The Hidden History of the Human Race (The Condensed Edition of Forbidden Archeology)
ByRichard L. Thompson
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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
tim g
While the ancillary material on cryptid hominids is well organized, representing a reasonably clean presentation of typically widely scattered material, the lion's share of the book is valueless for one simple reason: not one claim is substantiated. It would indeed justify rewriting human history were a machined steel component unearthed in an Ordovician matrix or a precisely carved stone tool found embedded in Mesozoic strata. Yet, despite the copious bibliography, there is not one footnote associating any of the outrageous claims with a verifiable, published source. Beyond that, some of the claims are just plain silly: for example, I have trouble seeing through the authors' eyes how a vaguely dumbbell-shaped outline in archaic shale is ironclad evidence that a shod human foot walked past in remote times. Mine the Internet for the useful cryptid material and save your money otherwise.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
they date history by sediment layers, so objects that have been buried deep by catastrophes they think they are millions of years old, they need to study catastrophic events to see what kind of sediment distributions they cause , rather than misleading readers with these theories of their's
The Missing Skeletons and the Great Smithsonian Cover-Up :: Informed Decisions Using Data (5th Edition) :: A Kurtherian Gambit Series (The Ascension Myth Book 3) :: and Jews under Islamic Rule in Medieval Spain :: The Murder of Meriwether Lewis and the Mysterious Discoveries of the Lewis and Clark Expedition
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
leah fitzgerald
The topic of this book is very interesting. However, the delivery of the material is very dry and is written more along the lines of a textbook rather than to be entertaining. Of course, maybe that's just me, to each his own, so they say. Anyways, I barely made it through a few pages before I gave up.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
deb maine
Tedious. Excessive examples of ancient finds "proving" the existence of Homo Sapiens earlier than periods accepted by academia. I have not finished the book, having been bored to the point of needing to go on to other subjects.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
The ideas put forth by the authors are problematic in the same way that conspiracy theories are problematic, the questions they raise are indeed good questions that need to be examined but their conclusions are pretty far fetched and without merit. The claim that just as complex animals began to evolve roughly 600 million years ago, modern humans created some metallic ball with parallel grooves around the circumference, only to be found in modern times, seems as ridiculous as saying that aliens built the pyramids. This claim, as with all others in the book, show the problem with the authors' story: good questions but completely unfounded conclusions, and no explanation of an alternative cause of the evidence put forth.
Just as anyone can claim that the ancient Egyptians did not in fact build the pyramids, an extraordinary claim requires extraordinary proof. All that the authors provide is extraordinary claims based on extremely flimsy evidence, as hundreds if not thousands of possible explanations exist that are much simpler and more likely than modern humans having existed for literally tens of millions, if not hundreds of millions of years with no significant amount of evidence indicating so.
Read this book if you enjoy Graham Hancock's work as it comes from the same line of thinking. Specifically that "modern science is wrong and I alone have found all the answers". Science and scientists want extraordinary finds because these will help provide more insight into our theories, whether right or wrong. But we must always keep occam's razor in mind when examining extraordinary claims. Remember that the explanation with the fewest grand assumptions is going to be more accurate than the idea that everything we know is wrong and well, you know, aliens and ghosts and invisible pink unicorns ACTUALLY run the universe.
Just as anyone can claim that the ancient Egyptians did not in fact build the pyramids, an extraordinary claim requires extraordinary proof. All that the authors provide is extraordinary claims based on extremely flimsy evidence, as hundreds if not thousands of possible explanations exist that are much simpler and more likely than modern humans having existed for literally tens of millions, if not hundreds of millions of years with no significant amount of evidence indicating so.
Read this book if you enjoy Graham Hancock's work as it comes from the same line of thinking. Specifically that "modern science is wrong and I alone have found all the answers". Science and scientists want extraordinary finds because these will help provide more insight into our theories, whether right or wrong. But we must always keep occam's razor in mind when examining extraordinary claims. Remember that the explanation with the fewest grand assumptions is going to be more accurate than the idea that everything we know is wrong and well, you know, aliens and ghosts and invisible pink unicorns ACTUALLY run the universe.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
velary velayathan
I finished reading this and I recommend it. Michael Cremo, a Hindu, gave the world the definitive anthology of paleontological pre-historic evidence that scrambles the dogmatic picture of a linear evolution and a “fully evolved human” that is at most 100,000 years old (a number that used to be smaller, too). That book is over 1000 pages, very copious and detailed and fully cited. This version is for “the rest of us.”
The thesis, and I think we share it as Divine Teaching, is that anatomically modern human beings have been on the physical earth for millions of years, and contemporary with wildmen like Australopithecus, which we never “evolved” from. Humanity is, rather, degrading. This is not young-earth creationism (unlike a lot of evolution-challenging books by Christian authors), but it’s anything but mainstream textbook material.
This is not crazy talk, it’s a very good, even “post-modern” challenge to the reader to reconsider how much faith they have in science’s canonical origins tale. Entire fossil “ancestors of man” have been “reconstructed” upon an ideology, from scant fragments of bone or teeth, that could so easily have been from entirely different species (and I don’t just mean the Piltdown hoax). That might as well be from an entirely simian, if extinct, specimen half the time. Or even a really ancient orangutan. Do you have any idea how rare and unlikely a phenomenon fossilization is in the first place, especially for a highly intelligent specimen like a primate?
Don’t let the psychologically naive stigma of “being a nut” scare you from investigating Cremo’s case for yourself. Science as an establishment cannot possibly be immune to partisanship, not when it depends on money grants, and not just because it upstages faith.
The thesis, and I think we share it as Divine Teaching, is that anatomically modern human beings have been on the physical earth for millions of years, and contemporary with wildmen like Australopithecus, which we never “evolved” from. Humanity is, rather, degrading. This is not young-earth creationism (unlike a lot of evolution-challenging books by Christian authors), but it’s anything but mainstream textbook material.
This is not crazy talk, it’s a very good, even “post-modern” challenge to the reader to reconsider how much faith they have in science’s canonical origins tale. Entire fossil “ancestors of man” have been “reconstructed” upon an ideology, from scant fragments of bone or teeth, that could so easily have been from entirely different species (and I don’t just mean the Piltdown hoax). That might as well be from an entirely simian, if extinct, specimen half the time. Or even a really ancient orangutan. Do you have any idea how rare and unlikely a phenomenon fossilization is in the first place, especially for a highly intelligent specimen like a primate?
Don’t let the psychologically naive stigma of “being a nut” scare you from investigating Cremo’s case for yourself. Science as an establishment cannot possibly be immune to partisanship, not when it depends on money grants, and not just because it upstages faith.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The skeptical mind is not necessarily healthy, if it fails to distinguish evidence from narrow-minded propaganda.
Michael Cremo and Richard Thompson have impressed many scientists. Some of those scientists have confided that they have been silenced by The Dominant Scientific Establishment, under fear of losing their jobs & reputations.
Many of the reviewers here--scoffers and skeptics who are defensive rather than objective--have obviously never read the book and worse, don't intend to. They are followers of a 'narrow-minded' religion called 'scientism.' This view allows for no questioning and no contradiction of the ruling Scientific Establishment.
Nothing is better than a little healthy skepticism. Cremo and Thompson agree and are only requesting their day in court.
This is America, where you still (might) have the right to information that has not been made generally available. In this book, you will find well-written arguments based on 10 years of research using original source material, and with information on the actual sites and artifacts. The assemblage here bodes well for all the skeptical minds, and for many minds that are just a little curious.
So see for yourself, think for yourself and dismiss the skeptics and scoffers. They refuse to acknowledge the dilemma of scientific integrity. There is no Science Integrity without a healthy allowance of think-for-yourself style Science Freedom.
Americans are ALL ABOUT the freedom to explore anomalies, search for alternate views and probe unconventional discoveries. Amazing, monumental book!
Michael Cremo and Richard Thompson have impressed many scientists. Some of those scientists have confided that they have been silenced by The Dominant Scientific Establishment, under fear of losing their jobs & reputations.
Many of the reviewers here--scoffers and skeptics who are defensive rather than objective--have obviously never read the book and worse, don't intend to. They are followers of a 'narrow-minded' religion called 'scientism.' This view allows for no questioning and no contradiction of the ruling Scientific Establishment.
Nothing is better than a little healthy skepticism. Cremo and Thompson agree and are only requesting their day in court.
This is America, where you still (might) have the right to information that has not been made generally available. In this book, you will find well-written arguments based on 10 years of research using original source material, and with information on the actual sites and artifacts. The assemblage here bodes well for all the skeptical minds, and for many minds that are just a little curious.
So see for yourself, think for yourself and dismiss the skeptics and scoffers. They refuse to acknowledge the dilemma of scientific integrity. There is no Science Integrity without a healthy allowance of think-for-yourself style Science Freedom.
Americans are ALL ABOUT the freedom to explore anomalies, search for alternate views and probe unconventional discoveries. Amazing, monumental book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
"The Hidden History of the Human Race" is a condensed version of "Forbidden Archaeology" and contains all the same exciting conclusions as in "Forbidden Archaeology" at a fraction of the purchase price. I must admit this is a very controversial book. If one is a Creationist you will take all the information no questions asked, if one is an Evolutionist your skeptical from the beginning to the end of Cremo's and Thompson's book. The book is a very well researched and written using scientific methods that do seem to back up some of the authors claims. The book covers topics: Evolution, Eoliths, Advanced Paleoliths and Neoliths, Evidence for Advanced cultures beyond known existence, Unusual Human Skeletal remains, Java Man and other finds around the world,and Cryptozoology. To the Creationist this book shows proof of the Creation as man sees it, and to the Evolutionist it shows proof that time-travel is a future event for man.=-) I thoughly enjoyed the book and I think both Creationist and Evolutionist would likewise.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
melissa mikola
I really wish I would discover books by Michael Cremo earlier. I am a writer myself, although I mainly write about Slavic heritage and ancient Slavic culture. This book, and other books by Michael Cremo provided perfect supporting evidence for Slavic heritage presented in my books of The Slavic Way series and of Rodnover series. Again, I only wish I would've discovered these books sooner, for now, whenever a question as to the truth in my books arises from the readers, I direct them to books by Michael Cremo for all the supporting evidence they will ever need. Great work, Michael ... and thank you a million times over!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Teacher of History 20 years, this book was a breath of fresh air. Academics tend to be sniveling, nerdy, cowards who hide behind the bossom of consensus. During my doctoral studies, I was amazed at the fact that my male counter parts were severely lacking the elements that define a man. No wonder that archaeology's greatest discoveries, were made by non archaeologists.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
damir gaal
This edition of Cremo's work has been abridged and rendered concise for the "normal" reader. I will say for it what I have for the parent book "Forbidden Archeology" that the potential for this paradigm of human history is excellent, but in order to make it into a justifiable scientific theory Cremo must not deal with fragmentary evidence (on which he builds his case so far)alone; these anomalous objects ARE inexplicable, yet insufficient in themselves alone to form the pedestal for such a theory. The proper way to start would be to start looking for debris left by (such) ancient technological human civilisations. If this can't (yet) be found satisfactorily, he should attempt to postulate WHY this hasn't been so, or WHY it is so difficult to find - and why such evidence is as yet restricted to fragmentary anomalous artifacts or shards turning up at random. Even though such a paradigm is "backed up" by a deep and undeniable presence in the human collective and cultural psyche - in the form of religious lore and prehistoric legends - that aspect of it belongs to the metaphysical, not scientific, domain. Michael Cremo's job is to SUBSTANTIATE the scientific side. If this is done and a theory erected, then this paradigm can be married to its metaphysical counterpart to fashion the biggest revolution in Man's history since "our present" historic era began roughly 5500 years ago in Sumer and Egypt. This, therefore, is not a matter to be treated lightly at all.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
rajiv tyagi
This being the condensed version and so exhaustive in scope, I shudder to think what a mountain of reading the unabridged Forbidden Archaeology must entail. Part One deals with anomalous evidence in the form of bones, eoliths, paleoliths and neoliths and goes on to discuss artifacts and manufactured objects found in ancient strata, plus human skeletal remains. Part Two casts a critical eye on the accepted evidence and demonstrates convincingly how flimsy the evidence of scientific orthodoxy often is. There is also a chapter on Cryptozoology and a final look at the latest finds from Africa. The book is served well with tables summarizing anomalous evidence related to human antiquity, a good index and a massive bibliography of 27 pages. Black and white photographs and illustrations enliven the text. The authors have eloquently made their case in the most thorough and complete detail. But I must add that this doesn't always ensure "jouissance" in the reading experience, as of necessity there must be a lot of repetition. Nevertheless, a magnificent achievement and an excellent reference work.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This is a more concise and more clearly stated version of Forbidden Archeology. Some of the evidence is startling and, while some is questionable, so is much of the theory and evidence that supports the "official record." Since the authors present almost any and all contradictions to the academia's presentation of history as fact, it is up to the reader himself to discern what is likely to have occurred and what is unlikely. However, the authors have revealed many anomalies that cannot be safely tucked into the dominant paradigm. For more scientific challenges to that paradigm see ATLANTIS IN AMERICA: Navigators of the Ancient World, and GATEWAY TO ATLANTIS.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
aline hollanda
Cremo and Thompson have done a tremendous job of exposing the high degree of subjectivity that is involved in screening and evaluating evidence of Homo Sapien presence and lineage. The open-minded nature of their approach is unusually refreshing in a field typically defined by hard opinions and condescension.
The authors exhibit tremendous courage in including all reports from the past two centuries that can be considered credible based on eye-witness accounts. When it exists, they also present contrary opinion. Rigid conclusions are generally avoided and the readers are left to decide for themselves how to interpret the evidence.
Criticism of this book ironically follows the same sort of strategy that the authors discredit - namely that full attention is given to the weakest evidence, while the stronger is ignored.
In the past science has always made its most embarrassing mistakes after decades, or centuries, of strict adherence to theoretical preconceptions. The last 50 years of shuffling human ancestors in and out of the family tree (while general textbooks give no evidence of the controversy) is proof in and of itself that we should always try and remain humble to the possibility of our being wrong. It's called open-mindedness and it's a common characteristic of every great scientist.
The authors exhibit tremendous courage in including all reports from the past two centuries that can be considered credible based on eye-witness accounts. When it exists, they also present contrary opinion. Rigid conclusions are generally avoided and the readers are left to decide for themselves how to interpret the evidence.
Criticism of this book ironically follows the same sort of strategy that the authors discredit - namely that full attention is given to the weakest evidence, while the stronger is ignored.
In the past science has always made its most embarrassing mistakes after decades, or centuries, of strict adherence to theoretical preconceptions. The last 50 years of shuffling human ancestors in and out of the family tree (while general textbooks give no evidence of the controversy) is proof in and of itself that we should always try and remain humble to the possibility of our being wrong. It's called open-mindedness and it's a common characteristic of every great scientist.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
justin bryeans
This book is basically about evidence that humans made stone tools and developed at a much early time than thought, going back millions of years and probably coexisted with other more primitive humanlike creatures.The start of this book is a bit boring dealing with stone tools dating back hundreds of thousands of years. very interesting was the metallic tube and the metallic sphere found dating back 65-million and 2.8 billion years old, now explain that.This book has intersting and controversial material worth looking at. If archeology is your thing this book is for you.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
laura dumke
Haifa Viva!
New Year high hopes.
Monkey view your fresh.
It was an elite circle of friends.
Celebrities news.
The purity of the language here.
It is protected at all times.
Childhood, eternity, then a star.
In books subtlety and beauty.
Artistry here and thinking.
Intonation, decisions.
Here the words of eternal sleep.
Adjectives names.
And the story of the century.
Facial gestures canon.
Here, knowledge of the laws.
Country Music tone.
Humor can and grotesque.
Jewelers eternal fresco.
Sharm Etruscan basil.
That handsome face of Ravenna.
It is a monument of Christianity.
And mosaic mystery station.
Halos wisdom lights.
With glazes and foil fruit.
There is not a flat surface.
Lights flicker and inertia.
And I was fascinated by the unit.
How much tenderness flow.
Here Ivory shine.
Altars wonderful news.
Medallion mosaics by Giotto.
Protorenessans gates.
The lovely decorations.
Signs undoubted power.
Noteworthy here naves.
Skylights, are the source of the light beams.
The semi-circular ledge here.
Statute of the semi-dome.
Sarah Litman here hostess.
Gape, pour-ka.
Litman and Israel Oded.
Evening charm, joy is.
New Year high hopes.
Monkey view your fresh.
It was an elite circle of friends.
Celebrities news.
The purity of the language here.
It is protected at all times.
Childhood, eternity, then a star.
In books subtlety and beauty.
Artistry here and thinking.
Intonation, decisions.
Here the words of eternal sleep.
Adjectives names.
And the story of the century.
Facial gestures canon.
Here, knowledge of the laws.
Country Music tone.
Humor can and grotesque.
Jewelers eternal fresco.
Sharm Etruscan basil.
That handsome face of Ravenna.
It is a monument of Christianity.
And mosaic mystery station.
Halos wisdom lights.
With glazes and foil fruit.
There is not a flat surface.
Lights flicker and inertia.
And I was fascinated by the unit.
How much tenderness flow.
Here Ivory shine.
Altars wonderful news.
Medallion mosaics by Giotto.
Protorenessans gates.
The lovely decorations.
Signs undoubted power.
Noteworthy here naves.
Skylights, are the source of the light beams.
The semi-circular ledge here.
Statute of the semi-dome.
Sarah Litman here hostess.
Gape, pour-ka.
Litman and Israel Oded.
Evening charm, joy is.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
claudia fitch
If you are looking for stories about ancient artifacts this is not the book you would want to read. The first half of the book deals mainly with stone tools and the second half with ancient bones. There is a small chapter on other ancient anomalous artifacts that is quite interesting though. I found this book to be interesting although it goes into such detail to make some of it pretty boring. It's up to you how much background information you need or want to know. And if you need more information then is in this book try Forbidden Archeology. It's the same book with even more detail then this one. If that is possible.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kerlip bintang
This is a must read to understand the alternatives to the two mainstream theories, creationism and evolution. This book posits that there is a large body of evidence which did not agree with evolutionary theory as preached by it's proponents. I think the dismissals of this book are unfortunate. An open minded person should give this book it's fair chance.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
prita indrianingsih
Despite the other critical reviews this book does show a vast amount of evidence for his own theory. I interpret the evidence much different than Mr. Cremo. This book is a condensed version of "Forbidden Archaeology". It seems that when someone presents not only an alternate theory but evidence which supports it, darwinists seem to only be able to ridicule it rather than debunk it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
A fascinating read, regardless of whatever theory one subscribes
to. The geological record/notes are extensive, the subject is
handled in a scholarly, non-judgemental way and whether or not
you give credence to the information, it is interesting to get a behind the scenes look at academia and censorship.
to. The geological record/notes are extensive, the subject is
handled in a scholarly, non-judgemental way and whether or not
you give credence to the information, it is interesting to get a behind the scenes look at academia and censorship.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
karen schoessler
I recommend this book to anyone that has an interest in History/archaeology/human evolution. Easy to read and it is a real page turner. This book will have one laying awake at night pondering the significance of what they just read. Cremo throws into question not only the current theories of evolution, but also questions our very understanding of ancient human history. There are few books capable of altering one's outlook/perspective on the world, this is one of them. Cremo's other books are also great reading.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Now I must read the unabridged version (Forbidden Archeology(I think...)). This, if it were brought to
(very) public light, would set evolutionism/Darwinism/paleontology/even Christianity all askew...
(very) public light, would set evolutionism/Darwinism/paleontology/even Christianity all askew...
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
stella faris
I bought this book as a research project, actually. Cremo does a fine job with the conclusions about common origin and the involvement of off-worlders in the early development of man, but offers no proof or documentation. I bought the book The Ark of Millions of Years and found what I was looking for.
Although Cremo's case is compelling, Clark & Agnew do a masterdul job documenting every claim. The key to the creation lost for over 5 thousand years is revealed in the their book from two angles. First, they almost translate the ancient Zohar writings better than any Rabbi I have ever known. Second, they blow everyone else in the genre away with their explanation of Noah's ark.
If the Christian world knew this, the spirit of their work would catch on fire. The power and breadth of the master tailor of the universe will change the way everything in the universe is viewed today.
Let me repeat. The Ark of Millions of Years will absolutley astound the creationists and the evolutionists. If you want the best book every written on the subject, bar none, by this one.
Although Cremo's case is compelling, Clark & Agnew do a masterdul job documenting every claim. The key to the creation lost for over 5 thousand years is revealed in the their book from two angles. First, they almost translate the ancient Zohar writings better than any Rabbi I have ever known. Second, they blow everyone else in the genre away with their explanation of Noah's ark.
If the Christian world knew this, the spirit of their work would catch on fire. The power and breadth of the master tailor of the universe will change the way everything in the universe is viewed today.
Let me repeat. The Ark of Millions of Years will absolutley astound the creationists and the evolutionists. If you want the best book every written on the subject, bar none, by this one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
victoriakida kida
I see these supposedly scholars on here calling it rubbish and unscientific wherein they purport in believing that drivel about Darwinism as scientific proof. There proof extends to the fact that some fish crawled out of the sea millions of years ago began evoling and stood up as an ape. The ape climbed a tree and one day fell out breaking off it's tail which forced him to stand up. This is the drivel that the so called sudo science of Darwinism would have you believe. Instead of looking at the science Cremo has set forth they ridicule it.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
You believe in alien abduction, Elvis lives, alligators live in the subways of New York, Bill Clinton was innocent, and the city of Atlantis. Good, then buy this book. Otherwise, avoid like the plague.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
The book takes a highly detailed look at evidence for the earlier existence of homo sapiens on the planet. The authors describe countless cases that are scientifically verified. Yet the evidence does not fit into the accepted archeological and anthropological timelines of main stream science. The authors compare both sides of the veracity of the discoveries and the arguments of the detractors. The authors let the reader decide whether or not human existence began millions of years ago. They make a strong case.
This is a shorter version of "Forbidden Archeology". The book is not any easy read, but fascinating.
This is a shorter version of "Forbidden Archeology". The book is not any easy read, but fascinating.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Amazingly boring and just another of those conspiracy theory books trying to lay claim to some hidden world. Next he will tell you that there is a hidden city of wonder 1000 feet below the earth's crust with space ships that can warp out and talk to the Plutoan.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
m ryan
What a waste! Cremo is just another pious idiot attempting to "disprove" evolution. He may not be playing a tune from the Abrahamic hymnal but the Vedic creation myths suffer from the same surfeit of rational thought (and evidence - despite his assertions to the contrary.) Fortunately I did not lose so much as a penny. If only I could get these two hours returned to me
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
amir ab rahman
Pure drivel. Classic psuedo-science. Only for government conspiracy paranoids and then only for comedy relief. If you like this book I have a real UFO photo I'll sell you cheap.
By popular demand from several readers who have responded to my original brief review, I offer an expanded critique. Let's start with the authors. Richard Thompson (AKA Sadaputa Dasa) and Michael Cremo (AKA Drutakarma Dasa) have no academic or professional credentials in the field of biological anthropology whatsoever. They're lay people just like you and me. But they have assumed neat Hindu aliases which you and I probably haven't. A complete lack of credentials doesn't necessarily mean they are wrong however (though the lack of credentials should activate our BS detectors). As for the evidence cited in this book for the "ancient (creationist) origins" of modern humans, not a single claim enjoys any support among credible biological anthropologists. The outrageous assertion that hundreds of Ph.D. anthroplogists are engaged in a massive cover up (AKA conspiracy) of relevant evidence is so ludicrous that it borders on, as I said originally, comedy. If you have any friends who are scientists, as I do, you will know that they are skeptical, rigorously logical and disdainful of authority. Trying to get any dozen of these folks to agree on anything is like herding cats. As I implied in my original review, this book is ridiculous and suitable only for conspiracy buffs. Not worth a second of your valuable time.
By popular demand from several readers who have responded to my original brief review, I offer an expanded critique. Let's start with the authors. Richard Thompson (AKA Sadaputa Dasa) and Michael Cremo (AKA Drutakarma Dasa) have no academic or professional credentials in the field of biological anthropology whatsoever. They're lay people just like you and me. But they have assumed neat Hindu aliases which you and I probably haven't. A complete lack of credentials doesn't necessarily mean they are wrong however (though the lack of credentials should activate our BS detectors). As for the evidence cited in this book for the "ancient (creationist) origins" of modern humans, not a single claim enjoys any support among credible biological anthropologists. The outrageous assertion that hundreds of Ph.D. anthroplogists are engaged in a massive cover up (AKA conspiracy) of relevant evidence is so ludicrous that it borders on, as I said originally, comedy. If you have any friends who are scientists, as I do, you will know that they are skeptical, rigorously logical and disdainful of authority. Trying to get any dozen of these folks to agree on anything is like herding cats. As I implied in my original review, this book is ridiculous and suitable only for conspiracy buffs. Not worth a second of your valuable time.
Please RateThe Hidden History of the Human Race (The Condensed Edition of Forbidden Archeology)