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★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
hanan tharwat
Loved the first two stories and would have given them 5 stars, but not sure how Milla Vane got her story included. It includes quiet disturbing sexual scenes and have to say I wouldn't read her books again nor would I recommend it to anyone who just looks for an easy read like me.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Secrets of Midnight is a boring book. There isn't much to recommend it. The story line is typical with the big bad boy lover restring his desires and the changeling tormenting him to make her his.....boring!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ariana moody
Usually, any given anthology I come across will have just one or two stories I am interested in. But with this one, I hit the motherload, with stories from three of my very favorite authors: Nalini Singh, Ilona Andrews, and Meljean Brook (writing as Milla Vane). I didn’t love every story equally, but overall, I think UF/ PNR readers will get enough bang for their buck.

Secrets at Midnight: I am such a fan of Nalini Singh and her Psy-Changeling world, but this novella was not a hit for me. It had some good things going on, but there were some parts that really fell flat.

The hero is Bastien, one of Mercy’s brothers. He wasn’t really looking to settle down, but once he encountered his mate’s scent, he knew he had to find her. He tracked her for days, before meeting her in a totally convenient and contrived happenstance. She seems to be human, but it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out she is part changeling. Kirby and Bastien fall for 0ne another as they work to solve the mysteries of her heritage and her past.

I found this story to be fairly predictable. But my biggest issue was with the dialogue between Kirby and Bastien. They try to be sexy and saucy, but it was missing Singh’s usual magic. Not sexy at all.

Where the story is at its best is when Kirby finally finds herself and gets to interact with her family. That actually made me a little misty. But the rest? Not so much. It wasn’t bad, but I have loved other stories from her much more.

Magic Steals: Jim and Dali. How do I love thee? This is such an understated, wonderful couple. Ever since we first got a taste of the Jim and Dali connection in their (way too short) “Magic Dreams” novella, I have been impatiently waiting for a chance to see them together again. This story satisfied me in every way. It follows Dali, with Jim at her side, as she uses her special Indonesian mojo to fight an evil manifestation targeting folks who share a common business building. The magic plot, though, is only a vehicle to show us Dali in her element –and how she and Jim finally stop tiptoeing around their relationship.

I love how insecure Dali is and how we see her utter adoration of Jim. She views him so differently than Kate does, but through her 1st person POV, we see such a different man. This Jim is awesome. He is so good to her. Watching her finally realize the depths of his feelings is so gratifying. And the end is perfect. (Plus… sex.) Made of win.

Lucky Charms: This is the only story in the group by an author I have never read before, but I really enjoyed this set up for Lisa Shearin’s SPI Files urban fantasy series. It follows a seer named Mac who is giving up her civilian life to join a supernatural policing agency. Her first assignment is helping to track down a leprechaun prince and his buddies who escaped a protection detail at a bachelor party. The story is funny and fast paced with an engaging cast of character. I will definitely be checking out The Grendel Affair.

The Beast of Blackmoor: I love Meljean Brook and I was totally psyched for this barbarian “beast” story. It was pretty dark and I’m not entirely sure how I feel about it. The story centered on Kavik, a warrior forsaken by the goddess he offended in his youth –and Mala, a champion of the same goddess, on a quest for her favor. Mala’s mission puts her squarely in Kavik’s path and it doesn’t take long to discover that their destinies are intertwined. There is some pretty heavy stuff here: rape, torture, and the like. And parts seemed pretty bleak. But the sexy times were very hot and the HEA was satisfying. — I leave the story conflicted, but affected, so take that as you will.

Overall, I think is definitely an anthology worth checking out!

Rating: B+
Bite Me (The Pride Series Book 9) :: Games People Play :: How You Can Profit by Knowing Them - Games Criminals Play :: The Psychology of Human Relationships by Eric Berne (7-Jan-2010) Paperback :: Legacy of the Drow, Book 2 - Legend of Drizzt
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
The 1st 3 stories were pretty racy, but still readable and I enjoyed them while skimming through really racy stuff. The last story was pure pornography. I could not in good faith give it even an NC-17 rating - straight triple XXX filth.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Tops marks for the Ilona Andrews story! This is worth reading and the only reason I would recommend the book because the Singh story is like reading high school teen sex fantasy, complete with the juvenile thinking of the characters and a childish plot. The Vane story has a pretty good plot that's just ruined by the crude sex scenes. See if you can get this one from the library or borrow it from a friend. Vane needs encouragement, not money, for her writing. She has potential to get better. But Singh just needs to stop completely.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
arlo lyle
This anthology contains four stories and I read it because it has an Ilona Andrews story in it form the Kate Daniels series.

The first story is by Nalina Singh. It's Secrets at Midnight.

A young woman discovers that she may be more than just human...

The second story is Magic Steals by Ilona Andrews.

An interrupted date night , turns into an ancient call of duty for Dali, and with the help of her boyfriend, Jim, they discover that a missing person case, is just the tip of the iceberg, of something much more sinister.

The third story is Lucky Charms by Lisa Shearin.

A first day, umm, night on the job, starts out cleaning up another teams mess and by the time dawn breaks, a "simple" snatch and return mission reveals so much more.

The fourth story is by Milla Vane. It's The Beast of Blackmoor.

A young woman is sent on a quest to tame a beast of a man...

Overall these stories were pretty good. I'm not sure but Secrets of Midnight felt like it was from a series of some sort. I was able to get into it, though and it was a decent enough romance.
I love Kate Daniels world and the characters in it. I also love getting to see some of the character stories that can't be covered in a normal novel. It didn't disappoint.
The third should have been titled The Trouble with Leprechauns, not Lucky Charms. This is actually a prequel to a series by Shearin. It definitely felt like that and I verified it on her site. This story gives the reader a nice glance into this world of magic and humans, and the characters are definitely interesting and a bit fun. I'm going to eventually check Shearin's series out.
The final story, The Beast of Blackmoor, appears to be the beginning of a series. One I have no real desire to pursue because even though this was a decent tale, I had trouble delving into this world.
I read a lot of fantasy, so swords and magic are fine with me. That wasn't the issue. I did think it had a tad bit more explicit sex in it, than was "needed". I can overlook that. But if you are going to create a mythos for your world, and from what I can tell, the gods and goddesses are made up, you need to add information for me to understand statements made from the characters that refer to the mythology. Think of it like this, to do addition, I need to know my basic numbers first... To get lost in a world, I need to understand about Vela, and the other gods and goddesses that exist in that world. Otherwise, when a god or goddess is mentioned, I'm a bit confused and pulled out of the story, because I don't know why that god or goddess is mentioned. I can infer to an extent, but I shouldn't have to.
Sorry, if that was a bit long. But overall the anthology is a real good read and worth checking out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Secrets at Midnight (5 stars)

This is the reason I purchased the audiobook. I love Nalini Singh and this series.

I'd met Bastien in another book from this series and Ioved his name so when I saw this novella was about him, I had to have it.

Bastien has a puzzle to solve. He catches a whiff of his mates scent but he can't find her. Tracking her seems impossible and that's just insulting to his leopard. But a chance cake delivery has him coming face to face with the women his cat is convinced is his mate. But who is she? Or better yet, what is she?

I was amazed how much was packing into this short novella. A mystery to go with a mating was amazing. This author is a master at telling even novella length stories in such a compelling way that I just don't want to put them down or have them end.

Best story of the book.

Magic Steals (3 stars)

I've never really been a magic girl. Despite that, I did enjoy this book. Might have been the shifters in it. Dali is a tiger and she's the person everyone comes to when black magic has hurt them. She brings balance back to the world. So when a mystery takes shape after a person goes missing, she's the one to try and solve it.

Hanging out with Dali is the jaguar that wants her as his mate. Interestingly, Dali sees herself as plain and can't figure out why Jim would be interested in her. He's this gorgeous alpha and she's a vegetarian plane jane. So not how he sees her.

It was fun to watch her figure out the mystery as well as the feeling that Jim has for her. It was almost a coming of age shifter story. Learn to accept yourself and get the guy too kinda book.

The Beast of Blackmoor (4 stars)

This book is more epic fantasy than I would normally read. No shifters in it, though. But the thing is that I really did enjoy it. Because it was a novella, it didn't get weighted down with some much fantasy that I felt lost. There was just enough that I enjoyed the tale.

Milla is on a quest to tame the beast. The quest is for her Goddess. And she is a mighty warrior in her own right but with the help of the Goddess, she cannot be beat. But taming doesn't mean a collar and the history of the beast must be resolved. It's all very tied together as her faith in her Goddess and her attraction to her warrior combine to find an answer neither of them saw coming.

Very enjoyable and quite sexy, this one surprised me. I'm sure I never would have picked it up had it not been in this anthology.

Lucky Charms (3 stars)

This one is cheesy. If there is a magical creature, it is in this book. They are everywhere in this NYC. The human seer, Mekeena, is charged with helping her partner find the 5 leprechauns that are loose in the porn shows of the city. Every sexual innuendo that can be related to the situation is present. It was more of a mystery than a romance though. What's going on in the city and who is behind it. Why did the leprechauns lose their guards and why have seers become a prize that keeps getting killed. This one is clearly the beginning of a series. It does complete the story of the leprechauns but leaves a lot unexplained. I'm sure that's for the series. But it didn't capture my interest. I'm not reading the next book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jamie lord
Every story in the Night Shift anthology is a five-star read--I'm a huge fan of Nalini Singh's, and bought this because I never miss anything she writes, but Ilona Andrews' story is amazing, too, and her world-building absolutely fascinating. I've never read Lisa Shearin before, but will definitely be looking to see what she's got out there--lots of humor and great action, and again, terrific world-building, but the biggest treat of all was Milla Vane's story. I am a huge Meljean Brook fan--love her Iron Seas, but I think I love her gritty Milla Vane writing even more. Hard to say--I do know I'll be reading the entire anthology again, but I still can't say which story is my favorite--they all are! I definitely recommend this collection to anyone who loves really well-written, captivating paranormal romance. Did I say every single story is wonderful?
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
4 stories, some better, some worse. 3 awesome hot romances, one bleah not-even-a-romance.

Secrets at Midnight by Nalin Singh: hot guy, hot girl, nice cast of characters, nice mix of urban and forest scenes - but it uses one of my least favorite tropes: ignorant girl gets educated by wise man. Note the imbalance of girl/man. Singh gives an excellent background for the girl's ignorance, but I still hate the trope. OTOH, said guy is kind not in any way a jerk. Nice story. 3 stars.

Magic Steals by Ilona Andrews: hot guy, woman with tiny tits and no hips. And she's near-sighted. And a magician. He's the Alpha of the cat shape-shifter clan, he's strong and powerful, and she can't imagine what he sees in her. Nice cast of characters, nice assortment of urban scenes, nice mix of his skills and her skills. Really nice use of family and 'what if they find out.' Nice scene where he points out that she only looks at her flaws, while he is looking at her magnificent assets. And PS, she's really beautiful, why doesn't she see that? I had to read that part a few times. Nice story. 5 stars.

Lucky Charms by Lisa Shearin: boring woman, boring men, boring romp through stripper clubs, boring mix of office and club scenes, and where was the romance? 1 star.

Beasts of Blackmoor by Milla Vane: crusading woman, angry man, conflicting goals. A powerful mix of brutality and gentleness among the main characters, straight brutality from most of the cast. Scenes are feudal towns and poor villages and roadside mud and rain. This is the only story featuring rape, memories of rape, and threats of rape. It also has the most explicit sex scenes between the heroes. The uses of 'taming' and 'beast' are off-putting when you figure out what they mean. 3 stars.

Incidentally, there are a whole bunch of books called Night Shift. Doesn't someone check on that?
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
stella s
Secrets at Midnight by Nalini Singh was one of the best stories in this anthology. Bastien keeps getting a whiff of the scent of his mate, but then it's gone again. It's only when they meet face to face that Bastien and start getting to know one another that he figures out she isn't completely human like she thinks she is. This was such a sweet romance and it even made me misty eyed a few times when Kirby finally finds the missing pieces of her past.

Magic Steals by Ilona Andrews was so much fun. Jim and Dali are just perfect for each other. Dali is a tiger shifter but she's also a vegetarian. That is just part of the fun. Jim is fun and helps her as she tries to figure out who is using magic to kill or try to kill people. The reason why was interesting and the story line for this was not something I was expecting, but it was fun.

Lucky Charms by Lisa Shearin had all sorts of creatures in it. Gargoyles, leprechaun's, large man eating worms, goblins and dragons were just a few of the crazy creatures you'll find in this story. Mac is hired to help track down a leprechaun prince and his buddies who have escaped from their protective detail. Mac is a seer and can see through the glamour that they use to keep themselves hidden from humans. This was a fun story, my only complaint was the ending. It turns out someone is killing or trying to kill the seer's this company hires and that story line never gets wrapped up. I'm guessing it will in the next book but it was kind of a cliffhanger to me.

The Beast of Blackmoor by Milla Vane started out a little slow for me but quickly picks up after Kavik made the goddess mad and he is cursed. Later he meets Mala who is on a quest for the same goddess he pissed off and they realize that their fates are somehow wrapped around each other. This is a very dark and gritty story. After reading the other three and getting a fun feeling from them, I was a little shocked to find this in the mix because it's nothing like the other three and it really didn't seem to fit, at least not for me. It's not a bad story if you like this sort of thing but it really wasn't my favorite.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Overall rating:
4 stars

This is a very good anthology. I was already a fan of Andrews and Singh so I was willing to give it a try. The other 2 authors were new to me but I liked them both well enough that I may try more of their work in the future. I've included more individual reviews below:

Secrets at Midnight
Audio: 0-3:19

4-4.5 stars

This was a very good story. This is part of the Psy/changing series. Bastian is Mercy's brother and a changling. He finds his mate, Kirby, who appears to be human (but they both get a big surprise). I liked both Kirby and Bastien and enjoyed their story very much. It was interesting and sweet and a good (if short) addition to the series. :D

Magic Steals
Audio: 3:19-6:10

4 star

This was a very good story. This takes place while Kate and Curran are out of town and Jim has been left in charge of the pack. He and Dali are dating but can only get together infrequently. Dali likes Jim a lot but because she has a low opinion of her self worth, she has no hope that their fledgling relationship will last. I did find her lack of confidence a bit annoying and it does come up a few times but it really isn't the focus of the story. When Dali gets called in to help with a curse that's threatening a family friend, Jim goes along to help (although it's more to spend time with her than anything else). During their subsequent adventures in dealing with the curse, Dali (with help from Jim) realises that she has a lot more to offer than she thought and I was happy with her personal growth. I liked Jim in this story...we get a bit of his personal stuff and I loved how he has was with Dali. The story ends with Jim and Dali heading towards a HEA together.

Lucky Charms

4 stars

This was a very good story. It's a prequel to the first book in this series, [book:The Grendel Affair|17912981]. This is the first story I've read by this author but I liked it well enough that I'll probably try more of the series in the future.

Basically, this short is about Makenna's first night on the job working for SPI. She gets partnered with Ian who is an experienced agent and doesn't seem too happy to have been assigned to Makenna. Their first case involves finding 5 lost leprechauns before something very bad an evil mage getting a hold of the wishes of a leprechaun Prince (which are much more powerful than wishes from a normal leprechaun). It's an interesting first night and Makenna learns a lot, some of which isn't good (specifically about some larger dangers she could be facing on the job which will probably be addressed in book #1). Ian and Makenna work well together, gaining mutual interest and respect for each other by the end of the story (but anything else is left for the next book).

This was a very enjoyable story. I liked Ian and Makenna as well as the cast of secondary characters. This story was interesting and kept me engaged and I had no major complaints about the story. Overall, this was a very good prequel to the series and I'd recommend it. :)

Beast of Blackmoor

3.5-4 stars

This was an interesting story. I liked Mala and Kavik and their story was pretty good. This is the first story I've read by this author (and it appears to be only 1 of 2 stories she's written) but I liked it and may try more of this author's work in the future.

Kavik is from a land with an evil warlord and a monstrous demon that causes death and sickness throughout the land. He made it his mission to rid the land of both but hasn't had much luck. Kavik left his land to raise money for an army of men to help his take down the evil warlord but to no avail. He also tried to gain the aid of a goddess and when her priestess refused, Kavik let his temper out which brought about was seems to be a prophecy of his doom. Kavik has spent years trying to keep his people as safe as possible when he encounters a woman, Mala, that has been sent to his land on a mission. They have an unexpected connection and but her mission may not be something that's good for Kavik. Mala doesn't have ill will towards Kavik and actually has very good will towards him but she's unsure of exactly what her mission entails and the will of gods are hard to determine. Kavik and Mala have some trying times as they struggle between what their missions may entail and their want for each other. I will say that the story ends with Kavik and Mala heading toward a HEA together.

* note - I listened to the audio version of this anthology. The same narrator was used for all 4 stories and she did great.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
There's a good mix here, like an assorted chocolates box. 1 barbarian fantasy, 3 contemporary urban fantasy, 2 written in the first person point of view, varying degrees of sexy-times from erotic, hot and none.


If you are queasy about barbarian fantasy involving blood, guts, sword battles, violence, awful villains, primitive justice, human abuse, gruesome deaths of humans and animals, some erotic sex, strong, angry, alpha men, then think twice about this Milla Vane novella. But know this: behind the veneer of what I just described is the wonderful writing of this very talented author who interlaces those raw elements with, adventure, danger, the might of the hero, the determination of the heroine, chemistry between the protagonists and ample sexual tension, and manages to weave it into dramatic romantic adventure. And don't forget magic and the clever world building. Whew!

This is one fabulous read if you can breathe deeply to overcome the shock of reading something different to the ordinary. My ordinary reading is historical romances with gentle sexy-times and little or no violence generally. Rarely is the "F" word used.

That's not what you get here. This was a bit of an adjustment for me, until I got to know the protagonists and they did some growing, and then loving. Then I liked it.

I'll be back for more Milla Vane barbarian fantasy stories. I'll say this first one is very good, even if I am rather shaken and stirred.

For those interested, Milla Vane has written a related free short story (not a romance) about the cousin of heroine, Mala. It is very good, and can be found here:

Please, Milla Vane, let Meljean Brook out to write some more Iron Seas... :-)


This is my first story by this author. It was a pleasant read.

The hero, Bastien, knows immediately the heroine, Kirby, is the one for him for reasons explained in the story. He doesn't need to be convinced about his feelings for her. He already knows she's "the one" on an instinctual level. Despite the explanation, that was not enough for me. I needed more character development.

I am a needy reader. I want to get to know and be involved with both characters. I want to feel them falling in love. This was a pleasant read, but my needy needs weren't met entirely. I wonder if it is because this is the first book I've read in this series and have no prior knowledge of this world.


This story was a complete surprise to me.

Written in first person, this story grabbed me immediately. It had me until the second page where I was told Dali and Jim have been dating and kissing already. Then I was lost. What attracted them? What was the first kiss like? I don't know...

But I kept reading and I'm so glad I did. There was great humour, a mystery to solve, a little angst, chemistry between Dali and Jim, sexual tension, light-hearted banter, romance, danger, intrigue, and sexy times. Truly delightful.

I like that Dali is Indonesian and Jim has brown skin but I don't know his cultural background until the end. But I like that he is not of Anglo or European descent. For me, their cultural backgrounds made the story refreshing.

I liked the dynamic between Dali and her mother, it so reminded me of my European mother. It made me laugh and relate to Dali more.

It was written completely from Dali's point of view, and I loved her voice. She speaks like my friends. And Dali is witty, clever and insecure in a loveable way.

I was not happy that Dali wastes an uneaten amazing dinner by trashing it instead of refrigerating it ...

Aside from this, Dali is delightful. And Jim melted my heart when he told Dali why he is interested in her and wants to be with her. My jaw fell open at the beauty of his words. And he sounded so real. Wow, really lovely.

I had no idea who Ilona Andrews was. Now I am intrigued. And smiling. Great story!


This one reads like episode 1 of a TV show based on a paranormal detective agency. It was full of fast-paced action, adventure and fun.

It's not a complete romance, but a meeting of the hero, Ian, and heroine, Mac, at work on her first day. There is awareness between them, but the story takes place over the course of about 6 or 7 hours. So the romance for 2 people who just met, isn't going to go far in that short span of time.

It was funny and sweet, but I am guessing there will be a full-length novel or novella for this couple taking their story further sometime. That said, I don't feel cheated having read what feels like episode 1 only. A slow build-up is always good.

There is another character, Danescu (there's probably a book about him somewhere), who is compelling and is presented as an alternative love interest to the heroine. That distracted me as the hero, Ian, took a back seat for a time. But that's what happens in TV series, right? The hero works to win the heroine's heart over the course of many episodes. And when they finally come together, we are so invested and on tenterhooks that BAM it hits you in a satisfying way... It just doesn't happen in episode 1.

As I was expecting a complete romance, I have rated this accordingly.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Night Shift by Nalini Singh, Ilona Andrews, Lisa Shearin and Milla Vane
Paranormal Romance -Nov. 25th, 2014
4 1/2 stars

Secrets at Midnight by Nalini Singh
Big, tough shifter Bastien Smith, loves his life but lately he has found himself lonely for a more permanent type of companionship. Unfortunately, his mate hasn't shown up! He has scented her elusive perfume but has tried in vain to find her. Slightly depressed, he sneaks out of his mother's party and drives another guest leaving early to her home. But to his surprise he finds the woman of his dreams when he drops off his mother’s guest. Her name is Kirby. But Kirby doesn’t seem to be a shifter and she has ghosts from her past. Ones that haunt her and prevent her from fully committing to Bastien.
4 1/2 stars A solid read but not as developed as her full length novels. Bastien was sexy and determined. But I kept yearning for a bit more about Kirby and Bastien together!

Magic Steal by Ilona Andrews
Magic Steals continues the romance between shifters Dali and Jim. Dali has beautiful, magical powers but she can't stand blood and doesn’t eat meat. So she is really different from other shifters. The problem is she that she is dating Jim. Jim is the Cat alpha and he needs a strong mate to protect him. She doesn’t feel she is strong enough for Jim, but she loves him. When Dali and Jim try to solve a mystery together she discovers her powers make her a good mate for Jim. But can she finally realize she is worthy?
5 stars This was my absolute favorite in the anthology. I’ve re-read it four times already. Dali has been featured in another short by the authors and it was equally good! Dali is a powerful tiger shifter. In this story Dali discovers her worth and Jim shows her how much he cares for her and values her. Even though this was a short story I really felt the emotion between these two characters. I wish the authors would write even more about them. Excellent!

Lucky Charms by Lisa Shearin
Luck Charms is a fresh new start to new series by Lisa Shearin. It introduces Makenna Frazier, a human seer that has signed up to work for the Supernatural Protection and Investigations. Her first assignment is to find a nasty leprechaun prince gone wild at a bachelor party. The problem is they must find him before an international incident occurs. Unfortunately, her new partner is a grim, gun-toting machine that seems to resent babysitting her. Their relationship is definitely on the cold side -can Makenna convince him to cooperate and become a real team member? Will they be able to find the prince in time?
4 ½ stars This start to a new series is a fun romp. Her partner is a real grouch and good foil for the innocent Makenna. But there are reason for this. I found their relationship made this an exciting read.

The Beast of Blackmoor by Milla Vane
The Beast of Blackmoor is a serious, mythical story. As a land and the man that is its rightful ruler are cursed. It takes a heroic female of prodigious faith to bring hope. But will the stubborn man let himself be swayed by her and let go or will he keep his obstinate ways before it is too late?
3 ½ stars. This book was well written but the characters did not interest me. The ‘hero’ does not seem to have many redeeming qualities and I did not think he was worthy of the heroine, Mala. Mala made a lot of sacrifices but the hero did not seem to make any significant ones of his own. Mala seems to have enough faith for them both but the hero only seems to bring her down. Although he finally does save the day it is almost too late. This story left me with mixed feelings.

Reviewed by Steph from the Bookaholics Romance Book Club
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
john golden
4 stories, some better, some worse. 3 awesome hot romances, one bleah not-even-a-romance.

Secrets at Midnight by Nalin Singh: hot guy, hot girl, nice cast of characters, nice mix of urban and forest scenes - but it uses one of my least favorite tropes: ignorant girl gets educated by wise man. Note the imbalance of girl/man. Singh gives an excellent background for the girl's ignorance, but I still hate the trope. OTOH, said guy is kind not in any way a jerk. Nice story. 3 stars.

Magic Steals by Ilona Andrews: hot guy, woman with tiny tits and no hips. And she's near-sighted. And a magician. He's the Alpha of the cat shape-shifter clan, he's strong and powerful, and she can't imagine what he sees in her. Nice cast of characters, nice assortment of urban scenes, nice mix of his skills and her skills. Really nice use of family and 'what if they find out.' Nice scene where he points out that she only looks at her flaws, while he is looking at her magnificent assets. And PS, she's really beautiful, why doesn't she see that? I had to read that part a few times. Nice story. 5 stars.

Lucky Charms by Lisa Shearin: boring woman, boring men, boring romp through stripper clubs, boring mix of office and club scenes, and where was the romance? 1 star.

Beasts of Blackmoor by Milla Vane: crusading woman, angry man, conflicting goals. A powerful mix of brutality and gentleness among the main characters, straight brutality from most of the cast. Scenes are feudal towns and poor villages and roadside mud and rain. This is the only story featuring rape, memories of rape, and threats of rape. It also has the most explicit sex scenes between the heroes. The uses of 'taming' and 'beast' are off-putting when you figure out what they mean. 3 stars.

Incidentally, there are a whole bunch of books called Night Shift. Doesn't someone check on that?
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
alie stumpf
Secrets at Midnight by Nalini Singh was one of the best stories in this anthology. Bastien keeps getting a whiff of the scent of his mate, but then it's gone again. It's only when they meet face to face that Bastien and start getting to know one another that he figures out she isn't completely human like she thinks she is. This was such a sweet romance and it even made me misty eyed a few times when Kirby finally finds the missing pieces of her past.

Magic Steals by Ilona Andrews was so much fun. Jim and Dali are just perfect for each other. Dali is a tiger shifter but she's also a vegetarian. That is just part of the fun. Jim is fun and helps her as she tries to figure out who is using magic to kill or try to kill people. The reason why was interesting and the story line for this was not something I was expecting, but it was fun.

Lucky Charms by Lisa Shearin had all sorts of creatures in it. Gargoyles, leprechaun's, large man eating worms, goblins and dragons were just a few of the crazy creatures you'll find in this story. Mac is hired to help track down a leprechaun prince and his buddies who have escaped from their protective detail. Mac is a seer and can see through the glamour that they use to keep themselves hidden from humans. This was a fun story, my only complaint was the ending. It turns out someone is killing or trying to kill the seer's this company hires and that story line never gets wrapped up. I'm guessing it will in the next book but it was kind of a cliffhanger to me.

The Beast of Blackmoor by Milla Vane started out a little slow for me but quickly picks up after Kavik made the goddess mad and he is cursed. Later he meets Mala who is on a quest for the same goddess he pissed off and they realize that their fates are somehow wrapped around each other. This is a very dark and gritty story. After reading the other three and getting a fun feeling from them, I was a little shocked to find this in the mix because it's nothing like the other three and it really didn't seem to fit, at least not for me. It's not a bad story if you like this sort of thing but it really wasn't my favorite.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lauren rogers perrault
Overall rating:
4 stars

This is a very good anthology. I was already a fan of Andrews and Singh so I was willing to give it a try. The other 2 authors were new to me but I liked them both well enough that I may try more of their work in the future. I've included more individual reviews below:

Secrets at Midnight
Audio: 0-3:19

4-4.5 stars

This was a very good story. This is part of the Psy/changing series. Bastian is Mercy's brother and a changling. He finds his mate, Kirby, who appears to be human (but they both get a big surprise). I liked both Kirby and Bastien and enjoyed their story very much. It was interesting and sweet and a good (if short) addition to the series. :D

Magic Steals
Audio: 3:19-6:10

4 star

This was a very good story. This takes place while Kate and Curran are out of town and Jim has been left in charge of the pack. He and Dali are dating but can only get together infrequently. Dali likes Jim a lot but because she has a low opinion of her self worth, she has no hope that their fledgling relationship will last. I did find her lack of confidence a bit annoying and it does come up a few times but it really isn't the focus of the story. When Dali gets called in to help with a curse that's threatening a family friend, Jim goes along to help (although it's more to spend time with her than anything else). During their subsequent adventures in dealing with the curse, Dali (with help from Jim) realises that she has a lot more to offer than she thought and I was happy with her personal growth. I liked Jim in this story...we get a bit of his personal stuff and I loved how he has was with Dali. The story ends with Jim and Dali heading towards a HEA together.

Lucky Charms

4 stars

This was a very good story. It's a prequel to the first book in this series, [book:The Grendel Affair|17912981]. This is the first story I've read by this author but I liked it well enough that I'll probably try more of the series in the future.

Basically, this short is about Makenna's first night on the job working for SPI. She gets partnered with Ian who is an experienced agent and doesn't seem too happy to have been assigned to Makenna. Their first case involves finding 5 lost leprechauns before something very bad an evil mage getting a hold of the wishes of a leprechaun Prince (which are much more powerful than wishes from a normal leprechaun). It's an interesting first night and Makenna learns a lot, some of which isn't good (specifically about some larger dangers she could be facing on the job which will probably be addressed in book #1). Ian and Makenna work well together, gaining mutual interest and respect for each other by the end of the story (but anything else is left for the next book).

This was a very enjoyable story. I liked Ian and Makenna as well as the cast of secondary characters. This story was interesting and kept me engaged and I had no major complaints about the story. Overall, this was a very good prequel to the series and I'd recommend it. :)

Beast of Blackmoor

3.5-4 stars

This was an interesting story. I liked Mala and Kavik and their story was pretty good. This is the first story I've read by this author (and it appears to be only 1 of 2 stories she's written) but I liked it and may try more of this author's work in the future.

Kavik is from a land with an evil warlord and a monstrous demon that causes death and sickness throughout the land. He made it his mission to rid the land of both but hasn't had much luck. Kavik left his land to raise money for an army of men to help his take down the evil warlord but to no avail. He also tried to gain the aid of a goddess and when her priestess refused, Kavik let his temper out which brought about was seems to be a prophecy of his doom. Kavik has spent years trying to keep his people as safe as possible when he encounters a woman, Mala, that has been sent to his land on a mission. They have an unexpected connection and but her mission may not be something that's good for Kavik. Mala doesn't have ill will towards Kavik and actually has very good will towards him but she's unsure of exactly what her mission entails and the will of gods are hard to determine. Kavik and Mala have some trying times as they struggle between what their missions may entail and their want for each other. I will say that the story ends with Kavik and Mala heading toward a HEA together.

* note - I listened to the audio version of this anthology. The same narrator was used for all 4 stories and she did great.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
yazan malakha
There's a good mix here, like an assorted chocolates box. 1 barbarian fantasy, 3 contemporary urban fantasy, 2 written in the first person point of view, varying degrees of sexy-times from erotic, hot and none.


If you are queasy about barbarian fantasy involving blood, guts, sword battles, violence, awful villains, primitive justice, human abuse, gruesome deaths of humans and animals, some erotic sex, strong, angry, alpha men, then think twice about this Milla Vane novella. But know this: behind the veneer of what I just described is the wonderful writing of this very talented author who interlaces those raw elements with, adventure, danger, the might of the hero, the determination of the heroine, chemistry between the protagonists and ample sexual tension, and manages to weave it into dramatic romantic adventure. And don't forget magic and the clever world building. Whew!

This is one fabulous read if you can breathe deeply to overcome the shock of reading something different to the ordinary. My ordinary reading is historical romances with gentle sexy-times and little or no violence generally. Rarely is the "F" word used.

That's not what you get here. This was a bit of an adjustment for me, until I got to know the protagonists and they did some growing, and then loving. Then I liked it.

I'll be back for more Milla Vane barbarian fantasy stories. I'll say this first one is very good, even if I am rather shaken and stirred.

For those interested, Milla Vane has written a related free short story (not a romance) about the cousin of heroine, Mala. It is very good, and can be found here:

Please, Milla Vane, let Meljean Brook out to write some more Iron Seas... :-)


This is my first story by this author. It was a pleasant read.

The hero, Bastien, knows immediately the heroine, Kirby, is the one for him for reasons explained in the story. He doesn't need to be convinced about his feelings for her. He already knows she's "the one" on an instinctual level. Despite the explanation, that was not enough for me. I needed more character development.

I am a needy reader. I want to get to know and be involved with both characters. I want to feel them falling in love. This was a pleasant read, but my needy needs weren't met entirely. I wonder if it is because this is the first book I've read in this series and have no prior knowledge of this world.


This story was a complete surprise to me.

Written in first person, this story grabbed me immediately. It had me until the second page where I was told Dali and Jim have been dating and kissing already. Then I was lost. What attracted them? What was the first kiss like? I don't know...

But I kept reading and I'm so glad I did. There was great humour, a mystery to solve, a little angst, chemistry between Dali and Jim, sexual tension, light-hearted banter, romance, danger, intrigue, and sexy times. Truly delightful.

I like that Dali is Indonesian and Jim has brown skin but I don't know his cultural background until the end. But I like that he is not of Anglo or European descent. For me, their cultural backgrounds made the story refreshing.

I liked the dynamic between Dali and her mother, it so reminded me of my European mother. It made me laugh and relate to Dali more.

It was written completely from Dali's point of view, and I loved her voice. She speaks like my friends. And Dali is witty, clever and insecure in a loveable way.

I was not happy that Dali wastes an uneaten amazing dinner by trashing it instead of refrigerating it ...

Aside from this, Dali is delightful. And Jim melted my heart when he told Dali why he is interested in her and wants to be with her. My jaw fell open at the beauty of his words. And he sounded so real. Wow, really lovely.

I had no idea who Ilona Andrews was. Now I am intrigued. And smiling. Great story!


This one reads like episode 1 of a TV show based on a paranormal detective agency. It was full of fast-paced action, adventure and fun.

It's not a complete romance, but a meeting of the hero, Ian, and heroine, Mac, at work on her first day. There is awareness between them, but the story takes place over the course of about 6 or 7 hours. So the romance for 2 people who just met, isn't going to go far in that short span of time.

It was funny and sweet, but I am guessing there will be a full-length novel or novella for this couple taking their story further sometime. That said, I don't feel cheated having read what feels like episode 1 only. A slow build-up is always good.

There is another character, Danescu (there's probably a book about him somewhere), who is compelling and is presented as an alternative love interest to the heroine. That distracted me as the hero, Ian, took a back seat for a time. But that's what happens in TV series, right? The hero works to win the heroine's heart over the course of many episodes. And when they finally come together, we are so invested and on tenterhooks that BAM it hits you in a satisfying way... It just doesn't happen in episode 1.

As I was expecting a complete romance, I have rated this accordingly.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sheryl woods
Night Shift by Nalini Singh, Ilona Andrews, Lisa Shearin and Milla Vane
Paranormal Romance -Nov. 25th, 2014
4 1/2 stars

Secrets at Midnight by Nalini Singh
Big, tough shifter Bastien Smith, loves his life but lately he has found himself lonely for a more permanent type of companionship. Unfortunately, his mate hasn't shown up! He has scented her elusive perfume but has tried in vain to find her. Slightly depressed, he sneaks out of his mother's party and drives another guest leaving early to her home. But to his surprise he finds the woman of his dreams when he drops off his mother’s guest. Her name is Kirby. But Kirby doesn’t seem to be a shifter and she has ghosts from her past. Ones that haunt her and prevent her from fully committing to Bastien.
4 1/2 stars A solid read but not as developed as her full length novels. Bastien was sexy and determined. But I kept yearning for a bit more about Kirby and Bastien together!

Magic Steal by Ilona Andrews
Magic Steals continues the romance between shifters Dali and Jim. Dali has beautiful, magical powers but she can't stand blood and doesn’t eat meat. So she is really different from other shifters. The problem is she that she is dating Jim. Jim is the Cat alpha and he needs a strong mate to protect him. She doesn’t feel she is strong enough for Jim, but she loves him. When Dali and Jim try to solve a mystery together she discovers her powers make her a good mate for Jim. But can she finally realize she is worthy?
5 stars This was my absolute favorite in the anthology. I’ve re-read it four times already. Dali has been featured in another short by the authors and it was equally good! Dali is a powerful tiger shifter. In this story Dali discovers her worth and Jim shows her how much he cares for her and values her. Even though this was a short story I really felt the emotion between these two characters. I wish the authors would write even more about them. Excellent!

Lucky Charms by Lisa Shearin
Luck Charms is a fresh new start to new series by Lisa Shearin. It introduces Makenna Frazier, a human seer that has signed up to work for the Supernatural Protection and Investigations. Her first assignment is to find a nasty leprechaun prince gone wild at a bachelor party. The problem is they must find him before an international incident occurs. Unfortunately, her new partner is a grim, gun-toting machine that seems to resent babysitting her. Their relationship is definitely on the cold side -can Makenna convince him to cooperate and become a real team member? Will they be able to find the prince in time?
4 ½ stars This start to a new series is a fun romp. Her partner is a real grouch and good foil for the innocent Makenna. But there are reason for this. I found their relationship made this an exciting read.

The Beast of Blackmoor by Milla Vane
The Beast of Blackmoor is a serious, mythical story. As a land and the man that is its rightful ruler are cursed. It takes a heroic female of prodigious faith to bring hope. But will the stubborn man let himself be swayed by her and let go or will he keep his obstinate ways before it is too late?
3 ½ stars. This book was well written but the characters did not interest me. The ‘hero’ does not seem to have many redeeming qualities and I did not think he was worthy of the heroine, Mala. Mala made a lot of sacrifices but the hero did not seem to make any significant ones of his own. Mala seems to have enough faith for them both but the hero only seems to bring her down. Although he finally does save the day it is almost too late. This story left me with mixed feelings.

Reviewed by Steph from the Bookaholics Romance Book Club
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Great little set of anthologies, 4 good complete feeling quick reads.A fan of short anthologies, Yoda is not.
I finished Secrets at Midnight, 3.0 stars - it was the typical short rushed feeling PNR. I liked the characters and would have loved to meet them in a full length read.he sex was so short I blinked and I they were done. WTH ? I wanted the good stuff. It did peek my interest in the series, I might squeeze it in this year or the next or at least the year after that
Magic Steals 4.5: I loved it. Jim is everything he should be and more. Dali, well I didn't like her much before this little short, now I adore her.
Lucky Charms 3.5 : This felt more urban fantasy, a bit grittier and i liked it. I am interested in the characters and their world I will look into this author's work more
The Beast of Blackmore 2.5: I liked it and I didn't. It was direct slam in your face action/sex and almost crude, and not in a sexy way. I don't know that I will read anything more form this author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
philip coogan
I thought that Night Shift with four novellas was a great book for people who liked the paranormal fantasy type books. There are many types of heroes and villains that make it really interesting and definitely not boring.

Secrets At Midnight :

I thought Bastian a leopard hero and Kirby a human heroine were a great couple in their quest for love. Bastian is very lovable, kind and patient with Kirby. I like the mystery of who Kirby really is and how the story about her unfolds.

Magic Steals;

I liked how the hero Jim, a jaguar shifter and security chief and Dale a Tiger shifter work together to find someone who has gone missing. The details are intriguing and well written. I liked how Jim was amazed and watched how Dale did her magic. He was so supportive and helpful in her quest.

Lucky Charms;

This is chocked full of supernatural beings; lots of variety. You were never bored with all the different beings and dangerous things going on.
I liked that Mac was thrown right into a dangerous job to find a missing being. There was lots of humor that help even out the evil.

Beast of Blackmoor;

Mala the heroine is trying to help by taming a beast who didn't even know he needed taming. She knows it is hard but knows she is protected by her goddess. I like how the hero Kavik learns to trust her so she can turn around the curse he has on him
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
<u>Nalini Singh – Secrets at Midnight</u>

New York Times best-selling author Nalini Singh delivers a smoldering story with Secrets at Midnight, as the scent of Bastien Smith's elusive lover ignites a possessiveness in him that's as feral as it is ecstatic. And now that he's found his mate, he'll do anything to keep her.

Perhaps a very predictable story, but I loved it nonetheless. I have to admit I can’t remember Bastien from previous books in this series, but he is delectable, and he has some bachelor brothers, so there could be more sweet stories in the future. I liked Bastien’s mate, Kirby. She did not have a good childhood, living in the foster care system, but she is a very sweet woman and she can handle Bastien. To tell more would spoil the story for those who do not find it predictable.

<u>Ilona Andrews – Magic Steals</u>

In one New York Times best-selling author Ilona Andrews' novella Magic Steals, when people start going missing, shapeshifting tigress Dali Harimau and jaguar shifter Jim Shrapshire must uncover the truth about the mysterious creatures responsible.

I have enjoyed another short story about Dali, who is half-blind and still races cars, and Jim before, and this one was even better. We get to see Dali in action. Dali is Balinese, and she is blessed with some kind of holy magic, to fight evil. She is all about preserving balance. Usually she uses calligraphy to craft her curses, but this time, a more direct approach is needed. And now someone is using black magic to kill people, and Dali is the one who can defeat him. Jim has never seen his white tiger in action, and he sure is in for a treat. But he won’t back down, and he won’t be scared away, even when an enchanted car tries to eat him.

Fascinating little story, and a lovely love story all in one. I will re-read this one for sure.

<u>Lisa Shearin – Lucky Charms</u>

It's seer Makenna Frazier's first day on the job at Supernatural Protection and Investigations, when bodyguard duty for a leprechaun prince's bachelor party goes every which way but right in nationally best-selling author Lisa Shearin's Lucky Charms.

The prequel to the first book in the SPI files series, and this was a fun read. The book hints at this story a few times, so I am glad I had the chance to read about Mac’s first day on the job. We are introduced to a lot of intriguing characters, and I would not mind reading more about the goblin mage.

<u>Milla Vane – The Beast of Blackmoor</u>

In Milla Vane's The Beast of Blackmoor, a warrior princess must tame a savage beast to earn a place among her people. But she quickly discovers that the beast isn't a monster, but a barbarian warrior who intends to do some taming himself.

I DNF-ed this story, I really disliked the first two chapters and did not want to try for more.

Of course I had to buy and devour this anthology, three of my favourite authors with new stories for me to read, and one new to me author to try. I really enjoyed my favourite author’s new stories and am glad I read them. And perhaps if you try this book, you will enjoy the fourth one as well.

8 stars.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
pranav prakash
Brought to you by OBS reviewer Omar

Cats! What is better than cats? Shapeshifter cats! Night Shift is an anthology by the publishing house Berkley, which includes four short stories where the main characters need to do odd jobs. Odd jobs that have to be done by characters that are the best or the only ones to get them done; and, on two of these stories the main couple are feline shapeshifters.

4 star

Secrets at Midnight (Psy/Changeling Novella) 4 stars

By Nalini Singh

Author’s Website:

New York best seller author Nalini Singh has a new story for her Psy/Changeling series. Secrets at Midnight brings Bastien Smith’s brother of Mercy from Branded by Fire, where now that he has caught the scent of his mate his going to do everything in his power to claim and keep her.

I liked this story and I can even say that it ignited a spark to want to read the rest of the series, and see how this world of shapeshifters, psy, and humans live.


Magic Steals

Kate Daniels #6.5

By Ilona Andrews

Author’s Website:

Magic Steals by author couple Ilona Andrews is a new novella that takes place during the events of Magic Breaks. Weretiger Dali Harimau and werejaguar Jim Shrapshire must find who is attacking local owners when one of them is related to Dali’s community, all this while trying to come to terms with their relationship status.

This story was the reason I read this anthology, and I wasn’t disappointed. Magic Steals gives us a glimpse of Jim and Dali’s relationship that we haven’t seen on the books, and also it shows us Dali’s magic which comes from her white tiger powers.

4 star

Lucky Charms

SPI Flies #0.) 4 stars

By Lisa Shearin

Author’s Website:

Lucky Charms by author Lisa Shearin is the prequel for her SPI series. Here we see Makenna Fraser at her first day and mission as seer for SPI. This story can be read without having read the series before.

It was an interesting story and it sets the major idea for the series. It’s a good story, if you like reading about fae and government agencies that keep the unseen hidden.


The Beast of Blackmoor

By Milla Vane

Authors’ Website:

In the Beast of Blackmoor, author Milla Vane, tells us the story of Mala, who is in a quest to tame the beast of Blackmoor so the goddess Vela will grant her wish. But when she comes in front of the beast, she learns it is not a beast but a man by the name of Kavik, that was once cursed by the goddess and has been waiting for Mala for a long time.

I have mixed feelings about this story. I liked the story’s idea, plot, and the characters; except the laird, I was happy he died. But in the end, I ended up with a lot of questions that I felt were left unanswered. Also, I thought that everything was happening too fast, but most of all I think that it was lack of background information.

Overall, I liked the anthology and its theme, but if you don’t have some previous knowledge of the stories by Nalini Singh and Ilona Andrews, you might find them a little hard to follow, still you will find them good enough for it to catch your attention, and make you want to read the complete series.

*OBS would like to thank the publisher for supplying a free copy of this title in exchange for an honest review*
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
betsy linnane
This entertaining collection of four short stories by some of the biggest names in the paranormal romance field feature an assortment of werecreatures, elves, curses and of course, hunky guys. Nalini Singh returns to her Psy-Changeling world with Secrets at Midnight, a story featuring Mercy’s brother Bastien who has scented his future mate but cannot find her. When Bastien does find his mate Kirby, he realizes there is more to this supposedly human woman then meets the eyes. Kirby grew up an orphan with little memory of her parents and longing for a sense of family. She is instantly attracted to Bastien who is trying to take things slow and allow his mate an opportunity to know what she is getting into. Not surprisingly, they both get more than they bargained for.

Magic Steals by Ilona Andrews finds Dali, an insecure Indonesian woman who changes into a white tiger capable of banishing evil and Jim, a werejaguar who serves as the Atlanta Pack’s Chief of Security looking for a missing woman. The couple locate the woman and begin tracing threads of evil back to a nondescript strip mall as they also begin treating their mutual attraction as something more than a passing fling. Dali learns to work with Jim and trust her feelings as together, they face a nasty black magic practitioner. Makenna, a seer reporting for her first day at work for the Supernatural Protection and Investigations agency gets a whole lot more then she ever dreamt of in Lisa Shearin’s Lucky Charms. Frequently laugh out loud funny, this story sets the stage for a full length novel as Mac works to track down and deliver a wayward leprechaun prince to his rightful place. In The Beast of Blackmoor by Milla Vane, Kavik, a barbarian warrior cursed by a goddess when he was little more than a lad, sees his doom with the appearance of a warrior princess garbed in red. Mala has been sent to tame the vicious beast of Blackmoor and gain badly needed allies for her people but both warriors discover the term taming can mean different things.

Overall, this was an excellent anthology as most of the stories were strong enough to stand on their own although Singh and Andrew’s tales were set in ongoing series. Arguably, Secrets at Midnight was the weakest of the stories which is not to say it wasn’t good, merely predictable and a bit too contrived. Magic Steals allowed readers to see an entirely different side of the pack enforcer and watching Dali build her confidence levels was a treat. Lucky Charms was great good fun and will leave readers watching for more from this author. Vane’s offering was the darkest of the four stories with interesting character histories and the interactions between Mala and her very special mount are sure to be a treat to horse lovers. Enjoy!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sameer panchangam
**Review courtesy of All Things Urban Fantasy**

While anthologies aren't normally my thing, the draw of the Kate Daniels and SPI Investigations stories were just too much for me to pass up in the case of NIGHT SHIFT. Luckily, the whole anthology was high caliber and well worth the read, with four outstanding stories that, though part of series in three of the four cases, manage to stand on their own.

Secrets at Midnight, a story from the Psy-Changling world by Nalini Singh, is probably the most standard paranormal romance story in the bunch. Featuring an alpha male, and an adorably cute mate, Secrets at Midnight is both amusing and romantic all at once. I think the hero, Bastien's, family dynamics would have been even more fun for me if I had been familiar with the series, but I was able to jump in without any prior knowledge, and I still enjoyed the story.

Magic Steals, a story from the Kate Daniels universe by Ilona Andrews, was a fun little mystery with some romance as well. For Kate Daniels' fans, it offered the rare opportunity to learn more about Jim, and see a different side of him than the rather scary side we get in the Kate books, and also the opportunity to get to know another character, Dali, and about her magic. Though it had its humorous moments, it was definitely more focused on the mystery and the romance aspect. This one also wouldn't require the reader to be a Kate Daniels fan already, but I'm guessing if you aren't this story may turn you.

Lucky Charms, from the SPI Investigations series by Lisa Shearin, is likely the story that made me laugh out loud the most. Take Mac's first day at work, add in five horny leprechauns destined to wreck havoc across New York City, and throw in some goblins, Mac's partner Ian, and the werewolf driver, Yasha for good measure, and you've got a lot of fun. Shearin's signature sarcastic style was present in Mac's narration, and this would be a great introduction (since it's a prequel) to the SPI Investigation series, especially since the second book is about to be released.

The Beast of Blackmoor was a bit different from the other three stories in the book in that it took place in a more fictional fantasy world, but that didn't diminish it's appeal. It took a little to get into, and because it didn't fit the typical urban fantasy mold, could likely have benefited from a more lengthy treatment, but it was enjoyable all the same. The chemistry between the leads was hot and the world was interesting and well crafted. This is a place I'd like to explore further, hopefully we'll get the chance!

All in all, the four stories of NIGHT SHIFT are an excellent compilation, even for readers who aren't fans of the series they come from. It's rare that all the stories will be a hit, but in my opinion, NIGHT SHIFT manages to do it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amanda w
Night Shift is a Paranormal Romance/Urban Fantasy anthology, boasting some pretty big names in the genres. Nalini Singh, Ilona Andrews and Meljean Brook writing as Milla Vane along with newcomer Lisa Shearin, bring readers four completely different stories. Each one brings something unique to the table that many readers will appreciate. Two of the stories continue long running series', one is a prequel to a new series and one is a simply barbaric. A great sampling of what both genres have to offer!

What I liked:

Nalini Singh's story, "Secrets at Midnight," is a part of her Psy-Changling series. Readers learn more about one of Mercy's brothers, Bastien as he searches for his elusive mate. Her scent is both 'cat' and human and once he finds Kirby, Bastien must help her learn about herself and what she can do. I enjoyed this novella set in the Psy-Changling world and marveled at how Singh can bring a story together and make it interesting, sexy and multi-layered in a such a short format. It takes a master, and Singh does it with ease. A great addition to that series.

Ilona Andrews is one of my favorites in Urban Fantasy. Her Kate Daniels series is perfection when it comes to this genre and "Magic Steals," was a great story from that world. Andrews is top notch when it comes to world building, but in this novella, we see more of her character development skills. Dali and Jim are not newcomers to the series and fans will love learning more about them and seeing their relationship move to the next level in this book. I love Jag shifters and all of Dali's tigress tendencies were amazing in this one. I loved the mysteriousness of the story and the way Jim and Dali worked together to solve the puzzle. Dali finally knows how Jim feels... now what!

Lisa Shearin was a new name to me when I started reading her story, "Lucky Charms." But I will have to say that I am really impressed with her writing. Mac is a seer who has been chosen by the SPI (Supernatural Protection and Investigations) to work with them in keeping the supernatural population in line. Her first official case, pits her with a very sexy new partner and looking for a naughty leprechaun. There was humor, there was just about every known variety of supernatural I could think of. There was just a lot going for this story. I look forward to reading more from this new series. This story was excellent in every way.

Milla Vane is Meljean Brook's darker alter ego. Her story, "The Beast of Blackmoor," is precursor to a new series from the author. It was definitely dark and gritty as Mala a warrior princess, takes on Kavik a forsaken Barbarian who has incurred the wrath of the goddess for his disrespectful behavior in his youth. Readers will be able to tell that Kavik isn't all bad, but neither is Mala all good. This one gets pretty dark and if readers are looking for a light PR read, this is not it. There were some situations that may be hard for some readers to read, but I felt Vane was using them to show the barbaric nature of what was going on in this stark and barren world. I really enjoyed seeing this different side to a favorite author of mine. Great way to begin something new!

Bottom Line:

All four stories were well written and unique. Surprisingly one of the stories I liked best was from the relative newcomer to the genre, Lisa Shearin. It was great to revisit the Psy-Changling series and the Kate Daniels series and those barbarians are looking mighty interesting. As always I wish each story could have been longer and more in depth. Such is the nature of an anthology though and it felt like a really good sampling of what each author had to offer.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
whitney finch
Reviewed by Suzanne and posted at Under The Covers Book Blog

Personally, I am not a huge fan of anthologies; however, if you entice me with Ilona Andrews, Nalini Singh and Meljean Brook aka Milla Vane….then you need to get out of my way; I will stampede over you to get my hands all over it. All three of them are in my top five favourite authors, and I have also read and enjoyed Lisa Shearin’s books as well. So Night Shift is definitely an exception to my “meh anthology” rule. And it didn’t disappoint me, I loved each of the four novellas, they all offered something different, from Nalini Singh’s beautifully romantic Secrets at Midnight to Lisa Shearin’s funny and action packed Lucky Charms.

Secrets at Midnight (Psy Changeling novella) by Nalini Singh

This was everything you have come to expect from Nalini Singh; beautifully written, highly romantic and full of more adjectives than you can shake a stick at. I was glued to my kindle screen. It was set in the Psy Changeling world and features one of Mercy’s brothers, Bastian, and we get to see him find and fall in love with his very unusual mate. This novella was straight up romantic, not to mention a little sexy and was a fantastic introduction to this anthology.

Magic Steals (Kate Daniels novella) by Ilona Andrews

It’s safe to say that the Kate Daniels series is a little obsession of mine. And when I say little I mean it is requirement of any friendship that you have a) read the books b) loved the books and once again Andrews demonstrates why I love this series so much by giving us a peek in to the life Jim and Dali, two of the characters in the Kate Daniels series. This tale was full of action, magic and romance, not to mention Jim being a badass:

Jim wasn’t just a badass. He was a badass who wrote a book for badasses on how to be a badder badass.

This was my favourite novella in the anthology and a great addition to the Kate Daniels series

The Beast of Blackmoor by Milla Vane

We skip from urban fantasy to plain ol’ fantasy in The Beast of Blackmoor as we follow a warrior priestess on her sacred quest to tame the Beast of Blackmoor, only the beast isn’t quite the evil demon she thinks he is, instead he is handsome and strong barbarian trying to help his people. This novella was earthy, raw and a lot darker than the other stories in Night Shift, but it was a fantastic read, full of adventure, sex and some pretty intense emotions, I really hope Milla Vane aka Meljean Brook continues to write a full length novel for this world.

Lucky Charms (SPI Novella) by Lisa Shearin

“How the hell did you lose five horny leprechauns in a strip club?”

Any book that has the above line in it…bound to be a pretty amazing read and it was. We follow Mackenna Frazier’s first day at Supernatural Protection and Investigations, which does indeed involve five leprechauns and a strip club…not to mention some elves, a Russian werewolf, a gorgeous goblin and her new partner. This novella was packed full of some hilarious action and adventure as Mac gets thrown in the deep end on her first day as seer in her new job, this was another fantastic read in the Night Shift anthology and definitely a series that is going straight on to my TBR pile.

*ARC provided by publisher
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
"Secrets at Midnight" by Nalini Singh
Psy/Changeling series #13.5

This enjoyable novella from the world of Psy-Changeling shares the romance of Bastien and Kirby. Readers familiar with the series will recognize Bastien as DarkRiver sentinel Mercy's brother. Kirby, on the other hand, is a human who seems to have all the markers of a cat shifter.

Overall, Secrets at Midnight is an enjoyable, easy-going Changeling story. I've missed the Changelings a lot, with the past couple of books focusing on Psy romances. Although there are a few minor spoilers to those new to the series, it's an excellent stand alone look at Ms. Singh's world. The idea of a potential shifter not knowing she's one is unique and interesting. And since this is a Changeling story involving the "mating bond" romance, there is a quick "I love you." However, it fits the flow of the tale. I appreciate how and when the mating bond snapped into place.

My Rating: B+ Liked It A Lot

"Magic Steals" by Ilona Andrews
Kate Daniels #6.5

Told from white tiger shifter Dali's point-of-view, this wonderful novella takes place during time of Magic Rises, when Kate and Curran are oversees on a diplomatic mission. Although the story is stand alone, it will be more emotionally satisfying for those who have read the series and know both Jim and Dali from earlier books.

Magic Steals is by far my favorite story in the anthology, primarily because the Kate Daniels series is my favorite series, and this novella is a shining example of what makes the series so superb. The story is filled with wit, humor, action, and romance, creating the perfect balance with an engrossing mystery. Plus, I love Jim and Dali together. So awesome! Great teamwork.

Overall, I simply LOVED this novella. Jim and Dali are so incredibly perfect together. The humor is spot on, the case is interesting. I liked learning more about the mysterious Dali. The romance sweet, to include a passionate scene that was hot! Fans of the series will adore this novella. Those new to the series will experience a good taste of the Kate Daniels world and writing style of Ilona Andrews.
A+ Personal Favorite

"Lucky Charms" by Lisa Shearin
SPI #0.5

Makenna Fraser, a seer, is on her first day working for Supernatural Protection and Investigations (SPI). Told from her point-of-view, the reader experiences the crazy, underground world of supernatural beings living among, yet hidden from humans. SPI is like the police for supernaturals.

Lucky Charms is an exciting and crazy adventure, matching silly antics and hilarious banter with a bit of a mystery. To give you an example, the description of the SPI office reminds me of any given scene from the Men In Black movies.

I found Lucky Charms to be an interesting prequel story to an existing series (which I have not read). This novella definitely piqued my interest in reading more of the series. The story had solid humor and a storyline that was different and entertaining. While the novella completed its story involving the capture of some leprechauns, it left a huge unknown dangling, enticing me to continue the series.

A- Enjoyed A Lot

"The Beast of Blackmoor" by Milla Vane
The Barbarians series

The Beast of Blackmoor shares the story of warrior Kavik attempting to win back his homeland of Blackmoor. Unfortunately, he has angered the primary goddess of the land, who in turn has cursed his life. When Kavik recognizes Mala as the woman who will end him, he attempts to keep his distance, only to end up losing his heart to her.

While reading the book, I couldn't stop mental comparisons with shows like Xena and movies like Conan the Barbarian. The world is dark and cruel, complete with wicked creatures and a tyrannical ruler. There are a couple of potentially shocking and/or gruesome scenes.

Overall, The Beast of Blackmoor was enjoyable. However, it is firmly set in the realm of fantasy rather than PNR or UF, so if you aren't a fan of fantasy you may struggle with this one a bit. The story has some slower parts, and the characters aren't as relatable as typical UF/PNR characters. However, I loved that the heroine has a different perspective and ideas of inner strength and faith than those I normally read. I encourage readers not to skip this story, even if it is something different from your norm.

B, Liked It

Overall, Night Shift is a solid anthology with a little bit for everyone. Even if you are picking up this book for one or two of the stories, I highly suggest you read them all!

My Rating: A- Enjoyed A Lot
Originally posted at That's What I'm Talking About
Review copy provided by publisher.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
adam banas
Rating~ 4 Stars AVG

Secrets at Midnight by Nalini Singh

Rating~4.5 Stars

This book is part of the Psy-changeling series by Nalini Singh. We return to the Dark River (a leopard pack). The story is about Bastien (also known as Frenchie) a leopord changeling and Kirby, a seemingly human though she does smell awful lot like a cat shifter. I really enjoyed this book, it was sweet and adorable. I really liked Bastien and Kirby together. There was not any real conflict in the novella which meant the novella was focused on the couple and we got a lot of Bastien and Kirby scenes which I personally liked. We also get a few scenes of the pack and I loved revisiting them. The book has both protagonist POV’s.

Magic Steals by Ilona Andrews

Rating~ 4.5 stars

This book is part of Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrews. I haven’t read the series but this did not effect my enjoyment of the book. I love tigers specifically white tigers so I was excited to read about one since Dali, the heroine in the book is a white tiger shifter. Jim is the alpha of the pack and is a werejaguar. Dali and Jim are completely opposites to each other, from their personalities to their eating habits. This book was quite a lovely surprise, the book has some suspense (who is casting the curses on the local shop owners?) , alot of humor (due to Dali’s internal monologue and her & Jim’s antics), romance, wit and action. Jim and Dali were great together. The book is told from Dali’s POV.

The beast of Blackmoor by Milla Vane

Rating~ 3.75 stars

This is book is written by Meljean Brook under her Pseudonym Milla Vane. This book is unlike the others in the anthology is not a light read. The hero is the beast of Blackmoor also known as Kavik, who in the prologue disrespects a goddess (disrespect is a understatement here) and the heroine Mala is on a quest to gain favor from the above mentioned goddess. While I really liked Mala, she was a warrior yet not cold or hard, I did not like Kavik that much; it wasn’t even because of his behavior in the prologue, it was how he treated Mala later and how much she suffered because of him. Nevertheless the world its set in is interesting with its darkness, vile creatures and cruel characters. The book is told from both the protagonists POV’s.

Overall: I really enjoyed the anthology. I think it has something for everybody since the stories range from light to dark and funny to sweet. Happy Reading!

Please note: I did not read Lucky charms by Lisa Shearin and hence the average rating is based on the novella’s I read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hasan roshan
Night Shift : What a great group of stories…

Secrets at Midnight : I love all of Nalini’s books and this one is right up there. Too bad it was a novella, I really would have liked it to be longer so it wasn't quite so quick to resolution. Our hero Bastien isn’t really looking for a mate, but then he finds an elusive scent and knows .. he HAS to find this woman … his mate. There is something not quite right about her scent though, there seems to be a primary and a secondary scent. Plus, it fades abruptly when he tries to track. He searches for days and just can’t find it – or her. Leaving early from a “party” at his mom’s, he ends up giving an elder a ride home and suddenly there is the scent and the woman.

Kirby is an orphan and doesn’t have any real reference to family or love but she knows there is some sort of connection. Kirby starts having problems, and doubles over in pain.. Bastien insists she needs to be taken to a medic and she doesn’t want to go, ‘she will be fine’. Bastien finally figures out that she must be at least part cat changeling, though she’s never shifted. There are a number of problems that arise plus Kirby’s relatively new to the area and there are issues with that too. As they work their way through the problems, we get to see Luc, Dorien, and Bastien’s family and all their brotherly/sisterly fun. She discovers new family, both his and hers.

A very enjoyable story and a great addition to the series.

Magic Steals : Ilona Andrews writes a great story and she doesn’t fail here. Jim is a Jaguar Shifter, Dali is a Tiger Shifter. Just when it looks like they might actually make it all work… They get involved in a mystery. They have to find out how to help a group of people who are having attacks that are caused by magic. Dali has the ability to help with curses and other things using a magical power. We get to see how they work together and how it all comes together. Another wonderful story.

Lucky Charms : Lisa Shearin brings together a group of all kinds of paranormal peoples. Leprechauns, Humans, werewolves, elves etc. This is a new author for me, and I look forward to catching up on reading other books written by her. A supernatural agency that Mac, our heroine has recently joined has her out trying to find a Leprechaun who has gone on an escapade with his friends.. This was a lot of fun and a great read.

The Beast of Blackmore : Milla Vane/Meljean Brook – Another author whom I have not previously read. This was a conflicting story for me, I enjoyed it but there were parts that were dark and heavy. The story centers around a warrior, Kavik, who originally came to ask for help and ended up offending instead. Mala comes to finish the mission she has been assigned.. to tame the beast. Turns out the “beast” is Kavik. Through some fairly intense scenes they eventually work things out to break his curse.

I think this Anthology was really good, and definitely worth reading… It’s a keeper.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ga lle
I don't typically read anthologies unless they are set in worlds that I already read, but I decided to give this one a shot. I'm really glad I did as I have a new series to read, and two of my favorite series have been expanded upon. Definitely a great read for fans of these series, or anyone looking for something new to try out.

Onto the stories:

Secrets at Midnight by Nalini Singh - I'm a huge fan of Nalini's archangel series, but I haven't read anything from her psy series. If this novella is any comparison to the rest of the series, then it seems I have been missing out. Boy is it hot! That being said, I don't think this was really the best place for a new comer to start in the series, because I was more than a little lost as to the world and what was going on outside of the main couple. Even so, an enjoyable read that makes me want to check out the full books.

Magic Steals by Ilona Andrews - THIS novella is the entire reason I wanted to read this anthology. I've been dying to see Jim and Dali's story since their attraction had been first hinted about a couple of books ago in the series. I absolutely loved seeing them together, and Dali is a really interesting character to see inside her head. Now I wish there was going to be a full length from her perspective. Even so, I'm really happy I got to read this story, and see another side to the mysterious Jim.

The Beast of Blackmoor by Milla Vane - This one was a difficult read for me. I just don't think barbarian stories are my thing as I couldn't really get into it. Don't get me wrong, it was sexy, but it was a bit too out there for my tastes.

Lucky Charms by Lisa Shearin - I have to admit that I completely spaced on what this story was until I started it. I absolutely loved the first book in this series, so it was really great to see this prequel story. Now I just can't wait to get my hands on book two as this fun story reminded me just how fun the book was, and how much I loved it. If you're looking for a new urban fantasy read, these are the ones to check out, lots of fun!
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