Darkhouse (Experiment in Terror #1)

ByKarina Halle

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love good horror. But too many modern horror writers focus too much on gore to bring their horror to life, leaving the reader feeling like they've just read a trite and common, story that anyone could have written. Karina Halle doesn't do that with Dark House and I'm glad she didn't!

Dark House was one of the best horror books I've read since I read "A Soul to Steal" last year. While I really enjoyed that book, I can honestly say I enjoyed this book as much if not more. Nothing about Dark House was trite, nothing was predictable, and nothing was so over the top where it wasn't believable.

I also appreciate that Halle didn't fill the story with lots of gratuitous sex. Sure, there's a romance looming in the background of the story, but it's always secondary to the good scary story itself. More writers need to learn how to write without using sex as filler. Halle does it perfectly.

My only complaint? The book was too short! If you're looking for a good, creepy, read. This is the book for you! Just don't read it in an old, abandoned, lighthouse!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amber s
Found this book for free on Kindle with several others. This one looked more interesting and from the first few pages I was hooked! The honesty of the characters, warts and all is so fresh, so unlike anything I've ever read before. Perry and Dex are fantastic together. But this is not your standard 'paranormal romance' like so many other boring books out there. This is Urban Fantasy at it's best, with a kick of horror thrown in. The horror parts, by the way, got my blood pumping! I read this book very quickly, then proceeded to buy all the others, one after the other. Now I'm going through Perry and Dex withdrawals. This is the kind of series you wish they would make into movies, but only if it's done right, the way Karina Halle wrote it. I think of myself as a cool Grandmother who just happens to love adult paranormal tales from authors like Kim Harrison, Deborah Harkness, Charlaine and Karen Marie Moning. Now I have a new writer to add to my "must read her books" list and that's Karina Halle!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
susan rich
The book is basically about the start of two novice ghost hunters. Perry dreams about events or dead people and she can see them. Dex is an excellent producer/camera man. The two of them after all the hoop-la pair up to investigate a particular haunted light house. I wouldn't consider this romance as some have stated. Nice spookiness going on even though its not really scary. I think the author did well. I don't like the sexual tension that is between Perry and Dex and from the summaries of the other books in this series it gets worse before it gets better. If you're really into paranormal than this series will be good for you. I prefer paranormal romance so I think I'm good with reading just this book and making my own conclusions for the rest of the series.
Dirty Promises (Dirty Angels #3) :: The Play :: The Debt :: Red Fox (Experiment in Terror #2) :: Love, in English
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Just read the book "DARK HOUSE". Loved the characters Perry and Dex ! Perry is very much a real person to me . She not the perfect model-like person you might read about in a story,but a girl who could be you or someone you know. It was easy to visualize the characters in the book, because of the author's talent. There was CHILLS, THRILLS AND a promise of possible future romance!! I'm looking forward to reading the next book in the series and I'll be reading other books by Karina Halle. She deserves the 5 stars rating!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is my second time reading Darkhouse by Karina Halle. I had downloaded Darkhouse for my Kindle since it was free on the store. I honestly had if for weeks, maybe even a couple of months before even remembering I had it there. One day I was out and about, waiting for someone and I decided to give Darkhouse a try. Wow. I was in for a surprise. I couldn't put it down! At the end of Darkhouse I needed more Perry and Dex. Karina Halle is quite simply brilliant. I couldn't believe I hadn't read this sooner. After I finished reading Darkhouse I went on the store to buy the rest of the books in the series. There are 6 books and 4 novellas. The 7th book, Come Alive, will be published on June 23rd.

Darkhouse has everything I love in a book. A strong-willed, kick-butt, no-nonsense heroine. A mysterious, brooding, handsome, and let's be honest, a bit crazy, guy. A guy who also happens to be smart and loyal and protective. And then there are ghosts and a creepy old gothic lighthouse. Yes you read that right. I'm a big fan of horror stories. I can honestly say Darkhouse had me at the edge of my seat. I was even a bit creeped out while reading in the middle of the night with all the lights off. My little Kindle providing the only light in the room. I caught myself looking around my room more than a couple of times expecting to find something staring back at me.

The Experiment in Terror series is a must read. I can't even properly explain how much I adore this series. Perry and Dex are definitely crazy but I love them. I wouldn't get caught doing the things they did even if they paid me enough. I love horror stories but I for sure don't want to live one. Darkhouse is definitely worth checking out. It continues to be free on the store, so there is no reason not check it out. You'll love it. Trust me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
imen prima
In English and Spanish
Spanish: Llegué a este libro a traves de the store Kindle, principalmente porque era gratis y el título me había llamado la atención. No sabía que esperar cuando empecé a leerlo, pero me enganché desde la página 1. Primero, me encantan las historias de fantasmas, y si bien hay muchas historias de "cazafantasmas", ésta de alguna manera, logró sorprenderme. Quizas porque me identifiqué con Perry (aunque no sufrí casi nada de lo que le pasó a ella) y con su forma de pensar. Tanto ella como Dex son dos personajes queribles, a pesar de sus secretos, misterios e imperfecciones. No quiero contar mucho de la historia, prefiero recomendarles que la lean, y avancen con los libros, no los van a poder soltar!

English: I got to this book through the store Kindle, mainly because it was free and the title had catched my attention. I didn't know what to expect when I started reading it, but I was hooked from page 1. First of all, I love ghost stories and, besides there are another "ghosthunter" stories, this one in some way, surprised me, for good. Maybe because I identified with Perry (not that I suffered all she have suffered)but with her way of thinking and see life. As Perry and Dex are two "loveable" characters, in their particular way. in spite of their secrets, mysteries and flaws. I don't want to tell anything about the story, I highly recommend you to read it and go on with the books, it's impossible to let go!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
rhiannon smith
From the beginning this book read like it was written by a late teen or young adult. The dreamy bad boy that is only attractive because he is more aloof and rude than anything is fairly annoying to me. I found myself wanting to shake Perry for finding that remotely attractive, wanting her to get some self respect.

I read the entire book because I wanted to see what happened, but the story was very slow and not scary at all. The focus of the story really wasn't on anything ghostly or frightening, but more on the thoughts and relationships between Perry and others.

It was an easy and OK read that kept me reading only because I kept feeling there HAD to be more.... but there really never was until the ridiculous climax that made no sense to me. I like reading series books, but this one is shut down after the first book for me. I can see why some others in a different age group would suck it up though.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved this book. Perry is witty, sarcastic, charming and so real! I adore her - possibly because she reminds me of myself. This book had me laughing out loud (while reading in the lunchroom at work, coworkers had to ask me what was so amusing) until the scary part. Which was pretty much the whole book except for the first 1/4. Not scary enough to give you nightmares, just scary enough to ask yourself what you'd do in that situation (freak the hell out!). I immediately had to get book #2. And now that I've finished it as well, I'm sad that there's no anthology I can buy (or omnibus edition, if you prefer), seeing as there's like 12 of these suckers! I'm going to go broke - in a good way.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
andrei alupului
Very good scary book and great characters that you learn more and more about in each installment. Fast paced and a real page turner to find out what happens next. Also, a wonderful love story and a lot of romance/sex. I was hooked on this series by reading this first book. Read all 9 of them and all the extra novellas. Ever so good if you enjoy some paranormal activity. This and the other books will also make you laugh out loud at time. Well rounded with a good mystery, great characters, romance, sex and self discovery. I can't say enough about this series and the author Karina Halle.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
This book is rather immature to start with. The trauma-filled, on again, off again relationship gets old pretty quickly. You keep hoping that they will grow up and have a mature relationship, more in keeping with their stated ages! But, that never happens.

But, my main complaint is with the sloppy editing or lack thereof! Words are consistently repeated or wrong words used. That's why this author really needs the help of a proofreader!

While the proofreader is there, they can explain to this author that light travels faster than sound. On two separate occasions the main character hears thunder and then starts counting "one Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi" until seeing the lightning strike! I started laughing out loud at that point and would have thrown the book across the room except I was reading it on my Kindle.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kurt marsh
What a journey!! I just finished the series and loved every bit! This is a fantastic supernatural read with the story of two people figuring out who they are themselves and who they are together. There are some genuine scary parts in some of the books especially the later books and amazing music references!!
Check out the YouTube videos too that's right Dex had his own channel!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Honestly I read this book because it was free, and to be honest I wasn't expecting much. But having read this book, I fell in love and I fell hard. Give this book a chance and you won't be disappointed.

I love the characters, the series, and this author. I found this story refreshing and creepy. The main character, Perry, is not your typical heroine and you can help but be drawn into her story. She was a former fat girl with mystery in her past and who gets sucked into a ghost hunting adventure.

And then there is Dex (sigh) I'm not going to say what I want to say about him because I have read more than just this book in the series and have such mixed felling about his character. But he adds such a wonderful dimension to this book and you can't help but want more from him.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Great series actually. I'm not so patiently waiting for the next books. I have read all the books to date in this series, including the novellas. The Novellas weren't as great as the main books....they were somewhat tedious. I skimmed through many spots. I'd go as far as saying you really could read the series sans the novella's.

As far as the main books as considered, I'd almost want to give them a 5 star rating. Some spots dragged or seemed more like a filler than vital to the outcome. Overall though....I've enjoyed the characters, the adventures, the 'mutual admiration' between main characters is just fun! Love them both! Looking forward to the next book!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
While I found the story engaging, I was disappointed at the end. I felt like the story left me hanging and although this is a series, I feel that Darkhouse didn't end with a feeling of closure as most stories should. I don't want to spoil the story for others so they can draw their own conclusions but it's obvious that I will have to continue to read the series to see if the things I feel were left unanswered, become answered in future stories. On a whole, I like the story and the story line. I love stories with hauntings and a supernatural feel to it. There were some grammatical errors and a few misplace words but on a whole, a great story!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mark bruce
LOVED it! Darkhouse - Experiment in Terror was creepy, exhilarating and intense! Dex and Perry meet by chance while exploring an old, abandoned lighthouse on her uncles property. Perry has been drawn to it by some unseen force and can't stay away. When she runs into Dex, literally, the rest is a crazy scary roller-coaster ride that you never want to get off. Dex is dark, gorgeous and broody while Perry is more of an introverted girl with self-image issues and yet there is still an underlying connection they both try to hide. I can't wait to read #2...or the rest of the series for that matter! Must read for any PNR / Horror fans
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Really enjoyed this one. It is close to Halloween, so spooky was on my list when I started reading Darkhouse. It did not disappoint. The backstory on Perry was detailed, but left room for curiousity about the episodes Perry deals with. The flow of the storyline was great. I do wish that Roddy's character (lighthouse) was built up more...like the Crazy Clown Lady was. I felt there could have been more to offer between Perry's first visit to the lighthouse and the second with Dex. Dex and Perry's characters and their building relationship stuck with me after reading. Individually, they are flawed, which made them more real, tangible to the reader in a way. I'm curious to see what Book 2 brings for these two!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Started and stopped this book a few times because it was so slow, but couldn't bring myself to delete it until I was finished. What a mistake. Half the book is devoted to making sure you understand that the main character is a whining, chubby, outsider with no self respect. Not my type of heroine. I saw the author's picture and I'm sure she can relate being a thin, gorgeous, blonde... The editing and grammatical errors alone were enough to make me feel stabby on several occasions, not to mention the ridiculous dialogue. This was free, but I feel like I deserve to be paid for my time after reading this drivel.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nir k
When I started reading this book (for free, why not?) what I was expecting was a typical paranormal-romance story with a beautiful heroine who had "flaws". You know, those little flaws that are so insignificant that they only make them even more endearing and perfect?
But wow, am I impressed. Why on earth is this book free? As someone who reads a lot, I'd say it's well written, it flows well - not too fast, nor too slow - and, most important of all, the characters are outstandingly well developed. Perry feels very real, one can easily fit into her shoes or feel like she's someone one knows. And the fact that most of the story takes place in an accurately depicted real world only serves to make it more believable, which is a feat considering the paranormal factor.
It was refreshing to read this, it's certainly different from most books out there. You'll like it, trust me.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Despite my early doubts, (the first chapter felt a bit too "young adult" for my taste), I ended up thoroughly enjoying this story. I would say it does fall into the YA category but the plot was interesting enough to keep my attention.
The story is written in the first person, which I feel sometimes takes away from the story more than anything else because you only get the main character's point of view. But in this case, the author managed to maintain an engaging story and make the other characters interesting and not too "one dimensional".
I'm definitely going to have a look at the second book in this series.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
lauren denton
The basic premise of the book was interesting, but the author took too much time to move the story along. I got the feeling that she had an outline of a good story, but got caught up so much in character development that the story slowed. It is a tricky business trying to make the characters interesting enough that the reader cares, but not losing sight of the story which propels the reader forward. I did want to finish the book to find out what happened, but I was also able to put it down for days at a time without feeling compelled to get to the end. I will probably read another installment, but there are some other things I need to do first.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Karina is my hero. Seriously.

Her mind is so fantastically scary, imaginative and erotic! Though, you won't know about her gutter head until later, trust me... she's just mean!

I won't spell out details that I believe you should read for yourself. Just, trust me when I say that though this book is a little slower as far as drama goes, stick with it. The rest of the series will BLOW. YOUR. MIND.

Again, I freaking LOVE this woman's head. I'm surprised she hasn't put a restraining order against me for as much as I stalk her and whore her books out to my reading friends.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jill b
If you've been following my blog ([...]) lately you'll know how obsessed I've become with Karina Halle and her books, and with good reason too, as all Halle's books really become unforgettable, un-put-down-able works of literature that somehow seem bigger and better than anything you've ever read! She doesn't just imagine a character and jot him or her down on paper, she breathes life and humor and guts into them until they become these clever, witty, damaged, breakable, strong, fatally flawed (and I mean that in the nicest way possible) and beautiful characters that you'll forever be wanting more of.

You've all heard me say how much I hate ghosties, I hate them even more than clowns -which for the record have me breaking out in hives at the mere mention of them- so when I say I was reluctant to start a series that not only contained ghosts but also contained an unlikely duo whose sole purpose was to hunt them for a series of webisodes, well it took a while and some hefty tenacity on a few good blogging friends behalf's (Megan and Ali I'm looking at you two beautiful, wonderfully spectacular ladies) to get me to pick up Darkhouse.
And you know what?
I could kick myself for putting Experiment In Terror off for so damn long!
The horror element to these books is definitely there, but Darkhouse sort of eases you in gently before pulling out the major mind blows later on in the EIT series!

Perry Palomino's life is . . . well, it kinda sucks actually.
She's 22, still lives with her overbearing parents and a sister that seems to have it all together at age fifteen. She's stuck in a job she hates, she's insecure, has no sex life, next to no friends and spends most of her time trying to appease her parents for the grief she caused them in her drug-addled teens. She's suffered through years of criticism, bullying and all round awkwardness, oh and she sees dead people. Or at least she thinks she does, but it could just be a side affect from all the drugs she took in her youth.

When Perry's family visits her uncle's farm for the weekend Perry goes on a goofy little expedition into the abandoned lighthouse. A creepy, boarded up lighthouse that may or may not be haunted? Heck yeah! I mean, what could really go wrong?
While goofing off with her camera Perry puts her stunt woman training to good use and breaks into the lighthouse at night . . . alone.
There she meets Dex Foray!
The book boy to end all others!
Dex is so completely damaged! He's cocky yet strangely vulnerable, hilarious yet oddly serious and there's this seemingly impenetrable exterior that makes you want to take out your ice pick and chip away until you get to the very complicated core of him.
It's almost like a compulsion, like you have to unravel all his secrets immediately!
Yes, I'm completely fangirling, so sue me!

"We produce webisodes. Webcasts. You know, on the internet."
"Yes, I've heard of this internet before," I said. The sarcasm just slipped out.
"Perfect. That will make things easier," Dex replied, sliding over my snark.
Kindle - 27%

There really aren't words to convey how I feel about these two, well, there are but I'm not sure I can use them on the internet.
Dex and Perry are like the sexed up version of the X-files, only these two have more chemistry than ten trillion science labs put together and when they team up for further webisodes in Experiment in Terror their relationship, or non relationship as the case may be, becomes so consuming that you won't care whether or not you have laundry to feed, a husband to walk, kids to put in the dryer or a dog that needs a beer! All that matters is that you get your next EIT fix!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
An average story that is more akin to Twilight than to any horror story. It starts out alright, but quickly delves into a convoluted romance story. There is no terror to be found in this book whatsoever and the ending is extremely lack luster. If you're looking for a romance story and you liked books like the Twilight series, The Contagium Trilogy, or the Fahllen you will like this book a lot, as they are all mirror images of each other in different settings. If you're looking for horror move on because none will be found here. The plot is monotonous, the characters forgettable, and the writing is average at best.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ghazi mahdi
I love this whole series. I wish the author would write more. This was the start of it all and it was really good. It's an inviting story that introduces the reader to all of these great characters. Great villains, monsters, & it has a great romance! Loved it. ❤️
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
arun sankaran
I just recently reread this book after devouring the whole series last year and it was still just as great as I remembered it. Although there are some grammatical errors and misspelled words (author was self publishing at the time), the writing draws you in from the very start and Perry and Dex are not only lovable but realistic. For once, the characters in a book aren't just carbon cut outs of a perfect girl and boy, these characters are flawed but in the end you love them more for that reason. Additionally, the atmosphere is very creepy. 5/5 stars, great start to a great series and it only gets better with each book! I would recommend it time and time again.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I downloaded this book because it was free. I love reading indie authors, they never fail to surprise me. This book was suspenseful a little scary (my scary standards are high. I love horror.)and the character development was the best part of the book. It was the best surprise to find 3-d characters, flawed in many was, but still incredibly lovable. The secondary characters were believable to. I hate reading a novel no matter how good the plot or writing where the characters are unflinchingly just one way.I wish you could give half stars because this is definitely more than a 4 star review. I am definitely looking forward to book two.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
zoe tuck
I found this book by accident looking for cheap scary books on Kindle.
Well, I got so much more than I bargained for! I was instantly enthralled by Perry. And later by the mysterious Dex. I've been reading horror, suspense and everything inbetween for the last 20 years, so it takes a special book to capture my interest like Darkhouse did. Within 2 weeks I read the entire series including the 2 novellas and then began searching the Internet for more info on Perry and Dex. I have also read the various letters and the excerpts from the Dex files! Anxiously awaiting the complete works and book 6!!! Simply amazing Halle!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
READ THIS if you want something refreshingly different. Endearing heroine. Bat-sh** crazy hero. Buffy-meets-Blair-Witch-meets-Mulder-and-Scully. Loved this, and I'm not even a fan of this genre ... Whatever this genre is. I think, actually, this genre is called Awesomesauce. And I AM a huge fan of that! I am hooked and can't wait for the next installment. The slow-burn romance a la Alias might be the death of me. Is it all just on Perry's side, or does Dex have a crush on her too?
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This book is like a glass of delicious juice with a few flies in it. You want to enjoy its goodness, but those nasty flies... In this case the story is good and well written. The repeated misuse of "literally" is a huge turnoff. I finished this, but I can't read more of her books. I'll literally have an aneurysm.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I thought I had read great series before, but the Experiment in Terror series had me hooked from the first paragraph. Not only are the books frightening and keep me up late into the late because I absolutely cannot bear to put them down until I know Perry and Dex will be safe but the chemistry between these two characters is intense. I feel like I need an Experiment in Terror self help group because it's become a stronger addiction than my caffeine habit. I finished the entire series in the last week and plan to read them again once I catch up on some sleep. Do yourself a favor and buy this series!! :-)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
aleksandar rudic
You will absolutely love the characters in these books, Dex and Perry are a bit different but as you keep reading you'll see why..... The way the books are written suck you into their lives making you believe in the supernatural. Keep in mind you'll need to read the other books in the series because the books do leave you hanging. Would highly recommend them for any age reader!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I'm over the whole "awkward misfit girl who complains about herself constantly" narrative. It doesn't seem to me this kind of person would have enough courage to enter a haunted laundry hamper. But it was well written and I enjoyed enough of the book to deal with the main character. And I'm really tired of the "all books have to have a love interest angle" even if it's preposterous. The book jumped into this too fast to be believable, and if it's a series, would have had the time to develop that part in a more believable way.
Overall it was ok, but the "climax" of the book was so anticlimactic that I had to reread it. I missed it; kept thinking there was more around the corner. But it's an entertaining read.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Started out with potential. Quickly dropped the ball. I hoped that this book would cause me to sleep with one eye open but it was all I could do to keep both eyes open to finish reading, one big yawn. I wasn't frightened at all, mostly it plays out as adults having grade school crushes and mommy issues. I'm uninterested in the sequel, reading the excerpt at the end of the book appears to be even more mundane than the first. Thanks but no thanks. Save your valuable time explore other options!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
shanda brown
I'm over the whole "awkward misfit girl who complains about herself constantly" narrative. It doesn't seem to me this kind of person would have enough courage to enter a haunted laundry hamper. But it was well written and I enjoyed enough of the book to deal with the main character. And I'm really tired of the "all books have to have a love interest angle" even if it's preposterous. The book jumped into this too fast to be believable, and if it's a series, would have had the time to develop that part in a more believable way.
Overall it was ok, but the "climax" of the book was so anticlimactic that I had to reread it. I missed it; kept thinking there was more around the corner. But it's an entertaining read.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Started out with potential. Quickly dropped the ball. I hoped that this book would cause me to sleep with one eye open but it was all I could do to keep both eyes open to finish reading, one big yawn. I wasn't frightened at all, mostly it plays out as adults having grade school crushes and mommy issues. I'm uninterested in the sequel, reading the excerpt at the end of the book appears to be even more mundane than the first. Thanks but no thanks. Save your valuable time explore other options!!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
adrienne white
This was another book that I tried to make myself like, but failed. After a number of efforts to read it, I finally gave up when it didn't catch my interest. I expected it to suck me in and invoke emotion, seeing as it is a thriller. Unfortunately, this never happened.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jen wilkinson
You have been warned...don't start this series unless you are okay with staying up way past your bed time, skipping lunch just to squeeze in a few more chapters, and generally putting life on hold. I downloaded the first book in one of those "why not, I'll give it a try" moments and ended up reading the entire series in a week.

Dex and Perry are perfectly complex and deep and I can't get enough of their dynamic. That solid fact, combined with Halle's ability to create a world that would scare the pants off even the most avid horror/sci-fi lover...had me up well past 1:00 am each night.

I'm having serious Dex and Perry (especially Dex) withdrawal and I'm anxiously waiting for my next fix.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mary ann tosca conte
I really enjoyed this story. I can't watch scary movies, but I am just starting to get addicted to reading them. Definitely a thrill without the visual imprinted in my head, ready to pop up in my dreams later that night. I also liked the characters. They seemed to have more depth than usual....no one was perfect, and they didn't always do the right thing. Made them feel more real.

But, being from Portland, I got the feeling that the author wasn't...why in the world would this guy get a hotel in Tillamook, when she was staying a little south of Cannon Beach. And who drives on I5 to get to the beach from Portland? And I would never take a boat out on the ocean to get a good view of the Lighthouse.....why not just fly a drone.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
michael goldberg
Got this one because it was free - my favorite price. It was good enough for me to go ahead and buy book 2, which i just started today.
It is refreshing to read about flawed characters, as when you read as much as I do, the perfect models normally featured in paranormal romance can wear thin after a while.
Characters are great, likeable, I find myself fully invested in them and where they are going - as well as the ghost scenes being...well...quite scary!
Highly recommend this one and hope book 2 is just as good!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
If you like a paranormal, supernatural story with romance thrown in, you will love the Experiment in Terror series. Karina Halle has a knack for creating characters that are believable and endearing. Once you start reading Dark House, you will not be able to stop and will want to continue on through the series. The main characters, Perry Palomino and Dex Foray, will pull you in and not let go. I've read the series twice and am waiting (im)patiently for the next book. You must read it to believe it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
laura margaret
Great ghost story with the potential to be more. Well looking into the series now, I guess there's 9 books total. Now I'm ready for the other's to be on audible! Good world building but can be read as a stand alone.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I was surprised to find myself so engrossed so quickly in a novel like Darkhouse. There was an enormous about of description. You basically "live" inside Perry's head in this book. I found myself not really relating to Perry very much. Maybe because of her age. I'm not really sure what it was but I felt more connected to Dex. Geez I could not get enough. He's so intriguing and you just know there are many many secrets inside him.

Looking forward to book 2!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sam shipley
I got this after reading Sins and Needles, saw it was highly recommended even though this is not the usual type of book for me. but I was so enthralled, I stayed up late finishing it. It was kind of creepy, not as creepy as some of the sequels, but it had my heart pounding. I immediately liked the characters even though you can see they are a little off...keep going, the series gets better and better with each one, especially when you get to the ones from Dex's point of view
Please RateDarkhouse (Experiment in Terror #1)
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