Accessing the Archive of the Soul and Its Journey

ByLinda Howe

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
liza shats
I skimmed through the book and I was impressed at the little bit of information that I have read. I would recommend this book to anyone who is interested into tapping into their DNA and obtaining knowledge.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
this book was insightful and makes you question what's happening now. It provides you strong exercises to strengthen your mind and personal abilities. I've always wanted the chance to review my past life and see if I've completed the challenges I had then or figure what I must do to complete it now.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
susan perabo
This book is only the beginning of accessing the Akashic Records. You need to read H. P. Blavatsky work with the ‘Secret Doctrine and Isis Unveiled. Then move to Rudolph Steiner who is the man who put it all together as is the basis of the Akashic Records movement. Yes, he has been called racist, but all scientist and learned men of his age all saw the word with white people on top. It wasn’t until further evidence came out that they changed their point of view. If you want to truly access the records then you must read Steiner’s work otherwise it’s just a show for the people coming to see you for help!
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
oliver ian
This book is amazing. I have read many spiritual books over the past 10 years, and this is a keeper. I got results from the first time I went into the Akashic records and I love the way it is explained and the prayer for going into them.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
molly frisinger
Nice simple idea base on the principle of invocation but redundant. I can't imagine having to take the class. Actually a friend of mine did and her comment is that you don't get much more than what's in the book. However this is a unique method wich relies on your own ability to channel. If you care about being accurate about what lives your client have had or not trust Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
batac slothboy
I've studied with Sonia Choquette, and am Level 2 Certified. I am also a Certified Practitioner with Linda Howe, through a workshop I attended after reading this book. I have been taught Sonia's simplistic yet very effective method of entering the Akashic Records. I use Sonia's method, coupled with part of Linda's method, when I do professional readings. I write this saying that Linda Howe was the first to get so in depth about the records. I write this, saying, to explore all methods, and be sure to get an understanding of what is involved, by reading this book. Read this book with an open mind, open heart, and no ego. Do know that this isn't the only book you'll want to read, but this will start you in a direction.

Linda Howe enters the Akashic Records through a 12 stanza prayer, not easy to memorize. I like Linda's prayer, I can feel a consciousness shift, but I can't stand not memorizing something I'm supposed to, for one on one readings. Linda never says to memorize it, and I do memorize things, (phone numbers, etc...), but for some reason, the Akashic Record's prayer in this book, I always have to turn to the book or my typed paper to recite it. I don't find that professional or comfortable, so I use what I've easily memorized, with less wording. The Universe wants simplicity.

The first chapters give you a solid background, and knowledge. The next chapters go into properly accessing the records, and certain guidelines. Throughout the book, there are side lines quoted. That isn't needed, and diverted my attention. The sidelines reminded me of advertisements, for some reason. This part of the book goes into Akashic records on animals, plants, government, and public buildings.

The back chapters are devoted to healing in the Akashic Records, and doing readings for others. No where in the book is the third eye mentioned, neither are the devoted guides who do infact, have names. Masters, Teachers, Loved Ones are the only guides taught in this method. Linda teaches about them, without names. These differentials are vague, and there's probably billions of ways to enter the Akashic Records. But again, this book is worth the read if you have an open mind. If you want to do Akashic Records professionally, this is a good background book of techniques.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
edd mccracken
The Akashic Records are ”a dimension of consciousness that contains a vibrational record of every soul and its journey”. This body of knowledge contains everything that every soul has ever thought, said and done over the course of its existence.

In this book we are guided to easily access these records both for ourselves and others. We can ask questions and be healed/heal our clients, We use the Pathway Prayer Process, which is part of the “sacred prayer” tradition, to access the Records.

I have not used the process yet myself, since I have not yet purchased the book, but borrowed it from the library, and have now to return it. But I am in no doubt that the process will work.

It is a delightful book with a wonderful, gentle, loving energy. It is written elegantly, clearly and simply – everything you need to do is spelt out. We are assisted by the lords of the Records, the Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones.

The Lords of the Records are a group of Light Beings who work at the Universal level, rather than with individual souls. The Masters are also a group of Light Beings, and like the Lords of the Records have never been in physical bodies. But unlike the Lords, they work with individual souls. “Your particular Masters have been with you since your soul's conception and are responsible for your soul's ongoing growth and development.”

The Teachers may or may not have been in physical bodies before, and are not with you throughout your soul's existence; each one stays with you for as long as it takes you to learn a particular lesson and integrate the consciousness of that Teacher.

The Loved Ones are people you knew in this lifetime who are now deceased, They are committed to your soul's growth and evolution.

The book provides examples of sessions with clients, whose Akashic Records are opened, and who thus receive guidance.

Information you get from the Records comes from a Divine Consciousness that is beyond and greater than your intuition, so it doesn't matter whether you consider yourself intuitive or not, though your intuition will get a lot stronger after you've been working in the Records for a time.

You can also read the Records of pets, of a home, of a company or of public monuments, buildings, etc.

This is a wonderful little book, and I feel it will benefit my spiritual progress greatly to use it and begin to access my own Akashic Records and those of others (with their permission, of course). I will immediately order the book, since the sooner I get to work with it, the better!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
c kloi
Much of what she wrote was enlightening, and I identified with much of her experience that can be found in the first two chapters and the introduction. However, I am concerned that her Christian-centric presentation of how to enter the Halls may alienate those (like myself) who have stepped fully away from Organized or Big Religion due to any number of reasons. I accessed the Akashic Records two years ago with a very different method than what she described (and many times since without the necessity of a very Christian-sounding set of words), and while her prayer may work for many, many people, it does not sit well with my soul. Furthermore, the interactions I've had with those found within the Akashic plane did not condemn my path of access, nor the words I used or the actions I took to convey my respect and desire to learn for my own healing (at this stage in my life).

Thus, my neutrality. This is a good book for learning one way to access the Records, and I am grateful to read Linda's experience. However, as we each experience the Records in a different way due to the unique vibration of our current incarnation, I feel it is necessary to say that not everyone is going to be able to speak her Pathway Prayer without feeling it cast a shadow upon the Light within. Will this book help many people? Of course! It already has! But with my current personal history, it is better served as a memoir of how another has accessed the Records through their own filter and experience. I'm looking forward to reading more of Linda's work, and I hope that her terminology becomes less "Christian-ese" and more neutral.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Linda Howe explains that the Akashic Records contain, "everything that every soul has ever thought, said and done over the course of existence, as well as its future possibilities." I love her analogy of the Records being the "cosmic internet" and we can "google" specific information from them.

These Records are not the exclusive domain of any one organization or religion. They are available to everyone. In the past, mystics and saints had access, and Mystery Schools provided entrance information. Today, we have evolved to a spiritual independence, which allows anyone to gather data from the Records.

A specific prayer, the Pathway Prayer, is used to gain entry. While answers are provided, there is also an energy exchange that allows us to ask the right questions and "feel" the right responses. The Records don't hold anything negative. They contain our potential, which is "eternal beings of Light whose essence is wholeness and wellness and goodness."

Howe suggests that the Records provide an "energetic tune-up" for everyone, especially for those feeling out of touch or lost in the complexity of the material world. Remembering that we are connected to a Divine Being provides a comfort. "All souls desire to experience their wholeness and Oneness with all of Creation," although not all of us are aware of this.

We are all capable of a spiritual independence, one in which we can help choose and define our spiritual connection. The Records provide another avenue of support, one in which we can connect directly to a Divine or higher Energy.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I've been interested in the Akashic Records since reading about Edgar Cayce and his experiences. I found it intriguing that there may be a "library" that contains the records (vibrational records) of every individual soul. In Linda's Howe's words, "The Akashic Records is the soul level. The opportunity in working with the Akashic Records is to develop a more conscious relationship with your soul."

The book was fairly well organized and written, and Linda Howe also does a good job explaining what the Akashic records are and how they can be accessed and utilized for one's betterment.

Within are meditations to assist you in becoming adept at accessing your record -- or the records of others, with their permission -- in order to unlock knowledge and healing energy.

I do find this very interesting; however, I have not had any luck with accessing the records through the information provided. Then again, I'm rarely in an area where it's particularly quiet and peaceful. Perhaps you'll have better luck.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah s
I like Linda Howe's "Akashic Records". Her introduction in the preface alone was so interesting to me. She tells of her journey to get to the Akashic Records. I found that fascinating. I wouldn't mind another book by Linda about her journey and details on her life in shamanism.

Back to this book though. Linda gives exercises on accessing the Records. She gives instructions on what to do, what not to do, and how to access them. It isn't a 1,2,3 and you are there kind of thing to access the Records. It takes focus, dedication and the right knowledge to be able to access them. I admit, I have not yet arrived, but I have found information from the Records myself. I have read other books about accessing the Records, but they aren't as clear as Linda's book on practical know-how to access them. Linda also includes further resources and an appendix with the Pathway Prayer Process and she includes a group guide at the back for gatherings.

I found Linda's book informative, fun and very understandable. I never felt she wrote above me at any time. She has a very casual style that feels like I have known her all my life and she is just talking to me. A great book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kelsey riley
There are many paths available for one's deepening spiritual growth. I like to combine the seen and unseen.

I've fallen victim to myself at times wanting "somebody else" to tell me, be my authority, be the one who has access to answers I still haven't figured out (or accepted) on my own.

I ordered this book with a side of guardedness because of MY past experiences - and - I am open to receiving even a nugget of goodness from every source.

Akashic Records is a well-written book -- it offers techniques on how to get in touch with your own "soul history". I'm appreciative of "teachers" who offer "the keys" or the tools that encourage me to do my own fishing. I'm appreciative of Linda Howe for offering exactly this. She's not claiming "this" is the only way and one can only access this through her or another "reader". I applaud her for this.

Whether or not I honestly access anything "unseen" isn't the issue for me. Worry about being duped or laying my soul out there vulnerable for another's interpretation or belief or scam also isn't the issue for me.

What I sought were words that touched a place within me that is true for me--that are filled with goodness, love and reminders that I am loved in ways that don't feel "earthly". Having believed in reincarnation since I was a young child, helps me be open to this point of view. And, I live my life utilizing who I am "this life" and those aspects that I may struggle with or have healed -- and all of IT points me back to me--about what can I do, change, learn from that helps me create a more peaceful life.

I probably won't get answers that wrap up life-long issues in a pretty-bow and I don't see this book as offering that -- but it encourages each one to work with themselves - with an unconditional love that isn't concerned with many of the aspects that humans in this world get caught up with.

If you are seeking "positive breadcrumbs" for your spiritual journey with your life, I recommend this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mary kitt neel
Lots of good information here about the Akashic Records. Many questions answered. The book is a gentle, loving read whose tone is kindly and understanding. I enjoyed it. This book is a very good "how-to" for people who want to help others. Everyone will find something beneficial in this book.

I would have liked to have had more examples of information received from the Records from people who had learned significant things about themselves and how it changed or bettered their lives.

I would have liked to have had some information about the future. That would have been daring -- and confident.

I have tried the technique but have not had success -- yet. Maybe tonight.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Edgar Cayce said that every human is capable of doing what he does. Linda Howe's wonderful book puts the power to read the Akashic Records in everyone's hand. Simple, clear and precise method which allows anyone to access the infinite intelligence residing in the Akashic Records.

There is tremendous interest worldwide in "energy healing". Linda rightly says in her book: "when one is ready to move beyond the basic to the extraordinary, the Akashic Records far surpass the power of traditional therapy". I think a large spiritual population is ready to move from basic to extraordinary and this book comes at a very appropriate time to assist with this transition.

Linda explains everything so clearly. Starts with a description of her personal journey, followed by a description of what are Akashic Records and then describes the more intricate details of the process of reading Akashic Records in a clear and step by step fashion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
richard court
I recommend this book, but being a long-time Theosophist I also have absolutely no doubts concerning the existance of the akashic field and its record keeping capacity. It is the basis and essence of all things in the material world; the smallest material element created from the astral world. Being essentially beyond time and space as we know it, it can provide access to virtually everything.

This book is a sincere attempt to access that field. The author points out that many of us have experienced connection with the akashic level at one time or another, but such contact is unpredictable and rarely repeatable. She gets beyond this by means of her Pathway Prayer Process. This method was revealed to her after a lifetime of searching (all of which has the ring of truth concerning spiritual breakthrough.) It is based on the concept that certain words, certain thoughts, have resonance with the higher planes. Indeed, how could any sincere prayer for the higher good steer you wrong? Besides, it came from the higher entities that look after our connections with such things in the cosmic hierarchy.

I had some surprising results reading this book before sleep. I suppose that whether or not anyone gets anything out of this method depends largely on whether or not they can "get out of their own way."
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
As a hypnotherapist and shamanic teacher and student I had high hopes for the presentation of this material. In this New Age of techniques and energies coming into the planet, the myriad information about the Akashic Records can be confusing to novices and even veteran students. I went into this book excitedly seeking a different approach to the Records. While Howe clearly demonstrates her own experiences using the Records for herself and others, I remain unconvinced that this is a solid text for new Akashic students. Howe created an instructional CD based on this same material, so perhaps the book is more useful when paired with the CD.

Howe begins the book by sharing her personal experience, not only with the Akashic Records, but with the powerful spiritual awakenings she had along the way. From that wonderful voice I was very excited to read her account of the Records. The more I read, the more formulaic the writing became, thus her voice was not as prevalent, and the delivery of information became clinical. That change in voice influenced my connection to the material. Howe's understanding that clients must participate in their healing process is spot-on, as is her explanation of shifts of consciousness and emphasis on the need for grounding rituals entering into and departing from healing work. Her reliance on facets of the ritual being the exact same for everyone every time is more Piscean than I am accustomed. I respect that she is presenting a method as it has revealed itself to her, but relaying an artful modality as concrete can result in creating distance more than revealing opportunity. Ultimately that can only be discerned by individuals as they work with the material. I would like to have seen more writing dedicated to the Records, themselves, more examples of what is found in them and how that information can be used to enhance how one lives.

Howe's explanation of the Records is by far the most approachable one I've ever read and is beneficial for all readers; however, I do not recommend the book alone for beginners of trance work or of the Records, themselves.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rachel perry
How to Read the Akashic Records: Accessing the Archive of the Soul and Its Journey
This is my first review of anything on the store, and I just had to let potential readers know this book works. I have the book and access my records almost daily and through the questions that Linda suggests and those I have found myself, I get a wonderful picture of my reason for being here and what to do next. I ask, what do I need to know today? I get answers. For anyone who wants a personal relationship with their soul's purpose, this is the book for you to get started. I anxiously await Linda Howe's next book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nada amin
I think this book is full of interesting information. This book is amazing for people that are interested in accessing the Akashic Records themselves. The author's experience makes this book very interesting. It kind of gives you the idea that these are facts. The exercises are a little difficult for me with two dogs and two kids in the house, so the only time I can get to try them is late at night, but by then I am totally exhausted from the day. Needless to say I am not done learning about myself and what I can learn about the Akashic Records, but I am determined to keep trying and reading about myself and what to improve to get me in a better frame of mind.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sasha clayton
Linda Howe presents the reader with a wonderful book about accessing the field of all potentiality in order to understand one's own soul and destiny. Though this field may go by many names, Howe presents a very comprehensive and easy to follow blueprint for tapping into the storehouse of universal wisdom and information in order to find the right path for one's life to take.

This is a very spiritual book yet practical as well, and offers interesting scientific and metaphysical concepts in a format that can bring deep healing and understanding. Well worth taking the journey.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ankita gogoi
This book gives information and background about the Akashic records and how one can tune in to receive guidance from that realm. This book teaches a "pathway prayer" process for bringing oneself into vibrational alignment with the records in order to receive clear guidance. Overall I found this book to be pretty good - I haven't seen any other books that attempt to teach how to do these readings, as this usually is taught in classes. This isn't the only method used to successfully tune into the records, so you may encounter people who use different approaches.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah pullos
This books offers the opportunity for an authentic connection to divine light and love. The process is deceptively simple: at first you may notice very little (just a subtle "click" in your consciousness). However, if you push through any initial resistance and trust your subtle perceptions, you will find yourself forever changed by this new relationship to brilliant vibrations of compassionate guidance and healing. This work has deepened my spiritual life, replacing question marks with... "YES". Thank you Linda for sharing this remarkable work with the world!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
maryteresa morris osb
this is an excellent book! i am grateful to linda howe for sharing her considerable knowledge of the akashic records, more so being that most teachers have a confidentiality clause with teachings regarding the akashic method, thus limiting the information available on the subject. therefore i was truly pleased with linda howe's openness and generosity about the subject. moreover, this is quite a comprehensive book, and lists some very good questions to ask about healing the past, our ancestral lineage, etc. the way it written is also graceful and flowing, making the whole book easy to read. this is the first book i read about the akashic records, and the subject was so fascinating, and the way it was written so readable, that i finished the book in short order. thank you linda howe!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kevin noack
Linda Howe says that the work of the Akashic Records will "blow you away" and that is what my first experience with reading about and practicing The Pathway Prayer method for accessing the Akashic Records has done. Linda promises it will "blow away the misperceptions you have held about the world up to this point." She also says that if you want to feel loved and appreciated, access your Akashic Records - the record of your life force throughout eternity. When I followed her instructions outlined in her book that is exactly how I felt.

In the realm of light workers, Linda Howe is a leader and a master teacher. Her book will guide you expertly into the realm of your Akashic Records and also teach you how to read others Akashic Records.

It is easy to read and follow and an absolute joy to experience.

I highly recommend Linda Howe's book "How To Read the Askashic Records: Accessing the Archive of the Soul and Its Journey".
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kristen howze
Linda, in a excellent review, provides a method to make accessing the wisdom of one's own soul accessible to everyone. We are all so fortunate to have this guide available to us. This book provides a great review of: what the Akashic Records are; an explanation of the benefits & potential for learning to access the wisdom; ethics to insure one achieves the highest benefit; as well as a highly effective, simple and easily understandable way for one to reach and access their own soul record and the records of others. This is a must have for any serious spiritual seeker. It has the potential to open a new world for you.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tiina tonttu
This is an easy to follow, fascinating look as to how to access the Akashic Records. It is effective and it works. You have to follow the suggested meditations to achieve success, but if you are open-minded and sincere, you will have some success. How much is up to the reader. Highly recommend this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cheryl croll
Sounds Bogus to me, but you might like it

My daughter wanted this book so we read it. I thought it all sounded rather bogus, but she liked it. Not every book is for everyone. Since this book is more her taste than mine, I'll give it her review. SHe says 5 stars. Our book did not come with the CD that I see mentioned.

She had never heard of the Akashic records before and found them fascinating. I did not enjoy spending the first part of the book reading about the author's personal life. The rest of the book appeared to me very much like yet another new age thing.

If you are into this you will find it enlightening. There is a small bit of how to access your Akashic records and much documentation on raising your spritualism and attaining self discovery. You will probably feel that author will expertly guide you on to a higher existance.
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