After All: A Hate to Love Standalone Romance

ByKarina Halle

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A famous hot guy and not famous "regular girl" (she is hot but doesn't think so) hookup and then an interesting opportunity presents itself. Snarky girl meets man-whore scoundrel. I do so enjoy the fiesty banter. I always enjoy this author's love stories, usually read them in one pass as was the case here. This was unputdownable.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
landon tallent
This book is perfect for a summertime read!
After All is fun, sexy, and fast paced. It's light hearted but still tugs at your emotions. Alyssa and Emmett's story will give you butterflies and have you laughing out loud (and have you blushing, because it is a KH story after all)

One-click away!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sam rapoza
After All – Karina Halle has turned me into a Romantic Comedy Junkie but what surprised, was After All is so much more. She has taken what should be a fun-hearted, light romantic read and transformed it into a very heart-warming and touching story that is also funny. Once again, I have to give kudos where kudos are due and give this story the 5 stars it deserves. 5 stars for panty-melting smiles, 5 stars for crazy, jerky-loving raccoons, 5 stars for an all out well-rounded and amazing story.

It’s funny how secondary characters can work their way into your and suddenly become your favourites. Her characters Emmett and Alyssa, who were introduced in Before I Ever Met You, are an unlikely couple and definitely not destined for a permanent relationship that will last for the long haul but circumstances (or fate) has given them time they needed to relax into each other, get comfortable, bare their souls and open their hearts to a new possibility. Emmett has not had it easy, the Prologue alone will rip your heart out, but he has survived. He hides the ‘real’ Emmett from his very public world but Alyssa sees him. Alyssa is a feisty character, very strong, stubborn and prickly but she is so soft underneath and Emmett sees her. Together, they see each other and manage to help each other reach their full happiness.

Emmett is a cocky, dirty talker who is smooth as Crown Royal and Alyssa can’t help but find him irresistible. No living-breathing woman could. <blockquote><i><B> “Are you saying there’s no way you can resist my advances?” I ask her with a grin.
Her lips press together in a thin line as she stares right into my eyes. “The last thing I want in this world is to add to your ridiculous ego but…you make it very, very hard.” Pause. Hint of a smile. “Pun intended.” </blockquote></i></B>
Alyssa is a normal girl, hips and all, with real-life girl problems and a few that are only meant for her; just ask Stanley Park resident raccoon <i>Cyril Sneer</i> all about it.

I absolutely loved the amount of realness Karina brought to this book. She certainly had me believing Emmett was a real-life person with all the references and connections she made to the world we live in, especially our beautiful country, Canada. But, in all its glory, Vancouver (the setting of this story) also has its ugliness and I think Karina has done an amazing job of bringing that to the surface. This ugliness lives in every city so no matter where you live, you can relate, you can feel for the homeless, for the hopeless. Emmett’s story brings hope from the darkness and shows that dreams can come true if you believe them and don’t give up.

After All will certainly make you swoon, Karina surely knows how to write some amazing sex scenes, but it will also make you laugh, possibly cry, and definitely clutch your heart for the amazing journey that Alyssa and Emmett will take you on. They both become the people they were meant to be because of each other. They understand each other and they support each other until the end. They risk it all, risk their hearts—even when they don’t know what is real and what is fake—but in their hearts they know, their passion is not a performance, it’s a living and breathing thing that will continue to grow as long as they keep feeding it.

If you are a follower of Karina, I’m going out on a limb here by saying, she has finally given Lachlan a run for his money—and that is saying a lot!
Demons and Druids (Daniel X) :: The Dangerous Days of Daniel X by James Patterson (2010-06-15) :: The Looking Glass Wars :: Successor to The Spy Who Came in from the Cold - The Looking Glass War :: The Perfect Illusion
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
diane cameron
'After All' is a standalone spinoff of 'Before I Ever Met You' it is another great adult contemporary romance by the highly talented Karina Halle that I always one-click buy these days. I am so pleased I one-clicked this without reading the blurb as it was an entertaining and heartfelt contemporary romance and I absolutely loved Emmett and Alyssa and fell in love with their hilarious story.

I love a book that starts off strong and the prologue in 'After All' was great. It gives us an insight into Emmett and the secrets he’s been able to hide so well from his friends and fans. It's also what has shaped him into the man he is today.

Fast forward to the present and Emmett and Alyssa first meet at a wedding - Will and Jackie’s from 'Before I met you' in fact. This is the event where the idea of a fake relationship was born. Over time, the lines get blurred, and neither of them know what’s fake and what’s real.
"I love a gentleman as much as the next girl, but damn it, Emmett sure has a knack for making me appreciate a scoundrel."

I adored Emmett’s character, he was smart, funny and didn't take himself too seriously. Alyssa was aptly named “prickly” and it took me most of the book to warm to her but by the end I wanted her as a friend and I totally understood Emmett's obsession with her...
"Everything she offers up is so beautiful and real and pure, but it’s never enough. I don’t just want to touch her and be with her, I want to fuse with her."

This book definitely had it all, humour, sarcasm, steam and a fast pace story line with wonderful characters that kept me madly swiping and left me with a smile on my face. 'After All' is a wonderful enemies-to-lovers story, that keeps you constantly on your toes - it is the perfect holiday read. 5 Solid Stars!
I am a verified purchaser in Australia
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Emmett Hill is -putting it nicely- an actor whose glory days are behind him. His second wind came in his current role, in which plays a villain in a popular TV show. In regards to the press life is sort of imitating art. He’s painted as a philandering bad boy slash playboy, which at his age of thirty eight is not a good look. He is well aware he needs to clean up his act, but the last place he expected to find the answer to his problems was with a one night stand at his best friend’s wedding.

Granted Alyssa Martin fell for Emmett’s charm, but she’s in no way starry eyed over him like the rest of the female population. She’s prickly and a ball buster and much to Emmett’s delight keeps him on his toes. She on the other hand could care less whether Emmett was taken with her or not… or so she tells herself.

Alyssa is as real and upfront as they come, which is highly ironic considering she enters a faux relationship with Emmett. It’s obvious why the deal would work well for him. He is selling the idea of stability and the notion that normal girl like Alyssa has tamed him. In turn she rewarded handsomely, but personally as well as a shot of adrenaline in her stagnant day to day, it gives her time to think about her next step in life.

The prologue was an emotional one and I enjoyed the way Karina drew on that throughout the novel. There is much more to Emmett than the mask of arrogant actor he defaults too, and it’s the knowledge of his past that kept me from allowing myself to think of him that way too. Slowly but surely Alyssa too comes to see the man behind the mask, it becomes difficult to distinguish between their scripted reality.

Their chemistry was honestly and delight to read, and don’t get me started on the banter. It was hugely refreshing to read a couple whose connection extends to outside the confines of the bedroom. After All is my favourite Karina Halle book to date. From the characters to the story, I loved it all!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lee whitley
After All is a another great adult contemporary romance by the very versatile and highly talented Karina Halle. It can be read as a compete stand alone but we did meet our Hero Emmett and heroine Alyssa in Before I Ever Met You and I was super excited to read this book as soon as I found out this book was about them. If you get the opportunity I highly recommend reading it as we see glimpses of Will and Jackie in this book which I really enjoyed.

I love a book that starts off strong and the prologue in After All was brilliant. It gives us an insight into Emmett and the secrets he’s been able to hide so well from his friends and fans alike. It's also what has shaped him into the man he is today.

Fast forward to the present and Emmett and Alyssa first meeting at Will and Jackie’s wedding. The event where it all began and the idea of a fake relationship was born. The lines get blurred, and neither of them know what’s fake and what’s real.

I really loved Emmett’s character, he was smart, funny, sexy, and didn't take himself too seriously. Alyssa was aptly named “prickly” and it took me most of the book to warm to her. She was self deprecating and failed to believe that Emmett could be really interested in her for her, as opposed to the models and actresses that where the usual women warming Emmett’s bed. Emmett was a dirty talker and in the words of Carla (Alyssa’s roommate) it was “hawt”.

This book definitely had it all, humour, sarcasm, steam and a fast paced great story line with wonderful characters that leave you with a happy and feel good feeling at the end. In usual Halle style we get a wonderful description of the city the book is set in ( here it's Vancouver and yep it's on the bucket list) and like some her other books an underlying serious and heartfelt message.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kerry price

After All was an amazing, entertaining, addicting, and heartfelt contemporary romance, and I absolutely loved Emmett and Alyssa's story! Karina Halle's writing style was excellent and the storyline and characters she created in After All were extraordinary. I honestly didn't think I could love her books more than I already did, but she gets better with every novel she writes, and she completely blew me away with After All. It has been my favorite novel from her to date and I am so excited to see what she comes up with next.

Emmett and Alyssa were amazing and I immediately fell in love with them and their story. I loved their personalities, and even though they clashed with each other from time to time, their chemistry together was off-the-charts HOT and I truly loved reading every single page of their story. I wasn't a huge fan of Alyssa's "prickly" personality in the beginning, although it was understandable given her past, but I loved how Emmett and Alyssa's story and relationship progressed throughout, and I thought Ms. Halle did an excellent job with the pacing of this book. I was constantly entertained and never found myself bored. To be honest, I devoured their story in two days, that's how good it was. The banter between Emmett and Alyssa was highly entertaining, swoon-worthy, and sometimes frustrating, but I loved every minute of it. I seriously didn't think Ms. Halle could write a hero sexier and more charming than Will McCallister (Before I Ever Met You), but she truly outdid herself with Emmett Hill. He was handsome, charming, and had a wicked and dirty mouth, but he was also compassionate and caring and I completely fell in love with him. Alyssa was a strong heroine and I loved that she was honest, stubborn, and spoke her mind most of the time. They were a perfect match for each other, and it was a privilege to go on this journey with them. I loved reading the book from both Emmett and Alyssa's POV, and I was beyond ecstatic with the conclusion to their story.

The secondary characters were amazing as well, with the exception of a few, and I absolutely loved getting to see more of my favorite characters (Will, Jackie, Ted, and Tiffany) from Before I Ever Met You. They made several appearances throughout and it definitely made the story more interesting and entertaining. Plus I loved knowing what else happened to them in their lives after BIEMY. I loved that all of them, including Emmett and Alyssa, were super close and had wonderful relationships with each other. I was very happy that Ms. Halle decided to include them in the story.

After All was fun, sexy, and the perfect summer read, and I couldn't have been happier with the outcome to Emmett and Alyssa's story. Karina Halle is a brilliant author and I honestly can't wait to see and read what she writes next. If you haven't read any of her books, especially her contemporary romance novels, then you need to do so ASAP!

ARC received in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
katina stewart
After All took me by surprise with the light-hearted entertaining pretend/real romance between Emmett and Alyssa. Emmett’s reputation precedes him and he reinforces the public’s opinion of him by constantly getting himself mixed up in trouble. At his best mates wedding, his world is turned around when he finds out he has to accompany two bridesmaids he has dubbed “Blondie” and “Non-Blondie” down the aisle. Blondie also known as Alyssa is the same woman his mates have told him is off-limits.

The wedding ends up rating as one of the best nights Alyssa and Emmett have experienced. Alyssa assumes it will stop there but where would the fun be with that?! So begins a story of enemies to friends and eventually lovers.

Emmett is an actor, a bit older than Alyssa and totally smitten with her personality and looks. He’s a guy who can’t seem to win a trick when it comes to living his life without drama, especially where the paparazzi are concerned. Drama or acting is a constant theme woven into the plot to the extent I mistook an early scene as being real rather than pretend.

Whenever she is with Emmett, Alyssa is frequently wondering if what they are sharing is reality or pretense. Rightly so, because initially, they both agree to a deal to fool the media to put a positive swing into the reporting on Emmett’s private life.

Both Emmett and Alyssa come from troubled backgrounds, Emmett’s overshadows Alyssa’s but both have an influence on their fears of entering relationships and cautiousness in trusting others.

Putting aside the dramas they both encounter, their story had me smiling so much more than you would imagine. Alyssa is a strong woman, who came across as distant and snappy. In reality, she used her prickly nature to ward off others to protect herself from hurt. Coming across a known player like Emmett brings her totally undone. He challenges her on every level and in doing so slowly brings down the walls she has built around herself.

As an Australian, I found the Aussie references spot on as if they were added for my benefit (which I’m pretty sure Ms. Halle didn’t do LOL). The characters had a lot of lighthearted debates that treated the topics broached with a poignant respect. Each time I raised my eyebrows either as in agreement or surprise!

After All warmed my heart and added cheer to a cold wintery day, not only taking my mind off the weather but a rather stressful day. I snuggled up on the lounge whenever I could, knitting and balancing my Kindle, delighting in Emmett’s charm and Alyssa’s determination to be true to herself. For a contemporary romance, this had just the right mix of angst, drama, and romance. Emmett certainly knew how to play his part on and off the stage!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
linda hull
The Bruiser and the Blonde…

That title has the making of a reality tv show or a half hour romantic comedy…

It in no way, though, sounds like an actual couple - a pairing of two people who have feelings for one another and are willing to work together to make a go at a solid relationship…unless they want social media to believe certain ideas about them - ones that are bound to complicate their lives in significant ways. 

AND that’s what Emmett Hill and his publicist want the media and the public to believe when it comes to his one night stand with Alyssa Martin; in fact, it’s what Emmett’s banking on to shine a positive light on both his personal and professional life instead of his bad boy behavior and manwhore ways.

I’ve read quite a few books where the story line consists of a fake relationship, and there’s always that moment where both parties question if it’s more than pretend…if the feelings they have for one another could possibly lead to a real connection - one that goes beyond what each of them seems to be getting out of the contracted relationship, and contrary to what both Emmett and Alyssa say to one another and their friends, they can’t fake the kind of passion they share or the sexual chemistry that’s between them. There’s a primal need for one another that’s about more than sex…they seem to “get” each other in ways that no one else does. Alyssa sees beneath Emmett’s cocky and suave facade and understands that he’s battling himself as much as the bad press he receives every time he acts out in a negative way. Emmett likes Alyssa’s prickly side and the fact that she may not like him as much as she loves to fight with him and have extraordinary sex, and he accepts her cynical and honest attitude; in fact, it helps him to not think so highly of himself and vow to be better and be happier, doing what he loves not what’s expected of him. 

The dynamics of Emmett and Alyssa’s relationship seem to be in a constant state of flux…they had one night together, which both accepted, but now that they’ve become tabloid fodder, everything about what they mean to one another is manipulated and distorted in a way that blurs the line between fake and real, forcing both of them to figure out what exactly they want from each other, perhaps even determining if the passion between them is a part of their performance or a way to prove to themselves that what started as a relationship to keep up appearances has turned into something real and worthwhile.

In After All, Karina Halle humanizes who a celebrity is and the shadows that exist beyond the fame and perks of being in the limelight. Emmett Hill may be a successful actor striving for a comeback, proving to himself and to the public that he’s not the washed up a**hole he frequently portrays, but he’s so much more than a set of perceptions and misconceptions; he’s a human being with flaws, fears, and a past that has shaped him in ways that the media can’t even begin to understand, which is why having Emmett’s perspective tied in with Alyssa’s views allows readers to see both of them as the unique individuals they are - a sum of all of their personality traits and actions, not just those that are caught on video.

Respect or fame?

Real or fake?

Passion or performance?

These are the questions that Emmett and Alyssa struggle with throughout the story, and their answers will not only decide how Emmett’s career moves forward but they will also determine who Emmett and Alyssa end up meaning to each other when Alyssa’s contract expires.

4 Poison Apples
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
"After All" is the perfect summer read full of romance, fun, love and some angst. I started this book during my vacation and I found myself devouring it in just a few hours. Karina Halle has conquered almost every genre and this light side of her was so entertaining.
Emmett is an actor trying to do his comeback but his image as a womanizer and a fighter doesn't help him one bit. When he is caught kissing the "girl next door", he starts a fake relationship with the sexy blonde to help his career. His job is to pretend so no problem, right?!
Alyssa hates men and their nefarious ways. She feels a little lonely and stuck in her job , so when the hot man gives her the perfect proposition, she is all in. After all she knows his kind of men and can resist him...
Something starting as fake soon becomes the most genuine thing in their lives. Between them there are no lies, the masks drop and they reveal to each other their true selves. There is acceptance, care and true love.
Alyssa is such a great character and different than the usual heroines. She is bossy, prickly but also sincere. She is bold and always speaks her mind.Behind her side full of thorns, there is also a woman ready to share her life and love.
Emmett on the other hand might be described as a player but he is anything but that. He has the best dirty mouth but the man is sensitive. He has a background that will touch you and his true self is humble. He is both confident and romantic. He just wants to be accepted.
I loved their relationship. Although they had it agreed into a contract, it was not fake from the beginning. There was flirting , sexy scenes and romance from the start. They acted as a true couple that get to know and trust each other.
This book would have been a five stars read but the end was not for me. There was some drama that I didn't find necessary and left a bitter taste for me. Nonetheless, they solved their issues quickly and had their happily ever after.
If you want something swoony, hot without missing some angst, then this story is for you! Karina Halle writes different books but you always expect something good and this is no exception!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kristina davis
Reviewed by Sharon Thérèse

The only way to describe this perfect summer read is lovely! I loved everything about this standalone. The characters are lovable and even though the premise of the story isn't new, I thoroughly enjoyed reading the book. But before I start talking about Ms Halle’s latest release, I have to mention the cover. Just plain wow! The colours; a palette of sunset hues, a font I could find no fault with and lovers sitting on what looks like a pier couldn’t sum up this gorgeous couple better. I know you’ll see lovers-to enemies-to lovers in the blurb but it’s not quite what I thought it would be. I didn’t expect so much depth in a plot which flows at a very agreeable pace. And despite being a tad low on angst for my liking, the author’s writing has compensated this detail with her flair for drawing the reader in from the beginning and keeping them stuck to the pages until the end. She’s most definitely spun an emotionally touching prologue. When children have to endure, I always get weepy so be warned, you might shed a tear or two.   

Then there’s a huge jump in time that didn’t bother me in the slightest and here’s the reason why. More than often, a story’s timeline is woven around the character’s past in stages. We get to understand them more, we don’t feel like we’re missing out on any details. However, Ms Halle has done the reverse and it worked a treat. It’s as if the reader’s been spoilt with inside info whilst the male protagonist’s female counterpart is ignorant to the fact of past happenings. This made it all the more interesting. Can he trust her with his past seeing as it’s not public knowledge, that hardly anyone knows about? In this respect, I really liked the structured writing because it kept me guessing.

Goodness me; did I like her Alyssa Martin or what! For starters, her size I related to at the drop of a hat. She’s a curvaceous American size ten, not your typical skin and bones stereotype heroine! And she’s not ashamed of liking sex and has no qualms about it. But what sold me was her personality. Prickly; that’s what Emmett Hill, playboy extraordinaire and confessed man whore calls her. He’s not exaggerating, either. Ooh boy, does she give Emmett a run for his money! Take note: there’s an intended pun here which will only make sense by reading the book. Anyway, Emmett’s been told to behave by a mutual friend of theirs but he can’t help himself. It wasn’t just the socks he charmed off Alyssa. An unexpected romp in the hay will also have its consequences. It didn’t take me long to realise that regardless of their past issues or their present shenanigans, Alyssa and Emmett were more than compatible. A made to measure façade doesn’t stop them squabbling, but most of the time it’s playful leg-pulling. Laugh...I cried in one scene where an animal is involved. No cruelty by the way, just a lot of fun.

Emmett’s age is…yummy! Although I’m a sucker for a mature guy, his tendency to act a tad childishly annoyed me every now and then; yet I still invested in him. Believe you me, he’s all man and in all the right places lol! In fact, apart from Emmett kissing like a champ...yep, Alyssa wants more from where those came from, she’s having trouble controlling her hormones around him. So have the aircon control handy ‘cause you’re going to need it on full blast in some off the chart steaminess!

I’m not going to tell you much more about these two lovebirds except that the banter is plentiful, hilarious and at times, poignant. In a story abounding with contrasts, it gave me all the right feels. The secondary character development is spot on; nonetheless, one of them who I loved to hate resulted in a tinsy-winsy grey area. Perhaps a bit more of this person and sooner in the story would have sated my appetite. The setting and scenery. Abso-freakin’-lutey awesome. The author conveyed a sense of geographical perspective in her descriptive writing of places. They come alive for better or worse and made me want to go visit. After All is an easy book to read that got a smile, a laugh or three and a tear or two out of me! Bravo Ms Halle!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
***4 ‘Passion Over Performance’ Stars***

Talk about being hooked from the very first page. That prologue had me NEEDING to know how everything would turn out. That Emmett and Alyssa would get their HEA because it just wouldn’t be fair if they didn’t and, as always, Ms. Halle delivered. While After All is about two people finding love, it’s so much more. It’s about them working through their issues and finding who they are at their very core so that they can not only give their hearts to another and trust that they won’t bruise, but also that they can accept another hearts into their care, have their backs and make them stronger.

Emmett...yes, he’s a scoundrel and a man-child but I loved him. His life hasn’t been easy, but he’s persevered and come out alive, even if a little battered and has chosen to wrap himself in kevlar. He definitely had his moments, but there was an honesty to him and when you looked close enough, you could see that he could be a good man with a good heart when given a chance (and at times a swift kick in the arse.)

I had a bit of a time with Alyssa. I loved her in Before I Ever Met You and was totally psched when it was announced that she would be getting her own HEA, but things didn’t start out the way I thought they would. She was prickly, and I have no issue with that at all, but there was just something that made it hard for me to be #TeamAlyssa right away. But as the story progressed and we got to see under the prickly, my ambivalence towards her lifted and I found that what I loved about her when I first met her was back and that I was rooting for her to achieve all that she wanted.

A fake relationship between “enemies” playing out under the bright flashing lights of the paparazzi? What could go wrong? Or better yet, what could go right? I have to say that Emmett and Alyssa’s journey was a fun one because the more they tried to keep their distance from each other the closer they got, and most of the time it was done unconsciously which gave it a realistic and tangible feel. They were fun, flirty, snarky and oh so smexy...I mean Emmett is...yeah. The big ‘ole blow up was one that made sense but I was firmly #TeamEmmett and loved the grand gesture that put them back on the road to getting the HEA they both deserved.

Ms. Halle brought her A game with After All and I loved watching Emmett and Alyssa confront their demons and evolve as the story progressed. Catching up with Will and Jackie, as well as Ted and Tiffany, was fun. But my absolute favorite was Carla. She was everything, especially towards the end. I wanted to high five her and make special brownies for her. But all in all, this was a great read and I wouldn’t have a problem spending more time with characters down the road.

~ Copy provided by the author & voluntarily reviewed ~
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
rachel segall
AFTER ALL is a stunning enemies-to-lovers romance that features a
It takes place in the same universe as Halle’s previous release, Before I Ever Met You. If you’ve read that book, consider it a bridge into this story. The wedding of those two characters is where Emmett and Alyssa have a life changing encounter. Their one night stand leads to a monumental lie that is perhaps Emmett’s biggest role yet.

The heartbreaking prologue lassoed me into the story so seamlessly. Emmett had a rough, troubled past to say the least, but he found a way to rise from it into celebrity life. At 38 years-old, he is in the heights of his career as an actor, but his reputation stands on his playboy status. While at his friend’s wedding, he’s taken by the gorgeous Alyssa who is different from his usual choice of woman in every way. She is yet another fiercely strong heroine that is set apart from the generalized pool of heroines. Despite being told to keep away from her, he is drawn like a moth to a flame. Alyssa hates who he is, or at least her perception of him; nevertheless, there is a strong attraction that she can’t ignore. When photos of them together are leaked, the best solution is to enlist Alyssa as his fake girlfriend; which turns out to be a harder task than it sounds. Their boundaries start to blur and feelings come into play.

Karina Halle never fails to write incredibly steamy scenes, and these two have some seriously fiery chemistry together. Their relationship is vibrant and the sexy banter is blush inducing. Another great skill of Halle’s is bring the story’s location to life. The reader is transported there with every precise detail that gave the story light to juxtapose the darker, grittier side of Emmett’s personal story. Overall, this fast-paced standalone is a well-rounded novel full of humor and angst, all while tackling deeper issues.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
shuai dong
Emmett is an actor with a bad boy reputation. Always in the rag mags for his bad boy ways. Even though he is hot, Alyssa wants nothing to do with him until she does. All it takes is a one night stand and everything changes.

Alyssa is strong willed, smart and beautiful. She learned early on that men aren’t trust worthy, especially men like Emmett. Men like that take what they need then bail, leaving broken hearts along the way. She doesn’t have time for that so she uses men for her needs and when she is through, she moves on. No harm no foul and no feelings.

Emmett and Alyssa are a match in all the best ways. They balance each other out. I freaking LOVED Alyssa. She says what’s on her mind and doesn’t care what other’s think. She loves being challenged both professionally and personally.

To help clean up his image he begs Alyssa for her help. They may have amazing chemistry between the sheets but outside of that, she can’t stand him. Their bickering makes for some great foreplay.

They are both witty. Emmett can see the walls Alyssa has built around her heart and he is determined to break them down.
Alyssa can see the longing and loneliness that Emmett tries to hide.
Both of them put up a façade to placate their friends and themselves.

I enjoyed every step of their journey to find their dreams and their happiness. Their banter is entertaining and the sex is downright sizzling.

Karina did an amazing job capturing their vulnerability, their fears, determination and their blossoming love.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
"After All" that beautiful reading I loved this story so much!!! Karina Halle is a master at writing romance and After All is no exception. I was captivated and pulled into this amazing read right from the emotional and heart tugging prologue. Once I started reading this I found it very difficult to put down. It was an intriguing, fun, emotional and happy story that all readers would enjoy.

We are introduced to Emmett and Alyssa who both have troubled pasts and are just trying to find their way in life. Through unusual circumstances these two are drawn together and we see their friends to enemies to lovers relationship flourish into a hot, steamy, sexy romance. Alyssa is such a strong, sassy, say what you will type of girl who Emmett simply can't resist. Emmett himself is portrayed as a sexy, playboy, man whore but when he meets Alyssa he only has eyes for her. Their relationship is a roller coaster ride that is funny, heartfelt, endearing and very loving. Their chemistry was felt with every word and was just spilling off the pages. They teach each other to follow their dreams, trust their heart and take a chance at being happy in life.

I commend Karina Halle always on her beautiful and exceptional writing and particularly for writing about an older guy (38) and heroine who wasn't your typical size 2 that we often read about. It was refreshing and felt real and honest, something we could all relate to.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
laura altom
I kindly received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

5+++ Stars for Doctor Death and Alyssa!!!

This kept me up 5 hours into the night to finish. I literally could not stop! From start to finish, this beautiful story played my heartstrings and like Alyssa, gave me ALL THE FEELS!

I don't want to give anything away, but I will say the sexy and funny Emmet was everything but boring. The hilarious banter between he and Alyssa had me laughing at moments and swooning the next. Although Emmett and that dirty mouth of his had me blushing a bit too! Let's not forget Alyssa and the Racoon attacks! Died laughing! I hopelessly loved the back and forth between these two and honestly didn't suspect they were getting their own story when introduced in the first book in the series!!! So happy they did!

The kind of story Karina Halle writes is always one that keeps you wanting to turn the page and thank god she writes books! Honestly, I look forward to each and every book that woman publishes! Always a 5+ star read for sure!

One click this baby folks! Never a dissapointing decision I promise!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
To say I loved this one is an understatement. You're probably rolling your eyes now because I say that every time Karina released a new book but seriously this one is definitely one of my favorites this year so far.
I love the fact that Alyssa has some freaking curves. I have them by myself and I'm more than happy to read about a heroine, which I absolutely adore by the way, who doesn't fit in a size zero.
Actually, I adore the whole package. She says what she has on her mind and this is also something I can totally relate to me.
I don't even have to tell you about the awesomness named Emmett Hill, have I? I just can't even. LE EFFING SIGH.
The writing is as usual great. Karina has this thing going on what always makes me feel like I'm in the same room with the characters when I'm reading her books. And she also always makes me wanna visit the cities the books are set in. I think that says a lot about how great her writing is.
After All is a sexy, funny and swoon worthy summer read I can't recommend enough!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Summer romance with hate to love trope (a few others as well) and a scoundrel, and I am sold. While this book has characters from another of Karina's books, it is a standalone. The hate to love was so well done and with the light hearted banter this reminded me of another hate to love popular book that I loved but more steamy scenes.

Alyssa and Emmett meet at a wedding and from the first moment, there is sexual tension. Emmett is used to everyone loving him, but Alyssa knows his type and plans to stay far away. All of this changes with their one night stand. Emmett is an actor and someone leaks pictures of them kissing to the press. Emmett's publicist proposes that he fake a relationship with Alyssa to clean up his image as a bruiser and a scoundrel.

I adore Karina's lighter books, even more than her angsty or darker reads, and I loved everything about this story. Honestly, Emmett has tied Dex as my favorite of Karina's hero. I adored Alyssa too and loved every prickly thing about her.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kezia paramita
I absolutely loved this book from the first page to the last. I love Alyssa and Emmetts chemistry, it just leaps off the pages and grabes your attention. Alyssa is a real life girl with real issues about her body. She admits she not perfect but boy she is perfect for Emmett. I loved her "prickly" personality and how Emmett brings out another side of her with his flirty manners and dirty talking. There were some good laugh out loud moments in this book that had me giggling like a school girl (masked bandits and sail boat trips gone wild) but when these two get together holy cow is it hot! Ms Halle can write some love scenes like no other and they are hot, hot, hot! I have never been to Canada but the way Karina describes locations it feels like it has been my home for years. I cant recommend this book enough.

I submitted a request to read and voluntarily review an uncorrected advanced readers copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
alison mcgowan
I really enjoyed every word of this lovers to enemies to lovers story! This book is a standalone but it is a spin off from Before I Ever Met you (Will and Jackie’s Book). This book belongs to Emmett and Alyssa.

Alyssa is the 28-year-old prickly office manager at Mad Men Studios. She is bored with her job and her life in general. She is tired of the same old dating scene and daily routines. She is the maid of honor for Jackie and Will’s wedding and was not looking forward to being there without a date, but she will have enough cocktails to dull the ache. Then she watches as Emmett arrives with the groom and father of the bride (her bosses). She thinks he’s gorgeous, but she knows that type of man. An egotistical womanizer. She knows the type and wants no part of that action.

Emmett is a 38-year-old actor with a bad boy reputation on the career comeback and Will’s friend. When he arrives at the wedding he is immediately attracted to Alyssa. She is stunning, curvy, prickly and a challenge. He was warned by Will and Ted to stay away from her. Challenge accepted. He put the high-speed run on Alyssa all night. With his dirty innuendos and constant attention, Alyssa finally meets up with Emmett in the locker room at the country club where the reception is being held. They have a very passionate hookup and spend the rest of the evening enjoying each other’s company with the agreement that this was a onetime hookup.

Perez Hilton (Gossip Blogger) splashes pictures of Emmett and Alyssa’s kissing and hugging during the reception on the internet and word is out that she is Emmet’s new love interest. Someone at the reception took pictures and sold them to the highest bidder! Will and his publicist come up with the idea to have Alyssa help rebuild Emmett’s reputation by having a steady “normal” girlfriend. Alyssa agrees to 3-months and $40,000 at the end of the operation fake girlfriend. Little did they know that pretending to care would eventually lead to real feelings.

I don’t want to give away the journey that this terrific love story takes you on. Emmett and Alyssa are great together. They discover wonderful things about each other and themselves on the journey. The story had comedy, passion, and great feels. The secondary characters added some great laughs along the way.

If you want a love story with great feels, comedy and passion, then give this book a try! I promise you won’t regret it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is incredible! I have found out quickly that #KarinaHalle is another author that never fails to deliver her readers with mind blowing, EPIC stories that are impossible to put down once you begin them. Her words are a beautiful thing! After All is no different. This is a beautifully written love story that will draw you in completely & hold on to you for dear life until the very end. 5 Stars for #AfterAll from Brandi's Book Blog.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
rosie knotts
I stayed up all night devouring After All by Karina Halle. The whole pretending girlfriend/ boyfriend thing going on between Emmett and Alyssa was mind-blowing. They couldn't keep their hands off one another, and let's not forget the heart throbbing chemsitry page after page.

I love Karina's dark edgy side, but these, sweet, sexy stories are growing on me. She has that special ability to draw the reader into the story, making us the readers enthralled into the storyline she created.

After All was a perfect, fun, sexy read.
Definitely worth reading!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I absolutely adored this new book by Karina Halle! It was a fun, romantic story with just the right amount of angst and drama. It is the perfect book for a lazy summer day! We first met Alyssa and Emmett in Before I Ever Met You. Alyssa is the tell-you-like-it-is, sharp tongued office manager at Mad Men Studios and Jackie's best friend. Emmett is Will's good friend, an actor with a seemingly bad reputation. I don't want to say anymore in fear of ruining this awesome book for anyone. Just know that it will be a incredible ride with tons of hot sex, wonderful characters and very funny banter, all set in the the beautiful setting of Vancouver.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
valorie fisher
A wedding is the last place anyone expects to discover an attraction to someone. That is not the case for Emmett and Alyssa!! As an actor, Emmett generally has women falling all over him. Barely working to land a date, much less a quick roll in the hay. Alyssa is as far from ‘that’ type of woman as you can get. Her defense mechanisms on full throttle when Emmett is around.

While Emmett has a great acting career, trouble seems to follow him wherever he goes. Hit after hit to his image does leave a bad taste in the mouths of the Hollywood elite. Then that unexpected notice from Will that Alyssa was ‘off limits’ pushed Emmett to want the beauty that much more. What was suppose to be a one night stand quickly turned into more when photos of Emmett and Alyssa were leaked to the press. With a strategy in place, the two begin spending more and more time together. With an expiration date on their romance, what happens when the three months comes to an end?

First let me say that Karina Halle has been a ‘go to’ author for me for quite some time. After All fell short on the writing that I have come to expect from the author over the years. With my indecision on how to rate the book, and the disappointment with this particular novel…I decided to hold my review for quite some time.

What did I experience when reading After All? A lack of plot that left me wanting so much more when meandering throughout the pages. No explosion or connection from the characters. The plot as flat a week old soda without a lid. Just a far cry from what I have come to expect in the writing style of Halle when diving into one of her romance novels. As much as I wanted to love this book….I just couldn’t get into it. A huge disappointment that didn’t live up to the hype that was created surrounding the novel.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
bruce benson
I was VERY MUCH looking forward to reading Alyssa and Emmett's story after reading Before I Ever Met You. They're not Jackie and Will, but I still LOVED them. I loved the HOT chemistry between them, and their (mostly Alyssa's) barbs at each other. Alyssa's prickly behavior was a feat on its own. Even though I liked Alyssa "hating" him, my favorite parts were when they got along with each other. They were SO CUTE. I'm already ready for the next Karina Halle book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I really liked this book despite the crappiness of the girl lead.....the reason it works is because eventually you like her but it takes awhile to get there and before that I wanted to smack her! It was definitely a hate/love relationship with her!! But the other characters were better and made up the difference for me! I am still glad I read it and it's prequel 'Before There Was You'!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love everything Karina writes, this is a stand alone but we met Emmett & Alyssa's best friends in "Before I Every Met You" Will and Jackie's wedding where they meet. Smart. witty banter, funny, sexy and so good. Great read
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Such a lovely story. I absolutely loved Emmett who may look like a shallow guy at first sight but has so much depth. I also loved how he fought to get through Alyssa's prickly walls <3
The perfect summer read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
bex sakarias
I was VERY MUCH looking forward to reading Alyssa and Emmett's story after reading Before I Ever Met You. They're not Jackie and Will, but I still LOVED them. I loved the HOT chemistry between them, and their (mostly Alyssa's) barbs at each other. Alyssa's prickly behavior was a feat on its own. Even though I liked Alyssa "hating" him, my favorite parts were when they got along with each other. They were SO CUTE. I'm already ready for the next Karina Halle book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I really liked this book despite the crappiness of the girl lead.....the reason it works is because eventually you like her but it takes awhile to get there and before that I wanted to smack her! It was definitely a hate/love relationship with her!! But the other characters were better and made up the difference for me! I am still glad I read it and it's prequel 'Before There Was You'!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
The beginning Sucks you in and the ending is fantastic. The Middle gets a little muddled. It's a good read with a few editing issues, but nothing major. I never really fell in love with Alyssa. But I did really like Emmett. I really like Karina Halle, but this isn'tnt her best offering.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
maria jose casazza
Love Love Love this book! Karina has done it again! Awesome story and wonderful characters!! There is nothing I would NOT read of Karinas!!! This is a gritty story with a scoundrel for the lead, but you'll learn to love him!!! This is a superb summer read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
roxy dyer
Karina Halle, the way you make my heart song with the characters that you bring to life!!! Alyssa reminds me of alot of jaded women I know and to have to keep asking real or fake, so accurate!! I LOVE Emmett!! Love his love for Alyssa!! Ugh, I'm so sad it's over! I want more!! Thanks Karina Halle for another fantastic read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
wendy barsotti
I love everything Karina writes, this is a stand alone but we met Emmett & Alyssa's best friends in "Before I Every Met You" Will and Jackie's wedding where they meet. Smart. witty banter, funny, sexy and so good. Great read
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Such a lovely story. I absolutely loved Emmett who may look like a shallow guy at first sight but has so much depth. I also loved how he fought to get through Alyssa's prickly walls <3
The perfect summer read!
Please RateAfter All: A Hate to Love Standalone Romance
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