Awakened (Eternal Guardians Book 8)

ByElisabeth Naughton

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
andrew patton
This is the eighth book in the Eternal Guardians series that can be read as a stand-alone.

Not having any memories of life before twenty-five years ago, the only life Damon’s known is at the whim of the gods he serves. He’s the property of Aphrodite who loans him out to the Sirens to train their recruits which gives him much needed respite from the goddess. With no memories of what life should be he ponders the life he has, a life that is unfulfilling. When he meets the newest recruit things change, she’s not just beautiful she’s different from the rest, she intrigues him, engaging him in a way nothing has before so he flaunts the rules to be with her but unknown to him the gods are playing games with the two of them, nothing is as it seems.

Feeling betrayed by family, Elysia, the Princess of Argolea, is running away to the human realm avoiding a forced political binding when she’s captured by the Sirens and forced to train to become one of them. She must complete seven labors to move forward to begin training. She might be royalty but being the daughter of an Argonaut she’s brave. She’s also intelligent, spunky and though her memories have been wiped faint traces of her past trickle through as she seems to need them. She meets one of the trainers during her labors and is fascinated by him, he’s gorgeous and incredibly sexy and she feels a connection to him that she doesn’t understand and there’s something familiar about him which eludes her.

I loved the main protagonists, their torments were relatable, their emotions palpable. Even without memories they connected to each other on a deep level, they were two lonesome spirits who found each other when they weren’t looking but was it by design or fated to have happened eventually? The hero is such a contradiction, he’s lived a life he knows is inherently wrong but needs someone else to break the bonds that bind him, something to fight for which he finds in the heroine who sees there’s more to him than he realizes for he moves like a warrior yet he’s a slave.

Not having read this series before, being a lover of Greek mythology I had no problem following the world the author created and very much enjoyed this author’s fictionalization based on the mythical characters. The storyline is complex, history disseminated when necessary as open threads are woven closed for what were past mysteries enhancing the plot in the present timeline. We are given multiple points of view, many are watching the events that transpire unknown to the protagonists. The action is fast paced and suspenseful with surprising twists. There were many interesting themes flowing through the story: obsession, choice versus destiny, soul mates, redemption, much character growth for both of the protagonists, the arrogance of the gods, the heroes that stand against them. This book had all the elements that I look for in a read. I’ll definitely be reading more in this series.

ARC provided by the publisher via NetGalley.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Twenty Five years have passed in the Eternal Guardian world since the last story. Elysia, the daughter of Demetrius (be still my heart!) and Isadora, cannot bear the thought of her impending binding to Nereus, the Council Leader's son. Her mother is queen and this would be an alliance of sorts to help the political tensions. Well, she's having none of it. Her cousins, Max (Zander's son) and Talisa (Theron's daughter) are running after her, but they don't reach her before the Sirens do. Zeus has chosen Elysia to be a part of his Siren Order, of course for his own devious plan.

Meanwhile, on Olympus, Damianos "Damon", has spent the last 25 years being a sex slave to Aphrodite as well as a trainer for the Siren recruits. When he is sent to Pandora to help a new recruit "rescue" another soul, he encounters Elysia. Elysia has been dumped on Pandora and in order for her to get off the hidden island, she must complete 7 tasks. It's complete them or die - there is no other option. When she encounters a hurt male, her instincts are to help him, regardless of her own safety. For Damon, his injuries are real instead of the planned fake ones, so he is quite surprised that this Siren recruit is putting herself out there for him. And yet, there is a strong pull towards Elysia that he hadn't figured out - all he knows is that he cannot stay away from her. Their short time together on Pandora proves one thing - that there is a strong attraction to each other and Elysia knows she has seen him somewhere before. But since both their memories are wiped, they cannot remember anything of their previous lives.

After returning to Olympus, Damon is punished for staying with Elysia longer than he should have. A month being away from her has proven he has a connection to her, but now she thinks that he has played her and she wants nothing to do with him. Only when another recruit explains what happened to him does Elysia realize that she has judged him too quickly. She works extra hard to regain his affections, all the while knowing that she has seen him before. In fact, bits of her memory are returning slowly and soon she realizes who she is when her cousin Max swoops in stealthily to rescue her, yet she knows she cannot leave Damon and sends word that she is fine.

The pieces start to fall into place for Zeus as Elysia and Damon start to fall in love. He knows it's only a matter of time before he gets what he wants. But when Damon's true identity comes to light, no one in Argolea trusts him. Discovering his lost family and friends has left him more confused than ever, only Elysia's love keeps him tethered. Then, in one moment, all that is shattered when the darkness within him takes over.

Wow. Just wow. I mean, I've come to expect some great story lines from Ms. Naughton and her Eternal Guardians. This one, however, is worth waiting for. The sexual tension is immediate between them and is built up on layers until it reaches the "moment". The ongoing story between Zeus, Athena and other characters as they try to best the Argonauts in finding the orb is well written and given just enough story time without it overpowering the book.

I thoroughly enjoyed this one - ranks as one of my top stories in this series. Can't wait for more!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
topel viernes
Damon can't remember anything beyond the last 25 years. He doesn't know who he is, where he came from or even how he came to be on Olympus. He feels that he is meant to be more than a slave to the gods though. He has spent 25 years serving Aphrodite in her pleasure palace as her sex slave. When he isn't serving Aphrodite, he is working with Athena training her recruits to become Sirens. He trains them in combat, weapons and of course the art of seduction.
Just when he thinks he can't continue living as a slave, he meets a new recruit. This recruit is different somehow. Elysia remembers bits and pieces of her former life. No recruit he's ever trained was able to remember her past or even general knowledge of the world outside of Olympus. Damon is drawn to Elysia. For the first time in 25 years he willingly disobeys Athena and helps Elysia with her tasks on Pandora.
Elysia wakes to find herself on an island with no memory as to how she got there, where she is, who she is or even what she is suppose to do. Soon she finds out she is on Pandora training to become one of Zeus' siren warriors. As she begins the seven task she must complete to get off the island of Pandora and advance to Olympus for her training with Athena, she starts to get pieces of her memory back. Elysia moves through the task at a fast pace. Mid way through she finds Damon injured and unconscious. She rescues him from being killed and goes the extra step of protecting him while he heals, something no other recruit had ever before.
Damon and Elysia are drawn to each other. They have a connection that neither one understands. Their story is full of intrigue, passion, lust, heartache, disloyalty, witchcraft, evil, treachery, danger and love. It is a faced paced, edge of your seat story. Just when you think you know what's next you are surprised. Just wait till everyone realizes who they are. Elisabeth Naughton has done a wonderful job with this long awaited story. Awakened lives up to what is expected, hoped for and imagined in an Eternal Guardian's novel. As usual we are left imagining what the next story will reveal. Each new Eternal Guardian novel pulls you in and keeps you holding your breath while the story plays out. I can't wait for Unchained to be released this summer.
I received an ARC for my honest review.
Stolen Fury (Stolen Series Book 1) :: Unexpectedly Mine (Birch Crossing Book 1) :: Enraptured (Eternal Guardians Book 4) :: No One to Trust (romantic suspense) (Red Stone Security Series Book 1) :: Hold On To Me (Against All Odds Book 2)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
carole m
Damon had always been a staple in Aprodite's bed. He gave her pleasure like he did to the sirens and the ladies she brought on the table. He had a taste of a lot of women, for as long as he remembered. So when he was asked to get involved in the new siren's recruitment/training, he wasn't that thrilled at all.

Elysia was soon to be crowned Queen of Argolea and she overheard that her parents planned to bind her to someone she didn't love. She escaped to find freedom, but her journey was cut short when Zeus' Sirens captured her and thrown her at Olympus to become a new recruit.

Training to become a Siren usually took seven years, and their memories were completely wiped out. But for some odd reason, Elysia's memories came back to her and in the long run, she had managed to shorten her stay in Olympus. Could this be Divine Intervention? Or a sinister plot masterminded by Zeus?

This is an ongoing series about the Eternal Guardians of Argolea. One might be put off by the number of characters in the stories. When I say "a number", I meant really A LOT of characters, and one could get lost with them.

Suffice it to say, Awakened is truly an awakening book. My eyes went wide like saucers, my lips were swollen because I had to bite them a million times while trying to muffle the sounds coming out of my mouth. I can't tell you how erotic and steamy this book is, from beginning to end. All I know is, you'd be sweating profusely afterwards.

This is another great hit by Elisabeth Naughton and the series just keeps getting better and better! I remember reading Marked sometime ago and had read a few others after that. I loved how this series evolved and became one of my favorites. Damon and Elysia are one hot pair and are eternally meant for each other. Miss Naughton sure does make them Guardians hot and mighty. The book is scintillating, titillating, amazing and definitely awakening!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
For twenty-five years, Damon’s served as a plaything for the gods but hope comes in the form of the Sirens’ newest recruit, Elvsia and he’s willing to risk the wrath of the Gods to break her out of Olympus so he can keep her for himself in this spellbinding paranormal romance.

Elvsia may have been recruited as a Siren but she has a few differences that will help her survive including an instant connection to Damon and the reader can’t help but get caught up in all the intrigue and excitement as Damon and Elvsia discover that there are evil forces beneath the surface and that the connection they feel for each other isn’t a random coincidence. The chemistry is sizzling and the romance is downright sweet but the relationship has plenty of ups and downs full of emotional turmoil that makes it easy for the readers to relate to these strong, captivating characters in this fast paced, smooth flowing plot full of suspense, excitement and romance.

Zeus causes quite a bit of mischief with this latest plot in his quest for total domination of all the realms which has lots of expectation building throughout the story alongside spine tingling tension as everyone plots to get Elvsia back, meanwhile, Elvsia and Damon have lots of adrenaline pumping excitement going on as they fight to manage their growing desires while they struggle to stay alive which isn’t easy when you are on the wrong side of the gods and their plans. The scenes are well written with vivid details that make it easy for the reader to picture each and every scene and for the reader to become caught up in all the intriguing events as they happen.

Another fascinating Eternal Guardians story, one that is full of unexpected twists that had me holding my breath in anticipation of what would happen next, which is kind of the way I’ll be feeling until the next book comes out and I can find out what Zeus will do next.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jennifer barragan
Man I've missed these Guardians! This book was great! Both leads were fantastic, their chemistry was flowing between them right from their first meeting. The Hero was sweet and honest, the Heroine was feisty and strong. I loved how "drawn" to each other they were.

One of my favourite elements of these books is the "soul mate curse." I love the idea of soul mates, and these Argonauts are the best kind! It was great to revisit all of them, and, as this book takes place about 25 years after the last one, we are also getting glimpses of some of their children, and Max! Wow! He's gotten all manly! I remember reading about him in the second book and thinking that he had all the potential to be an awesome guardian.. here's hoping he gets a story!

Also, and I may be wrong on this.. but I believe Naughton has introduced the very first female Argonaut... which is SUPER COOL! Makes me wonder if the soul mate curse will work the same way on her.. I don't really see why it wouldn't.. but perhaps she's exempt due to only the males being cursed?? Guess I will have to wait and see on that!

OOh and I can't forget about Zagerus! He is such a treat! I sorta wished I had reread the last two books just before I had read this one, as at points I had kinda forgotten a few things.. like how Zagerus ends up where he is.. but this didn't detract from the story. If you have not read these books, I would suggest you start at the beginning because, for one: they are all great, and two: they are somewhat intertwined. Either way, as I read the last few sentences of this book, all I could think was how much I am already anticipating the next one!!!

Well Done Ms. Naughton!!!

*I received and ARC in exchange for an honest review*

Original review posted at: [...]
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Elisabeth Naughton brings us the story of a new generation of Argonauts in the eighth book of the Eternal Guardians series – AWAKENED.

In this book, we meet three cousins -- Elysia, Talisa and Max. Elysia is the daughter of Argolia’s queen Isadora and Demetrius. Max is the son of Zander and like his father, he is training to be an Argonaut. Talisa is the daughter of Casey and Theron, leader of the Argonauts. They all live in Argolia’s capital city, Tiyrns, which is in the Aegis Mountains. All three have great futures in front of them, or so it seems.

Elysia is resistant to her place in the royal family and is particularly resistant to the pre-arranged marriage her parents have in store for her. Her plan to run away backfires when she’s kidnapped by a group of Sirens. She’s been specifically chosen by Zeus. But fate may have a specific plan for her as a mysterious Siren trainer, Damianos (Damon) places himself in Elysia’s path. They have an instant connection and sparks fly.

If this is your first book in the series, you will be hooked and will want to read the others in the Eternal Guardians series. Naughton is a gifted writer and storyteller. She brings us fantasy, love, passion, hate and romance. When reading her books, I can picture the scenes in my mind. I get swept up in the story.

As Elysia and Damon struggle to prove that their love is real and worth fighting for, the question remains -- What is their fate? Can they win the war against evil? And it fate is involved, does it mean they are to be together?

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Eternal Guardian series is my obsession, my emmoni. Awakened has reawakened my need for more of these hunky guardians and their strong willed soul mates. Elysia and Damon's story is one of discovery, adventure, and of course, passion. For all you readers out there that are following this series we have just fast forwarded twenty-five years and are picking up with Isadora and Demetrius' daughter Elysis, heir to the throne, as she becomes an unlikely Siren in training destined to meet Damon on Olympus, who by the way has no memories of his life prior to being brought to Olympus. Not all things are not what they appear to be and a dark force has been put into play.

Naughton does what she does so well in Awakened by putting together a suspenseful story full of twists and turns taking the reader on a fascinating journey from one realm to another. Elysia and Damon's story is full of surprises and by a twist of fate, provided by none other than The Fates, their destinies are intertwined. I have been addicted to this series from the beginning and Awakened does not fell to deliver the story I have been waiting for. I can't wait for the next installment to the series, Unchained will be book 8.5 in the series set to release June 14th and is available for pre-order on the store. Mark your calendar I certainly have.

**I received an ARC provided via Netgalley for an honest review.**
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
krista gambino
Elizabeth Naughton’s, Awakened: An Eternal Guardians novel (book 8 in that series) is the latest installment in the series and it does not disappoint. Awakened centers around Elysia and Damon and all I can say is that the series continues to just get better and better with each installment. In this novel, we fast forward 25 years where Isadora and Demetrius’ daughter Elysia is captured and becomes an unlikely and somewhat unwilling recruit for the Sirens. It is while in training for the Sirens that she meets Damon, a Siren instructor, where the sparks really fly. The connection between these two characters is sizzling and their story is filled with adventure, suspenseful twists and turns, and the all the sexy passion that we expect from Elisabeth.
I was hooked from page one and I loved how the author took the time to truly develop the characters and story. I also loved how she was able to blend Greek Mythology references that they did not appear farfetched. The characters were well defined and I absolutely loved the banter and dialog between them. I cannot tell you how many times I was laughing aloud – especially ‘Ziggy’s’ dialogue with the Fate sisters. I will have to wait for the next installment, Unchained, to see how that story unfolds. All I can say is that I have been Awakened and you will be too!!
Note: I would like to note that I received an ARC copy of this book via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This does not, in any way, affect my opinion of the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
matthew worley
Ms. Naughton is, hands down, one of my favorite authors. Her books will suck you in, and sweep you way into her world, and suddenly, it is 6 hours later, the book is over, and you find yourself going back to the first page so that you can be swept away all over again. Awakened is the 8th book (not counting novellas) in her Eternal Guardians series, so there is A LOT that has gone down before we get to this point. If you have yet to read any of this series I would highly recommend at least reading Ravaged, the 1001 Dark Nights novella that occurs before the events in this book.

With any series that goes beyond 3 or 4 books, there is always a debate as to whether or not the stories get stale (in fact, I just had a GR discussion about this today), and I can tell you, unequivocally, that is not even a remote concern with the EG series.

This book is a jump 25 years after the events of the last book, and with that jump, we fall in love with a whole new generation of Guardians and their soul mates. The original Guardians (OG's) are all still around, so no worries there. I truly don't want to give anything about this book away in my review other than what is already in the description. Trust me, get this book. There is a plot twist that, even I, as a die hard fan of this author didn't see coming! Okay, back to re-reading.....
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Awakened is the latest book in the Eternal Guardians series. I loved this book, loved the main characters, loved everything about it!! Elisabeth Naughton has done it again! She brings together well thought out, well written characters. A strong, sexy male character, Damon and beautiful, smart, sexy female character, Elysia. I love how she brought back some of the original characters in the story and introduced us to some new ones. She is such a creative, talented writer who gets you immersed in the world of the Eternal Guardians. I just love this series! Can't wait to read the next one!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
michelle engebretsen
This was a fun read that pulls together ancient mythology, fate vs. free will and true love vs. the gods and their games. I would love to say that this was an all nighter or a one sitting read, and normally I could, but alas, I had to study in between short jaunts. I enjoyed this story, and it was definitely on par with what you expect from Ms. Naughton, a great story that builds on its own, a tale, but that also fits into the bigger picture of the Argonaut world.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anita allen
This is the eighth book in the Eternal Guardian's series. I loved it!

Damon is a wonderful character. I really liked him. He is a strong warrior. However, he has no memory of his life before waking up in Olympus twenty-five years previously. Not only is he Aphrodite's plaything, he also helps Athena train the Sirens. When a recruiting exercise goes awry, he finds himself intrigued with his rescuer.

Elysia is also a wonderful character. I really liked this feisty woman. She is determined to avoid the marriage her parents are planning for her. However, before she can escape into the human realm, she is kidnapped. Trapped on an island full of dangerous monsters, she will have to use her wits to survive. She didn't reckon on meeting a mysterious stranger needing help, but fate had other plans.

I have been eagerly awaiting the release of this book as I have come to love this series. I started reading this story as soon as I could, and read this in one sitting as I didn't want to put it down.

I enjoyed meeting all of the previous characters again, although the majority of them only have cameos for the most part. But, Max (who is all grown up and yummy now) has a slightly larger role. However, I think my favourite character in this tale (outside of Max) has to be Zagreus. In a way I felt sorry for him as his father, as a punishment for his actions in Twisted, sent him to live with the three fates, Lachesis, Atropos and Clotho. I giggled at his internal monologues about the Fates' and their meddling. In a way, I think this was good for not only him, but the Fates too. I would love to read his story soon.

There are several twists and turns that kept me hooked. Secrets are revealed and danger abounds as Zeus is determined to have possession of the Orb of Kronos. I love the chemistry between Elysia and Damon, which is hot enough to scorch the page. Damon's real identity wasn't really a shock to me, but it may surprise other readers.

As I have previously said in my other reviews about this series, I love the world building. It has a wonderful mixture of fantasy combined with myth and reality. The characters' are extremely lifelike and they feel like my friends. The story arc is moving along nicely, though I think that once it reaches its climax I will be very sad when it ends. Although the story doesn't end on a cliffhanger like some of the previous books, I can't wait to read next book in the series as soon as possible.

Elisabeth Naughton has written an exciting paranormal romance series. I love her fast paced writing style and the flow is wonderful. She has definitely found a fan in me!

Due to scenes of a sexual nature that are on the explicit side, I do not recommend this book for younger readers. However, I highly recommend this book if you love erotic paranormal romances with sexy heroes and strong female characters. Although this book can be read as a stand-alone, I do recommend you read the other books in the series first before reading this one. - Lynn Worton
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Simply amazing!!!! I could not put this book down until I was finished and once I did finish, I was ready to re-read it!!! This story follows Elysia (Demetrius and Isadora's daughter) and Damon ( Aphrodite's former love slave) as they come together and with combustable chemistry fall in love. I absolutely loved these two together!!! This is serious one of my favorites out of the series and I recommend this to anyone!! are amazing!!!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
fission chips
DAMON – For twenty-five years he’s served as a plaything for the gods. With no memory of his past, he has no way of knowing if this is his ultimate fate, but he senses there has to be more to life.

Damon’s hope for more comes in the form of the Sirens’ newest recruit. Elysia is unlike any trainee he’s ever met. Not only can she remember where she came from—an ability the Sirens block—but she has an instant connection to Damon, one he’s never felt and doesn’t understand. Soon Damon is willing to do anything to have Elysia. Even risk the wrath of the gods to break her out of Olympus so he can keep her for himself.

But Damon’s past isn’t a mystery to everyone. Evil forces are at work beneath the surface, and before long, Damon realizes that the connection he shares with Elysia isn’t a random coincidence. His fate—and the darkness it brings—was cemented long ago. And when it is finally revealed, no one will be safe.


My Review:

I am so ecstatic over Awakened. I have been dying to get more of this world because I've loved it so much from the birth of it. I am so happy that Elisabeth is continuing the journey and the characters because there is still so much potential in the Guardians world. I really loved Damon and Elysia because they weren't jaded, they weren't contaminated by their previous experiences in their lives, they were grounded, they were honest and they were heroes that you really wanted to dig into. You get a tad depth but I wish I'd gotten a lot more but there was so much to take in that I was happy with what we got. Elysia was great too because I was worried that our characters would wind up with the role reversal (Damon being the more feminine or weaker counterpart) but the way Elisabeth brought her to life they wound up being equals which was great.

I am glad you get the cameo mentions of the previous cast because there is still so much there but I was relieved that Naughton allowed herself to continue the generations and the responsibilities and burdens they carry and the way their world affects their lives... it all allows you to see what happens to their future which is interesting if you go back and start at the beginning after reading this book which I did because you get so much more of a bigger picture.

There is so much that I liked about this book but I can't list it all what I can say is that everyone should read this series.

My Rating:
5 Stars

Reviewed By:
Krissys Bookshelf Reviews

Krissys Bookshelf Reviews received a digital copy in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts, comments and ratings are my own.

Received a digital copy in exchange for an honest review from The Author. (Review Crew)

If any of Krissys Bookshelf Reviews has been helpful please stop by to like or let me know what you think! Thank you!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
susan howson
Have you started this series yet? If the answer is no then ignore this and go download Marked, the first book in this series that as I write is free on kindle. Ok that's got that out of the way as this is a series that just builds with its hunky Argonauts ( descendants of the gods) giving us a whole new twist on Greek mythology. It's such an incredible insight into the all too selfish Gods who reside on Mount Olympus and the never ending feud they face with the Titans and guess who is stuck in the middle protecting the human realm? Yes you've guessed it these Eternal Guardians!
With this book we are moving further into the future and there's a new generation snapping at our favourite guardians heels. Elysia is the daughter of Demetrius and Isadora and heir to the throne of Argolea but overhearing them discuss binding her to someone she doesn't love sees her running away. Unfortunately forces are at work to use Elysia as a pawn and she is taken prisoner by the Sirens and told that Zeus has selected her to undergo the training needed to become part of his dangerous elite guard . Elysia isnt really a warrior but she is no quitter either and being thrown onto an island with tasks to undertake seems simple enough but that all changes when she rescues Damon and a visceral connection is formed. Ok Elysia gets through the first tests but back on Olympus it's soon revealed that Damon serves Aphrodite as a pleasure slave and yet he clearly has all the training of a warrior ( which frankly Elysia needs to survive!) but can Elysia really trust him? It doesn't help matters that Damon has no memory of his life before Aphrodite claimed him and yet something doesn't add up. Just why was Elysia chosen ? Fate is fickle at times but surely these two are meant to be together?
Oo what a way to continue this series. On the one hand there are still those who will stop at nothing to achieve their goals of power and revenge and then of course there are those who are caught up in all the machinations . I loved seeing the 'next' generation get involved and hope the author catches up with Max again soon but for now it's all about Damon and Elysia. Yes it was fun seeing the old gang but it was Damons big reveal that really brought this story crashing into life and believe it or not I think he was the most dumbstruck ! I can say very little but it's a corker and that's a fact . Pairing up a smart, nurturing Elysia with the strong sexy Damon clearly meant the author could let her wild side out to play and that's just what she did here so have iced water on standby . Such an enjoyable world to get lost in with larger than life characters and the added goodness of all the mythological aspects. What do I say? Intense from the start and a nonstop adventure fuelled by camaraderie and of course love. This was another fabulous instalment , more please!
I was gifted a copy via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tricia gordon
Once more Elisabeth Naughton has gripped my attention with her spectacular writing. This time it's a long awaited book 8 of the Eternal Guardians book.

The story line flows effortlessly from one scene to the next, grabbing you and dragging you along for an action packed ride.. It's better than a roller coaster and has just as many twists and turns that will have your heart pumping and adrenaline rushing through your body!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ashley taylor
Damon, he can admit his faults, "he lifted his head and met her gaze. Her gorgeous, mesmerizing gaze. “I am an ***. But I’m your ***. And you belong with me. Not with Petros. Not with anyone else. Just with me.” Damon has a hard time trying to surprise his woman, “in bed. I like when you’re impatient in bed, not when I’m trying to surprise you.” I liked this book, there was a surprise at every turn.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Awakened by Elisabth Naughton...I absolutely loved this book. The writing was superb, I could not put it down, it held my attention all the way through. Elisabeth Naughton is one of my favorite author. You do not want to miss this book or any other in the series. I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is a wonderful story full of love and loyalty. Elizabeth will keep you guessing about Damon's past and where he came from. I love that we get to see some of the characters from previous books in this new one and Can't wait to see what will happen now that the Fates are done with their "meddling" in the next book. Hopefully the next story will be Zagreus. I cant wait to read the amazing story Elisabeth will develop around this character. This is another great adition to the Eternenal Guardians Series. A definitive must read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Another fantastic book from Ms. Naughton! This was a mystical romance between Cerek (Damon) and Elysia that as full of magic and mystical creatures, with a good plot that kept me guessing and a lot of hot sex. I cannot wait for the next installment.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cynthia timoti
This author definitely knows how to write her Greek gods. Elysia and Cerek were unsuspectedly caught in a deadly game between Zeus and the Argonauts. Cerek has been missing for 25 years. Will the people of Argolea ever accept Cerek back into the fold with the unknown dark energy running through him? Elysia believes in him but can she convince her father and the Argonauts to do the same?

Fabulous story as always! Awesome suspense with a heroine who really surprised me. I love reading about the Argonauts and the women who tame them. I can't wait to see what's next in the Eternal Guardians series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
richard ladew
Awakened by Elisabth Naughton...I absolutely loved this book. The writing was superb, I could not put it down, it held my attention all the way through. Elisabeth Naughton is one of my favorite author. You do not want to miss this book or any other in the series. I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katlyn conklin
This is a wonderful story full of love and loyalty. Elizabeth will keep you guessing about Damon's past and where he came from. I love that we get to see some of the characters from previous books in this new one and Can't wait to see what will happen now that the Fates are done with their "meddling" in the next book. Hopefully the next story will be Zagreus. I cant wait to read the amazing story Elisabeth will develop around this character. This is another great adition to the Eternenal Guardians Series. A definitive must read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Another fantastic book from Ms. Naughton! This was a mystical romance between Cerek (Damon) and Elysia that as full of magic and mystical creatures, with a good plot that kept me guessing and a lot of hot sex. I cannot wait for the next installment.
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