How Rocket Learned to Read

ByTad Hills

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I got this book for my Co-Operating Teacher during my student teaching experience. I thought this book was perfect for the grade level of Kindergarteners. This book goes through the process of learning how to read which is what students are trying to do in Kindergarten. The pictures are adorable and Rocket takes you through his journey on learning how to read.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
This book was titled in the heading as "How Rocket Learned to Read". I read with an elementary school child who reads below grade level (with a group who provides reading therapy) and had this book recommended to me. I was very, very disappointed when I received this book because I can't even use it. It, for some reason, is a British version of the book -- "How Rocket LEARNT to Read" and "behavouir" and "practises" and "favourite" and other british spellings are prominent. I can't even use this book, because the child is learning these words, and "Learnt" is not the same as "Learned", obviously. I guess I'll have to give it to somebody who can read it aloud to their toddlers, and can edit the language. The story and pictures are very cute, but this is a huge disappointment (and a waste of $$) for me. I wish this book had been noted as a British version. Sorry I ordered it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
We received this book just yesterday, but my son took one look at the illustration on the front and immediately wanted to read it. Often when this happens, the story doesn't hold his interest. This time was different. He stayed interested, laughing at Rocket with his nose covered in mud and showing emotion as we read each page.

But even better than that, he was not afraid to try sounding out the words. He has known his letters and their sounds for ages, but seldom shows any interest in sounding out words. Instead, he memorizes the books and pretends to read. With this book, he was very willing to sound out the words. And, he surprised me by obviously knowing several words by sight that I had no idea he had learned!

This book is adorable, enjoyable for both the child and the adult. The illustrations are incredibly sweet and the story is cute. Overall a great book to encourage early reading.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
emma heycock
Rocket didn’t know what he was getting into when he sat down under the tree to take a nap. He just wanted sleep but before winter came, this dog got more than just a few zzzz’s. He got himself a friend, an education and exciting adventures. Rocket tried to ignore bird but bird needed a student and as she read, her voice filled the air and it intrigued Rocket. He needed more of what bird had to offer. Bird taught Rocket what she knew and Rocket, he soaked it all in, they were more than student and teacher. A close bond had emerged for when the wind changed direction and the snow began to fall, bird flew away and Rocket found himself waiting for the day when school would begin again. What a wonderful book! I loved how Rocket tried to ignore bird but she kept reading and then Rocket gets involved in the story. Rocket is then so involved in the story that he can’t wait to hear her read more. His excitement is felt in the text and in the illustrations. Bird is patient and fragile and the illustration where bird is holding this huge book and Rocket’s eyes are spiked with curiosity is one of my favorites. It’s an excellent book all around.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah jones
The cover and the title grabbed my attention. The doggy on the front is so cute sitting in the grass with a yellow bird on his nose. Who could resist? Plus any book about encouraging reading is always a plus in my world. The inside proved to be as adorable as the front cover - for sure judge this book by it's cover. Rocket is the dog and the yellow bird becomes his teacher. In the story Rocket is hesitant about reading... doesn't want to do it and thinks it seems impossible. With the help of the little yellow bird Rocket masters the alphabet, sounds out words, and finally . . . learns to read all on his own! I imagine this book being read in a Kindergarten and First grade classroom where kids are learning to read. Children will be able to make a text to self connection with the story. Rocket is like a child first learning how to read. It's really hard at first, but gets easier as he learns. His teacher is there to help him and together they can do this!!! Soon Rocket begins to understand that reading opens up a new world for him just as it will for all who learn to read. This book should be on the shelf of every k-2 teachers shelf. Teachers will love it and so will students.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
will addis
Be prepared to read this book to your child again...and again...and again...

Rocket had a busy day and wanted to take a nap, but bird wanted to teach Rocket how to read. Bird hooked Rocket with a wonderful book about a dog who lost his bone. I felt like I hooked my reluctant reader with a wonderful book about a dog who learned to read!

My 5 year old is not taking to reading as easily as his older brother did at this age, and I found this book to be PERFECT for him. There are words he recognized and had fun reading along with me, and the rest of the book was read by mom, which took the pressure off of him.

My little guy also adores anything and everything having to do with dogs, so this was a perfect fit on so many fronts.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
caroline burau
How Rocket Learned to Read is an adorable story of an enthusiastic little bird and her very first, albeit unsuspecting, pupil. Everyday, Rocket chased leaves and chewed sticks and when all the good play tired him out he would settle in for a nice, long nap. Then one day, the eager little bird sets up her classroom right in Rocket's napping spot and mistakenly thinks he is one of her students. Rocket moves away from the bird, but she has hung up her glorious alphabet banner and begun to read him a wonderful story out loud. Rocket becomes entranced with the story and soon wants more. He comes back everyday until the weather turns and his wonderful teacher flies south for the winter. Rocket practices his letters and his words all winter until he is reunited with his favorite teacher in the spring.

This is just a glorious book about the magic of words and the beauty in reading. Young children on the cusp of literacy will identify with Rocket and learn to read right alongside him. Those children who have acquired literacy skills already, will be reminded how marvelous the process is and little ones who still have a ways to go will be motivated. The illustrations make this book a perfect "10". They complement the story making Rocket and his little yellow teacher, wonderfully appealing. Every child should have this book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Chasing, playing, napping, and digging was what Rocket enjoyed about each day; until a little yellow bird opened up a whole new world to explore through books. This beautifully illustrated simple tale about how a young pup learns to read through the teachings of a little yellow bird is pleasure to read and reread aloud.

Starting with the `marvelous' alphabet, through letter sounds, and lots of practice, Rocket does indeed learn to read. Young readers, and listeners alike will make connections to their own learning process. Great story to start the school year off (K-2) with, and important message at the end reminds us all that good books are to be read over and over; and to become a good reader takes practice.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Rocket is an adorable little white dog with black spots. He loves chasing leaves, chewing sticks and napping under his favorite tree. One day his nap is interrupted by a tiny yellow bird who welcomes him to school as her first student. The little dog does not want to be anyone's student. But the little yellow bird doesn't give up. Each day she returns convinced Rocket will be her students. She hangs an alphabet banner from the tree. She reads a story, stopping just as she reaches the good part. Rocket can't help but be curious. Eventually, Rocket becomes her student and together they have a great time using the alphabet to spell out the things in Rocket's world. Rocket is disappointed when winter comes and the little bird must leave. But he doesn't stop learning. He spends the winter practicing spelling everything he sees. And when she returns in spring he greets her with joy, ready to learn more. The illustrations are a combination of oil and colored pencil. They show all the different moods of Rocket as he moves from being a reluctant to student to an eager one. Both adults and children will enjoy this light carefree book about learning.

Recommended for ages 4-8.

Mrs. Archer's rating: 4 of 5
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
aditya arie
how rocket learned to read by tad hills
this children's book tells how rocket first saw the bird and
she was reading stories. she wants rocket to learn.
he likes the story bout the dog and the missing bone and
he digs under a tree and she doesn't tell them the ending.
When winter came she had to leave to fly south where it is warm.
she left the abc banner there and he learned how to sound out letters and when she came back they could read together.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bethany whiteley
What a wonderful book for early readers. Follow along with Rocket, who had no interest in being a student, as he becomes enthralled in the wonderful world of reading. Children can discover how fun reading is along side Rocket. They can learn letters together and begin to spell out short words. It's a great lesson in how reading is a learned skill and if they keep practicing they will learn to read, too. The illustrations are beautifully done and fun for kids and adults. This is an essential addition to any preschooler's library.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
smitha sanjay
Story is so sweet, and the illustrations are vivid and addictive. Rocket is a very likable and sure to be every little kid's favorite little pup. My son loves this story, even though it's a bit slow/drawn out. (He loved it so much I ordered the sequel without checking it out at the library first. Ended up disappointed as it wasn't quite as good.)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rosann schwartz
Rocket, an adorable, lovable pooch isn't sure he wants to read when a small yellow bird arrives one summer day to teach him. He'd rather nap. But the bird--er, teacher--is persistent, devoted and kind. Before Rocket knows it, he's hooked on storytime.

Unfortunately, the bird must fly south for the winter before Rocket can read. But while the teacher is away, rocket practices the alphabet and spelling words, so that when the bird returns they can read together.

This picture book is a charming tribute to readers and their teachers everywhere. The illustrations tug readers into the story and are sure to engage young children about to embark on the adventure of reading.
-- Reviewed by Michelle Ddelisle
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
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Read aloud: age 3 - 7.
Read yourself: age 7 - 8.

Rocket the dog loved to play, and after playing hard, he loved to take a nap. One day, though, his nap was interrupted by a little yellow bird who claimed to be Rocket's teacher. She wouldn't take "no" for an answer, so before Rocket could sleep another wink, he became the bird's student.
At first, Rocket wasn't especially keen on learning how to read, but the little yellow bird always ended each lesson by reading stories aloud. Soon, Rocket loved learning so much he couldn't wait for his next class. And before too long, Rocket was able to spell and read on his own!
Charming illustrations accompany this fun, wonderful story that simultaneously conveys the importance of listening, working hard, and practicing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
victor logmao
A sweet book with an engaging story that gently introduces beginning reading to preschoolers. Children will enjoy details in the illustrations such as Rocket's small tail peeking out of the bushes and Bird in a far away tree with a book. I also appreciate that Tad Hills shows that learning to read doesn't happen over night as he illustrates the passing of time by going through the seasons (think MUD in Spring). The book has humor, great teaching points and a story that can be enjoyed over and over. My kindergartener loved this as a 4 year old and is getting even more out of it a year later.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
carol dumas
This is the first book that has inspired my daughter to actually try and read for herself so I'm bound to be extremely biased in its favor. BUT after the first go-around she was begging me to read it again (which generally only happens with the infernal Disney Princess books). I had a great time helping her sound out words and watching her delight when she got words right. It's a perfect book to get your feet wet with when prompting a pre-Kindergartner to try out reading for themselves. And on top of that, the illustrations are beautiful and very sweet. I like the Duck and Goose books too, but Rocket definitely takes the biscuit when it comes to cuteness.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mae snaer
The story and illustrations are cute. I really like the language used in the story. Hope Davis does great job narrating the book. When I read our other rocket book I try to imitate her. The interactive aspects of the book are also well done. My two year old especially likes the snow and mud that she can draw. She always wants to read this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I enjoyed the inviting, encouraging story and pictures very much. My young grandson was interested in listening to me read the story while he closely observed the pictures. I highly recommend this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
victor fari a
I enjoyed the inviting, encouraging story and pictures very much. My young grandson was interested in listening to me read the story while he closely observed the pictures. I highly recommend this book.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
geoff calhoun
I found the character, Rocket Delightful! The illustrations with his expressions are inspired. That said, I've been reading it for a couple of years to my grandson (now 5) and he gets bored with it about two thirds through the story. I think it should be resolved in a more timely manner or you should skip a few pages if your youngster likes to finish the book. That's my take on this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katie murray
This is a wonderful children's book. The illustrations are just great. My 3-year-old daughter loves it, and so do I !

** update : My daughter has had this book for a little over a week......and now , everywhere we go, she wants to spell out words that she sees. JUst like in this book!!! I love this book even more now!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
avi lall
I bought this book for my two granddaughters, ages 5 & 4, and they loved it. They are big animal lovers and the relationship between Rocket and his little bird friend is a sweet story. They are read to every night and this book has been a favorite.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
katherine williford
This book features a predominantly white colored dog with black ears and little yellow bird as a side kick. Sound familiar? No, not Snoopy and Woodstock, but "Rocket" and his little yellow bird friend. I can't believe Charles Shultz' estate didn't sue the publisher into the ground.
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