A Matter of Grave Concern

ByBrenda Novak

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This story takes place in the 1800's. Abigail Hale is trying to keep her fathers medical school going by purchasing bodies from notorious grave robbers from the London Supply Company to use as specimens. She hopes someday to step over the boundaries of the times and become a surgeon herself. She finds herself being duped by the 3 men who bring her a corpse. This is where she first encounters Maximillian Wilder. They not only steal the money she paid them, but they steal an ivory elephant that is dear to her from her late mother, and then come back to steal the corpse to sell it to another college. Outraged, Abigail dresses in rags and heads out to the seedy part of town to break into the house where these men live to get her money and elephant back. Max catches her and locks her in his room where she will be staying for a time. Max is not who he claims to be and has a huge secret. This was not only a historical romance, but it was filled with mystery, suspense and intrigue. The story line was strong and the characters were very strong and well defined. I thought the beginning was somewhat dragged out, but once I got into it, I got so caught up in it, it was difficult to put down. I think the author is a wonderful writer and I have read other books by her.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
lix hewett
A rather unevenly paced story, that started strong but housed so many inconsistent moments that I was confused then frustrated with unanswered questions and character traits that were wholly unconnected to the rather ponderous backstories presented for the main characters left me rather ‘meh’ about this whole book.

Starting strong with Max and his search for his half sister, he joins a gang of body snatchers (there is no better way to explain the grave-robbery and cadaver trade in the early 1800’s) whose leader was the last known contact of his missing sister. Madeline has disappeared without a trace, a slightly odd start as she was a woman of ‘quality’ and her travelling in circles that could lead to her abduction, or even her introduction to Hurtsill was my first ‘hmmm’ moment. But, I liked Max, his determination and steadfast collection of information.

Abigail is the daughter of an intellectual – with no mother, her actual knowledge of things anatomical is vast, if all from books. Her people skills, however, are lacking as is her judgment and lack of any of the expected ‘missishness’ that would come from some of the words she uses without embarrassment. Her interactions with Max, as an organ broker, are fraught with tension, and she is simultaneously intrigued and infuriated by his mannerisms and looks.

Of course, these two are slated for a romance – a bit of foreshadow and some completely transparent increases in her provocative use of language ( and an educated person would use the proper, not street slang for body parts) almost as a challenge, without shyness, then a retreat to naivete just didn’t hold true for me. And it rather ruined any potential interest that I would have had in a connection between these two.

Midway into the book, subplots of kidnapping and dangerous moments of near discovery were added, further muddying the initial waters of Max’s search, and his reasons for not coming clean to Abigail even when obviously has her affection and trust. Usually one of my favorite genres, the scene, place and feel were all muddled, and it felt very unfocused: the questions just kept multiplying as answers diminished.

Secondary characters came and went, several not providing more than a placeholder for a single purpose, and then dropped as if not needed. Hint – they weren’t. In fact. I can remember little past the wonderful premise and promising hero, disappointing heroine and a long and protracted crawl to the finish. Sadly, this title missed me on the romance and the mystery – and as an introduction to this author’s work, was disappointing.

I received an eArc copy of the title from the publisher via NetGalley for purpose of honest review. I was not compensated for this review: all conclusions are my own responsibility.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
corrine stephens
What an incredible book. A side of medical learning and knowledge gathering, you never think about. Resurrectionists and the seedy underbelly of society are brought to life, while love grows.

All Abigail Hale wants is to become a surgeon; it’s too bad it is 1830 in London where women are not seen as capable or able. She is desperate to further aide her father and the Aldersgate School of Medicine with the study of anatomy. So she has to deal with the Resurrectionists of the “London Supply Company” and its less than reputable leader Big Jack. (HUH?????????????)

Abigail is a strong, determined and lonely woman of 21. An only child, whose mother died when she was very young, was left largely to her own devices by her father who didn’t really know what to do with a daughter.

Max Wilder is not what he appears to be. He is out of place in the gang of the “London Supply Company”. He is not the leader of the gang but carries himself like one used to being in control and getting what he wants. He has an aversion for what he is doing, but he has a secret mission – to locate his half sister, Madeline.

Abigail throws Max off his plans from the first moment they meet. She draws out a protective and possessive instinct that max can’t shake and finds uncomfortable. Because they both have strong protective and possessive instincts chaos and ensues and the danger they find themselves in increases as they try to complete their missions. While they share a strong attraction, max tries to deny it and Abigail is curious. Ms Novak brings the emotions of new love to like and sprinkles in danger. The balance is amazing and leaves you satisfied.

I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
When Maximillian Wilder hides his noble identity and joins the notorious body snatchers known as the London Supply Company, the last thing on his mind is love. He’s worried about Madeline, his vanished half sister, who was last seen in the company of Jack Hurtsill, the gang’s conscienceless leader. Raiding graveyards, stealing corpses, and selling them to medical colleges as dissection material is dirty work, but Max knows he must gain Jack’s trust. He’s determined to find out what happened to Madeline—and to bring Jack to justice if she was murdered for the coin her body could earn.
Beautiful, spirited Abigail Hale, daughter of the surgeon at Aldersgate School of Medicine, detests the challenging, hard-bargaining Max almost as much as Jack. But she must procure the necessary specimens if she is to save the college and her father’s career. She believes she is going to be successful—until Jack double-crosses her. Then she’s swept into a plot of danger and intrigue, one where Max must intervene to protect her, no matter the risk to his plan…or his heart.

What a fabulously non-romantic situation for a beautiful love story. Brenda Novak certainly knows how to spin a fabulous story. I was hooked from the first page and stayed up the entire night reading just to see how she could turn body snatching in to a lovely happily-ever-after instead of a creepy horror story; and she definitely achieved success. Abigail is the type of heroine I long to be and Max is the type of leading man women dream about. I loved the gritty details of daily life we don't usually glimpse in historical romances. If you are looking for something different this is a fantastic choice, the plot was unique the characters strong and the details engaging.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Received a arc in exchange for a honest review.

This was interesting. I always have a problem reading historical novels because I do not like seeing how woman were less than what we really are. How we were just vessels for men and not thought of as ones who can be surgeons etc. With this book though we see a woman show spunk, intelligence and courage. Here we have Abby who is a surgeons daughter trying to save her father’s school. In the process, Abby meets some nefarious characters who take her most prized possession a ivory elephant her mom gave her. This gets her rankles up but not as much as the man Max does.

So Abby goes to get back her elephant and ends up in a mess. A mess that leads her to trust Max and fall in love with him which than leads to a predicament. A predicament that doesn’t help her try to get over Max but does show how truly loving and understanding she is for Max’s situation.

Max isn’t who people think. Trying to find his stepsister has lead him to the world of grave snatching. But this isn’t who Max is and isn’t who Abby sees when she sees him. Max shouldn’t want Abby but does. As they grow close his feelings of respect turn to love and leads him to be confused. Confused because his station in life dictates how he is to live. Not what he wants but his duty forces this upon him. So he is wiling to give up his love for Abby to keep his name in tact. A the while he continues to try to find his stepsister and get over his feelings for Abby to no avail.

The characters are strong and stubborn. Abby has you tug at your heart and very admiring of who she is at the time this book is occurring for no woman in that age would dare be the way she is. But for Abby this is her and how she wants to be and it is who Max loves. He accepts her for everything she encompasses. She is a character that we root for and want to have happiness.

Max is one that we feel for and sometimes want to smack upside the head. He is a gentlemen but also a man. With wants, needs, desires and also duty. He has a sense of honor that just makes you love him for it but also frustrates you because it is this honor that makes him duty bound and keeps him from Abby for a time.

Jack the villain is just that. Evil but also heartbroken. You do feel for him because he lost his love but that isn’t until the end. Before that you just want to see him get what he deserves-be in jail and have nothing.

The romance is fun and cute. Abby with her medical approach to love, the male anatomy and sex and Max with his passion approach come together and we have sparks. Abby changes her tune real quick and Max cannot get enough of Abby.

The book is fascinating in its approach to romance, honor and duty. A nice sweet read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kam aujla
The business of getting bodies for research falls to Abby whose father instructs young doctors in anatomy. But when the school falls short of required bodies - the London Supply Company for a fee, enables them to get the required bodies - even though it's illegal and dirty work....when Max Wilder joins them in order to find out what happened to Madeleine, his half sister - times become more interesting and dangerous for all.

In order to save the college and her father's career, Abby becomes involved with the company and involved with Max who later has some surprises of his own. A page turner and intriguing story of lust, love, thrills and mystery.....
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I had an opportunity to review “Through the Smoke” by Brenda Novak and until I started reading the novel, I didn’t realize that I had agreed to read a historical romance. I initially felt like a deer caught in the headlights in agreeing to read the book let alone to complete a review and instead became enamored with the story. When the opportunity came to read another historical romance by Brenda Novak with the title of “A Matter of Grave Concern”, I couldn’t wait to discover if my previous excitement was a moment of happenstance after a long absence due to past experiences.

I started reading “A Matter of Grave Concern” and was totally captivated by the character of Abigail (Abby) Hale, daughter of the surgeon at Aldersgate School of Medicine. Setting aside dreams of her own, Abby’s focus is on the welfare and survival of the college and to try to put her father in the best possible light as his knighthood seems imminent. In the midst of a most harrowing experience to Abby, she meets a man who captures her heart. Simultaneously, the man introduced as Maximillian (Max) Wilder and the man that captures Abby’s heart has a few secrets of his own. I loved this story! On the surface it may seem as the classic romance novel of any era in which either the heroine or hero are deemed unsuitable for one another due to socio-economic differences.

As I was trying to find the perfect words to share how deeply ensconced the reader becomes in this story, how enduring the characters, how perfectly the setting provides intrigue and suspense, it made me think of the description I read recently of “I Opened a Book” by Julia Donaldson.

I Opened a Book
“I opened a book and in I strode.
Now nobody can find me.
I’ve left my chair, my house, my road,
My town and my world behind me.
I’m wearing the cloak, I’ve slipped on the ring,
I’ve swallowed the magic potion.
I’ve fought with a dragon, dined with a king
And dived in a bottomless ocean.
I opened a book and made some friends.
I shared their tears and laughter
And followed their road with its bumps and bends
To the happily ever after.
I finished my book and out I came.
The cloak can no longer hide me.
My chair and my house are just the same,
But I have a book inside me.”
--Julia Donaldson

Open “A Matter of Grave Concern” and find yourself in the midst of a time when cadavers were needed by medical students but legal means was not meeting student needs so provision of cadavers came through an underground network who were often underground criminals, a time when females dreamed about becoming surgeons but were not encouraged to pursue their dreams, a time when a young woman was sent to live in the country with a maiden or widowed relative if the father felt his daughter needed further guidance on how to act to become a socially acceptable candidate for marriage, a time when that relative felt the burden of responsibility to provide the opportunities for a suitable courtship to marriage, a time when a marriage of business arrangement is deemed more important than a marriage of the heart and these are but a few examples. Turn the pages, follow Abby and Max as their lives intersect at a crossroad in each of their lives, share their adventures, feel the engaging emotions of their time together, and try to decide if each of their paths will lead away from each other or become entwined forever. As Julia Donaldson says, “I finished my book and out I came…but I have a book inside me.” I’m out from between the covers to share my book review but I will continue to giggle and smile as I remember some of Abby’s conversations with Max, to remember and admire Abby’s strong will and choices, to remember and admire Max’s choices for his sister, his nephew, his fiancée Hortense, and for Abby, and I will keep Abby and Max’s story forever inside of me.

I was lucky enough to receive a pre-publication copy of this title from the author to read and review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
vivek srinivasan
UNBELIEVABLE! This is the first historical romance/suspense I have read written by Ms. Novak, even though I am a fan of her contemporary romance novels. I will admit I was hesitant to read a historical romance after being away from that genre for some years now, but I am very happy that I did. The story of Abbey and Max is truly one I will never forget.

Max is searching for his lost sister. Luckily, he found her son and has provided for him under his roof, but there is no trace of his sister, and she would not abandon her son voluntarily. So Max goes under cover and joins a group of body snatchers or resurrectionists. They steal recently buried bodies from their fresh graves and sell the corpses to medical schools to use for dissections. Yes, this is a bit grisly, but is historically accurate for the time period in the early 1800's. Max's fear is that his sister, who was last seen with the leader of the group he has "joined", has fallen prey to Big Jack's greed.

Abbey is the daughter of a promenient surgeon who heads up the School of Medicine at Aldersgate. She would love nothing more than to become a surgeon herself, but that is not what a lady can do. Aldersgate has not had a specimen to dissect for some time so she takes it upon herself to contact the London Supply Company, Big Jack's group, to obtain a specimen. She gets taken for the entire purse as well as the body she was trying to obtain at the hands of Max and Big Jack. So she goes to at least get her money back but gets caught by Max. She is then not allowed to leave for fear that she will go straight to the police over what she has observed and heard. Max keeps her with him under the guise that he is enamored with her and will not share her with anyone else. This is how Max tries to keep her safe from Jack and the others.

The story progresses and you see them fall in love with each other before Max tells her who he really is and that he is promised to another. Her disappointment is overwhelming and when she can not deal with it any longer, she escapes and eventually goes to live with her widowed Aunt. Max, in his real identity, finally comes to claim her from her Aunt and lets her know that he has found his sister.

Happily ever afters all around in this story. This was a terrific story that had to take quite a bit of research not only into the timeframe, but into the way the different classes lived and what was acceptable and what was not. I was very impressed with the story and look forward to another great story by Ms. Novak in this particular genre!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
meagan baty
This is the Brenda Novak's first historical novel I read and I confess that I was surprised. Not every author can write contemporary and historical novel with the same aplomb.
In this book we have the story of two people with different goals in life but end up meeting in the middle of the same gang join forces ... and feelings.

Max Wilder had joined a gang that stole bodies and sold them because the leader of this gang, Big Jack, had been the last person to see the sister of Max alive. He needed clues and evidence to find out what had happened to her.

Meanwhile, Abigail Hale, a to-be graduate student of anatomy, contact with the gang to buy cadavers for study.

Abby was a 21 year old, but naive and protected by his father, a renowned teacher. By losing his mother very early in childhood, Abby began to follow his father in his work, reading a lot about the subject of anatomy and cherishing the dream of being as famous as him, even living in a time when women were encouraged to stay in home and getting married.

Realizing how Abby was innocent, Max takes on the job of protecting her, but clashes in the dialogues between the two also showed that she had a far superior mind then the girls her own age.

In the middle of so much mystery, drama, the two eventually fall in love, but they would be able to carry that love forward?

A historical novel with all the ingredients to hold the reader until the last page.
I also loved all the research done by the author to bring accurate information to many issues in a historical period where a lot of was done very hidden.

I felt no connection to the main characters, but quite liked everything I've read.

4 stars
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ciara leahy
I'm not generally a reader of historical romance, but as far as a fan of Ms. Novak's work, I accepted a copy odiaf her book to preview and I was not disappointed. The action starts immediately and never stops.

Abigail Hale only wants to be a student at her father's medical college, but as a woman, it isn't meant to be. Instead, Abigail tries to keep the books and keep the college running. In order to do that, Abigail has to acquire a body to be used in the anatomy class. To do this, she contacts Jack Hurtsill, a rather unsavory character who deals in dead bodies. When Jack double crosses her, taking both her money and the body, Abigail decides to go after her property.

At Jack's home she is caught by Maximillian Wilder, one of Jack's crew. Max can't deny his surprise in finding Abigail in the house. But when jack comes back, Max claims Abigail as his to protect her. But Max isn't what he appears. In reality, Max is the Duke of Rowenberry, searching for his missing half sister who was last seen with Jack. When Abigail discovers what Max is really after, she chooses to stay with him and help him.

The more questions they ask, the closer they come to finding their answers. But Jack is suspicious. He no longer trusts Max. And when he attacks Max, it's Abigail the comes to save him. But there is still a complication. Max is a Duke, one who has promised to marry someone else.

Ms. Novak knows how to write characters that are real and draw us in to the story. This latest historical is no exception. Once again, she delivers a suspenseful well written adventure.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
phillip korkowski
Be prepared for a wild ride in 1830 London. Abigail (Abby) Hale lives and works with her father in London at the Aldersgate School of Medicine. Abby aspires to be a surgeon, which is pretty much unheard of for females during this era. The school needs corpses for anatomy and dissection purposes. On her own, and without her father’s knowledge, Abby decides to help her father out, and sends a request to a company for a body. Resurrectionists (body snatchers) from the London Supply Company come into her office one night and drop a bagged body at her feet. Trouble and danger begins, for not only did they take all the money in her bag, but later that night they also came back to steal the body. Abby begins her journey in finding the stolen money and a personal treasure of hers, taking her to areas unknown. She is captured and held by the London Supply Company and has to stay in the same room with the other main character in this novel, Max. Max is not as he initially appears, and is actually trying to find his missing sister, Madeline. He took up working for these scoundrels to find clues as to her whereabouts. There are murders, missing bodies, stabbings, and all kinds of action throughout this novel. You visit warehouses, docks, seedy taverns, prostitution houses, and private homes. Not only did I learn a lot about life in these times, but I was caught up in the suspense and couldn’t wait to see how this would be resolved.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Abigail (Abby) is determined, strong-willed and fearless which at times, puts her in some periless situations. Her mother died when she was little and her father is more concerned with his college of medicine than what Abby is up to which leaves her alone and lonely. What Abby does do is find ways to be invaluable to her father even though he may not realize it. She makes it her mission to ensure that there are cadavers for the students to dissect at the school which puts her in the path of Max, a grave robber that has teamed up with Jack. Through a crazy course of events, Abby finds herself a prisoner of Max and the other grave robbers, how is she going to get herself out of this mess? Now Max is a true mystery, his clothes are too fine for a grave robber and he finds himself attracted to Abby. As Abby gets under his skin we start to learn that there really is more to Max. When all the secrets are revealed, will Max choose happiness over family obligations? Can Abby trust Max's intentions?

I loved this historical romance. Abby pulled me and had me cheering her on with all of her crazy adventures. Max is that sexy alpha male that you want to sweep you off your feet at the same time had me wondering what was really going on inside his head. Abby and Max are both stubborn and determined which made it fun as they pushed each other's buttons as they both fought to get what they wanted.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A Matter Of Grave Concern by Brenda Novak

Corpse stealing. That's how the medical schools in historical times dealt with surgical studies. Or at least dealing with body stealers to get their cadavers. How horrifying and interesting and historically accurate. I'm glad I don't live in those times! You'd want to protect your loved ones, right? But even trying doesn't sound very safe or successful from what I've read here.

This is a romance, but doesn't take place in the typical upper class surroundings often found in a historical novel. This story is more working class with most of the settings in arena of Boarding Houses, gangs, and graveyards. Chamber pots and public toilets. Again, I am so very glad to live in current times!

I loved the heroine in this story. She is both naive as a sheltered single woman of those days, but candid and well versed in anatomy because of her access to medical textbooks. She is brave and willing to do what is necessary for her father and the college and for Max in his search for his sister.

Abigail Hale tries to obtain a cadaver for the college she works at but Max Wilder makes the purchase difficult. They continue to tangle in the mean streets of the working class.

I received a copy of this book via NetGallery.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
kate keita
Interesting storyline about resurrectionists (grave robbers) and a young lady, Abigail Hale, who strives to get fresh corpses for Aldersgate School of Medicine where her father is the head surgeon. Abigail gets in over her head when she attempts to deal with Jack Hurtsill and his gang who make their living robbing graves and aren't picky about the way they obtain their corpses.

One member of the gang, Max Wilder, decides he must step into the disruption brought about by Abigail's maneuverings in order to protect her from the disreputable gang. Who is Max Wilder and what is his game? When Abigail becomes a prisoner of the gang, Max's protection must extend even further or Abigail will be ruined. Problem is, will Max wind up being the cause of ruining Abigail? She tempts him beyond belief.

Although Brenda Novak has some skill as a writer - however, her heroes such as Max Wilder, are a mix between honorable and not-so-honorable. In fact, in my opinion, some of Ms. Novak's books, including this one are a throwback to the 1990's when we had main guys written into the storyline where the taking of a young woman's virtue was done without much consideration for what her life would be like once she had given up, what was considered to be her priceless ticket into a respectable marriage. Max Wilder is revealed as a character who acts as though he cares about the niceties, but in fact, finds it impossible to live up to his espoused values.

For Abigail's part, her life-long desire to be able to attend medical college, falls by the wayside once she meets Max Wilder and becomes entangled with him. So much for a different type of heroine in Abigail.

Last, I get weary of the hindrance to a fulfillment of romance revolving around the old - "I can't marry her because it will ruin my family name - I must marry someone I don't care a whit for - just because I must." Dumb and trite reasoning. Doesn't fadge any longer with me. Don't care for it. Ugh!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
SPOILER ALERT!! The characters were likable enough, and it was nice to read something with a genuinely unique story line. And I like Brenda Novak's writing! BUT... honestly, the subject of grave robbing is just creepy and gross. After the umpteenth conversation about corpses, death, dissection and various levels of decomposition, I just couldn't take it. I kept waiting for the h to escape to a "lighter" environment. But when at about the 40% mark she decided to join the resurrection team, I'd had enough. Blech! Someone else may not have a problem, but this just wasn't for me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kevin curtis
A Matter of Grave Concern is a bit different than your average Brenda Novak novel. For one thing, it is a historic suspense as opposed to a contemporary romantic suspense novel. Instead of characters holding regular jobs, they are…wait for it…grave robbers.

Not the type of grave robber with a shopping list for monster parts, but people on a medical mission. Not everyone is in it for altruistic reasons, especially Jack. Maximillian, who hides his noble identity and true purpose, wonders if Jack might have something to do with his sister’s disappearance. In his search, he stumbles across Abigail in her effort to secure specimens for her surgeon father teaching.Abigail despises dealing with both Max and Jack and considers them slimy characters. An attraction develops between Max and Abigail as they both inadvertently mire themselves deeper into the dangerous mire of the underworld.

A Matter of Grave Concern has the same great character development and atmospheric imagery that has made Novak a best-selling author. Along with excellent pacing, there’s an eerie sense of menace and other worldliness that pulls the reader into a time where grave robbing is a profession as opposed to a heinous act. Abigail’s character is a strong, intelligent woman who can take care of herself. Max is a complex hero that the reader discovers along with Abigail. Tension resonates throughout the tale making it into a page-turner. The book is a satisfying read with a strong finish. This book is for any fan of romance, suspense, or someone who is looking for a great read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lance y pants
Although I’ve always read to escape, I find myself drawn to the realism that author Brenda Novak infuses in her books — whether contemporary or historical. A MATTER OF GRAVE CONCERN is no exception.

Whereas many historical romance authors suspend the rules of the British ton — after all, who doesn’t love a Cinderella story where a commoner becomes a duchess? — in Novak’s historicals, the strictures of society become a third protagonist.

In addition, Novak puts so much detail into the background of body snatchers and their very real purpose in the days before people chose to donate their bodies for scientific research, that I found myself learning while being entertained.

In A MATTER OF GRAVE CONCERN, Abigail Hale is caught in a world where women don’t belong — desiring to become a surgeon and working to keep her father’s teaching practice open. Maximilian Wilder, meanwhile, has infiltrated the world of body snatchers to find his sister. Neither can afford to be honest with the other, but secrets don’t keep them from being attracted to each other.

As always, Novak’s story was filled with twists and turns before finding its happy ending. I kept turning the pages because I loved both Abby and Max, but also because I couldn’t figure out how Novak would resolve all the conflicts. When she did, the ending was perfect — and wholly believable without me having to suspend my disbelief.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I loved it. It 's a very intriguing and compelling novel.
It set in London in 1830s. After the death of her mother, Abigail was raised by her father in a college where you study anatomy and analyzed corpses. It 's been very neglected by her father but she has studied a lot and hopefully one day be able to work at his side, even though in those years a woman could rarely work.
Max has lost his beloved sister and to look for it and find out what has happened joins a gang of thieves. Max and Abigail meet by chance when the girl is looking for a body to the father and the band led by Jack steals her money. Max will have to defend Abigail by the evil Jack.
The two main characters are well defined and quite realistic. Abigail is an innocent and intelligent woman, very eager for attention because it's always been neglected by her father. Max is a true gentleman, willing even to be hard to be faithful to his moral principles.
It 's an enjoyable read, sometimes really funny and full of suspense, an historical fiction different from the usuall
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
shauna hulsey
Disclosure: I received this review copy through Netgalley for the event. Thank you to Brenda Novak and Montlake for the opportunity. Yes, this is an honest review.

* * *

It's my first time to read Brenda Novak, and I know that she's known for writing suspense -- and, I think, A Matter of Grave Concern is a wonderful example of her talent: she presents the darker side of studying medicine in the early 19th century. It's becoming a booming profession, but medical schools lack the necessary materials (read: dead bodies) to teach their students effectively. Abigail's father is head of Aldersgate School of Medicine, and their situation is precarious: with dwindling funds, few students and no specimens to study -- which is why Abigail decides to take matters into her own hands and tries to procure the bodies through less-than-legal means. I like that she's flawed. I like that she had intended to "pad" the cost of their household expense to cover her tracks with regard to the bodies.

When I first met Max, I instantly disliked him -- he was very ruthless and was actually the reason why Abigail got into trouble in the first place. I honestly thought their first encounter would also be their last, but Novak had other plans for Max and Abigail. It was fascinating reading about the London Supply Company and their "business" dealings and how treacherous the London underworld was. It's amazing how Abigail was able to adapt to her circumstances because she and Max really had to think on their feet at all times. The romance that develops between our hero and heroine isn't as ardent or as dazzling as the ones I usually read in other historical romance novels, and it's a refreshing take on what a romance is: there is attraction and desire, but there's also respect and admiration that grows as Max comes to know Abigail more and vice versa.

"You want what I want," he insisted.

She turned away to wash with the pitcher and bowl. "I want what I can't have. And now, so do you."
- loc 4147

Max was looking for his missing half-sister, whose story is quite tragic. I thought Novak did a good job of developing this sub-plot, fully fleshing out Madeline's story and the urgency of Max's mission without taking the spotlight away from Max and Abigail. Madeline didn't have the same privileges as Max, and had become a mother at a young age. Like everyone else, her only dream is to find a stable situation for herself and her young son -- and she really thought she had found it already. But, then, life is life and a fairy tale is a fairy tale -- and Madeline is now missing. She's partly the reason why I kept reading this book, because I really, really wanted Max to find her and I really, really wanted for Madeline to find her happy ending.

I also did not like Abigail's father. He was an absentee parent who was more devoted to his research than his daughter -- he never thought to question where the bodies came from, and he didn't seem to care about what happened to Abigail. I kept waiting (and hoping) for him to redeem himself, but, Novak practices judiciousness in how she resolves her story. Yes, there is a happy ending, but it doesn't necessarily mean that all is right with the rest of the world.

I have to say, this is a book that grabs you from the very beginning. The heroine is spunky and refuses to take things sitting down -- and this is what actually gets her into trouble in the first place, but, what's great about Abigail is that she owns up to her mistakes and tries to rectify them. Abigail is not foolhardy or reckless, but she's caught in a situation that's bigger and more dangerous than she could imagine. Disclosure: I received this review copy through Netgalley for the event. Thank you to Brenda Novak and Montlake for the opportunity. Yes, this is an honest review.

* * *

It's my first time to read Brenda Novak, and I know that she's known for writing suspense -- and, I think, A Matter of Grave Concern is a wonderful example of her talent: she presents the darker side of studying medicine in the early 19th century. It's becoming a booming profession, but medical schools lack the necessary materials (read: dead bodies) to teach their students effectively. Abigail's father is head of Aldersgate School of Medicine, and their situation is precarious: with dwindling funds, few students and no specimens to study -- which is why Abigail decides to take matters into her own hands and tries to procure the bodies through less-than-legal means. I like that she's flawed. I like that she had intended to "pad" the cost of their household expense to cover her tracks with regard to the bodies.

When I first met Max, I instantly disliked him -- he was very ruthless and was actually the reason why Abigail got into trouble in the first place. I honestly thought their first encounter would also be their last, but Novak had other plans for Max and Abigail. It was fascinating reading about the London Supply Company and their "business" dealings and how treacherous the London underworld was. It's amazing how Abigail was able to adapt to her circumstances because she and Max really had to think on their feet at all times. The romance that develops between our hero and heroine isn't as ardent or as dazzling as the ones I usually read in other historical romance novels, and it's a refreshing take on what a romance is: there is attraction and desire, but there's also respect and admiration that grows as Max comes to know Abigail more and vice versa.

"You want what I want," he insisted.

She turned away to wash with the pitcher and bowl. "I want what I can't have. And now, so do you."
- loc 4147

Max was looking for his missing half-sister, whose story is quite tragic. I thought Novak did a good job of developing this sub-plot, fully fleshing out Madeline's story and the urgency of Max's mission without taking the spotlight away from Max and Abigail. Madeline didn't have the same privileges as Max, and had become a mother at a young age. Like everyone else, her only dream is to find a stable situation for herself and her young son -- and she really thought she had found it already. But, then, life is life and a fairy tale is a fairy tale -- and Madeline is now missing. She's partly the reason why I kept reading this book, because I really, really wanted Max to find her and I really, really wanted for Madeline to find her happy ending.

I also did not like Abigail's father. He was an absentee parent who was more devoted to his research than his daughter -- he never thought to question where the bodies came from, and he didn't seem to care about what happened to Abigail. I kept waiting (and hoping) for him to redeem himself, but, Novak practices judiciousness in how she resolves her story. Yes, there is a happy ending, but it doesn't necessarily mean that all is right with the rest of the world.

I have to say, this is a book that grabs you from the very beginning. The heroine is spunky and refuses to take things sitting down -- and this is what actually gets her into trouble in the first place, but, what's great about Abigail is that she owns up to her mistakes and tries to rectify them. Abigail is not foolhardy or reckless, but she's caught in a situation that's bigger and more dangerous than she could imagine. Novak's London is gritty and perilous and made for a very fascinating read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Abigail (Abby) Hale lost her mother at a young age, and was raised by her father, who heads Aldersgate College, a teaching facility for surgeons. Like other such colleges in the area, a lack of real specimens to work with is hindering necessary anatomy classes, and the College is on the verge of shutting down. Abby, who has taken over day-to-day operations, takes matters into her own hands and does what she has done a couple other times -- turns to a group of resurrectionists, or "body-snatchers" to procure a specimen. She hopes that if she can keep the college going she will eventually be admitted and fulfill her dream of becoming a surgeon. The new group she hires turns out to be dangerous and untrustworthy. When the deal goes wrong for Abby, she heads to the shady part of town to get back what was taken, and is promptly caught.

Max Wilder has joined the London Supply Company looking for answers. The sleazy leader was the last person his half-sister was seen with before she disappeared. Feeling guilty, he is hoping to either find her, or bring the person responsible for her disappearance to justice. When he encounters Abby, he does everything he can to scare her off, so she doesn't call the group again. When he catches her trying to get back what they took, he has no choice to keep her close and hope he can protect her.
This is not your typical historical romance. It explores the dark underbelly of London and the time period, the poor side of town, and the people who will do anything, including steal bodies from graves, to make a living. Abby is book-smart, but has no real life experience. Max has his secrets and goals, but wants to protect Abby not only from the gang's leader, but himself. Both find that what they thought they wanted changes when their feelings change.
Several have commented about how quickly Abby changed her dreams, but I disagree. Abby grew up with a father who found his career and college more important than the little girl he was raising on his own. She only knew her life and I think her dreams had more to do with her father and where she was than her actual feelings.
I really enjoyed this novel. The characters and setting were well-developed and the place and subject matter were atypical, making it all the more interesting. I will definitely watch for more novels like this from Brenda Novak in the future.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Reviewer for Paranormal Romance and Authors that Rock

A Matter of Grave Concern is set in London in 1830 when resurrectionist were in high demand and medical schools were prepared to pay well for a fresh corpse.

Abigail Hale is the willful daughter of the head surgeon at Aldersgate School of medicine. She contacts the London Supply Company to purchase a corpse to help save the school. Abigail however is not prepared for Max Wilder or Jack Hurtsill the leader of the gang.

Max Wilder is not who he seems to be. He is actually a Duke trying to find information about his sister who has gone missing. The last thing Max expected was to find someone like Abigail.

I found this book captivating. The plot is new, intriguing and the characters were well developed. The plot evolves and keeps the reader entertained with twists that draw you in. Abigail is a strong, intelligent and brave lead character. Max is a strong alpha male who will do anything to protect those that he holds dear.

This is a thrilling romance that will keep you reading late into the night to see how it ends.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ayesha sadiq
I have mixed feelings about this book. I loved Brenda Novak's historical Through the Smoke which I read last year. Just loved the historical details, the characters , the romance and the gothic elements in the story. I have also read several of Ms. Novak's Whiskey Creek series and found these books to be great light reads.

A Matter of Grave Concern deals with several uncomfortable situations; grave robbing for profit, murder and kidnapping. Abigail Hale is the daughter of Dr Edwin Hale the head of Adlersgate Medical school. The students of Aldersgate need corpses for their practical class room work. Abigail hires the London Supply Company to procure a cadaver for the college. I found this part a bit hard to believe --Really ??? Couldn't someone else be responsible for this type of 'purchase'?

Abigail meets the resurrectionists Big Jack, Tom and Max and due to her poor negotiating skills over pays for the corpse! The grave robbers come back to the college and steal the body and sell it again for profit. Max catches Abigail sneaking around the grave robbers house and she is forced to stay with him against her will. I felt the love scenes with Max and Abby happenned too quickly and there was no romance at all between them. I did not enjoy this piece of the story as it didn't resonate with me.

The ending of the book was pretty predictable as well. I will read another historical by Brenda Novak because I loved Through The Smoke and because of the Whiskey Creek series. I am thinking this story the characters and their motivations was not my taste.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
A Matter of Grave Concern is my first historical romance by Brenda Novak. Like her contemporary romance, Ms. Novak gives us characters that will initially try the patience of the reader when it comes to liking or identifying with them. A Matter Of Grave Concern is no different. I mean I really didn't think that I would like a book were the male lead is engaged in the activity of body snatching. Granted this was during 19th century England and those surgeons/anatomists really did need specimens to help with the advancement of Medical Science. But digging up dead bodies and the author was very true to historical details when it comes to this, doesn't really put you in a romantic frame of mind. I mean Max Wilder aside from his unusual occupation fits hero material perfectly, handsome, cultured, relatively clean despite his background. While the female lead, Abby, is our typical headstrong, naive and beautiful heroine. There were moments that I questioned her sanity. I mean its one thing to procure dead bodies for the college to help her surgeon father , its another thing to actually go out in the middle of the night to try and track down said body snatchers and get back what was stolen from her. But once you get into the mystery of what Max Wilder is really about, whether Abby is ever going to be able to go back to her former life unscathed or better yet more knowledgeable about the male anatomy, where the story is headed and everything falls into place, in the end you will find yourself engaged and captivated with A Matter of Grave Concern.

*Copy provided in return for an honest review*
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
eran dror
I really enjoyed both characters. I felt they were equally paired. Abby was intelligent and brave and Max protective and treated her like a gentleman dispute the danger they faced. The beginning was refreshingly amusing and the sexual tension hot! Although, Abby was a little too naive I did come to appreciate her candor it helped move things a long with Max. Great story!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stuart taylor
My favorite historical romance yet. It was something fresh and different from the few I've read so far. I'm just getting into the historical romances so this is my first from Brenda Novak. Thanks to my late night Kindle browsing and the cover that caught my attention I had to give this one a shot and I'm really glad I did.

Grave robbing, a missing person, and an undeniable love that kept me yelling in my head a few times, it was a great story. The end actually made me cry and I never cried over a book before! I never thought I'd be someone who would go on about how romantic a book is but my gods the ending was ROMANTIC. I might just be checking into her other books if they're anything as interesting as this one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sofia mj
I absolutely loved this story. This isn't your typical historical romance. The mystery involved was done to perfection. I was intrigued right from the first. The best part of the overall book was that integration of historical facts into a nail-biting suspenseful mystery. The characters were complete and drew you in to either love them or hate them, there really was no in between for them. The hero is a total and complete hero on the inside and out. The lengths that he's willing to go are inspiring.

The relationship between Abby and her father really pulled at me. Every girl wants to make her father proud of her and wants to be important to her father and to see the lengths to which Abby had to go to get his attention, yet still didn't fully get his attention just broke my heart.
I had every faith that we would get a good ending but I was definitely on the edge of my seat and holding my breath waiting for it to happen.

I truly loved these characters and would very much enjoy visiting them again.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rita crossley
What a beginning!!! A Matter of Grave Concern is Brenda
Novak’s historical fiction with romance at its best!!
Besides being a historical romance, it is a mystery filled with
suspense, drama, murder and thievery. The story contains harsh
realities and moves very fast. The plot has many surprising twist
and turns plus subplots. This story is a compulsive page turner.
There are many scenes in the book that are so down to earth
That you feel as if you are experiencing their lives.
The characters are artfully drawn. Each character is a distinctive
person. Each one influences whether the consequences
Involving the others will be evil or good. Some of the characters
antics add a touch of humor.
Brenda Novak has done impeccable research creating an utterly
believable and riveting storyline. Every time I think I have a
Novak favorite book, Brenda writes another story that becomes
my new favorite.
This is a story will stay with you long after you finish reading.
This is a fantastic read!!!!
I received the ebook form the author. My opinion is my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nur aini
What a wonderful book! A Matter of Grave Concern carries the reader to 1830’s London, where Abby Hale is surreptitiously working to procure bodies for use in the Aldersgate School of Medicine. One of these transactions has her meet charismatic Maximillian Wilder, a “resurrectionist”, or body snatcher. Max is working undercover to find out what happened to his half-sister, who was last seen in the company of another body snatcher. Max and Abby, while at first, have a tepid relationship, become inseparable as they join forces to determine the mystery surrounding Max’s sister.
Ms. Novak created a very likable character in Abby, a progressive girl for her time, who shows intelligence and moxie. Max, as well, was likable throughout, and there was no guessing as to whether he was as unscrupulous as the rest of those in his profession. Max also has another secret – his nobility – that he doesn’t allow Abby to know about until later.
I received this book as an ARC from the author; even if I hadn’t, this would have definitely been on my must-read list. I love my gothic romances. The grave robbers plot was so different! This book had a good amount of suspense, and I read it in one day.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Brenda managed to do what very few writers ever manage: I really disliked Max at first glance. Yes, I could tell that he would be the romantic interest, but the way he treated Abby when they first met made be doubt I would ever come to like him. Of course, Brenda turned it all around and made me a believer, and it was an interesting journey.
Abby wants more than anything to attend her father's medical school, but the restrictions and prejudice of her time leave her reduced to dealing with shady characters to obtain cadavers for dissection as her main contribution to medical science. During one such transaction she meets "Max," who is not who he seems and has his own, hidden agenda.
How their relationship evolves and the dangers they face both separately and together pulled me in and turned this book into one of the best romantic mysteries I've read in a while.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a beginning!!! A Matter of Grave Concern is Brenda
Novak’s historical fiction with romance at its best!!
Besides being a historical romance, it is a mystery filled with
suspense, drama, murder and thievery. The story contains harsh
realities and moves very fast. The plot has many surprising twist
and turns plus subplots. This story is a compulsive page turner.
There are many scenes in the book that are so down to earth
That you feel as if you are experiencing their lives.
The characters are artfully drawn. Each character is a distinctive
person. Each one influences whether the consequences
Involving the others will be evil or good. Some of the characters
antics add a touch of humor.
Brenda Novak has done impeccable research creating an utterly
believable and riveting storyline. Every time I think I have a
Novak favorite book, Brenda writes another story that becomes
my new favorite.
This is a story will stay with you long after you finish reading.
This is a fantastic read!!!!
I received the ebook form the author. My opinion is my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ruth bell
What a wonderful book! A Matter of Grave Concern carries the reader to 1830’s London, where Abby Hale is surreptitiously working to procure bodies for use in the Aldersgate School of Medicine. One of these transactions has her meet charismatic Maximillian Wilder, a “resurrectionist”, or body snatcher. Max is working undercover to find out what happened to his half-sister, who was last seen in the company of another body snatcher. Max and Abby, while at first, have a tepid relationship, become inseparable as they join forces to determine the mystery surrounding Max’s sister.
Ms. Novak created a very likable character in Abby, a progressive girl for her time, who shows intelligence and moxie. Max, as well, was likable throughout, and there was no guessing as to whether he was as unscrupulous as the rest of those in his profession. Max also has another secret – his nobility – that he doesn’t allow Abby to know about until later.
I received this book as an ARC from the author; even if I hadn’t, this would have definitely been on my must-read list. I love my gothic romances. The grave robbers plot was so different! This book had a good amount of suspense, and I read it in one day.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Brenda managed to do what very few writers ever manage: I really disliked Max at first glance. Yes, I could tell that he would be the romantic interest, but the way he treated Abby when they first met made be doubt I would ever come to like him. Of course, Brenda turned it all around and made me a believer, and it was an interesting journey.
Abby wants more than anything to attend her father's medical school, but the restrictions and prejudice of her time leave her reduced to dealing with shady characters to obtain cadavers for dissection as her main contribution to medical science. During one such transaction she meets "Max," who is not who he seems and has his own, hidden agenda.
How their relationship evolves and the dangers they face both separately and together pulled me in and turned this book into one of the best romantic mysteries I've read in a while.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kristin luna
The subject matter of this book is different from your average romance and I really appreciated that. The characters and plot were generally interesting but there were some definite issues. My main hangup was that Max initially kidnaps Abby; his reasoning is plausible but there is a Stockholm syndrome vibe going on, which ruined some of my enjoyment. Abby also does some incredibly stupid things in the name of moving along the plot, and this is one of my greatest literary pet peeves. Finally, the ending needed some editing as the last ~60 pages are rather choppy (but not terrible). So, it's a pretty good read and I enjoyed it once I got over my hang ups.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
A great historical fiction novel - perfect for the fall. I liked Abigail - she was sassy, feisty, and determined. She's willing to get her hands dirty for the people she loves. Her quick thinking gets her out of trouble often. I love how she wants to be a surgeon, even though her own father isn't sure this is the best course for her. I liked Max - he's protective and gentle, but he can be scary when he wants to be. He's a great flawed hero. It's a fascinating look at history and societal norms that isn't often talked about in books or in history.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love Brenda's work especially her historical books. I have read all four and absolutely loved A Matter of Grave Concern. It took a few chapters for me to adjust to the time period of the story but once that was overcome I couldn't put the book down. I was outraged at first when Abby didn't get into the medical school but then I had to remember the time period. I found the basis of the book about grave robbing to be very interesting and not something I had much knowledge on before this book.

This story is very much focused on suspense with a side of romantic tension. The connection between Max and Abby was continuous, first there was hate and anger, followed by lust, and then a strange friendship with the possibility of more. I enjoyed the dynamic between the two characters and how their story truly evolved over the course of the book. Well done again Brenda!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
niels andersen
I received this book courtesy of Brenda Novak and Netgalley.

This is my second historical romance that I have read of Brenda's and this book did not disappoint. I thought this book had a great mix of romance, mystery and suspense. It had me hooked from the beginning and held me until the end.

I think that Brenda did a good job of developing the backstory of both of the characters and also the surroundings of the story. I really felt like it was the 1860's. Being a female I would have liked to see Abigail stand up for her self more to the men but then I also remembered that in that time period that was not heard of.

Can't wait to read more of Brenda's historical romances!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
alexis lloyd

This book is set in 1830. Abigail Hale is a wannabe medical student who is very strong willed (in a time when women were to be docile, not rebellious). Abby longed to be a medical student but has to settle for assisting her father, the dean of the Aldersgate School of Medicine. Unbeknownst to her father, she has been procuring dead bodies from “the Resurrection Men” so the male medical students could study the human anatomy.

Max Wilder (not his real name) joined the resurrection men in the hopes of finding his half sister, who mysteriously disappeared. When Abby was swindled out of her money, dead body and a keepsake from her mother, she decided to steal them back from Max. When she is caught, Max has no choice but to keep Abby with him for a few days.

Brenda Novak spins her tale in directions I never anticipated.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mandy irby
I love novels that weave real historical fact with the fiction that is the book. With this new book, Ms. Novak has done a wonderful job mixing fact and fiction.

A Matter of Grave Concern takes place shortly after William Burke (the historical fact in the book) has been executed for body snatching. Abigail, the daughter of a surgeon who teaches anatomy, needs to get bodies for her fathers anatomy school or it will fail. Max has infiltrated a 'resurrectionist' group in search of his sister. The twists and turns that take place make the book a fun read, even though there are times when it's creepy and spooky!

A great read for a cold fall day in front of the fire!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jasmine bertie
I always enjoy diving into a Brenda Novak story -- the characters pull you in right away. Their predicaments are of the how-will-they-get-out-of-this variety and I love seeing the intriguing solutions they carry out. Abby and Max/Lucien are both very independent, and it's exciting watching them come to trust one another as they are forced to work together. Their dialogue feels very natural; I only wished the story slowed down a little in the bedroom, and at the end, during Max's later activities, so that I could be even more in their point-of-view, and experiencing everything over their shoulders.
Spoiler: I wish Abby could have had her wish of studying to become a surgeon!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I had a hard time putting it down. Brilliant plot! The characters are multifaceted and the settings are realistic. Brenda Novak does her research and paints a sensory goldmine complete with smells and textures for her historic romances. This one, set in old London, takes places in an underworld of grave robbers and unsavory men. The heroine, Abigail, is naïve but determined to purchase bodies for her father’s career. But are all of the bodies stolen or are some recently murdered for the money their corpse will bring? The hero is complex and his quest realistic. The romance sizzles. If you like Historic Romance, or Romance Novels at all, I think you’ll love A Matter of Grave Concern.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
becky bell
Ms. Novak has written a very enjoyable historical romance novel. I especially enjoyed reading about the resurrectionists of this time period. The author's research on the topic was so interesting that it motivated me to go out and read a bit of history about the whole topic. While I enjoyed the book a lot, I did find that there were a lot of characters that were mentioned, i.e., Max's mother and fiancée, briefly but no real background was provided for them. If characters aren't going to be fleshed out, I would rather they be left out of the book but that's just my personal opinion. Abby and Max's story was a good one and certainly different. Ms. Novak has put together another very enjoyable read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
wm pope
This book just blew my socks off! Invoking the dark and moody atmosphere of Daphne DuMaurier's Jamaica Inn and its undercurrent of secrets, evil and innocence, this historical novel will transport you to an era of body-snatchers and evil men you normally are not used to.

This novel is a puzzle with clues. The clues are discovered along the way and as we are able to match the puzzle pieces, our vision of what this story is really about and how it develops is enhanced. Not all is what it seems. Sometimes the lines between good and evil are blurred for the greater good. We have an intrepid protagonist in Abigail, who defies the norms of her time for the love of her father and his work. We are also given a cast of characters who on the surface may appear to be one thing, but later on we find out the truth to our surprise.

I found this novel by Brenda Novak a gratifying find. I love her writing, but have only read the Whiskey Creek series. In reading this novel, I found a new depth to her writing as well as a sensuality that is worth praising. Tactfully written, our author gives us a story we will not soon forget. The passionate love affair that runs as the undercurrent and heartbeat to this story, is one that will stay with me for years to come. Hurrah to you Brenda!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
matt lazorwitz
This is the first historical romantic suspense book I have ever read. It has never been a genre that I thought I would read. However, the fact that this book was written by Brenda Novak and I love her Whiskey Creek series I decided to give it a shot. I'm glad I did!

As I mentioned I've never read any historical romance books so the first part of the book I did struggle a bit with. The characters are in London so I had to adjust to some of the vocabulary. However, after I picked up on all that the story sucked me in and I couldn't put the book down!

Abby is the daughter of a surgeon at a medical school and even though women are expected to marry, have children and stay home she aspires to be a surgeon like her father. The school is struggling to teach with the lack of cadaver for students to practice on so Abby decides to purchase one from a group of resurrectionists (body snatchers). When things go wrong she finds herself held captive by the group. Are they all bad? What secrets are they hiding? Will she ever escape alive?

This book has made me look at historical romances in a different way and I won't set them aside so easily from now on!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kristine bruneau
Originally posted at Bunny's Review

I love reading anything by Brenda Novak. I do not care what genre, contemporary romance, historical romance, suspense it really does not matter with me. I know when I get one of her books I will read it all in one setting. No waiting no putting it down to savory and prolong the ending. It is all now or nothing for me. I will read a book for tour or thru NetGalley then when it goes on sale I will buy a copy just to have. Yeah! She is that good.

Abigail will do anything to keep her father's school going, anything. Does not matter who she has to associate with or what coin she has to spend to get the one thing the school needs. What she did not know was how much it would cost her to help keep the school going.

The encounter with Big Jack was something Abigail could handle but when Max steps in and demands double the price Abigail gets worried. She knows Max is trying to cheat her. But he does more than just cheat her he takes all her coin and more.

Novak took a serious problem and wrote a very unique story. I can honestly state I have never read a story with this unique plot or story line. To not give anything about Max away early in the story, only a master at words like Novak could carry this off.

When I got to the end of this book I was so mad. The story had wrapped up nicely and everyone got there happily ever after except I just did not want the book to end.

Whether Brenda is writing contemporary romance or historical romance I know I am in for an amazing read.

I recommend this book to any who love historical romance.

The bunnies and I give this book 5 carrots.

I was given this book in exchange for an honest review. All views are my own and do not reflect those of the author, my clients or tour companies I work with. This is not a paid review. To form your own opinion please support the author and acquire your own legal copy of the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
A Matter of Grave Concern
Abby Hale lives at Aldersgate College where her father is an esteemed teaching surgeon. Recently the school has had difficulty acquiring cadavers, which is necessary for the surgery students. Thus, Abby takes it upon herself to "acquire" a cadaver from Big Jack, one of the most vile resurrection men in London.
Max Wilder is really a duke posing as a resurrection man in Big Jack's gang. Max's missing sister Madeline had mentioned marrying Jack so she can support her illegitimate son. Showing respect to his mother, he isn't as kind and supportive to Madeline as he should be and lets her go off on her own. Suddenly she disappears and Max is searching for clues to her disappearance.
Abby has "placed an order" for a body for the school through Jack's "company" the London Supply Company. Jack and his gang show up with the body but demand more money. The haggling begins and Jack threatens to take Abby and her virtue along with the money. Max steps in to keep Abby safe. Half an hour later, Abby has no body, no money and her treasured ivory elephant ( a last gift from her deceased mother) are all missing. Abby knows the address where she sent the letter to Jack, and even though it is very late and Jack's home is in a dangerous section of town, Abby sets out to at least retrieve the "household money" for the school and her elephant.
When Max sees Abby at Jack's house, he is livid. He is concerned his cover will be blown and now he has another person he has to protect. Max takes Abby to his room with the cover that when he's finished with her, he will pass her off to the others. Thus their story begins.
I am not a huge fan of historical fiction, but Ms. Novak has written a story that draws the reader in. You feel the dampness and the dirt and filth that abounds in Wapping and its citizens. You feel the danger the characters face. You empathize with Abby and her empty, hurting heart.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tiffany weaver
I received an advanced copy for an honest review. I am a fan of Brenda Novak’s Whiskey Creek series, and very seldom read historical romances. I can’t say that this book is better than her other books, but it was worth the read, and will probably get another read in a couple of months. The storyline was not anything that I had read before, which was refreshing (found myself researching more about Resurrectionists and Anatomists). My only complaint about the story is that it seemed that the ending was too rushed. A lot was put into setting up the book, but it is as if, it was decided that it needed to end and so it did. (Sorry can’t go into it further without spoiling the ending.)
I will definitely be reading more of Ms. Novak’s books in the future, though I wouldn’t mind seeing more of her romantic suspense novels.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Twists, turns, romance.... what a story teller! Brenda Novak does it again and again! This historical was excellent... LOVED how Abgial was so 'ahead' of her time...wanting to be a surgeon not a daughter of one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I am not usually as fan of historical romance , however I will read anything Brenda Novak writes. I truly enjoy her work. I enjoyed the story of Abby and Max it took turns you were not expecting. The plot was believable and so interesting, I did not know what was going to happen next. The graveyard robberies kept me in suspense. There were times I thought it was over but something new happened. I look forward to her next book!! It is interesting to learn of all the truth that is written in this book while Brenda was doing her research. I am very glad I read it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
keely bird
The story line really caught my attention. I think that this is my favorite out of the books that Novak wrote (that I have currently read). There were several times that I laughed out loud, and I was hopeful for both Max and Abby. The only thing that I wasn't too thrilled with was the search at the end for Madeline. I feel that since Max's reasons for his actions were for finding Madeline, the end of the search was somewhat disappointing. I would read this again.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
What a wonderful departure from the usual historical romance. Strong and outspoken, Abigail, is determined to contribute to the continued existence of her father's anatomy college by purchasing cadavers, but her inexperience and naivety keep her from making the best decisions. In spite of missteps and sometimes poor judgement, she keeps moving forward trying to make the best of things. Novak writes briskly keeping the story moving forward for an enjoyable and fast read. She continues her tradition of writing heroines that stray from typical story lines and circumstances, and gives fresh perspective to the genre.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shana chartier
Historical romantic suspense books aren't something that I reach for whenever I want to spend some time reading.

However, anything that Brenda Novak has her name on has me begging to read it.

This book is set in London in the 1800s. The characters are amazing and just snatch you from the beginning just asking you to read more.

As always, Mrs. Novak has won me over with her perfect level of romance, but has also won me with the surprisingly funny and suspenseful nature of this book.

Sit down, and prepare to enjoy this book!
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