In English, Love

ByKarina Halle

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ethan deragon
Devoured this one in a day. Loved the angst, love, romance, slow burn, guilt, tragedy, conflicts etc... Halle writes real life romance that's actually REAL and it's oh so good. Just the right amount of all ingredients to suck you in and let you lose yourself for a day. Romance is epic, and this story tells it that way spanning weeks of life with Vera Miles, a tattoed twenty-three year old wild child who just wants to go out and see the world by signing up to teach English to business types in Spain who need to learn how to better their conversational English. But these kind of gatherings do things to people, things you'd never expect. What does Vera get? She finds Mateo, a sleek Spanish businessman who makes her heart do funny flips any time she runs into him. But he's a complicated man and she's a wild spirit. How does love work with that?

A great escape into the mind of Vera as she tries her best to hold onto herself and her heart when love has other ideas. Definitely a novel worth falling in love with.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved this story largely for two reasons. The age difference - 15 years but still inconsequential when we are talking about two people who are not only physically attracted to each other but drawn too each other on a more soulful spiritual level.

Vera - I loved because she allowed her inner self to speak - giving her the freedom, albeit at times to love Mateo, although she was often conflicted on a social level, worrying about what people would think, how she was possibly spoiling Mateo's chances at having a family life.

Thankfully, but largely due to Mateo's age and maturity he was able to transgress the chasms that Vera believed were standing in their way.

This is a beautiful story of love and the struggles that Mateo and Vera faced together and of the self doubt that Vera faced concerning the appropriateness of their relationship. As they say love can conquer everything! Eva and Mateo's story will have you laughing and crying, maybe some nail biting will ensue but their story is one that will bring tears, feelings of angst and ultimately happiness.

I would love to nominate 5+ stars because it is a great read.

Lesley S
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stephanie ruby
Halle took a chance and wrote a romance novel without her usual addition of suspense, horror, or action. I, in turn, took the chance of purchasing Love, In English, because I tend to surpass standard contemporary romances. As it happens, we both made a good decision. This book claimed my attention from the very beginning and kept it until the final word was read. It’s well written, free of boring over the top descriptions, and the characters have a strong presence.

Here’s my synopsis of Love, In English:

Vera Miles is a twenty – three year old Canadian from Vancouver. She’s free spirited and tends to avoid taking life too seriously. Her favorite constellations are tattooed all over her body and she isn’t shy about showing a little skin. Vera has no shame about having sex with strangers when the need arises. In a nutshell, she lives life in the moment.

Upon hearing about a language program seeking Anglo – Saxons to help boost the English speaking skills of Spaniards, Vera jumps at the chance to adventure overseas. Her job is simple – speak English. Upon arrival in Spain all expenses are taken care off. Easy and uncomplicated, right? Wrong. Vera was never expecting to meet Mateo Casalles, a thirty – eight year old male Spaniard and ex soccer star. She certainly didn’t anticipate falling head over heels in love with him. But the heart knows no boundaries, and she will learn this the hard way.

Mateo is married and he and his wife have one child together. As Vera’s attraction grows, her emotions go to war. It doesn’t help that he seems to be as enthralled with her as she is with him. She’s dreading the day when she and Mateo are forced to part ways, but at the same time believes it’ll be for the best. That day does come, but this love story is far from over.

This is a heartbreaking love story, but there is so much more to Love, In English than a romance. It’s about taking chances, following your heart, and the line between what’s right and what’s wrong. It’s about friendship and family. And above all else, it’s about finding love in the most unexpected of places. If you enjoy a good, sexy romance novel, pick this one up.
Darkhouse (Experiment in Terror #1) :: Dirty Promises (Dirty Angels #3) :: The Play :: The Debt :: The Offer
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sean macmillan
So I just finished this beautifully written love story by Karina Halle, and I am in awe of this author's writing! OMG!!!!! LOVED THIS BOOK!! This is my first book that I read for Karina and I am definitely a huge fan, she had me at Mateo!
This story is based on a brilliant one of a kind idea that blew me away! Love when I read a story that is so different and unique from a lot of love stories I read!
There is not one thing that I didn't love about this book! It had everything to feed my greedy reader needs! Characters, setting, feel and voice was perfect!
Mateo and Vera's story is a must read! You'll absolutely love how they met, how they got to know each other, and their journey in finding out love just ain't that easy.
You will love the laughs, cries, and sweats that this book will give you! Hope your Kindle is protected, cause mine almost suffered a catastrophe. Thank you Karina for this and for my amazing mind trip to Spain!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Genre: Adult Romance

Love, In English is a realistic portrayal on love as two unlikely people fall deeply and passionately for one another. I think it’s also in some ways exploratory of love on many levels.

Mother to Daughter
Sister to Sister
Father to Daughter
Friend to Friend

Karina Halle masterfully showcases love’s distinct capacities. Whether it’s to give, to receive, or if it’s just to absorb the moments and take them in…

Vera Miles travels to Spain on an internship having no clue that it will irrevocably change her life. Not just because she meets a man but because she experiences The Big Bang and there is NO WAY to take it back, rewind time or ask for a do over.

She falls in love with a married man.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
charlotte newman
4 - 4.5 Stars

Review might be a tiny bit spoilish…

I’m so back and forth on this book. I definitely absolutely enjoyed it. For a forbidden love story I thought it was a unique and fantastic story line. Why I’m torn you ask? Because the last 10% made me so angry! I literally read the last bit on the edge of my seat, out of frustration and anxiety. Vera was a great heroine: strong, smart, spunky, fun, adventurous but then what bothered me was I felt like the author didn’t do her character justice when times got too tough. I get that Vera thought she was doing what she thought was best but when the man you love is begging and telling you they can get through it, she should have believed in him. My emotions are also wavering on how Vera handled the situation because when Mateo did what he should have done in the first place before the move I then thought maybe Vera did do the right thing. I always say if an author can pull any and all kinds of emotions out of me while reading, they know what they’re doing and I always have to give thumbs up for that.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
"Love, in English, is love"
"Love in Spanish is you."

Ms. Halle has never let me down. I adore her writing style. When I read the blurb for this one I could tell it would be out of her normal writing style but I was so excited to get my hands on this and it did not disappoint. Vera and Mateo have amazing chemistry that tugs at your heart. Yes, cheating is a taboo subject but done tastefully as Ms. Halle did it can also make you see the whole picture. I found this to be a beautiful and very passionate love story and at times laugh out loud funny. I completely fell for Mateo (yum) and I felt his pain and struggles with what he was going through. Vera, while trying to show the world she was tough actually just needed to be loved and appreciated. Mateo made her feel alive and loved for the first time and she was his estrella.

"I would have found you. You burn too brightly to me missed" ~
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
n c eleonara
Vera and Mateo...very passionate and in love pretty much sums up their feelings. But there is more to it than that. Miss Vera who end up going to Spain meets very sexy Mateo and retains herself because long behold he is right? Mr tall dark and handsome doesn't make it easy for her. I have to say the one thing that bugged the crap out of me is how long it took them to finally kiss!!!! When they did I felt like acting out the end scene from Breakfast Club throwing my fist in the air going FINALLY!!!! Vera is very hard on herself, so that might about someone, but if you actually pay attention to the type of character she is you understand. I enjoyed this book very much, it was absolutely amazing, even during all the rough patch you were just like omg please make it through all of this. But I won't give any details away, you have to read to find out!! Oh yeah the epilogue and last chapter AMAZING!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jane rosario
I am surviving on skeleton sleep and my woke rate is non existent!
It has been a very long time that a book has consumed me like this.
This is what I have been searching for all year...
A story that takes over.
A book that is impeccable in its story telling.
A story that is not completely predictable in its every move.
A story that is beautiful.

Very impressive.
Who would like this? If the Romance genre is for you then this will be your number one book this year.
I don't shed light on the story, the book summary gives enough of that away. Just know your heart will ache physically and you will need to read until you have finished...perhaps put yourself on a 12 hour plane ride!
Apart from three sentences with missing words I would not change a thing about this book.
Karina Halle deserves all the praise that comes her way. Thankyou.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shirin inamdar
The Adventure that changes the way you see the world, not everyone is fortunate to have one. Those that have though will truly appreciate and relate to this story, and to Vera. No, not because of her being the "villain" per say, though I am sure some who will read this may have had that kind of experience too. It's the life changing moments that sneak up on you. The experiences that open your eyes beyond the mundane, that bond you to people or places. Once the door has been opened, it feels heartbreaking to even think that you have to try to acclimate back into your life before you knew what was on the other side of that door. Karina' s writing gets better with every book, and this story really brings out well , how it feels to have a life changing experience that makes you question everything about your life, and not knowing how to be the person you were before your eyes were opened. They say to write what you know, and Karina' s own experience with wanderlust (traveling) does her story well. There doesn't need to be any car chases, or gunfire to make this a heart racing adventure of a story. Well done again Ms. Halle!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
vineet! I was seriously blown away by this book! I've read some of Karina's other books, and this woman never ceases to amaze me. I just much...throughout this entire book. Vera is a (fairly) strong girl, and I give her so much credit for just picking up her life and doing something she never thought she would do. She's had a tough life, and her family definitely didn't help in anyway (aside from her brother, he's a good guy!). Mateo, yeah, he's just, GREAT! Sexy, caring, passionate, and yeah, he's married. Boo on that, but it's not "that" kind of book. You know, where the guy just goes out and decides to find someone other than his wife. It's not like that. However, you'll have to read it to find out how things go down, and what happens.

I would highly recommend this book if you want to feel while reading. This book actually took my breath away at certain points, but I loved every second of it. I didn't want this book to end, and just wanted to keep reading.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ado bala
This was my first experience with this author and it won't be my last. I was looking for something to read while I waited for my latest one-click preorder to become available, so I went to one of my favorite bloggers (Natasha is a book junkie) and Love, in English was given a glowing review. While I was hesitant to try a new author, Natasha naw never steered me wrong so I one-clicked.
It is rare that a book makes me laugh, cry, smile, hold my breath, and not want the story to end, but I am here to tell you that Love, in English did all those things and more. While I am not a fan of stories with infidelity I didn't find my brain screaming. My heart was breaking and I too was falling in love.
Thank you for this beautiful story, it woke up my heart and I can't wait to read it again!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I laughed, I cried, I prayed, I puked! This book was an emotional roller coaster so close to my own "Vera Mateo" story it was eerie. Every facet of this story is so true, believable.

It hurts to love someone you shouldn't. Your body betrays you. To follow your head or your heart is a painful choice.

To watch a family disintegrate, effing hurts. To feel like it's partly your fault, sucks. To feel love and family grow like a phoenix from the ashes is magic.

I've never found a character I related to down to the hair color, tattoos, age difference, family warnings, athlete dude, kid involvement, ex wife confrontation. This book was painful and perfect.

Thank you, Karina, for all of this.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book kept popping up on my Kindle and intrigued me enough to find out the storyline and read up on the reviews. I knew I had to buy it after the fifth review. I admit that much of what drew me to the book was the European experience as I returned from there just two weeks ago. Spain is on my next stop whenever that may be, now more than ever. Knowing going in that Vera falls for a married man made me anxious with fear of the inevitable "destined for doom" outcome, but in a short time Karina had me immersed in her beautifully realized, eloquently written and compelling story about the powerful forces of undeniable love. Refreshing, original and so engaging, I hated for Mateo and Vera's story to ever end. You'll find yourself daydreaming about the magic of a place like Las Palabras, wondering if you could do it all over again, traveling to far away lands if for no more than the adventure and then reminiscing about the days when love was all consuming. I loved this sometimes heart-wrenching page turner and believe you will too.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lynn peterson
I am kind of suprised I even read this. Cheating / other women are not my cup of tea to be honest. I also don't gravitate to stories surrounding broken main characters. That being said, I loved it. What they did was wrong, but the author was able to clearly show the emotional heart ache and turmoil of their decisions. It wasn't just a selfish girl and a manwhore that had no regard for his marriage.

I've never been in this type of situation, but I think it was, again, handled beautifully and you could feel the real emotions. Sometimes, you can't help who you fall in love with. People do not always marry and have a child with their soulmate / true love / person they're supposed ot be with. And sometimes you meet that person at a bad time, when you are married to someone else. While I disagree with some of their behaviors while he was still attached, you could tell they had an unreal connection, and I'm just glad the timeline of the affair didn't drag on and on and on.

I can't wait for the sequel!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tom grant
Billionaires and naive girls are a common theme in books but I am honestly sick of romance stories being about money and sex with a little bit of plot. Sure its nice to have a knight and shining armor to make all the money problems go away but this book was about two people falling in love--NOT about the billionaire and the damsel in distress.
Vera is a young woman with genuine love to give and Mateo is a man with genuine love to give back. There are no games, no waisted time on wooing the heroine. This is a relationship with its ups and downs and the beauty of love shared between two people. Love isn't perfect and neither are men or women so why do authors create stereotypical love stories with men who flash their money and women who find confidence in sex when its more about the emotional intimacy between two lovers? Karin Halle did not do any of that in this story which is why I finished it in a day and a half. This author is amazing and I am officially a fan.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
vitaliy kubushyn
Oh... my...... I have NO words! I was COMPLETELY drawn in and held there, sometimes literally holding my breath until this book ended!!

It was awesome! It was very well developed. I felt like I had a good sense of the characters and their background/emotions/thoughts throughout the entire story.

MATEO is EVERY woman's dream man whether she realizes it or not.

This book reflected REAL feelings and it gave a small glimpse into how fast a love can actually blossom and survive in today's world. It was completely original and well written. I was definitely emotionally attatched to these characters and what they were going through.

And the way he COMPLETELY RESPECTED her AND her wants and needs really won me over with this book. Its such a nice break from all the dominant, childish, and semi bipolar male characters that are in so many other books. Not bashing them or anything because every woman secretly loves a little dominance in her man, but in my opinion Mateo was the perfect gentleman.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
esther roth
Wow, just wow. I was very afraid to keep reading, it couldn't end well, it couldn't not end well, I didn't want to know! Karina Halle has an amazing way of writing stories that you just want to end well but the characters are flawed and human and there is no way things are going to work out (If you haven't read the Artists Trilogy please do so immediately). I love that this was not your typical rich guy wins average girl with significant help from his money. While Mateo is wealthy, it does not play a major part in the story. And Vera - she tries so hard to not do the wrong thing, not make the mistakes that screwed up her life, but she just can't fight her heart. For an honest love story, no sappy scenes, just people you believe in trying to do their best and screwing up along the way, I recommend this book. I am also happy to hear Love, in Spanish. I realized about 3/4's of the way through the book that I was just expecting Mateo to be perfect, to make everything work out right if Vera would just listen to him, but he wasn't perfect. He was just stumbling along, doing his best and hoping and praying it would all work out, making plenty of mistakes along the way. Love, in Spanish is suppose to be from Mateo's POV.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
fred benenson
I loved this book and the characters. Vera and Mateo are just so meant to be and Karina Halle writes this beautiful story about their love. "The heart can fall in love in a second" and it knows nothing about time which is so true! I loved this story of Vera and Mateo because it was about them getting to know each other and fighting against what they both wanted and knew in their hearts was love and not just lust! This is so real because it does happen and you can fall so fast in love with someone without wanting too or knowing how it happened. I loved these two characters and can't wait to read the next book!

Mateo is full of passion and love for his Estrella and she is for him. Their love knows no age or anything else but that they are deeply into it before they even realize it's happened. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this author and story!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was a fantastic read!! Vera is a college girl of 23 from Vancouver, Canada. Mateo is a 39 yr old ex soccer star turned restaurateur. The two lost souls meet on a bus while heading to a retreat for Spaniards to learn better speaking English for their businesses..She is single, while he is married- Although I'm NOT for cheating...this author weaved her magic in a way that made you LOVE and understand how this could happen- From the beginning you "feel the sparks" fly right off the pages for these two...I Loved their bantor, the resort,the secondary characters...the build up! IT was a Phenomenal story that pulled at my heart strings...I felt the raw emotion And tears welled up in my eyes as I read this- The character Mateo was beautifully written And I too LOVED him!!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
greg hardin
I appreciate that this story had a much different premise than every other story out there in this genre. Any more they all seem to be the same story, recycled. This story had a lot of potential. However, I felt let down. It could've been so much better than it was. The plot was great, I liked the heroine, but somewhere along the way it fell flat. I think it was right after the teaching was over and she returned home. The story took a sharp left and never got back on track for me. I didn't like the characters in the second half. I started wishing they'd just shut up. Their relationship was so annoying and childish. There was no excitement. I almost couldn't finish it. It certainly didn't live up to the 5-star hype that preceded it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jared foster
Love, in English is definitely on my must read list for 2014. Karina Halle NEVER disappoints. Vera is an amazing female character & I fell in love with her immediately. Vera spends her summer abroad in Spain helping the locals with their conversational English. Vera is warned not to fall in love but does she listen? Come on….if she did we’d have no story. I loved how Mateo found all the things most people considered out of the norm about Vera the most attractive. I was surprised that there was a good balance between the time spent in Spain and time after she leaves. I was under the assumption it was going to be focused all on her time in Spain and was pleasantly surprised when it wasn’t. LIE is different from Karina’s Artist Trilogy but she always has a knack for telling terrific stories.

- “You and I, we were always a memory in the making.”
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lynn fordred
Yes, cheating is bad. M'kay... however, I could never stop rooting for and feeling defensive of these characters and their love. This book showcases a love that wages a constant battle against outside forces. I felt so much emotion throughout the entire novel, giddiness, excitement, heartache. Rarely do books choke me up... not even the end of Lying Season made me cry! But this book was written sooo well, I literally felt the emotion of the characters and choked up more than once.
Yes, I am a loyal fan of Ms. Halle's and I eagerly read everything she gives us. However, this book was unlike any of her previous works of art. And I say that in the most positive way possible. She never fails to hook, line and sink me.
No matter your views on the taboo subject matter of this story, give it a chance. Step out of your comfort zone. Buckle your seat belt. And enjoy the rollercoaster called Love, In English.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
patrick aquilone
Vera Miles wants to experience new and exciting things, so she travels to Spain to teach english for an immersion program for a month. On her first day, she meets handsome, sexy, former soccer star, Mateo. Oh yeah, and Mateo is married, and he has a daughter with his wife.

I'm not bothered by cheating in books, so the "are they or aren't they?" Was just like any other build up for me. I was not bothered by the fact that Mateo was married. And, the build up is good, very, very good.

I did enjoy this book quite a bit, but I felt like it dragged on a bit too much at times. There were also some grammatical errors that drove me a little nutty. Mateo was a great character, and I enjoyed Vera as well. Cutting a bit here and there would have made this a five star for me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dennis maione
What a fantastic book. I finished it a couple of days ago and can't stop thinking about it. A departure from her suspense/romance novels, this is a straight romance. It is every bit as good if not better than her other work. She takes a delicate subject and sensitively weaves a beautiful romance. Vera is my favorite KH character to date. She is strategically flawed, a hopeless romantic inside a tough girl shell. She is young and searching for her meaning to life. (Even though Vera is only 23 this is not one of those new adult romances where the characters act like they're still in high school. She could be 23 or 33, the age really isn't an issue.) Mateo is much older, living his life on autopilot until he meets her. This is a gorgeous, beautifully written love story. Very highly recommended if you like contemporary romance.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jon haupt
This story was full of great characters, a plot that twists and turns - had me smiling throughout, brought to tears at times, filled with angst and sick to my stomach after reading some scenes.

I loved Mateo - loved his words - his passion and his strong sense of conviction once he knew Vera had to be his. I loved Vera - her innocence, guilt and carefree nature.

The setting of Madrid, Barcelona and Canada were perfectly written as the back drop for these characters to grow together and love each other. The story and the characters stayed with me for many days after, in my thoughts and in my dreams.

Thank you Karina Halle for your lovely story and sharing these beautiful characters with us!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I read in the acknowledgements of this book that Karina Halle was scared writing a straight romance novel, finding herself "thrown in fits of despair and afraid to continue on." it's hard to believe after reading this book. she is honestly one of my favorite authors and this book did not disappoint. it was real and raw and lacked nothing. The characters made me want to be one of them. kinda like when you're watching Friends and wishing so hard you were roomies with Rachel and monica. I just wanted to plant myself in this story. surround myself with love and wine and all things spain. I'm so happy after reading this even with the hard parts. 5 deserving stars!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
So many things I loved about this book. The characters were perfectly fleshed out, and I love it when I feel their experiences as though they were my own. That doesn't happen to me very often while reading a book. There are no exciting plot twists in this story, which makes it all the more amazing that Karina can draw you in like she does. She is definitely one of my favorite authors, and I will read whatever she puts out there! Do yourself a favor and treat yourself to this book!! Big Plus--- This is actually a book that does not require you to buy chapters at a time. It is one story told in one book!! (FYI - I do not know this author personally, nor do I get free books. This review is just my true evaluation.)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michael klein
I read in the acknowledgements of this book that Karina Halle was scared writing a straight romance novel, finding herself "thrown in fits of despair and afraid to continue on." it's hard to believe after reading this book. she is honestly one of my favorite authors and this book did not disappoint. it was real and raw and lacked nothing. The characters made me want to be one of them. kinda like when you're watching Friends and wishing so hard you were roomies with Rachel and monica. I just wanted to plant myself in this story. surround myself with love and wine and all things spain. I'm so happy after reading this even with the hard parts. 5 deserving stars!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
vin cius
So many things I loved about this book. The characters were perfectly fleshed out, and I love it when I feel their experiences as though they were my own. That doesn't happen to me very often while reading a book. There are no exciting plot twists in this story, which makes it all the more amazing that Karina can draw you in like she does. She is definitely one of my favorite authors, and I will read whatever she puts out there! Do yourself a favor and treat yourself to this book!! Big Plus--- This is actually a book that does not require you to buy chapters at a time. It is one story told in one book!! (FYI - I do not know this author personally, nor do I get free books. This review is just my true evaluation.)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Get this book... NOW! You will NOT be disappointed!

I typically don't write reviews, as I am not a writer! However, I had to weigh in on this incredible love story. It grabs you from the prologue and doesn't let go until the last page. Ms. Halle is a gifted writer - I absolutely love her style! She creates characters you swear you know, and Vera/Mateo are no exception. The "controversial" matter is handled beautifully... My heart ached for everyone! There was no villain - just real life.

"What is love, in English?"
"Love, in English, is love."
"What is love in Spanish?"
"Love, in Spanish, is you."
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
victoria boundy
6+ STARS!!!! I loved every single page... This story was so well built and executed.. Karina did such an amazing job embedding us into the true souls of Mateo and Vera.. I'm so in love with this story.. The culture of Spain was as vibrant as the stars.. I'm not sure I've ever been so transported as I was in this book.. I visualized every scene with such vivid imagery.. The uniqueness of this story made everything even more special.. I can't say enough about this book <3

The ONLY thing I ask.. Is for a bonus chapter.. Or a extra novella. I would love a POV from Mateo, it would be so interesting to hear his personal thoughts of his "Estrella"...*sigh*
I felt like I was on a life journey with them, and my heart needs more. I want to hear more bout Chloe Ann.. And maybe a marriage.. Babies? I want them to have it all ;)

Thank you Karina for this beautiful book.. And, you know.. I wouldn't be opposed to more :) <3
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I was very skeptical of reading just because Im usually not into cheating. But I have to say Karina did an amazing job on this one. The friendship built first and continued to build between mateo and Vera till I was on edge of my seat wondering when they would combust. The raw intimate moments to the very heated wether it be sexually or anger was perfectly written. I loved it finished in a day just couldn't put it down. It made me feel and it takes a good author to make that possible for us readers.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I found the controversy of this book alluring, a young woman falling in love with a married man. Although I don't condone cheating, it is a situation we see often enough.
I found the emotions strong, it's a love story through and through though it drug a little being, slow in some parts especially towards the end.
I admit, I skipped the last two or three chapters. Vera, the main character, in those chapters turned me off. Like Bella had in Twilight, I found her annoying since all she did was constantly whine and cry a "woe is me" show-tune. I would have liked to see her be a powerful woman instead, very sure of her decisions and what she wanted.
Overall I will recommend the book. It's a romance with the toughest parts of love mixed in.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is not your typical romance. There are times while reading this book I wasn't sure what to feel. I loved and hated both Mateo and Vera at times. I never felt that either one of them were bad people, I just sometimes questioned their choices. The writing of this book was so good that it was so hard to put down. I wanted to keep reading to see what would happen. I don't want to say too much because what makes this book so good is that it keeps you guessing the entire time. This book also does an amazing job of getting you emotionally involved. Great book, very well written, but be warned it does deal with sensitive subject matter. I love books that stick with you, and this one most certainly will.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mara lee
If romance is your thing..nothing beats Love, in English! For the first time ever I decided to read a book without reading any of the blurbs or blog reviews; only looked at a few teaser pics. So basically I went into this book completely blind, with the exception of knowing it was a romance, simply because I totally trust Karina to produce a fantastic book. Please note that strictly romance is not my genre and I prefer all of her other work, but that in no way takes away from this book.

There were so many times I wanted to strangle Vera and Mateo and then I would turn around and want to hug them. I laughed (especially at bicycle), swooned, got angry, and cried. It worked on all of the emotions, it was great and I loved it!

The only negative I have is there were quite a few grammatical errors, but not enough to rate it any lower than 5 stars. If you enjoy a good romance then you will love Love, in English!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
susanne clower
These characters are incredibly difficult to like. I felt the writer wrote their characters very defensively, as if justifying for them why they were the way they were or why the do what they do rather than letting their actions/decisions speak for themselves. I generally like Karina Halle's work, but this was just too hard to read, like trying to follow music out of tempo. Not her best work.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
5+++ Stars!!! I love Karina Halle's writing and she creates the best characters! Love, In English brought up so many feelings for me. Vera and Mateo knew what they were doing was wrong; but you can't help who you fall in love with and they were meant to be together. I wanted Vera and Mateo's relationship to work, but I also felt sorry for Mateo's wife. I loved Mateo during most of the book, but I was also disappointed in him a few times. I felt depressed, and I had tears in my eyes a few times for Vera...I felt like I was on an emotional roller coaster and I'm currently suffering a book hangover.

Karina's writing is excellent and she is a great storyteller. I highly recommend this book!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I loved the 'Sins & Needles' series, so when I saw this, I decided to give it a try. It was VERY different than 'Sins'. It is a love story, not a lot of plot twists but lots of drama and angst. It is a pretty predictable story- but instead of a virgin, girl next door; our girl is tattooed, pierced and has lots of 1-night-stands. She is very young and he is older, wiser, rich and married. That is a new one- You would think a story about a philandering husband would be pretty revolting, but this was not at all. A sweet story, although, the ending left me wanting. That was a little weak considering all they went through. Not a hot, sexy tale or a plot twisting, on the edge of your seat book ; but a good read.
Please RateIn English, Love
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