9% Emotional abuse
6.2% Sexual Abuse
3.2% Caretaker Inability

That doesn’t even include substance abuse which is the number one reason why children enter the system in the first place. The majority of children for substance abuse are infants who are addicted to drugs. So to answer the question, I don’t know if I am that special person. They need undivided love and attention that I wouldn’t be able to give them without taking it away from my own child. I applaud Evie’s parents for fostering children for as long as Evie could remember. They are definitely special people and rare in the foster care system.

Liezel: Fostering, in general, would be stressful enough. If I did ever decide to take on such a life-changing commitment, I would want to foster someone without a difficult past. If all goes well the first time, then I would definitely consider fostering a child with these issues.

If you were ever to adopt, would you be okay with your adopted child being in contact with their biological parents?

Angie: Yes I would. In fact, I would never keep them away from their biological parents. I would be honest from the very first time they were old enough to understand and help them look for them.

Liezel: If all possible, I would love for my adopted child to find their biological parents but of course the mama bear in me would want to make sure that said parents are of a right mind. At all cost, I would want to protect the children.

Sex in the workplace? Could you do it?

Angie: Don’t knock it until you try it. ? Depending on where you work it could be quite enjoyable.

Liezel: I’m all about spontaneity but in my line of work…I would say it’s not doable. Someone is bound to find out….check out all the hospital related dramas ever produced! Nope not me, I am not losing my credibility or my license over three minutes of gratification.

What are your thoughts about Landon and Evie? Do you think they paired well?

Angie: I loved them as a couple. Despite all the obstacles that stood in their way they were led back to each other. They couldn’t help they fell in love at the worst time possible. They could not help it when they couldn’t stay away from each other when they knew they should. They sure as hell couldn’t help it when fate brought them face to face again years later and that spark never died. It’s kismet after all. No one has a chance against kismet.

Liezel: I loved them as a couple. The author definitely described a fated couple. It was as if they couldn’t function without knowing where each other was at any given time. Even when they were apart, it was as if their hearts and souls yearned to be together again.

Would you recommend this book?

Angie: You can never go wrong with reading Ella’s books. The plot keeps you reading and the characters keep you entertained. The only thing I didn’t like was some parts were very descriptive that didn’t need to be but other than that I enjoyed it and I would recommend it to everyone I know.

Liezel: It has been a while since I’ve read an EPIC romance and Fractured Love fit the bill down to a T. If romance between star-crossed lovers is your thing grab this book. I assure you, you will love everything about it just like I did.

Liezel's rating: 5/5
My rating: 4/5
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Ella James took me on such an emotional roller-coaster ride. Just from reading the blurb, you get an inkling of what this book is about. But oh my gosh, it's that and so much more. You get reeled in and you get lost within the two main characters (Evie and Landon). There so much depth to this story. So much emotion. Just, so much.

"The boy standing beside her is the physical equivalent of a secret, and in looking at him, I just heard it whispered straight down to my soul."

Evie and Landon meet when they are teenagers. He walks into her homeroom class and that's it, as her eyes meet his, she's lost. She's captivated by his beauty, but more than that, she wants to know him. Know everything there is to know about this mysterious boy. What Evie doesn't know though, is that Landon is her new foster brother. Her family and her expected a seven year old boy, but with a small glitch in the paperwork, they got a seventeen year old teenager instead.

Evie's attraction towards Landon increases with each passing day. She can't stop the stares she has for him. She can't stop thinking about him. Everything that Evie feels, Landon feels just the same. He tries to play it cool, but it's hard when he's living under the same roof as Evie. He doesn't want to jeopardize the kindness the Rutherford's have shown him. He knows one mistake can cost him everything.

A kiss. Isn't that how it always starts? One kiss that leaves you breathless. One kiss the awakens every nerve-endings. One kiss that is your reason for living. Evie and Landon know that it's a mistake what they're doing. But how can something be a mistake when it feels so right? They do everything they can to hide their attraction at school and at home. They steal kisses while driving to and from school. They share their bodies, their dreams of becoming doctors and their truths on Landon's bed. And everything that is good, usually comes at a price. And just when they think they're walking on cloud 9, *poof* it all comes crashing down. And that's just what happens when Evie's mom finds them together in Landon's room. And ultimately leads to Landon leaving.

"Landon is like going home. The kind of home you can’t go back to once you’ve left. And I left. I really, really left. In a certain sense, I left the day he left. He took my heart. I’ve never found it."

Fast forward 11 years, where Landon and Evie come face-to-face. Both first year residents at a Denver hospital. It doesn't matter how many years have passed because that same connection is still there. It's electric and kismet. It's a fact that Evie and Landon belong together. Their hearts and souls were made for each other. Though one thing is for sure, Landon and Evie's story is so far from over. But there are truths to be told and it's just a matter if they can be forgiven or not.

'Fractured Love' was an absolute gem. I loved the story and especially Evie and Landon. These two made me ache, I hurt for them both. I just wanted them to find happiness because they deserved it so much. Ella, great job as always. I really enjoyed this one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
arlene rabuse laverde
Fractured Love is another romantic tale of two people who have limits placed on their relationship, preventing them from being together during the time period they originally meet. It is filled with love, heartbreak, and reconciliation, all the makings of a good romance.

Landon is such a broken young man when readers meet him, and yet he has this strength beneath the surface to help him endure. As a young man, we see how being abandoned has changed him, and we get to see how being with Evie brings him a calm and a sense of home. Ella James also rewards readers as we get to see what has become of him as an adut, and he really does become a good man.

Evie is a little naive and innocent when we meet her. Meeting Landon is what makes her, for the first time, choose to "break the rules," so to speak. She is then placed in an incredible predicament, and she tries to make the best choice for herself and all those involved. Only later, will she have to pay the price for what occurred in her past. Readers, though, will forgive her for what she has done because of her age and the situation she was thrust into.

My absolute favorite part of this story is when they are younger. Ella James begins their story in the present and then flashbacks back to their youth. Here is where we really get to see and learn about Landon and Evie. We get to see how they struggle to repress their feelings, and how, at the end of the day, they are just too drawn to each other. We get to see the pain and the struggle they endure after their discovery, and it is heartbreaking because their love seems so pure and real during these years. When the author brings us back to the present, Evie and Landon are rekindling their relationship, and while I enjoyed them as adults, for me, they lost some of the magic that existed when they were younger. They finally have to deal with their past and how it will affect their future, but I just wanted more of that magic I felt for the first half of the book. I did, however, enjoy the pacing of the story and the development of the conflict. They are adults when dealing with the fallout, and I appreciate that. I also enjoy that she gives them peace, not just in their relationship but in all aspects of their lives by the end of the novel.

The Off-Limits series is such a unique idea. I love how all of these stories deal with characters who shouldn't, in society's eyes, be together, and that they are kept apart by these proclamations. Yet, Ella James finds a way to make them work, for these characters to find a way, even if it is years later, to make it together, which really is the essence of true romance.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
faisal usman
I voluntarily reviewed an advance copy of this book.

Well, this wasn't quite what I was expecting-but by no means am I complaining! These characters tugged me into the story right from the beginning of the book and I was simply captivated. I know this is a story that will stay with me for quite some time.

I love how this story flowed. I loved meeting teenage Evie and Landon. I thought their backstory was heartbreakingly beautiful. I could FEEL the longing, the desperation they felt for one another. Their connection was there for them the moment they meet, no matter how hard they try and fight it. I did have a bit of an issue with what kept them apart-for 11 years, mind you, BUT I believe the way things were handled when they were teenagers is exactly how a family MIGHT handle things, right or wrong. I'm not spoiling it by telling you what exactly happens there, trust me you'll want to read it.

These two have such an emotional journey to go on. There are so many issues for them to work through but you can't help but root for them. I cried for them-multiple times. This is definitely a read to have the tissues ready for, in my opinion. My heart broke in this book but each time, these characters stitched it back together in a way that only they could.

I don't want to spoil this book in any way. Are there some things that might seem cliche once you see the events fold out? Maybe, but again, these situations REALLY work for these characters. It gives them a chance to grow and mature, both separately and together. The connection between them never really goes away and you can see that from the moment they see each other again.

This isn't my usual kind of second chance romance love. I'm not a huge fan of angst, I can get enough of that on the news, but the amount of angst in this book? It just worked. The tears I cried over these two were totally worth it in the end. I recommend this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
"Fractured Love" Was everything I was hoping it would be. Split into two part, past and present, we get to experience Landon and Evie's love. Part one was my favorite part I loved getting to see them fall in love. Part two was really good ten years later and getting to reconnect.

I Love Landon and Evie so much!! They are so adorable and so perfect.

Evie feels an instant connection with Landon. Finding out that he is her new foster brother was crushing. No matter how much she try she can't help but to fall for him. He is everything she wants and needs. He is smart and caring and perfect for her. She falls in love with Landon. Then everything changes they get caught and Landon has to leave. She doesn't see him again for ten years. Now the are both First year residents in the same hospital and the connection and attraction is still there. She will not let him disappear again she just has to tell him her biggest secret.

Landon has been in and out of foster care his whole life. The first time he is in a good home that he could stay at until he was eighteen he falls for his foster sister. She is beautiful and sweet and they have a connection no one can deny. He falls for her and he knows they have to be careful or it could ruin everything. When they get caught he disappears but he never stops loving her. Ten years later he has a second chance and he would let her go again.

I Love this book. Landon and Evie's love story was so wonderful. A Big Surprise twist that made the story so much more interesting. I will defiantly be re-reading! This book puts a smile on my face and gives me all the feels! This Forbidden/ Second Chance/Doctor Romance is one of a kind that is very enjoyable. You will love this book. I Highly recommend you give this book a shot you will thank me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
afsane rezaei
"I received an ARC for my honest review!"

Loved it!!!!

You always know when a book is good, when your up all night an can't put it down. Or when you find yourself talking about it out loud while making dinner and all you want to do is continue reading it. That was me all day, I finished part one in two hours an then had to take a breather as my heart was racing and the adrenaline was too much as the first part of Fractured Loved was very riveting. Don't even get me started on part two.

Ella James has done it again! She has brought to life a gripping, riveting tale. "Fractured Love"starts off in EJ fashion, we get sucked in immediately! Then it starts with these two young people meet in the most unusual circumstance and grow to fall in love and a common goal to be doctors and then torn apart.

Years later by chance they meet again in the same hospital, both hold secrets. Secrets that may destroy what ever hope of a life together they once thought they could have, but never had the chance.

Just like Ella's other books, again I could never anticipate what was going to happen next and those are the best stories! Though I felt the ending was a bit rushed, it still didn't tether me from the whole of the story and still it lingers in my mind of how the stories second part played out from the first part. It held every emotion a book should make you feel and Ella accomplished that which is why I love reading her stories. She also implements some important topics in some of her stories and this one of foster care is dear to my heart. Great read !
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Fractured Love by Ella James

I received an ARC for an honest review.

So I had this idea. I want to try writing my reviews as I'm reading the story. Let's see how this goes shall we?? Feel free to give me feed back.
Landon and Evie... I'm 17% in and I love them both. She is living a life filled with love and privilege. He is their newest foster kid. They have instant attraction. I cannot wait to see where this goes!!

I'm now 46% through and the love that developed between these two is so pure and good and steamy in a very PG way. It's so good that I'm getting nervous...I feel like something is going to happen. Their love is sort of forbidden as they are foster sibblings. But that should still be ok, right? I have a feeling this one's going to rip my heart out. Wish me go back in time cause obviously you're reading this after I finished the book. Ok, ok, you caught me. I'm stalling. I want to go back to reading, but, have I mentioned how scared I am??? Here. I. Go.

Ok..I'm done!!! That was a rollercoaster of emotions. I feel at peace though, the way everything turned out. Not perfect, but what in life is? I feel a contented sigh bubbling up none the less! Bravo Ella James for a beautiful story!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Landon has been in the foster system his whole life. Evie comes from a close family with loving Doctor parents. Evie's family is getting ready to bring on a new, younger, foster brother and the family is thrilled. At school Evie meets a new kid. A stranger with hauntingly gorgeous eyes who makes her feel things simply by his mere presence. By the end of the day nothing is as it was supposed to be.

Landon is a sweet lonely boy, despite the circumstances of his past and Evie sees all of that and more in his eyes. She gets lost in those eyes.

This story is about young love, forbidden love, laced with tragedy. What happens when you lose the one thing you never expected to need. Consequential decisions are made, hearts are broken and lives are forever changed.

Ella James weaves a beautiful story of a beautiful man who refuses to give up on finding his lost love, but 10 years later when they meet again will her secrets destroy him and make him regret it all?

I was given an ARC for an honest review and the only real negative part of this story for me was that I wanted more. More of sexy Landon's POV and more of his dirty talking and well, more of everything. But, Ella is fantastic and I never regret her stories.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
max elman
Wow, this forbidden romance captured my heart from the very beginning and never let go!
Evie Rutherford is smart, intuitive, and has a big heart. She was raised to help the helpless and love the poor. In comes her new foster brother, Landon Jones. He is handsome, funny, super intelligent, and has thick walls built up. Evie sees right thru his defenses and she won't let him hide. They soon become much more than friends. When secrets are revealed they are tragically torn apart. The second half of this book takes place 11 years later. They meet again as interns at the same hospital. The deep emotion and affection is still there when their eyes meet. But can the events, secrets, and time be too much to overcome and heal their broken hearts? I loved both Landon and Evie. They were two halves of a whole. They challenged each other, comforted each other, and wouldn't let either get away with any bull crap. Their banter was witty, and their chemistry was off the charts. I liked how they slowly unraveled years of secrets, pain, and accomplishments. This is a multifaceted story with wonderful characters and deep emotion that had me totally engaged from start to finish. I highly recommend this heartfelt, moving, sweet and sexy romance!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
That great love, that once in a lifetime love, is sometimes the one that got away, or almost did.  People say when you meet your forever, you just know. It can be when you are five and in pigtails, sixteen on the cusp of adulthood, thirty with your life on the path you wanted, or fifty and starting over. When love strikes, you are helpless to its blow. Such is the case in Fractured Love. 

The story of Landon and Evie is hopeless yet hopeful, all at the same time. They meet when Landon becomes Evie's foster brother and have a connection that can not be broken. After much heartache and a lengthy separation, they are again reunited and left to figure out if their love is fractured beyond hope.

I will be honest and say that I paused when I read the synopsis. I was a little concerned about a relationship between foster siblings. However, Ella James did an amazing job of never making their relationship seem "dirty". Quite the opposite, actually. It was beautiful. The whole story, in fact, was quite romantic.

I always enjoy Ella's stories. You would never go wrong reading them. Fractured Love is part of a series but can absolutely be read as a standalone. 
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
maya donelson
An intense, gripping and fiercely sexy love story. Ella James had my heart racing and my fingers furiously turning the pages.

This cross between forbidden and second chance romance is set in both the past and the present. Evie and Landon meet at sixteen years of age when he becomes her foster brother. Their connection is immediate and they fall in love, resulting in some rather devastating consequences. Although this is a romance, there are no explicit details of their relationship as teenagers. It's more implied and suggested. Fast forward about ten years and Evie and Landon are reunited as co-workers at a hospital where they are both doctors. They soon discover that the chemistry between them is stronger than ever and they reconnect with ease. Sometimes in some rather interesting places. Since they are adults now, no need to imply it. We get ALL the deliciously sexy details. Evie and Landon both struggle with the secrets and hurts of the past and it all comes to a devastating and heartbreaking climax that left me an emotional mess. Once again Ella James delivers an emotionally engaging and intriguing story that kept me hanging on until the very last word.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
The story is divided into two parts. The first part which shows us how Landon and Evie met and fell in love got 5 stars from me and the second part shows us what happens when they met again a decade later which got 2 stars from me. I read the blurb, just before I began the book, so I was aware of what happened and thought that it was unnecessary to read 10 chapters (half the book) on the main characters as teenagers. Turns out that I loved that part. I could see how these two fell in love. This part was written very well. It ended on a cliffhanger though and I was very happy the continuation of the story didn't happen in a second book.

The second part was the one I had been waiting for and in the end disappointed me. There is something major happening in the second part which of course I cannot say since it takes place in what feels a half of the story happening in present time and I couldn't no matter how hard I tried to see it from Evie's point of view. I couldn't understand it and it kinda ruined the book for me. If the second part had been just a reconciliation between Evie and Landon I would have been ecstatic about the book and this would have been one of my favorite reads of this year.

I did like the author's storytelling and I will come back for more books from her for sure. Even if this book didn't end up being one of my liking I would still recommend the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I equate reading an Ella James book with eating at Thanksgiving. So much time in preparation. Months and months of writing dedication all for our hungry little eyes to devour in a matter of hours. I almost feel bad, almost.

I devoured this book with gusto! I am so in love with Landon. It was a fantastically sweet summer read. I love how straight forward Landon's love for Evie is. Ella has a gift of creating such great believable characters with great witty banter. I must confess that this book hits my preferred reading style, first love, funny character dialog, sexy parts without having to rely on whips and chains, and tug at your heart strings kind of plot. ❤ Ironic that my other favorite book Sloth also revolves around the medical/hospital plot.

I read some poor reviews with complaints about the male model on the cover looking too old for the story line. Really? That's so annoying, like the people on HGTV property shows that complain about the color of the walls and wallpaper as deal breakers. At least it's a unique cover and not one of those stock photos used repeatedly by different books.

I thoroughly enjoyed the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
angie santos
Wow, what a ride!!!
Fractured Love by Ella James is the third book in a series of standalones, the Off-Limits Series.
The other books in the series are CrownJewels and The Boy Next Door.
Meet Landon Jones and Evelyn- Evie Rutherford. Both were highschool sweethearts, he was her foster brother and they were split under spectacular circumstances.
Now, mor than 10 years later they meet again. Both are resident at a hospital and sparks fly.
Favorite Quote: " Loving Landon is like breathing. "
But Evie has a secret.She hides something life changing from him. And at this moment I really, really didn't like Evie. My heart ached for Landon. How do you go forward from something like this? I don't know, I'm speechless, literally.
Evie and Landon's story is heart wrenchingly, a very emotional read. Both are like star-crossed lovers.
I love the story and I love the writing. I love the words and I love the characters- mostly. I could feel the characters emotions in the words.
I recommend this book, give 5 stars and thanks Ella James !
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I Voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book

I love second chance love stories. And this one was no different. Landon and Evie's story began ten years ago when they met first day of school. Both of them feeling this attraction to each other. But that wasn't the only surprise, somehow social services messed up and the little boy that Evie's family was expecting turned out to be the new boy in school.

Fast forward ten years later and the it seems that fate is not done with these two. Back together again as first year doctor students. What happens now? Both of them are not the same person they were back then. They've changed, they both made decisions to survive and can they live with those decisions.

What I loved about this story is that even though they knew they didn't have a epic love story, they knew they had something special, something that could be forever for them.

Loving this author, awesome characters that are amazing to read, something that you can get into and get lost into this story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
meggan saulo
What a great forbidden romance/second chance/friends to lovers romance. Landon and Evie meet at school on his first day, turns out he is her new foster brother. As they get to know each other their attraction grows and you really feel that things progress naturally...until they get caught. The first part of the book is look back to them when they were 16/17 and even when they re-meet as surgical interns at the same hospital. Part 2 is their developing relationship again.

I loved both characters a lot and felt that the author did a good job of showing us how deeply they felt for the other...I just wish we saw more of their actual relationship in the present. The secret between them I do think was nicely done and I could feel the pain from both of them regarding that.

There is a 10+ year gap between him leaving and them finding each other again, and that time was really spent with them in college, and what wasn't that they do a good job of filling the other in, overall, a well written book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Reading the title and knowing Ella James wrote it, I knew all my emotions would be all over the place. They were!
This unique, angsty, and heartbreaking story of second chance romance, is broken into 2 parts.
When we meet Evie and Landon they're high school foster care siblings who went from best friends to so much more. When their parents discover their secret they're broken apart in the cruelest way.
Ten years later they come together again and this time we get to see how they navigate their journey.
Their story unfolded slowly and carefully so I got to see the growth of these characters.
I felt their emotions. I understood them and their upheaval! At what point will they brake away from their family's iron will?
Is time on their side? Or have the years separated and make them too jade.
The author flawlessly told their story as they come to terms with the new found second chance, unfinished family struggles and forgiveness!
What happens you'll have to read!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This is a really sweet second chance story written in alternating pov's. It is available through Kindle Unlimited and the writing is very good.

Evie meets Landon when he comes to live with her family as a foster brother. Both of her parents are Dr's and they are expecting a 7 year old boy and not the 17 year old that arrives. Over time they get to know each other and start a relationship that is kept hidden from her parents. Once they find out they send Landon away to a group home. They do not see each other again for 10 years.

During their time apart they have both attended college, medical school and have become surgeons. Landon has kept up with her through social media while she never knew what happened to him once he ran away from the group home. He goes to the hospital she is at for his residency. The attraction is still there but she has a secret he doesn't know about that she feels will end any possible future they have together. 3.5 Stars
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
heather mc
This book proved why I love Ella James so much!!! It had everything! An intriguing story, relatable characters, an emotional love story and the bittersweet taste of the forbidden.
Evie never expected to fall for her new foster brother. It is one thing to be friends with your foster brother but another thing to fall for him.
Landon is one of those characters that you can tell from the start that you are going to love. He was mysterious and under his moody facade, he had a heart of gold.
Their relationship was one of a kind and I trully felt for Landon 's backstory. It was heartbreaking and my heart hurt for him when twists tore him away from Evie, the one person who really saw him.
What happens when they meet again years after being torn apart? Read to find out.
I cannot recommend this book enough! It clicked all the right boxes for me. Superb writing, fast paced plot and characters that will speak to you. Loved it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I absolutely loved this story of Landon and Evie, the highs and lows and everything in between. Ella James has created a truly wonderful romance with a real-life feel to it.

Evie is sixteen and in her final year of high school when her parents foster a boy, Landon. This is their story, starting as teenagers and then on in their twenties.

Told from both lead character's points of view, the story develops and unfolds with the reader gaining an intimate insight into each character. Both are incredibly easy to relate to and likeable. The passion between the two is combustible yet it's their emotional relationship that is outstanding.

This is a fast paced book with a solid storyline, I haven't read the other books in this series but being stand alone stories I can go back and rectify this soon, which I will!

I fully recommend this to everyone!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
vanessa breijer
Such a powerful story. Excellent writing, well developed and detailed characters, a great storyline. I loved getting to know Evie and Landon through part one. Can't help but fall in love with them both. Loved how Evie was just so sure this boy was going to be an important part of her life from the very start. The intensity of Landon's love and how he so simply accepts that they will come back together was very moving. Ella James did a fabulous job of achieving a nice balance between parts one and two, not too long or too short on either side of the story, which is rare for a book done in this manner.

My heart got ripped up pretty good through part two. A very emotional ride from there to the end of the book. Even after the HEA, I'm still left feeling damaged. One of those books that sticks with you because the story and characters have touched you deeply.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lorenza beacham

I feel like Ella James really enjoys making people cry. Yes Evie and Landon's story is so super duper sweet. It's young taboo love, and you want to root for them even though it may be a little bit wrong. It's young love that you pray is lasting. Ugh. I feel like I can't really say much more or it will ruin this story. The basics are that Evie falls for her foster brother. Should she be doing this? Probably not, but you sometimes can't help who you love.

This story is sweet, angsty, hot, and passionate. There are bits where I was crying. There are bits where I was laughing. There are bits when I was so angry at some of the characters! Agh. This is just a good read. It starts light and gets a bit heavier... if you're looking for a mix of new adult and contemporary then this is an excellent read for you!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Landon Jones went through hell prior to meeting Evie, but what he went through the few years after he lost her was devastating. What mother will abandon her two years old son? I guess there are all kinds. Her excuse? Drugs. The fact that Landon became a surgeon years later, after he was thrown out of Evie's life is a testament to the determination for him to survive. So we got the before story, and the present one.

In the present, the shock I got from Evie, I kind of guessed. Except for the decision she took. I don't want to give anything away, but this is a deep story. I love they got their HEA. I love the deep love they share. Evie's quote towards the end of the book sums up what I feel about these two. How some husbands and wives passed away days from each other because they couldn't survive being apart. True..
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
taylor webb
Ella James is outstanding again!! Just when I think it can't get any better, she proves me wrong again!

Landon and Evie's story was phenomenal! Its like they both needed to be rescued from their lives and they both found each other. Landon has literally had the short end of the stick from little on, and he finally proved to himself he's worthy of something when he met Evie. I instantly fell in love with Evie because she always found good in every situation. They both had this amazing chemistry from the day they met, and that instantly sucked me into their story.

This was my 3rd story from Ella that I've read and I'm officially hooked! Ella knows how to make you swoon and then tear your heart out and put of back together all in one story. I loved every single minute of this story, and I look forward to more!! Well done Ella!!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
brooke dragston
I absolutely loved Part One, the bond between Landon and Evie was very intense and beautiful. However, Part Two fell flat for me, it seemed like we were reading about different people and the connection no longer existed. I loved Evie in the beginning but in second half I couldn’t stand her; as for Landon, he went through so much but he never gave up. Evie’s parents actions were inexcusable and down right cruel; I understand being angry but their actions against Landon and Evie were beyond hurtful and in my opinion they never redeemed themselves.

This is a complete standalone you don’t have to read the other books in this series to read this one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
carla krueger
Social services messed up and the 7 year old foster child they were expected turned out to be 17 – wow and with , Eviea teenage daughter, not a good thing. The minute Evie and Landon laid eyes on each other there was an unexplained bond. When Evie's strict parents noticed the attraction between them, they sent Landon away. Fate was on their side and ten years later they both ended up as Doctor's in the same hospital. The attraction and chemistry was still there. So were ten years of secrets and pain. No spoiler here, but are they able to overcome all the negatives and find a life together? A heartbreaking read that will have you page turning. Wow, lots of twists and surprises. I received an advance copy and voluntarily chose to review it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sahar baghaii
Grab your tissues!

This book was everything! It is so emotional. Landon was abandoned as a toddler. Went through horrible foster homes. I just wanted to reach into the story and protect him! He finally finds a beautiful family who accepts him and treats him right.....but him and Evie (their daughter) fall in love. Only to be caught and Landon is taken from the home.

It was at times heart wrenching. It probably could have been a bit shorter (some areas tended to drag for me)....but it was so beautifully written. I will definitely read it again. It does have a HEA but you go through an emotional roller coaster to get there!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
terra masias
Ella has done it again, Fractured Live is another amazing book! From the very first first page I was sucked into the story. It delivered everything you could want in a book. Fractured Love is filled with Intrigue, funny moments, numerous swoon worthy moments, angst and if course HEA! I was so emotionally invested in this book at one point I had to put it down, breath, scream and rant alittle then had to jump right back in to see how it all played out. Ella has that amazing ability so few writers pull off, she can make you completely forget that it's "just" a book. You become the book. Fractured Love is highly recommended and one of my favorites yet.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tharini rajkumar
Ella James did it again! She wrote another love story that kept me up at night, turning pages to find out how that fractured love could be mended.
What kept me up? First of all, I admire Ella for her skill to write two books in one; because this is how I see Fractured Love.
At first, I expected to read a couple of chapters as flashback to the heroes’ history. It was a wonderful surprise to find that Ella stayed in that history long enough to get me hooked, reminding me of her older books on young love, the books that made her one of my favourite authors.
I loved how Ella linked that story with present time, allowing the reader to see how the characters developed through time. Yes, there were some (deliberate) gaps that had me wonder about joining the dots and be able to understand Evie’s attitude as an adult.
I don’t know if Ella intended to make us like l Landon more than Evie. She has the remarkable capacity of entering the male character’s mind and make us empathize with him, by so skilfully presenting how his character evolved from the traumatized child to the successful doctor.
I have to add that I really liked how Ella portrayed the doctors’ culture; how she answered the questions that cross our mind about how it feels to treat a patient who turns out to be the person you care about , how some incidents break their hearts, how they make through the day.
In a nutshell, yes she did it again; she made me feel the teenager’s heartbreak, she made me angry, then sad, then curious and of course she made me blush.
Good job Ella James!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sidharth kakkar
Evie and Landon meet when they are both kids. They are drawn to each other like no other, and become fast friends that evolve into more. Unfortunately, they are star crossed lover's. Taboo if you will, what they want, they can't have. There is pain, there is heartbreak. There is healing, there is love. 

Landon and Evie's story is heartbreaking. But the coming back together of these two character's was blessedly wonderful. I devoured this book in a day. If you are a fan of second chance romance, with a side of taboo then this book is a must read. If you are a fan of Ella James, it is a must read. If you are a fan of a good book, it is a MUST READ!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
constance merritt
Ella James sent me an advanced reader copy of her new book, Fractured Love, and let me just say: AHMAZING! As always, the story was very well written. I love every book I’ve read by Ella James and FL did NOT disappoint!

I fell so in love with Evie (pronounced Ev-ie, short for Evelyn) and Landon’s story. It took me a few days to read the book, much to my dismay, but that was only because of work and not at all because it wasn’t an interesting-as-all-heck, romantic, page-turner. And can we talk about sexy Dr. Jones? Hel-lo. Sign me up. I’d break an arm or two to be treated by him.

Ella does a wonderful job of defining her characters. I also fell in love with Evie. You get to know her personality and character and it’s so realistic, you want to be her best friend. Honestly, I can’t say enough praise about FL so I’ll just say this: GO READ IT!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ayman abu kalila
Fractured Love by Ella James is a Beautiful, Forbidden Love Story. I Love reading the Author's flawless and smooth writing. The Story captures your attention from the beginning till the end.

I Highly Recommend all the Readers to read this amazing book right now. It's Amazing and A Must Read From Me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nathan buchanan
Absolutely love this new one from Ella James. She's always been one of my favorites, but I swear she gets better with each book. Of course, there's always a draw for forbidden romance, especially when the chemistry and the characters are so perfect. Young love is so pure and real, and when it's ripped away and then given back, and those feelings are there just as strong as so many years before, you know it's the real deal. The characters are strong and both likable, the story realistic, and the ending couldn't have been more perfect.
I received an advance copy in exchange for an honest review. Thank you to Hype PR and Ella James.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
megan bourque
Oh. My. God. Paging Dr. Landon Jones! My heart was pounding from start to finish. This book was basically a natural disaster (in the best way, of course). Falling in love with your foster brother and then being reunited years later? *Cue swoon* Not to mention, Landon James has BAD BOY written all over him! Who doesn’t love a bad boy? Evie and Landon were basically written in the stars, and I love it. After Landon was kicked out, my heart broke, and I barely had time to recover before the book did a time jump and e was back in the picture. Well played, Ella James, well played. This book is basically Grey’s Anatomy on steroids with a touch of Nicholas Sparks thrown in and I couldn’t put it down. The drama had me turning the pages like a madwoman, and the chemistry between Landon and Evie was just epic, even after ten years apart. Their story is basically every hopeless romantic’s dream and the perfect twist of fate.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I absolutely loved Part One, the bond between Landon and Evie was very intense and beautiful. However, Part Two fell flat for me, it seemed like we were reading about different people and the connection no longer existed. I loved Evie in the beginning but in second half I couldn’t stand her; as for Landon, he went through so much but he never gave up. Evie’s parents actions were inexcusable and down right cruel; I understand being angry but their actions against Landon and Evie were beyond hurtful and in my opinion they never redeemed themselves.

This is a complete standalone you don’t have to read the other books in this series to read this one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
donna huber
Social services messed up and the 7 year old foster child they were expected turned out to be 17 – wow and with , Eviea teenage daughter, not a good thing. The minute Evie and Landon laid eyes on each other there was an unexplained bond. When Evie's strict parents noticed the attraction between them, they sent Landon away. Fate was on their side and ten years later they both ended up as Doctor's in the same hospital. The attraction and chemistry was still there. So were ten years of secrets and pain. No spoiler here, but are they able to overcome all the negatives and find a life together? A heartbreaking read that will have you page turning. Wow, lots of twists and surprises. I received an advance copy and voluntarily chose to review it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Grab your tissues!

This book was everything! It is so emotional. Landon was abandoned as a toddler. Went through horrible foster homes. I just wanted to reach into the story and protect him! He finally finds a beautiful family who accepts him and treats him right.....but him and Evie (their daughter) fall in love. Only to be caught and Landon is taken from the home.

It was at times heart wrenching. It probably could have been a bit shorter (some areas tended to drag for me)....but it was so beautifully written. I will definitely read it again. It does have a HEA but you go through an emotional roller coaster to get there!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nancy ellefson
Ella has done it again, Fractured Live is another amazing book! From the very first first page I was sucked into the story. It delivered everything you could want in a book. Fractured Love is filled with Intrigue, funny moments, numerous swoon worthy moments, angst and if course HEA! I was so emotionally invested in this book at one point I had to put it down, breath, scream and rant alittle then had to jump right back in to see how it all played out. Ella has that amazing ability so few writers pull off, she can make you completely forget that it's "just" a book. You become the book. Fractured Love is highly recommended and one of my favorites yet.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kelly wolf
Ella James did it again! She wrote another love story that kept me up at night, turning pages to find out how that fractured love could be mended.
What kept me up? First of all, I admire Ella for her skill to write two books in one; because this is how I see Fractured Love.
At first, I expected to read a couple of chapters as flashback to the heroes’ history. It was a wonderful surprise to find that Ella stayed in that history long enough to get me hooked, reminding me of her older books on young love, the books that made her one of my favourite authors.
I loved how Ella linked that story with present time, allowing the reader to see how the characters developed through time. Yes, there were some (deliberate) gaps that had me wonder about joining the dots and be able to understand Evie’s attitude as an adult.
I don’t know if Ella intended to make us like l Landon more than Evie. She has the remarkable capacity of entering the male character’s mind and make us empathize with him, by so skilfully presenting how his character evolved from the traumatized child to the successful doctor.
I have to add that I really liked how Ella portrayed the doctors’ culture; how she answered the questions that cross our mind about how it feels to treat a patient who turns out to be the person you care about , how some incidents break their hearts, how they make through the day.
In a nutshell, yes she did it again; she made me feel the teenager’s heartbreak, she made me angry, then sad, then curious and of course she made me blush.
Good job Ella James!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Evie and Landon meet when they are both kids. They are drawn to each other like no other, and become fast friends that evolve into more. Unfortunately, they are star crossed lover's. Taboo if you will, what they want, they can't have. There is pain, there is heartbreak. There is healing, there is love. 

Landon and Evie's story is heartbreaking. But the coming back together of these two character's was blessedly wonderful. I devoured this book in a day. If you are a fan of second chance romance, with a side of taboo then this book is a must read. If you are a fan of Ella James, it is a must read. If you are a fan of a good book, it is a MUST READ!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Ella James sent me an advanced reader copy of her new book, Fractured Love, and let me just say: AHMAZING! As always, the story was very well written. I love every book I’ve read by Ella James and FL did NOT disappoint!

I fell so in love with Evie (pronounced Ev-ie, short for Evelyn) and Landon’s story. It took me a few days to read the book, much to my dismay, but that was only because of work and not at all because it wasn’t an interesting-as-all-heck, romantic, page-turner. And can we talk about sexy Dr. Jones? Hel-lo. Sign me up. I’d break an arm or two to be treated by him.

Ella does a wonderful job of defining her characters. I also fell in love with Evie. You get to know her personality and character and it’s so realistic, you want to be her best friend. Honestly, I can’t say enough praise about FL so I’ll just say this: GO READ IT!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bo white
Fractured Love by Ella James is a Beautiful, Forbidden Love Story. I Love reading the Author's flawless and smooth writing. The Story captures your attention from the beginning till the end.

I Highly Recommend all the Readers to read this amazing book right now. It's Amazing and A Must Read From Me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marleen seckendorf
Absolutely love this new one from Ella James. She's always been one of my favorites, but I swear she gets better with each book. Of course, there's always a draw for forbidden romance, especially when the chemistry and the characters are so perfect. Young love is so pure and real, and when it's ripped away and then given back, and those feelings are there just as strong as so many years before, you know it's the real deal. The characters are strong and both likable, the story realistic, and the ending couldn't have been more perfect.
I received an advance copy in exchange for an honest review. Thank you to Hype PR and Ella James.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Fractured Love by Ella James fractured my heart into a million tiny pieces. It broke for Landon and it broke for Evie, but in different ways. Their love was slightly taboo. So if taboo is your thing, I think you'll like this book. I also like the dual perspective. I like seeing the internal struggles of both the main characters. Once I started reading I literally could not stop until I finished the book. I couldn't put it down because I needed to know what happened to Landon and Evie and if they could find their way back to one another and forgive the past. It is definitely one-click worthy. I loved it.
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